P 60 Source/bindings/v8/ScopedPersistent.h template<typename P> P 61 Source/bindings/v8/ScopedPersistent.h void setWeak(P* parameters, void (*callback)(const v8::WeakCallbackData<T, P>&)) P 903 Source/platform/heap/Handle.h template<typename P> struct PtrHash<WebCore::Persistent<P> > : PtrHash<P*> { P 904 Source/platform/heap/Handle.h using PtrHash<P*>::hash; P 905 Source/platform/heap/Handle.h static unsigned hash(const RefPtr<P>& key) { return hash(key.get()); } P 906 Source/platform/heap/Handle.h using PtrHash<P*>::equal; P 907 Source/platform/heap/Handle.h static bool equal(const RefPtr<P>& a, const RefPtr<P>& b) { return a == b; } P 908 Source/platform/heap/Handle.h static bool equal(P* a, const RefPtr<P>& b) { return a == b; } P 909 Source/platform/heap/Handle.h static bool equal(const RefPtr<P>& a, P* b) { return a == b; } P 138 Source/wtf/HashFunctions.h template<typename P> struct PtrHash<RefPtr<P> > : PtrHash<P*> { P 139 Source/wtf/HashFunctions.h using PtrHash<P*>::hash; P 140 Source/wtf/HashFunctions.h static unsigned hash(const RefPtr<P>& key) { return hash(key.get()); } P 141 Source/wtf/HashFunctions.h using PtrHash<P*>::equal; P 142 Source/wtf/HashFunctions.h static bool equal(const RefPtr<P>& a, const RefPtr<P>& b) { return a == b; } P 143 Source/wtf/HashFunctions.h static bool equal(P* a, const RefPtr<P>& b) { return a == b; } P 144 Source/wtf/HashFunctions.h static bool equal(const RefPtr<P>& a, P* b) { return a == b; } P 146 Source/wtf/HashFunctions.h template<typename P> struct PtrHash<RawPtr<P> > : PtrHash<P*> { P 147 Source/wtf/HashFunctions.h using PtrHash<P*>::hash; P 148 Source/wtf/HashFunctions.h static unsigned hash(const RawPtr<P>& key) { return hash(key.get()); } P 149 Source/wtf/HashFunctions.h using PtrHash<P*>::equal; P 150 Source/wtf/HashFunctions.h static bool equal(const RawPtr<P>& a, const RawPtr<P>& b) { return a == b; } P 151 Source/wtf/HashFunctions.h static bool equal(P* a, const RawPtr<P>& b) { return a == b; } P 152 Source/wtf/HashFunctions.h static bool equal(const RawPtr<P>& a, P* b) { return a == b; } P 198 Source/wtf/HashFunctions.h template<typename P> struct DefaultHash<P*> { typedef PtrHash<P*> Hash; }; P 199 Source/wtf/HashFunctions.h template<typename P> struct DefaultHash<RefPtr<P> > { typedef PtrHash<RefPtr<P> > Hash; }; P 200 Source/wtf/HashFunctions.h template<typename P> struct DefaultHash<RawPtr<P> > { typedef PtrHash<RawPtr<P> > Hash; }; P 129 Source/wtf/HashTraits.h template<typename P> struct HashTraits<P*> : GenericHashTraits<P*> { P 132 Source/wtf/HashTraits.h static void constructDeletedValue(P*& slot) { slot = reinterpret_cast<P*>(-1); } P 133 Source/wtf/HashTraits.h static bool isDeletedValue(P* value) { return value == reinterpret_cast<P*>(-1); } P 142 Source/wtf/HashTraits.h template<typename P> struct HashTraits<OwnPtr<P> > : SimpleClassHashTraits<OwnPtr<P> > { P 147 Source/wtf/HashTraits.h typedef PassOwnPtr<P> PassInType; P 148 Source/wtf/HashTraits.h static void store(PassOwnPtr<P> value, OwnPtr<P>& storage) { storage = value; } P 150 Source/wtf/HashTraits.h typedef PassOwnPtr<P> PassOutType; P 151 Source/wtf/HashTraits.h static PassOwnPtr<P> passOut(OwnPtr<P>& value) { return value.release(); } P 152 Source/wtf/HashTraits.h static PassOwnPtr<P> passOut(std::nullptr_t) { return nullptr; } P 154 Source/wtf/HashTraits.h typedef typename OwnPtr<P>::PtrType PeekOutType; P 155 Source/wtf/HashTraits.h static PeekOutType peek(const OwnPtr<P>& value) { return value.get(); } P 159 Source/wtf/HashTraits.h template<typename P> struct HashTraits<RefPtr<P> > : SimpleClassHashTraits<RefPtr<P> > { P 164 Source/wtf/HashTraits.h static bool isEmptyValue(const RefPtr<P>& value) { return !value; } P 166 Source/wtf/HashTraits.h typedef RefPtrValuePeeker<P> PeekInType; P 167 Source/wtf/HashTraits.h typedef RefPtr<P>* IteratorGetType; P 168 Source/wtf/HashTraits.h typedef const RefPtr<P>* IteratorConstGetType; P 169 Source/wtf/HashTraits.h typedef RefPtr<P>& IteratorReferenceType; P 170 Source/wtf/HashTraits.h typedef const RefPtr<P>& IteratorConstReferenceType; P 174 Source/wtf/HashTraits.h typedef PassRefPtr<P> PassInType; P 175 Source/wtf/HashTraits.h static void store(PassRefPtr<P> value, RefPtr<P>& storage) { storage = value; } P 177 Source/wtf/HashTraits.h typedef PassRefPtr<P> PassOutType; P 178 Source/wtf/HashTraits.h static PassOutType passOut(RefPtr<P>& value) { return value.release(); } P 181 Source/wtf/HashTraits.h typedef P* PeekOutType; P 182 Source/wtf/HashTraits.h static PeekOutType peek(const RefPtr<P>& value) { return value.get(); } P 288 Source/wtf/RetainPtr.h template<typename P> struct HashTraits<RetainPtr<P> > : SimpleClassHashTraits<RetainPtr<P> > { }; P 290 Source/wtf/RetainPtr.h template<typename P> struct PtrHash<RetainPtr<P> > : PtrHash<typename RetainPtr<P>::PtrType> { P 291 Source/wtf/RetainPtr.h using PtrHash<typename RetainPtr<P>::PtrType>::hash; P 292 Source/wtf/RetainPtr.h static unsigned hash(const RetainPtr<P>& key) { return hash(key.get()); } P 293 Source/wtf/RetainPtr.h using PtrHash<typename RetainPtr<P>::PtrType>::equal; P 294 Source/wtf/RetainPtr.h static bool equal(const RetainPtr<P>& a, const RetainPtr<P>& b) { return a == b; } P 295 Source/wtf/RetainPtr.h static bool equal(typename RetainPtr<P>::PtrType a, const RetainPtr<P>& b) { return a == b; } P 296 Source/wtf/RetainPtr.h static bool equal(const RetainPtr<P>& a, typename RetainPtr<P>::PtrType b) { return a == b; } P 299 Source/wtf/RetainPtr.h template<typename P> struct DefaultHash<RetainPtr<P> > { typedef PtrHash<RetainPtr<P> > Hash; }; P 78 Source/wtf/TypeTraits.h template <typename P> struct IsPod<P*> { static const bool value = true; }; P 66 Source/wtf/VectorTraits.h template<typename P> P 67 Source/wtf/VectorTraits.h struct VectorTraits<RefPtr<P> > : SimpleClassVectorTraits<RefPtr<P> > { }; P 69 Source/wtf/VectorTraits.h template<typename P> P 70 Source/wtf/VectorTraits.h struct VectorTraits<OwnPtr<P> > : SimpleClassVectorTraits<OwnPtr<P> > { }; P 591 Source/wtf/dtoa.cpp *e = de - Bias - (P - 1) + k; P 592 Source/wtf/dtoa.cpp *bits = P - k; P 594 Source/wtf/dtoa.cpp *e = 0 - Bias - (P - 1) + 1 + k; P 815 Source/wtf/dtoa.cpp i = bbits + be + (Bias + (P - 1) - 1); P 820 Source/wtf/dtoa.cpp i -= (Bias + (P - 1) - 1) + 1; P 913 Source/wtf/dtoa.cpp word0(&eps) -= (P - 1) * Exp_msk1; P 1011 Source/wtf/dtoa.cpp i = denorm ? be + (Bias + (P - 1) - 1 + 1) : 1 + P - bbits;