
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. decodeUnsigned16
  2. decodeUnsigned32
  3. decodeSigned
  4. decodeFloat64
  5. checkVarint
  6. checkVarints
  7. ascii_isspace
  8. ascii_isalnum
  9. ascii_tolower
  10. ascii_strncasecmp
  11. ascii_strcasecmp
  12. PageData
  13. PageHeader
  14. GetPager
  15. SerialTypeLength
  16. SerialTypeIsBlob
  17. SerialTypeIsCompatible
  18. sqlite3_strndup
  19. sqlite3_strdup
  20. getRootPage
  21. getEncoding
  22. interiorCursorDestroy
  23. interiorCursorSetPage
  24. interiorCursorCreate
  25. interiorCursorChildPage
  26. interiorCursorEOF
  27. interiorCursorPageInUse
  28. interiorCursorNextPage
  29. overflowDestroy
  30. overflowPageInUse
  31. overflowMaybeCreate
  32. overflowGetSegment
  33. leafCursorLoadPage
  34. leafCursorNextPage
  35. leafCursorDestroyCellData
  36. leafCursorDestroy
  37. leafCursorCreate
  38. ValidateError
  39. leafCursorCellDecode
  40. leafCursorCellRowid
  41. leafCursorCellColumns
  42. leafCursorCellColInfo
  43. leafCursorNextValidCell
  44. recoverRelease
  45. recoverCreate
  46. recoverConnect
  47. recoverBestIndex
  48. recoverDisconnect
  49. recoverDestroy
  50. recoverOpen
  51. recoverClose
  52. RecoverInvalidCell
  53. recoverValidateLeafCell
  54. recoverNext
  55. recoverFilter
  56. recoverEof
  57. recoverColumn
  58. recoverRowid
  59. recoverVtableInit
  60. findWord
  61. expectWord
  62. findNameAndType
  63. ParseColumnsAndGenerateCreate
  64. recoverInit

** 2012 Jan 11
** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
**    May you do good and not evil.
**    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
**    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
/* Implements a virtual table "recover" which can be used to recover
 * data from a corrupt table.  The table is walked manually, with
 * corrupt items skipped.  Additionally, any errors while reading will
 * be skipped.
 * Given a table with this definition:
 *   value TEXT NOT NULL
 * );
 * to recover the data from teh table, you could do something like:
 * -- Attach another database, the original is not trustworthy.
 * ATTACH DATABASE '/tmp/db.db' AS rdb;
 * -- Create a new version of the table.
 * CREATE TABLE rdb.Stuff (
 *   value TEXT NOT NULL
 * );
 * -- This will read the original table's data.
 * CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE temp.recover_Stuff using recover(
 *   main.Stuff,
 *   name TEXT STRICT NOT NULL,  -- only real TEXT data allowed
 * );
 * -- Corruption means the UNIQUE constraint may no longer hold for
 * -- Stuff, so either OR REPLACE or OR IGNORE must be used.
 * INSERT OR REPLACE INTO rdb.Stuff (rowid, name, value )
 *   SELECT rowid, name, value FROM temp.recover_Stuff;
 * DROP TABLE temp.recover_Stuff;
 * -- Move db.db to replace original db in filesystem.
 * Usage
 * Given the goal of dealing with corruption, it would not be safe to
 * create a recovery table in the database being recovered.  So
 * recovery tables must be created in the temp database.  They are not
 * appropriate to persist, in any case.  [As a bonus, sqlite_master
 * tables can be recovered.  Perhaps more cute than useful, though.]
 * The parameters are a specifier for the table to read, and a column
 * definition for each bit of data stored in that table.  The named
 * table must be convertable to a root page number by reading the
 * sqlite_master table.  Bare table names are assumed to be in
 * database 0 ("main"), other databases can be specified in db.table
 * fashion.
 * Column definitions are similar to BUT NOT THE SAME AS those
 * provided to CREATE statements:
 *  column-def: column-name [type-name [STRICT] [NOT NULL]]
 * Only those exact type names are accepted, there is no type
 * intuition.  The only constraints accepted are STRICT (see below)
 * and NOT NULL.  Anything unexpected will cause the create to fail.
 * ANY is a convenience to indicate that manifest typing is desired.
 * It is equivalent to not specifying a type at all.  The results for
 * such columns will have the type of the data's storage.  The exposed
 * schema will contain no type for that column.
 * ROWID is used for columns representing aliases to the rowid
 * (INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, with or without AUTOINCREMENT), to make the
 * concept explicit.  Such columns are actually stored as NULL, so
 * they cannot be simply ignored.  The exposed schema will be INTEGER
 * for that column.
 * NOT NULL causes rows with a NULL in that column to be skipped.  It
 * also adds NOT NULL to the column in the exposed schema.  If the
 * table has ever had columns added using ALTER TABLE, then those
 * columns implicitly contain NULL for rows which have not been
 * updated.  [Workaround using COALESCE() in your SELECT statement.]
 * The created table is read-only, with no indices.  Any SELECT will
 * be a full-table scan, returning each valid row read from the
 * storage of the backing table.  The rowid will be the rowid of the
 * row from the backing table.  "Valid" means:
 * - The cell metadata for the row is well-formed.  Mainly this means that
 *   the cell header info describes a payload of the size indicated by
 *   the cell's payload size.
 * - The cell does not run off the page.
 * - The cell does not overlap any other cell on the page.
 * - The cell contains doesn't contain too many columns.
 * - The types of the serialized data match the indicated types (see below).
 * Type affinity versus type storage.
 * describes SQLite's type
 * affinity system.  The system provides for automated coercion of
 * types in certain cases, transparently enough that many developers
 * do not realize that it is happening.  Importantly, it implies that
 * the raw data stored in the database may not have the obvious type.
 * Differences between the stored data types and the expected data
 * types may be a signal of corruption.  This module makes some
 * allowances for automatic coercion.  It is important to be concious
 * of the difference between the schema exposed by the module, and the
 * data types read from storage.  The following table describes how
 * the module interprets things:
 * type     schema   data                     STRICT
 * ----     ------   ----                     ------
 * ANY      <none>   any                      any
 * ROWID    INTEGER  n/a                      n/a
 * INTEGER  INTEGER  integer                  integer
 * FLOAT    FLOAT    integer or float         float
 * NUMERIC  NUMERIC  integer, float, or text  integer or float
 * TEXT     TEXT     text or blob             text
 * BLOB     BLOB     blob                     blob
 * type is the type provided to the recover module, schema is the
 * schema exposed by the module, data is the acceptable types of data
 * decoded from storage, and STRICT is a modification of that.
 * A very loose recovery system might use ANY for all columns, then
 * use the appropriate sqlite3_column_*() calls to coerce to expected
 * types.  This doesn't provide much protection if a page from a
 * different table with the same column count is linked into an
 * inappropriate btree.
 * A very tight recovery system might use STRICT to enforce typing on
 * all columns, preferring to skip rows which are valid at the storage
 * level but don't contain the right types.  Note that FLOAT STRICT is
 * almost certainly not appropriate, since integral values are
 * transparently stored as integers, when that is more efficient.
 * Another option is to use ANY for all columns and inspect each
 * result manually (using sqlite3_column_*).  This should only be
 * necessary in cases where developers have used manifest typing (test
 * to make sure before you decide that you aren't using manifest
 * typing!).
 * Caveats
 * Leaf pages not referenced by interior nodes will not be found.
 * Leaf pages referenced from interior nodes of other tables will not
 * be resolved.
 * Rows referencing invalid overflow pages will be skipped.
 * SQlite rows have a header which describes how to interpret the rest
 * of the payload.  The header can be valid in cases where the rest of
 * the record is actually corrupt (in the sense that the data is not
 * the intended data).  This can especially happen WRT overflow pages,
 * as lack of atomic updates between pages is the primary form of
 * corruption I have seen in the wild.
/* The implementation is via a series of cursors.  The cursor
 * implementations follow the pattern:
 * // Creates the cursor using various initialization info.
 * int cursorCreate(...);
 * // Returns 1 if there is no more data, 0 otherwise.
 * int cursorEOF(Cursor *pCursor);
 * // Various accessors can be used if not at EOF.
 * // Move to the next item.
 * int cursorNext(Cursor *pCursor);
 * // Destroy the memory associated with the cursor.
 * void cursorDestroy(Cursor *pCursor);
 * References in the following are to sections at
 * .
 * RecoverLeafCursor iterates the records in a leaf table node
 * described in section 1.5 "B-tree Pages".  When the node is
 * exhausted, an interior cursor is used to get the next leaf node,
 * and iteration continues there.
 * RecoverInteriorCursor iterates the child pages in an interior table
 * node described in section 1.5 "B-tree Pages".  When the node is
 * exhausted, a parent interior cursor is used to get the next
 * interior node at the same level, and iteration continues there.
 * Together these record the path from the leaf level to the root of
 * the tree.  Iteration happens from the leaves rather than the root
 * both for efficiency and putting the special case at the front of
 * the list is easier to implement.
 * RecoverCursor uses a RecoverLeafCursor to iterate the rows of a
 * table, returning results via the SQLite virtual table interface.
/* TODO(shess): It might be useful to allow DEFAULT in types to
 * specify what to do for NULL when an ALTER TABLE case comes up.
 * Unfortunately, simply adding it to the exposed schema and using
 * sqlite3_result_null() does not cause the default to be generate.
 * Handling it ourselves seems hard, unfortunately.

#include <assert.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

/* Internal SQLite things that are used:
 * u32, u64, i64 types.
 * Btree, Pager, and DbPage structs.
 * DbPage.pData, .pPager, and .pgno
 * sqlite3 struct.
 * sqlite3BtreePager() and sqlite3BtreeGetPageSize()
 * sqlite3PagerAcquire() and sqlite3PagerUnref()
 * getVarint().
#include "sqliteInt.h"

/* For debugging. */
#if 0
#define FNENTRY() fprintf(stderr, "In %s\n", __FUNCTION__)
#define FNENTRY()

/* Generic constants and helper functions. */

static const unsigned char kTableLeafPage = 0x0D;
static const unsigned char kTableInteriorPage = 0x05;

/* From section 1.5. */
static const unsigned kiPageTypeOffset = 0;
static const unsigned kiPageFreeBlockOffset = 1;
static const unsigned kiPageCellCountOffset = 3;
static const unsigned kiPageCellContentOffset = 5;
static const unsigned kiPageFragmentedBytesOffset = 7;
static const unsigned knPageLeafHeaderBytes = 8;
/* Interior pages contain an additional field. */
static const unsigned kiPageRightChildOffset = 8;
static const unsigned kiPageInteriorHeaderBytes = 12;

/* Accepted types are specified by a mask. */
#define MASK_ROWID (1<<0)
#define MASK_INTEGER (1<<1)
#define MASK_FLOAT (1<<2)
#define MASK_TEXT (1<<3)
#define MASK_BLOB (1<<4)
#define MASK_NULL (1<<5)

/* Helpers to decode fixed-size fields. */
static u32 decodeUnsigned16(const unsigned char *pData){
  return (pData[0]<<8) + pData[1];
static u32 decodeUnsigned32(const unsigned char *pData){
  return (decodeUnsigned16(pData)<<16) + decodeUnsigned16(pData+2);
static i64 decodeSigned(const unsigned char *pData, unsigned nBytes){
  i64 r = (char)(*pData);
  while( --nBytes ){
    r <<= 8;
    r += *(++pData);
  return r;
/* Derived from vdbeaux.c, sqlite3VdbeSerialGet(), case 7. */
/* TODO(shess): Determine if swapMixedEndianFloat() applies. */
static double decodeFloat64(const unsigned char *pData){
#if !defined(NDEBUG)
  static const u64 t1 = ((u64)0x3ff00000)<<32;
  static const double r1 = 1.0;
  u64 t2 = t1;
  assert( sizeof(r1)==sizeof(t2) && memcmp(&r1, &t2, sizeof(r1))==0 );
  i64 x = decodeSigned(pData, 8);
  double d;
  memcpy(&d, &x, sizeof(x));
  return d;

/* Return true if a varint can safely be read from pData/nData. */
/* TODO(shess): DbPage points into the middle of a buffer which
 * contains the page data before DbPage.  So code should always be
 * able to read a small number of varints safely.  Consider whether to
 * trust that or not.
static int checkVarint(const unsigned char *pData, unsigned nData){
  unsigned i;

  /* In the worst case the decoder takes all 8 bits of the 9th byte. */
  if( nData>=9 ){
    return 1;

  /* Look for a high-bit-clear byte in what's left. */
  for( i=0; i<nData; ++i ){
    if( !(pData[i]&0x80) ){
      return 1;

  /* Cannot decode in the space given. */
  return 0;

/* Return 1 if n varints can be read from pData/nData. */
static int checkVarints(const unsigned char *pData, unsigned nData,
                        unsigned n){
  unsigned nCur = 0;   /* Byte offset within current varint. */
  unsigned nFound = 0; /* Number of varints found. */
  unsigned i;

  /* In the worst case the decoder takes all 8 bits of the 9th byte. */
  if( nData>=9*n ){
    return 1;

  for( i=0; nFound<n && i<nData; ++i ){
    if( nCur==9 || !(pData[i]&0x80) ){
      nCur = 0;

  return nFound==n;

/* ctype and str[n]casecmp() can be affected by locale (eg, tr_TR).
 * These versions consider only the ASCII space.
/* TODO(shess): It may be reasonable to just remove the need for these
 * entirely.  The module could require "TEXT STRICT NOT NULL", not
 * "Text Strict Not Null" or whatever the developer felt like typing
 * that day.  Handling corrupt data is a PERFECT place to be pedantic.
static int ascii_isspace(char c){
  /* From fts3_expr.c */
  return c==' ' || c=='\t' || c=='\n' || c=='\r' || c=='\v' || c=='\f';
static int ascii_isalnum(int x){
  /* From fts3_tokenizer1.c */
  return (x>='0' && x<='9') || (x>='A' && x<='Z') || (x>='a' && x<='z');
static int ascii_tolower(int x){
  /* From fts3_tokenizer1.c */
  return (x>='A' && x<='Z') ? x-'A'+'a' : x;
/* TODO(shess): Consider sqlite3_strnicmp() */
static int ascii_strncasecmp(const char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n){
  const unsigned char *us1 = (const unsigned char *)s1;
  const unsigned char *us2 = (const unsigned char *)s2;
  while( *us1 && *us2 && n && ascii_tolower(*us1)==ascii_tolower(*us2) ){
    us1++, us2++, n--;
  return n ? ascii_tolower(*us1)-ascii_tolower(*us2) : 0;
static int ascii_strcasecmp(const char *s1, const char *s2){
  /* If s2 is equal through strlen(s1), will exit while() due to s1's
   * trailing NUL, and return NUL-s2[strlen(s1)].
  return ascii_strncasecmp(s1, s2, strlen(s1)+1);

/* For some reason I kept making mistakes with offset calculations. */
static const unsigned char *PageData(DbPage *pPage, unsigned iOffset){
  assert( iOffset<=pPage->nPageSize );
  return (unsigned char *)pPage->pData + iOffset;

/* The first page in the file contains a file header in the first 100
 * bytes.  The page's header information comes after that.  Note that
 * the offsets in the page's header information are relative to the
 * beginning of the page, NOT the end of the page header.
static const unsigned char *PageHeader(DbPage *pPage){
  if( pPage->pgno==1 ){
    const unsigned nDatabaseHeader = 100;
    return PageData(pPage, nDatabaseHeader);
    return PageData(pPage, 0);

/* Helper to fetch the pager and page size for the named database. */
static int GetPager(sqlite3 *db, const char *zName,
                    Pager **pPager, unsigned *pnPageSize){
  Btree *pBt = NULL;
  int i;
  for( i=0; i<db->nDb; ++i ){
    if( ascii_strcasecmp(db->aDb[i].zName, zName)==0 ){
      pBt = db->aDb[i].pBt;
  if( !pBt ){
    return SQLITE_ERROR;

  *pPager = sqlite3BtreePager(pBt);
  *pnPageSize = sqlite3BtreeGetPageSize(pBt) - sqlite3BtreeGetReserve(pBt);
  return SQLITE_OK;

/* iSerialType is a type read from a record header.  See "2.1 Record Format".

/* Storage size of iSerialType in bytes.  My interpretation of SQLite
 * documentation is that text and blob fields can have 32-bit length.
 * Values past 2^31-12 will need more than 32 bits to encode, which is
 * why iSerialType is u64.
static u32 SerialTypeLength(u64 iSerialType){
  switch( iSerialType ){
    case 0 : return 0;  /* NULL */
    case 1 : return 1;  /* Various integers. */
    case 2 : return 2;
    case 3 : return 3;
    case 4 : return 4;
    case 5 : return 6;
    case 6 : return 8;
    case 7 : return 8;  /* 64-bit float. */
    case 8 : return 0;  /* Constant 0. */
    case 9 : return 0;  /* Constant 1. */
    case 10 : case 11 : assert( !"RESERVED TYPE"); return 0;
  return (u32)((iSerialType>>1) - 6);

/* True if iSerialType refers to a blob. */
static int SerialTypeIsBlob(u64 iSerialType){
  assert( iSerialType>=12 );
  return (iSerialType%2)==0;

/* Returns true if the serialized type represented by iSerialType is
 * compatible with the given type mask.
static int SerialTypeIsCompatible(u64 iSerialType, unsigned char mask){
  switch( iSerialType ){
    case 0  : return (mask&MASK_NULL)!=0;
    case 1  : return (mask&MASK_INTEGER)!=0;
    case 2  : return (mask&MASK_INTEGER)!=0;
    case 3  : return (mask&MASK_INTEGER)!=0;
    case 4  : return (mask&MASK_INTEGER)!=0;
    case 5  : return (mask&MASK_INTEGER)!=0;
    case 6  : return (mask&MASK_INTEGER)!=0;
    case 7  : return (mask&MASK_FLOAT)!=0;
    case 8  : return (mask&MASK_INTEGER)!=0;
    case 9  : return (mask&MASK_INTEGER)!=0;
    case 10 : assert( !"RESERVED TYPE"); return 0;
    case 11 : assert( !"RESERVED TYPE"); return 0;
  return (mask&(SerialTypeIsBlob(iSerialType) ? MASK_BLOB : MASK_TEXT));

/* Versions of strdup() with return values appropriate for
 * sqlite3_free().  malloc.c has sqlite3DbStrDup()/NDup(), but those
 * need sqlite3DbFree(), which seems intrusive.
static char *sqlite3_strndup(const char *z, unsigned n){
  char *zNew;

  if( z==NULL ){
    return NULL;

  zNew = sqlite3_malloc(n+1);
  if( zNew!=NULL ){
    memcpy(zNew, z, n);
    zNew[n] = '\0';
  return zNew;
static char *sqlite3_strdup(const char *z){
  if( z==NULL ){
    return NULL;
  return sqlite3_strndup(z, strlen(z));

/* Fetch the page number of zTable in zDb from sqlite_master in zDb,
 * and put it in *piRootPage.
static int getRootPage(sqlite3 *db, const char *zDb, const char *zTable,
                       u32 *piRootPage){
  char *zSql;  /* SQL selecting root page of named element. */
  sqlite3_stmt *pStmt;
  int rc;

  if( strcmp(zTable, "sqlite_master")==0 ){
    *piRootPage = 1;
    return SQLITE_OK;

  zSql = sqlite3_mprintf("SELECT rootpage FROM %s.sqlite_master "
                         "WHERE type = 'table' AND tbl_name = %Q",
                         zDb, zTable);
  if( !zSql ){
    return SQLITE_NOMEM;

  rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, zSql, -1, &pStmt, 0);
  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
    return rc;

  /* Require a result. */
  rc = sqlite3_step(pStmt);
  if( rc==SQLITE_DONE ){
  }else if( rc==SQLITE_ROW ){
    *piRootPage = sqlite3_column_int(pStmt, 0);

    /* Require only one result. */
    rc = sqlite3_step(pStmt);
    if( rc==SQLITE_DONE ){
      rc = SQLITE_OK;
    }else if( rc==SQLITE_ROW ){
      rc = SQLITE_CORRUPT;
  return rc;

static int getEncoding(sqlite3 *db, const char *zDb, int* piEncoding){
  sqlite3_stmt *pStmt;
  int rc;
  char *zSql = sqlite3_mprintf("PRAGMA %s.encoding", zDb);
  if( !zSql ){
    return SQLITE_NOMEM;

  rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, zSql, -1, &pStmt, 0);
  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
    return rc;

  /* Require a result. */
  rc = sqlite3_step(pStmt);
  if( rc==SQLITE_DONE ){
    /* This case should not be possible. */
  }else if( rc==SQLITE_ROW ){
    if( sqlite3_column_type(pStmt, 0)==SQLITE_TEXT ){
      const char* z = (const char *)sqlite3_column_text(pStmt, 0);
      /* These strings match the literals in pragma.c. */
      if( !strcmp(z, "UTF-16le") ){
        *piEncoding = SQLITE_UTF16LE;
      }else if( !strcmp(z, "UTF-16be") ){
        *piEncoding = SQLITE_UTF16BE;
      }else if( !strcmp(z, "UTF-8") ){
        *piEncoding = SQLITE_UTF8;
        /* This case should not be possible. */
        *piEncoding = SQLITE_UTF8;
      /* This case should not be possible. */
      *piEncoding = SQLITE_UTF8;

    /* Require only one result. */
    rc = sqlite3_step(pStmt);
    if( rc==SQLITE_DONE ){
      rc = SQLITE_OK;
    }else if( rc==SQLITE_ROW ){
      /* This case should not be possible. */
      rc = SQLITE_CORRUPT;
  return rc;

/* Cursor for iterating interior nodes.  Interior page cells contain a
 * child page number and a rowid.  The child page contains items left
 * of the rowid (less than).  The rightmost page of the subtree is
 * stored in the page header.
 * interiorCursorDestroy - release all resources associated with the
 *                         cursor and any parent cursors.
 * interiorCursorCreate - create a cursor with the given parent and page.
 * interiorCursorEOF - returns true if neither the cursor nor the
 *                     parent cursors can return any more data.
 * interiorCursorNextPage - fetch the next child page from the cursor.
 * Logically, interiorCursorNextPage() returns the next child page
 * number from the page the cursor is currently reading, calling the
 * parent cursor as necessary to get new pages to read, until done.
 * SQLITE_ROW if a page is returned, SQLITE_DONE if out of pages,
 * error otherwise.  Unfortunately, if the table is corrupted
 * unexpected pages can be returned.  If any unexpected page is found,
 * leaf or otherwise, it is returned to the caller for processing,
 * with the interior cursor left empty.  The next call to
 * interiorCursorNextPage() will recurse to the parent cursor until an
 * interior page to iterate is returned.
 * Note that while interiorCursorNextPage() will refuse to follow
 * loops, it does not keep track of pages returned for purposes of
 * preventing duplication.
 * Note that interiorCursorEOF() could return false (not at EOF), and
 * interiorCursorNextPage() could still return SQLITE_DONE.  This
 * could happen if there are more cells to iterate in an interior
 * page, but those cells refer to invalid pages.
typedef struct RecoverInteriorCursor RecoverInteriorCursor;
struct RecoverInteriorCursor {
  RecoverInteriorCursor *pParent; /* Parent node to this node. */
  DbPage *pPage;                  /* Reference to leaf page. */
  unsigned nPageSize;             /* Size of page. */
  unsigned nChildren;             /* Number of children on the page. */
  unsigned iChild;                /* Index of next child to return. */

static void interiorCursorDestroy(RecoverInteriorCursor *pCursor){
  /* Destroy all the cursors to the root. */
  while( pCursor ){
    RecoverInteriorCursor *p = pCursor;
    pCursor = pCursor->pParent;

    if( p->pPage ){
      p->pPage = NULL;

    memset(p, 0xA5, sizeof(*p));

/* Internal helper.  Reset storage in preparation for iterating pPage. */
static void interiorCursorSetPage(RecoverInteriorCursor *pCursor,
                                  DbPage *pPage){
  assert( PageHeader(pPage)[kiPageTypeOffset]==kTableInteriorPage );

  if( pCursor->pPage ){
    pCursor->pPage = NULL;
  pCursor->pPage = pPage;
  pCursor->iChild = 0;

  /* A child for each cell, plus one in the header. */
  /* TODO(shess): Sanity-check the count?  Page header plus per-cell
   * cost of 16-bit offset, 32-bit page number, and one varint
   * (minimum 1 byte).
  pCursor->nChildren = decodeUnsigned16(PageHeader(pPage) +
                                        kiPageCellCountOffset) + 1;

static int interiorCursorCreate(RecoverInteriorCursor *pParent,
                                DbPage *pPage, int nPageSize,
                                RecoverInteriorCursor **ppCursor){
  RecoverInteriorCursor *pCursor =
  if( !pCursor ){
    return SQLITE_NOMEM;

  memset(pCursor, 0, sizeof(*pCursor));
  pCursor->pParent = pParent;
  pCursor->nPageSize = nPageSize;
  interiorCursorSetPage(pCursor, pPage);
  *ppCursor = pCursor;
  return SQLITE_OK;

/* Internal helper.  Return the child page number at iChild. */
static unsigned interiorCursorChildPage(RecoverInteriorCursor *pCursor){
  const unsigned char *pPageHeader;  /* Header of the current page. */
  const unsigned char *pCellOffsets; /* Offset to page's cell offsets. */
  unsigned iCellOffset;              /* Offset of target cell. */

  assert( pCursor->iChild<pCursor->nChildren );

  /* Rightmost child is in the header. */
  pPageHeader = PageHeader(pCursor->pPage);
  if( pCursor->iChild==pCursor->nChildren-1 ){
    return decodeUnsigned32(pPageHeader + kiPageRightChildOffset);

  /* Each cell is a 4-byte integer page number and a varint rowid
   * which is greater than the rowid of items in that sub-tree (this
   * module ignores ordering). The offset is from the beginning of the
   * page, not from the page header.
  pCellOffsets = pPageHeader + kiPageInteriorHeaderBytes;
  iCellOffset = decodeUnsigned16(pCellOffsets + pCursor->iChild*2);
  if( iCellOffset<=pCursor->nPageSize-4 ){
    return decodeUnsigned32(PageData(pCursor->pPage, iCellOffset));

  /* TODO(shess): Check for cell overlaps?  Cells require 4 bytes plus
   * a varint.  Check could be identical to leaf check (or even a
   * shared helper testing for "Cells starting in this range"?).

  /* If the offset is broken, return an invalid page number. */
  return 0;

static int interiorCursorEOF(RecoverInteriorCursor *pCursor){
  /* Find a parent with remaining children.  EOF if none found. */
  while( pCursor && pCursor->iChild>=pCursor->nChildren ){
    pCursor = pCursor->pParent;
  return pCursor==NULL;

/* Internal helper.  Used to detect if iPage would cause a loop. */
static int interiorCursorPageInUse(RecoverInteriorCursor *pCursor,
                                   unsigned iPage){
  /* Find any parent using the indicated page. */
  while( pCursor && pCursor->pPage->pgno!=iPage ){
    pCursor = pCursor->pParent;
  return pCursor!=NULL;

/* Get the next page from the interior cursor at *ppCursor.  Returns
 * SQLITE_ROW with the page in *ppPage, or SQLITE_DONE if out of
 * pages, or the error SQLite returned.
 * If the tree is uneven, then when the cursor attempts to get a new
 * interior page from the parent cursor, it may get a non-interior
 * page.  In that case, the new page is returned, and *ppCursor is
 * updated to point to the parent cursor (this cursor is freed).
/* TODO(shess): I've tried to avoid recursion in most of this code,
 * but this case is more challenging because the recursive call is in
 * the middle of operation.  One option for converting it without
 * adding memory management would be to retain the head pointer and
 * use a helper to "back up" as needed.  Another option would be to
 * reverse the list during traversal.
static int interiorCursorNextPage(RecoverInteriorCursor **ppCursor,
                                  DbPage **ppPage){
  RecoverInteriorCursor *pCursor = *ppCursor;
  while( 1 ){
    int rc;
    const unsigned char *pPageHeader;  /* Header of found page. */

    /* Find a valid child page which isn't on the stack. */
    while( pCursor->iChild<pCursor->nChildren ){
      const unsigned iPage = interiorCursorChildPage(pCursor);
      if( interiorCursorPageInUse(pCursor, iPage) ){
        fprintf(stderr, "Loop detected at %d\n", iPage);
        int rc = sqlite3PagerAcquire(pCursor->pPage->pPager, iPage, ppPage, 0);
        if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
          return SQLITE_ROW;

    /* This page has no more children.  Get next page from parent. */
    if( !pCursor->pParent ){
      return SQLITE_DONE;
    rc = interiorCursorNextPage(&pCursor->pParent, ppPage);
    if( rc!=SQLITE_ROW ){
      return rc;

    /* If a non-interior page is received, that either means that the
     * tree is uneven, or that a child was re-used (say as an overflow
     * page).  Remove this cursor and let the caller handle the page.
    pPageHeader = PageHeader(*ppPage);
    if( pPageHeader[kiPageTypeOffset]!=kTableInteriorPage ){
      *ppCursor = pCursor->pParent;
      pCursor->pParent = NULL;
      return SQLITE_ROW;

    /* Iterate the new page. */
    interiorCursorSetPage(pCursor, *ppPage);
    *ppPage = NULL;

  assert(NULL);  /* NOTREACHED() */

/* Large rows are spilled to overflow pages.  The row's main page
 * stores the overflow page number after the local payload, with a
 * linked list forward from there as necessary.  overflowMaybeCreate()
 * and overflowGetSegment() provide an abstraction for accessing such
 * data while centralizing the code.
 * overflowDestroy - releases all resources associated with the structure.
 * overflowMaybeCreate - create the overflow structure if it is needed
 *                       to represent the given record.  See function comment.
 * overflowGetSegment - fetch a segment from the record, accounting
 *                      for overflow pages.  Segments which are not
 *                      entirely contained with a page are constructed
 *                      into a buffer which is returned.  See function comment.
typedef struct RecoverOverflow RecoverOverflow;
struct RecoverOverflow {
  RecoverOverflow *pNextOverflow;
  DbPage *pPage;
  unsigned nPageSize;

static void overflowDestroy(RecoverOverflow *pOverflow){
  while( pOverflow ){
    RecoverOverflow *p = pOverflow;
    pOverflow = p->pNextOverflow;

    if( p->pPage ){
      p->pPage = NULL;

    memset(p, 0xA5, sizeof(*p));

/* Internal helper.  Used to detect if iPage would cause a loop. */
static int overflowPageInUse(RecoverOverflow *pOverflow, unsigned iPage){
  while( pOverflow && pOverflow->pPage->pgno!=iPage ){
    pOverflow = pOverflow->pNextOverflow;
  return pOverflow!=NULL;

/* Setup to access an nRecordBytes record beginning at iRecordOffset
 * in pPage.  If nRecordBytes can be satisfied entirely from pPage,
 * then no overflow pages are needed an *pnLocalRecordBytes is set to
 * nRecordBytes.  Otherwise, *ppOverflow is set to the head of a list
 * of overflow pages, and *pnLocalRecordBytes is set to the number of
 * bytes local to pPage.
 * overflowGetSegment() will do the right thing regardless of whether
 * those values are set to be in-page or not.
static int overflowMaybeCreate(DbPage *pPage, unsigned nPageSize,
                               unsigned iRecordOffset, unsigned nRecordBytes,
                               unsigned *pnLocalRecordBytes,
                               RecoverOverflow **ppOverflow){
  unsigned nLocalRecordBytes;  /* Record bytes in the leaf page. */
  unsigned iNextPage;          /* Next page number for record data. */
  unsigned nBytes;             /* Maximum record bytes as of current page. */
  int rc;
  RecoverOverflow *pFirstOverflow;  /* First in linked list of pages. */
  RecoverOverflow *pLastOverflow;   /* End of linked list. */

  /* Calculations from the "Table B-Tree Leaf Cell" part of section
   * 1.5 of .  maxLocal and
   * minLocal to match naming in btree.c.
  const unsigned maxLocal = nPageSize - 35;
  const unsigned minLocal = ((nPageSize-12)*32/255)-23;  /* m */

  /* Always fit anything smaller than maxLocal. */
  if( nRecordBytes<=maxLocal ){
    *pnLocalRecordBytes = nRecordBytes;
    *ppOverflow = NULL;
    return SQLITE_OK;

  /* Calculate the remainder after accounting for minLocal on the leaf
   * page and what packs evenly into overflow pages.  If the remainder
   * does not fit into maxLocal, then a partially-full overflow page
   * will be required in any case, so store as little as possible locally.
  nLocalRecordBytes = minLocal+((nRecordBytes-minLocal)%(nPageSize-4));
  if( maxLocal<nLocalRecordBytes ){
    nLocalRecordBytes = minLocal;

  /* Don't read off the end of the page. */
  if( iRecordOffset+nLocalRecordBytes+4>nPageSize ){
    return SQLITE_CORRUPT;

  /* First overflow page number is after the local bytes. */
  iNextPage =
      decodeUnsigned32(PageData(pPage, iRecordOffset + nLocalRecordBytes));
  nBytes = nLocalRecordBytes;

  /* While there are more pages to read, and more bytes are needed,
   * get another page.
  pFirstOverflow = pLastOverflow = NULL;
  rc = SQLITE_OK;
  while( iNextPage && nBytes<nRecordBytes ){
    RecoverOverflow *pOverflow;  /* New overflow page for the list. */

    rc = sqlite3PagerAcquire(pPage->pPager, iNextPage, &pPage, 0);
    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){

    pOverflow = sqlite3_malloc(sizeof(RecoverOverflow));
    if( !pOverflow ){
      rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
    memset(pOverflow, 0, sizeof(*pOverflow));
    pOverflow->pPage = pPage;
    pOverflow->nPageSize = nPageSize;

    if( !pFirstOverflow ){
      pFirstOverflow = pOverflow;
      pLastOverflow->pNextOverflow = pOverflow;
    pLastOverflow = pOverflow;

    iNextPage = decodeUnsigned32(pPage->pData);
    nBytes += nPageSize-4;

    /* Avoid loops. */
    if( overflowPageInUse(pFirstOverflow, iNextPage) ){
      fprintf(stderr, "Overflow loop detected at %d\n", iNextPage);
      rc = SQLITE_CORRUPT;

  /* If there were not enough pages, or too many, things are corrupt.
   * Not having enough pages is an obvious problem, all the data
   * cannot be read.  Too many pages means that the contents of the
   * row between the main page and the overflow page(s) is
   * inconsistent (most likely one or more of the overflow pages does
   * not really belong to this row).
  if( rc==SQLITE_OK && (nBytes<nRecordBytes || iNextPage) ){

  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
    *ppOverflow = pFirstOverflow;
    *pnLocalRecordBytes = nLocalRecordBytes;
  }else if( pFirstOverflow ){
  return rc;

/* Use in concert with overflowMaybeCreate() to efficiently read parts
 * of a potentially-overflowing record.  pPage and iRecordOffset are
 * the values passed into overflowMaybeCreate(), nLocalRecordBytes and
 * pOverflow are the values returned by that call.
 * On SQLITE_OK, *ppBase points to nRequestBytes of data at
 * iRequestOffset within the record.  If the data exists contiguously
 * in a page, a direct pointer is returned, otherwise a buffer from
 * sqlite3_malloc() is returned with the data.  *pbFree is set true if
 * sqlite3_free() should be called on *ppBase.
/* Operation of this function is subtle.  At any time, pPage is the
 * current page, with iRecordOffset and nLocalRecordBytes being record
 * data within pPage, and pOverflow being the overflow page after
 * pPage.  This allows the code to handle both the initial leaf page
 * and overflow pages consistently by adjusting the values
 * appropriately.
static int overflowGetSegment(DbPage *pPage, unsigned iRecordOffset,
                              unsigned nLocalRecordBytes,
                              RecoverOverflow *pOverflow,
                              unsigned iRequestOffset, unsigned nRequestBytes,
                              unsigned char **ppBase, int *pbFree){
  unsigned nBase;         /* Amount of data currently collected. */
  unsigned char *pBase;   /* Buffer to collect record data into. */

  /* Skip to the page containing the start of the data. */
  while( iRequestOffset>=nLocalRecordBytes && pOverflow ){
    /* Factor out current page's contribution. */
    iRequestOffset -= nLocalRecordBytes;

    /* Move forward to the next page in the list. */
    pPage = pOverflow->pPage;
    iRecordOffset = 4;
    nLocalRecordBytes = pOverflow->nPageSize - iRecordOffset;
    pOverflow = pOverflow->pNextOverflow;

  /* If the requested data is entirely within this page, return a
   * pointer into the page.
  if( iRequestOffset+nRequestBytes<=nLocalRecordBytes ){
    /* TODO(shess): "assignment discards qualifiers from pointer target type"
     * Having ppBase be const makes sense, but sqlite3_free() takes non-const.
    *ppBase = (unsigned char *)PageData(pPage, iRecordOffset + iRequestOffset);
    *pbFree = 0;
    return SQLITE_OK;

  /* The data range would require additional pages. */
  if( !pOverflow ){
    /* Should never happen, the range is outside the nRecordBytes
     * passed to overflowMaybeCreate().
    assert(NULL);  /* NOTREACHED */
    return SQLITE_ERROR;

  /* Get a buffer to construct into. */
  nBase = 0;
  pBase = sqlite3_malloc(nRequestBytes);
  if( !pBase ){
    return SQLITE_NOMEM;
  while( nBase<nRequestBytes ){
    /* Copy over data present on this page. */
    unsigned nCopyBytes = nRequestBytes - nBase;
    if( nLocalRecordBytes-iRequestOffset<nCopyBytes ){
      nCopyBytes = nLocalRecordBytes - iRequestOffset;
    memcpy(pBase + nBase, PageData(pPage, iRecordOffset + iRequestOffset),
    nBase += nCopyBytes;

    if( pOverflow ){
      /* Copy from start of record data in future pages. */
      iRequestOffset = 0;

      /* Move forward to the next page in the list.  Should match
       * first while() loop.
      pPage = pOverflow->pPage;
      iRecordOffset = 4;
      nLocalRecordBytes = pOverflow->nPageSize - iRecordOffset;
      pOverflow = pOverflow->pNextOverflow;
    }else if( nBase<nRequestBytes ){
      /* Ran out of overflow pages with data left to deliver.  Not
       * possible if the requested range fits within nRecordBytes
       * passed to overflowMaybeCreate() when creating pOverflow.
      assert(NULL);  /* NOTREACHED */
      return SQLITE_ERROR;
  assert( nBase==nRequestBytes );
  *ppBase = pBase;
  *pbFree = 1;
  return SQLITE_OK;

/* Primary structure for iterating the contents of a table.
 * leafCursorDestroy - release all resources associated with the cursor.
 * leafCursorCreate - create a cursor to iterate items from tree at
 *                    the provided root page.
 * leafCursorNextValidCell - get the cursor ready to access data from
 *                           the next valid cell in the table.
 * leafCursorCellRowid - get the current cell's rowid.
 * leafCursorCellColumns - get current cell's column count.
 * leafCursorCellColInfo - get type and data for a column in current cell.
 * leafCursorNextValidCell skips cells which fail simple integrity
 * checks, such as overlapping other cells, or being located at
 * impossible offsets, or where header data doesn't correctly describe
 * payload data.  Returns SQLITE_ROW if a valid cell is found,
 * SQLITE_DONE if all pages in the tree were exhausted.
 * leafCursorCellColInfo() accounts for overflow pages in the style of
 * overflowGetSegment().
typedef struct RecoverLeafCursor RecoverLeafCursor;
struct RecoverLeafCursor {
  RecoverInteriorCursor *pParent;  /* Parent node to this node. */
  DbPage *pPage;                   /* Reference to leaf page. */
  unsigned nPageSize;              /* Size of pPage. */
  unsigned nCells;                 /* Number of cells in pPage. */
  unsigned iCell;                  /* Current cell. */

  /* Info parsed from data in iCell. */
  i64 iRowid;                      /* rowid parsed. */
  unsigned nRecordCols;            /* how many items in the record. */
  u64 iRecordOffset;               /* offset to record data. */
  /* TODO(shess): nRecordBytes and nRecordHeaderBytes are used in
   * leafCursorCellColInfo() to prevent buffer overruns.
   * leafCursorCellDecode() already verified that the cell is valid, so
   * those checks should be redundant.
  u64 nRecordBytes;                /* Size of record data. */
  unsigned nLocalRecordBytes;      /* Amount of record data in-page. */
  unsigned nRecordHeaderBytes;     /* Size of record header data. */
  unsigned char *pRecordHeader;    /* Pointer to record header data. */
  int bFreeRecordHeader;           /* True if record header requires free. */
  RecoverOverflow *pOverflow;      /* Cell overflow info, if needed. */

/* Internal helper shared between next-page and create-cursor.  If
 * pPage is a leaf page, it will be stored in the cursor and state
 * initialized for reading cells.
 * If pPage is an interior page, a new parent cursor is created and
 * injected on the stack.  This is necessary to handle trees with
 * uneven depth, but also is used during initial setup.
 * If pPage is not a table page at all, it is discarded.
 * If SQLITE_OK is returned, the caller no longer owns pPage,
 * otherwise the caller is responsible for discarding it.
static int leafCursorLoadPage(RecoverLeafCursor *pCursor, DbPage *pPage){
  const unsigned char *pPageHeader;  /* Header of *pPage */

  /* Release the current page. */
  if( pCursor->pPage ){
    pCursor->pPage = NULL;
    pCursor->iCell = pCursor->nCells = 0;

  /* If the page is an unexpected interior node, inject a new stack
   * layer and try again from there.
  pPageHeader = PageHeader(pPage);
  if( pPageHeader[kiPageTypeOffset]==kTableInteriorPage ){
    RecoverInteriorCursor *pParent;
    int rc = interiorCursorCreate(pCursor->pParent, pPage, pCursor->nPageSize,
    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
      return rc;
    pCursor->pParent = pParent;
    return SQLITE_OK;

  /* Not a leaf page, skip it. */
  if( pPageHeader[kiPageTypeOffset]!=kTableLeafPage ){
    return SQLITE_OK;

  /* Take ownership of the page and start decoding. */
  pCursor->pPage = pPage;
  pCursor->iCell = 0;
  pCursor->nCells = decodeUnsigned16(pPageHeader + kiPageCellCountOffset);
  return SQLITE_OK;

/* Get the next leaf-level page in the tree.  Returns SQLITE_ROW when
 * a leaf page is found, SQLITE_DONE when no more leaves exist, or any
 * error which occurred.
static int leafCursorNextPage(RecoverLeafCursor *pCursor){
  if( !pCursor->pParent ){
    return SQLITE_DONE;

  /* Repeatedly load the parent's next child page until a leaf is found. */
  do {
    DbPage *pNextPage;
    int rc = interiorCursorNextPage(&pCursor->pParent, &pNextPage);
    if( rc!=SQLITE_ROW ){
      assert( rc==SQLITE_DONE );
      return rc;

    rc = leafCursorLoadPage(pCursor, pNextPage);
    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
      return rc;
  } while( !pCursor->pPage );

  return SQLITE_ROW;

static void leafCursorDestroyCellData(RecoverLeafCursor *pCursor){
  if( pCursor->bFreeRecordHeader ){
  pCursor->bFreeRecordHeader = 0;
  pCursor->pRecordHeader = NULL;

  if( pCursor->pOverflow ){
    pCursor->pOverflow = NULL;

static void leafCursorDestroy(RecoverLeafCursor *pCursor){

  if( pCursor->pParent ){
    pCursor->pParent = NULL;

  if( pCursor->pPage ){
    pCursor->pPage = NULL;

  memset(pCursor, 0xA5, sizeof(*pCursor));

/* Create a cursor to iterate the rows from the leaf pages of a table
 * rooted at iRootPage.
/* TODO(shess): recoverOpen() calls this to setup the cursor, and I
 * think that recoverFilter() may make a hard assumption that the
 * cursor returned will turn up at least one valid cell.
 * The cases I can think of which break this assumption are:
 * - pPage is a valid leaf page with no valid cells.
 * - pPage is a valid interior page with no valid leaves.
 * - pPage is a valid interior page who's leaves contain no valid cells.
 * - pPage is not a valid leaf or interior page.
static int leafCursorCreate(Pager *pPager, unsigned nPageSize,
                            u32 iRootPage, RecoverLeafCursor **ppCursor){
  DbPage *pPage;               /* Reference to page at iRootPage. */
  RecoverLeafCursor *pCursor;  /* Leaf cursor being constructed. */
  int rc;

  /* Start out with the root page. */
  rc = sqlite3PagerAcquire(pPager, iRootPage, &pPage, 0);
  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
    return rc;

  pCursor = sqlite3_malloc(sizeof(RecoverLeafCursor));
  if( !pCursor ){
    return SQLITE_NOMEM;
  memset(pCursor, 0, sizeof(*pCursor));

  pCursor->nPageSize = nPageSize;

  rc = leafCursorLoadPage(pCursor, pPage);
  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
    return rc;

  /* pPage wasn't a leaf page, find the next leaf page. */
  if( !pCursor->pPage ){
    rc = leafCursorNextPage(pCursor);
    if( rc!=SQLITE_DONE && rc!=SQLITE_ROW ){
      return rc;

  *ppCursor = pCursor;
  return SQLITE_OK;

/* Useful for setting breakpoints. */
static int ValidateError(){
  return SQLITE_ERROR;

/* Setup the cursor for reading the information from cell iCell. */
static int leafCursorCellDecode(RecoverLeafCursor *pCursor){
  const unsigned char *pPageHeader;  /* Header of current page. */
  const unsigned char *pPageEnd;     /* Byte after end of current page. */
  const unsigned char *pCellOffsets; /* Pointer to page's cell offsets. */
  unsigned iCellOffset;              /* Offset of current cell (iCell). */
  const unsigned char *pCell;        /* Pointer to data at iCellOffset. */
  unsigned nCellMaxBytes;            /* Maximum local size of iCell. */
  unsigned iEndOffset;               /* End of iCell's in-page data. */
  u64 nRecordBytes;                  /* Expected size of cell, w/overflow. */
  u64 iRowid;                        /* iCell's rowid (in table). */
  unsigned nRead;                    /* Amount of cell read. */
  unsigned nRecordHeaderRead;        /* Header data read. */
  u64 nRecordHeaderBytes;            /* Header size expected. */
  unsigned nRecordCols;              /* Columns read from header. */
  u64 nRecordColBytes;               /* Bytes in payload for those columns. */
  unsigned i;
  int rc;

  assert( pCursor->iCell<pCursor->nCells );


  /* Find the offset to the row. */
  pPageHeader = PageHeader(pCursor->pPage);
  pCellOffsets = pPageHeader + knPageLeafHeaderBytes;
  pPageEnd = PageData(pCursor->pPage, pCursor->nPageSize);
  if( pCellOffsets + pCursor->iCell*2 + 2 > pPageEnd ){
    return ValidateError();
  iCellOffset = decodeUnsigned16(pCellOffsets + pCursor->iCell*2);
  if( iCellOffset>=pCursor->nPageSize ){
    return ValidateError();

  pCell = PageData(pCursor->pPage, iCellOffset);
  nCellMaxBytes = pCursor->nPageSize - iCellOffset;

  /* B-tree leaf cells lead with varint record size, varint rowid and
   * varint header size.
  /* TODO(shess): The smallest page size is 512 bytes, which has an m
   * of 39.  Three varints need at most 27 bytes to encode.  I think.
  if( !checkVarints(pCell, nCellMaxBytes, 3) ){
    return ValidateError();

  nRead = getVarint(pCell, &nRecordBytes);
  assert( iCellOffset+nRead<=pCursor->nPageSize );
  pCursor->nRecordBytes = nRecordBytes;

  nRead += getVarint(pCell + nRead, &iRowid);
  assert( iCellOffset+nRead<=pCursor->nPageSize );
  pCursor->iRowid = (i64)iRowid;

  pCursor->iRecordOffset = iCellOffset + nRead;

  /* Start overflow setup here because nLocalRecordBytes is needed to
   * check cell overlap.
  rc = overflowMaybeCreate(pCursor->pPage, pCursor->nPageSize,
                           pCursor->iRecordOffset, pCursor->nRecordBytes,
  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
    return ValidateError();

  /* Check that no other cell starts within this cell. */
  iEndOffset = pCursor->iRecordOffset + pCursor->nLocalRecordBytes;
  for( i=0; i<pCursor->nCells && pCellOffsets + i*2 + 2 <= pPageEnd; ++i ){
    const unsigned iOtherOffset = decodeUnsigned16(pCellOffsets + i*2);
    if( iOtherOffset>iCellOffset && iOtherOffset<iEndOffset ){
      return ValidateError();

  nRecordHeaderRead = getVarint(pCell + nRead, &nRecordHeaderBytes);
  assert( nRecordHeaderBytes<=nRecordBytes );
  pCursor->nRecordHeaderBytes = nRecordHeaderBytes;

  /* Large headers could overflow if pages are small. */
  rc = overflowGetSegment(pCursor->pPage,
                          pCursor->iRecordOffset, pCursor->nLocalRecordBytes,
                          pCursor->pOverflow, 0, nRecordHeaderBytes,
                          &pCursor->pRecordHeader, &pCursor->bFreeRecordHeader);
  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
    return ValidateError();

  /* Tally up the column count and size of data. */
  nRecordCols = 0;
  nRecordColBytes = 0;
  while( nRecordHeaderRead<nRecordHeaderBytes ){
    u64 iSerialType;  /* Type descriptor for current column. */
    if( !checkVarint(pCursor->pRecordHeader + nRecordHeaderRead,
                     nRecordHeaderBytes - nRecordHeaderRead) ){
      return ValidateError();
    nRecordHeaderRead += getVarint(pCursor->pRecordHeader + nRecordHeaderRead,
    if( iSerialType==10 || iSerialType==11 ){
      return ValidateError();
    nRecordColBytes += SerialTypeLength(iSerialType);
  pCursor->nRecordCols = nRecordCols;

  /* Parsing the header used as many bytes as expected. */
  if( nRecordHeaderRead!=nRecordHeaderBytes ){
    return ValidateError();

  /* Calculated record is size of expected record. */
  if( nRecordHeaderBytes+nRecordColBytes!=nRecordBytes ){
    return ValidateError();

  return SQLITE_OK;

static i64 leafCursorCellRowid(RecoverLeafCursor *pCursor){
  return pCursor->iRowid;

static unsigned leafCursorCellColumns(RecoverLeafCursor *pCursor){
  return pCursor->nRecordCols;

/* Get the column info for the cell.  Pass NULL for ppBase to prevent
 * retrieving the data segment.  If *pbFree is true, *ppBase must be
 * freed by the caller using sqlite3_free().
static int leafCursorCellColInfo(RecoverLeafCursor *pCursor,
                                 unsigned iCol, u64 *piColType,
                                 unsigned char **ppBase, int *pbFree){
  const unsigned char *pRecordHeader;  /* Current cell's header. */
  u64 nRecordHeaderBytes;              /* Bytes in pRecordHeader. */
  unsigned nRead;                      /* Bytes read from header. */
  u64 iColEndOffset;                   /* Offset to end of column in cell. */
  unsigned nColsSkipped;               /* Count columns as procesed. */
  u64 iSerialType;                     /* Type descriptor for current column. */

  /* Implicit NULL for columns past the end.  This case happens when
   * rows have not been updated since an ALTER TABLE added columns.
   * It is more convenient to address here than in callers.
  if( iCol>=pCursor->nRecordCols ){
    *piColType = 0;
    if( ppBase ){
      *ppBase = 0;
      *pbFree = 0;
    return SQLITE_OK;

  /* Must be able to decode header size. */
  pRecordHeader = pCursor->pRecordHeader;
  if( !checkVarint(pRecordHeader, pCursor->nRecordHeaderBytes) ){
    return SQLITE_CORRUPT;

  /* Rather than caching the header size and how many bytes it took,
   * decode it every time.
  nRead = getVarint(pRecordHeader, &nRecordHeaderBytes);
  assert( nRecordHeaderBytes==pCursor->nRecordHeaderBytes );

  /* Scan forward to the indicated column.  Scans to _after_ column
   * for later range checking.
  /* TODO(shess): This could get expensive for very wide tables.  An
   * array of iSerialType could be built in leafCursorCellDecode(), but
   * the number of columns is dynamic per row, so it would add memory
   * management complexity.  Enough info to efficiently forward
   * iterate could be kept, if all clients forward iterate
   * (recoverColumn() may not).
  iColEndOffset = 0;
  nColsSkipped = 0;
  while( nColsSkipped<=iCol && nRead<nRecordHeaderBytes ){
    if( !checkVarint(pRecordHeader + nRead, nRecordHeaderBytes - nRead) ){
      return SQLITE_CORRUPT;
    nRead += getVarint(pRecordHeader + nRead, &iSerialType);
    iColEndOffset += SerialTypeLength(iSerialType);

  /* Column's data extends past record's end. */
  if( nRecordHeaderBytes+iColEndOffset>pCursor->nRecordBytes ){
    return SQLITE_CORRUPT;

  *piColType = iSerialType;
  if( ppBase ){
    const u32 nColBytes = SerialTypeLength(iSerialType);

    /* Offset from start of record to beginning of column. */
    const unsigned iColOffset = nRecordHeaderBytes+iColEndOffset-nColBytes;

    return overflowGetSegment(pCursor->pPage, pCursor->iRecordOffset,
                              pCursor->nLocalRecordBytes, pCursor->pOverflow,
                              iColOffset, nColBytes, ppBase, pbFree);
  return SQLITE_OK;

static int leafCursorNextValidCell(RecoverLeafCursor *pCursor){
  while( 1 ){
    int rc;

    /* Move to the next cell. */

    /* No more cells, get the next leaf. */
    if( pCursor->iCell>=pCursor->nCells ){
      rc = leafCursorNextPage(pCursor);
      if( rc!=SQLITE_ROW ){
        return rc;
      assert( pCursor->iCell==0 );

    /* If the cell is valid, indicate that a row is available. */
    rc = leafCursorCellDecode(pCursor);
    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
      return SQLITE_ROW;

    /* Iterate until done or a valid row is found. */
    /* TODO(shess): Remove debugging output. */
    fprintf(stderr, "Skipping invalid cell\n");
  return SQLITE_ERROR;

typedef struct Recover Recover;
struct Recover {
  sqlite3_vtab base;
  sqlite3 *db;                /* Host database connection */
  char *zDb;                  /* Database containing target table */
  char *zTable;               /* Target table */
  unsigned nCols;             /* Number of columns in target table */
  unsigned char *pTypes;      /* Types of columns in target table */

/* Internal helper for deleting the module. */
static void recoverRelease(Recover *pRecover){
  memset(pRecover, 0xA5, sizeof(*pRecover));

/* Helper function for initializing the module.  Forward-declared so
 * recoverCreate() and recoverConnect() can see it.
static int recoverInit(
  sqlite3 *, void *, int, const char *const*, sqlite3_vtab **, char **

static int recoverCreate(
  sqlite3 *db,
  void *pAux,
  int argc, const char *const*argv,
  sqlite3_vtab **ppVtab,
  char **pzErr
  return recoverInit(db, pAux, argc, argv, ppVtab, pzErr);

/* This should never be called. */
static int recoverConnect(
  sqlite3 *db,
  void *pAux,
  int argc, const char *const*argv,
  sqlite3_vtab **ppVtab,
  char **pzErr
  return recoverInit(db, pAux, argc, argv, ppVtab, pzErr);

/* No indices supported. */
static int recoverBestIndex(sqlite3_vtab *tab, sqlite3_index_info *pIdxInfo){
  return SQLITE_OK;

/* Logically, this should never be called. */
static int recoverDisconnect(sqlite3_vtab *pVtab){
  return SQLITE_OK;

static int recoverDestroy(sqlite3_vtab *pVtab){
  return SQLITE_OK;

typedef struct RecoverCursor RecoverCursor;
struct RecoverCursor {
  sqlite3_vtab_cursor base;
  RecoverLeafCursor *pLeafCursor;
  int iEncoding;
  int bEOF;

static int recoverOpen(sqlite3_vtab *pVTab, sqlite3_vtab_cursor **ppCursor){
  Recover *pRecover = (Recover*)pVTab;
  u32 iRootPage;                   /* Root page of the backing table. */
  int iEncoding;                   /* UTF encoding for backing database. */
  unsigned nPageSize;              /* Size of pages in backing database. */
  Pager *pPager;                   /* Backing database pager. */
  RecoverLeafCursor *pLeafCursor;  /* Cursor to read table's leaf pages. */
  RecoverCursor *pCursor;          /* Cursor to read rows from leaves. */
  int rc;


  iRootPage = 0;
  rc = getRootPage(pRecover->db, pRecover->zDb, pRecover->zTable,
  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
    return rc;

  iEncoding = 0;
  rc = getEncoding(pRecover->db, pRecover->zDb, &iEncoding);
  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
    return rc;

  rc = GetPager(pRecover->db, pRecover->zDb, &pPager, &nPageSize);
  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
    return rc;

  rc = leafCursorCreate(pPager, nPageSize, iRootPage, &pLeafCursor);
  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
    return rc;

  pCursor = sqlite3_malloc(sizeof(RecoverCursor));
  if( !pCursor ){
    return SQLITE_NOMEM;
  memset(pCursor, 0, sizeof(*pCursor));
  pCursor->base.pVtab = pVTab;
  pCursor->pLeafCursor = pLeafCursor;
  pCursor->iEncoding = iEncoding;

  /* If no leaf pages were found, empty result set. */
  /* TODO(shess): leafCursorNextValidCell() would return SQLITE_ROW or
   * SQLITE_DONE to indicate whether there is further data to consider.
  pCursor->bEOF = (pLeafCursor->pPage==NULL);

  *ppCursor = (sqlite3_vtab_cursor*)pCursor;
  return SQLITE_OK;

static int recoverClose(sqlite3_vtab_cursor *cur){
  RecoverCursor *pCursor = (RecoverCursor*)cur;
  if( pCursor->pLeafCursor ){
    pCursor->pLeafCursor = NULL;
  memset(pCursor, 0xA5, sizeof(*pCursor));
  return SQLITE_OK;

/* Helpful place to set a breakpoint. */
static int RecoverInvalidCell(){
  return SQLITE_ERROR;

/* Returns SQLITE_OK if the cell has an appropriate number of columns
 * with the appropriate types of data.
static int recoverValidateLeafCell(Recover *pRecover, RecoverCursor *pCursor){
  unsigned i;

  /* If the row's storage has too many columns, skip it. */
  if( leafCursorCellColumns(pCursor->pLeafCursor)>pRecover->nCols ){
    return RecoverInvalidCell();

  /* Skip rows with unexpected types. */
  for( i=0; i<pRecover->nCols; ++i ){
    u64 iType;  /* Storage type of column i. */
    int rc;

    /* ROWID alias. */
    if( (pRecover->pTypes[i]&MASK_ROWID) ){

    rc = leafCursorCellColInfo(pCursor->pLeafCursor, i, &iType, NULL, NULL);
    assert( rc==SQLITE_OK );
    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK || !SerialTypeIsCompatible(iType, pRecover->pTypes[i]) ){
      return RecoverInvalidCell();

  return SQLITE_OK;

static int recoverNext(sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pVtabCursor){
  RecoverCursor *pCursor = (RecoverCursor*)pVtabCursor;
  Recover *pRecover = (Recover*)pCursor->base.pVtab;
  int rc;


  /* Scan forward to the next cell with valid storage, then check that
   * the stored data matches the schema.
  while( (rc = leafCursorNextValidCell(pCursor->pLeafCursor))==SQLITE_ROW ){
    if( recoverValidateLeafCell(pRecover, pCursor)==SQLITE_OK ){
      return SQLITE_OK;

  if( rc==SQLITE_DONE ){
    pCursor->bEOF = 1;
    return SQLITE_OK;

  assert( rc!=SQLITE_OK );
  return rc;

static int recoverFilter(
  sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pVtabCursor,
  int idxNum, const char *idxStr,
  int argc, sqlite3_value **argv
  RecoverCursor *pCursor = (RecoverCursor*)pVtabCursor;
  Recover *pRecover = (Recover*)pCursor->base.pVtab;
  int rc;


  /* There were no valid leaf pages in the table. */
  if( pCursor->bEOF ){
    return SQLITE_OK;

  /* Load the first cell, and iterate forward if it's not valid.  If no cells at
   * all are valid, recoverNext() sets bEOF and returns appropriately.
  rc = leafCursorCellDecode(pCursor->pLeafCursor);
  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK || recoverValidateLeafCell(pRecover, pCursor)!=SQLITE_OK ){
    return recoverNext(pVtabCursor);

  return SQLITE_OK;

static int recoverEof(sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pVtabCursor){
  RecoverCursor *pCursor = (RecoverCursor*)pVtabCursor;
  return pCursor->bEOF;

static int recoverColumn(sqlite3_vtab_cursor *cur, sqlite3_context *ctx, int i){
  RecoverCursor *pCursor = (RecoverCursor*)cur;
  Recover *pRecover = (Recover*)pCursor->base.pVtab;
  u64 iColType;             /* Storage type of column i. */
  unsigned char *pColData;  /* Column i's data. */
  int shouldFree;           /* Non-zero if pColData should be freed. */
  int rc;


  if( i>=pRecover->nCols ){
    return SQLITE_ERROR;

  /* ROWID alias. */
  if( (pRecover->pTypes[i]&MASK_ROWID) ){
    sqlite3_result_int64(ctx, leafCursorCellRowid(pCursor->pLeafCursor));
    return SQLITE_OK;

  pColData = NULL;
  shouldFree = 0;
  rc = leafCursorCellColInfo(pCursor->pLeafCursor, i, &iColType,
                             &pColData, &shouldFree);
  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
    return rc;
  /* recoverValidateLeafCell() should guarantee that this will never
   * occur.
  if( !SerialTypeIsCompatible(iColType, pRecover->pTypes[i]) ){
    if( shouldFree ){
    return SQLITE_ERROR;

  switch( iColType ){
    case 0 : sqlite3_result_null(ctx); break;
    case 1 : sqlite3_result_int64(ctx, decodeSigned(pColData, 1)); break;
    case 2 : sqlite3_result_int64(ctx, decodeSigned(pColData, 2)); break;
    case 3 : sqlite3_result_int64(ctx, decodeSigned(pColData, 3)); break;
    case 4 : sqlite3_result_int64(ctx, decodeSigned(pColData, 4)); break;
    case 5 : sqlite3_result_int64(ctx, decodeSigned(pColData, 6)); break;
    case 6 : sqlite3_result_int64(ctx, decodeSigned(pColData, 8)); break;
    case 7 : sqlite3_result_double(ctx, decodeFloat64(pColData)); break;
    case 8 : sqlite3_result_int(ctx, 0); break;
    case 9 : sqlite3_result_int(ctx, 1); break;
    case 10 : assert( iColType!=10 ); break;
    case 11 : assert( iColType!=11 ); break;

    default : {
      u32 l = SerialTypeLength(iColType);

      /* If pColData was already allocated, arrange to pass ownership. */
      sqlite3_destructor_type pFn = SQLITE_TRANSIENT;
      if( shouldFree ){
        pFn = sqlite3_free;
        shouldFree = 0;

      if( SerialTypeIsBlob(iColType) ){
        sqlite3_result_blob(ctx, pColData, l, pFn);
        if( pCursor->iEncoding==SQLITE_UTF16LE ){
          sqlite3_result_text16le(ctx, (const void*)pColData, l, pFn);
        }else if( pCursor->iEncoding==SQLITE_UTF16BE ){
          sqlite3_result_text16be(ctx, (const void*)pColData, l, pFn);
          sqlite3_result_text(ctx, (const char*)pColData, l, pFn);
    } break;
  if( shouldFree ){
  return SQLITE_OK;

static int recoverRowid(sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pVtabCursor, sqlite_int64 *pRowid){
  RecoverCursor *pCursor = (RecoverCursor*)pVtabCursor;
  *pRowid = leafCursorCellRowid(pCursor->pLeafCursor);
  return SQLITE_OK;

static sqlite3_module recoverModule = {
  0,                         /* iVersion */
  recoverCreate,             /* xCreate - create a table */
  recoverConnect,            /* xConnect - connect to an existing table */
  recoverBestIndex,          /* xBestIndex - Determine search strategy */
  recoverDisconnect,         /* xDisconnect - Disconnect from a table */
  recoverDestroy,            /* xDestroy - Drop a table */
  recoverOpen,               /* xOpen - open a cursor */
  recoverClose,              /* xClose - close a cursor */
  recoverFilter,             /* xFilter - configure scan constraints */
  recoverNext,               /* xNext - advance a cursor */
  recoverEof,                /* xEof */
  recoverColumn,             /* xColumn - read data */
  recoverRowid,              /* xRowid - read data */
  0,                         /* xUpdate - write data */
  0,                         /* xBegin - begin transaction */
  0,                         /* xSync - sync transaction */
  0,                         /* xCommit - commit transaction */
  0,                         /* xRollback - rollback transaction */
  0,                         /* xFindFunction - function overloading */
  0,                         /* xRename - rename the table */

int recoverVtableInit(sqlite3 *db){
  return sqlite3_create_module_v2(db, "recover", &recoverModule, NULL, 0);

/* This section of code is for parsing the create input and
 * initializing the module.

/* Find the next word in zText and place the endpoints in pzWord*.
 * Returns true if the word is non-empty.  "Word" is defined as
 * ASCII alphanumeric plus '_' at this time.
static int findWord(const char *zText,
                    const char **pzWordStart, const char **pzWordEnd){
  int r;
  while( ascii_isspace(*zText) ){
  *pzWordStart = zText;
  while( ascii_isalnum(*zText) || *zText=='_' ){
  r = zText>*pzWordStart;  /* In case pzWordStart==pzWordEnd */
  *pzWordEnd = zText;
  return r;

/* Return true if the next word in zText is zWord, also setting
 * *pzContinue to the character after the word.
static int expectWord(const char *zText, const char *zWord,
                      const char **pzContinue){
  const char *zWordStart, *zWordEnd;
  if( findWord(zText, &zWordStart, &zWordEnd) &&
      ascii_strncasecmp(zWord, zWordStart, zWordEnd - zWordStart)==0 ){
    *pzContinue = zWordEnd;
    return 1;
  return 0;

/* Parse the name and type information out of parameter.  In case of
 * success, *pzNameStart/End contain the name of the column,
 * *pzTypeStart/End contain the top-level type, and *pTypeMask has the
 * type mask to use for the column.
static int findNameAndType(const char *parameter,
                           const char **pzNameStart, const char **pzNameEnd,
                           const char **pzTypeStart, const char **pzTypeEnd,
                           unsigned char *pTypeMask){
  unsigned nNameLen;   /* Length of found name. */
  const char *zEnd;    /* Current end of parsed column information. */
  int bNotNull;        /* Non-zero if NULL is not allowed for name. */
  int bStrict;         /* Non-zero if column requires exact type match. */
  const char *zDummy;  /* Dummy parameter, result unused. */
  unsigned i;

  /* strictMask is used for STRICT, strictMask|otherMask if STRICT is
   * not supplied.  zReplace provides an alternate type to expose to
   * the caller.
  static struct {
    const char *zName;
    unsigned char strictMask;
    unsigned char otherMask;
    const char *zReplace;
  } kTypeInfo[] = {
    { "ANY",
      0, "",
    { "ROWID",   MASK_INTEGER | MASK_ROWID,             0, "INTEGER", },
    { "INTEGER", MASK_INTEGER | MASK_NULL,              0, NULL, },
    { "FLOAT",   MASK_FLOAT | MASK_NULL,                MASK_INTEGER, NULL, },
    { "TEXT",    MASK_TEXT | MASK_NULL,                 MASK_BLOB, NULL, },
    { "BLOB",    MASK_BLOB | MASK_NULL,                 0, NULL, },

  if( !findWord(parameter, pzNameStart, pzNameEnd) ){
    return SQLITE_MISUSE;

  /* Manifest typing, accept any storage type. */
  if( !findWord(*pzNameEnd, pzTypeStart, pzTypeEnd) ){
    *pzTypeEnd = *pzTypeStart = "";
    return SQLITE_OK;

  nNameLen = *pzTypeEnd - *pzTypeStart;
  for( i=0; i<ArraySize(kTypeInfo); ++i ){
    if( ascii_strncasecmp(kTypeInfo[i].zName, *pzTypeStart, nNameLen)==0 ){
  if( i==ArraySize(kTypeInfo) ){
    return SQLITE_MISUSE;

  zEnd = *pzTypeEnd;
  bStrict = 0;
  if( expectWord(zEnd, "STRICT", &zEnd) ){
    /* TODO(shess): Ick.  But I don't want another single-purpose
     * flag, either.
    if( kTypeInfo[i].zReplace && !kTypeInfo[i].zReplace[0] ){
      return SQLITE_MISUSE;
    bStrict = 1;

  bNotNull = 0;
  if( expectWord(zEnd, "NOT", &zEnd) ){
    if( expectWord(zEnd, "NULL", &zEnd) ){
      bNotNull = 1;
      /* Anything other than NULL after NOT is an error. */
      return SQLITE_MISUSE;

  /* Anything else is an error. */
  if( findWord(zEnd, &zDummy, &zDummy) ){
    return SQLITE_MISUSE;

  *pTypeMask = kTypeInfo[i].strictMask;
  if( !bStrict ){
    *pTypeMask |= kTypeInfo[i].otherMask;
  if( bNotNull ){
    *pTypeMask &= ~MASK_NULL;
  if( kTypeInfo[i].zReplace ){
    *pzTypeStart = kTypeInfo[i].zReplace;
    *pzTypeEnd = *pzTypeStart + strlen(*pzTypeStart);
  return SQLITE_OK;

/* Parse the arguments, placing type masks in *pTypes and the exposed
 * schema in *pzCreateSql (for sqlite3_declare_vtab).
static int ParseColumnsAndGenerateCreate(unsigned nCols,
                                         const char *const *pCols,
                                         char **pzCreateSql,
                                         unsigned char *pTypes,
                                         char **pzErr){
  unsigned i;
  char *zCreateSql = sqlite3_mprintf("CREATE TABLE x(");
  if( !zCreateSql ){
    return SQLITE_NOMEM;

  for( i=0; i<nCols; i++ ){
    const char *zSep = (i < nCols - 1 ? ", " : ")");
    const char *zNotNull = "";
    const char *zNameStart, *zNameEnd;
    const char *zTypeStart, *zTypeEnd;
    int rc = findNameAndType(pCols[i],
                             &zNameStart, &zNameEnd,
                             &zTypeStart, &zTypeEnd,
    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
      *pzErr = sqlite3_mprintf("unable to parse column %d", i);
      return rc;

    if( !(pTypes[i]&MASK_NULL) ){
      zNotNull = " NOT NULL";

    /* Add name and type to the create statement. */
    zCreateSql = sqlite3_mprintf("%z%.*s %.*s%s%s",
                                 zNameEnd - zNameStart, zNameStart,
                                 zTypeEnd - zTypeStart, zTypeStart,
                                 zNotNull, zSep);
    if( !zCreateSql ){
      return SQLITE_NOMEM;

  *pzCreateSql = zCreateSql;
  return SQLITE_OK;

/* Helper function for initializing the module. */
/* argv[0] module name
 * argv[1] db name for virtual table
 * argv[2] virtual table name
 * argv[3] backing table name
 * argv[4] columns
/* TODO(shess): Since connect isn't supported, could inline into
 * recoverCreate().
/* TODO(shess): Explore cases where it would make sense to set *pzErr. */
static int recoverInit(
  sqlite3 *db,                        /* Database connection */
  void *pAux,                         /* unused */
  int argc, const char *const*argv,   /* Parameters to CREATE TABLE statement */
  sqlite3_vtab **ppVtab,              /* OUT: New virtual table */
  char **pzErr                        /* OUT: Error message, if any */
  const unsigned kTypeCol = 4;  /* First argument with column type info. */
  Recover *pRecover;            /* Virtual table structure being created. */
  char *zDot;                   /* Any dot found in "db.table" backing. */
  u32 iRootPage;                /* Root page of backing table. */
  char *zCreateSql;             /* Schema of created virtual table. */
  int rc;

  /* Require to be in the temp database. */
  if( ascii_strcasecmp(argv[1], "temp")!=0 ){
    *pzErr = sqlite3_mprintf("recover table must be in temp database");
    return SQLITE_MISUSE;

  /* Need the backing table and at least one column. */
  if( argc<=kTypeCol ){
    *pzErr = sqlite3_mprintf("no columns specified");
    return SQLITE_MISUSE;

  pRecover = sqlite3_malloc(sizeof(Recover));
  if( !pRecover ){
    return SQLITE_NOMEM;
  memset(pRecover, 0, sizeof(*pRecover));
  pRecover->base.pModule = &recoverModule;
  pRecover->db = db;

  /* Parse out db.table, assuming main if no dot. */
  zDot = strchr(argv[3], '.');
  if( !zDot ){
    pRecover->zDb = sqlite3_strdup(db->aDb[0].zName);
    pRecover->zTable = sqlite3_strdup(argv[3]);
  }else if( zDot>argv[3] && zDot[1]!='\0' ){
    pRecover->zDb = sqlite3_strndup(argv[3], zDot - argv[3]);
    pRecover->zTable = sqlite3_strdup(zDot + 1);
    /* ".table" or "db." not allowed. */
    *pzErr = sqlite3_mprintf("ill-formed table specifier");
    return SQLITE_ERROR;

  pRecover->nCols = argc - kTypeCol;
  pRecover->pTypes = sqlite3_malloc(pRecover->nCols);
  if( !pRecover->zDb || !pRecover->zTable || !pRecover->pTypes ){
    return SQLITE_NOMEM;

  /* Require the backing table to exist. */
  /* TODO(shess): Be more pedantic about the form of the descriptor
   * string.  This already fails for poorly-formed strings, simply
   * because there won't be a root page, but it would make more sense
   * to be explicit.
  rc = getRootPage(pRecover->db, pRecover->zDb, pRecover->zTable, &iRootPage);
  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
    *pzErr = sqlite3_mprintf("unable to find backing table");
    return rc;

  /* Parse the column definitions. */
  rc = ParseColumnsAndGenerateCreate(pRecover->nCols, argv + kTypeCol,
                                     &zCreateSql, pRecover->pTypes, pzErr);
  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
    return rc;

  rc = sqlite3_declare_vtab(db, zCreateSql);
  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
    return rc;

  *ppVtab = (sqlite3_vtab *)pRecover;
  return SQLITE_OK;

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