indent 586 src/CodeGen_C.cpp indent += 1; indent 595 src/CodeGen_C.cpp indent -= 1; indent 705 src/CodeGen_C.cpp indent++; indent 711 src/CodeGen_C.cpp indent--; indent 306 src/CodeGen_OpenGLCompute_Dev.cpp indent += 2; indent 308 src/CodeGen_OpenGLCompute_Dev.cpp indent -= 2; indent 312 src/CodeGen_OpenGLCompute_Dev.cpp indent += 2; indent 927 src/CodeGen_OpenGL_Dev.cpp indent += 2; indent 954 src/CodeGen_OpenGL_Dev.cpp indent -= 2; indent 298 src/Generator.cpp std::string indent(); indent 316 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "struct " << name << " final {\n"; indent 320 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << p->get_c_type() << " " << p->name << "{ " << p->get_default_value() << " };\n"; indent 325 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << name << "() {}\n"; indent 329 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << name << "(\n"; indent 333 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << comma << p->get_c_type() << " " << p->name << "\n"; indent 337 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << ") : \n"; indent 341 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << comma << p->name << "(" << p->name << ")\n"; indent 345 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "{\n"; indent 346 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "}\n"; indent 350 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "inline NO_INLINE std::map<std::string, std::string> to_string_map() const {\n"; indent 352 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "std::map<std::string, std::string> m;\n"; indent 354 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "if (" << p->name << " != " << p->get_default_value() << ") " indent 357 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "return m;\n"; indent 359 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "}\n"; indent 362 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "};\n"; indent 367 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "// set_schedule_param methods\n"; indent 368 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "template <typename T>\n"; indent 369 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << class_name << " &set_schedule_param(const std::string &name, const T &value) {\n"; indent 371 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "(void) GeneratorStub::set_schedule_param(name, value);\n"; indent 372 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "return *this;\n"; indent 374 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "}\n"; indent 403 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "struct " << name << " final {\n"; indent 406 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << in.c_type << " " << << ";\n"; indent 410 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << name << "() {}\n"; indent 413 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << name << "(\n"; indent 417 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << comma << "const " << in.c_type << "& " << << "\n"; indent 421 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << ") : \n"; indent 425 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << comma << << "(" << << ")\n"; indent 429 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "{\n"; indent 430 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "}\n"; indent 433 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "};\n"; indent 476 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "#ifndef " << guard.str() << "\n"; indent 477 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "#define " << guard.str() << "\n"; indent 480 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "/* MACHINE-GENERATED - DO NOT EDIT */\n"; indent 483 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "#include <cassert>\n"; indent 484 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "#include <map>\n"; indent 485 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "#include <memory>\n"; indent 486 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "#include <string>\n"; indent 487 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "#include <utility>\n"; indent 488 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "#include <vector>\n"; indent 490 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "#include \"Halide.h\"\n"; indent 494 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "namespace " << ns << " {\n"; indent 504 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "class " << class_name << " final : public Halide::Internal::GeneratorStub {\n"; indent 505 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "public:\n"; indent 512 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "NO_INLINE " << class_name << "() :\n"; indent 516 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << sp->name() << "(\"" << sp->name() << "\")" << comma << "\n"; indent 519 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "{}\n"; indent 522 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << class_name << "() {}\n"; indent 526 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "NO_INLINE " << class_name << "(\n"; indent 528 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "const GeneratorContext& context,\n"; indent 529 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "const Inputs& inputs,\n"; indent 530 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "const GeneratorParams& params = GeneratorParams()\n"; indent 532 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << ")\n"; indent 534 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << ": GeneratorStub(context, &factory, params.to_string_map(), {\n"; indent 537 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "to_stub_input_vector(inputs." << inputs[i]->name() << ")"; indent 541 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "})\n"; indent 543 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << ", " << sp->name() << "(get_schedule_param(\"" << sp->name() << "\"))\n"; indent 546 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << ", " << << "(" << out.getter << ")\n"; indent 549 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "{\n"; indent 550 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "}\n"; indent 553 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "// delegating ctor to allow GeneratorContext-pointer\n"; indent 554 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << class_name << "(\n"; indent 556 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "const GeneratorContext* context,\n"; indent 557 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "const Inputs& inputs,\n"; indent 558 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "const GeneratorParams& params = GeneratorParams()\n"; indent 560 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << ")\n"; indent 562 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << ": " << class_name << "(*context, inputs, params) {}\n"; indent 567 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "// templated construction method with inputs\n"; indent 568 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "template<\n"; indent 580 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << comma << "typename" << " " << p->name << " = std::ratio<" << ratio.first << ", " << ratio.second << ">\n"; indent 582 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << comma << type << " " << p->name << " = " << value << "\n"; indent 587 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << ">\n"; indent 588 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "static " << class_name << " make(const GeneratorContext& context, const Inputs& inputs) {\n"; indent 590 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "GeneratorParams gp(\n"; indent 596 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << comma << "Halide::type_of<" << p->name << ">()\n"; indent 598 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << comma << "ratio_to_double<" << p->name << ">()\n"; indent 600 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << comma << p->name << "\n"; indent 605 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << ");\n"; indent 606 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "return " << class_name << "(context, inputs, gp);\n"; indent 608 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "}\n"; indent 612 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "// schedule method\n"; indent 613 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << class_name << " &schedule() {\n"; indent 615 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "(void) GeneratorStub::schedule();\n"; indent 616 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "return *this;\n"; indent 618 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "}\n"; indent 623 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "// move constructor\n"; indent 624 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << class_name << "("<< class_name << "&& that)\n"; indent 626 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << ": GeneratorStub(std::move(that))\n"; indent 628 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << ", " << sp->name() << "(std::move(that." << sp->name() << "))\n"; indent 631 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << ", " << << "(std::move(that." << << "))\n"; indent 634 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "{\n"; indent 635 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "}\n"; indent 638 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "// move assignment operator\n"; indent 639 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << class_name << "& operator=("<< class_name << "&& that) {\n"; indent 641 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "GeneratorStub::operator=(std::move(that));\n"; indent 643 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << sp->name() << " = std::move(that." << sp->name() << ");\n"; indent 646 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << << " = std::move(that." << << ");\n"; indent 648 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "return *this;\n"; indent 650 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "}\n"; indent 653 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "// ScheduleParams(s)\n"; indent 656 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "ScheduleParam<" << c_type << "> " << sp->name() << ";\n"; indent 660 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "// Output(s)\n"; indent 661 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "// TODO: identify vars used\n"; indent 663 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << out.ctype << " " << << ";\n"; indent 667 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "~" << class_name << "() { if (has_generator()) verify(); }\n"; indent 671 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "protected:\n"; indent 673 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "NO_INLINE void verify() {\n"; indent 676 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "verify_same_funcs(" << << ", " << out.getter << ");\n"; indent 679 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "}\n"; indent 683 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "private:\n"; indent 685 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "static std::unique_ptr<Halide::Internal::GeneratorBase> factory(const GeneratorContext& context, const std::map<std::string, std::string>& params) {\n"; indent 687 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "return Halide::Internal::GeneratorRegistry::create(\"" << generator_name << "\", context, params);\n"; indent 689 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "};\n"; indent 693 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "};\n"; indent 697 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "} // namespace " << namespaces[i] << "\n"; indent 701 src/Generator.cpp stream << indent() << "#endif // " << guard.str() << "\n"; indent 272 src/IRPrinter.cpp for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) stream << ' '; indent 550 src/IRPrinter.cpp indent += 2; indent 552 src/IRPrinter.cpp indent -= 2; indent 570 src/IRPrinter.cpp indent += 2; indent 572 src/IRPrinter.cpp indent -= 2; indent 653 src/IRPrinter.cpp indent += 2; indent 655 src/IRPrinter.cpp indent -= 2; indent 684 src/IRPrinter.cpp indent += 2; indent 686 src/IRPrinter.cpp indent -= 2; indent 699 src/IRPrinter.cpp indent += 2; indent 701 src/IRPrinter.cpp indent -= 2; indent 91 src/IRPrinter.h int indent; indent 30 src/PrintLoopNest.cpp int indent; indent 37 src/PrintLoopNest.cpp for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) { indent 105 src/PrintLoopNest.cpp indent += 2; indent 107 src/PrintLoopNest.cpp indent -= 2; indent 119 src/PrintLoopNest.cpp indent += 2; indent 121 src/PrintLoopNest.cpp indent -= 2; indent 134 src/PrintLoopNest.cpp indent += 2; indent 136 src/PrintLoopNest.cpp indent -= 2; indent 910 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp int indent = 1; indent 916 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) { indent 927 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp int old_indent = indent; indent 941 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp indent++; indent 945 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp indent = old_indent;