
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. MagickMonitor
  2. MagickMonitorFormatted
  3. SetMonitorHandler

% Copyright (C) 2003 GraphicsMagick Group
% Copyright (C) 2002 ImageMagick Studio
% Copyright 1991-1999 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company
% This program is covered by multiple licenses, which are described in
% Copyright.txt. You should have received a copy of Copyright.txt with this
% package; otherwise see
%                                                                             %
%                                                                             %
%                                                                             %
%               M   M   OOO   N   N  IIIII  TTTTT   OOO   RRRR                %
%               MM MM  O   O  NN  N    I      T    O   O  R   R               %
%               M M M  O   O  N N N    I      T    O   O  RRRR                %
%               M   M  O   O  N  NN    I      T    O   O  R R                 %
%               M   M   OOO   N   N  IIIII    T     OOO   R  R                %
%                                                                             %
%                                                                             %
%                   GraphicsMagick Progress Monitor Methods                   %
%                                                                             %
%                                                                             %
%                              Software Design                                %
%                                John Cristy                                  %
%                               December 1995                                 %
%                                                                             %
%                                                                             %
%                                                                             %
  Include declarations.
#include "magick/studio.h"
#include "magick/monitor.h"
#include "magick/utility.h"
  Global declarations.
static MonitorHandler
  monitor_handler = (MonitorHandler) NULL;
%                                                                             %
%                                                                             %
%                                                                             %
%   M a g i c k M o n i t o r                                                 %
%                                                                             %
%                                                                             %
%                                                                             %
%  MagickMonitor() calls the monitor handler method with a text string that
%  describes the task and a measure of completion.  The method returns True
%  on success otherwise False if an error is encountered, e.g. if there was a
%  user interrupt.
%  The format of the MagickMonitor method is:
%      MagickPassFail MagickMonitor(const char *text,
%        const magick_int64_t quantum,const magick_uint64_t span,
%        ExceptionInfo *exception)
%  A description of each parameter follows:
%    o text: Description of the task being performed.
%    o quantum: The position relative to the span parameter which represents
%      how much progress has been made toward completing a task.
%    o span: The span relative to completing a task.
%    o exception: Return any errors or warnings in this structure.
MagickExport MagickPassFail
MagickMonitor(const char *text,
              const magick_int64_t quantum,
              const magick_uint64_t span,
              ExceptionInfo *exception)

  assert(text != (const char *) NULL);
  if (monitor_handler != (MonitorHandler) NULL)
%                                                                             %
%                                                                             %
%                                                                             %
%   M a g i c k M o n i t o r F o r m a t t e d                               %
%                                                                             %
%                                                                             %
%                                                                             %
%  MagickMonitorFormatted() calls the monitor handler method with a
%  printf type format specification and variable argument list.  Also
%  passed are quantum and span values which provide a measure of
%  completion.  The method returns True on success otherwise False if
%  an error is encountered, e.g. if there was a user interrupt.
%  The format of the MagickMonitorFormatted method is:
%      MagickPassFail MagickMonitorFormatted(const magick_int64_t quantum,
%                       const magick_uint64_t span,ExceptionInfo *exception,
%                       const char *format,...)
%  A description of each parameter follows:
%    o quantum: The position relative to the span parameter which represents
%      how much progress has been made toward completing a task.
%    o span: The span relative to completing a task.
%    o exception: Return any errors or warnings in this structure.
%    o format:  A string describing the format to use to write the remaining
%      arguments.
MagickExport MagickPassFail
MagickMonitorFormatted(const magick_int64_t quantum,
                       const magick_uint64_t span,
                       ExceptionInfo *exception,
                       const char *format,...)

  if (monitor_handler != (MonitorHandler) NULL)


  return status;
%                                                                             %
%                                                                             %
%                                                                             %
%   S e t M o n i t o r H a n d l e r                                         %
%                                                                             %
%                                                                             %
%                                                                             %
%  SetMonitorHandler() sets the monitor handler to the specified method
%  and returns the previous monitor handler.
%  The format of the SetMonitorHandler method is:
%      MonitorHandler SetMonitorHandler(MonitorHandler handler)
%  A description of each parameter follows:
%    o handler: Specifies a pointer to a method to handle monitors.
MagickExport MonitorHandler
SetMonitorHandler(MonitorHandler handler)


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