H 113 base/memory/raw_scoped_refptr_mismatch_checker.h typename F, typename G, typename H> H 114 base/memory/raw_scoped_refptr_mismatch_checker.h struct ParamsUseScopedRefptrCorrectly<Tuple8<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H> > { H 122 base/memory/raw_scoped_refptr_mismatch_checker.h NeedsScopedRefptrButGetsRawPtr<H>::value) }; H 46 base/sha1_portable.cc return reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(H); H 55 base/sha1_portable.cc uint32 H[5]; H 111 base/sha1_portable.cc H[0] = 0x67452301; H 112 base/sha1_portable.cc H[1] = 0xefcdab89; H 113 base/sha1_portable.cc H[2] = 0x98badcfe; H 114 base/sha1_portable.cc H[3] = 0x10325476; H 115 base/sha1_portable.cc H[4] = 0xc3d2e1f0; H 123 base/sha1_portable.cc swapends(&H[t]); H 173 base/sha1_portable.cc A = H[0]; H 174 base/sha1_portable.cc B = H[1]; H 175 base/sha1_portable.cc C = H[2]; H 176 base/sha1_portable.cc D = H[3]; H 177 base/sha1_portable.cc E = H[4]; H 190 base/sha1_portable.cc H[0] += A; H 191 base/sha1_portable.cc H[1] += B; H 192 base/sha1_portable.cc H[2] += C; H 193 base/sha1_portable.cc H[3] += D; H 194 base/sha1_portable.cc H[4] += E; H 232 base/tuple.h class H> H 242 base/tuple.h typedef H TypeH; H 252 base/tuple.h typename TupleTraits<H>::ParamType h) H 263 base/tuple.h H h; H 391 base/tuple.h class H> H 392 base/tuple.h struct TupleTypes< Tuple8<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H> > { H 400 base/tuple.h typename TupleTraits<H>::ValueType> ValueTuple; H 408 base/tuple.h typename TupleTraits<H>::RefType> RefTuple; H 416 base/tuple.h typename TupleTraits<H>::ParamType> ParamTuple; H 469 base/tuple.h class H> H 470 base/tuple.h inline Tuple8<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H> MakeTuple(const A& a, const B& b, H 473 base/tuple.h const G& g, const H& h) { H 474 base/tuple.h return Tuple8<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H>(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h); H 518 base/tuple.h class H> H 519 base/tuple.h inline Tuple8<A&, B&, C&, D&, E&, F&, G&, H&> MakeRefTuple(A& a, B& b, C& c, H 521 base/tuple.h G& g, H& h) { H 522 base/tuple.h return Tuple8<A&, B&, C&, D&, E&, F&, G&, H&>(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h); H 612 base/tuple.h class F, class G, class H> H 614 base/tuple.h const Tuple8<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H>& arg) { H 622 base/tuple.h base::internal::UnwrapTraits<H>::Unwrap(arg.h)); H 699 base/tuple.h class G, class H> H 701 base/tuple.h const Tuple8<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H>& arg) { H 709 base/tuple.h base::internal::UnwrapTraits<H>::Unwrap(arg.h)); H 168 chrome/browser/chromeos/login/wizard_controller_browsertest.cc template <class T, class H> H 172 chrome/browser/chromeos/login/wizard_controller_browsertest.cc template <class P> MockOutShowHide(P p, H* actor) H 175 chrome/browser/chromeos/login/wizard_controller_browsertest.cc H* actor() const { return actor_.get(); } H 181 chrome/browser/chromeos/login/wizard_controller_browsertest.cc scoped_ptr<H> actor_; H 760 chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url_prepopulate_data.cc DECLARE_COUNTRY(B, H) // Bahrain H 768 chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url_prepopulate_data.cc DECLARE_COUNTRY(C, H) // Switzerland H 788 chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url_prepopulate_data.cc DECLARE_COUNTRY(H, K) // Hong Kong H 789 chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url_prepopulate_data.cc DECLARE_COUNTRY(H, N) // Honduras H 790 chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url_prepopulate_data.cc DECLARE_COUNTRY(H, R) // Croatia H 791 chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url_prepopulate_data.cc DECLARE_COUNTRY(H, U) // Hungary H 827 chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url_prepopulate_data.cc DECLARE_COUNTRY(P, H) // Philippines H 845 chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url_prepopulate_data.cc DECLARE_COUNTRY(T, H) // Thailand H 863 chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url_prepopulate_data.cc UNHANDLED_COUNTRY(H, M) // Heard Island and McDonald Islands H 896 chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url_prepopulate_data.cc UNHANDLED_COUNTRY(H, T) // Haiti H 926 chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url_prepopulate_data.cc UNHANDLED_COUNTRY(E, H) // Western Sahara H 982 chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url_prepopulate_data.cc UNHANDLED_COUNTRY(S, H) // Saint Helena, Ascension Island, and Tristan da H 1015 chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url_prepopulate_data.cc UNHANDLED_COUNTRY(G, H) // Ghana H 1019 chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url_prepopulate_data.cc UNHANDLED_COUNTRY(K, H) // Cambodia H 1030 chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url_prepopulate_data.cc UNHANDLED_COUNTRY(M, H) // Marshall Islands H 13 courgette/memory_monitor.cc H() { inH = false; tick_ = 0; bw_ = 0; d_bw_ = d_tick_ = 0; m_bw_ = 0; mem_ = high_ = 0;} H 14 courgette/memory_monitor.cc ~H() { H 178 crypto/third_party/nss/sha512.cc memcpy(H, H256, sizeof H256); H 277 crypto/third_party/nss/sha512.cc a = H[0]; H 278 crypto/third_party/nss/sha512.cc b = H[1]; H 279 crypto/third_party/nss/sha512.cc c = H[2]; H 280 crypto/third_party/nss/sha512.cc d = H[3]; H 281 crypto/third_party/nss/sha512.cc e = H[4]; H 282 crypto/third_party/nss/sha512.cc f = H[5]; H 283 crypto/third_party/nss/sha512.cc g = H[6]; H 284 crypto/third_party/nss/sha512.cc h = H[7]; H 379 crypto/third_party/nss/sha512.cc H[0] += a; H 380 crypto/third_party/nss/sha512.cc H[1] += b; H 381 crypto/third_party/nss/sha512.cc H[2] += c; H 382 crypto/third_party/nss/sha512.cc H[3] += d; H 383 crypto/third_party/nss/sha512.cc H[4] += e; H 384 crypto/third_party/nss/sha512.cc H[5] += f; H 385 crypto/third_party/nss/sha512.cc H[6] += g; H 386 crypto/third_party/nss/sha512.cc H[7] += h; H 459 crypto/third_party/nss/sha512.cc BYTESWAP4(H[0]); H 460 crypto/third_party/nss/sha512.cc BYTESWAP4(H[1]); H 461 crypto/third_party/nss/sha512.cc BYTESWAP4(H[2]); H 462 crypto/third_party/nss/sha512.cc BYTESWAP4(H[3]); H 463 crypto/third_party/nss/sha512.cc BYTESWAP4(H[4]); H 464 crypto/third_party/nss/sha512.cc BYTESWAP4(H[5]); H 465 crypto/third_party/nss/sha512.cc BYTESWAP4(H[6]); H 466 crypto/third_party/nss/sha512.cc BYTESWAP4(H[7]); H 469 crypto/third_party/nss/sha512.cc memcpy(digest, H, padLen); H 704 crypto/third_party/nss/sha512.cc memcpy(H, H512, sizeof H512); H 917 crypto/third_party/nss/sha512.cc a = H[0]; H 918 crypto/third_party/nss/sha512.cc b = H[1]; H 919 crypto/third_party/nss/sha512.cc c = H[2]; H 920 crypto/third_party/nss/sha512.cc d = H[3]; H 921 crypto/third_party/nss/sha512.cc e = H[4]; H 922 crypto/third_party/nss/sha512.cc f = H[5]; H 923 crypto/third_party/nss/sha512.cc g = H[6]; H 924 crypto/third_party/nss/sha512.cc h = H[7]; H 1032 crypto/third_party/nss/sha512.cc ADDTO(a,H[0]); H 1033 crypto/third_party/nss/sha512.cc ADDTO(b,H[1]); H 1034 crypto/third_party/nss/sha512.cc ADDTO(c,H[2]); H 1035 crypto/third_party/nss/sha512.cc ADDTO(d,H[3]); H 1036 crypto/third_party/nss/sha512.cc ADDTO(e,H[4]); H 1037 crypto/third_party/nss/sha512.cc ADDTO(f,H[5]); H 1038 crypto/third_party/nss/sha512.cc ADDTO(g,H[6]); H 1039 crypto/third_party/nss/sha512.cc ADDTO(h,H[7]); H 1119 crypto/third_party/nss/sha512.cc BYTESWAP8(H[0]); H 1120 crypto/third_party/nss/sha512.cc BYTESWAP8(H[1]); H 1121 crypto/third_party/nss/sha512.cc BYTESWAP8(H[2]); H 1122 crypto/third_party/nss/sha512.cc BYTESWAP8(H[3]); H 1123 crypto/third_party/nss/sha512.cc BYTESWAP8(H[4]); H 1124 crypto/third_party/nss/sha512.cc BYTESWAP8(H[5]); H 1125 crypto/third_party/nss/sha512.cc BYTESWAP8(H[6]); H 1126 crypto/third_party/nss/sha512.cc BYTESWAP8(H[7]); H 1129 crypto/third_party/nss/sha512.cc memcpy(digest, H, padLen); H 1223 crypto/third_party/nss/sha512.cc memcpy(H, H384, sizeof H384); H 28 mojo/public/cpp/bindings/lib/callback_internal.h template <typename H> H 29 mojo/public/cpp/bindings/lib/callback_internal.h struct Callback_ParamTraits<ScopedHandleBase<H>, true> { H 30 mojo/public/cpp/bindings/lib/callback_internal.h typedef ScopedHandleBase<H> ForwardType; H 74 net/http/md4.cc #define RD3(a,b,c,d,k,s) a += H(b,c,d) + X[k] + 0x6ED9EBA1; a = ROTL(a,s) H 757 third_party/libwebp/dec/webp.c const int H = io->height; H 758 third_party/libwebp/dec/webp.c int x = 0, y = 0, w = W, h = H; H 771 third_party/libwebp/dec/webp.c if (x < 0 || y < 0 || w <= 0 || h <= 0 || x + w > W || y + h > H) { H 803 third_party/libwebp/dec/webp.c (io->scaled_height < H * 3 / 4); H 334 third_party/libwebp/dsp/dec.c const int H = dst[7 - BPS]; H 340 third_party/libwebp/dsp/dec.c DST(3, 2) = DST(2, 3) = AVG3(F, G, H); H 341 third_party/libwebp/dsp/dec.c DST(3, 3) = AVG3(G, H, H); H 374 third_party/libwebp/dsp/dec.c const int H = dst[7 - BPS]; H 385 third_party/libwebp/dsp/dec.c DST(3, 3) = AVG3(F, G, H); H 405 third_party/libwebp/dsp/enc.c const int H = top[7]; H 411 third_party/libwebp/dsp/enc.c DST(3, 2) = DST(2, 3) = AVG3(F, G, H); H 412 third_party/libwebp/dsp/enc.c DST(3, 3) = AVG3(G, H, H); H 445 third_party/libwebp/dsp/enc.c const int H = top[7]; H 456 third_party/libwebp/dsp/enc.c DST(3, 3) = AVG3(F, G, H); H 297 third_party/libwebp/enc/filter.c int xo, int yo, int W, int H, H 300 third_party/libwebp/enc/filter.c const int ymax = (yo + KERNEL > H - 1) ? H - 1 : yo + KERNEL; H 355 third_party/libwebp/enc/filter.c int W, int H, DistoStats* const stats) { H 357 third_party/libwebp/enc/filter.c for (y = 0; y < H; ++y) { H 359 third_party/libwebp/enc/filter.c VP8SSIMAccumulate(src1, stride1, src2, stride2, x, y, W, H, stats); H 770 third_party/libwebp/enc/frame.c size += info.R + info.H; H 771 third_party/libwebp/enc/frame.c size_p0 += info.H; H 1001 third_party/libwebp/enc/frame.c size_p0 += info.H; H 70 third_party/libwebp/enc/quant.c (int)rd->D, (int)rd->SD, (int)rd->R, (int)rd->H, (int)rd->nz, H 491 third_party/libwebp/enc/quant.c rd->H = 0; H 500 third_party/libwebp/enc/quant.c dst->H = src->H; H 509 third_party/libwebp/enc/quant.c dst->H += src->H; H 538 third_party/libwebp/enc/quant.c rd->score = (rd->R + rd->H) * lambda + 256 * (rd->D + rd->SD); H 874 third_party/libwebp/enc/quant.c rd16.H = VP8FixedCostsI16[mode]; H 931 third_party/libwebp/enc/quant.c rd_best.H = 211; // '211' is the value of VP8BitCost(0, 145) H 959 third_party/libwebp/enc/quant.c rd_tmp.H = mode_costs[mode]; H 978 third_party/libwebp/enc/quant.c total_header_bits += (int)rd_i4.H; // <- equal to mode_costs[best_mode]; H 1022 third_party/libwebp/enc/quant.c rd_uv.H = VP8FixedCostsUV[mode]; H 263 third_party/libwebp/enc/vp8enci.h score_t H, R, score; // header bits, rate, score. H 551 third_party/libwebp/enc/vp8enci.h int W, int H, DistoStats* const stats); H 277 third_party/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/stubs/type_traits_unittest.cc EXPECT_FALSE(is_enum<H>::value); H 7108 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c #define sqliteHashFirst(H) ((H)->first) H 11196 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c # define sqlite3CodeRowTrigger(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I) H 112979 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c #define fts3HashFirst(H) ((H)->first) H 112988 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c #define fts3HashCount(H) ((H)->count) H 100 third_party/sqlite/src/ext/fts1/ft_hash.h #define HashFirst(H) ((H)->first) H 109 third_party/sqlite/src/ext/fts1/ft_hash.h #define HashCount(H) ((H)->count) H 101 third_party/sqlite/src/ext/fts1/fts1_hash.h #define fts1HashFirst(H) ((H)->first) H 110 third_party/sqlite/src/ext/fts1/fts1_hash.h #define fts1HashCount(H) ((H)->count) H 99 third_party/sqlite/src/ext/fts2/fts2_hash.h #define fts2HashFirst(H) ((H)->first) H 108 third_party/sqlite/src/ext/fts2/fts2_hash.h #define fts2HashCount(H) ((H)->count) H 101 third_party/sqlite/src/ext/fts3/fts3_hash.h #define fts3HashFirst(H) ((H)->first) H 110 third_party/sqlite/src/ext/fts3/fts3_hash.h #define fts3HashCount(H) ((H)->count) H 85 third_party/sqlite/src/src/hash.h #define sqliteHashFirst(H) ((H)->first) H 2851 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h # define sqlite3CodeRowTrigger(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I)