hex               194 src/HexagonOffload.cpp     debug(4) << "Relocation in instruction: " << hex(inst) << "\n";
hex               195 src/HexagonOffload.cpp     debug(4) << "val: " << hex(val) << "\n";
hex               196 src/HexagonOffload.cpp     debug(4) << "mask: " << hex(mask) << "\n";
hex               217 src/HexagonOffload.cpp             debug(4) << "Class: " << hex(iclass) << "\n";
hex               302 src/HexagonOffload.cpp         << "Relocation overflow inst=" << hex(inst)
hex               303 src/HexagonOffload.cpp         << "mask=" << hex(mask) << " val=" << hex(old_val) << "\n";
hex               305 src/HexagonOffload.cpp     debug(4) << "Relocated instruction: " << hex(inst) << "\n";
hex               286 src/Introspection.cpp         debug(5) << "Known globals range from " << std::hex << global_variables.front().addr << " to " << global_variables.back().addr << std::dec << "\n";
hex               351 src/Introspection.cpp             debug(5) << "Closest global is " << v.name << " at " << std::hex << v.addr << std::dec;
hex               390 src/Introspection.cpp         debug(5) << "helper object is " << ptr.name << " at " << std::hex << ptr.addr << std::dec;
hex               472 src/Introspection.cpp             debug(5) << std::hex << mem.addr << std::dec << ": " << mem.type->name << " " << mem.name << "\n";
hex               521 src/Introspection.cpp                      << " at address " << std::hex << obj.members[i].addr << std::dec
hex               537 src/Introspection.cpp                 debug(5) << "Array runs from " << std::hex << array_start_addr << " to " << array_end_addr << "\n";
hex               545 src/Introspection.cpp                              << std::hex << addr << std::dec << "\n";
hex               554 src/Introspection.cpp                 debug(5) << "Struct runs from " << std::hex << struct_start_addr << " to " << struct_end_addr << "\n";
hex              1788 src/Introspection.cpp                 debug(5) << "Unpacking members of " << v.name << " at " << std::hex << v.addr << "\n";
hex               109 src/Target.cpp         << std::hex << info[0]
hex               329 src/Util.cpp           name << std::hex
hex               101 tools/halide_image_info.h                      << " (0x"<< std::hex << img_csize << std::dec <<")\n";
hex               107 tools/halide_image_info.h                      << " (0x"<< std::hex << img_bsize << std::dec <<")\n";
hex               152 tools/halide_image_info.h                              << std::hex << size << ")" << std::dec << std::endl;
hex               154 tools/halide_image_info.h                              << std::hex << img_size << ")" << std::dec << std::endl;
hex               162 tools/halide_image_info.h                              << std::hex << data_size  << ")" << std::dec << std::endl;
hex                65 tools/halide_malloc_trace.h     std::cout << "halide_malloc => [0x" << std::hex
hex                73 tools/halide_malloc_trace.h     std::cout << "halide-header => [0x" << std::hex
hex                84 tools/halide_malloc_trace.h     std::cout << "halide_free => [0x" << std::hex