
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. TEST
  2. TEST

// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "ui/base/text/bytes_formatting.h"

namespace ui {

TEST(BytesFormattingTest, GetByteDisplayUnits) {
  static const struct {
    int64 bytes;
    DataUnits expected;
  } cases[] = {
    {512, DATA_UNITS_BYTE},
    {10*1024, DATA_UNITS_KIBIBYTE},
    {10*1024*1024, DATA_UNITS_MEBIBYTE},
    {10LL*1024*1024*1024, DATA_UNITS_GIBIBYTE},
    {10LL*1024*1024*1024*1024, DATA_UNITS_TEBIBYTE},
    {~(1LL<<63), DATA_UNITS_PEBIBYTE},
#if defined(NDEBUG) && !defined(DCHECK_ALWAYS_ON)
    {-1, DATA_UNITS_BYTE},

  for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(cases); ++i)
    EXPECT_EQ(cases[i].expected, GetByteDisplayUnits(cases[i].bytes));

TEST(BytesFormattingTest, FormatBytes) {
  static const struct {
    int64 bytes;
    DataUnits units;
    const char* expected;
    const char* expected_with_units;
  } cases[] = {
    // Expected behavior: we show one post-decimal digit when we have
    // under two pre-decimal digits, except in cases where it makes no
    // sense (zero or bytes).
    // Since we switch units once we cross the 1000 mark, this keeps
    // the display of file sizes or bytes consistently around three
    // digits.
    {0, DATA_UNITS_BYTE, "0", "0 B"},
    {512, DATA_UNITS_BYTE, "512", "512 B"},
    {512, DATA_UNITS_KIBIBYTE, "0.5", "0.5 KB"},
    {1024*1024, DATA_UNITS_KIBIBYTE, "1,024", "1,024 KB"},
    {1024*1024, DATA_UNITS_MEBIBYTE, "1.0", "1.0 MB"},
    {1024*1024*1024, DATA_UNITS_GIBIBYTE, "1.0", "1.0 GB"},
    {10LL*1024*1024*1024, DATA_UNITS_GIBIBYTE, "10.0", "10.0 GB"},
    {99LL*1024*1024*1024, DATA_UNITS_GIBIBYTE, "99.0", "99.0 GB"},
    {105LL*1024*1024*1024, DATA_UNITS_GIBIBYTE, "105", "105 GB"},
    {105LL*1024*1024*1024 + 500LL*1024*1024, DATA_UNITS_GIBIBYTE,
     "105", "105 GB"},
    {~(1LL<<63), DATA_UNITS_GIBIBYTE, "8,589,934,592", "8,589,934,592 GB"},
    {~(1LL<<63), DATA_UNITS_PEBIBYTE, "8,192", "8,192 PB"},

    {99*1024 + 103, DATA_UNITS_KIBIBYTE, "99.1", "99.1 KB"},
    {1024*1024 + 103, DATA_UNITS_KIBIBYTE, "1,024", "1,024 KB"},
    {1024*1024 + 205 * 1024, DATA_UNITS_MEBIBYTE, "1.2", "1.2 MB"},
    {1024*1024*1024 + (927 * 1024*1024), DATA_UNITS_GIBIBYTE,
     "1.9", "1.9 GB"},
    {10LL*1024*1024*1024, DATA_UNITS_GIBIBYTE, "10.0", "10.0 GB"},
    {100LL*1024*1024*1024, DATA_UNITS_GIBIBYTE, "100", "100 GB"},
#if defined(NDEBUG) && !defined(DCHECK_ALWAYS_ON)
    {-1, DATA_UNITS_BYTE, "", ""},

  for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(cases); ++i) {
              FormatBytesWithUnits(cases[i].bytes, cases[i].units, false));
              FormatBytesWithUnits(cases[i].bytes, cases[i].units, true));

}  // namespace ui

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