
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. my_malloc
  2. my_free
  3. my_error
  4. main

#include "Halide.h"
using namespace Halide;

void *my_malloc(void *user_context, size_t x) {
    printf("There was not supposed to be a heap allocation\n");
    return nullptr;

void my_free(void *user_context, void *ptr) {

bool errored = false;
void my_error(void *user_context, const char* msg) {
    errored = true;
    char expected[] = "Bounds given for f in x (from 0 to 7) do not cover required region (from 0 to 9)";
    if (strncmp(expected, msg, sizeof(expected)-1)) {
        printf("Unexpected error: '%s'\n", msg);

int main(int argc, char **argv) {

        Func f("f"), g;
        Var x("x"), xo, xi;

        Param<int> p;

        f(x) = x;
        g(x) = f(x);
        g.split(x, xo, xi, p);

        // We need p elements of f per split of g. This could create a
        // dynamic allocation. Instead we'll assert that 8 is enough, so
        // that f can go on the stack and be entirely vectorized.
        f.compute_at(g, xo).bound_extent(x, 8).vectorize(x);

        // Check there's no malloc when the bound is good
        g.set_custom_allocator(&my_malloc, &my_free);
        g.set_custom_allocator(nullptr, nullptr);

        // Check there was an assertion failure of the appropriate type when the bound is violated

        if (!errored) {
            printf("There was supposed to be an error\n");
            return -1;

        // Another way in which a larger static allocation is
        // preferable to a smaller dynamic one is when you compute
        // something at a split guarded by an if. In the very last
        // split (the tail) you don't actually need the whole split's
        // worth of the producer, and indeed asking for it may expand
        // the bounds required of an input image.
        Func f, g;
        Var x, xo, xi;

        f(x) = x;
        g(x) = f(x);
        g.split(x, xo, xi, 8, TailStrategy::GuardWithIf);

        f.compute_at(g, xo);
        // In the tail case, the amount of g required is min(8, some
        // nasty thing), so we'll add a bound.
        f.bound_extent(x, 8);

        g.set_custom_allocator(&my_malloc, &my_free);


    return 0;


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