IPos               91 third_party/zlib/deflate.c       uInt longest_match  OF((deflate_state *s, IPos cur_match, int clas));
IPos               93 third_party/zlib/deflate.c local uInt longest_match  OF((deflate_state *s, IPos cur_match, int clas));
IPos               97 third_party/zlib/deflate.c local  void check_match OF((deflate_state *s, IPos start, IPos match,
IPos              323 third_party/zlib/deflate.c     IPos hash_head = 0;
IPos             1077 third_party/zlib/deflate.c     IPos offset;
IPos             1081 third_party/zlib/deflate.c     IPos byte = offset >> 3;
IPos             1082 third_party/zlib/deflate.c     IPos bit = offset & 7;
IPos             1117 third_party/zlib/deflate.c     IPos window_offset;
IPos             1119 third_party/zlib/deflate.c     IPos byte = window_offset >> 3;
IPos             1120 third_party/zlib/deflate.c     IPos bit = window_offset & 7;
IPos             1140 third_party/zlib/deflate.c     IPos cur_match;                             /* current match */
IPos             1149 third_party/zlib/deflate.c     IPos limit = s->strstart > (IPos)MAX_DIST(s) ?
IPos             1150 third_party/zlib/deflate.c         s->strstart - (IPos)MAX_DIST(s) : NIL;
IPos             1304 third_party/zlib/deflate.c     IPos start;
IPos             1310 third_party/zlib/deflate.c     IPos cookie_location;
IPos             1354 third_party/zlib/deflate.c     IPos cur_match;                             /* current match */
IPos             1416 third_party/zlib/deflate.c     IPos start, match;
IPos             1687 third_party/zlib/deflate.c     IPos hash_head;       /* head of the hash chain */
IPos             1789 third_party/zlib/deflate.c     IPos hash_head;          /* head of hash chain */
IPos              146 third_party/zlib/deflate.h     IPos cookie_locations[Z_COOKIE_HASH_SIZE];
IPos              159 third_party/zlib/deflate.h     IPos prev_match;             /* previous match */