
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. unixSetSystemCall
  2. unixGetSystemCall
  3. unixNextSystemCall
  4. robust_open
  5. unixEnterMutex
  6. unixLeaveMutex
  7. unixMutexHeld
  8. azFileLock
  9. lockTrace
  10. robust_ftruncate
  11. sqliteErrorFromPosixError
  12. vxworksSimplifyName
  13. vxworksFindFileId
  14. vxworksReleaseFileId
  15. unixLogErrorAtLine
  16. robust_close
  17. closePendingFds
  18. releaseInodeInfo
  19. findInodeInfo
  20. unixCheckReservedLock
  21. unixFileLock
  22. unixLock
  23. setPendingFd
  24. posixUnlock
  25. unixUnlock
  26. closeUnixFile
  27. unixClose
  28. nolockCheckReservedLock
  29. nolockLock
  30. nolockUnlock
  31. nolockClose
  32. dotlockCheckReservedLock
  33. dotlockLock
  34. dotlockUnlock
  35. dotlockClose
  36. robust_flock
  37. flockCheckReservedLock
  38. flockLock
  39. flockUnlock
  40. flockClose
  41. semCheckReservedLock
  42. semLock
  43. semUnlock
  44. semClose
  45. afpSetLock
  46. afpCheckReservedLock
  47. afpLock
  48. afpUnlock
  49. afpClose
  50. nfsUnlock
  51. seekAndRead
  52. unixRead
  53. seekAndWrite
  54. unixWrite
  55. full_fsync
  56. openDirectory
  57. unixSync
  58. unixTruncate
  59. unixFileSize
  60. fcntlSizeHint
  61. unixFileControl
  62. unixSectorSize
  63. unixDeviceCharacteristics
  64. unixShmSystemLock
  65. unixShmPurge
  66. unixOpenSharedMemory
  67. unixShmMap
  68. unixShmLock
  69. unixShmBarrier
  70. unixShmUnmap
  72. autolockIoFinderImpl
  73. initUnixFile
  74. fillInUnixFile
  75. unixTempFileDir
  76. unixGetTempname
  77. findReusableFd
  78. findCreateFileMode
  79. chromium_sqlite3_initialize_unix_sqlite3_file
  80. chromium_sqlite3_fill_in_unix_sqlite3_file
  81. chromium_sqlite3_get_reusable_file_handle
  82. chromium_sqlite3_update_reusable_file_handle
  83. chromium_sqlite3_destroy_reusable_file_handle
  84. unixOpen
  85. unixDelete
  86. unixAccess
  87. unixFullPathname
  88. unixDlOpen
  89. unixDlError
  90. unixDlSym
  91. unixDlClose
  92. unixRandomness
  93. unixSleep
  94. unixCurrentTimeInt64
  95. unixCurrentTime
  96. unixGetLastError
  97. proxyGetLockPath
  98. proxyCreateLockPath
  99. proxyCreateUnixFile
  100. proxyGetHostID
  101. proxyBreakConchLock
  102. proxyConchLock
  103. proxyTakeConch
  104. proxyReleaseConch
  105. proxyCreateConchPathname
  106. switchLockProxyPath
  107. proxyGetDbPathForUnixFile
  108. proxyTransformUnixFile
  109. proxyFileControl
  110. proxyCheckReservedLock
  111. proxyLock
  112. proxyUnlock
  113. proxyClose
  114. sqlite3_os_init
  115. sqlite3_os_end

** 2004 May 22
** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
**    May you do good and not evil.
**    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
**    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
** This file contains the VFS implementation for unix-like operating systems
** include Linux, MacOSX, *BSD, QNX, VxWorks, AIX, HPUX, and others.
** There are actually several different VFS implementations in this file.
** The differences are in the way that file locking is done.  The default
** implementation uses Posix Advisory Locks.  Alternative implementations
** use flock(), dot-files, various proprietary locking schemas, or simply
** skip locking all together.
** This source file is organized into divisions where the logic for various
** subfunctions is contained within the appropriate division.  PLEASE
** KEEP THE STRUCTURE OF THIS FILE INTACT.  New code should be placed
** in the correct division and should be clearly labeled.
** The layout of divisions is as follows:
**   *  General-purpose declarations and utility functions.
**   *  Unique file ID logic used by VxWorks.
**   *  Various locking primitive implementations (all except proxy locking):
**      + for Posix Advisory Locks
**      + for no-op locks
**      + for dot-file locks
**      + for flock() locking
**      + for named semaphore locks (VxWorks only)
**      + for AFP filesystem locks (MacOSX only)
**   *  sqlite3_file methods not associated with locking.
**   *  Definitions of sqlite3_io_methods objects for all locking
**      methods plus "finder" functions for each locking method.
**   *  sqlite3_vfs method implementations.
**   *  Locking primitives for the proxy uber-locking-method. (MacOSX only)
**   *  Definitions of sqlite3_vfs objects for all locking methods
**      plus implementations of sqlite3_os_init() and sqlite3_os_end().
#include "sqliteInt.h"
#if SQLITE_OS_UNIX              /* This file is used on unix only */

** There are various methods for file locking used for concurrency
** control:
**   1. POSIX locking (the default),
**   2. No locking,
**   3. Dot-file locking,
**   4. flock() locking,
**   5. AFP locking (OSX only),
**   6. Named POSIX semaphores (VXWorks only),
**   7. proxy locking. (OSX only)
** Styles 4, 5, and 7 are only available of SQLITE_ENABLE_LOCKING_STYLE
** is defined to 1.  The SQLITE_ENABLE_LOCKING_STYLE also enables automatic
** selection of the appropriate locking style based on the filesystem
** where the database is located.  
#  if defined(__APPLE__)
#  else
#  endif

** Define the OS_VXWORKS pre-processor macro to 1 if building on 
** vxworks, or 0 otherwise.
#ifndef OS_VXWORKS
#  if defined(__RTP__) || defined(_WRS_KERNEL)
#    define OS_VXWORKS 1
#  else
#    define OS_VXWORKS 0
#  endif

** These #defines should enable >2GB file support on Posix if the
** underlying operating system supports it.  If the OS lacks
** large file support, these should be no-ops.
** Large file support can be disabled using the -DSQLITE_DISABLE_LFS switch
** on the compiler command line.  This is necessary if you are compiling
** on a recent machine (ex: RedHat 7.2) but you want your code to work
** on an older machine (ex: RedHat 6.0).  If you compile on RedHat 7.2
** without this option, LFS is enable.  But LFS does not exist in the kernel
** in RedHat 6.0, so the code won't work.  Hence, for maximum binary
** portability you should omit LFS.
** The previous paragraph was written in 2005.  (This paragraph is written
** on 2008-11-28.) These days, all Linux kernels support large files, so
** you should probably leave LFS enabled.  But some embedded platforms might
** lack LFS in which case the SQLITE_DISABLE_LFS macro might still be useful.
# define _LARGE_FILE       1
#   define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64
# endif

** standard include files.
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>

# include <sys/ioctl.h>
#  include <semaphore.h>
#  include <limits.h>
# else
#  include <sys/file.h>
#  include <sys/param.h>
# endif

# include <sys/mount.h>

** Allowed values of unixFile.fsFlags

** If we are to be thread-safe, include the pthreads header and define
# include <pthread.h>

** Default permissions when creating a new file

 ** Default permissions when creating auto proxy dir

** Maximum supported path-length.
#define MAX_PATHNAME 512

** Only set the lastErrno if the error code is a real error and not 
** a normal expected return code of SQLITE_BUSY or SQLITE_OK
#define IS_LOCK_ERROR(x)  ((x != SQLITE_OK) && (x != SQLITE_BUSY))

/* Forward references */
typedef struct unixShm unixShm;               /* Connection shared memory */
typedef struct unixShmNode unixShmNode;       /* Shared memory instance */
typedef struct unixInodeInfo unixInodeInfo;   /* An i-node */
typedef struct UnixUnusedFd UnixUnusedFd;     /* An unused file descriptor */

** Sometimes, after a file handle is closed by SQLite, the file descriptor
** cannot be closed immediately. In these cases, instances of the following
** structure are used to store the file descriptor while waiting for an
** opportunity to either close or reuse it.
struct UnixUnusedFd {
  int fd;                   /* File descriptor to close */
  int flags;                /* Flags this file descriptor was opened with */
  UnixUnusedFd *pNext;      /* Next unused file descriptor on same file */

** The unixFile structure is subclass of sqlite3_file specific to the unix
** VFS implementations.
typedef struct unixFile unixFile;
struct unixFile {
  sqlite3_io_methods const *pMethod;  /* Always the first entry */
  unixInodeInfo *pInode;              /* Info about locks on this inode */
  int h;                              /* The file descriptor */
  unsigned char eFileLock;            /* The type of lock held on this fd */
  unsigned char ctrlFlags;            /* Behavioral bits.  UNIXFILE_* flags */
  int lastErrno;                      /* The unix errno from last I/O error */
  void *lockingContext;               /* Locking style specific state */
  UnixUnusedFd *pUnused;              /* Pre-allocated UnixUnusedFd */
  const char *zPath;                  /* Name of the file */
  unixShm *pShm;                      /* Shared memory segment information */
  int szChunk;                        /* Configured by FCNTL_CHUNK_SIZE */
  int openFlags;                      /* The flags specified at open() */
  unsigned fsFlags;                   /* cached details from statfs() */
  int isDelete;                       /* Delete on close if true */
  struct vxworksFileId *pId;          /* Unique file ID */
#ifndef NDEBUG
  /* The next group of variables are used to track whether or not the
  ** transaction counter in bytes 24-27 of database files are updated
  ** whenever any part of the database changes.  An assertion fault will
  ** occur if a file is updated without also updating the transaction
  ** counter.  This test is made to avoid new problems similar to the
  ** one described by ticket #3584. 
  unsigned char transCntrChng;   /* True if the transaction counter changed */
  unsigned char dbUpdate;        /* True if any part of database file changed */
  unsigned char inNormalWrite;   /* True if in a normal write operation */
  /* In test mode, increase the size of this structure a bit so that 
  ** it is larger than the struct CrashFile defined in test6.c.
  char aPadding[32];

** Allowed values for the unixFile.ctrlFlags bitmask:
#define UNIXFILE_EXCL   0x01     /* Connections from one process only */
#define UNIXFILE_RDONLY 0x02     /* Connection is read only */
#define UNIXFILE_DIRSYNC 0x04    /* Directory sync needed */

** Include code that is common to all os_*.c files
#include "os_common.h"

** Define various macros that are missing from some systems.
# define O_LARGEFILE 0
# define O_LARGEFILE 0
#ifndef O_NOFOLLOW
# define O_NOFOLLOW 0
#ifndef O_BINARY
# define O_BINARY 0

** The threadid macro resolves to the thread-id or to 0.  Used for
** testing and debugging only.
#define threadid pthread_self()
#define threadid 0

/* Forward reference */
static int openDirectory(const char*, int*);

** Many system calls are accessed through pointer-to-functions so that
** they may be overridden at runtime to facilitate fault injection during
** testing and sandboxing.  The following array holds the names and pointers
** to all overrideable system calls.
static struct unix_syscall {
  const char *zName;            /* Name of the sytem call */
  sqlite3_syscall_ptr pCurrent; /* Current value of the system call */
  sqlite3_syscall_ptr pDefault; /* Default value */
} aSyscall[] = {
  { "open",         (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)open,       0  },
#define osOpen      ((int(*)(const char*,int,...))aSyscall[0].pCurrent)

  { "close",        (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)close,      0  },
#define osClose     ((int(*)(int))aSyscall[1].pCurrent)

  { "access",       (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)access,     0  },
#define osAccess    ((int(*)(const char*,int))aSyscall[2].pCurrent)

  { "getcwd",       (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)getcwd,     0  },
#define osGetcwd    ((char*(*)(char*,size_t))aSyscall[3].pCurrent)

  { "stat",         (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)stat,       0  },
#define osStat      ((int(*)(const char*,struct stat*))aSyscall[4].pCurrent)

** The DJGPP compiler environment looks mostly like Unix, but it
** lacks the fcntl() system call.  So redefine fcntl() to be something
** that always succeeds.  This means that locking does not occur under
** DJGPP.  But it is DOS - what did you expect?
#ifdef __DJGPP__
  { "fstat",        0,                 0  },
#define osFstat(a,b,c)    0
  { "fstat",        (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)fstat,      0  },
#define osFstat     ((int(*)(int,struct stat*))aSyscall[5].pCurrent)

  { "ftruncate",    (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)ftruncate,  0  },
#define osFtruncate ((int(*)(int,off_t))aSyscall[6].pCurrent)

  { "fcntl",        (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)fcntl,      0  },
#define osFcntl     ((int(*)(int,int,...))aSyscall[7].pCurrent)

  { "read",         (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)read,       0  },
#define osRead      ((ssize_t(*)(int,void*,size_t))aSyscall[8].pCurrent)

  { "pread",        (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)pread,      0  },
  { "pread",        (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)0,          0  },
#define osPread     ((ssize_t(*)(int,void*,size_t,off_t))aSyscall[9].pCurrent)

#if defined(USE_PREAD64)
  { "pread64",      (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)pread64,    0  },
  { "pread64",      (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)0,          0  },
#define osPread64   ((ssize_t(*)(int,void*,size_t,off_t))aSyscall[10].pCurrent)

  { "write",        (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)write,      0  },
#define osWrite     ((ssize_t(*)(int,const void*,size_t))aSyscall[11].pCurrent)

  { "pwrite",       (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)pwrite,     0  },
  { "pwrite",       (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)0,          0  },
#define osPwrite    ((ssize_t(*)(int,const void*,size_t,off_t))\

#if defined(USE_PREAD64)
  { "pwrite64",     (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)pwrite64,   0  },
  { "pwrite64",     (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)0,          0  },
#define osPwrite64  ((ssize_t(*)(int,const void*,size_t,off_t))\

  { "fchmod",       (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)fchmod,     0  },
  { "fchmod",       (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)0,          0  },
#define osFchmod    ((int(*)(int,mode_t))aSyscall[14].pCurrent)

  { "fallocate",    (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)posix_fallocate,  0 },
  { "fallocate",    (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)0,                0 },
#define osFallocate ((int(*)(int,off_t,off_t))aSyscall[15].pCurrent)

  { "unlink",       (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)unlink,           0 },
#define osUnlink    ((int(*)(const char*))aSyscall[16].pCurrent)

  { "openDirectory",    (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)openDirectory,      0 },
#define osOpenDirectory ((int(*)(const char*,int*))aSyscall[17].pCurrent)

}; /* End of the overrideable system calls */

** This is the xSetSystemCall() method of sqlite3_vfs for all of the
** "unix" VFSes.  Return SQLITE_OK opon successfully updating the
** system call pointer, or SQLITE_NOTFOUND if there is no configurable
** system call named zName.
static int unixSetSystemCall(
  sqlite3_vfs *pNotUsed,        /* The VFS pointer.  Not used */
  const char *zName,            /* Name of system call to override */
  sqlite3_syscall_ptr pNewFunc  /* Pointer to new system call value */
  unsigned int i;

  if( zName==0 ){
    /* If no zName is given, restore all system calls to their default
    ** settings and return NULL
    rc = SQLITE_OK;
    for(i=0; i<sizeof(aSyscall)/sizeof(aSyscall[0]); i++){
      if( aSyscall[i].pDefault ){
        aSyscall[i].pCurrent = aSyscall[i].pDefault;
    /* If zName is specified, operate on only the one system call
    ** specified.
    for(i=0; i<sizeof(aSyscall)/sizeof(aSyscall[0]); i++){
      if( strcmp(zName, aSyscall[i].zName)==0 ){
        if( aSyscall[i].pDefault==0 ){
          aSyscall[i].pDefault = aSyscall[i].pCurrent;
        rc = SQLITE_OK;
        if( pNewFunc==0 ) pNewFunc = aSyscall[i].pDefault;
        aSyscall[i].pCurrent = pNewFunc;
  return rc;

** Return the value of a system call.  Return NULL if zName is not a
** recognized system call name.  NULL is also returned if the system call
** is currently undefined.
static sqlite3_syscall_ptr unixGetSystemCall(
  sqlite3_vfs *pNotUsed,
  const char *zName
  unsigned int i;

  for(i=0; i<sizeof(aSyscall)/sizeof(aSyscall[0]); i++){
    if( strcmp(zName, aSyscall[i].zName)==0 ) return aSyscall[i].pCurrent;
  return 0;

** Return the name of the first system call after zName.  If zName==NULL
** then return the name of the first system call.  Return NULL if zName
** is the last system call or if zName is not the name of a valid
** system call.
static const char *unixNextSystemCall(sqlite3_vfs *p, const char *zName){
  int i = -1;

  if( zName ){
    for(i=0; i<ArraySize(aSyscall)-1; i++){
      if( strcmp(zName, aSyscall[i].zName)==0 ) break;
  for(i++; i<ArraySize(aSyscall); i++){
    if( aSyscall[i].pCurrent!=0 ) return aSyscall[i].zName;
  return 0;

** Retry open() calls that fail due to EINTR
static int robust_open(const char *z, int f, int m){
  int rc;
  do{ rc = osOpen(z,f,m); }while( rc<0 && errno==EINTR );
  return rc;

** Helper functions to obtain and relinquish the global mutex. The
** global mutex is used to protect the unixInodeInfo and
** vxworksFileId objects used by this file, all of which may be 
** shared by multiple threads.
** Function unixMutexHeld() is used to assert() that the global mutex 
** is held when required. This function is only used as part of assert() 
** statements. e.g.
**   unixEnterMutex()
**     assert( unixMutexHeld() );
**   unixEnterLeave()
static void unixEnterMutex(void){
static void unixLeaveMutex(void){
static int unixMutexHeld(void) {
  return sqlite3_mutex_held(sqlite3MutexAlloc(SQLITE_MUTEX_STATIC_MASTER));

** Helper function for printing out trace information from debugging
** binaries. This returns the string represetation of the supplied
** integer lock-type.
static const char *azFileLock(int eFileLock){
  switch( eFileLock ){
    case NO_LOCK: return "NONE";
    case SHARED_LOCK: return "SHARED";
    case RESERVED_LOCK: return "RESERVED";
    case PENDING_LOCK: return "PENDING";
    case EXCLUSIVE_LOCK: return "EXCLUSIVE";
  return "ERROR";

** Print out information about all locking operations.
** This routine is used for troubleshooting locks on multithreaded
** platforms.  Enable by compiling with the -DSQLITE_LOCK_TRACE
** command-line option on the compiler.  This code is normally
** turned off.
static int lockTrace(int fd, int op, struct flock *p){
  char *zOpName, *zType;
  int s;
  int savedErrno;
  if( op==F_GETLK ){
    zOpName = "GETLK";
  }else if( op==F_SETLK ){
    zOpName = "SETLK";
    s = osFcntl(fd, op, p);
    sqlite3DebugPrintf("fcntl unknown %d %d %d\n", fd, op, s);
    return s;
  if( p->l_type==F_RDLCK ){
    zType = "RDLCK";
  }else if( p->l_type==F_WRLCK ){
    zType = "WRLCK";
  }else if( p->l_type==F_UNLCK ){
    zType = "UNLCK";
    assert( 0 );
  assert( p->l_whence==SEEK_SET );
  s = osFcntl(fd, op, p);
  savedErrno = errno;
  sqlite3DebugPrintf("fcntl %d %d %s %s %d %d %d %d\n",
     threadid, fd, zOpName, zType, (int)p->l_start, (int)p->l_len,
     (int)p->l_pid, s);
  if( s==(-1) && op==F_SETLK && (p->l_type==F_RDLCK || p->l_type==F_WRLCK) ){
    struct flock l2;
    l2 = *p;
    osFcntl(fd, F_GETLK, &l2);
    if( l2.l_type==F_RDLCK ){
      zType = "RDLCK";
    }else if( l2.l_type==F_WRLCK ){
      zType = "WRLCK";
    }else if( l2.l_type==F_UNLCK ){
      zType = "UNLCK";
      assert( 0 );
    sqlite3DebugPrintf("fcntl-failure-reason: %s %d %d %d\n",
       zType, (int)l2.l_start, (int)l2.l_len, (int)l2.l_pid);
  errno = savedErrno;
  return s;
#undef osFcntl
#define osFcntl lockTrace
#endif /* SQLITE_LOCK_TRACE */

** Retry ftruncate() calls that fail due to EINTR
static int robust_ftruncate(int h, sqlite3_int64 sz){
  int rc;
  do{ rc = osFtruncate(h,sz); }while( rc<0 && errno==EINTR );
  return rc;

** This routine translates a standard POSIX errno code into something
** useful to the clients of the sqlite3 functions.  Specifically, it is
** intended to translate a variety of "try again" errors into SQLITE_BUSY
** and a variety of "please close the file descriptor NOW" errors into 
** Errors during initialization of locks, or file system support for locks,
** should handle ENOLCK, ENOTSUP, EOPNOTSUPP separately.
static int sqliteErrorFromPosixError(int posixError, int sqliteIOErr) {
  switch (posixError) {
#if 0
  /* At one point this code was not commented out. In theory, this branch
  ** should never be hit, as this function should only be called after
  ** a locking-related function (i.e. fcntl()) has returned non-zero with
  ** the value of errno as the first argument. Since a system call has failed,
  ** errno should be non-zero.
  ** Despite this, if errno really is zero, we still don't want to return
  ** SQLITE_OK. The system call failed, and *some* SQLite error should be
  ** propagated back to the caller. Commenting this branch out means errno==0
  ** will be handled by the "default:" case below.
  case 0: 
    return SQLITE_OK;

  case EAGAIN:
  case EBUSY:
  case EINTR:
  case ENOLCK:  
    /* random NFS retry error, unless during file system support 
     * introspection, in which it actually means what it says */
    return SQLITE_BUSY;
  case EACCES: 
    /* EACCES is like EAGAIN during locking operations, but not any other time*/
    if( (sqliteIOErr == SQLITE_IOERR_LOCK) || 
        (sqliteIOErr == SQLITE_IOERR_UNLOCK) || 
        (sqliteIOErr == SQLITE_IOERR_RDLOCK) ||
      return SQLITE_BUSY;
    /* else fall through */
  case EPERM: 
    return SQLITE_PERM;
  /* EDEADLK is only possible if a call to fcntl(F_SETLKW) is made. And
  ** this module never makes such a call. And the code in SQLite itself 
  ** asserts that SQLITE_IOERR_BLOCKED is never returned. For these reasons
  ** this case is also commented out. If the system does set errno to EDEADLK,
  ** the default SQLITE_IOERR_XXX code will be returned. */
#if 0
  case EDEADLK:
    /* something went terribly awry, unless during file system support 
     * introspection, in which it actually means what it says */
#ifdef ENOTSUP
  case ENOTSUP: 
    /* invalid fd, unless during file system support introspection, in which 
     * it actually means what it says */
  case EIO:
  case EBADF:
  case EINVAL:
  case ENOTCONN:
  case ENODEV:
  case ENXIO:
  case ENOENT:
  case ESTALE:
  case ENOSYS:
    /* these should force the client to close the file and reconnect */
    return sqliteIOErr;

****************** Begin Unique File ID Utility Used By VxWorks ***************
** On most versions of unix, we can get a unique ID for a file by concatenating
** the device number and the inode number.  But this does not work on VxWorks.
** On VxWorks, a unique file id must be based on the canonical filename.
** A pointer to an instance of the following structure can be used as a
** unique file ID in VxWorks.  Each instance of this structure contains
** a copy of the canonical filename.  There is also a reference count.  
** The structure is reclaimed when the number of pointers to it drops to
** zero.
** There are never very many files open at one time and lookups are not
** a performance-critical path, so it is sufficient to put these
** structures on a linked list.
struct vxworksFileId {
  struct vxworksFileId *pNext;  /* Next in a list of them all */
  int nRef;                     /* Number of references to this one */
  int nName;                    /* Length of the zCanonicalName[] string */
  char *zCanonicalName;         /* Canonical filename */

** All unique filenames are held on a linked list headed by this
** variable:
static struct vxworksFileId *vxworksFileList = 0;

** Simplify a filename into its canonical form
** by making the following changes:
**  * removing any trailing and duplicate /
**  * convert /./ into just /
**  * convert /A/../ where A is any simple name into just /
** Changes are made in-place.  Return the new name length.
** The original filename is in z[0..n-1].  Return the number of
** characters in the simplified name.
static int vxworksSimplifyName(char *z, int n){
  int i, j;
  while( n>1 && z[n-1]=='/' ){ n--; }
  for(i=j=0; i<n; i++){
    if( z[i]=='/' ){
      if( z[i+1]=='/' ) continue;
      if( z[i+1]=='.' && i+2<n && z[i+2]=='/' ){
        i += 1;
      if( z[i+1]=='.' && i+3<n && z[i+2]=='.' && z[i+3]=='/' ){
        while( j>0 && z[j-1]!='/' ){ j--; }
        if( j>0 ){ j--; }
        i += 2;
    z[j++] = z[i];
  z[j] = 0;
  return j;

** Find a unique file ID for the given absolute pathname.  Return
** a pointer to the vxworksFileId object.  This pointer is the unique
** file ID.
** The nRef field of the vxworksFileId object is incremented before
** the object is returned.  A new vxworksFileId object is created
** and added to the global list if necessary.
** If a memory allocation error occurs, return NULL.
static struct vxworksFileId *vxworksFindFileId(const char *zAbsoluteName){
  struct vxworksFileId *pNew;         /* search key and new file ID */
  struct vxworksFileId *pCandidate;   /* For looping over existing file IDs */
  int n;                              /* Length of zAbsoluteName string */

  assert( zAbsoluteName[0]=='/' );
  n = (int)strlen(zAbsoluteName);
  pNew = sqlite3_malloc( sizeof(*pNew) + (n+1) );
  if( pNew==0 ) return 0;
  pNew->zCanonicalName = (char*)&pNew[1];
  memcpy(pNew->zCanonicalName, zAbsoluteName, n+1);
  n = vxworksSimplifyName(pNew->zCanonicalName, n);

  /* Search for an existing entry that matching the canonical name.
  ** If found, increment the reference count and return a pointer to
  ** the existing file ID.
  for(pCandidate=vxworksFileList; pCandidate; pCandidate=pCandidate->pNext){
    if( pCandidate->nName==n 
     && memcmp(pCandidate->zCanonicalName, pNew->zCanonicalName, n)==0
       return pCandidate;

  /* No match was found.  We will make a new file ID */
  pNew->nRef = 1;
  pNew->nName = n;
  pNew->pNext = vxworksFileList;
  vxworksFileList = pNew;
  return pNew;

** Decrement the reference count on a vxworksFileId object.  Free
** the object when the reference count reaches zero.
static void vxworksReleaseFileId(struct vxworksFileId *pId){
  assert( pId->nRef>0 );
  if( pId->nRef==0 ){
    struct vxworksFileId **pp;
    for(pp=&vxworksFileList; *pp && *pp!=pId; pp = &((*pp)->pNext)){}
    assert( *pp==pId );
    *pp = pId->pNext;
#endif /* OS_VXWORKS */
/*************** End of Unique File ID Utility Used By VxWorks ****************

*************************** Posix Advisory Locking ****************************
** POSIX advisory locks are broken by design.  ANSI STD 1003.1 (1996)
** section lines 483 through 490 specify that when a process
** sets or clears a lock, that operation overrides any prior locks set
** by the same process.  It does not explicitly say so, but this implies
** that it overrides locks set by the same process using a different
** file descriptor.  Consider this test case:
**       int fd1 = open("./file1", O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0644);
**       int fd2 = open("./file2", O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0644);
** Suppose ./file1 and ./file2 are really the same file (because
** one is a hard or symbolic link to the other) then if you set
** an exclusive lock on fd1, then try to get an exclusive lock
** on fd2, it works.  I would have expected the second lock to
** fail since there was already a lock on the file due to fd1.
** But not so.  Since both locks came from the same process, the
** second overrides the first, even though they were on different
** file descriptors opened on different file names.
** This means that we cannot use POSIX locks to synchronize file access
** among competing threads of the same process.  POSIX locks will work fine
** to synchronize access for threads in separate processes, but not
** threads within the same process.
** To work around the problem, SQLite has to manage file locks internally
** on its own.  Whenever a new database is opened, we have to find the
** specific inode of the database file (the inode is determined by the
** st_dev and st_ino fields of the stat structure that fstat() fills in)
** and check for locks already existing on that inode.  When locks are
** created or removed, we have to look at our own internal record of the
** locks to see if another thread has previously set a lock on that same
** inode.
** (Aside: The use of inode numbers as unique IDs does not work on VxWorks.
** For VxWorks, we have to use the alternative unique ID system based on
** canonical filename and implemented in the previous division.)
** The sqlite3_file structure for POSIX is no longer just an integer file
** descriptor.  It is now a structure that holds the integer file
** descriptor and a pointer to a structure that describes the internal
** locks on the corresponding inode.  There is one locking structure
** per inode, so if the same inode is opened twice, both unixFile structures
** point to the same locking structure.  The locking structure keeps
** a reference count (so we will know when to delete it) and a "cnt"
** field that tells us its internal lock status.  cnt==0 means the
** file is unlocked.  cnt==-1 means the file has an exclusive lock.
** cnt>0 means there are cnt shared locks on the file.
** Any attempt to lock or unlock a file first checks the locking
** structure.  The fcntl() system call is only invoked to set a 
** POSIX lock if the internal lock structure transitions between
** a locked and an unlocked state.
** But wait:  there are yet more problems with POSIX advisory locks.
** If you close a file descriptor that points to a file that has locks,
** all locks on that file that are owned by the current process are
** released.  To work around this problem, each unixInodeInfo object
** maintains a count of the number of pending locks on tha inode.
** When an attempt is made to close an unixFile, if there are
** other unixFile open on the same inode that are holding locks, the call
** to close() the file descriptor is deferred until all of the locks clear.
** The unixInodeInfo structure keeps a list of file descriptors that need to
** be closed and that list is walked (and cleared) when the last lock
** clears.
** Yet another problem:  LinuxThreads do not play well with posix locks.
** Many older versions of linux use the LinuxThreads library which is
** not posix compliant.  Under LinuxThreads, a lock created by thread
** A cannot be modified or overridden by a different thread B.
** Only thread A can modify the lock.  Locking behavior is correct
** if the appliation uses the newer Native Posix Thread Library (NPTL)
** on linux - with NPTL a lock created by thread A can override locks
** in thread B.  But there is no way to know at compile-time which
** threading library is being used.  So there is no way to know at
** compile-time whether or not thread A can override locks on thread B.
** One has to do a run-time check to discover the behavior of the
** current process.
** SQLite used to support LinuxThreads.  But support for LinuxThreads
** was dropped beginning with version 3.7.0.  SQLite will still work with
** LinuxThreads provided that (1) there is no more than one connection 
** per database file in the same process and (2) database connections
** do not move across threads.

** An instance of the following structure serves as the key used
** to locate a particular unixInodeInfo object.
struct unixFileId {
  dev_t dev;                  /* Device number */
  struct vxworksFileId *pId;  /* Unique file ID for vxworks. */
  ino_t ino;                  /* Inode number */

** An instance of the following structure is allocated for each open
** inode.  Or, on LinuxThreads, there is one of these structures for
** each inode opened by each thread.
** A single inode can have multiple file descriptors, so each unixFile
** structure contains a pointer to an instance of this object and this
** object keeps a count of the number of unixFile pointing to it.
struct unixInodeInfo {
  struct unixFileId fileId;       /* The lookup key */
  int nShared;                    /* Number of SHARED locks held */
  unsigned char eFileLock;        /* One of SHARED_LOCK, RESERVED_LOCK etc. */
  unsigned char bProcessLock;     /* An exclusive process lock is held */
  int nRef;                       /* Number of pointers to this structure */
  unixShmNode *pShmNode;          /* Shared memory associated with this inode */
  int nLock;                      /* Number of outstanding file locks */
  UnixUnusedFd *pUnused;          /* Unused file descriptors to close */
  unixInodeInfo *pNext;           /* List of all unixInodeInfo objects */
  unixInodeInfo *pPrev;           /*    .... doubly linked */
  unsigned long long sharedByte;  /* for AFP simulated shared lock */
  sem_t *pSem;                    /* Named POSIX semaphore */
  char aSemName[MAX_PATHNAME+2];  /* Name of that semaphore */

** A lists of all unixInodeInfo objects.
static unixInodeInfo *inodeList = 0;

** This function - unixLogError_x(), is only ever called via the macro
** unixLogError().
** It is invoked after an error occurs in an OS function and errno has been
** set. It logs a message using sqlite3_log() containing the current value of
** errno and, if possible, the human-readable equivalent from strerror() or
** strerror_r().
** The first argument passed to the macro should be the error code that
** will be returned to SQLite (e.g. SQLITE_IOERR_DELETE, SQLITE_CANTOPEN). 
** The two subsequent arguments should be the name of the OS function that
** failed (e.g. "unlink", "open") and the the associated file-system path,
** if any.
#define unixLogError(a,b,c)     unixLogErrorAtLine(a,b,c,__LINE__)
static int unixLogErrorAtLine(
  int errcode,                    /* SQLite error code */
  const char *zFunc,              /* Name of OS function that failed */
  const char *zPath,              /* File path associated with error */
  int iLine                       /* Source line number where error occurred */
  char *zErr;                     /* Message from strerror() or equivalent */
  int iErrno = errno;             /* Saved syscall error number */

  /* If this is not a threadsafe build (SQLITE_THREADSAFE==0), then use
  ** the strerror() function to obtain the human-readable error message
  ** equivalent to errno. Otherwise, use strerror_r().
  char aErr[80];
  memset(aErr, 0, sizeof(aErr));
  zErr = aErr;

  /* If STRERROR_R_CHAR_P (set by autoconf scripts) or __USE_GNU is defined,
  ** assume that the system provides the the GNU version of strerror_r() that 
  ** returns a pointer to a buffer containing the error message. That pointer 
  ** may point to aErr[], or it may point to some static storage somewhere. 
  ** Otherwise, assume that the system provides the POSIX version of 
  ** strerror_r(), which always writes an error message into aErr[].
  ** If the code incorrectly assumes that it is the POSIX version that is
  ** available, the error message will often be an empty string. Not a
  ** huge problem. Incorrectly concluding that the GNU version is available 
  ** could lead to a segfault though.
#if defined(STRERROR_R_CHAR_P) || defined(__USE_GNU)
  zErr = 
# endif
  strerror_r(iErrno, aErr, sizeof(aErr)-1);

  /* This is a threadsafe build, but strerror_r() is not available. */
  zErr = "";
  /* Non-threadsafe build, use strerror(). */
  zErr = strerror(iErrno);

  assert( errcode!=SQLITE_OK );
  if( zPath==0 ) zPath = "";
      "os_unix.c:%d: (%d) %s(%s) - %s",
      iLine, iErrno, zFunc, zPath, zErr

  return errcode;

** Close a file descriptor.
** We assume that close() almost always works, since it is only in a
** very sick application or on a very sick platform that it might fail.
** If it does fail, simply leak the file descriptor, but do log the
** error.
** Note that it is not safe to retry close() after EINTR since the
** file descriptor might have already been reused by another thread.
** So we don't even try to recover from an EINTR.  Just log the error
** and move on.
static void robust_close(unixFile *pFile, int h, int lineno){
  if( osClose(h) ){
    unixLogErrorAtLine(SQLITE_IOERR_CLOSE, "close",
                       pFile ? pFile->zPath : 0, lineno);

** Close all file descriptors accumuated in the unixInodeInfo->pUnused list.
static void closePendingFds(unixFile *pFile){
  unixInodeInfo *pInode = pFile->pInode;
  UnixUnusedFd *p;
  UnixUnusedFd *pNext;
  for(p=pInode->pUnused; p; p=pNext){
    pNext = p->pNext;
    robust_close(pFile, p->fd, __LINE__);
  pInode->pUnused = 0;

** Release a unixInodeInfo structure previously allocated by findInodeInfo().
** The mutex entered using the unixEnterMutex() function must be held
** when this function is called.
static void releaseInodeInfo(unixFile *pFile){
  unixInodeInfo *pInode = pFile->pInode;
  assert( unixMutexHeld() );
  if( ALWAYS(pInode) ){
    if( pInode->nRef==0 ){
      assert( pInode->pShmNode==0 );
      if( pInode->pPrev ){
        assert( pInode->pPrev->pNext==pInode );
        pInode->pPrev->pNext = pInode->pNext;
        assert( inodeList==pInode );
        inodeList = pInode->pNext;
      if( pInode->pNext ){
        assert( pInode->pNext->pPrev==pInode );
        pInode->pNext->pPrev = pInode->pPrev;

** Given a file descriptor, locate the unixInodeInfo object that
** describes that file descriptor.  Create a new one if necessary.  The
** return value might be uninitialized if an error occurs.
** The mutex entered using the unixEnterMutex() function must be held
** when this function is called.
** Return an appropriate error code.
static int findInodeInfo(
  unixFile *pFile,               /* Unix file with file desc used in the key */
  unixInodeInfo **ppInode        /* Return the unixInodeInfo object here */
  int rc;                        /* System call return code */
  int fd;                        /* The file descriptor for pFile */
  struct unixFileId fileId;      /* Lookup key for the unixInodeInfo */
  struct stat statbuf;           /* Low-level file information */
  unixInodeInfo *pInode = 0;     /* Candidate unixInodeInfo object */

  assert( unixMutexHeld() );

  /* Get low-level information about the file that we can used to
  ** create a unique name for the file.
  fd = pFile->h;
  rc = osFstat(fd, &statbuf);
  if( rc!=0 ){
    pFile->lastErrno = errno;
    if( pFile->lastErrno==EOVERFLOW ) return SQLITE_NOLFS;
    return SQLITE_IOERR;

#ifdef __APPLE__
  /* On OS X on an msdos filesystem, the inode number is reported
  ** incorrectly for zero-size files.  See ticket #3260.  To work
  ** around this problem (we consider it a bug in OS X, not SQLite)
  ** we always increase the file size to 1 by writing a single byte
  ** prior to accessing the inode number.  The one byte written is
  ** an ASCII 'S' character which also happens to be the first byte
  ** in the header of every SQLite database.  In this way, if there
  ** is a race condition such that another thread has already populated
  ** the first page of the database, no damage is done.
  if( statbuf.st_size==0 && (pFile->fsFlags & SQLITE_FSFLAGS_IS_MSDOS)!=0 ){
    do{ rc = osWrite(fd, "S", 1); }while( rc<0 && errno==EINTR );
    if( rc!=1 ){
      pFile->lastErrno = errno;
      return SQLITE_IOERR;
    rc = osFstat(fd, &statbuf);
    if( rc!=0 ){
      pFile->lastErrno = errno;
      return SQLITE_IOERR;

  memset(&fileId, 0, sizeof(fileId)); = statbuf.st_dev;
  fileId.pId = pFile->pId;
  fileId.ino = statbuf.st_ino;
  pInode = inodeList;
  while( pInode && memcmp(&fileId, &pInode->fileId, sizeof(fileId)) ){
    pInode = pInode->pNext;
  if( pInode==0 ){
    pInode = sqlite3_malloc( sizeof(*pInode) );
    if( pInode==0 ){
      return SQLITE_NOMEM;
    memset(pInode, 0, sizeof(*pInode));
    memcpy(&pInode->fileId, &fileId, sizeof(fileId));
    pInode->nRef = 1;
    pInode->pNext = inodeList;
    pInode->pPrev = 0;
    if( inodeList ) inodeList->pPrev = pInode;
    inodeList = pInode;
  *ppInode = pInode;
  return SQLITE_OK;

** This routine checks if there is a RESERVED lock held on the specified
** file by this or any other process. If such a lock is held, set *pResOut
** to a non-zero value otherwise *pResOut is set to zero.  The return value
** is set to SQLITE_OK unless an I/O error occurs during lock checking.
static int unixCheckReservedLock(sqlite3_file *id, int *pResOut){
  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
  int reserved = 0;
  unixFile *pFile = (unixFile*)id;


  assert( pFile );
  unixEnterMutex(); /* Because pFile->pInode is shared across threads */

  /* Check if a thread in this process holds such a lock */
  if( pFile->pInode->eFileLock>SHARED_LOCK ){
    reserved = 1;

  /* Otherwise see if some other process holds it.
#ifndef __DJGPP__
  if( !reserved && !pFile->pInode->bProcessLock ){
    struct flock lock;
    lock.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
    lock.l_start = RESERVED_BYTE;
    lock.l_len = 1;
    lock.l_type = F_WRLCK;
    if( osFcntl(pFile->h, F_GETLK, &lock) ){
      pFile->lastErrno = errno;
    } else if( lock.l_type!=F_UNLCK ){
      reserved = 1;
  OSTRACE(("TEST WR-LOCK %d %d %d (unix)\n", pFile->h, rc, reserved));

  *pResOut = reserved;
  return rc;

** Attempt to set a system-lock on the file pFile.  The lock is 
** described by pLock.
** If the pFile was opened read/write from unix-excl, then the only lock
** ever obtained is an exclusive lock, and it is obtained exactly once
** the first time any lock is attempted.  All subsequent system locking
** operations become no-ops.  Locking operations still happen internally,
** in order to coordinate access between separate database connections
** within this process, but all of that is handled in memory and the
** operating system does not participate.
** This function is a pass-through to fcntl(F_SETLK) if pFile is using
** any VFS other than "unix-excl" or if pFile is opened on "unix-excl"
** and is read-only.
** Zero is returned if the call completes successfully, or -1 if a call
** to fcntl() fails. In this case, errno is set appropriately (by fcntl()).
static int unixFileLock(unixFile *pFile, struct flock *pLock){
  int rc;
  unixInodeInfo *pInode = pFile->pInode;
  assert( unixMutexHeld() );
  assert( pInode!=0 );
  if( ((pFile->ctrlFlags & UNIXFILE_EXCL)!=0 || pInode->bProcessLock)
   && ((pFile->ctrlFlags & UNIXFILE_RDONLY)==0)
    if( pInode->bProcessLock==0 ){
      struct flock lock;
      assert( pInode->nLock==0 );
      lock.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
      lock.l_start = SHARED_FIRST;
      lock.l_len = SHARED_SIZE;
      lock.l_type = F_WRLCK;
      rc = osFcntl(pFile->h, F_SETLK, &lock);
      if( rc<0 ) return rc;
      pInode->bProcessLock = 1;
      rc = 0;
    rc = osFcntl(pFile->h, F_SETLK, pLock);
  return rc;

** Lock the file with the lock specified by parameter eFileLock - one
** of the following:
**     (1) SHARED_LOCK
**     (2) RESERVED_LOCK
**     (3) PENDING_LOCK
** Sometimes when requesting one lock state, additional lock states
** are inserted in between.  The locking might fail on one of the later
** transitions leaving the lock state different from what it started but
** still short of its goal.  The following chart shows the allowed
** transitions and the inserted intermediate states:
** This routine will only increase a lock.  Use the sqlite3OsUnlock()
** routine to lower a locking level.
static int unixLock(sqlite3_file *id, int eFileLock){
  /* The following describes the implementation of the various locks and
  ** lock transitions in terms of the POSIX advisory shared and exclusive
  ** lock primitives (called read-locks and write-locks below, to avoid
  ** confusion with SQLite lock names). The algorithms are complicated
  ** slightly in order to be compatible with windows systems simultaneously
  ** accessing the same database file, in case that is ever required.
  ** Symbols defined in os.h indentify the 'pending byte' and the 'reserved
  ** byte', each single bytes at well known offsets, and the 'shared byte
  ** range', a range of 510 bytes at a well known offset.
  ** To obtain a SHARED lock, a read-lock is obtained on the 'pending
  ** byte'.  If this is successful, a random byte from the 'shared byte
  ** range' is read-locked and the lock on the 'pending byte' released.
  ** A process may only obtain a RESERVED lock after it has a SHARED lock.
  ** A RESERVED lock is implemented by grabbing a write-lock on the
  ** 'reserved byte'. 
  ** A process may only obtain a PENDING lock after it has obtained a
  ** SHARED lock. A PENDING lock is implemented by obtaining a write-lock
  ** on the 'pending byte'. This ensures that no new SHARED locks can be
  ** obtained, but existing SHARED locks are allowed to persist. A process
  ** does not have to obtain a RESERVED lock on the way to a PENDING lock.
  ** This property is used by the algorithm for rolling back a journal file
  ** after a crash.
  ** An EXCLUSIVE lock, obtained after a PENDING lock is held, is
  ** implemented by obtaining a write-lock on the entire 'shared byte
  ** range'. Since all other locks require a read-lock on one of the bytes
  ** within this range, this ensures that no other locks are held on the
  ** database. 
  ** The reason a single byte cannot be used instead of the 'shared byte
  ** range' is that some versions of windows do not support read-locks. By
  ** locking a random byte from a range, concurrent SHARED locks may exist
  ** even if the locking primitive used is always a write-lock.
  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
  unixFile *pFile = (unixFile*)id;
  unixInodeInfo *pInode = pFile->pInode;
  struct flock lock;
  int tErrno = 0;

  assert( pFile );
  OSTRACE(("LOCK    %d %s was %s(%s,%d) pid=%d (unix)\n", pFile->h,
      azFileLock(eFileLock), azFileLock(pFile->eFileLock),
      azFileLock(pInode->eFileLock), pInode->nShared , getpid()));

  /* If there is already a lock of this type or more restrictive on the
  ** unixFile, do nothing. Don't use the end_lock: exit path, as
  ** unixEnterMutex() hasn't been called yet.
  if( pFile->eFileLock>=eFileLock ){
    OSTRACE(("LOCK    %d %s ok (already held) (unix)\n", pFile->h,
    return SQLITE_OK;

  /* Make sure the locking sequence is correct.
  **  (1) We never move from unlocked to anything higher than shared lock.
  **  (2) SQLite never explicitly requests a pendig lock.
  **  (3) A shared lock is always held when a reserve lock is requested.
  assert( pFile->eFileLock!=NO_LOCK || eFileLock==SHARED_LOCK );
  assert( eFileLock!=PENDING_LOCK );
  assert( eFileLock!=RESERVED_LOCK || pFile->eFileLock==SHARED_LOCK );

  /* This mutex is needed because pFile->pInode is shared across threads
  pInode = pFile->pInode;

  /* If some thread using this PID has a lock via a different unixFile*
  ** handle that precludes the requested lock, return BUSY.
  if( (pFile->eFileLock!=pInode->eFileLock && 
          (pInode->eFileLock>=PENDING_LOCK || eFileLock>SHARED_LOCK))
    rc = SQLITE_BUSY;
    goto end_lock;

  /* If a SHARED lock is requested, and some thread using this PID already
  ** has a SHARED or RESERVED lock, then increment reference counts and
  ** return SQLITE_OK.
  if( eFileLock==SHARED_LOCK && 
      (pInode->eFileLock==SHARED_LOCK || pInode->eFileLock==RESERVED_LOCK) ){
    assert( eFileLock==SHARED_LOCK );
    assert( pFile->eFileLock==0 );
    assert( pInode->nShared>0 );
    pFile->eFileLock = SHARED_LOCK;
    goto end_lock;

  /* A PENDING lock is needed before acquiring a SHARED lock and before
  ** acquiring an EXCLUSIVE lock.  For the SHARED lock, the PENDING will
  ** be released.
  lock.l_len = 1L;
  lock.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
  if( eFileLock==SHARED_LOCK 
      || (eFileLock==EXCLUSIVE_LOCK && pFile->eFileLock<PENDING_LOCK)
    lock.l_type = (eFileLock==SHARED_LOCK?F_RDLCK:F_WRLCK);
    lock.l_start = PENDING_BYTE;
    if( unixFileLock(pFile, &lock) ){
      tErrno = errno;
      rc = sqliteErrorFromPosixError(tErrno, SQLITE_IOERR_LOCK);
      if( rc!=SQLITE_BUSY ){
        pFile->lastErrno = tErrno;
      goto end_lock;

  /* If control gets to this point, then actually go ahead and make
  ** operating system calls for the specified lock.
  if( eFileLock==SHARED_LOCK ){
    assert( pInode->nShared==0 );
    assert( pInode->eFileLock==0 );
    assert( rc==SQLITE_OK );

    /* Now get the read-lock */
    lock.l_start = SHARED_FIRST;
    lock.l_len = SHARED_SIZE;
    if( unixFileLock(pFile, &lock) ){
      tErrno = errno;
      rc = sqliteErrorFromPosixError(tErrno, SQLITE_IOERR_LOCK);

    /* Drop the temporary PENDING lock */
    lock.l_start = PENDING_BYTE;
    lock.l_len = 1L;
    lock.l_type = F_UNLCK;
    if( unixFileLock(pFile, &lock) && rc==SQLITE_OK ){
      /* This could happen with a network mount */
      tErrno = errno;

    if( rc ){
      if( rc!=SQLITE_BUSY ){
        pFile->lastErrno = tErrno;
      goto end_lock;
      pFile->eFileLock = SHARED_LOCK;
      pInode->nShared = 1;
  }else if( eFileLock==EXCLUSIVE_LOCK && pInode->nShared>1 ){
    /* We are trying for an exclusive lock but another thread in this
    ** same process is still holding a shared lock. */
    rc = SQLITE_BUSY;
    /* The request was for a RESERVED or EXCLUSIVE lock.  It is
    ** assumed that there is a SHARED or greater lock on the file
    ** already.
    assert( 0!=pFile->eFileLock );
    lock.l_type = F_WRLCK;

    assert( eFileLock==RESERVED_LOCK || eFileLock==EXCLUSIVE_LOCK );
    if( eFileLock==RESERVED_LOCK ){
      lock.l_start = RESERVED_BYTE;
      lock.l_len = 1L;
      lock.l_start = SHARED_FIRST;
      lock.l_len = SHARED_SIZE;

    if( unixFileLock(pFile, &lock) ){
      tErrno = errno;
      rc = sqliteErrorFromPosixError(tErrno, SQLITE_IOERR_LOCK);
      if( rc!=SQLITE_BUSY ){
        pFile->lastErrno = tErrno;

#ifndef NDEBUG
  /* Set up the transaction-counter change checking flags when
  ** transitioning from a SHARED to a RESERVED lock.  The change
  ** from SHARED to RESERVED marks the beginning of a normal
  ** write operation (not a hot journal rollback).
  if( rc==SQLITE_OK
   && pFile->eFileLock<=SHARED_LOCK
   && eFileLock==RESERVED_LOCK
    pFile->transCntrChng = 0;
    pFile->dbUpdate = 0;
    pFile->inNormalWrite = 1;

  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
    pFile->eFileLock = eFileLock;
    pInode->eFileLock = eFileLock;
  }else if( eFileLock==EXCLUSIVE_LOCK ){
    pFile->eFileLock = PENDING_LOCK;
    pInode->eFileLock = PENDING_LOCK;

  OSTRACE(("LOCK    %d %s %s (unix)\n", pFile->h, azFileLock(eFileLock), 
      rc==SQLITE_OK ? "ok" : "failed"));
  return rc;

** Add the file descriptor used by file handle pFile to the corresponding
** pUnused list.
static void setPendingFd(unixFile *pFile){
  unixInodeInfo *pInode = pFile->pInode;
  UnixUnusedFd *p = pFile->pUnused;
  p->pNext = pInode->pUnused;
  pInode->pUnused = p;
  pFile->h = -1;
  pFile->pUnused = 0;

** Lower the locking level on file descriptor pFile to eFileLock.  eFileLock
** must be either NO_LOCK or SHARED_LOCK.
** If the locking level of the file descriptor is already at or below
** the requested locking level, this routine is a no-op.
** If handleNFSUnlock is true, then on downgrading an EXCLUSIVE_LOCK to SHARED
** the byte range is divided into 2 parts and the first part is unlocked then
** set to a read lock, then the other part is simply unlocked.  This works 
** around a bug in BSD NFS lockd (also seen on MacOSX 10.3+) that fails to 
** remove the write lock on a region when a read lock is set.
static int posixUnlock(sqlite3_file *id, int eFileLock, int handleNFSUnlock){
  unixFile *pFile = (unixFile*)id;
  unixInodeInfo *pInode;
  struct flock lock;
  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
  int h;

  assert( pFile );
  OSTRACE(("UNLOCK  %d %d was %d(%d,%d) pid=%d (unix)\n", pFile->h, eFileLock,
      pFile->eFileLock, pFile->pInode->eFileLock, pFile->pInode->nShared,

  assert( eFileLock<=SHARED_LOCK );
  if( pFile->eFileLock<=eFileLock ){
    return SQLITE_OK;
  h = pFile->h;
  pInode = pFile->pInode;
  assert( pInode->nShared!=0 );
  if( pFile->eFileLock>SHARED_LOCK ){
    assert( pInode->eFileLock==pFile->eFileLock );
    SimulateIOError( h=(-1) )

#ifndef NDEBUG
    /* When reducing a lock such that other processes can start
    ** reading the database file again, make sure that the
    ** transaction counter was updated if any part of the database
    ** file changed.  If the transaction counter is not updated,
    ** other connections to the same file might not realize that
    ** the file has changed and hence might not know to flush their
    ** cache.  The use of a stale cache can lead to database corruption.
#if 0
    assert( pFile->inNormalWrite==0
         || pFile->dbUpdate==0
         || pFile->transCntrChng==1 );
    pFile->inNormalWrite = 0;

    /* downgrading to a shared lock on NFS involves clearing the write lock
    ** before establishing the readlock - to avoid a race condition we downgrade
    ** the lock in 2 blocks, so that part of the range will be covered by a 
    ** write lock until the rest is covered by a read lock:
    **  1:   [WWWWW]
    **  2:   [....W]
    **  3:   [RRRRW]
    **  4:   [RRRR.]
    if( eFileLock==SHARED_LOCK ){

      assert( handleNFSUnlock==0 );
      if( handleNFSUnlock ){
        int tErrno;               /* Error code from system call errors */
        off_t divSize = SHARED_SIZE - 1;
        lock.l_type = F_UNLCK;
        lock.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
        lock.l_start = SHARED_FIRST;
        lock.l_len = divSize;
        if( unixFileLock(pFile, &lock)==(-1) ){
          tErrno = errno;
          rc = SQLITE_IOERR_UNLOCK;
          if( IS_LOCK_ERROR(rc) ){
            pFile->lastErrno = tErrno;
          goto end_unlock;
        lock.l_type = F_RDLCK;
        lock.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
        lock.l_start = SHARED_FIRST;
        lock.l_len = divSize;
        if( unixFileLock(pFile, &lock)==(-1) ){
          tErrno = errno;
          rc = sqliteErrorFromPosixError(tErrno, SQLITE_IOERR_RDLOCK);
          if( IS_LOCK_ERROR(rc) ){
            pFile->lastErrno = tErrno;
          goto end_unlock;
        lock.l_type = F_UNLCK;
        lock.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
        lock.l_start = SHARED_FIRST+divSize;
        lock.l_len = SHARED_SIZE-divSize;
        if( unixFileLock(pFile, &lock)==(-1) ){
          tErrno = errno;
          rc = SQLITE_IOERR_UNLOCK;
          if( IS_LOCK_ERROR(rc) ){
            pFile->lastErrno = tErrno;
          goto end_unlock;
#endif /* defined(__APPLE__) && SQLITE_ENABLE_LOCKING_STYLE */
        lock.l_type = F_RDLCK;
        lock.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
        lock.l_start = SHARED_FIRST;
        lock.l_len = SHARED_SIZE;
        if( unixFileLock(pFile, &lock) ){
          /* In theory, the call to unixFileLock() cannot fail because another
          ** process is holding an incompatible lock. If it does, this 
          ** indicates that the other process is not following the locking
          ** protocol. If this happens, return SQLITE_IOERR_RDLOCK. Returning
          ** SQLITE_BUSY would confuse the upper layer (in practice it causes 
          ** an assert to fail). */ 
          rc = SQLITE_IOERR_RDLOCK;
          pFile->lastErrno = errno;
          goto end_unlock;
    lock.l_type = F_UNLCK;
    lock.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
    lock.l_start = PENDING_BYTE;
    lock.l_len = 2L;  assert( PENDING_BYTE+1==RESERVED_BYTE );
    if( unixFileLock(pFile, &lock)==0 ){
      pInode->eFileLock = SHARED_LOCK;
      pFile->lastErrno = errno;
      goto end_unlock;
  if( eFileLock==NO_LOCK ){
    /* Decrement the shared lock counter.  Release the lock using an
    ** OS call only when all threads in this same process have released
    ** the lock.
    if( pInode->nShared==0 ){
      lock.l_type = F_UNLCK;
      lock.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
      lock.l_start = lock.l_len = 0L;
      SimulateIOError( h=(-1) )
      if( unixFileLock(pFile, &lock)==0 ){
        pInode->eFileLock = NO_LOCK;
        pFile->lastErrno = errno;
        pInode->eFileLock = NO_LOCK;
        pFile->eFileLock = NO_LOCK;

    /* Decrement the count of locks against this same file.  When the
    ** count reaches zero, close any other file descriptors whose close
    ** was deferred because of outstanding locks.
    assert( pInode->nLock>=0 );
    if( pInode->nLock==0 ){
  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ) pFile->eFileLock = eFileLock;
  return rc;

** Lower the locking level on file descriptor pFile to eFileLock.  eFileLock
** must be either NO_LOCK or SHARED_LOCK.
** If the locking level of the file descriptor is already at or below
** the requested locking level, this routine is a no-op.
static int unixUnlock(sqlite3_file *id, int eFileLock){
  return posixUnlock(id, eFileLock, 0);

** This function performs the parts of the "close file" operation 
** common to all locking schemes. It closes the directory and file
** handles, if they are valid, and sets all fields of the unixFile
** structure to 0.
** It is *not* necessary to hold the mutex when this routine is called,
** even on VxWorks.  A mutex will be acquired on VxWorks by the
** vxworksReleaseFileId() routine.
static int closeUnixFile(sqlite3_file *id){
  unixFile *pFile = (unixFile*)id;
  if( pFile->h>=0 ){
    robust_close(pFile, pFile->h, __LINE__);
    pFile->h = -1;
  if( pFile->pId ){
    if( pFile->isDelete ){
    pFile->pId = 0;
  OSTRACE(("CLOSE   %-3d\n", pFile->h));
  memset(pFile, 0, sizeof(unixFile));
  return SQLITE_OK;

** Close a file.
static int unixClose(sqlite3_file *id){
  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
  unixFile *pFile = (unixFile *)id;
  unixUnlock(id, NO_LOCK);

  /* unixFile.pInode is always valid here. Otherwise, a different close
  ** routine (e.g. nolockClose()) would be called instead.
  assert( pFile->pInode->nLock>0 || pFile->pInode->bProcessLock==0 );
  if( ALWAYS(pFile->pInode) && pFile->pInode->nLock ){
    /* If there are outstanding locks, do not actually close the file just
    ** yet because that would clear those locks.  Instead, add the file
    ** descriptor to pInode->pUnused list.  It will be automatically closed 
    ** when the last lock is cleared.
  rc = closeUnixFile(id);
  return rc;

/************** End of the posix advisory lock implementation *****************

****************************** No-op Locking **********************************
** Of the various locking implementations available, this is by far the
** simplest:  locking is ignored.  No attempt is made to lock the database
** file for reading or writing.
** This locking mode is appropriate for use on read-only databases
** (ex: databases that are burned into CD-ROM, for example.)  It can
** also be used if the application employs some external mechanism to
** prevent simultaneous access of the same database by two or more
** database connections.  But there is a serious risk of database
** corruption if this locking mode is used in situations where multiple
** database connections are accessing the same database file at the same
** time and one or more of those connections are writing.

static int nolockCheckReservedLock(sqlite3_file *NotUsed, int *pResOut){
  *pResOut = 0;
  return SQLITE_OK;
static int nolockLock(sqlite3_file *NotUsed, int NotUsed2){
  UNUSED_PARAMETER2(NotUsed, NotUsed2);
  return SQLITE_OK;
static int nolockUnlock(sqlite3_file *NotUsed, int NotUsed2){
  UNUSED_PARAMETER2(NotUsed, NotUsed2);
  return SQLITE_OK;

** Close the file.
static int nolockClose(sqlite3_file *id) {
  return closeUnixFile(id);

/******************* End of the no-op lock implementation *********************

************************* Begin dot-file Locking ******************************
** The dotfile locking implementation uses the existance of separate lock
** files in order to control access to the database.  This works on just
** about every filesystem imaginable.  But there are serious downsides:
**    (1)  There is zero concurrency.  A single reader blocks all other
**         connections from reading or writing the database.
**    (2)  An application crash or power loss can leave stale lock files
**         sitting around that need to be cleared manually.
** Nevertheless, a dotlock is an appropriate locking mode for use if no
** other locking strategy is available.
** Dotfile locking works by creating a file in the same directory as the
** database and with the same name but with a ".lock" extension added.
** The existance of a lock file implies an EXCLUSIVE lock.  All other lock
** types (SHARED, RESERVED, PENDING) are mapped into EXCLUSIVE.

** The file suffix added to the data base filename in order to create the
** lock file.
#define DOTLOCK_SUFFIX ".lock"

** This routine checks if there is a RESERVED lock held on the specified
** file by this or any other process. If such a lock is held, set *pResOut
** to a non-zero value otherwise *pResOut is set to zero.  The return value
** is set to SQLITE_OK unless an I/O error occurs during lock checking.
** In dotfile locking, either a lock exists or it does not.  So in this
** variation of CheckReservedLock(), *pResOut is set to true if any lock
** is held on the file and false if the file is unlocked.
static int dotlockCheckReservedLock(sqlite3_file *id, int *pResOut) {
  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
  int reserved = 0;
  unixFile *pFile = (unixFile*)id;

  assert( pFile );

  /* Check if a thread in this process holds such a lock */
  if( pFile->eFileLock>SHARED_LOCK ){
    /* Either this connection or some other connection in the same process
    ** holds a lock on the file.  No need to check further. */
    reserved = 1;
    /* The lock is held if and only if the lockfile exists */
    const char *zLockFile = (const char*)pFile->lockingContext;
    reserved = osAccess(zLockFile, 0)==0;
  OSTRACE(("TEST WR-LOCK %d %d %d (dotlock)\n", pFile->h, rc, reserved));
  *pResOut = reserved;
  return rc;

** Lock the file with the lock specified by parameter eFileLock - one
** of the following:
**     (1) SHARED_LOCK
**     (2) RESERVED_LOCK
**     (3) PENDING_LOCK
** Sometimes when requesting one lock state, additional lock states
** are inserted in between.  The locking might fail on one of the later
** transitions leaving the lock state different from what it started but
** still short of its goal.  The following chart shows the allowed
** transitions and the inserted intermediate states:
** This routine will only increase a lock.  Use the sqlite3OsUnlock()
** routine to lower a locking level.
** With dotfile locking, we really only support state (4): EXCLUSIVE.
** But we track the other locking levels internally.
static int dotlockLock(sqlite3_file *id, int eFileLock) {
  unixFile *pFile = (unixFile*)id;
  int fd;
  char *zLockFile = (char *)pFile->lockingContext;
  int rc = SQLITE_OK;

  /* If we have any lock, then the lock file already exists.  All we have
  ** to do is adjust our internal record of the lock level.
  if( pFile->eFileLock > NO_LOCK ){
    pFile->eFileLock = eFileLock;
    /* Always update the timestamp on the old file */
    utimes(zLockFile, NULL);
    return SQLITE_OK;
  /* grab an exclusive lock */
  fd = robust_open(zLockFile,O_RDONLY|O_CREAT|O_EXCL,0600);
  if( fd<0 ){
    /* failed to open/create the file, someone else may have stolen the lock */
    int tErrno = errno;
    if( EEXIST == tErrno ){
      rc = SQLITE_BUSY;
    } else {
      rc = sqliteErrorFromPosixError(tErrno, SQLITE_IOERR_LOCK);
      if( IS_LOCK_ERROR(rc) ){
        pFile->lastErrno = tErrno;
    return rc;
  robust_close(pFile, fd, __LINE__);
  /* got it, set the type and return ok */
  pFile->eFileLock = eFileLock;
  return rc;

** Lower the locking level on file descriptor pFile to eFileLock.  eFileLock
** must be either NO_LOCK or SHARED_LOCK.
** If the locking level of the file descriptor is already at or below
** the requested locking level, this routine is a no-op.
** When the locking level reaches NO_LOCK, delete the lock file.
static int dotlockUnlock(sqlite3_file *id, int eFileLock) {
  unixFile *pFile = (unixFile*)id;
  char *zLockFile = (char *)pFile->lockingContext;

  assert( pFile );
  OSTRACE(("UNLOCK  %d %d was %d pid=%d (dotlock)\n", pFile->h, eFileLock,
           pFile->eFileLock, getpid()));
  assert( eFileLock<=SHARED_LOCK );
  /* no-op if possible */
  if( pFile->eFileLock==eFileLock ){
    return SQLITE_OK;

  /* To downgrade to shared, simply update our internal notion of the
  ** lock state.  No need to mess with the file on disk.
  if( eFileLock==SHARED_LOCK ){
    pFile->eFileLock = SHARED_LOCK;
    return SQLITE_OK;
  /* To fully unlock the database, delete the lock file */
  assert( eFileLock==NO_LOCK );
  if( osUnlink(zLockFile) ){
    int rc = 0;
    int tErrno = errno;
    if( ENOENT != tErrno ){
    if( IS_LOCK_ERROR(rc) ){
      pFile->lastErrno = tErrno;
    return rc; 
  pFile->eFileLock = NO_LOCK;
  return SQLITE_OK;

** Close a file.  Make sure the lock has been released before closing.
static int dotlockClose(sqlite3_file *id) {
  int rc;
  if( id ){
    unixFile *pFile = (unixFile*)id;
    dotlockUnlock(id, NO_LOCK);
  rc = closeUnixFile(id);
  return rc;
/****************** End of the dot-file lock implementation *******************

************************** Begin flock Locking ********************************
** Use the flock() system call to do file locking.
** flock() locking is like dot-file locking in that the various
** fine-grain locking levels supported by SQLite are collapsed into
** a single exclusive lock.  In other words, SHARED, RESERVED, and
** PENDING locks are the same thing as an EXCLUSIVE lock.  SQLite
** still works when you do this, but concurrency is reduced since
** only a single process can be reading the database at a time.
** Omit this section if SQLITE_ENABLE_LOCKING_STYLE is turned off or if
** compiling for VXWORKS.

** Retry flock() calls that fail with EINTR
#ifdef EINTR
static int robust_flock(int fd, int op){
  int rc;
  do{ rc = flock(fd,op); }while( rc<0 && errno==EINTR );
  return rc;
# define robust_flock(a,b) flock(a,b)

** This routine checks if there is a RESERVED lock held on the specified
** file by this or any other process. If such a lock is held, set *pResOut
** to a non-zero value otherwise *pResOut is set to zero.  The return value
** is set to SQLITE_OK unless an I/O error occurs during lock checking.
static int flockCheckReservedLock(sqlite3_file *id, int *pResOut){
  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
  int reserved = 0;
  unixFile *pFile = (unixFile*)id;
  assert( pFile );
  /* Check if a thread in this process holds such a lock */
  if( pFile->eFileLock>SHARED_LOCK ){
    reserved = 1;
  /* Otherwise see if some other process holds it. */
  if( !reserved ){
    /* attempt to get the lock */
    int lrc = robust_flock(pFile->h, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB);
    if( !lrc ){
      /* got the lock, unlock it */
      lrc = robust_flock(pFile->h, LOCK_UN);
      if ( lrc ) {
        int tErrno = errno;
        /* unlock failed with an error */
        lrc = SQLITE_IOERR_UNLOCK; 
        if( IS_LOCK_ERROR(lrc) ){
          pFile->lastErrno = tErrno;
          rc = lrc;
    } else {
      int tErrno = errno;
      reserved = 1;
      /* someone else might have it reserved */
      lrc = sqliteErrorFromPosixError(tErrno, SQLITE_IOERR_LOCK); 
      if( IS_LOCK_ERROR(lrc) ){
        pFile->lastErrno = tErrno;
        rc = lrc;
  OSTRACE(("TEST WR-LOCK %d %d %d (flock)\n", pFile->h, rc, reserved));

  if( (rc & SQLITE_IOERR) == SQLITE_IOERR ){
    rc = SQLITE_OK;
  *pResOut = reserved;
  return rc;

** Lock the file with the lock specified by parameter eFileLock - one
** of the following:
**     (1) SHARED_LOCK
**     (2) RESERVED_LOCK
**     (3) PENDING_LOCK
** Sometimes when requesting one lock state, additional lock states
** are inserted in between.  The locking might fail on one of the later
** transitions leaving the lock state different from what it started but
** still short of its goal.  The following chart shows the allowed
** transitions and the inserted intermediate states:
** flock() only really support EXCLUSIVE locks.  We track intermediate
** lock states in the sqlite3_file structure, but all locks SHARED or
** above are really EXCLUSIVE locks and exclude all other processes from
** access the file.
** This routine will only increase a lock.  Use the sqlite3OsUnlock()
** routine to lower a locking level.
static int flockLock(sqlite3_file *id, int eFileLock) {
  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
  unixFile *pFile = (unixFile*)id;

  assert( pFile );

  /* if we already have a lock, it is exclusive.  
  ** Just adjust level and punt on outta here. */
  if (pFile->eFileLock > NO_LOCK) {
    pFile->eFileLock = eFileLock;
    return SQLITE_OK;
  /* grab an exclusive lock */
  if (robust_flock(pFile->h, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB)) {
    int tErrno = errno;
    /* didn't get, must be busy */
    rc = sqliteErrorFromPosixError(tErrno, SQLITE_IOERR_LOCK);
    if( IS_LOCK_ERROR(rc) ){
      pFile->lastErrno = tErrno;
  } else {
    /* got it, set the type and return ok */
    pFile->eFileLock = eFileLock;
  OSTRACE(("LOCK    %d %s %s (flock)\n", pFile->h, azFileLock(eFileLock), 
           rc==SQLITE_OK ? "ok" : "failed"));
  if( (rc & SQLITE_IOERR) == SQLITE_IOERR ){
    rc = SQLITE_BUSY;
  return rc;

** Lower the locking level on file descriptor pFile to eFileLock.  eFileLock
** must be either NO_LOCK or SHARED_LOCK.
** If the locking level of the file descriptor is already at or below
** the requested locking level, this routine is a no-op.
static int flockUnlock(sqlite3_file *id, int eFileLock) {
  unixFile *pFile = (unixFile*)id;
  assert( pFile );
  OSTRACE(("UNLOCK  %d %d was %d pid=%d (flock)\n", pFile->h, eFileLock,
           pFile->eFileLock, getpid()));
  assert( eFileLock<=SHARED_LOCK );
  /* no-op if possible */
  if( pFile->eFileLock==eFileLock ){
    return SQLITE_OK;
  /* shared can just be set because we always have an exclusive */
  if (eFileLock==SHARED_LOCK) {
    pFile->eFileLock = eFileLock;
    return SQLITE_OK;
  /* no, really, unlock. */
  if( robust_flock(pFile->h, LOCK_UN) ){
    return SQLITE_OK;
    pFile->eFileLock = NO_LOCK;
    return SQLITE_OK;

** Close a file.
static int flockClose(sqlite3_file *id) {
  if( id ){
    flockUnlock(id, NO_LOCK);
  return closeUnixFile(id);


/******************* End of the flock lock implementation *********************

************************ Begin Named Semaphore Locking ************************
** Named semaphore locking is only supported on VxWorks.
** Semaphore locking is like dot-lock and flock in that it really only
** supports EXCLUSIVE locking.  Only a single process can read or write
** the database file at a time.  This reduces potential concurrency, but
** makes the lock implementation much easier.

** This routine checks if there is a RESERVED lock held on the specified
** file by this or any other process. If such a lock is held, set *pResOut
** to a non-zero value otherwise *pResOut is set to zero.  The return value
** is set to SQLITE_OK unless an I/O error occurs during lock checking.
static int semCheckReservedLock(sqlite3_file *id, int *pResOut) {
  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
  int reserved = 0;
  unixFile *pFile = (unixFile*)id;

  assert( pFile );

  /* Check if a thread in this process holds such a lock */
  if( pFile->eFileLock>SHARED_LOCK ){
    reserved = 1;
  /* Otherwise see if some other process holds it. */
  if( !reserved ){
    sem_t *pSem = pFile->pInode->pSem;
    struct stat statBuf;

    if( sem_trywait(pSem)==-1 ){
      int tErrno = errno;
      if( EAGAIN != tErrno ){
        rc = sqliteErrorFromPosixError(tErrno, SQLITE_IOERR_CHECKRESERVEDLOCK);
        pFile->lastErrno = tErrno;
      } else {
        /* someone else has the lock when we are in NO_LOCK */
        reserved = (pFile->eFileLock < SHARED_LOCK);
      /* we could have it if we want it */
  OSTRACE(("TEST WR-LOCK %d %d %d (sem)\n", pFile->h, rc, reserved));

  *pResOut = reserved;
  return rc;

** Lock the file with the lock specified by parameter eFileLock - one
** of the following:
**     (1) SHARED_LOCK
**     (2) RESERVED_LOCK
**     (3) PENDING_LOCK
** Sometimes when requesting one lock state, additional lock states
** are inserted in between.  The locking might fail on one of the later
** transitions leaving the lock state different from what it started but
** still short of its goal.  The following chart shows the allowed
** transitions and the inserted intermediate states:
** Semaphore locks only really support EXCLUSIVE locks.  We track intermediate
** lock states in the sqlite3_file structure, but all locks SHARED or
** above are really EXCLUSIVE locks and exclude all other processes from
** access the file.
** This routine will only increase a lock.  Use the sqlite3OsUnlock()
** routine to lower a locking level.
static int semLock(sqlite3_file *id, int eFileLock) {
  unixFile *pFile = (unixFile*)id;
  int fd;
  sem_t *pSem = pFile->pInode->pSem;
  int rc = SQLITE_OK;

  /* if we already have a lock, it is exclusive.  
  ** Just adjust level and punt on outta here. */
  if (pFile->eFileLock > NO_LOCK) {
    pFile->eFileLock = eFileLock;
    rc = SQLITE_OK;
    goto sem_end_lock;
  /* lock semaphore now but bail out when already locked. */
  if( sem_trywait(pSem)==-1 ){
    rc = SQLITE_BUSY;
    goto sem_end_lock;

  /* got it, set the type and return ok */
  pFile->eFileLock = eFileLock;

  return rc;

** Lower the locking level on file descriptor pFile to eFileLock.  eFileLock
** must be either NO_LOCK or SHARED_LOCK.
** If the locking level of the file descriptor is already at or below
** the requested locking level, this routine is a no-op.
static int semUnlock(sqlite3_file *id, int eFileLock) {
  unixFile *pFile = (unixFile*)id;
  sem_t *pSem = pFile->pInode->pSem;

  assert( pFile );
  assert( pSem );
  OSTRACE(("UNLOCK  %d %d was %d pid=%d (sem)\n", pFile->h, eFileLock,
           pFile->eFileLock, getpid()));
  assert( eFileLock<=SHARED_LOCK );
  /* no-op if possible */
  if( pFile->eFileLock==eFileLock ){
    return SQLITE_OK;
  /* shared can just be set because we always have an exclusive */
  if (eFileLock==SHARED_LOCK) {
    pFile->eFileLock = eFileLock;
    return SQLITE_OK;
  /* no, really unlock. */
  if ( sem_post(pSem)==-1 ) {
    int rc, tErrno = errno;
    rc = sqliteErrorFromPosixError(tErrno, SQLITE_IOERR_UNLOCK);
    if( IS_LOCK_ERROR(rc) ){
      pFile->lastErrno = tErrno;
    return rc; 
  pFile->eFileLock = NO_LOCK;
  return SQLITE_OK;

 ** Close a file.
static int semClose(sqlite3_file *id) {
  if( id ){
    unixFile *pFile = (unixFile*)id;
    semUnlock(id, NO_LOCK);
    assert( pFile );
  return SQLITE_OK;

#endif /* OS_VXWORKS */
** Named semaphore locking is only available on VxWorks.
*************** End of the named semaphore lock implementation ****************

*************************** Begin AFP Locking *********************************
** AFP is the Apple Filing Protocol.  AFP is a network filesystem found
** on Apple Macintosh computers - both OS9 and OSX.
** Third-party implementations of AFP are available.  But this code here
** only works on OSX.

** The afpLockingContext structure contains all afp lock specific state
typedef struct afpLockingContext afpLockingContext;
struct afpLockingContext {
  int reserved;
  const char *dbPath;             /* Name of the open file */

struct ByteRangeLockPB2
  unsigned long long offset;        /* offset to first byte to lock */
  unsigned long long length;        /* nbr of bytes to lock */
  unsigned long long retRangeStart; /* nbr of 1st byte locked if successful */
  unsigned char unLockFlag;         /* 1 = unlock, 0 = lock */
  unsigned char startEndFlag;       /* 1=rel to end of fork, 0=rel to start */
  int fd;                           /* file desc to assoc this lock with */

#define afpfsByteRangeLock2FSCTL        _IOWR('z', 23, struct ByteRangeLockPB2)

** This is a utility for setting or clearing a bit-range lock on an
** AFP filesystem.
** Return SQLITE_OK on success, SQLITE_BUSY on failure.
static int afpSetLock(
  const char *path,              /* Name of the file to be locked or unlocked */
  unixFile *pFile,               /* Open file descriptor on path */
  unsigned long long offset,     /* First byte to be locked */
  unsigned long long length,     /* Number of bytes to lock */
  int setLockFlag                /* True to set lock.  False to clear lock */
  struct ByteRangeLockPB2 pb;
  int err;
  pb.unLockFlag = setLockFlag ? 0 : 1;
  pb.startEndFlag = 0;
  pb.offset = offset;
  pb.length = length; 
  pb.fd = pFile->h;
  OSTRACE(("AFPSETLOCK [%s] for %d%s in range %llx:%llx\n", 
    (setLockFlag?"ON":"OFF"), pFile->h, (pb.fd==-1?"[testval-1]":""),
    offset, length));
  err = fsctl(path, afpfsByteRangeLock2FSCTL, &pb, 0);
  if ( err==-1 ) {
    int rc;
    int tErrno = errno;
    OSTRACE(("AFPSETLOCK failed to fsctl() '%s' %d %s\n",
             path, tErrno, strerror(tErrno)));
    rc = SQLITE_BUSY;
    rc = sqliteErrorFromPosixError(tErrno,
                    setLockFlag ? SQLITE_IOERR_LOCK : SQLITE_IOERR_UNLOCK);
    if( IS_LOCK_ERROR(rc) ){
      pFile->lastErrno = tErrno;
    return rc;
  } else {
    return SQLITE_OK;

** This routine checks if there is a RESERVED lock held on the specified
** file by this or any other process. If such a lock is held, set *pResOut
** to a non-zero value otherwise *pResOut is set to zero.  The return value
** is set to SQLITE_OK unless an I/O error occurs during lock checking.
static int afpCheckReservedLock(sqlite3_file *id, int *pResOut){
  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
  int reserved = 0;
  unixFile *pFile = (unixFile*)id;
  assert( pFile );
  afpLockingContext *context = (afpLockingContext *) pFile->lockingContext;
  if( context->reserved ){
    *pResOut = 1;
    return SQLITE_OK;
  unixEnterMutex(); /* Because pFile->pInode is shared across threads */
  /* Check if a thread in this process holds such a lock */
  if( pFile->pInode->eFileLock>SHARED_LOCK ){
    reserved = 1;
  /* Otherwise see if some other process holds it.
  if( !reserved ){
    /* lock the RESERVED byte */
    int lrc = afpSetLock(context->dbPath, pFile, RESERVED_BYTE, 1,1);  
    if( SQLITE_OK==lrc ){
      /* if we succeeded in taking the reserved lock, unlock it to restore
      ** the original state */
      lrc = afpSetLock(context->dbPath, pFile, RESERVED_BYTE, 1, 0);
    } else {
      /* if we failed to get the lock then someone else must have it */
      reserved = 1;
    if( IS_LOCK_ERROR(lrc) ){
  OSTRACE(("TEST WR-LOCK %d %d %d (afp)\n", pFile->h, rc, reserved));
  *pResOut = reserved;
  return rc;

** Lock the file with the lock specified by parameter eFileLock - one
** of the following:
**     (1) SHARED_LOCK
**     (2) RESERVED_LOCK
**     (3) PENDING_LOCK
** Sometimes when requesting one lock state, additional lock states
** are inserted in between.  The locking might fail on one of the later
** transitions leaving the lock state different from what it started but
** still short of its goal.  The following chart shows the allowed
** transitions and the inserted intermediate states:
** This routine will only increase a lock.  Use the sqlite3OsUnlock()
** routine to lower a locking level.
static int afpLock(sqlite3_file *id, int eFileLock){
  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
  unixFile *pFile = (unixFile*)id;
  unixInodeInfo *pInode = pFile->pInode;
  afpLockingContext *context = (afpLockingContext *) pFile->lockingContext;
  assert( pFile );
  OSTRACE(("LOCK    %d %s was %s(%s,%d) pid=%d (afp)\n", pFile->h,
           azFileLock(eFileLock), azFileLock(pFile->eFileLock),
           azFileLock(pInode->eFileLock), pInode->nShared , getpid()));

  /* If there is already a lock of this type or more restrictive on the
  ** unixFile, do nothing. Don't use the afp_end_lock: exit path, as
  ** unixEnterMutex() hasn't been called yet.
  if( pFile->eFileLock>=eFileLock ){
    OSTRACE(("LOCK    %d %s ok (already held) (afp)\n", pFile->h,
    return SQLITE_OK;

  /* Make sure the locking sequence is correct
  **  (1) We never move from unlocked to anything higher than shared lock.
  **  (2) SQLite never explicitly requests a pendig lock.
  **  (3) A shared lock is always held when a reserve lock is requested.
  assert( pFile->eFileLock!=NO_LOCK || eFileLock==SHARED_LOCK );
  assert( eFileLock!=PENDING_LOCK );
  assert( eFileLock!=RESERVED_LOCK || pFile->eFileLock==SHARED_LOCK );
  /* This mutex is needed because pFile->pInode is shared across threads
  pInode = pFile->pInode;

  /* If some thread using this PID has a lock via a different unixFile*
  ** handle that precludes the requested lock, return BUSY.
  if( (pFile->eFileLock!=pInode->eFileLock && 
       (pInode->eFileLock>=PENDING_LOCK || eFileLock>SHARED_LOCK))
    rc = SQLITE_BUSY;
    goto afp_end_lock;
  /* If a SHARED lock is requested, and some thread using this PID already
  ** has a SHARED or RESERVED lock, then increment reference counts and
  ** return SQLITE_OK.
  if( eFileLock==SHARED_LOCK && 
     (pInode->eFileLock==SHARED_LOCK || pInode->eFileLock==RESERVED_LOCK) ){
    assert( eFileLock==SHARED_LOCK );
    assert( pFile->eFileLock==0 );
    assert( pInode->nShared>0 );
    pFile->eFileLock = SHARED_LOCK;
    goto afp_end_lock;
  /* A PENDING lock is needed before acquiring a SHARED lock and before
  ** acquiring an EXCLUSIVE lock.  For the SHARED lock, the PENDING will
  ** be released.
  if( eFileLock==SHARED_LOCK 
      || (eFileLock==EXCLUSIVE_LOCK && pFile->eFileLock<PENDING_LOCK)
    int failed;
    failed = afpSetLock(context->dbPath, pFile, PENDING_BYTE, 1, 1);
    if (failed) {
      rc = failed;
      goto afp_end_lock;
  /* If control gets to this point, then actually go ahead and make
  ** operating system calls for the specified lock.
  if( eFileLock==SHARED_LOCK ){
    int lrc1, lrc2, lrc1Errno;
    long lk, mask;
    assert( pInode->nShared==0 );
    assert( pInode->eFileLock==0 );
    mask = (sizeof(long)==8) ? LARGEST_INT64 : 0x7fffffff;
    /* Now get the read-lock SHARED_LOCK */
    /* note that the quality of the randomness doesn't matter that much */
    lk = random(); 
    pInode->sharedByte = (lk & mask)%(SHARED_SIZE - 1);
    lrc1 = afpSetLock(context->dbPath, pFile, 
          SHARED_FIRST+pInode->sharedByte, 1, 1);
    if( IS_LOCK_ERROR(lrc1) ){
      lrc1Errno = pFile->lastErrno;
    /* Drop the temporary PENDING lock */
    lrc2 = afpSetLock(context->dbPath, pFile, PENDING_BYTE, 1, 0);
    if( IS_LOCK_ERROR(lrc1) ) {
      pFile->lastErrno = lrc1Errno;
      rc = lrc1;
      goto afp_end_lock;
    } else if( IS_LOCK_ERROR(lrc2) ){
      rc = lrc2;
      goto afp_end_lock;
    } else if( lrc1 != SQLITE_OK ) {
      rc = lrc1;
    } else {
      pFile->eFileLock = SHARED_LOCK;
      pInode->nShared = 1;
  }else if( eFileLock==EXCLUSIVE_LOCK && pInode->nShared>1 ){
    /* We are trying for an exclusive lock but another thread in this
     ** same process is still holding a shared lock. */
    rc = SQLITE_BUSY;
    /* The request was for a RESERVED or EXCLUSIVE lock.  It is
    ** assumed that there is a SHARED or greater lock on the file
    ** already.
    int failed = 0;
    assert( 0!=pFile->eFileLock );
    if (eFileLock >= RESERVED_LOCK && pFile->eFileLock < RESERVED_LOCK) {
        /* Acquire a RESERVED lock */
        failed = afpSetLock(context->dbPath, pFile, RESERVED_BYTE, 1,1);
      if( !failed ){
        context->reserved = 1;
    if (!failed && eFileLock == EXCLUSIVE_LOCK) {
      /* Acquire an EXCLUSIVE lock */
      /* Remove the shared lock before trying the range.  we'll need to 
      ** reestablish the shared lock if we can't get the  afpUnlock
      if( !(failed = afpSetLock(context->dbPath, pFile, SHARED_FIRST +
                         pInode->sharedByte, 1, 0)) ){
        int failed2 = SQLITE_OK;
        /* now attemmpt to get the exclusive lock range */
        failed = afpSetLock(context->dbPath, pFile, SHARED_FIRST, 
                               SHARED_SIZE, 1);
        if( failed && (failed2 = afpSetLock(context->dbPath, pFile, 
                       SHARED_FIRST + pInode->sharedByte, 1, 1)) ){
          /* Can't reestablish the shared lock.  Sqlite can't deal, this is
          ** a critical I/O error
          rc = ((failed & SQLITE_IOERR) == SQLITE_IOERR) ? failed2 : 
          goto afp_end_lock;
        rc = failed; 
    if( failed ){
      rc = failed;
  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
    pFile->eFileLock = eFileLock;
    pInode->eFileLock = eFileLock;
  }else if( eFileLock==EXCLUSIVE_LOCK ){
    pFile->eFileLock = PENDING_LOCK;
    pInode->eFileLock = PENDING_LOCK;
  OSTRACE(("LOCK    %d %s %s (afp)\n", pFile->h, azFileLock(eFileLock), 
         rc==SQLITE_OK ? "ok" : "failed"));
  return rc;

** Lower the locking level on file descriptor pFile to eFileLock.  eFileLock
** must be either NO_LOCK or SHARED_LOCK.
** If the locking level of the file descriptor is already at or below
** the requested locking level, this routine is a no-op.
static int afpUnlock(sqlite3_file *id, int eFileLock) {
  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
  unixFile *pFile = (unixFile*)id;
  unixInodeInfo *pInode;
  afpLockingContext *context = (afpLockingContext *) pFile->lockingContext;
  int skipShared = 0;
  int h = pFile->h;

  assert( pFile );
  OSTRACE(("UNLOCK  %d %d was %d(%d,%d) pid=%d (afp)\n", pFile->h, eFileLock,
           pFile->eFileLock, pFile->pInode->eFileLock, pFile->pInode->nShared,

  assert( eFileLock<=SHARED_LOCK );
  if( pFile->eFileLock<=eFileLock ){
    return SQLITE_OK;
  pInode = pFile->pInode;
  assert( pInode->nShared!=0 );
  if( pFile->eFileLock>SHARED_LOCK ){
    assert( pInode->eFileLock==pFile->eFileLock );
    SimulateIOError( h=(-1) )
#ifndef NDEBUG
    /* When reducing a lock such that other processes can start
    ** reading the database file again, make sure that the
    ** transaction counter was updated if any part of the database
    ** file changed.  If the transaction counter is not updated,
    ** other connections to the same file might not realize that
    ** the file has changed and hence might not know to flush their
    ** cache.  The use of a stale cache can lead to database corruption.
    assert( pFile->inNormalWrite==0
           || pFile->dbUpdate==0
           || pFile->transCntrChng==1 );
    pFile->inNormalWrite = 0;
    if( pFile->eFileLock==EXCLUSIVE_LOCK ){
      rc = afpSetLock(context->dbPath, pFile, SHARED_FIRST, SHARED_SIZE, 0);
      if( rc==SQLITE_OK && (eFileLock==SHARED_LOCK || pInode->nShared>1) ){
        /* only re-establish the shared lock if necessary */
        int sharedLockByte = SHARED_FIRST+pInode->sharedByte;
        rc = afpSetLock(context->dbPath, pFile, sharedLockByte, 1, 1);
      } else {
        skipShared = 1;
    if( rc==SQLITE_OK && pFile->eFileLock>=PENDING_LOCK ){
      rc = afpSetLock(context->dbPath, pFile, PENDING_BYTE, 1, 0);
    if( rc==SQLITE_OK && pFile->eFileLock>=RESERVED_LOCK && context->reserved ){
      rc = afpSetLock(context->dbPath, pFile, RESERVED_BYTE, 1, 0);
      if( !rc ){ 
        context->reserved = 0; 
    if( rc==SQLITE_OK && (eFileLock==SHARED_LOCK || pInode->nShared>1)){
      pInode->eFileLock = SHARED_LOCK;
  if( rc==SQLITE_OK && eFileLock==NO_LOCK ){

    /* Decrement the shared lock counter.  Release the lock using an
    ** OS call only when all threads in this same process have released
    ** the lock.
    unsigned long long sharedLockByte = SHARED_FIRST+pInode->sharedByte;
    if( pInode->nShared==0 ){
      SimulateIOError( h=(-1) )
      if( !skipShared ){
        rc = afpSetLock(context->dbPath, pFile, sharedLockByte, 1, 0);
      if( !rc ){
        pInode->eFileLock = NO_LOCK;
        pFile->eFileLock = NO_LOCK;
    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
      assert( pInode->nLock>=0 );
      if( pInode->nLock==0 ){
  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ) pFile->eFileLock = eFileLock;
  return rc;

** Close a file & cleanup AFP specific locking context 
static int afpClose(sqlite3_file *id) {
  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
  if( id ){
    unixFile *pFile = (unixFile*)id;
    afpUnlock(id, NO_LOCK);
    if( pFile->pInode && pFile->pInode->nLock ){
      /* If there are outstanding locks, do not actually close the file just
      ** yet because that would clear those locks.  Instead, add the file
      ** descriptor to pInode->aPending.  It will be automatically closed when
      ** the last lock is cleared.
    rc = closeUnixFile(id);
  return rc;

#endif /* defined(__APPLE__) && SQLITE_ENABLE_LOCKING_STYLE */
** The code above is the AFP lock implementation.  The code is specific
** to MacOSX and does not work on other unix platforms.  No alternative
** is available.  If you don't compile for a mac, then the "unix-afp"
** VFS is not available.
********************* End of the AFP lock implementation **********************

*************************** Begin NFS Locking ********************************/

 ** Lower the locking level on file descriptor pFile to eFileLock.  eFileLock
 ** must be either NO_LOCK or SHARED_LOCK.
 ** If the locking level of the file descriptor is already at or below
 ** the requested locking level, this routine is a no-op.
static int nfsUnlock(sqlite3_file *id, int eFileLock){
  return posixUnlock(id, eFileLock, 1);

#endif /* defined(__APPLE__) && SQLITE_ENABLE_LOCKING_STYLE */
** The code above is the NFS lock implementation.  The code is specific
** to MacOSX and does not work on other unix platforms.  No alternative
** is available.  
********************* End of the NFS lock implementation **********************

**************** Non-locking sqlite3_file methods *****************************
** The next division contains implementations for all methods of the 
** sqlite3_file object other than the locking methods.  The locking
** methods were defined in divisions above (one locking method per
** division).  Those methods that are common to all locking modes
** are gather together into this division.

** Seek to the offset passed as the second argument, then read cnt 
** bytes into pBuf. Return the number of bytes actually read.
** NB:  If you define USE_PREAD or USE_PREAD64, then it might also
** be necessary to define _XOPEN_SOURCE to be 500.  This varies from
** one system to another.  Since SQLite does not define USE_PREAD
** any any form by default, we will not attempt to define _XOPEN_SOURCE.
** See tickets #2741 and #2681.
** To avoid stomping the errno value on a failed read the lastErrno value
** is set before returning.
static int seekAndRead(unixFile *id, sqlite3_int64 offset, void *pBuf, int cnt){
  int got;
#if (!defined(USE_PREAD) && !defined(USE_PREAD64))
  i64 newOffset;
#if defined(USE_PREAD)
  do{ got = osPread(id->h, pBuf, cnt, offset); }while( got<0 && errno==EINTR );
  SimulateIOError( got = -1 );
#elif defined(USE_PREAD64)
  do{ got = osPread64(id->h, pBuf, cnt, offset); }while( got<0 && errno==EINTR);
  SimulateIOError( got = -1 );
  newOffset = lseek(id->h, offset, SEEK_SET);
  SimulateIOError( newOffset-- );
  if( newOffset!=offset ){
    if( newOffset == -1 ){
      ((unixFile*)id)->lastErrno = errno;
      ((unixFile*)id)->lastErrno = 0;                   
    return -1;
  do{ got = osRead(id->h, pBuf, cnt); }while( got<0 && errno==EINTR );
  if( got<0 ){
    ((unixFile*)id)->lastErrno = errno;
  OSTRACE(("READ    %-3d %5d %7lld %llu\n", id->h, got, offset, TIMER_ELAPSED));
  return got;

** Read data from a file into a buffer.  Return SQLITE_OK if all
** bytes were read successfully and SQLITE_IOERR if anything goes
** wrong.
static int unixRead(
  sqlite3_file *id, 
  void *pBuf, 
  int amt,
  sqlite3_int64 offset
  unixFile *pFile = (unixFile *)id;
  int got;
  assert( id );

  /* If this is a database file (not a journal, master-journal or temp
  ** file), the bytes in the locking range should never be read or written. */
#if 0
  assert( pFile->pUnused==0
       || offset>=PENDING_BYTE+512
       || offset+amt<=PENDING_BYTE 

  got = seekAndRead(pFile, offset, pBuf, amt);
  if( got==amt ){
    return SQLITE_OK;
  }else if( got<0 ){
    /* lastErrno set by seekAndRead */
    pFile->lastErrno = 0; /* not a system error */
    /* Unread parts of the buffer must be zero-filled */
    memset(&((char*)pBuf)[got], 0, amt-got);

** Seek to the offset in id->offset then read cnt bytes into pBuf.
** Return the number of bytes actually read.  Update the offset.
** To avoid stomping the errno value on a failed write the lastErrno value
** is set before returning.
static int seekAndWrite(unixFile *id, i64 offset, const void *pBuf, int cnt){
  int got;
#if (!defined(USE_PREAD) && !defined(USE_PREAD64))
  i64 newOffset;
#if defined(USE_PREAD)
  do{ got = osPwrite(id->h, pBuf, cnt, offset); }while( got<0 && errno==EINTR );
#elif defined(USE_PREAD64)
  do{ got = osPwrite64(id->h, pBuf, cnt, offset);}while( got<0 && errno==EINTR);
  newOffset = lseek(id->h, offset, SEEK_SET);
  SimulateIOError( newOffset-- );
  if( newOffset!=offset ){
    if( newOffset == -1 ){
      ((unixFile*)id)->lastErrno = errno;
      ((unixFile*)id)->lastErrno = 0;                   
    return -1;
  do{ got = osWrite(id->h, pBuf, cnt); }while( got<0 && errno==EINTR );
  if( got<0 ){
    ((unixFile*)id)->lastErrno = errno;

  OSTRACE(("WRITE   %-3d %5d %7lld %llu\n", id->h, got, offset, TIMER_ELAPSED));
  return got;

** Write data from a buffer into a file.  Return SQLITE_OK on success
** or some other error code on failure.
static int unixWrite(
  sqlite3_file *id, 
  const void *pBuf, 
  int amt,
  sqlite3_int64 offset 
  unixFile *pFile = (unixFile*)id;
  int wrote = 0;
  assert( id );
  assert( amt>0 );

  /* If this is a database file (not a journal, master-journal or temp
  ** file), the bytes in the locking range should never be read or written. */
#if 0
  assert( pFile->pUnused==0
       || offset>=PENDING_BYTE+512
       || offset+amt<=PENDING_BYTE 

#ifndef NDEBUG
  /* If we are doing a normal write to a database file (as opposed to
  ** doing a hot-journal rollback or a write to some file other than a
  ** normal database file) then record the fact that the database
  ** has changed.  If the transaction counter is modified, record that
  ** fact too.
  if( pFile->inNormalWrite ){
    pFile->dbUpdate = 1;  /* The database has been modified */
    if( offset<=24 && offset+amt>=27 ){
      int rc;
      char oldCntr[4];
      rc = seekAndRead(pFile, 24, oldCntr, 4);
      if( rc!=4 || memcmp(oldCntr, &((char*)pBuf)[24-offset], 4)!=0 ){
        pFile->transCntrChng = 1;  /* The transaction counter has changed */

  while( amt>0 && (wrote = seekAndWrite(pFile, offset, pBuf, amt))>0 ){
    amt -= wrote;
    offset += wrote;
    pBuf = &((char*)pBuf)[wrote];
  SimulateIOError(( wrote=(-1), amt=1 ));
  SimulateDiskfullError(( wrote=0, amt=1 ));

  if( amt>0 ){
    if( wrote<0 ){
      /* lastErrno set by seekAndWrite */
      return SQLITE_IOERR_WRITE;
      pFile->lastErrno = 0; /* not a system error */
      return SQLITE_FULL;

  return SQLITE_OK;

** Count the number of fullsyncs and normal syncs.  This is used to test
** that syncs and fullsyncs are occurring at the right times.
int sqlite3_sync_count = 0;
int sqlite3_fullsync_count = 0;

** We do not trust systems to provide a working fdatasync().  Some do.
** Others do no.  To be safe, we will stick with the (slower) fsync().
** If you know that your system does support fdatasync() correctly,
** then simply compile with -Dfdatasync=fdatasync
#if !defined(fdatasync) && !defined(__linux__)
# define fdatasync fsync

** Define HAVE_FULLFSYNC to 0 or 1 depending on whether or not
** the F_FULLFSYNC macro is defined.  F_FULLFSYNC is currently
** only available on Mac OS X.  But that could change.

** The fsync() system call does not work as advertised on many
** unix systems.  The following procedure is an attempt to make
** it work better.
** The SQLITE_NO_SYNC macro disables all fsync()s.  This is useful
** for testing when we want to run through the test suite quickly.
** You are strongly advised *not* to deploy with SQLITE_NO_SYNC
** enabled, however, since with SQLITE_NO_SYNC enabled, an OS crash
** or power failure will likely corrupt the database file.
** SQLite sets the dataOnly flag if the size of the file is unchanged.
** The idea behind dataOnly is that it should only write the file content
** to disk, not the inode.  We only set dataOnly if the file size is 
** unchanged since the file size is part of the inode.  However, 
** Ted Ts'o tells us that fdatasync() will also write the inode if the
** file size has changed.  The only real difference between fdatasync()
** and fsync(), Ted tells us, is that fdatasync() will not flush the
** inode if the mtime or owner or other inode attributes have changed.
** We only care about the file size, not the other file attributes, so
** as far as SQLite is concerned, an fdatasync() is always adequate.
** So, we always use fdatasync() if it is available, regardless of
** the value of the dataOnly flag.
static int full_fsync(int fd, int fullSync, int dataOnly){
  int rc;

  /* The following "ifdef/elif/else/" block has the same structure as
  ** the one below. It is replicated here solely to avoid cluttering 
  ** up the real code with the UNUSED_PARAMETER() macros.

  /* Record the number of times that we do a normal fsync() and 
  ** FULLSYNC.  This is used during testing to verify that this procedure
  ** gets called with the correct arguments.
  if( fullSync ) sqlite3_fullsync_count++;

  /* If we compiled with the SQLITE_NO_SYNC flag, then syncing is a
  ** no-op
  rc = SQLITE_OK;
  if( fullSync ){
    rc = osFcntl(fd, F_FULLFSYNC, 0);
    rc = 1;
  /* If the FULLFSYNC failed, fall back to attempting an fsync().
  ** It shouldn't be possible for fullfsync to fail on the local 
  ** file system (on OSX), so failure indicates that FULLFSYNC
  ** isn't supported for this file system. So, attempt an fsync 
  ** and (for now) ignore the overhead of a superfluous fcntl call.  
  ** It'd be better to detect fullfsync support once and avoid 
  ** the fcntl call every time sync is called.
  if( rc ) rc = fsync(fd);

#elif defined(__APPLE__)
  /* fdatasync() on HFS+ doesn't yet flush the file size if it changed correctly
  ** so currently we default to the macro that redefines fdatasync to fsync
  rc = fsync(fd);
  rc = fdatasync(fd);
  if( rc==-1 && errno==ENOTSUP ){
    rc = fsync(fd);
#endif /* OS_VXWORKS */
#endif /* ifdef SQLITE_NO_SYNC elif HAVE_FULLFSYNC */

  if( OS_VXWORKS && rc!= -1 ){
    rc = 0;
  return rc;

** Open a file descriptor to the directory containing file zFilename.
** If successful, *pFd is set to the opened file descriptor and
** SQLITE_OK is returned. If an error occurs, either SQLITE_NOMEM
** or SQLITE_CANTOPEN is returned and *pFd is set to an undefined
** value.
** The directory file descriptor is used for only one thing - to
** fsync() a directory to make sure file creation and deletion events
** are flushed to disk.  Such fsyncs are not needed on newer
** journaling filesystems, but are required on older filesystems.
** This routine can be overridden using the xSetSysCall interface.
** The ability to override this routine was added in support of the
** chromium sandbox.  Opening a directory is a security risk (we are
** told) so making it overrideable allows the chromium sandbox to
** replace this routine with a harmless no-op.  To make this routine
** a no-op, replace it with a stub that returns SQLITE_OK but leaves
** *pFd set to a negative number.
** If SQLITE_OK is returned, the caller is responsible for closing
** the file descriptor *pFd using close().
static int openDirectory(const char *zFilename, int *pFd){
  int ii;
  int fd = -1;
  char zDirname[MAX_PATHNAME+1];

  sqlite3_snprintf(MAX_PATHNAME, zDirname, "%s", zFilename);
  for(ii=(int)strlen(zDirname); ii>1 && zDirname[ii]!='/'; ii--);
  if( ii>0 ){
    zDirname[ii] = '\0';
    fd = robust_open(zDirname, O_RDONLY|O_BINARY, 0);
    if( fd>=0 ){
      osFcntl(fd, F_SETFD, osFcntl(fd, F_GETFD, 0) | FD_CLOEXEC);
      OSTRACE(("OPENDIR %-3d %s\n", fd, zDirname));
  *pFd = fd;
  return (fd>=0?SQLITE_OK:unixLogError(SQLITE_CANTOPEN_BKPT, "open", zDirname));

** Make sure all writes to a particular file are committed to disk.
** If dataOnly==0 then both the file itself and its metadata (file
** size, access time, etc) are synced.  If dataOnly!=0 then only the
** file data is synced.
** Under Unix, also make sure that the directory entry for the file
** has been created by fsync-ing the directory that contains the file.
** If we do not do this and we encounter a power failure, the directory
** entry for the journal might not exist after we reboot.  The next
** SQLite to access the file will not know that the journal exists (because
** the directory entry for the journal was never created) and the transaction
** will not roll back - possibly leading to database corruption.
static int unixSync(sqlite3_file *id, int flags){
  int rc;
  unixFile *pFile = (unixFile*)id;

  int isDataOnly = (flags&SQLITE_SYNC_DATAONLY);
  int isFullsync = (flags&0x0F)==SQLITE_SYNC_FULL;

  /* Check that one of SQLITE_SYNC_NORMAL or FULL was passed */
      || (flags&0x0F)==SQLITE_SYNC_FULL

  /* Unix cannot, but some systems may return SQLITE_FULL from here. This
  ** line is to test that doing so does not cause any problems.
  SimulateDiskfullError( return SQLITE_FULL );

  assert( pFile );
  OSTRACE(("SYNC    %-3d\n", pFile->h));
  rc = full_fsync(pFile->h, isFullsync, isDataOnly);
  SimulateIOError( rc=1 );
  if( rc ){
    pFile->lastErrno = errno;
    return unixLogError(SQLITE_IOERR_FSYNC, "full_fsync", pFile->zPath);

  /* Also fsync the directory containing the file if the DIRSYNC flag
  ** is set.  This is a one-time occurrance.  Many systems (examples: AIX)
  ** are unable to fsync a directory, so ignore errors on the fsync.
  if( pFile->ctrlFlags & UNIXFILE_DIRSYNC ){
    int dirfd;
    OSTRACE(("DIRSYNC %s (have_fullfsync=%d fullsync=%d)\n", pFile->zPath,
            HAVE_FULLFSYNC, isFullsync));
    rc = osOpenDirectory(pFile->zPath, &dirfd);
    if( rc==SQLITE_OK && dirfd>=0 ){
      full_fsync(dirfd, 0, 0);
      robust_close(pFile, dirfd, __LINE__);
    }else if( rc==SQLITE_CANTOPEN ){
      rc = SQLITE_OK;
    pFile->ctrlFlags &= ~UNIXFILE_DIRSYNC;
  return rc;

** Truncate an open file to a specified size
static int unixTruncate(sqlite3_file *id, i64 nByte){
  unixFile *pFile = (unixFile *)id;
  int rc;
  assert( pFile );
  SimulateIOError( return SQLITE_IOERR_TRUNCATE );

  /* If the user has configured a chunk-size for this file, truncate the
  ** file so that it consists of an integer number of chunks (i.e. the
  ** actual file size after the operation may be larger than the requested
  ** size).
  if( pFile->szChunk ){
    nByte = ((nByte + pFile->szChunk - 1)/pFile->szChunk) * pFile->szChunk;

  rc = robust_ftruncate(pFile->h, (off_t)nByte);
  if( rc ){
    pFile->lastErrno = errno;
    return unixLogError(SQLITE_IOERR_TRUNCATE, "ftruncate", pFile->zPath);
#ifndef NDEBUG
    /* If we are doing a normal write to a database file (as opposed to
    ** doing a hot-journal rollback or a write to some file other than a
    ** normal database file) and we truncate the file to zero length,
    ** that effectively updates the change counter.  This might happen
    ** when restoring a database using the backup API from a zero-length
    ** source.
    if( pFile->inNormalWrite && nByte==0 ){
      pFile->transCntrChng = 1;

    return SQLITE_OK;

** Determine the current size of a file in bytes
static int unixFileSize(sqlite3_file *id, i64 *pSize){
  int rc;
  struct stat buf;
  assert( id );
  rc = osFstat(((unixFile*)id)->h, &buf);
  SimulateIOError( rc=1 );
  if( rc!=0 ){
    ((unixFile*)id)->lastErrno = errno;
  *pSize = buf.st_size;

  /* When opening a zero-size database, the findInodeInfo() procedure
  ** writes a single byte into that file in order to work around a bug
  ** in the OS-X msdos filesystem.  In order to avoid problems with upper
  ** layers, we need to report this file size as zero even though it is
  ** really 1.   Ticket #3260.
  if( *pSize==1 ) *pSize = 0;

  return SQLITE_OK;

** Handler for proxy-locking file-control verbs.  Defined below in the
** proxying locking division.
static int proxyFileControl(sqlite3_file*,int,void*);

** This function is called to handle the SQLITE_FCNTL_SIZE_HINT 
** file-control operation.
** If the user has configured a chunk-size for this file, it could be
** that the file needs to be extended at this point. Otherwise, the
** SQLITE_FCNTL_SIZE_HINT operation is a no-op for Unix.
static int fcntlSizeHint(unixFile *pFile, i64 nByte){
  if( pFile->szChunk ){
    i64 nSize;                    /* Required file size */
    struct stat buf;              /* Used to hold return values of fstat() */
    if( osFstat(pFile->h, &buf) ) return SQLITE_IOERR_FSTAT;

    nSize = ((nByte+pFile->szChunk-1) / pFile->szChunk) * pFile->szChunk;
    if( nSize>(i64)buf.st_size ){

      /* The code below is handling the return value of osFallocate() 
      ** correctly. posix_fallocate() is defined to "returns zero on success, 
      ** or an error number on  failure". See the manpage for details. */
      int err;
        err = osFallocate(pFile->h, buf.st_size, nSize-buf.st_size);
      }while( err==EINTR );
      if( err ) return SQLITE_IOERR_WRITE;
      /* If the OS does not have posix_fallocate(), fake it. First use
      ** ftruncate() to set the file size, then write a single byte to
      ** the last byte in each block within the extended region. This
      ** is the same technique used by glibc to implement posix_fallocate()
      ** on systems that do not have a real fallocate() system call.
      int nBlk = buf.st_blksize;  /* File-system block size */
      i64 iWrite;                 /* Next offset to write to */

      if( robust_ftruncate(pFile->h, nSize) ){
        pFile->lastErrno = errno;
        return unixLogError(SQLITE_IOERR_TRUNCATE, "ftruncate", pFile->zPath);
      iWrite = ((buf.st_size + 2*nBlk - 1)/nBlk)*nBlk-1;
      while( iWrite<nSize ){
        int nWrite = seekAndWrite(pFile, iWrite, "", 1);
        if( nWrite!=1 ) return SQLITE_IOERR_WRITE;
        iWrite += nBlk;

  return SQLITE_OK;

** Information and control of an open file handle.
static int unixFileControl(sqlite3_file *id, int op, void *pArg){
  switch( op ){
      *(int*)pArg = ((unixFile*)id)->eFileLock;
      return SQLITE_OK;
      *(int*)pArg = ((unixFile*)id)->lastErrno;
      return SQLITE_OK;
      ((unixFile*)id)->szChunk = *(int *)pArg;
      return SQLITE_OK;
      return fcntlSizeHint((unixFile *)id, *(i64 *)pArg);
#ifndef NDEBUG
    /* The pager calls this method to signal that it has done
    ** a rollback and that the database is therefore unchanged and
    ** it hence it is OK for the transaction change counter to be
    ** unchanged.
      ((unixFile*)id)->dbUpdate = 0;
      return SQLITE_OK;
      return proxyFileControl(id,op,pArg);
#endif /* SQLITE_ENABLE_LOCKING_STYLE && defined(__APPLE__) */
      return SQLITE_OK;  /* A no-op */

** Return the sector size in bytes of the underlying block device for
** the specified file. This is almost always 512 bytes, but may be
** larger for some devices.
** SQLite code assumes this function cannot fail. It also assumes that
** if two files are created in the same file-system directory (i.e.
** a database and its journal file) that the sector size will be the
** same for both.
static int unixSectorSize(sqlite3_file *NotUsed){

** Return the device characteristics for the file. This is always 0 for unix.
static int unixDeviceCharacteristics(sqlite3_file *NotUsed){
  return 0;


** Object used to represent an shared memory buffer.  
** When multiple threads all reference the same wal-index, each thread
** has its own unixShm object, but they all point to a single instance
** of this unixShmNode object.  In other words, each wal-index is opened
** only once per process.
** Each unixShmNode object is connected to a single unixInodeInfo object.
** We could coalesce this object into unixInodeInfo, but that would mean
** every open file that does not use shared memory (in other words, most
** open files) would have to carry around this extra information.  So
** the unixInodeInfo object contains a pointer to this unixShmNode object
** and the unixShmNode object is created only when needed.
** unixMutexHeld() must be true when creating or destroying
** this object or while reading or writing the following fields:
**      nRef
** The following fields are read-only after the object is created:
**      fid
**      zFilename
** Either unixShmNode.mutex must be held or unixShmNode.nRef==0 and
** unixMutexHeld() is true when reading or writing any other field
** in this structure.
struct unixShmNode {
  unixInodeInfo *pInode;     /* unixInodeInfo that owns this SHM node */
  sqlite3_mutex *mutex;      /* Mutex to access this object */
  char *zFilename;           /* Name of the mmapped file */
  int h;                     /* Open file descriptor */
  int szRegion;              /* Size of shared-memory regions */
  int nRegion;               /* Size of array apRegion */
  char **apRegion;           /* Array of mapped shared-memory regions */
  int nRef;                  /* Number of unixShm objects pointing to this */
  unixShm *pFirst;           /* All unixShm objects pointing to this */
  u8 exclMask;               /* Mask of exclusive locks held */
  u8 sharedMask;             /* Mask of shared locks held */
  u8 nextShmId;              /* Next available value */

** Structure used internally by this VFS to record the state of an
** open shared memory connection.
** The following fields are initialized when this object is created and
** are read-only thereafter:
**    unixShm.pFile
** All other fields are read/write.  The unixShm.pFile->mutex must be held
** while accessing any read/write fields.
struct unixShm {
  unixShmNode *pShmNode;     /* The underlying unixShmNode object */
  unixShm *pNext;            /* Next unixShm with the same unixShmNode */
  u8 hasMutex;               /* True if holding the unixShmNode mutex */
  u16 sharedMask;            /* Mask of shared locks held */
  u16 exclMask;              /* Mask of exclusive locks held */
  u8 id;                     /* Id of this connection within its unixShmNode */

** Constants used for locking
#define UNIX_SHM_BASE   ((22+SQLITE_SHM_NLOCK)*4)         /* first lock byte */
#define UNIX_SHM_DMS    (UNIX_SHM_BASE+SQLITE_SHM_NLOCK)  /* deadman switch */

** Apply posix advisory locks for all bytes from ofst through ofst+n-1.
** Locks block if the mask is exactly UNIX_SHM_C and are non-blocking
** otherwise.
static int unixShmSystemLock(
  unixShmNode *pShmNode, /* Apply locks to this open shared-memory segment */
  int lockType,          /* F_UNLCK, F_RDLCK, or F_WRLCK */
  int ofst,              /* First byte of the locking range */
  int n                  /* Number of bytes to lock */
  struct flock f;       /* The posix advisory locking structure */
  int rc = SQLITE_OK;   /* Result code form fcntl() */

  /* Access to the unixShmNode object is serialized by the caller */
  assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pShmNode->mutex) || pShmNode->nRef==0 );

  /* Shared locks never span more than one byte */
  assert( n==1 || lockType!=F_RDLCK );

  /* Locks are within range */
  assert( n>=1 && n<SQLITE_SHM_NLOCK );

  if( pShmNode->h>=0 ){
    /* Initialize the locking parameters */
    memset(&f, 0, sizeof(f));
    f.l_type = lockType;
    f.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
    f.l_start = ofst;
    f.l_len = n;

    rc = osFcntl(pShmNode->h, F_SETLK, &f);
    rc = (rc!=(-1)) ? SQLITE_OK : SQLITE_BUSY;

  /* Update the global lock state and do debug tracing */
  { u16 mask;
  mask = (1<<(ofst+n)) - (1<<ofst);
  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
    if( lockType==F_UNLCK ){
      OSTRACE(("unlock %d ok", ofst));
      pShmNode->exclMask &= ~mask;
      pShmNode->sharedMask &= ~mask;
    }else if( lockType==F_RDLCK ){
      OSTRACE(("read-lock %d ok", ofst));
      pShmNode->exclMask &= ~mask;
      pShmNode->sharedMask |= mask;
      assert( lockType==F_WRLCK );
      OSTRACE(("write-lock %d ok", ofst));
      pShmNode->exclMask |= mask;
      pShmNode->sharedMask &= ~mask;
    if( lockType==F_UNLCK ){
      OSTRACE(("unlock %d failed", ofst));
    }else if( lockType==F_RDLCK ){
      OSTRACE(("read-lock failed"));
      assert( lockType==F_WRLCK );
      OSTRACE(("write-lock %d failed", ofst));
  OSTRACE((" - afterwards %03x,%03x\n",
           pShmNode->sharedMask, pShmNode->exclMask));

  return rc;        

** Purge the unixShmNodeList list of all entries with unixShmNode.nRef==0.
** This is not a VFS shared-memory method; it is a utility function called
** by VFS shared-memory methods.
static void unixShmPurge(unixFile *pFd){
  unixShmNode *p = pFd->pInode->pShmNode;
  assert( unixMutexHeld() );
  if( p && p->nRef==0 ){
    int i;
    assert( p->pInode==pFd->pInode );
    if( p->mutex ) sqlite3_mutex_free(p->mutex);
    for(i=0; i<p->nRegion; i++){
      if( p->h>=0 ){
        munmap(p->apRegion[i], p->szRegion);
    if( p->h>=0 ){
      robust_close(pFd, p->h, __LINE__);
      p->h = -1;
    p->pInode->pShmNode = 0;

** Open a shared-memory area associated with open database file pDbFd.  
** This particular implementation uses mmapped files.
** The file used to implement shared-memory is in the same directory
** as the open database file and has the same name as the open database
** file with the "-shm" suffix added.  For example, if the database file
** is "/home/user1/config.db" then the file that is created and mmapped
** for shared memory will be called "/home/user1/config.db-shm".  
** Another approach to is to use files in /dev/shm or /dev/tmp or an
** some other tmpfs mount. But if a file in a different directory
** from the database file is used, then differing access permissions
** or a chroot() might cause two different processes on the same
** database to end up using different files for shared memory - 
** meaning that their memory would not really be shared - resulting
** in database corruption.  Nevertheless, this tmpfs file usage
** can be enabled at compile-time using -DSQLITE_SHM_DIRECTORY="/dev/shm"
** or the equivalent.  The use of the SQLITE_SHM_DIRECTORY compile-time
** option results in an incompatible build of SQLite;  builds of SQLite
** that with differing SQLITE_SHM_DIRECTORY settings attempt to use the
** same database file at the same time, database corruption will likely
** result. The SQLITE_SHM_DIRECTORY compile-time option is considered
** "unsupported" and may go away in a future SQLite release.
** When opening a new shared-memory file, if no other instances of that
** file are currently open, in this process or in other processes, then
** the file must be truncated to zero length or have its header cleared.
** If the original database file (pDbFd) is using the "unix-excl" VFS
** that means that an exclusive lock is held on the database file and
** that no other processes are able to read or write the database.  In
** that case, we do not really need shared memory.  No shared memory
** file is created.  The shared memory will be simulated with heap memory.
static int unixOpenSharedMemory(unixFile *pDbFd){
  struct unixShm *p = 0;          /* The connection to be opened */
  struct unixShmNode *pShmNode;   /* The underlying mmapped file */
  int rc;                         /* Result code */
  unixInodeInfo *pInode;          /* The inode of fd */
  char *zShmFilename;             /* Name of the file used for SHM */
  int nShmFilename;               /* Size of the SHM filename in bytes */

  /* Allocate space for the new unixShm object. */
  p = sqlite3_malloc( sizeof(*p) );
  if( p==0 ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
  memset(p, 0, sizeof(*p));
  assert( pDbFd->pShm==0 );

  /* Check to see if a unixShmNode object already exists. Reuse an existing
  ** one if present. Create a new one if necessary.
  pInode = pDbFd->pInode;
  pShmNode = pInode->pShmNode;
  if( pShmNode==0 ){
    struct stat sStat;                 /* fstat() info for database file */

    /* Call fstat() to figure out the permissions on the database file. If
    ** a new *-shm file is created, an attempt will be made to create it
    ** with the same permissions. The actual permissions the file is created
    ** with are subject to the current umask setting.
    if( osFstat(pDbFd->h, &sStat) && pInode->bProcessLock==0 ){
      goto shm_open_err;

    nShmFilename = sizeof(SQLITE_SHM_DIRECTORY) + 30;
    nShmFilename = 5 + (int)strlen(pDbFd->zPath);
    pShmNode = sqlite3_malloc( sizeof(*pShmNode) + nShmFilename );
    if( pShmNode==0 ){
      rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
      goto shm_open_err;
    memset(pShmNode, 0, sizeof(*pShmNode));
    zShmFilename = pShmNode->zFilename = (char*)&pShmNode[1];
    sqlite3_snprintf(nShmFilename, zShmFilename, 
                     SQLITE_SHM_DIRECTORY "/sqlite-shm-%x-%x",
                     (u32)sStat.st_ino, (u32)sStat.st_dev);
    sqlite3_snprintf(nShmFilename, zShmFilename, "%s-shm", pDbFd->zPath);
    pShmNode->h = -1;
    pDbFd->pInode->pShmNode = pShmNode;
    pShmNode->pInode = pDbFd->pInode;
    pShmNode->mutex = sqlite3_mutex_alloc(SQLITE_MUTEX_FAST);
    if( pShmNode->mutex==0 ){
      rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
      goto shm_open_err;

    if( pInode->bProcessLock==0 ){
      pShmNode->h = robust_open(zShmFilename, O_RDWR|O_CREAT,
                               (sStat.st_mode & 0777));
      if( pShmNode->h<0 ){
        rc = unixLogError(SQLITE_CANTOPEN_BKPT, "open", zShmFilename);
        goto shm_open_err;
      /* Check to see if another process is holding the dead-man switch.
      ** If not, truncate the file to zero length. 
      rc = SQLITE_OK;
      if( unixShmSystemLock(pShmNode, F_WRLCK, UNIX_SHM_DMS, 1)==SQLITE_OK ){
        if( robust_ftruncate(pShmNode->h, 0) ){
          rc = unixLogError(SQLITE_IOERR_SHMOPEN, "ftruncate", zShmFilename);
      if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
        rc = unixShmSystemLock(pShmNode, F_RDLCK, UNIX_SHM_DMS, 1);
      if( rc ) goto shm_open_err;

  /* Make the new connection a child of the unixShmNode */
  p->pShmNode = pShmNode;
  p->id = pShmNode->nextShmId++;
  pDbFd->pShm = p;

  /* The reference count on pShmNode has already been incremented under
  ** the cover of the unixEnterMutex() mutex and the pointer from the
  ** new (struct unixShm) object to the pShmNode has been set. All that is
  ** left to do is to link the new object into the linked list starting
  ** at pShmNode->pFirst. This must be done while holding the pShmNode->mutex 
  ** mutex.
  p->pNext = pShmNode->pFirst;
  pShmNode->pFirst = p;
  return SQLITE_OK;

  /* Jump here on any error */
  unixShmPurge(pDbFd);       /* This call frees pShmNode if required */
  return rc;

** This function is called to obtain a pointer to region iRegion of the 
** shared-memory associated with the database file fd. Shared-memory regions 
** are numbered starting from zero. Each shared-memory region is szRegion 
** bytes in size.
** If an error occurs, an error code is returned and *pp is set to NULL.
** Otherwise, if the bExtend parameter is 0 and the requested shared-memory
** region has not been allocated (by any client, including one running in a
** separate process), then *pp is set to NULL and SQLITE_OK returned. If 
** bExtend is non-zero and the requested shared-memory region has not yet 
** been allocated, it is allocated by this function.
** If the shared-memory region has already been allocated or is allocated by
** this call as described above, then it is mapped into this processes 
** address space (if it is not already), *pp is set to point to the mapped 
** memory and SQLITE_OK returned.
static int unixShmMap(
  sqlite3_file *fd,               /* Handle open on database file */
  int iRegion,                    /* Region to retrieve */
  int szRegion,                   /* Size of regions */
  int bExtend,                    /* True to extend file if necessary */
  void volatile **pp              /* OUT: Mapped memory */
  unixFile *pDbFd = (unixFile*)fd;
  unixShm *p;
  unixShmNode *pShmNode;
  int rc = SQLITE_OK;

  /* If the shared-memory file has not yet been opened, open it now. */
  if( pDbFd->pShm==0 ){
    rc = unixOpenSharedMemory(pDbFd);
    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;

  p = pDbFd->pShm;
  pShmNode = p->pShmNode;
  assert( szRegion==pShmNode->szRegion || pShmNode->nRegion==0 );
  assert( pShmNode->pInode==pDbFd->pInode );
  assert( pShmNode->h>=0 || pDbFd->pInode->bProcessLock==1 );
  assert( pShmNode->h<0 || pDbFd->pInode->bProcessLock==0 );

  if( pShmNode->nRegion<=iRegion ){
    char **apNew;                      /* New apRegion[] array */
    int nByte = (iRegion+1)*szRegion;  /* Minimum required file size */
    struct stat sStat;                 /* Used by fstat() */

    pShmNode->szRegion = szRegion;

    if( pShmNode->h>=0 ){
      /* The requested region is not mapped into this processes address space.
      ** Check to see if it has been allocated (i.e. if the wal-index file is
      ** large enough to contain the requested region).
      if( osFstat(pShmNode->h, &sStat) ){
        goto shmpage_out;
      if( sStat.st_size<nByte ){
        /* The requested memory region does not exist. If bExtend is set to
        ** false, exit early. *pp will be set to NULL and SQLITE_OK returned.
        ** Alternatively, if bExtend is true, use ftruncate() to allocate
        ** the requested memory region.
        if( !bExtend ) goto shmpage_out;
        if( robust_ftruncate(pShmNode->h, nByte) ){
          rc = unixLogError(SQLITE_IOERR_SHMSIZE, "ftruncate",
          goto shmpage_out;

    /* Map the requested memory region into this processes address space. */
    apNew = (char **)sqlite3_realloc(
        pShmNode->apRegion, (iRegion+1)*sizeof(char *)
    if( !apNew ){
      goto shmpage_out;
    pShmNode->apRegion = apNew;
      void *pMem;
      if( pShmNode->h>=0 ){
        pMem = mmap(0, szRegion, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, 
            MAP_SHARED, pShmNode->h, pShmNode->nRegion*szRegion
        if( pMem==MAP_FAILED ){
          rc = SQLITE_IOERR;
          goto shmpage_out;
        pMem = sqlite3_malloc(szRegion);
        if( pMem==0 ){
          rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
          goto shmpage_out;
        memset(pMem, 0, szRegion);
      pShmNode->apRegion[pShmNode->nRegion] = pMem;

  if( pShmNode->nRegion>iRegion ){
    *pp = pShmNode->apRegion[iRegion];
    *pp = 0;
  return rc;

** Change the lock state for a shared-memory segment.
** Note that the relationship between SHAREd and EXCLUSIVE locks is a little
** different here than in posix.  In xShmLock(), one can go from unlocked
** to shared and back or from unlocked to exclusive and back.  But one may
** not go from shared to exclusive or from exclusive to shared.
static int unixShmLock(
  sqlite3_file *fd,          /* Database file holding the shared memory */
  int ofst,                  /* First lock to acquire or release */
  int n,                     /* Number of locks to acquire or release */
  int flags                  /* What to do with the lock */
  unixFile *pDbFd = (unixFile*)fd;      /* Connection holding shared memory */
  unixShm *p = pDbFd->pShm;             /* The shared memory being locked */
  unixShm *pX;                          /* For looping over all siblings */
  unixShmNode *pShmNode = p->pShmNode;  /* The underlying file iNode */
  int rc = SQLITE_OK;                   /* Result code */
  u16 mask;                             /* Mask of locks to take or release */

  assert( pShmNode==pDbFd->pInode->pShmNode );
  assert( pShmNode->pInode==pDbFd->pInode );
  assert( ofst>=0 && ofst+n<=SQLITE_SHM_NLOCK );
  assert( n>=1 );
  assert( n==1 || (flags & SQLITE_SHM_EXCLUSIVE)!=0 );
  assert( pShmNode->h>=0 || pDbFd->pInode->bProcessLock==1 );
  assert( pShmNode->h<0 || pDbFd->pInode->bProcessLock==0 );

  mask = (1<<(ofst+n)) - (1<<ofst);
  assert( n>1 || mask==(1<<ofst) );
  if( flags & SQLITE_SHM_UNLOCK ){
    u16 allMask = 0; /* Mask of locks held by siblings */

    /* See if any siblings hold this same lock */
    for(pX=pShmNode->pFirst; pX; pX=pX->pNext){
      if( pX==p ) continue;
      assert( (pX->exclMask & (p->exclMask|p->sharedMask))==0 );
      allMask |= pX->sharedMask;

    /* Unlock the system-level locks */
    if( (mask & allMask)==0 ){
      rc = unixShmSystemLock(pShmNode, F_UNLCK, ofst+UNIX_SHM_BASE, n);
      rc = SQLITE_OK;

    /* Undo the local locks */
    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
      p->exclMask &= ~mask;
      p->sharedMask &= ~mask;
  }else if( flags & SQLITE_SHM_SHARED ){
    u16 allShared = 0;  /* Union of locks held by connections other than "p" */

    /* Find out which shared locks are already held by sibling connections.
    ** If any sibling already holds an exclusive lock, go ahead and return
    for(pX=pShmNode->pFirst; pX; pX=pX->pNext){
      if( (pX->exclMask & mask)!=0 ){
        rc = SQLITE_BUSY;
      allShared |= pX->sharedMask;

    /* Get shared locks at the system level, if necessary */
    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
      if( (allShared & mask)==0 ){
        rc = unixShmSystemLock(pShmNode, F_RDLCK, ofst+UNIX_SHM_BASE, n);
        rc = SQLITE_OK;

    /* Get the local shared locks */
    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
      p->sharedMask |= mask;
    /* Make sure no sibling connections hold locks that will block this
    ** lock.  If any do, return SQLITE_BUSY right away.
    for(pX=pShmNode->pFirst; pX; pX=pX->pNext){
      if( (pX->exclMask & mask)!=0 || (pX->sharedMask & mask)!=0 ){
        rc = SQLITE_BUSY;
    /* Get the exclusive locks at the system level.  Then if successful
    ** also mark the local connection as being locked.
    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
      rc = unixShmSystemLock(pShmNode, F_WRLCK, ofst+UNIX_SHM_BASE, n);
      if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
        assert( (p->sharedMask & mask)==0 );
        p->exclMask |= mask;
  OSTRACE(("SHM-LOCK shmid-%d, pid-%d got %03x,%03x\n",
           p->id, getpid(), p->sharedMask, p->exclMask));
  return rc;

** Implement a memory barrier or memory fence on shared memory.  
** All loads and stores begun before the barrier must complete before
** any load or store begun after the barrier.
static void unixShmBarrier(
  sqlite3_file *fd                /* Database file holding the shared memory */

** Close a connection to shared-memory.  Delete the underlying 
** storage if deleteFlag is true.
** If there is no shared memory associated with the connection then this
** routine is a harmless no-op.
static int unixShmUnmap(
  sqlite3_file *fd,               /* The underlying database file */
  int deleteFlag                  /* Delete shared-memory if true */
  unixShm *p;                     /* The connection to be closed */
  unixShmNode *pShmNode;          /* The underlying shared-memory file */
  unixShm **pp;                   /* For looping over sibling connections */
  unixFile *pDbFd;                /* The underlying database file */

  pDbFd = (unixFile*)fd;
  p = pDbFd->pShm;
  if( p==0 ) return SQLITE_OK;
  pShmNode = p->pShmNode;

  assert( pShmNode==pDbFd->pInode->pShmNode );
  assert( pShmNode->pInode==pDbFd->pInode );

  /* Remove connection p from the set of connections associated
  ** with pShmNode */
  for(pp=&pShmNode->pFirst; (*pp)!=p; pp = &(*pp)->pNext){}
  *pp = p->pNext;

  /* Free the connection p */
  pDbFd->pShm = 0;

  /* If pShmNode->nRef has reached 0, then close the underlying
  ** shared-memory file, too */
  assert( pShmNode->nRef>0 );
  if( pShmNode->nRef==0 ){
    if( deleteFlag && pShmNode->h>=0 ) osUnlink(pShmNode->zFilename);

  return SQLITE_OK;

# define unixShmMap     0
# define unixShmLock    0
# define unixShmBarrier 0
# define unixShmUnmap   0
#endif /* #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_WAL */

** Here ends the implementation of all sqlite3_file methods.
********************** End sqlite3_file Methods *******************************

** This division contains definitions of sqlite3_io_methods objects that
** implement various file locking strategies.  It also contains definitions
** of "finder" functions.  A finder-function is used to locate the appropriate
** sqlite3_io_methods object for a particular database file.  The pAppData
** field of the sqlite3_vfs VFS objects are initialized to be pointers to
** the correct finder-function for that VFS.
** Most finder functions return a pointer to a fixed sqlite3_io_methods
** object.  The only interesting finder-function is autolockIoFinder, which
** looks at the filesystem type and tries to guess the best locking
** strategy from that.
** For finder-funtion F, two objects are created:
**    (1) The real finder-function named "FImpt()".
**    (2) A constant pointer to this function named just "F".
** A pointer to the F pointer is used as the pAppData value for VFS
** objects.  We have to do this instead of letting pAppData point
** directly at the finder-function since C90 rules prevent a void*
** from be cast into a function pointer.
** Each instance of this macro generates two objects:
**   *  A constant sqlite3_io_methods object call METHOD that has locking
**   *  An I/O method finder function called FINDER that returns a pointer
**      to the METHOD object in the previous bullet.
static const sqlite3_io_methods METHOD = {                                   \
   VERSION,                    /* iVersion */                                \
   CLOSE,                      /* xClose */                                  \
   unixRead,                   /* xRead */                                   \
   unixWrite,                  /* xWrite */                                  \
   unixTruncate,               /* xTruncate */                               \
   unixSync,                   /* xSync */                                   \
   unixFileSize,               /* xFileSize */                               \
   LOCK,                       /* xLock */                                   \
   UNLOCK,                     /* xUnlock */                                 \
   CKLOCK,                     /* xCheckReservedLock */                      \
   unixFileControl,            /* xFileControl */                            \
   unixSectorSize,             /* xSectorSize */                             \
   unixDeviceCharacteristics,  /* xDeviceCapabilities */                     \
   unixShmMap,                 /* xShmMap */                                 \
   unixShmLock,                /* xShmLock */                                \
   unixShmBarrier,             /* xShmBarrier */                             \
   unixShmUnmap                /* xShmUnmap */                               \
};                                                                           \
static const sqlite3_io_methods *FINDER##Impl(const char *z, unixFile *p){   \
  UNUSED_PARAMETER(z); UNUSED_PARAMETER(p);                                  \
  return &METHOD;                                                            \
}                                                                            \
static const sqlite3_io_methods *(*const FINDER)(const char*,unixFile *p)    \
    = FINDER##Impl;

** Here are all of the sqlite3_io_methods objects for each of the
** locking strategies.  Functions that return pointers to these methods
** are also created.
  posixIoFinder,            /* Finder function name */
  posixIoMethods,           /* sqlite3_io_methods object name */
  2,                        /* shared memory is enabled */
  unixClose,                /* xClose method */
  unixLock,                 /* xLock method */
  unixUnlock,               /* xUnlock method */
  unixCheckReservedLock     /* xCheckReservedLock method */
  nolockIoFinder,           /* Finder function name */
  nolockIoMethods,          /* sqlite3_io_methods object name */
  1,                        /* shared memory is disabled */
  nolockClose,              /* xClose method */
  nolockLock,               /* xLock method */
  nolockUnlock,             /* xUnlock method */
  nolockCheckReservedLock   /* xCheckReservedLock method */
  dotlockIoFinder,          /* Finder function name */
  dotlockIoMethods,         /* sqlite3_io_methods object name */
  1,                        /* shared memory is disabled */
  dotlockClose,             /* xClose method */
  dotlockLock,              /* xLock method */
  dotlockUnlock,            /* xUnlock method */
  dotlockCheckReservedLock  /* xCheckReservedLock method */

  flockIoFinder,            /* Finder function name */
  flockIoMethods,           /* sqlite3_io_methods object name */
  1,                        /* shared memory is disabled */
  flockClose,               /* xClose method */
  flockLock,                /* xLock method */
  flockUnlock,              /* xUnlock method */
  flockCheckReservedLock    /* xCheckReservedLock method */

  semIoFinder,              /* Finder function name */
  semIoMethods,             /* sqlite3_io_methods object name */
  1,                        /* shared memory is disabled */
  semClose,                 /* xClose method */
  semLock,                  /* xLock method */
  semUnlock,                /* xUnlock method */
  semCheckReservedLock      /* xCheckReservedLock method */

  afpIoFinder,              /* Finder function name */
  afpIoMethods,             /* sqlite3_io_methods object name */
  1,                        /* shared memory is disabled */
  afpClose,                 /* xClose method */
  afpLock,                  /* xLock method */
  afpUnlock,                /* xUnlock method */
  afpCheckReservedLock      /* xCheckReservedLock method */

** The proxy locking method is a "super-method" in the sense that it
** opens secondary file descriptors for the conch and lock files and
** it uses proxy, dot-file, AFP, and flock() locking methods on those
** secondary files.  For this reason, the division that implements
** proxy locking is located much further down in the file.  But we need
** to go ahead and define the sqlite3_io_methods and finder function
** for proxy locking here.  So we forward declare the I/O methods.
static int proxyClose(sqlite3_file*);
static int proxyLock(sqlite3_file*, int);
static int proxyUnlock(sqlite3_file*, int);
static int proxyCheckReservedLock(sqlite3_file*, int*);
  proxyIoFinder,            /* Finder function name */
  proxyIoMethods,           /* sqlite3_io_methods object name */
  1,                        /* shared memory is disabled */
  proxyClose,               /* xClose method */
  proxyLock,                /* xLock method */
  proxyUnlock,              /* xUnlock method */
  proxyCheckReservedLock    /* xCheckReservedLock method */

/* nfs lockd on OSX 10.3+ doesn't clear write locks when a read lock is set */
  nfsIoFinder,               /* Finder function name */
  nfsIoMethods,              /* sqlite3_io_methods object name */
  1,                         /* shared memory is disabled */
  unixClose,                 /* xClose method */
  unixLock,                  /* xLock method */
  nfsUnlock,                 /* xUnlock method */
  unixCheckReservedLock      /* xCheckReservedLock method */

** This "finder" function attempts to determine the best locking strategy 
** for the database file "filePath".  It then returns the sqlite3_io_methods
** object that implements that strategy.
** This is for MacOSX only.
static const sqlite3_io_methods *autolockIoFinderImpl(
  const char *filePath,    /* name of the database file */
  unixFile *pNew           /* open file object for the database file */
  static const struct Mapping {
    const char *zFilesystem;              /* Filesystem type name */
    const sqlite3_io_methods *pMethods;   /* Appropriate locking method */
  } aMap[] = {
    { "hfs",    &posixIoMethods },
    { "ufs",    &posixIoMethods },
    { "afpfs",  &afpIoMethods },
    { "smbfs",  &afpIoMethods },
    { "webdav", &nolockIoMethods },
    { 0, 0 }
  int i;
  struct statfs fsInfo;
  struct flock lockInfo;

  if( !filePath ){
    /* If filePath==NULL that means we are dealing with a transient file
    ** that does not need to be locked. */
    return &nolockIoMethods;
  if( statfs(filePath, &fsInfo) != -1 ){
    if( fsInfo.f_flags & MNT_RDONLY ){
      return &nolockIoMethods;
    for(i=0; aMap[i].zFilesystem; i++){
      if( strcmp(fsInfo.f_fstypename, aMap[i].zFilesystem)==0 ){
        return aMap[i].pMethods;

  /* Default case. Handles, amongst others, "nfs".
  ** Test byte-range lock using fcntl(). If the call succeeds, 
  ** assume that the file-system supports POSIX style locks. 
  lockInfo.l_len = 1;
  lockInfo.l_start = 0;
  lockInfo.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
  lockInfo.l_type = F_RDLCK;
  if( osFcntl(pNew->h, F_GETLK, &lockInfo)!=-1 ) {
    if( strcmp(fsInfo.f_fstypename, "nfs")==0 ){
      return &nfsIoMethods;
    } else {
      return &posixIoMethods;
    return &dotlockIoMethods;
static const sqlite3_io_methods 
  *(*const autolockIoFinder)(const char*,unixFile*) = autolockIoFinderImpl;

#endif /* defined(__APPLE__) && SQLITE_ENABLE_LOCKING_STYLE */

** This "finder" function attempts to determine the best locking strategy 
** for the database file "filePath".  It then returns the sqlite3_io_methods
** object that implements that strategy.
** This is for VXWorks only.
static const sqlite3_io_methods *autolockIoFinderImpl(
  const char *filePath,    /* name of the database file */
  unixFile *pNew           /* the open file object */
  struct flock lockInfo;

  if( !filePath ){
    /* If filePath==NULL that means we are dealing with a transient file
    ** that does not need to be locked. */
    return &nolockIoMethods;

  /* Test if fcntl() is supported and use POSIX style locks.
  ** Otherwise fall back to the named semaphore method.
  lockInfo.l_len = 1;
  lockInfo.l_start = 0;
  lockInfo.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
  lockInfo.l_type = F_RDLCK;
  if( osFcntl(pNew->h, F_GETLK, &lockInfo)!=-1 ) {
    return &posixIoMethods;
    return &semIoMethods;
static const sqlite3_io_methods 
  *(*const autolockIoFinder)(const char*,unixFile*) = autolockIoFinderImpl;


** An abstract type for a pointer to a IO method finder function:
typedef const sqlite3_io_methods *(*finder_type)(const char*,unixFile*);

**************************** sqlite3_vfs methods ****************************
** This division contains the implementation of methods on the
** sqlite3_vfs object.

** Initializes a unixFile structure with zeros.
void initUnixFile(sqlite3_file* file) {
  memset(file, 0, sizeof(unixFile));

** Initialize the contents of the unixFile structure pointed to by pId.
int fillInUnixFile(
  sqlite3_vfs *pVfs,      /* Pointer to vfs object */
  int h,                  /* Open file descriptor of file being opened */
  int syncDir,            /* True to sync directory on first sync */
  sqlite3_file *pId,      /* Write to the unixFile structure here */
  const char *zFilename,  /* Name of the file being opened */
  int noLock,             /* Omit locking if true */
  int isDelete,           /* Delete on close if true */
  int isReadOnly          /* True if the file is opened read-only */
  const sqlite3_io_methods *pLockingStyle;
  unixFile *pNew = (unixFile *)pId;
  int rc = SQLITE_OK;

  assert( pNew->pInode==NULL );

  /* Parameter isDelete is only used on vxworks. Express this explicitly 
  ** here to prevent compiler warnings about unused parameters.

  /* Usually the path zFilename should not be a relative pathname. The
  ** exception is when opening the proxy "conch" file in builds that
  ** include the special Apple locking styles.
  assert( zFilename==0 || zFilename[0]=='/' 
    || pVfs->pAppData==(void*)&autolockIoFinder );
  assert( zFilename==0 || zFilename[0]=='/' );

  OSTRACE(("OPEN    %-3d %s\n", h, zFilename));
  pNew->h = h;
  pNew->zPath = zFilename;
  if( strcmp(pVfs->zName,"unix-excl")==0 ){
    pNew->ctrlFlags = UNIXFILE_EXCL;
    pNew->ctrlFlags = 0;
  if( isReadOnly ){
    pNew->ctrlFlags |= UNIXFILE_RDONLY;
  if( syncDir ){
    pNew->ctrlFlags |= UNIXFILE_DIRSYNC;

  pNew->pId = vxworksFindFileId(zFilename);
  if( pNew->pId==0 ){
    noLock = 1;
    rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;

  if( noLock ){
    pLockingStyle = &nolockIoMethods;
    pLockingStyle = (**(finder_type*)pVfs->pAppData)(zFilename, pNew);
    /* Cache zFilename in the locking context (AFP and dotlock override) for
    ** proxyLock activation is possible (remote proxy is based on db name)
    ** zFilename remains valid until file is closed, to support */
    pNew->lockingContext = (void*)zFilename;

  if( pLockingStyle == &posixIoMethods
    || pLockingStyle == &nfsIoMethods
    rc = findInodeInfo(pNew, &pNew->pInode);
    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
      /* If an error occured in findInodeInfo(), close the file descriptor
      ** immediately, before releasing the mutex. findInodeInfo() may fail
      ** in two scenarios:
      **   (a) A call to fstat() failed.
      **   (b) A malloc failed.
      ** Scenario (b) may only occur if the process is holding no other
      ** file descriptors open on the same file. If there were other file
      ** descriptors on this file, then no malloc would be required by
      ** findInodeInfo(). If this is the case, it is quite safe to close
      ** handle h - as it is guaranteed that no posix locks will be released
      ** by doing so.
      ** If scenario (a) caused the error then things are not so safe. The
      ** implicit assumption here is that if fstat() fails, things are in
      ** such bad shape that dropping a lock or two doesn't matter much.
      robust_close(pNew, h, __LINE__);
      h = -1;

  else if( pLockingStyle == &afpIoMethods ){
    /* AFP locking uses the file path so it needs to be included in
    ** the afpLockingContext.
    afpLockingContext *pCtx;
    pNew->lockingContext = pCtx = sqlite3_malloc( sizeof(*pCtx) );
    if( pCtx==0 ){
      rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
      /* NB: zFilename exists and remains valid until the file is closed
      ** according to requirement F11141.  So we do not need to make a
      ** copy of the filename. */
      pCtx->dbPath = zFilename;
      pCtx->reserved = 0;
      rc = findInodeInfo(pNew, &pNew->pInode);
      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
        robust_close(pNew, h, __LINE__);
        h = -1;

  else if( pLockingStyle == &dotlockIoMethods ){
    /* Dotfile locking uses the file path so it needs to be included in
    ** the dotlockLockingContext 
    char *zLockFile;
    int nFilename;
    nFilename = (int)strlen(zFilename) + 6;
    zLockFile = (char *)sqlite3_malloc(nFilename);
    if( zLockFile==0 ){
      rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
      sqlite3_snprintf(nFilename, zLockFile, "%s" DOTLOCK_SUFFIX, zFilename);
    pNew->lockingContext = zLockFile;

  else if( pLockingStyle == &semIoMethods ){
    /* Named semaphore locking uses the file path so it needs to be
    ** included in the semLockingContext
    rc = findInodeInfo(pNew, &pNew->pInode);
    if( (rc==SQLITE_OK) && (pNew->pInode->pSem==NULL) ){
      char *zSemName = pNew->pInode->aSemName;
      int n;
      sqlite3_snprintf(MAX_PATHNAME, zSemName, "/%s.sem",
      for( n=1; zSemName[n]; n++ )
        if( zSemName[n]=='/' ) zSemName[n] = '_';
      pNew->pInode->pSem = sem_open(zSemName, O_CREAT, 0666, 1);
      if( pNew->pInode->pSem == SEM_FAILED ){
        rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
        pNew->pInode->aSemName[0] = '\0';
  pNew->lastErrno = 0;
  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
    if( h>=0 ) robust_close(pNew, h, __LINE__);
    h = -1;
    isDelete = 0;
  pNew->isDelete = isDelete;
  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
    if( h>=0 ) robust_close(pNew, h, __LINE__);
    pNew->pMethod = pLockingStyle;
  return rc;

** Return the name of a directory in which to put temporary files.
** If no suitable temporary file directory can be found, return NULL.
static const char *unixTempFileDir(void){
  static const char *azDirs[] = {
     0        /* List terminator */
  unsigned int i;
  struct stat buf;
  const char *zDir = 0;

  azDirs[0] = sqlite3_temp_directory;
  if( !azDirs[1] ) azDirs[1] = getenv("TMPDIR");
  for(i=0; i<sizeof(azDirs)/sizeof(azDirs[0]); zDir=azDirs[i++]){
    if( zDir==0 ) continue;
    if( osStat(zDir, &buf) ) continue;
    if( !S_ISDIR(buf.st_mode) ) continue;
    if( osAccess(zDir, 07) ) continue;
  return zDir;

** Create a temporary file name in zBuf.  zBuf must be allocated
** by the calling process and must be big enough to hold at least
** pVfs->mxPathname bytes.
static int unixGetTempname(int nBuf, char *zBuf){
  static const unsigned char zChars[] =
  unsigned int i, j;
  const char *zDir;

  /* It's odd to simulate an io-error here, but really this is just
  ** using the io-error infrastructure to test that SQLite handles this
  ** function failing. 
  SimulateIOError( return SQLITE_IOERR );

  zDir = unixTempFileDir();
  if( zDir==0 ) zDir = ".";

  /* Check that the output buffer is large enough for the temporary file 
  ** name. If it is not, return SQLITE_ERROR.
  if( (strlen(zDir) + strlen(SQLITE_TEMP_FILE_PREFIX) + 17) >= (size_t)nBuf ){
    return SQLITE_ERROR;

    sqlite3_snprintf(nBuf-17, zBuf, "%s/"SQLITE_TEMP_FILE_PREFIX, zDir);
    j = (int)strlen(zBuf);
    sqlite3_randomness(15, &zBuf[j]);
    for(i=0; i<15; i++, j++){
      zBuf[j] = (char)zChars[ ((unsigned char)zBuf[j])%(sizeof(zChars)-1) ];
    zBuf[j] = 0;
  }while( osAccess(zBuf,0)==0 );
  return SQLITE_OK;

** Routine to transform a unixFile into a proxy-locking unixFile.
** Implementation in the proxy-lock division, but used by unixOpen()
static int proxyTransformUnixFile(unixFile*, const char*);

** Search for an unused file descriptor that was opened on the database 
** file (not a journal or master-journal file) identified by pathname
** zPath with SQLITE_OPEN_XXX flags matching those passed as the second
** argument to this function.
** Such a file descriptor may exist if a database connection was closed
** but the associated file descriptor could not be closed because some
** other file descriptor open on the same file is holding a file-lock.
** Refer to comments in the unixClose() function and the lengthy comment
** describing "Posix Advisory Locking" at the start of this file for 
** further details. Also, ticket #4018.
** If a suitable file descriptor is found, then it is returned. If no
** such file descriptor is located, -1 is returned.
static UnixUnusedFd *findReusableFd(const char *zPath, int flags){
  UnixUnusedFd *pUnused = 0;

  /* Do not search for an unused file descriptor on vxworks. Not because
  ** vxworks would not benefit from the change (it might, we're not sure),
  ** but because no way to test it is currently available. It is better 
  ** not to risk breaking vxworks support for the sake of such an obscure 
  ** feature.  */
  struct stat sStat;                   /* Results of stat() call */

  /* A stat() call may fail for various reasons. If this happens, it is
  ** almost certain that an open() call on the same path will also fail.
  ** For this reason, if an error occurs in the stat() call here, it is
  ** ignored and -1 is returned. The caller will try to open a new file
  ** descriptor on the same path, fail, and return an error to SQLite.
  ** Even if a subsequent open() call does succeed, the consequences of
  ** not searching for a resusable file descriptor are not dire.  */
  if( 0==osStat(zPath, &sStat) ){
    unixInodeInfo *pInode;

    pInode = inodeList;
    while( pInode && (pInode->!=sStat.st_dev
                     || pInode->fileId.ino!=sStat.st_ino) ){
       pInode = pInode->pNext;
    if( pInode ){
      UnixUnusedFd **pp;
      for(pp=&pInode->pUnused; *pp && (*pp)->flags!=flags; pp=&((*pp)->pNext));
      pUnused = *pp;
      if( pUnused ){
        *pp = pUnused->pNext;
#endif    /* if !OS_VXWORKS */
  return pUnused;

** This function is called by unixOpen() to determine the unix permissions
** to create new files with. If no error occurs, then SQLITE_OK is returned
** and a value suitable for passing as the third argument to open(2) is
** written to *pMode. If an IO error occurs, an SQLite error code is 
** returned and the value of *pMode is not modified.
** If the file being opened is a temporary file, it is always created with
** the octal permissions 0600 (read/writable by owner only). If the file
** is a database or master journal file, it is created with the permissions 
** Finally, if the file being opened is a WAL or regular journal file, then 
** this function queries the file-system for the permissions on the 
** corresponding database file and sets *pMode to this value. Whenever 
** possible, WAL and journal files are created using the same permissions 
** as the associated database file.
static int findCreateFileMode(
  const char *zPath,              /* Path of file (possibly) being created */
  int flags,                      /* Flags passed as 4th argument to xOpen() */
  mode_t *pMode                   /* OUT: Permissions to open file with */
  int rc = SQLITE_OK;             /* Return Code */
    char zDb[MAX_PATHNAME+1];     /* Database file path */
    int nDb;                      /* Number of valid bytes in zDb */
    struct stat sStat;            /* Output of stat() on database file */

    /* zPath is a path to a WAL or journal file. The following block derives
    ** the path to the associated database file from zPath. This block handles
    ** the following naming conventions:
    **   "<path to db>-journal"
    **   "<path to db>-wal"
    **   "<path to db>-journal-NNNN"
    **   "<path to db>-wal-NNNN"
    ** where NNNN is a 4 digit decimal number. The NNNN naming schemes are 
    ** used by the test_multiplex.c module.
    nDb = sqlite3Strlen30(zPath) - 1; 
    while( nDb>0 && zPath[nDb]!='l' ) nDb--;
    nDb -= ((flags & SQLITE_OPEN_WAL) ? 3 : 7);
    memcpy(zDb, zPath, nDb);
    zDb[nDb] = '\0';

    if( 0==osStat(zDb, &sStat) ){
      *pMode = sStat.st_mode & 0777;
  }else if( flags & SQLITE_OPEN_DELETEONCLOSE ){
    *pMode = 0600;
  return rc;

** Initializes a unixFile structure with zeros.
void chromium_sqlite3_initialize_unix_sqlite3_file(sqlite3_file* file) {
  memset(file, 0, sizeof(unixFile));

int chromium_sqlite3_fill_in_unix_sqlite3_file(sqlite3_vfs* vfs,
                                               int fd,
                                               int dirfd,
                                               sqlite3_file* file,
                                               const char* fileName,
                                               int noLock,
                                               int isDelete) {
  return fillInUnixFile(vfs, fd, dirfd, file, fileName, noLock, isDelete, 0);

** Search for an unused file descriptor that was opened on the database file.
** If a suitable file descriptor if found, then it is stored in *fd; otherwise,
** *fd is not modified.
** If a reusable file descriptor is not found, and a new UnixUnusedFd cannot
** be allocated, SQLITE_NOMEM is returned. Otherwise, SQLITE_OK is returned.
int chromium_sqlite3_get_reusable_file_handle(sqlite3_file* file,
                                              const char* fileName,
                                              int flags,
                                              int* fd) {
  unixFile* unixSQLite3File = (unixFile*)file;
  int fileType = flags & 0xFFFFFF00;
  if (fileType == SQLITE_OPEN_MAIN_DB) {
    UnixUnusedFd *unusedFd = findReusableFd(fileName, flags);
    if (unusedFd) {
      *fd = unusedFd->fd;
    } else {
      unusedFd = sqlite3_malloc(sizeof(*unusedFd));
      if (!unusedFd) {
        return SQLITE_NOMEM;
    unixSQLite3File->pUnused = unusedFd;
  return SQLITE_OK;

** Marks 'fd' as the unused file descriptor for 'pFile'.
void chromium_sqlite3_update_reusable_file_handle(sqlite3_file* file,
                                                  int fd,
                                                  int flags) {
  unixFile* unixSQLite3File = (unixFile*)file;
  if (unixSQLite3File->pUnused) {
    unixSQLite3File->pUnused->fd = fd;
    unixSQLite3File->pUnused->flags = flags;

** Destroys pFile's field that keeps track of the unused file descriptor.
void chromium_sqlite3_destroy_reusable_file_handle(sqlite3_file* file) {
  unixFile* unixSQLite3File = (unixFile*)file;

** Open the file zPath.
** Previously, the SQLite OS layer used three functions in place of this
** one:
**     sqlite3OsOpenReadWrite();
**     sqlite3OsOpenReadOnly();
**     sqlite3OsOpenExclusive();
** These calls correspond to the following combinations of flags:
**     ReadWrite() ->     (READWRITE | CREATE)
**     ReadOnly()  ->     (READONLY) 
**     OpenExclusive() -> (READWRITE | CREATE | EXCLUSIVE)
** The old OpenExclusive() accepted a boolean argument - "delFlag". If
** true, the file was configured to be automatically deleted when the
** file handle closed. To achieve the same effect using this new 
** interface, add the DELETEONCLOSE flag to those specified above for 
** OpenExclusive().
static int unixOpen(
  sqlite3_vfs *pVfs,           /* The VFS for which this is the xOpen method */
  const char *zPath,           /* Pathname of file to be opened */
  sqlite3_file *pFile,         /* The file descriptor to be filled in */
  int flags,                   /* Input flags to control the opening */
  int *pOutFlags               /* Output flags returned to SQLite core */
  unixFile *p = (unixFile *)pFile;
  int fd = -1;                   /* File descriptor returned by open() */
  int openFlags = 0;             /* Flags to pass to open() */
  int eType = flags&0xFFFFFF00;  /* Type of file to open */
  int noLock;                    /* True to omit locking primitives */
  int rc = SQLITE_OK;            /* Function Return Code */

  int isExclusive  = (flags & SQLITE_OPEN_EXCLUSIVE);
  int isDelete     = (flags & SQLITE_OPEN_DELETEONCLOSE);
  int isCreate     = (flags & SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE);
  int isReadonly   = (flags & SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY);
  int isReadWrite  = (flags & SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE);
  int isAutoProxy  = (flags & SQLITE_OPEN_AUTOPROXY);

  /* If creating a master or main-file journal, this function will open
  ** a file-descriptor on the directory too. The first time unixSync()
  ** is called the directory file descriptor will be fsync()ed and close()d.
  int syncDir = (isCreate && (
     || eType==SQLITE_OPEN_WAL

  /* If argument zPath is a NULL pointer, this function is required to open
  ** a temporary file. Use this buffer to store the file name in.
  char zTmpname[MAX_PATHNAME+1];
  const char *zName = zPath;

  /* Check the following statements are true: 
  **   (a) Exactly one of the READWRITE and READONLY flags must be set, and 
  **   (b) if CREATE is set, then READWRITE must also be set, and
  **   (c) if EXCLUSIVE is set, then CREATE must also be set.
  **   (d) if DELETEONCLOSE is set, then CREATE must also be set.
  assert((isReadonly==0 || isReadWrite==0) && (isReadWrite || isReadonly));
  assert(isCreate==0 || isReadWrite);
  assert(isExclusive==0 || isCreate);
  assert(isDelete==0 || isCreate);

  /* The main DB, main journal, WAL file and master journal are never 
  ** automatically deleted. Nor are they ever temporary files.  */
  assert( (!isDelete && zName) || eType!=SQLITE_OPEN_MAIN_DB );
  assert( (!isDelete && zName) || eType!=SQLITE_OPEN_MAIN_JOURNAL );
  assert( (!isDelete && zName) || eType!=SQLITE_OPEN_MASTER_JOURNAL );
  assert( (!isDelete && zName) || eType!=SQLITE_OPEN_WAL );

  /* Assert that the upper layer has set one of the "file-type" flags. */
  assert( eType==SQLITE_OPEN_MAIN_DB      || eType==SQLITE_OPEN_TEMP_DB 


  if( eType==SQLITE_OPEN_MAIN_DB ){
    rc = chromium_sqlite3_get_reusable_file_handle(pFile, zName, flags, &fd);
    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
      return rc;
  }else if( !zName ){
    /* If zName is NULL, the upper layer is requesting a temp file. */
    assert(isDelete && !syncDir);
    rc = unixGetTempname(MAX_PATHNAME+1, zTmpname);
    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
      return rc;
    zName = zTmpname;

  /* Determine the value of the flags parameter passed to POSIX function
  ** open(). These must be calculated even if open() is not called, as
  ** they may be stored as part of the file handle and used by the 
  ** 'conch file' locking functions later on.  */
  if( isReadonly )  openFlags |= O_RDONLY;
  if( isReadWrite ) openFlags |= O_RDWR;
  if( isCreate )    openFlags |= O_CREAT;
  if( isExclusive ) openFlags |= (O_EXCL|O_NOFOLLOW);
  openFlags |= (O_LARGEFILE|O_BINARY);

  if( fd<0 ){
    mode_t openMode;              /* Permissions to create file with */
    rc = findCreateFileMode(zName, flags, &openMode);
    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
      assert( !p->pUnused );
      assert( eType==SQLITE_OPEN_WAL || eType==SQLITE_OPEN_MAIN_JOURNAL );
      return rc;
    fd = robust_open(zName, openFlags, openMode);
    OSTRACE(("OPENX   %-3d %s 0%o\n", fd, zName, openFlags));
    if( fd<0 && errno!=EISDIR && isReadWrite && !isExclusive ){
      /* Failed to open the file for read/write access. Try read-only. */
      openFlags &= ~(O_RDWR|O_CREAT);
      flags |= SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY;
      openFlags |= O_RDONLY;
      isReadonly = 1;
      fd = robust_open(zName, openFlags, openMode);
    if( fd<0 ){
      rc = unixLogError(SQLITE_CANTOPEN_BKPT, "open", zName);
      goto open_finished;
  assert( fd>=0 );
  if( pOutFlags ){
    *pOutFlags = flags;

  chromium_sqlite3_update_reusable_file_handle(pFile, fd, flags);

  if( isDelete ){
    zPath = zName;
    p->openFlags = openFlags;

  osFcntl(fd, F_SETFD, osFcntl(fd, F_GETFD, 0) | FD_CLOEXEC);

  noLock = eType!=SQLITE_OPEN_MAIN_DB;

  struct statfs fsInfo;
  if( fstatfs(fd, &fsInfo) == -1 ){
    ((unixFile*)pFile)->lastErrno = errno;
    robust_close(p, fd, __LINE__);
  if (0 == strncmp("msdos", fsInfo.f_fstypename, 5)) {
    ((unixFile*)pFile)->fsFlags |= SQLITE_FSFLAGS_IS_MSDOS;
  isAutoProxy = 1;
  if( isAutoProxy && (zPath!=NULL) && (!noLock) && pVfs->xOpen ){
    char *envforce = getenv("SQLITE_FORCE_PROXY_LOCKING");
    int useProxy = 0;

    /* SQLITE_FORCE_PROXY_LOCKING==1 means force always use proxy, 0 means 
    ** never use proxy, NULL means use proxy for non-local files only.  */
    if( envforce!=NULL ){
      useProxy = atoi(envforce)>0;
      struct statfs fsInfo;
      if( statfs(zPath, &fsInfo) == -1 ){
        /* In theory, the close(fd) call is sub-optimal. If the file opened
        ** with fd is a database file, and there are other connections open
        ** on that file that are currently holding advisory locks on it,
        ** then the call to close() will cancel those locks. In practice,
        ** we're assuming that statfs() doesn't fail very often. At least
        ** not while other file descriptors opened by the same process on
        ** the same file are working.  */
        p->lastErrno = errno;
        robust_close(p, fd, __LINE__);
        goto open_finished;
      useProxy = !(fsInfo.f_flags&MNT_LOCAL);
    if( useProxy ){
      rc = fillInUnixFile(pVfs, fd, syncDir, pFile, zPath, noLock,
                          isDelete, isReadonly);
      if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
        rc = proxyTransformUnixFile((unixFile*)pFile, ":auto:");
        if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
          /* Use unixClose to clean up the resources added in fillInUnixFile 
          ** and clear all the structure's references.  Specifically, 
          ** pFile->pMethods will be NULL so sqlite3OsClose will be a no-op 
          return rc;
      goto open_finished;
  rc = fillInUnixFile(pVfs, fd, syncDir, pFile, zPath, noLock,
                      isDelete, isReadonly);
  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
  return rc;

** Delete the file at zPath. If the dirSync argument is true, fsync()
** the directory after deleting the file.
static int unixDelete(
  sqlite3_vfs *NotUsed,     /* VFS containing this as the xDelete method */
  const char *zPath,        /* Name of file to be deleted */
  int dirSync               /* If true, fsync() directory after deleting file */
  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
  SimulateIOError(return SQLITE_IOERR_DELETE);
  if( osUnlink(zPath)==(-1) && errno!=ENOENT ){
    return unixLogError(SQLITE_IOERR_DELETE, "unlink", zPath);
  if( dirSync ){
    int fd;
    rc = osOpenDirectory(zPath, &fd);
    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
      if( fsync(fd)==-1 )
      if( fsync(fd) )
        rc = unixLogError(SQLITE_IOERR_DIR_FSYNC, "fsync", zPath);
      robust_close(0, fd, __LINE__);
    }else if( rc==SQLITE_CANTOPEN ){
      rc = SQLITE_OK;
  return rc;

** Test the existance of or access permissions of file zPath. The
** test performed depends on the value of flags:
**     SQLITE_ACCESS_EXISTS: Return 1 if the file exists
**     SQLITE_ACCESS_READWRITE: Return 1 if the file is read and writable.
**     SQLITE_ACCESS_READONLY: Return 1 if the file is readable.
** Otherwise return 0.
static int unixAccess(
  sqlite3_vfs *NotUsed,   /* The VFS containing this xAccess method */
  const char *zPath,      /* Path of the file to examine */
  int flags,              /* What do we want to learn about the zPath file? */
  int *pResOut            /* Write result boolean here */
  int amode = 0;
  SimulateIOError( return SQLITE_IOERR_ACCESS; );
  switch( flags ){
      amode = F_OK;
      amode = W_OK|R_OK;
      amode = R_OK;

      assert(!"Invalid flags argument");
  *pResOut = (osAccess(zPath, amode)==0);
  if( flags==SQLITE_ACCESS_EXISTS && *pResOut ){
    struct stat buf;
    if( 0==osStat(zPath, &buf) && buf.st_size==0 ){
      *pResOut = 0;
  return SQLITE_OK;

** Turn a relative pathname into a full pathname. The relative path
** is stored as a nul-terminated string in the buffer pointed to by
** zPath. 
** zOut points to a buffer of at least sqlite3_vfs.mxPathname bytes 
** (in this case, MAX_PATHNAME bytes). The full-path is written to
** this buffer before returning.
static int unixFullPathname(
  sqlite3_vfs *pVfs,            /* Pointer to vfs object */
  const char *zPath,            /* Possibly relative input path */
  int nOut,                     /* Size of output buffer in bytes */
  char *zOut                    /* Output buffer */

  /* It's odd to simulate an io-error here, but really this is just
  ** using the io-error infrastructure to test that SQLite handles this
  ** function failing. This function could fail if, for example, the
  ** current working directory has been unlinked.
  SimulateIOError( return SQLITE_ERROR );

  assert( pVfs->mxPathname==MAX_PATHNAME );

  zOut[nOut-1] = '\0';
  if( zPath[0]=='/' ){
    sqlite3_snprintf(nOut, zOut, "%s", zPath);
    int nCwd;
    if( osGetcwd(zOut, nOut-1)==0 ){
      return unixLogError(SQLITE_CANTOPEN_BKPT, "getcwd", zPath);
    nCwd = (int)strlen(zOut);
    sqlite3_snprintf(nOut-nCwd, &zOut[nCwd], "/%s", zPath);
  return SQLITE_OK;

** Interfaces for opening a shared library, finding entry points
** within the shared library, and closing the shared library.
#include <dlfcn.h>
static void *unixDlOpen(sqlite3_vfs *NotUsed, const char *zFilename){
  return dlopen(zFilename, RTLD_NOW | RTLD_GLOBAL);

** SQLite calls this function immediately after a call to unixDlSym() or
** unixDlOpen() fails (returns a null pointer). If a more detailed error
** message is available, it is written to zBufOut. If no error message
** is available, zBufOut is left unmodified and SQLite uses a default
** error message.
static void unixDlError(sqlite3_vfs *NotUsed, int nBuf, char *zBufOut){
  const char *zErr;
  zErr = dlerror();
  if( zErr ){
    sqlite3_snprintf(nBuf, zBufOut, "%s", zErr);
static void (*unixDlSym(sqlite3_vfs *NotUsed, void *p, const char*zSym))(void){
  ** GCC with -pedantic-errors says that C90 does not allow a void* to be
  ** cast into a pointer to a function.  And yet the library dlsym() routine
  ** returns a void* which is really a pointer to a function.  So how do we
  ** use dlsym() with -pedantic-errors?
  ** Variable x below is defined to be a pointer to a function taking
  ** parameters void* and const char* and returning a pointer to a function.
  ** We initialize x by assigning it a pointer to the dlsym() function.
  ** (That assignment requires a cast.)  Then we call the function that
  ** x points to.  
  ** This work-around is unlikely to work correctly on any system where
  ** you really cannot cast a function pointer into void*.  But then, on the
  ** other hand, dlsym() will not work on such a system either, so we have
  ** not really lost anything.
  void (*(*x)(void*,const char*))(void);
  x = (void(*(*)(void*,const char*))(void))dlsym;
  return (*x)(p, zSym);
static void unixDlClose(sqlite3_vfs *NotUsed, void *pHandle){
#else /* if SQLITE_OMIT_LOAD_EXTENSION is defined: */
  #define unixDlOpen  0
  #define unixDlError 0
  #define unixDlSym   0
  #define unixDlClose 0

** Write nBuf bytes of random data to the supplied buffer zBuf.
static int unixRandomness(sqlite3_vfs *NotUsed, int nBuf, char *zBuf){

  /* We have to initialize zBuf to prevent valgrind from reporting
  ** errors.  The reports issued by valgrind are incorrect - we would
  ** prefer that the randomness be increased by making use of the
  ** uninitialized space in zBuf - but valgrind errors tend to worry
  ** some users.  Rather than argue, it seems easier just to initialize
  ** the whole array and silence valgrind, even if that means less randomness
  ** in the random seed.
  ** When testing, initializing zBuf[] to zero is all we do.  That means
  ** that we always use the same random number sequence.  This makes the
  ** tests repeatable.
  memset(zBuf, 0, nBuf);
#if !defined(SQLITE_TEST)
    int pid, fd;
    fd = robust_open("/dev/urandom", O_RDONLY, 0);
    if( fd<0 ){
      time_t t;
      memcpy(zBuf, &t, sizeof(t));
      pid = getpid();
      memcpy(&zBuf[sizeof(t)], &pid, sizeof(pid));
      assert( sizeof(t)+sizeof(pid)<=(size_t)nBuf );
      nBuf = sizeof(t) + sizeof(pid);
      do{ nBuf = osRead(fd, zBuf, nBuf); }while( nBuf<0 && errno==EINTR );
      robust_close(0, fd, __LINE__);
  return nBuf;

** Sleep for a little while.  Return the amount of time slept.
** The argument is the number of microseconds we want to sleep.
** The return value is the number of microseconds of sleep actually
** requested from the underlying operating system, a number which
** might be greater than or equal to the argument, but not less
** than the argument.
static int unixSleep(sqlite3_vfs *NotUsed, int microseconds){
  struct timespec sp;

  sp.tv_sec = microseconds / 1000000;
  sp.tv_nsec = (microseconds % 1000000) * 1000;
  nanosleep(&sp, NULL);
  return microseconds;
#elif defined(HAVE_USLEEP) && HAVE_USLEEP
  return microseconds;
  int seconds = (microseconds+999999)/1000000;
  return seconds*1000000;

** The following variable, if set to a non-zero value, is interpreted as
** the number of seconds since 1970 and is used to set the result of
** sqlite3OsCurrentTime() during testing.
int sqlite3_current_time = 0;  /* Fake system time in seconds since 1970. */

** Find the current time (in Universal Coordinated Time).  Write into *piNow
** the current time and date as a Julian Day number times 86_400_000.  In
** other words, write into *piNow the number of milliseconds since the Julian
** epoch of noon in Greenwich on November 24, 4714 B.C according to the
** proleptic Gregorian calendar.
** On success, return 0.  Return 1 if the time and date cannot be found.
static int unixCurrentTimeInt64(sqlite3_vfs *NotUsed, sqlite3_int64 *piNow){
  static const sqlite3_int64 unixEpoch = 24405875*(sqlite3_int64)8640000;
#if defined(NO_GETTOD)
  time_t t;
  *piNow = ((sqlite3_int64)t)*1000 + unixEpoch;
  struct timespec sNow;
  clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &sNow);
  *piNow = unixEpoch + 1000*(sqlite3_int64)sNow.tv_sec + sNow.tv_nsec/1000000;
  struct timeval sNow;
  gettimeofday(&sNow, 0);
  *piNow = unixEpoch + 1000*(sqlite3_int64)sNow.tv_sec + sNow.tv_usec/1000;

  if( sqlite3_current_time ){
    *piNow = 1000*(sqlite3_int64)sqlite3_current_time + unixEpoch;
  return 0;

** Find the current time (in Universal Coordinated Time).  Write the
** current time and date as a Julian Day number into *prNow and
** return 0.  Return 1 if the time and date cannot be found.
static int unixCurrentTime(sqlite3_vfs *NotUsed, double *prNow){
  sqlite3_int64 i;
  unixCurrentTimeInt64(0, &i);
  *prNow = i/86400000.0;
  return 0;

** We added the xGetLastError() method with the intention of providing
** better low-level error messages when operating-system problems come up
** during SQLite operation.  But so far, none of that has been implemented
** in the core.  So this routine is never called.  For now, it is merely
** a place-holder.
static int unixGetLastError(sqlite3_vfs *NotUsed, int NotUsed2, char *NotUsed3){
  return 0;

************************ End of sqlite3_vfs methods ***************************

************************** Begin Proxy Locking ********************************
** Proxy locking is a "uber-locking-method" in this sense:  It uses the
** other locking methods on secondary lock files.  Proxy locking is a
** meta-layer over top of the primitive locking implemented above.  For
** this reason, the division that implements of proxy locking is deferred
** until late in the file (here) after all of the other I/O methods have
** been defined - so that the primitive locking methods are available
** as services to help with the implementation of proxy locking.
** The default locking schemes in SQLite use byte-range locks on the
** database file to coordinate safe, concurrent access by multiple readers
** and writers [].  The five file locking
** as POSIX read & write locks over fixed set of locations (via fsctl),
** on AFP and SMB only exclusive byte-range locks are available via fsctl
** with _IOWR('z', 23, struct ByteRangeLockPB2) to track the same 5 states.
** To simulate a F_RDLCK on the shared range, on AFP a randomly selected
** address in the shared range is taken for a SHARED lock, the entire
** shared range is taken for an EXCLUSIVE lock):
**      PENDING_BYTE        0x40000000                  
**      RESERVED_BYTE       0x40000001
**      SHARED_RANGE        0x40000002 -> 0x40000200
** This works well on the local file system, but shows a nearly 100x
** slowdown in read performance on AFP because the AFP client disables
** the read cache when byte-range locks are present.  Enabling the read
** cache exposes a cache coherency problem that is present on all OS X
** supported network file systems.  NFS and AFP both observe the
** close-to-open semantics for ensuring cache coherency
** [], which does not effectively
** address the requirements for concurrent database access by multiple
** readers and writers
** [].
** To address the performance and cache coherency issues, proxy file locking
** changes the way database access is controlled by limiting access to a
** single host at a time and moving file locks off of the database file
** and onto a proxy file on the local file system.  
** Using proxy locks
** -----------------
** C APIs
**  sqlite3_file_control(db, dbname, SQLITE_SET_LOCKPROXYFILE,
**                       <proxy_path> | ":auto:");
**  sqlite3_file_control(db, dbname, SQLITE_GET_LOCKPROXYFILE, &<proxy_path>);
** SQL pragmas
**  PRAGMA [database.]lock_proxy_file=<proxy_path> | :auto:
**  PRAGMA [database.]lock_proxy_file
** Specifying ":auto:" means that if there is a conch file with a matching
** host ID in it, the proxy path in the conch file will be used, otherwise
** a proxy path based on the user's temp dir
** (via confstr(_CS_DARWIN_USER_TEMP_DIR,...)) will be used and the
** actual proxy file name is generated from the name and path of the
** database file.  For example:
**       For database path "/Users/me/foo.db" 
**       The lock path will be "<tmpdir>/sqliteplocks/_Users_me_foo.db:auto:")
** Once a lock proxy is configured for a database connection, it can not
** be removed, however it may be switched to a different proxy path via
** the above APIs (assuming the conch file is not being held by another
** connection or process). 
** How proxy locking works
** -----------------------
** Proxy file locking relies primarily on two new supporting files: 
**   *  conch file to limit access to the database file to a single host
**      at a time
**   *  proxy file to act as a proxy for the advisory locks normally
**      taken on the database
** The conch file - to use a proxy file, sqlite must first "hold the conch"
** by taking an sqlite-style shared lock on the conch file, reading the
** contents and comparing the host's unique host ID (see below) and lock
** proxy path against the values stored in the conch.  The conch file is
** stored in the same directory as the database file and the file name
** is patterned after the database file name as ".<databasename>-conch".
** If the conch file does not exist, or it's contents do not match the
** host ID and/or proxy path, then the lock is escalated to an exclusive
** lock and the conch file contents is updated with the host ID and proxy
** path and the lock is downgraded to a shared lock again.  If the conch
** is held by another process (with a shared lock), the exclusive lock
** will fail and SQLITE_BUSY is returned.
** The proxy file - a single-byte file used for all advisory file locks
** normally taken on the database file.   This allows for safe sharing
** of the database file for multiple readers and writers on the same
** host (the conch ensures that they all use the same local lock file).
** Requesting the lock proxy does not immediately take the conch, it is
** only taken when the first request to lock database file is made.  
** This matches the semantics of the traditional locking behavior, where
** opening a connection to a database file does not take a lock on it.
** The shared lock and an open file descriptor are maintained until 
** the connection to the database is closed. 
** The proxy file and the lock file are never deleted so they only need
** to be created the first time they are used.
** Configuration options
** ---------------------
**       Database files accessed on non-local file systems are
**       automatically configured for proxy locking, lock files are
**       named automatically using the same logic as
**       PRAGMA lock_proxy_file=":auto:"
**       Enables the logging of error messages during host id file
**       retrieval and creation
**       Overrides the default directory used for lock proxy files that
**       are named automatically via the ":auto:" setting
**       Permissions to use when creating a directory for storing the
**       lock proxy files, only used when LOCKPROXYDIR is not set.
** As mentioned above, when compiled with SQLITE_PREFER_PROXY_LOCKING,
** setting the environment variable SQLITE_FORCE_PROXY_LOCKING to 1 will
** force proxy locking to be used for every database file opened, and 0
** will force automatic proxy locking to be disabled for all database
** files (explicity calling the SQLITE_SET_LOCKPROXYFILE pragma or
** sqlite_file_control API is not affected by SQLITE_FORCE_PROXY_LOCKING).

** Proxy locking is only available on MacOSX 

** The proxyLockingContext has the path and file structures for the remote 
** and local proxy files in it
typedef struct proxyLockingContext proxyLockingContext;
struct proxyLockingContext {
  unixFile *conchFile;         /* Open conch file */
  char *conchFilePath;         /* Name of the conch file */
  unixFile *lockProxy;         /* Open proxy lock file */
  char *lockProxyPath;         /* Name of the proxy lock file */
  char *dbPath;                /* Name of the open file */
  int conchHeld;               /* 1 if the conch is held, -1 if lockless */
  void *oldLockingContext;     /* Original lockingcontext to restore on close */
  sqlite3_io_methods const *pOldMethod;     /* Original I/O methods for close */

** The proxy lock file path for the database at dbPath is written into lPath, 
** which must point to valid, writable memory large enough for a maxLen length
** file path. 
static int proxyGetLockPath(const char *dbPath, char *lPath, size_t maxLen){
  int len;
  int dbLen;
  int i;

  len = strlcpy(lPath, LOCKPROXYDIR, maxLen);
    if( !confstr(_CS_DARWIN_USER_TEMP_DIR, lPath, maxLen) ){
      OSTRACE(("GETLOCKPATH  failed %s errno=%d pid=%d\n",
               lPath, errno, getpid()));
      return SQLITE_IOERR_LOCK;
    len = strlcat(lPath, "sqliteplocks", maxLen);    
# else
  len = strlcpy(lPath, "/tmp/", maxLen);
# endif

  if( lPath[len-1]!='/' ){
    len = strlcat(lPath, "/", maxLen);
  /* transform the db path to a unique cache name */
  dbLen = (int)strlen(dbPath);
  for( i=0; i<dbLen && (i+len+7)<(int)maxLen; i++){
    char c = dbPath[i];
    lPath[i+len] = (c=='/')?'_':c;
  strlcat(lPath, ":auto:", maxLen);
  OSTRACE(("GETLOCKPATH  proxy lock path=%s pid=%d\n", lPath, getpid()));
  return SQLITE_OK;

 ** Creates the lock file and any missing directories in lockPath
static int proxyCreateLockPath(const char *lockPath){
  int i, len;
  char buf[MAXPATHLEN];
  int start = 0;
  /* try to create all the intermediate directories */
  len = (int)strlen(lockPath);
  buf[0] = lockPath[0];
  for( i=1; i<len; i++ ){
    if( lockPath[i] == '/' && (i - start > 0) ){
      /* only mkdir if leaf dir != "." or "/" or ".." */
      if( i-start>2 || (i-start==1 && buf[start] != '.' && buf[start] != '/') 
         || (i-start==2 && buf[start] != '.' && buf[start+1] != '.') ){
          int err=errno;
          if( err!=EEXIST ) {
            OSTRACE(("CREATELOCKPATH  FAILED creating %s, "
                     "'%s' proxy lock path=%s pid=%d\n",
                     buf, strerror(err), lockPath, getpid()));
            return err;
    buf[i] = lockPath[i];
  OSTRACE(("CREATELOCKPATH  proxy lock path=%s pid=%d\n", lockPath, getpid()));
  return 0;

** Create a new VFS file descriptor (stored in memory obtained from
** sqlite3_malloc) and open the file named "path" in the file descriptor.
** The caller is responsible not only for closing the file descriptor
** but also for freeing the memory associated with the file descriptor.
static int proxyCreateUnixFile(
    const char *path,        /* path for the new unixFile */
    unixFile **ppFile,       /* unixFile created and returned by ref */
    int islockfile           /* if non zero missing dirs will be created */
) {
  int fd = -1;
  unixFile *pNew;
  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
  int openFlags = O_RDWR | O_CREAT;
  sqlite3_vfs dummyVfs;
  int terrno = 0;
  UnixUnusedFd *pUnused = NULL;

  /* 1. first try to open/create the file
  ** 2. if that fails, and this is a lock file (not-conch), try creating
  ** the parent directories and then try again.
  ** 3. if that fails, try to open the file read-only
  ** otherwise return BUSY (if lock file) or CANTOPEN for the conch file
  pUnused = findReusableFd(path, openFlags);
  if( pUnused ){
    fd = pUnused->fd;
    pUnused = sqlite3_malloc(sizeof(*pUnused));
    if( !pUnused ){
      return SQLITE_NOMEM;
  if( fd<0 ){
    fd = robust_open(path, openFlags, SQLITE_DEFAULT_FILE_PERMISSIONS);
    terrno = errno;
    if( fd<0 && errno==ENOENT && islockfile ){
      if( proxyCreateLockPath(path) == SQLITE_OK ){
        fd = robust_open(path, openFlags, SQLITE_DEFAULT_FILE_PERMISSIONS);
  if( fd<0 ){
    openFlags = O_RDONLY;
    fd = robust_open(path, openFlags, SQLITE_DEFAULT_FILE_PERMISSIONS);
    terrno = errno;
  if( fd<0 ){
    if( islockfile ){
      return SQLITE_BUSY;
    switch (terrno) {
      case EACCES:
        return SQLITE_PERM;
      case EIO: 
        return SQLITE_IOERR_LOCK; /* even though it is the conch */
        return SQLITE_CANTOPEN_BKPT;
  pNew = (unixFile *)sqlite3_malloc(sizeof(*pNew));
  if( pNew==NULL ){
    rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
    goto end_create_proxy;
  memset(pNew, 0, sizeof(unixFile));
  pNew->openFlags = openFlags;
  memset(&dummyVfs, 0, sizeof(dummyVfs));
  dummyVfs.pAppData = (void*)&autolockIoFinder;
  dummyVfs.zName = "dummy";
  pUnused->fd = fd;
  pUnused->flags = openFlags;
  pNew->pUnused = pUnused;
  rc = fillInUnixFile(&dummyVfs, fd, 0, (sqlite3_file*)pNew, path, 0, 0, 0);
  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
    *ppFile = pNew;
    return SQLITE_OK;
  robust_close(pNew, fd, __LINE__);
  return rc;

/* simulate multiple hosts by creating unique hostid file paths */
int sqlite3_hostid_num = 0;

#define PROXY_HOSTIDLEN    16  /* conch file host id length */

/* Not always defined in the headers as it ought to be */
extern int gethostuuid(uuid_t id, const struct timespec *wait);

/* get the host ID via gethostuuid(), pHostID must point to PROXY_HOSTIDLEN 
** bytes of writable memory.
static int proxyGetHostID(unsigned char *pHostID, int *pError){
  assert(PROXY_HOSTIDLEN == sizeof(uuid_t));
  memset(pHostID, 0, PROXY_HOSTIDLEN);
               && __MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED<1050
    static const struct timespec timeout = {1, 0}; /* 1 sec timeout */
    if( gethostuuid(pHostID, &timeout) ){
      int err = errno;
      if( pError ){
        *pError = err;
      return SQLITE_IOERR;
  /* simulate multiple hosts by creating unique hostid file paths */
  if( sqlite3_hostid_num != 0){
    pHostID[0] = (char)(pHostID[0] + (char)(sqlite3_hostid_num & 0xFF));
  return SQLITE_OK;

/* The conch file contains the header, host id and lock file path
#define PROXY_CONCHVERSION 2   /* 1-byte header, 16-byte host id, path */
#define PROXY_HEADERLEN    1   /* conch file header length */

** Takes an open conch file, copies the contents to a new path and then moves 
** it back.  The newly created file's file descriptor is assigned to the
** conch file structure and finally the original conch file descriptor is 
** closed.  Returns zero if successful.
static int proxyBreakConchLock(unixFile *pFile, uuid_t myHostID){
  proxyLockingContext *pCtx = (proxyLockingContext *)pFile->lockingContext; 
  unixFile *conchFile = pCtx->conchFile;
  char tPath[MAXPATHLEN];
  char *cPath = pCtx->conchFilePath;
  size_t readLen = 0;
  size_t pathLen = 0;
  char errmsg[64] = "";
  int fd = -1;
  int rc = -1;

  /* create a new path by replace the trailing '-conch' with '-break' */
  pathLen = strlcpy(tPath, cPath, MAXPATHLEN);
  if( pathLen>MAXPATHLEN || pathLen<6 || 
     (strlcpy(&tPath[pathLen-5], "break", 6) != 5) ){
    sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(errmsg),errmsg,"path error (len %d)",(int)pathLen);
    goto end_breaklock;
  /* read the conch content */
  readLen = osPread(conchFile->h, buf, PROXY_MAXCONCHLEN, 0);
  if( readLen<PROXY_PATHINDEX ){
    sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(errmsg),errmsg,"read error (len %d)",(int)readLen);
    goto end_breaklock;
  /* write it out to the temporary break file */
  fd = robust_open(tPath, (O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_EXCL),
  if( fd<0 ){
    sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(errmsg), errmsg, "create failed (%d)", errno);
    goto end_breaklock;
  if( osPwrite(fd, buf, readLen, 0) != (ssize_t)readLen ){
    sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(errmsg), errmsg, "write failed (%d)", errno);
    goto end_breaklock;
  if( rename(tPath, cPath) ){
    sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(errmsg), errmsg, "rename failed (%d)", errno);
    goto end_breaklock;
  rc = 0;
  fprintf(stderr, "broke stale lock on %s\n", cPath);
  robust_close(pFile, conchFile->h, __LINE__);
  conchFile->h = fd;
  conchFile->openFlags = O_RDWR | O_CREAT;

  if( rc ){
    if( fd>=0 ){
      robust_close(pFile, fd, __LINE__);
    fprintf(stderr, "failed to break stale lock on %s, %s\n", cPath, errmsg);
  return rc;

/* Take the requested lock on the conch file and break a stale lock if the 
** host id matches.
static int proxyConchLock(unixFile *pFile, uuid_t myHostID, int lockType){
  proxyLockingContext *pCtx = (proxyLockingContext *)pFile->lockingContext; 
  unixFile *conchFile = pCtx->conchFile;
  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
  int nTries = 0;
  struct timespec conchModTime;
  do {
    rc = conchFile->pMethod->xLock((sqlite3_file*)conchFile, lockType);
    nTries ++;
    if( rc==SQLITE_BUSY ){
      /* If the lock failed (busy):
       * 1st try: get the mod time of the conch, wait 0.5s and try again. 
       * 2nd try: fail if the mod time changed or host id is different, wait 
       *           10 sec and try again
       * 3rd try: break the lock unless the mod time has changed.
      struct stat buf;
      if( osFstat(conchFile->h, &buf) ){
        pFile->lastErrno = errno;
        return SQLITE_IOERR_LOCK;
      if( nTries==1 ){
        conchModTime = buf.st_mtimespec;
        usleep(500000); /* wait 0.5 sec and try the lock again*/

      assert( nTries>1 );
      if( conchModTime.tv_sec != buf.st_mtimespec.tv_sec || 
         conchModTime.tv_nsec != buf.st_mtimespec.tv_nsec ){
        return SQLITE_BUSY;
      if( nTries==2 ){  
        char tBuf[PROXY_MAXCONCHLEN];
        int len = osPread(conchFile->h, tBuf, PROXY_MAXCONCHLEN, 0);
        if( len<0 ){
          pFile->lastErrno = errno;
          return SQLITE_IOERR_LOCK;
        if( len>PROXY_PATHINDEX && tBuf[0]==(char)PROXY_CONCHVERSION){
          /* don't break the lock if the host id doesn't match */
          if( 0!=memcmp(&tBuf[PROXY_HEADERLEN], myHostID, PROXY_HOSTIDLEN) ){
            return SQLITE_BUSY;
          /* don't break the lock on short read or a version mismatch */
          return SQLITE_BUSY;
        usleep(10000000); /* wait 10 sec and try the lock again */
      assert( nTries==3 );
      if( 0==proxyBreakConchLock(pFile, myHostID) ){
        rc = SQLITE_OK;
        if( lockType==EXCLUSIVE_LOCK ){
          rc = conchFile->pMethod->xLock((sqlite3_file*)conchFile, SHARED_LOCK);          
        if( !rc ){
          rc = conchFile->pMethod->xLock((sqlite3_file*)conchFile, lockType);
  } while( rc==SQLITE_BUSY && nTries<3 );
  return rc;

/* Takes the conch by taking a shared lock and read the contents conch, if 
** lockPath is non-NULL, the host ID and lock file path must match.  A NULL 
** lockPath means that the lockPath in the conch file will be used if the 
** host IDs match, or a new lock path will be generated automatically 
** and written to the conch file.
static int proxyTakeConch(unixFile *pFile){
  proxyLockingContext *pCtx = (proxyLockingContext *)pFile->lockingContext; 
  if( pCtx->conchHeld!=0 ){
    return SQLITE_OK;
    unixFile *conchFile = pCtx->conchFile;
    uuid_t myHostID;
    int pError = 0;
    char readBuf[PROXY_MAXCONCHLEN];
    char lockPath[MAXPATHLEN];
    char *tempLockPath = NULL;
    int rc = SQLITE_OK;
    int createConch = 0;
    int hostIdMatch = 0;
    int readLen = 0;
    int tryOldLockPath = 0;
    int forceNewLockPath = 0;
    OSTRACE(("TAKECONCH  %d for %s pid=%d\n", conchFile->h,
             (pCtx->lockProxyPath ? pCtx->lockProxyPath : ":auto:"), getpid()));

    rc = proxyGetHostID(myHostID, &pError);
    if( (rc&0xff)==SQLITE_IOERR ){
      pFile->lastErrno = pError;
      goto end_takeconch;
    rc = proxyConchLock(pFile, myHostID, SHARED_LOCK);
    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
      goto end_takeconch;
    /* read the existing conch file */
    readLen = seekAndRead((unixFile*)conchFile, 0, readBuf, PROXY_MAXCONCHLEN);
    if( readLen<0 ){
      /* I/O error: lastErrno set by seekAndRead */
      pFile->lastErrno = conchFile->lastErrno;
      goto end_takeconch;
    }else if( readLen<=(PROXY_HEADERLEN+PROXY_HOSTIDLEN) || 
             readBuf[0]!=(char)PROXY_CONCHVERSION ){
      /* a short read or version format mismatch means we need to create a new 
      ** conch file. 
      createConch = 1;
    /* if the host id matches and the lock path already exists in the conch
    ** we'll try to use the path there, if we can't open that path, we'll 
    ** retry with a new auto-generated path 
    do { /* in case we need to try again for an :auto: named lock file */

      if( !createConch && !forceNewLockPath ){
        hostIdMatch = !memcmp(&readBuf[PROXY_HEADERLEN], myHostID, 
        /* if the conch has data compare the contents */
        if( !pCtx->lockProxyPath ){
          /* for auto-named local lock file, just check the host ID and we'll
           ** use the local lock file path that's already in there
          if( hostIdMatch ){
            size_t pathLen = (readLen - PROXY_PATHINDEX);
            if( pathLen>=MAXPATHLEN ){
            memcpy(lockPath, &readBuf[PROXY_PATHINDEX], pathLen);
            lockPath[pathLen] = 0;
            tempLockPath = lockPath;
            tryOldLockPath = 1;
            /* create a copy of the lock path if the conch is taken */
            goto end_takeconch;
        }else if( hostIdMatch
               && !strncmp(pCtx->lockProxyPath, &readBuf[PROXY_PATHINDEX],
          /* conch host and lock path match */
          goto end_takeconch; 
      /* if the conch isn't writable and doesn't match, we can't take it */
      if( (conchFile->openFlags&O_RDWR) == 0 ){
        rc = SQLITE_BUSY;
        goto end_takeconch;
      /* either the conch didn't match or we need to create a new one */
      if( !pCtx->lockProxyPath ){
        proxyGetLockPath(pCtx->dbPath, lockPath, MAXPATHLEN);
        tempLockPath = lockPath;
        /* create a copy of the lock path _only_ if the conch is taken */
      /* update conch with host and path (this will fail if other process
      ** has a shared lock already), if the host id matches, use the big
      ** stick.
      futimes(conchFile->h, NULL);
      if( hostIdMatch && !createConch ){
        if( conchFile->pInode && conchFile->pInode->nShared>1 ){
          /* We are trying for an exclusive lock but another thread in this
           ** same process is still holding a shared lock. */
          rc = SQLITE_BUSY;
        } else {          
          rc = proxyConchLock(pFile, myHostID, EXCLUSIVE_LOCK);
        rc = conchFile->pMethod->xLock((sqlite3_file*)conchFile, EXCLUSIVE_LOCK);
      if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
        char writeBuffer[PROXY_MAXCONCHLEN];
        int writeSize = 0;
        writeBuffer[0] = (char)PROXY_CONCHVERSION;
        memcpy(&writeBuffer[PROXY_HEADERLEN], myHostID, PROXY_HOSTIDLEN);
        if( pCtx->lockProxyPath!=NULL ){
          strlcpy(&writeBuffer[PROXY_PATHINDEX], pCtx->lockProxyPath, MAXPATHLEN);
          strlcpy(&writeBuffer[PROXY_PATHINDEX], tempLockPath, MAXPATHLEN);
        writeSize = PROXY_PATHINDEX + strlen(&writeBuffer[PROXY_PATHINDEX]);
        robust_ftruncate(conchFile->h, writeSize);
        rc = unixWrite((sqlite3_file *)conchFile, writeBuffer, writeSize, 0);
        /* If we created a new conch file (not just updated the contents of a 
         ** valid conch file), try to match the permissions of the database 
        if( rc==SQLITE_OK && createConch ){
          struct stat buf;
          int err = osFstat(pFile->h, &buf);
          if( err==0 ){
            mode_t cmode = buf.st_mode&(S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP|S_IWGRP |
            /* try to match the database file R/W permissions, ignore failure */
            osFchmod(conchFile->h, cmode);
              rc = osFchmod(conchFile->h, cmode);
            }while( rc==(-1) && errno==EINTR );
            if( rc!=0 ){
              int code = errno;
              fprintf(stderr, "fchmod %o FAILED with %d %s\n",
                      cmode, code, strerror(code));
            } else {
              fprintf(stderr, "fchmod %o SUCCEDED\n",cmode);
            int code = errno;
            fprintf(stderr, "STAT FAILED[%d] with %d %s\n", 
                    err, code, strerror(code));
      conchFile->pMethod->xUnlock((sqlite3_file*)conchFile, SHARED_LOCK);
      OSTRACE(("TRANSPROXY: CLOSE  %d\n", pFile->h));
      if( rc==SQLITE_OK && pFile->openFlags ){
        if( pFile->h>=0 ){
          robust_close(pFile, pFile->h, __LINE__);
        pFile->h = -1;
        int fd = robust_open(pCtx->dbPath, pFile->openFlags,
        OSTRACE(("TRANSPROXY: OPEN  %d\n", fd));
        if( fd>=0 ){
          pFile->h = fd;
          rc=SQLITE_CANTOPEN_BKPT; /* SQLITE_BUSY? proxyTakeConch called
           during locking */
      if( rc==SQLITE_OK && !pCtx->lockProxy ){
        char *path = tempLockPath ? tempLockPath : pCtx->lockProxyPath;
        rc = proxyCreateUnixFile(path, &pCtx->lockProxy, 1);
        if( rc!=SQLITE_OK && rc!=SQLITE_NOMEM && tryOldLockPath ){
          /* we couldn't create the proxy lock file with the old lock file path
           ** so try again via auto-naming 
          forceNewLockPath = 1;
          tryOldLockPath = 0;
          continue; /* go back to the do {} while start point, try again */
      if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
        /* Need to make a copy of path if we extracted the value
         ** from the conch file or the path was allocated on the stack
        if( tempLockPath ){
          pCtx->lockProxyPath = sqlite3DbStrDup(0, tempLockPath);
          if( !pCtx->lockProxyPath ){
            rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
      if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
        pCtx->conchHeld = 1;
        if( pCtx->lockProxy->pMethod == &afpIoMethods ){
          afpLockingContext *afpCtx;
          afpCtx = (afpLockingContext *)pCtx->lockProxy->lockingContext;
          afpCtx->dbPath = pCtx->lockProxyPath;
      } else {
        conchFile->pMethod->xUnlock((sqlite3_file*)conchFile, NO_LOCK);
      OSTRACE(("TAKECONCH  %d %s\n", conchFile->h,
      return rc;
    } while (1); /* in case we need to retry the :auto: lock file - 
                 ** we should never get here except via the 'continue' call. */

** If pFile holds a lock on a conch file, then release that lock.
static int proxyReleaseConch(unixFile *pFile){
  int rc = SQLITE_OK;         /* Subroutine return code */
  proxyLockingContext *pCtx;  /* The locking context for the proxy lock */
  unixFile *conchFile;        /* Name of the conch file */

  pCtx = (proxyLockingContext *)pFile->lockingContext;
  conchFile = pCtx->conchFile;
  OSTRACE(("RELEASECONCH  %d for %s pid=%d\n", conchFile->h,
           (pCtx->lockProxyPath ? pCtx->lockProxyPath : ":auto:"), 
  if( pCtx->conchHeld>0 ){
    rc = conchFile->pMethod->xUnlock((sqlite3_file*)conchFile, NO_LOCK);
  pCtx->conchHeld = 0;
  OSTRACE(("RELEASECONCH  %d %s\n", conchFile->h,
           (rc==SQLITE_OK ? "ok" : "failed")));
  return rc;

** Given the name of a database file, compute the name of its conch file.
** Store the conch filename in memory obtained from sqlite3_malloc().
** Make *pConchPath point to the new name.  Return SQLITE_OK on success
** or SQLITE_NOMEM if unable to obtain memory.
** The caller is responsible for ensuring that the allocated memory
** space is eventually freed.
** *pConchPath is set to NULL if a memory allocation error occurs.
static int proxyCreateConchPathname(char *dbPath, char **pConchPath){
  int i;                        /* Loop counter */
  int len = (int)strlen(dbPath); /* Length of database filename - dbPath */
  char *conchPath;              /* buffer in which to construct conch name */

  /* Allocate space for the conch filename and initialize the name to
  ** the name of the original database file. */  
  *pConchPath = conchPath = (char *)sqlite3_malloc(len + 8);
  if( conchPath==0 ){
    return SQLITE_NOMEM;
  memcpy(conchPath, dbPath, len+1);
  /* now insert a "." before the last / character */
  for( i=(len-1); i>=0; i-- ){
    if( conchPath[i]=='/' ){
  while ( i<len ){

  /* append the "-conch" suffix to the file */
  memcpy(&conchPath[i+1], "-conch", 7);
  assert( (int)strlen(conchPath) == len+7 );

  return SQLITE_OK;

/* Takes a fully configured proxy locking-style unix file and switches
** the local lock file path 
static int switchLockProxyPath(unixFile *pFile, const char *path) {
  proxyLockingContext *pCtx = (proxyLockingContext*)pFile->lockingContext;
  char *oldPath = pCtx->lockProxyPath;
  int rc = SQLITE_OK;

  if( pFile->eFileLock!=NO_LOCK ){
    return SQLITE_BUSY;

  /* nothing to do if the path is NULL, :auto: or matches the existing path */
  if( !path || path[0]=='\0' || !strcmp(path, ":auto:") ||
    (oldPath && !strncmp(oldPath, path, MAXPATHLEN)) ){
    return SQLITE_OK;
    unixFile *lockProxy = pCtx->lockProxy;
    pCtx->conchHeld = 0;
    if( lockProxy!=NULL ){
      rc=lockProxy->pMethod->xClose((sqlite3_file *)lockProxy);
      if( rc ) return rc;
    pCtx->lockProxyPath = sqlite3DbStrDup(0, path);
  return rc;

** pFile is a file that has been opened by a prior xOpen call.  dbPath
** is a string buffer at least MAXPATHLEN+1 characters in size.
** This routine find the filename associated with pFile and writes it
** int dbPath.
static int proxyGetDbPathForUnixFile(unixFile *pFile, char *dbPath){
#if defined(__APPLE__)
  if( pFile->pMethod == &afpIoMethods ){
    /* afp style keeps a reference to the db path in the filePath field 
    ** of the struct */
    assert( (int)strlen((char*)pFile->lockingContext)<=MAXPATHLEN );
    strlcpy(dbPath, ((afpLockingContext *)pFile->lockingContext)->dbPath, MAXPATHLEN);
  } else
  if( pFile->pMethod == &dotlockIoMethods ){
    /* dot lock style uses the locking context to store the dot lock
    ** file path */
    int len = strlen((char *)pFile->lockingContext) - strlen(DOTLOCK_SUFFIX);
    memcpy(dbPath, (char *)pFile->lockingContext, len + 1);
    /* all other styles use the locking context to store the db file path */
    assert( strlen((char*)pFile->lockingContext)<=MAXPATHLEN );
    strlcpy(dbPath, (char *)pFile->lockingContext, MAXPATHLEN);
  return SQLITE_OK;

** Takes an already filled in unix file and alters it so all file locking 
** will be performed on the local proxy lock file.  The following fields
** are preserved in the locking context so that they can be restored and 
** the unix structure properly cleaned up at close time:
**  ->lockingContext
**  ->pMethod
static int proxyTransformUnixFile(unixFile *pFile, const char *path) {
  proxyLockingContext *pCtx;
  char dbPath[MAXPATHLEN+1];       /* Name of the database file */
  char *lockPath=NULL;
  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
  if( pFile->eFileLock!=NO_LOCK ){
    return SQLITE_BUSY;
  proxyGetDbPathForUnixFile(pFile, dbPath);
  if( !path || path[0]=='\0' || !strcmp(path, ":auto:") ){
    lockPath=(char *)path;
  OSTRACE(("TRANSPROXY  %d for %s pid=%d\n", pFile->h,
           (lockPath ? lockPath : ":auto:"), getpid()));

  pCtx = sqlite3_malloc( sizeof(*pCtx) );
  if( pCtx==0 ){
    return SQLITE_NOMEM;
  memset(pCtx, 0, sizeof(*pCtx));

  rc = proxyCreateConchPathname(dbPath, &pCtx->conchFilePath);
  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
    rc = proxyCreateUnixFile(pCtx->conchFilePath, &pCtx->conchFile, 0);
    if( rc==SQLITE_CANTOPEN && ((pFile->openFlags&O_RDWR) == 0) ){
      /* if (a) the open flags are not O_RDWR, (b) the conch isn't there, and
      ** (c) the file system is read-only, then enable no-locking access.
      ** Ugh, since O_RDONLY==0x0000 we test for !O_RDWR since unixOpen asserts
      ** that openFlags will have only one of O_RDONLY or O_RDWR.
      struct statfs fsInfo;
      struct stat conchInfo;
      int goLockless = 0;

      if( osStat(pCtx->conchFilePath, &conchInfo) == -1 ) {
        int err = errno;
        if( (err==ENOENT) && (statfs(dbPath, &fsInfo) != -1) ){
          goLockless = (fsInfo.f_flags&MNT_RDONLY) == MNT_RDONLY;
      if( goLockless ){
        pCtx->conchHeld = -1; /* read only FS/ lockless */
        rc = SQLITE_OK;
  if( rc==SQLITE_OK && lockPath ){
    pCtx->lockProxyPath = sqlite3DbStrDup(0, lockPath);

  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
    pCtx->dbPath = sqlite3DbStrDup(0, dbPath);
    if( pCtx->dbPath==NULL ){
      rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
    /* all memory is allocated, proxys are created and assigned, 
    ** switch the locking context and pMethod then return.
    pCtx->oldLockingContext = pFile->lockingContext;
    pFile->lockingContext = pCtx;
    pCtx->pOldMethod = pFile->pMethod;
    pFile->pMethod = &proxyIoMethods;
    if( pCtx->conchFile ){ 
      pCtx->conchFile->pMethod->xClose((sqlite3_file *)pCtx->conchFile);
    sqlite3DbFree(0, pCtx->lockProxyPath);
  OSTRACE(("TRANSPROXY  %d %s\n", pFile->h,
           (rc==SQLITE_OK ? "ok" : "failed")));
  return rc;

** This routine handles sqlite3_file_control() calls that are specific
** to proxy locking.
static int proxyFileControl(sqlite3_file *id, int op, void *pArg){
  switch( op ){
      unixFile *pFile = (unixFile*)id;
      if( pFile->pMethod == &proxyIoMethods ){
        proxyLockingContext *pCtx = (proxyLockingContext*)pFile->lockingContext;
        if( pCtx->lockProxyPath ){
          *(const char **)pArg = pCtx->lockProxyPath;
          *(const char **)pArg = ":auto: (not held)";
      } else {
        *(const char **)pArg = NULL;
      return SQLITE_OK;
      unixFile *pFile = (unixFile*)id;
      int rc = SQLITE_OK;
      int isProxyStyle = (pFile->pMethod == &proxyIoMethods);
      if( pArg==NULL || (const char *)pArg==0 ){
        if( isProxyStyle ){
          /* turn off proxy locking - not supported */
          /* turn off proxy locking - already off - NOOP */
          rc = SQLITE_OK;
        const char *proxyPath = (const char *)pArg;
        if( isProxyStyle ){
          proxyLockingContext *pCtx = 
          if( !strcmp(pArg, ":auto:") 
           || (pCtx->lockProxyPath &&
               !strncmp(pCtx->lockProxyPath, proxyPath, MAXPATHLEN))
            rc = SQLITE_OK;
            rc = switchLockProxyPath(pFile, proxyPath);
          /* turn on proxy file locking */
          rc = proxyTransformUnixFile(pFile, proxyPath);
      return rc;
    default: {
      assert( 0 );  /* The call assures that only valid opcodes are sent */
  return SQLITE_ERROR;

** Within this division (the proxying locking implementation) the procedures
** above this point are all utilities.  The lock-related methods of the
** proxy-locking sqlite3_io_method object follow.

** This routine checks if there is a RESERVED lock held on the specified
** file by this or any other process. If such a lock is held, set *pResOut
** to a non-zero value otherwise *pResOut is set to zero.  The return value
** is set to SQLITE_OK unless an I/O error occurs during lock checking.
static int proxyCheckReservedLock(sqlite3_file *id, int *pResOut) {
  unixFile *pFile = (unixFile*)id;
  int rc = proxyTakeConch(pFile);
  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
    proxyLockingContext *pCtx = (proxyLockingContext *)pFile->lockingContext;
    if( pCtx->conchHeld>0 ){
      unixFile *proxy = pCtx->lockProxy;
      return proxy->pMethod->xCheckReservedLock((sqlite3_file*)proxy, pResOut);
    }else{ /* conchHeld < 0 is lockless */
  return rc;

** Lock the file with the lock specified by parameter eFileLock - one
** of the following:
**     (1) SHARED_LOCK
**     (2) RESERVED_LOCK
**     (3) PENDING_LOCK
** Sometimes when requesting one lock state, additional lock states
** are inserted in between.  The locking might fail on one of the later
** transitions leaving the lock state different from what it started but
** still short of its goal.  The following chart shows the allowed
** transitions and the inserted intermediate states:
** This routine will only increase a lock.  Use the sqlite3OsUnlock()
** routine to lower a locking level.
static int proxyLock(sqlite3_file *id, int eFileLock) {
  unixFile *pFile = (unixFile*)id;
  int rc = proxyTakeConch(pFile);
  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
    proxyLockingContext *pCtx = (proxyLockingContext *)pFile->lockingContext;
    if( pCtx->conchHeld>0 ){
      unixFile *proxy = pCtx->lockProxy;
      rc = proxy->pMethod->xLock((sqlite3_file*)proxy, eFileLock);
      pFile->eFileLock = proxy->eFileLock;
      /* conchHeld < 0 is lockless */
  return rc;

** Lower the locking level on file descriptor pFile to eFileLock.  eFileLock
** must be either NO_LOCK or SHARED_LOCK.
** If the locking level of the file descriptor is already at or below
** the requested locking level, this routine is a no-op.
static int proxyUnlock(sqlite3_file *id, int eFileLock) {
  unixFile *pFile = (unixFile*)id;
  int rc = proxyTakeConch(pFile);
  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
    proxyLockingContext *pCtx = (proxyLockingContext *)pFile->lockingContext;
    if( pCtx->conchHeld>0 ){
      unixFile *proxy = pCtx->lockProxy;
      rc = proxy->pMethod->xUnlock((sqlite3_file*)proxy, eFileLock);
      pFile->eFileLock = proxy->eFileLock;
      /* conchHeld < 0 is lockless */
  return rc;

** Close a file that uses proxy locks.
static int proxyClose(sqlite3_file *id) {
  if( id ){
    unixFile *pFile = (unixFile*)id;
    proxyLockingContext *pCtx = (proxyLockingContext *)pFile->lockingContext;
    unixFile *lockProxy = pCtx->lockProxy;
    unixFile *conchFile = pCtx->conchFile;
    int rc = SQLITE_OK;
    if( lockProxy ){
      rc = lockProxy->pMethod->xUnlock((sqlite3_file*)lockProxy, NO_LOCK);
      if( rc ) return rc;
      rc = lockProxy->pMethod->xClose((sqlite3_file*)lockProxy);
      if( rc ) return rc;
      pCtx->lockProxy = 0;
    if( conchFile ){
      if( pCtx->conchHeld ){
        rc = proxyReleaseConch(pFile);
        if( rc ) return rc;
      rc = conchFile->pMethod->xClose((sqlite3_file*)conchFile);
      if( rc ) return rc;
    sqlite3DbFree(0, pCtx->lockProxyPath);
    sqlite3DbFree(0, pCtx->dbPath);
    /* restore the original locking context and pMethod then close it */
    pFile->lockingContext = pCtx->oldLockingContext;
    pFile->pMethod = pCtx->pOldMethod;
    return pFile->pMethod->xClose(id);
  return SQLITE_OK;

#endif /* defined(__APPLE__) && SQLITE_ENABLE_LOCKING_STYLE */
** The proxy locking style is intended for use with AFP filesystems.
** And since AFP is only supported on MacOSX, the proxy locking is also
** restricted to MacOSX.
******************* End of the proxy lock implementation **********************

** Initialize the operating system interface.
** This routine registers all VFS implementations for unix-like operating
** systems.  This routine, and the sqlite3_os_end() routine that follows,
** should be the only routines in this file that are visible from other
** files.
** This routine is called once during SQLite initialization and by a
** single thread.  The memory allocation and mutex subsystems have not
** necessarily been initialized when this routine is called, and so they
** should not be used.
int sqlite3_os_init(void){ 
  ** The following macro defines an initializer for an sqlite3_vfs object.
  ** The name of the VFS is NAME.  The pAppData is a pointer to a pointer
  ** to the "finder" function.  (pAppData is a pointer to a pointer because
  ** silly C90 rules prohibit a void* from being cast to a function pointer
  ** and so we have to go through the intermediate pointer to avoid problems
  ** when compiling with -pedantic-errors on GCC.)
  ** The FINDER parameter to this macro is the name of the pointer to the
  ** finder-function.  The finder-function returns a pointer to the
  ** sqlite_io_methods object that implements the desired locking
  ** behaviors.  See the division above that contains the IOMETHODS
  ** macro for addition information on finder-functions.
  ** Most finders simply return a pointer to a fixed sqlite3_io_methods
  ** object.  But the "autolockIoFinder" available on MacOSX does a little
  ** more than that; it looks at the filesystem type that hosts the 
  ** database file and tries to choose an locking method appropriate for
  ** that filesystem time.
  #define UNIXVFS(VFSNAME, FINDER) {                        \
    3,                    /* iVersion */                    \
    sizeof(unixFile),     /* szOsFile */                    \
    MAX_PATHNAME,         /* mxPathname */                  \
    0,                    /* pNext */                       \
    VFSNAME,              /* zName */                       \
    (void*)&FINDER,       /* pAppData */                    \
    unixOpen,             /* xOpen */                       \
    unixDelete,           /* xDelete */                     \
    unixAccess,           /* xAccess */                     \
    unixFullPathname,     /* xFullPathname */               \
    unixDlOpen,           /* xDlOpen */                     \
    unixDlError,          /* xDlError */                    \
    unixDlSym,            /* xDlSym */                      \
    unixDlClose,          /* xDlClose */                    \
    unixRandomness,       /* xRandomness */                 \
    unixSleep,            /* xSleep */                      \
    unixCurrentTime,      /* xCurrentTime */                \
    unixGetLastError,     /* xGetLastError */               \
    unixCurrentTimeInt64, /* xCurrentTimeInt64 */           \
    unixSetSystemCall,    /* xSetSystemCall */              \
    unixGetSystemCall,    /* xGetSystemCall */              \
    unixNextSystemCall,   /* xNextSystemCall */             \

  ** All default VFSes for unix are contained in the following array.
  ** Note that the sqlite3_vfs.pNext field of the VFS object is modified
  ** by the SQLite core when the VFS is registered.  So the following
  ** array cannot be const.
  static sqlite3_vfs aVfs[] = {
    UNIXVFS("unix",          autolockIoFinder ),
    UNIXVFS("unix",          posixIoFinder ),
    UNIXVFS("unix-none",     nolockIoFinder ),
    UNIXVFS("unix-dotfile",  dotlockIoFinder ),
    UNIXVFS("unix-excl",     posixIoFinder ),
    UNIXVFS("unix-namedsem", semIoFinder ),
    UNIXVFS("unix-posix",    posixIoFinder ),
    UNIXVFS("unix-flock",    flockIoFinder ),
    UNIXVFS("unix-afp",      afpIoFinder ),
    UNIXVFS("unix-nfs",      nfsIoFinder ),
    UNIXVFS("unix-proxy",    proxyIoFinder ),
  unsigned int i;          /* Loop counter */

  /* Double-check that the aSyscall[] array has been constructed
  ** correctly.  See ticket [bb3a86e890c8e96ab] */
  assert( ArraySize(aSyscall)==18 );

  /* Register all VFSes defined in the aVfs[] array */
  for(i=0; i<(sizeof(aVfs)/sizeof(sqlite3_vfs)); i++){
    sqlite3_vfs_register(&aVfs[i], i==0);
  return SQLITE_OK; 

** Shutdown the operating system interface.
** Some operating systems might need to do some cleanup in this routine,
** to release dynamically allocated objects.  But not on unix.
** This routine is a no-op for unix.
int sqlite3_os_end(void){ 
  return SQLITE_OK; 
#endif /* SQLITE_OS_UNIX */

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