
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. sqlite3Coverage
  2. sqlite3IsNaN
  3. sqlite3Strlen30
  4. sqlite3Error
  5. sqlite3ErrorMsg
  6. sqlite3Dequote
  7. sqlite3StrICmp
  8. sqlite3_strnicmp
  9. sqlite3AtoF
  10. compare2pow63
  11. sqlite3Atoi64
  12. sqlite3GetInt32
  13. sqlite3Atoi
  14. sqlite3PutVarint
  15. sqlite3PutVarint32
  16. sqlite3GetVarint
  17. sqlite3GetVarint32
  18. sqlite3VarintLen
  19. sqlite3Get4byte
  20. sqlite3Put4byte
  21. hexToInt
  22. sqlite3HexToBlob
  23. logBadConnection
  24. sqlite3SafetyCheckOk
  25. sqlite3SafetyCheckSickOrOk
  26. sqlite3AddInt64
  27. sqlite3SubInt64
  28. sqlite3MulInt64
  29. sqlite3AbsInt32

** 2001 September 15
** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
**    May you do good and not evil.
**    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
**    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
** Utility functions used throughout sqlite.
** This file contains functions for allocating memory, comparing
** strings, and stuff like that.
#include "sqliteInt.h"
#include <stdarg.h>
# include <math.h>

** Routine needed to support the testcase() macro.
void sqlite3Coverage(int x){
  static unsigned dummy = 0;
  dummy += (unsigned)x;

** Return true if the floating point value is Not a Number (NaN).
** Use the math library isnan() function if compiled with SQLITE_HAVE_ISNAN.
** Otherwise, we have our own implementation that works on most systems.
int sqlite3IsNaN(double x){
  int rc;   /* The value return */
#if !defined(SQLITE_HAVE_ISNAN)
  ** Systems that support the isnan() library function should probably
  ** make use of it by compiling with -DSQLITE_HAVE_ISNAN.  But we have
  ** found that many systems do not have a working isnan() function so
  ** this implementation is provided as an alternative.
  ** This NaN test sometimes fails if compiled on GCC with -ffast-math.
  ** On the other hand, the use of -ffast-math comes with the following
  ** warning:
  **      This option [-ffast-math] should never be turned on by any
  **      -O option since it can result in incorrect output for programs
  **      which depend on an exact implementation of IEEE or ISO 
  **      rules/specifications for math functions.
  ** Under MSVC, this NaN test may fail if compiled with a floating-
  ** point precision mode other than /fp:precise.  From the MSDN 
  ** documentation:
  **      The compiler [with /fp:precise] will properly handle comparisons 
  **      involving NaN. For example, x != x evaluates to true if x is NaN 
  **      ...
#ifdef __FAST_MATH__
# error SQLite will not work correctly with the -ffast-math option of GCC.
  volatile double y = x;
  volatile double z = y;
  rc = (y!=z);
#else  /* if defined(SQLITE_HAVE_ISNAN) */
  rc = isnan(x);
#endif /* SQLITE_HAVE_ISNAN */
  testcase( rc );
  return rc;

** Compute a string length that is limited to what can be stored in
** lower 30 bits of a 32-bit signed integer.
** The value returned will never be negative.  Nor will it ever be greater
** than the actual length of the string.  For very long strings (greater
** than 1GiB) the value returned might be less than the true string length.
int sqlite3Strlen30(const char *z){
  const char *z2 = z;
  if( z==0 ) return 0;
  while( *z2 ){ z2++; }
  return 0x3fffffff & (int)(z2 - z);

** Set the most recent error code and error string for the sqlite
** handle "db". The error code is set to "err_code".
** If it is not NULL, string zFormat specifies the format of the
** error string in the style of the printf functions: The following
** format characters are allowed:
**      %s      Insert a string
**      %z      A string that should be freed after use
**      %d      Insert an integer
**      %T      Insert a token
**      %S      Insert the first element of a SrcList
** zFormat and any string tokens that follow it are assumed to be
** encoded in UTF-8.
** To clear the most recent error for sqlite handle "db", sqlite3Error
** should be called with err_code set to SQLITE_OK and zFormat set
** to NULL.
void sqlite3Error(sqlite3 *db, int err_code, const char *zFormat, ...){
  if( db && (db->pErr || (db->pErr = sqlite3ValueNew(db))!=0) ){
    db->errCode = err_code;
    if( zFormat ){
      char *z;
      va_list ap;
      va_start(ap, zFormat);
      z = sqlite3VMPrintf(db, zFormat, ap);
      sqlite3ValueSetStr(db->pErr, -1, z, SQLITE_UTF8, SQLITE_DYNAMIC);
      sqlite3ValueSetStr(db->pErr, 0, 0, SQLITE_UTF8, SQLITE_STATIC);

** Add an error message to pParse->zErrMsg and increment pParse->nErr.
** The following formatting characters are allowed:
**      %s      Insert a string
**      %z      A string that should be freed after use
**      %d      Insert an integer
**      %T      Insert a token
**      %S      Insert the first element of a SrcList
** This function should be used to report any error that occurs whilst
** compiling an SQL statement (i.e. within sqlite3_prepare()). The
** last thing the sqlite3_prepare() function does is copy the error
** stored by this function into the database handle using sqlite3Error().
** Function sqlite3Error() should be used during statement execution
** (sqlite3_step() etc.).
void sqlite3ErrorMsg(Parse *pParse, const char *zFormat, ...){
  char *zMsg;
  va_list ap;
  sqlite3 *db = pParse->db;
  va_start(ap, zFormat);
  zMsg = sqlite3VMPrintf(db, zFormat, ap);
  if( db->suppressErr ){
    sqlite3DbFree(db, zMsg);
    sqlite3DbFree(db, pParse->zErrMsg);
    pParse->zErrMsg = zMsg;
    pParse->rc = SQLITE_ERROR;

** Convert an SQL-style quoted string into a normal string by removing
** the quote characters.  The conversion is done in-place.  If the
** input does not begin with a quote character, then this routine
** is a no-op.
** The input string must be zero-terminated.  A new zero-terminator
** is added to the dequoted string.
** The return value is -1 if no dequoting occurs or the length of the
** dequoted string, exclusive of the zero terminator, if dequoting does
** occur.
** 2002-Feb-14: This routine is extended to remove MS-Access style
** brackets from around identifers.  For example:  "[a-b-c]" becomes
** "a-b-c".
int sqlite3Dequote(char *z){
  char quote;
  int i, j;
  if( z==0 ) return -1;
  quote = z[0];
  switch( quote ){
    case '\'':  break;
    case '"':   break;
    case '`':   break;                /* For MySQL compatibility */
    case '[':   quote = ']';  break;  /* For MS SqlServer compatibility */
    default:    return -1;
  for(i=1, j=0; ALWAYS(z[i]); i++){
    if( z[i]==quote ){
      if( z[i+1]==quote ){
        z[j++] = quote;
      z[j++] = z[i];
  z[j] = 0;
  return j;

/* Convenient short-hand */
#define UpperToLower sqlite3UpperToLower

** Some systems have stricmp().  Others have strcasecmp().  Because
** there is no consistency, we will define our own.
** IMPLEMENTATION-OF: R-20522-24639 The sqlite3_strnicmp() API allows
** applications and extensions to compare the contents of two buffers
** containing UTF-8 strings in a case-independent fashion, using the same
** definition of case independence that SQLite uses internally when
** comparing identifiers.
int sqlite3StrICmp(const char *zLeft, const char *zRight){
  register unsigned char *a, *b;
  a = (unsigned char *)zLeft;
  b = (unsigned char *)zRight;
  while( *a!=0 && UpperToLower[*a]==UpperToLower[*b]){ a++; b++; }
  return UpperToLower[*a] - UpperToLower[*b];
int sqlite3_strnicmp(const char *zLeft, const char *zRight, int N){
  register unsigned char *a, *b;
  a = (unsigned char *)zLeft;
  b = (unsigned char *)zRight;
  while( N-- > 0 && *a!=0 && UpperToLower[*a]==UpperToLower[*b]){ a++; b++; }
  return N<0 ? 0 : UpperToLower[*a] - UpperToLower[*b];

** The string z[] is an text representation of a real number.
** Convert this string to a double and write it into *pResult.
** The string z[] is length bytes in length (bytes, not characters) and
** uses the encoding enc.  The string is not necessarily zero-terminated.
** Return TRUE if the result is a valid real number (or integer) and FALSE
** if the string is empty or contains extraneous text.  Valid numbers
** are in one of these formats:
**    [+-]digits[E[+-]digits]
**    [+-]digits.[digits][E[+-]digits]
**    [+-].digits[E[+-]digits]
** Leading and trailing whitespace is ignored for the purpose of determining
** validity.
** If some prefix of the input string is a valid number, this routine
** returns FALSE but it still converts the prefix and writes the result
** into *pResult.
int sqlite3AtoF(const char *z, double *pResult, int length, u8 enc){
  int incr = (enc==SQLITE_UTF8?1:2);
  const char *zEnd = z + length;
  /* sign * significand * (10 ^ (esign * exponent)) */
  int sign = 1;    /* sign of significand */
  i64 s = 0;       /* significand */
  int d = 0;       /* adjust exponent for shifting decimal point */
  int esign = 1;   /* sign of exponent */
  int e = 0;       /* exponent */
  int eValid = 1;  /* True exponent is either not used or is well-formed */
  double result;
  int nDigits = 0;

  *pResult = 0.0;   /* Default return value, in case of an error */

  if( enc==SQLITE_UTF16BE ) z++;

  /* skip leading spaces */
  while( z<zEnd && sqlite3Isspace(*z) ) z+=incr;
  if( z>=zEnd ) return 0;

  /* get sign of significand */
  if( *z=='-' ){
    sign = -1;
  }else if( *z=='+' ){

  /* skip leading zeroes */
  while( z<zEnd && z[0]=='0' ) z+=incr, nDigits++;

  /* copy max significant digits to significand */
  while( z<zEnd && sqlite3Isdigit(*z) && s<((LARGEST_INT64-9)/10) ){
    s = s*10 + (*z - '0');
    z+=incr, nDigits++;

  /* skip non-significant significand digits
  ** (increase exponent by d to shift decimal left) */
  while( z<zEnd && sqlite3Isdigit(*z) ) z+=incr, nDigits++, d++;
  if( z>=zEnd ) goto do_atof_calc;

  /* if decimal point is present */
  if( *z=='.' ){
    /* copy digits from after decimal to significand
    ** (decrease exponent by d to shift decimal right) */
    while( z<zEnd && sqlite3Isdigit(*z) && s<((LARGEST_INT64-9)/10) ){
      s = s*10 + (*z - '0');
      z+=incr, nDigits++, d--;
    /* skip non-significant digits */
    while( z<zEnd && sqlite3Isdigit(*z) ) z+=incr, nDigits++;
  if( z>=zEnd ) goto do_atof_calc;

  /* if exponent is present */
  if( *z=='e' || *z=='E' ){
    eValid = 0;
    if( z>=zEnd ) goto do_atof_calc;
    /* get sign of exponent */
    if( *z=='-' ){
      esign = -1;
    }else if( *z=='+' ){
    /* copy digits to exponent */
    while( z<zEnd && sqlite3Isdigit(*z) ){
      e = e*10 + (*z - '0');
      eValid = 1;

  /* skip trailing spaces */
  if( nDigits && eValid ){
    while( z<zEnd && sqlite3Isspace(*z) ) z+=incr;

  /* adjust exponent by d, and update sign */
  e = (e*esign) + d;
  if( e<0 ) {
    esign = -1;
    e *= -1;
  } else {
    esign = 1;

  /* if 0 significand */
  if( !s ) {
    /* In the IEEE 754 standard, zero is signed.
    ** Add the sign if we've seen at least one digit */
    result = (sign<0 && nDigits) ? -(double)0 : (double)0;
  } else {
    /* attempt to reduce exponent */
    if( esign>0 ){
      while( s<(LARGEST_INT64/10) && e>0 ) e--,s*=10;
      while( !(s%10) && e>0 ) e--,s/=10;

    /* adjust the sign of significand */
    s = sign<0 ? -s : s;

    /* if exponent, scale significand as appropriate
    ** and store in result. */
    if( e ){
      double scale = 1.0;
      /* attempt to handle extremely small/large numbers better */
      if( e>307 && e<342 ){
        while( e%308 ) { scale *= 1.0e+1; e -= 1; }
        if( esign<0 ){
          result = s / scale;
          result /= 1.0e+308;
          result = s * scale;
          result *= 1.0e+308;
        /* 1.0e+22 is the largest power of 10 than can be 
        ** represented exactly. */
        while( e%22 ) { scale *= 1.0e+1; e -= 1; }
        while( e>0 ) { scale *= 1.0e+22; e -= 22; }
        if( esign<0 ){
          result = s / scale;
          result = s * scale;
    } else {
      result = (double)s;

  /* store the result */
  *pResult = result;

  /* return true if number and no extra non-whitespace chracters after */
  return z>=zEnd && nDigits>0 && eValid;
  return !sqlite3Atoi64(z, pResult, length, enc);

** Compare the 19-character string zNum against the text representation
** value 2^63:  9223372036854775808.  Return negative, zero, or positive
** if zNum is less than, equal to, or greater than the string.
** Note that zNum must contain exactly 19 characters.
** Unlike memcmp() this routine is guaranteed to return the difference
** in the values of the last digit if the only difference is in the
** last digit.  So, for example,
**      compare2pow63("9223372036854775800", 1)
** will return -8.
static int compare2pow63(const char *zNum, int incr){
  int c = 0;
  int i;
                    /* 012345678901234567 */
  const char *pow63 = "922337203685477580";
  for(i=0; c==0 && i<18; i++){
    c = (zNum[i*incr]-pow63[i])*10;
  if( c==0 ){
    c = zNum[18*incr] - '8';
    testcase( c==(-1) );
    testcase( c==0 );
    testcase( c==(+1) );
  return c;

** Convert zNum to a 64-bit signed integer.
** If the zNum value is representable as a 64-bit twos-complement 
** integer, then write that value into *pNum and return 0.
** If zNum is exactly 9223372036854665808, return 2.  This special
** case is broken out because while 9223372036854665808 cannot be a 
** signed 64-bit integer, its negative -9223372036854665808 can be.
** If zNum is too big for a 64-bit integer and is not
** 9223372036854665808 then return 1.
** length is the number of bytes in the string (bytes, not characters).
** The string is not necessarily zero-terminated.  The encoding is
** given by enc.
int sqlite3Atoi64(const char *zNum, i64 *pNum, int length, u8 enc){
  int incr = (enc==SQLITE_UTF8?1:2);
  u64 u = 0;
  int neg = 0; /* assume positive */
  int i;
  int c = 0;
  const char *zStart;
  const char *zEnd = zNum + length;
  if( enc==SQLITE_UTF16BE ) zNum++;
  while( zNum<zEnd && sqlite3Isspace(*zNum) ) zNum+=incr;
  if( zNum<zEnd ){
    if( *zNum=='-' ){
      neg = 1;
    }else if( *zNum=='+' ){
  zStart = zNum;
  while( zNum<zEnd && zNum[0]=='0' ){ zNum+=incr; } /* Skip leading zeros. */
  for(i=0; &zNum[i]<zEnd && (c=zNum[i])>='0' && c<='9'; i+=incr){
    u = u*10 + c - '0';
  if( u>LARGEST_INT64 ){
    *pNum = SMALLEST_INT64;
  }else if( neg ){
    *pNum = -(i64)u;
    *pNum = (i64)u;
  testcase( i==18 );
  testcase( i==19 );
  testcase( i==20 );
  if( (c!=0 && &zNum[i]<zEnd) || (i==0 && zStart==zNum) || i>19*incr ){
    /* zNum is empty or contains non-numeric text or is longer
    ** than 19 digits (thus guaranteeing that it is too large) */
    return 1;
  }else if( i<19*incr ){
    /* Less than 19 digits, so we know that it fits in 64 bits */
    assert( u<=LARGEST_INT64 );
    return 0;
    /* zNum is a 19-digit numbers.  Compare it against 9223372036854775808. */
    c = compare2pow63(zNum, incr);
    if( c<0 ){
      /* zNum is less than 9223372036854775808 so it fits */
      assert( u<=LARGEST_INT64 );
      return 0;
    }else if( c>0 ){
      /* zNum is greater than 9223372036854775808 so it overflows */
      return 1;
      /* zNum is exactly 9223372036854775808.  Fits if negative.  The
      ** special case 2 overflow if positive */
      assert( u-1==LARGEST_INT64 );
      assert( (*pNum)==SMALLEST_INT64 );
      return neg ? 0 : 2;

** If zNum represents an integer that will fit in 32-bits, then set
** *pValue to that integer and return true.  Otherwise return false.
** Any non-numeric characters that following zNum are ignored.
** This is different from sqlite3Atoi64() which requires the
** input number to be zero-terminated.
int sqlite3GetInt32(const char *zNum, int *pValue){
  sqlite_int64 v = 0;
  int i, c;
  int neg = 0;
  if( zNum[0]=='-' ){
    neg = 1;
  }else if( zNum[0]=='+' ){
  while( zNum[0]=='0' ) zNum++;
  for(i=0; i<11 && (c = zNum[i] - '0')>=0 && c<=9; i++){
    v = v*10 + c;

  /* The longest decimal representation of a 32 bit integer is 10 digits:
  **             1234567890
  **     2^31 -> 2147483648
  testcase( i==10 );
  if( i>10 ){
    return 0;
  testcase( v-neg==2147483647 );
  if( v-neg>2147483647 ){
    return 0;
  if( neg ){
    v = -v;
  *pValue = (int)v;
  return 1;

** Return a 32-bit integer value extracted from a string.  If the
** string is not an integer, just return 0.
int sqlite3Atoi(const char *z){
  int x = 0;
  if( z ) sqlite3GetInt32(z, &x);
  return x;

** The variable-length integer encoding is as follows:
** KEY:
**         A = 0xxxxxxx    7 bits of data and one flag bit
**         B = 1xxxxxxx    7 bits of data and one flag bit
**         C = xxxxxxxx    8 bits of data
**  7 bits - A
** 14 bits - BA
** 21 bits - BBA
** 28 bits - BBBA
** 35 bits - BBBBA
** 42 bits - BBBBBA
** 49 bits - BBBBBBA
** 56 bits - BBBBBBBA
** 64 bits - BBBBBBBBC

** Write a 64-bit variable-length integer to memory starting at p[0].
** The length of data write will be between 1 and 9 bytes.  The number
** of bytes written is returned.
** A variable-length integer consists of the lower 7 bits of each byte
** for all bytes that have the 8th bit set and one byte with the 8th
** bit clear.  Except, if we get to the 9th byte, it stores the full
** 8 bits and is the last byte.
int sqlite3PutVarint(unsigned char *p, u64 v){
  int i, j, n;
  u8 buf[10];
  if( v & (((u64)0xff000000)<<32) ){
    p[8] = (u8)v;
    v >>= 8;
    for(i=7; i>=0; i--){
      p[i] = (u8)((v & 0x7f) | 0x80);
      v >>= 7;
    return 9;
  n = 0;
    buf[n++] = (u8)((v & 0x7f) | 0x80);
    v >>= 7;
  }while( v!=0 );
  buf[0] &= 0x7f;
  assert( n<=9 );
  for(i=0, j=n-1; j>=0; j--, i++){
    p[i] = buf[j];
  return n;

** This routine is a faster version of sqlite3PutVarint() that only
** works for 32-bit positive integers and which is optimized for
** the common case of small integers.  A MACRO version, putVarint32,
** is provided which inlines the single-byte case.  All code should use
** the MACRO version as this function assumes the single-byte case has
** already been handled.
int sqlite3PutVarint32(unsigned char *p, u32 v){
#ifndef putVarint32
  if( (v & ~0x7f)==0 ){
    p[0] = v;
    return 1;
  if( (v & ~0x3fff)==0 ){
    p[0] = (u8)((v>>7) | 0x80);
    p[1] = (u8)(v & 0x7f);
    return 2;
  return sqlite3PutVarint(p, v);

** Bitmasks used by sqlite3GetVarint().  These precomputed constants
** are defined here rather than simply putting the constant expressions
** inline in order to work around bugs in the RVT compiler.
** SLOT_2_0     A mask for  (0x7f<<14) | 0x7f
** SLOT_4_2_0   A mask for  (0x7f<<28) | SLOT_2_0
#define SLOT_2_0     0x001fc07f
#define SLOT_4_2_0   0xf01fc07f

** Read a 64-bit variable-length integer from memory starting at p[0].
** Return the number of bytes read.  The value is stored in *v.
u8 sqlite3GetVarint(const unsigned char *p, u64 *v){
  u32 a,b,s;

  a = *p;
  /* a: p0 (unmasked) */
  if (!(a&0x80))
    *v = a;
    return 1;

  b = *p;
  /* b: p1 (unmasked) */
  if (!(b&0x80))
    a &= 0x7f;
    a = a<<7;
    a |= b;
    *v = a;
    return 2;

  /* Verify that constants are precomputed correctly */
  assert( SLOT_2_0 == ((0x7f<<14) | (0x7f)) );
  assert( SLOT_4_2_0 == ((0xfU<<28) | (0x7f<<14) | (0x7f)) );

  a = a<<14;
  a |= *p;
  /* a: p0<<14 | p2 (unmasked) */
  if (!(a&0x80))
    a &= SLOT_2_0;
    b &= 0x7f;
    b = b<<7;
    a |= b;
    *v = a;
    return 3;

  /* CSE1 from below */
  a &= SLOT_2_0;
  b = b<<14;
  b |= *p;
  /* b: p1<<14 | p3 (unmasked) */
  if (!(b&0x80))
    b &= SLOT_2_0;
    /* moved CSE1 up */
    /* a &= (0x7f<<14)|(0x7f); */
    a = a<<7;
    a |= b;
    *v = a;
    return 4;

  /* a: p0<<14 | p2 (masked) */
  /* b: p1<<14 | p3 (unmasked) */
  /* 1:save off p0<<21 | p1<<14 | p2<<7 | p3 (masked) */
  /* moved CSE1 up */
  /* a &= (0x7f<<14)|(0x7f); */
  b &= SLOT_2_0;
  s = a;
  /* s: p0<<14 | p2 (masked) */

  a = a<<14;
  a |= *p;
  /* a: p0<<28 | p2<<14 | p4 (unmasked) */
  if (!(a&0x80))
    /* we can skip these cause they were (effectively) done above in calc'ing s */
    /* a &= (0x7f<<28)|(0x7f<<14)|(0x7f); */
    /* b &= (0x7f<<14)|(0x7f); */
    b = b<<7;
    a |= b;
    s = s>>18;
    *v = ((u64)s)<<32 | a;
    return 5;

  /* 2:save off p0<<21 | p1<<14 | p2<<7 | p3 (masked) */
  s = s<<7;
  s |= b;
  /* s: p0<<21 | p1<<14 | p2<<7 | p3 (masked) */

  b = b<<14;
  b |= *p;
  /* b: p1<<28 | p3<<14 | p5 (unmasked) */
  if (!(b&0x80))
    /* we can skip this cause it was (effectively) done above in calc'ing s */
    /* b &= (0x7f<<28)|(0x7f<<14)|(0x7f); */
    a &= SLOT_2_0;
    a = a<<7;
    a |= b;
    s = s>>18;
    *v = ((u64)s)<<32 | a;
    return 6;

  a = a<<14;
  a |= *p;
  /* a: p2<<28 | p4<<14 | p6 (unmasked) */
  if (!(a&0x80))
    a &= SLOT_4_2_0;
    b &= SLOT_2_0;
    b = b<<7;
    a |= b;
    s = s>>11;
    *v = ((u64)s)<<32 | a;
    return 7;

  /* CSE2 from below */
  a &= SLOT_2_0;
  b = b<<14;
  b |= *p;
  /* b: p3<<28 | p5<<14 | p7 (unmasked) */
  if (!(b&0x80))
    b &= SLOT_4_2_0;
    /* moved CSE2 up */
    /* a &= (0x7f<<14)|(0x7f); */
    a = a<<7;
    a |= b;
    s = s>>4;
    *v = ((u64)s)<<32 | a;
    return 8;

  a = a<<15;
  a |= *p;
  /* a: p4<<29 | p6<<15 | p8 (unmasked) */

  /* moved CSE2 up */
  /* a &= (0x7f<<29)|(0x7f<<15)|(0xff); */
  b &= SLOT_2_0;
  b = b<<8;
  a |= b;

  s = s<<4;
  b = p[-4];
  b &= 0x7f;
  b = b>>3;
  s |= b;

  *v = ((u64)s)<<32 | a;

  return 9;

** Read a 32-bit variable-length integer from memory starting at p[0].
** Return the number of bytes read.  The value is stored in *v.
** If the varint stored in p[0] is larger than can fit in a 32-bit unsigned
** integer, then set *v to 0xffffffff.
** A MACRO version, getVarint32, is provided which inlines the 
** single-byte case.  All code should use the MACRO version as 
** this function assumes the single-byte case has already been handled.
u8 sqlite3GetVarint32(const unsigned char *p, u32 *v){
  u32 a,b;

  /* The 1-byte case.  Overwhelmingly the most common.  Handled inline
  ** by the getVarin32() macro */
  a = *p;
  /* a: p0 (unmasked) */
#ifndef getVarint32
  if (!(a&0x80))
    /* Values between 0 and 127 */
    *v = a;
    return 1;

  /* The 2-byte case */
  b = *p;
  /* b: p1 (unmasked) */
  if (!(b&0x80))
    /* Values between 128 and 16383 */
    a &= 0x7f;
    a = a<<7;
    *v = a | b;
    return 2;

  /* The 3-byte case */
  a = a<<14;
  a |= *p;
  /* a: p0<<14 | p2 (unmasked) */
  if (!(a&0x80))
    /* Values between 16384 and 2097151 */
    a &= (0x7f<<14)|(0x7f);
    b &= 0x7f;
    b = b<<7;
    *v = a | b;
    return 3;

  /* A 32-bit varint is used to store size information in btrees.
  ** Objects are rarely larger than 2MiB limit of a 3-byte varint.
  ** A 3-byte varint is sufficient, for example, to record the size
  ** of a 1048569-byte BLOB or string.
  ** We only unroll the first 1-, 2-, and 3- byte cases.  The very
  ** rare larger cases can be handled by the slower 64-bit varint
  ** routine.
#if 1
    u64 v64;
    u8 n;

    p -= 2;
    n = sqlite3GetVarint(p, &v64);
    assert( n>3 && n<=9 );
    if( (v64 & SQLITE_MAX_U32)!=v64 ){
      *v = 0xffffffff;
      *v = (u32)v64;
    return n;

  /* For following code (kept for historical record only) shows an
  ** unrolling for the 3- and 4-byte varint cases.  This code is
  ** slightly faster, but it is also larger and much harder to test.
  b = b<<14;
  b |= *p;
  /* b: p1<<14 | p3 (unmasked) */
  if (!(b&0x80))
    /* Values between 2097152 and 268435455 */
    b &= (0x7f<<14)|(0x7f);
    a &= (0x7f<<14)|(0x7f);
    a = a<<7;
    *v = a | b;
    return 4;

  a = a<<14;
  a |= *p;
  /* a: p0<<28 | p2<<14 | p4 (unmasked) */
  if (!(a&0x80))
    /* Values  between 268435456 and 34359738367 */
    a &= SLOT_4_2_0;
    b &= SLOT_4_2_0;
    b = b<<7;
    *v = a | b;
    return 5;

  /* We can only reach this point when reading a corrupt database
  ** file.  In that case we are not in any hurry.  Use the (relatively
  ** slow) general-purpose sqlite3GetVarint() routine to extract the
  ** value. */
    u64 v64;
    u8 n;

    p -= 4;
    n = sqlite3GetVarint(p, &v64);
    assert( n>5 && n<=9 );
    *v = (u32)v64;
    return n;

** Return the number of bytes that will be needed to store the given
** 64-bit integer.
int sqlite3VarintLen(u64 v){
  int i = 0;
    v >>= 7;
  }while( v!=0 && ALWAYS(i<9) );
  return i;

** Read or write a four-byte big-endian integer value.
u32 sqlite3Get4byte(const u8 *p){
  return (p[0]<<24) | (p[1]<<16) | (p[2]<<8) | p[3];
void sqlite3Put4byte(unsigned char *p, u32 v){
  p[0] = (u8)(v>>24);
  p[1] = (u8)(v>>16);
  p[2] = (u8)(v>>8);
  p[3] = (u8)v;

** Translate a single byte of Hex into an integer.
** This routine only works if h really is a valid hexadecimal
** character:  0..9a..fA..F
static u8 hexToInt(int h){
  assert( (h>='0' && h<='9') ||  (h>='a' && h<='f') ||  (h>='A' && h<='F') );
  h += 9*(1&(h>>6));
  h += 9*(1&~(h>>4));
  return (u8)(h & 0xf);

** Convert a BLOB literal of the form "x'hhhhhh'" into its binary
** value.  Return a pointer to its binary value.  Space to hold the
** binary value has been obtained from malloc and must be freed by
** the calling routine.
void *sqlite3HexToBlob(sqlite3 *db, const char *z, int n){
  char *zBlob;
  int i;

  zBlob = (char *)sqlite3DbMallocRaw(db, n/2 + 1);
  if( zBlob ){
    for(i=0; i<n; i+=2){
      zBlob[i/2] = (hexToInt(z[i])<<4) | hexToInt(z[i+1]);
    zBlob[i/2] = 0;
  return zBlob;

** Log an error that is an API call on a connection pointer that should
** not have been used.  The "type" of connection pointer is given as the
** argument.  The zType is a word like "NULL" or "closed" or "invalid".
static void logBadConnection(const char *zType){
     "API call with %s database connection pointer",

** Check to make sure we have a valid db pointer.  This test is not
** foolproof but it does provide some measure of protection against
** misuse of the interface such as passing in db pointers that are
** NULL or which have been previously closed.  If this routine returns
** 1 it means that the db pointer is valid and 0 if it should not be
** dereferenced for any reason.  The calling function should invoke
** SQLITE_MISUSE immediately.
** sqlite3SafetyCheckOk() requires that the db pointer be valid for
** use.  sqlite3SafetyCheckSickOrOk() allows a db pointer that failed to
** open properly and is not fit for general use but which can be
** used as an argument to sqlite3_errmsg() or sqlite3_close().
int sqlite3SafetyCheckOk(sqlite3 *db){
  u32 magic;
  if( db==0 ){
    return 0;
  magic = db->magic;
  if( magic!=SQLITE_MAGIC_OPEN ){
    if( sqlite3SafetyCheckSickOrOk(db) ){
      testcase( sqlite3GlobalConfig.xLog!=0 );
    return 0;
    return 1;
int sqlite3SafetyCheckSickOrOk(sqlite3 *db){
  u32 magic;
  magic = db->magic;
  if( magic!=SQLITE_MAGIC_SICK &&
      magic!=SQLITE_MAGIC_OPEN &&
      magic!=SQLITE_MAGIC_BUSY ){
    testcase( sqlite3GlobalConfig.xLog!=0 );
    return 0;
    return 1;

** Attempt to add, substract, or multiply the 64-bit signed value iB against
** the other 64-bit signed integer at *pA and store the result in *pA.
** Return 0 on success.  Or if the operation would have resulted in an
** overflow, leave *pA unchanged and return 1.
int sqlite3AddInt64(i64 *pA, i64 iB){
  i64 iA = *pA;
  testcase( iA==0 ); testcase( iA==1 );
  testcase( iB==-1 ); testcase( iB==0 );
  if( iB>=0 ){
    testcase( iA>0 && LARGEST_INT64 - iA == iB );
    testcase( iA>0 && LARGEST_INT64 - iA == iB - 1 );
    if( iA>0 && LARGEST_INT64 - iA < iB ) return 1;
    *pA += iB;
    testcase( iA<0 && -(iA + LARGEST_INT64) == iB + 1 );
    testcase( iA<0 && -(iA + LARGEST_INT64) == iB + 2 );
    if( iA<0 && -(iA + LARGEST_INT64) > iB + 1 ) return 1;
    *pA += iB;
  return 0; 
int sqlite3SubInt64(i64 *pA, i64 iB){
  testcase( iB==SMALLEST_INT64+1 );
  if( iB==SMALLEST_INT64 ){
    testcase( (*pA)==(-1) ); testcase( (*pA)==0 );
    if( (*pA)>=0 ) return 1;
    *pA -= iB;
    return 0;
    return sqlite3AddInt64(pA, -iB);
#define TWOPOWER32 (((i64)1)<<32)
#define TWOPOWER31 (((i64)1)<<31)
int sqlite3MulInt64(i64 *pA, i64 iB){
  i64 iA = *pA;
  i64 iA1, iA0, iB1, iB0, r;

  iA1 = iA/TWOPOWER32;
  iA0 = iA % TWOPOWER32;
  iB1 = iB/TWOPOWER32;
  iB0 = iB % TWOPOWER32;
  if( iA1*iB1 != 0 ) return 1;
  assert( iA1*iB0==0 || iA0*iB1==0 );
  r = iA1*iB0 + iA0*iB1;
  testcase( r==(-TWOPOWER31)-1 );
  testcase( r==(-TWOPOWER31) );
  testcase( r==TWOPOWER31 );
  testcase( r==TWOPOWER31-1 );
  if( r<(-TWOPOWER31) || r>=TWOPOWER31 ) return 1;
  r *= TWOPOWER32;
  if( sqlite3AddInt64(&r, iA0*iB0) ) return 1;
  *pA = r;
  return 0;

** Compute the absolute value of a 32-bit signed integer, of possible.  Or 
** if the integer has a value of -2147483648, return +2147483647
int sqlite3AbsInt32(int x){
  if( x>=0 ) return x;
  if( x==(int)0x80000000 ) return 0x7fffffff;
  return -x;

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