
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. fts3SqlStmt
  2. fts3SelectDocsize
  3. sqlite3Fts3SelectDoctotal
  4. sqlite3Fts3SelectDocsize
  5. fts3SqlExec
  6. sqlite3Fts3ReadLock
  7. sqlite3Fts3AllSegdirs
  8. fts3PendingListAppendVarint
  9. fts3PendingListAppend
  10. fts3PendingTermsAdd
  11. fts3PendingTermsDocid
  12. sqlite3Fts3PendingTermsClear
  13. fts3InsertTerms
  14. fts3InsertData
  15. fts3DeleteAll
  16. fts3DeleteTerms
  17. fts3AllocateSegdirIdx
  18. sqlite3Fts3ReadBlock
  19. sqlite3Fts3SegmentsClose
  20. fts3SegReaderNext
  21. fts3SegReaderFirstDocid
  22. fts3SegReaderNextDocid
  23. sqlite3Fts3SegReaderCost
  24. sqlite3Fts3SegReaderFree
  25. sqlite3Fts3SegReaderNew
  26. fts3CompareElemByTerm
  27. sqlite3Fts3SegReaderPending
  28. fts3SegReaderCmp
  29. fts3SegReaderDoclistCmp
  30. fts3SegReaderTermCmp
  31. fts3SegReaderSort
  32. fts3WriteSegment
  33. fts3WriteSegdir
  34. fts3PrefixCompress
  35. fts3NodeAddTerm
  36. fts3TreeFinishNode
  37. fts3NodeWrite
  38. fts3NodeFree
  39. fts3SegWriterAdd
  40. fts3SegWriterFlush
  41. fts3SegWriterFree
  42. fts3IsEmpty
  43. fts3SegmentCountMax
  44. fts3DeleteSegdir
  45. fts3ColumnFilter
  46. sqlite3Fts3SegReaderStart
  47. sqlite3Fts3SegReaderStep
  48. sqlite3Fts3SegReaderFinish
  49. fts3SegmentMerge
  50. sqlite3Fts3PendingTermsFlush
  51. fts3EncodeIntArray
  52. fts3DecodeIntArray
  53. fts3InsertDocsize
  54. fts3UpdateDocTotals
  55. fts3SpecialInsert
  56. sqlite3Fts3DeferredDoclist
  57. fts3DeferredDoclistClear
  58. sqlite3Fts3FreeDeferredDoclists
  59. sqlite3Fts3FreeDeferredTokens
  60. sqlite3Fts3CacheDeferredDoclists
  61. sqlite3Fts3DeferToken
  62. sqlite3Fts3UpdateMethod
  63. sqlite3Fts3Optimize

** 2009 Oct 23
** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
**    May you do good and not evil.
**    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
**    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
** This file is part of the SQLite FTS3 extension module. Specifically,
** this file contains code to insert, update and delete rows from FTS3
** tables. It also contains code to merge FTS3 b-tree segments. Some
** of the sub-routines used to merge segments are also used by the query 
** code in fts3.c.

#if !defined(SQLITE_CORE) || defined(SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS3)

#include "fts3Int.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

** When full-text index nodes are loaded from disk, the buffer that they
** are loaded into has the following number of bytes of padding at the end 
** of it. i.e. if a full-text index node is 900 bytes in size, then a buffer
** of 920 bytes is allocated for it.
** This means that if we have a pointer into a buffer containing node data,
** it is always safe to read up to two varints from it without risking an
** overread, even if the node data is corrupted.

typedef struct PendingList PendingList;
typedef struct SegmentNode SegmentNode;
typedef struct SegmentWriter SegmentWriter;

** Data structure used while accumulating terms in the pending-terms hash
** table. The hash table entry maps from term (a string) to a malloc'd
** instance of this structure.
struct PendingList {
  int nData;
  char *aData;
  int nSpace;
  sqlite3_int64 iLastDocid;
  sqlite3_int64 iLastCol;
  sqlite3_int64 iLastPos;

** Each cursor has a (possibly empty) linked list of the following objects.
struct Fts3DeferredToken {
  Fts3PhraseToken *pToken;        /* Pointer to corresponding expr token */
  int iCol;                       /* Column token must occur in */
  Fts3DeferredToken *pNext;       /* Next in list of deferred tokens */
  PendingList *pList;             /* Doclist is assembled here */

** An instance of this structure is used to iterate through the terms on
** a contiguous set of segment b-tree leaf nodes. Although the details of
** this structure are only manipulated by code in this file, opaque handles
** of type Fts3SegReader* are also used by code in fts3.c to iterate through
** terms when querying the full-text index. See functions:
**   sqlite3Fts3SegReaderNew()
**   sqlite3Fts3SegReaderFree()
**   sqlite3Fts3SegReaderCost()
**   sqlite3Fts3SegReaderIterate()
** Methods used to manipulate Fts3SegReader structures:
**   fts3SegReaderNext()
**   fts3SegReaderFirstDocid()
**   fts3SegReaderNextDocid()
struct Fts3SegReader {
  int iIdx;                       /* Index within level, or 0x7FFFFFFF for PT */

  sqlite3_int64 iStartBlock;      /* Rowid of first leaf block to traverse */
  sqlite3_int64 iLeafEndBlock;    /* Rowid of final leaf block to traverse */
  sqlite3_int64 iEndBlock;        /* Rowid of final block in segment (or 0) */
  sqlite3_int64 iCurrentBlock;    /* Current leaf block (or 0) */

  char *aNode;                    /* Pointer to node data (or NULL) */
  int nNode;                      /* Size of buffer at aNode (or 0) */
  Fts3HashElem **ppNextElem;

  /* Variables set by fts3SegReaderNext(). These may be read directly
  ** by the caller. They are valid from the time SegmentReaderNew() returns
  ** until SegmentReaderNext() returns something other than SQLITE_OK
  ** (i.e. SQLITE_DONE).
  int nTerm;                      /* Number of bytes in current term */
  char *zTerm;                    /* Pointer to current term */
  int nTermAlloc;                 /* Allocated size of zTerm buffer */
  char *aDoclist;                 /* Pointer to doclist of current entry */
  int nDoclist;                   /* Size of doclist in current entry */

  /* The following variables are used to iterate through the current doclist */
  char *pOffsetList;
  sqlite3_int64 iDocid;

#define fts3SegReaderIsPending(p) ((p)->ppNextElem!=0)
#define fts3SegReaderIsRootOnly(p) ((p)->aNode==(char *)&(p)[1])

** An instance of this structure is used to create a segment b-tree in the
** database. The internal details of this type are only accessed by the
** following functions:
**   fts3SegWriterAdd()
**   fts3SegWriterFlush()
**   fts3SegWriterFree()
struct SegmentWriter {
  SegmentNode *pTree;             /* Pointer to interior tree structure */
  sqlite3_int64 iFirst;           /* First slot in %_segments written */
  sqlite3_int64 iFree;            /* Next free slot in %_segments */
  char *zTerm;                    /* Pointer to previous term buffer */
  int nTerm;                      /* Number of bytes in zTerm */
  int nMalloc;                    /* Size of malloc'd buffer at zMalloc */
  char *zMalloc;                  /* Malloc'd space (possibly) used for zTerm */
  int nSize;                      /* Size of allocation at aData */
  int nData;                      /* Bytes of data in aData */
  char *aData;                    /* Pointer to block from malloc() */

** Type SegmentNode is used by the following three functions to create
** the interior part of the segment b+-tree structures (everything except
** the leaf nodes). These functions and type are only ever used by code
** within the fts3SegWriterXXX() family of functions described above.
**   fts3NodeAddTerm()
**   fts3NodeWrite()
**   fts3NodeFree()
struct SegmentNode {
  SegmentNode *pParent;           /* Parent node (or NULL for root node) */
  SegmentNode *pRight;            /* Pointer to right-sibling */
  SegmentNode *pLeftmost;         /* Pointer to left-most node of this depth */
  int nEntry;                     /* Number of terms written to node so far */
  char *zTerm;                    /* Pointer to previous term buffer */
  int nTerm;                      /* Number of bytes in zTerm */
  int nMalloc;                    /* Size of malloc'd buffer at zMalloc */
  char *zMalloc;                  /* Malloc'd space (possibly) used for zTerm */
  int nData;                      /* Bytes of valid data so far */
  char *aData;                    /* Node data */

** Valid values for the second argument to fts3SqlStmt().
#define SQL_DELETE_CONTENT             0
#define SQL_IS_EMPTY                   1
#define SQL_DELETE_ALL_CONTENT         2 
#define SQL_DELETE_ALL_SEGMENTS        3
#define SQL_DELETE_ALL_SEGDIR          4
#define SQL_DELETE_ALL_DOCSIZE         5
#define SQL_DELETE_ALL_STAT            6
#define SQL_NEXT_SEGMENT_INDEX         8
#define SQL_INSERT_SEGMENTS            9
#define SQL_NEXT_SEGMENTS_ID          10
#define SQL_INSERT_SEGDIR             11
#define SQL_SELECT_LEVEL              12
#define SQL_SELECT_ALL_LEVEL          13
#define SQL_SELECT_LEVEL_COUNT        14
#define SQL_CONTENT_INSERT            18
#define SQL_DELETE_DOCSIZE            19
#define SQL_REPLACE_DOCSIZE           20
#define SQL_SELECT_DOCSIZE            21
#define SQL_SELECT_DOCTOTAL           22
#define SQL_REPLACE_DOCTOTAL          23

** This function is used to obtain an SQLite prepared statement handle
** for the statement identified by the second argument. If successful,
** *pp is set to the requested statement handle and SQLITE_OK returned.
** Otherwise, an SQLite error code is returned and *pp is set to 0.
** If argument apVal is not NULL, then it must point to an array with
** at least as many entries as the requested statement has bound 
** parameters. The values are bound to the statements parameters before
** returning.
static int fts3SqlStmt(
  Fts3Table *p,                   /* Virtual table handle */
  int eStmt,                      /* One of the SQL_XXX constants above */
  sqlite3_stmt **pp,              /* OUT: Statement handle */
  sqlite3_value **apVal           /* Values to bind to statement */
  const char *azSql[] = {
/* 0  */  "DELETE FROM %Q.'%q_content' WHERE rowid = ?",
/* 1  */  "SELECT NOT EXISTS(SELECT docid FROM %Q.'%q_content' WHERE rowid!=?)",
/* 2  */  "DELETE FROM %Q.'%q_content'",
/* 3  */  "DELETE FROM %Q.'%q_segments'",
/* 4  */  "DELETE FROM %Q.'%q_segdir'",
/* 5  */  "DELETE FROM %Q.'%q_docsize'",
/* 6  */  "DELETE FROM %Q.'%q_stat'",
/* 7  */  "SELECT %s FROM %Q.'%q_content' AS x WHERE rowid=?",
/* 8  */  "SELECT (SELECT max(idx) FROM %Q.'%q_segdir' WHERE level = ?) + 1",
/* 9  */  "INSERT INTO %Q.'%q_segments'(blockid, block) VALUES(?, ?)",
/* 10 */  "SELECT coalesce((SELECT max(blockid) FROM %Q.'%q_segments') + 1, 1)",
/* 11 */  "INSERT INTO %Q.'%q_segdir' VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?)",

          /* Return segments in order from oldest to newest.*/ 
/* 12 */  "SELECT idx, start_block, leaves_end_block, end_block, root "
            "FROM %Q.'%q_segdir' WHERE level = ? ORDER BY idx ASC",
/* 13 */  "SELECT idx, start_block, leaves_end_block, end_block, root "
            "FROM %Q.'%q_segdir' ORDER BY level DESC, idx ASC",

/* 14 */  "SELECT count(*) FROM %Q.'%q_segdir' WHERE level = ?",
/* 15 */  "SELECT count(*), max(level) FROM %Q.'%q_segdir'",

/* 16 */  "DELETE FROM %Q.'%q_segdir' WHERE level = ?",
/* 17 */  "DELETE FROM %Q.'%q_segments' WHERE blockid BETWEEN ? AND ?",
/* 18 */  "INSERT INTO %Q.'%q_content' VALUES(%s)",
/* 19 */  "DELETE FROM %Q.'%q_docsize' WHERE docid = ?",
/* 20 */  "REPLACE INTO %Q.'%q_docsize' VALUES(?,?)",
/* 21 */  "SELECT size FROM %Q.'%q_docsize' WHERE docid=?",
/* 22 */  "SELECT value FROM %Q.'%q_stat' WHERE id=0",
/* 23 */  "REPLACE INTO %Q.'%q_stat' VALUES(0,?)",
  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
  sqlite3_stmt *pStmt;

  assert( SizeofArray(azSql)==SizeofArray(p->aStmt) );
  assert( eStmt<SizeofArray(azSql) && eStmt>=0 );
  pStmt = p->aStmt[eStmt];
  if( !pStmt ){
    char *zSql;
    if( eStmt==SQL_CONTENT_INSERT ){
      zSql = sqlite3_mprintf(azSql[eStmt], p->zDb, p->zName, p->zWriteExprlist);
    }else if( eStmt==SQL_SELECT_CONTENT_BY_ROWID ){
      zSql = sqlite3_mprintf(azSql[eStmt], p->zReadExprlist, p->zDb, p->zName);
      zSql = sqlite3_mprintf(azSql[eStmt], p->zDb, p->zName);
    if( !zSql ){
      rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
      rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(p->db, zSql, -1, &pStmt, NULL);
      assert( rc==SQLITE_OK || pStmt==0 );
      p->aStmt[eStmt] = pStmt;
  if( apVal ){
    int i;
    int nParam = sqlite3_bind_parameter_count(pStmt);
    for(i=0; rc==SQLITE_OK && i<nParam; i++){
      rc = sqlite3_bind_value(pStmt, i+1, apVal[i]);
  *pp = pStmt;
  return rc;

static int fts3SelectDocsize(
  Fts3Table *pTab,                /* FTS3 table handle */
  int eStmt,                      /* Either SQL_SELECT_DOCSIZE or DOCTOTAL */
  sqlite3_int64 iDocid,           /* Docid to bind for SQL_SELECT_DOCSIZE */
  sqlite3_stmt **ppStmt           /* OUT: Statement handle */
  sqlite3_stmt *pStmt = 0;        /* Statement requested from fts3SqlStmt() */
  int rc;                         /* Return code */


  rc = fts3SqlStmt(pTab, eStmt, &pStmt, 0);
  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
    if( eStmt==SQL_SELECT_DOCSIZE ){
      sqlite3_bind_int64(pStmt, 1, iDocid);
    rc = sqlite3_step(pStmt);
    if( rc!=SQLITE_ROW || sqlite3_column_type(pStmt, 0)!=SQLITE_BLOB ){
      rc = sqlite3_reset(pStmt);
      if( rc==SQLITE_OK ) rc = SQLITE_CORRUPT;
      pStmt = 0;
      rc = SQLITE_OK;

  *ppStmt = pStmt;
  return rc;

int sqlite3Fts3SelectDoctotal(
  Fts3Table *pTab,                /* Fts3 table handle */
  sqlite3_stmt **ppStmt           /* OUT: Statement handle */
  return fts3SelectDocsize(pTab, SQL_SELECT_DOCTOTAL, 0, ppStmt);

int sqlite3Fts3SelectDocsize(
  Fts3Table *pTab,                /* Fts3 table handle */
  sqlite3_int64 iDocid,           /* Docid to read size data for */
  sqlite3_stmt **ppStmt           /* OUT: Statement handle */
  return fts3SelectDocsize(pTab, SQL_SELECT_DOCSIZE, iDocid, ppStmt);

** Similar to fts3SqlStmt(). Except, after binding the parameters in
** array apVal[] to the SQL statement identified by eStmt, the statement
** is executed.
** Returns SQLITE_OK if the statement is successfully executed, or an
** SQLite error code otherwise.
static void fts3SqlExec(
  int *pRC,                /* Result code */
  Fts3Table *p,            /* The FTS3 table */
  int eStmt,               /* Index of statement to evaluate */
  sqlite3_value **apVal    /* Parameters to bind */
  sqlite3_stmt *pStmt;
  int rc;
  if( *pRC ) return;
  rc = fts3SqlStmt(p, eStmt, &pStmt, apVal); 
  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
    rc = sqlite3_reset(pStmt);
  *pRC = rc;

** This function ensures that the caller has obtained a shared-cache
** table-lock on the %_content table. This is required before reading
** data from the fts3 table. If this lock is not acquired first, then
** the caller may end up holding read-locks on the %_segments and %_segdir
** tables, but no read-lock on the %_content table. If this happens 
** a second connection will be able to write to the fts3 table, but
** attempting to commit those writes might return SQLITE_LOCKED or
** SQLITE_LOCKED_SHAREDCACHE (because the commit attempts to obtain 
** write-locks on the %_segments and %_segdir ** tables). 
** We try to avoid this because if FTS3 returns any error when committing
** a transaction, the whole transaction will be rolled back. And this is
** not what users expect when they get SQLITE_LOCKED_SHAREDCACHE. It can
** still happen if the user reads data directly from the %_segments or
** %_segdir tables instead of going through FTS3 though.
int sqlite3Fts3ReadLock(Fts3Table *p){
  int rc;                         /* Return code */
  sqlite3_stmt *pStmt;            /* Statement used to obtain lock */

  rc = fts3SqlStmt(p, SQL_SELECT_CONTENT_BY_ROWID, &pStmt, 0);
  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
    sqlite3_bind_null(pStmt, 1);
    rc = sqlite3_reset(pStmt);
  return rc;

** Set *ppStmt to a statement handle that may be used to iterate through
** all rows in the %_segdir table, from oldest to newest. If successful,
** return SQLITE_OK. If an error occurs while preparing the statement, 
** return an SQLite error code.
** There is only ever one instance of this SQL statement compiled for
** each FTS3 table.
** The statement returns the following columns from the %_segdir table:
**   0: idx
**   1: start_block
**   2: leaves_end_block
**   3: end_block
**   4: root
int sqlite3Fts3AllSegdirs(Fts3Table *p, int iLevel, sqlite3_stmt **ppStmt){
  int rc;
  sqlite3_stmt *pStmt = 0;
  if( iLevel<0 ){
    rc = fts3SqlStmt(p, SQL_SELECT_ALL_LEVEL, &pStmt, 0);
    rc = fts3SqlStmt(p, SQL_SELECT_LEVEL, &pStmt, 0);
    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ) sqlite3_bind_int(pStmt, 1, iLevel);
  *ppStmt = pStmt;
  return rc;

** Append a single varint to a PendingList buffer. SQLITE_OK is returned
** if successful, or an SQLite error code otherwise.
** This function also serves to allocate the PendingList structure itself.
** For example, to create a new PendingList structure containing two
** varints:
**   PendingList *p = 0;
**   fts3PendingListAppendVarint(&p, 1);
**   fts3PendingListAppendVarint(&p, 2);
static int fts3PendingListAppendVarint(
  PendingList **pp,               /* IN/OUT: Pointer to PendingList struct */
  sqlite3_int64 i                 /* Value to append to data */
  PendingList *p = *pp;

  /* Allocate or grow the PendingList as required. */
  if( !p ){
    p = sqlite3_malloc(sizeof(*p) + 100);
    if( !p ){
      return SQLITE_NOMEM;
    p->nSpace = 100;
    p->aData = (char *)&p[1];
    p->nData = 0;
  else if( p->nData+FTS3_VARINT_MAX+1>p->nSpace ){
    int nNew = p->nSpace * 2;
    p = sqlite3_realloc(p, sizeof(*p) + nNew);
    if( !p ){
      *pp = 0;
      return SQLITE_NOMEM;
    p->nSpace = nNew;
    p->aData = (char *)&p[1];

  /* Append the new serialized varint to the end of the list. */
  p->nData += sqlite3Fts3PutVarint(&p->aData[p->nData], i);
  p->aData[p->nData] = '\0';
  *pp = p;
  return SQLITE_OK;

** Add a docid/column/position entry to a PendingList structure. Non-zero
** is returned if the structure is sqlite3_realloced as part of adding
** the entry. Otherwise, zero.
** If an OOM error occurs, *pRc is set to SQLITE_NOMEM before returning.
** Zero is always returned in this case. Otherwise, if no OOM error occurs,
** it is set to SQLITE_OK.
static int fts3PendingListAppend(
  PendingList **pp,               /* IN/OUT: PendingList structure */
  sqlite3_int64 iDocid,           /* Docid for entry to add */
  sqlite3_int64 iCol,             /* Column for entry to add */
  sqlite3_int64 iPos,             /* Position of term for entry to add */
  int *pRc                        /* OUT: Return code */
  PendingList *p = *pp;
  int rc = SQLITE_OK;

  assert( !p || p->iLastDocid<=iDocid );

  if( !p || p->iLastDocid!=iDocid ){
    sqlite3_int64 iDelta = iDocid - (p ? p->iLastDocid : 0);
    if( p ){
      assert( p->nData<p->nSpace );
      assert( p->aData[p->nData]==0 );
    if( SQLITE_OK!=(rc = fts3PendingListAppendVarint(&p, iDelta)) ){
      goto pendinglistappend_out;
    p->iLastCol = -1;
    p->iLastPos = 0;
    p->iLastDocid = iDocid;
  if( iCol>0 && p->iLastCol!=iCol ){
    if( SQLITE_OK!=(rc = fts3PendingListAppendVarint(&p, 1))
     || SQLITE_OK!=(rc = fts3PendingListAppendVarint(&p, iCol))
      goto pendinglistappend_out;
    p->iLastCol = iCol;
    p->iLastPos = 0;
  if( iCol>=0 ){
    assert( iPos>p->iLastPos || (iPos==0 && p->iLastPos==0) );
    rc = fts3PendingListAppendVarint(&p, 2+iPos-p->iLastPos);
    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
      p->iLastPos = iPos;

  *pRc = rc;
  if( p!=*pp ){
    *pp = p;
    return 1;
  return 0;

** Tokenize the nul-terminated string zText and add all tokens to the
** pending-terms hash-table. The docid used is that currently stored in
** p->iPrevDocid, and the column is specified by argument iCol.
** If successful, SQLITE_OK is returned. Otherwise, an SQLite error code.
static int fts3PendingTermsAdd(
  Fts3Table *p,                   /* Table into which text will be inserted */
  const char *zText,              /* Text of document to be inserted */
  int iCol,                       /* Column into which text is being inserted */
  u32 *pnWord                     /* OUT: Number of tokens inserted */
  int rc;
  int iStart;
  int iEnd;
  int iPos;
  int nWord = 0;

  char const *zToken;
  int nToken;

  sqlite3_tokenizer *pTokenizer = p->pTokenizer;
  sqlite3_tokenizer_module const *pModule = pTokenizer->pModule;
  sqlite3_tokenizer_cursor *pCsr;
  int (*xNext)(sqlite3_tokenizer_cursor *pCursor,
      const char**,int*,int*,int*,int*);

  assert( pTokenizer && pModule );

  rc = pModule->xOpen(pTokenizer, zText, -1, &pCsr);
  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
    return rc;
  pCsr->pTokenizer = pTokenizer;

  xNext = pModule->xNext;
  while( SQLITE_OK==rc
      && SQLITE_OK==(rc = xNext(pCsr, &zToken, &nToken, &iStart, &iEnd, &iPos))
    PendingList *pList;
    if( iPos>=nWord ) nWord = iPos+1;

    /* Positions cannot be negative; we use -1 as a terminator internally.
    ** Tokens must have a non-zero length.
    if( iPos<0 || !zToken || nToken<=0 ){
      rc = SQLITE_ERROR;

    pList = (PendingList *)fts3HashFind(&p->pendingTerms, zToken, nToken);
    if( pList ){
      p->nPendingData -= (pList->nData + nToken + sizeof(Fts3HashElem));
    if( fts3PendingListAppend(&pList, p->iPrevDocid, iCol, iPos, &rc) ){
      if( pList==fts3HashInsert(&p->pendingTerms, zToken, nToken, pList) ){
        /* Malloc failed while inserting the new entry. This can only 
        ** happen if there was no previous entry for this token.
        assert( 0==fts3HashFind(&p->pendingTerms, zToken, nToken) );
        rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
      p->nPendingData += (pList->nData + nToken + sizeof(Fts3HashElem));

  *pnWord = nWord;
  return (rc==SQLITE_DONE ? SQLITE_OK : rc);

** Calling this function indicates that subsequent calls to 
** fts3PendingTermsAdd() are to add term/position-list pairs for the
** contents of the document with docid iDocid.
static int fts3PendingTermsDocid(Fts3Table *p, sqlite_int64 iDocid){
  /* TODO(shess) Explore whether partially flushing the buffer on
  ** forced-flush would provide better performance.  I suspect that if
  ** we ordered the doclists by size and flushed the largest until the
  ** buffer was half empty, that would let the less frequent terms
  ** generate longer doclists.
  if( iDocid<=p->iPrevDocid || p->nPendingData>p->nMaxPendingData ){
    int rc = sqlite3Fts3PendingTermsFlush(p);
    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
  p->iPrevDocid = iDocid;
  return SQLITE_OK;

** Discard the contents of the pending-terms hash table. 
void sqlite3Fts3PendingTermsClear(Fts3Table *p){
  Fts3HashElem *pElem;
  for(pElem=fts3HashFirst(&p->pendingTerms); pElem; pElem=fts3HashNext(pElem)){
  p->nPendingData = 0;

** This function is called by the xUpdate() method as part of an INSERT
** operation. It adds entries for each term in the new record to the
** pendingTerms hash table.
** Argument apVal is the same as the similarly named argument passed to
** fts3InsertData(). Parameter iDocid is the docid of the new row.
static int fts3InsertTerms(Fts3Table *p, sqlite3_value **apVal, u32 *aSz){
  int i;                          /* Iterator variable */
  for(i=2; i<p->nColumn+2; i++){
    const char *zText = (const char *)sqlite3_value_text(apVal[i]);
    if( zText ){
      int rc = fts3PendingTermsAdd(p, zText, i-2, &aSz[i-2]);
      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
        return rc;
    aSz[p->nColumn] += sqlite3_value_bytes(apVal[i]);
  return SQLITE_OK;

** This function is called by the xUpdate() method for an INSERT operation.
** The apVal parameter is passed a copy of the apVal argument passed by
** SQLite to the xUpdate() method. i.e:
**   apVal[0]                Not used for INSERT.
**   apVal[1]                rowid
**   apVal[2]                Left-most user-defined column
**   ...
**   apVal[p->nColumn+1]     Right-most user-defined column
**   apVal[p->nColumn+2]     Hidden column with same name as table
**   apVal[p->nColumn+3]     Hidden "docid" column (alias for rowid)
static int fts3InsertData(
  Fts3Table *p,                   /* Full-text table */
  sqlite3_value **apVal,          /* Array of values to insert */
  sqlite3_int64 *piDocid          /* OUT: Docid for row just inserted */
  int rc;                         /* Return code */
  sqlite3_stmt *pContentInsert;   /* INSERT INTO %_content VALUES(...) */

  /* Locate the statement handle used to insert data into the %_content
  ** table. The SQL for this statement is:
  **   INSERT INTO %_content VALUES(?, ?, ?, ...)
  ** The statement features N '?' variables, where N is the number of user
  ** defined columns in the FTS3 table, plus one for the docid field.
  rc = fts3SqlStmt(p, SQL_CONTENT_INSERT, &pContentInsert, &apVal[1]);
  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
    return rc;

  /* There is a quirk here. The users INSERT statement may have specified
  ** a value for the "rowid" field, for the "docid" field, or for both.
  ** Which is a problem, since "rowid" and "docid" are aliases for the
  ** same value. For example:
  **   INSERT INTO fts3tbl(rowid, docid) VALUES(1, 2);
  ** In FTS3, this is an error. It is an error to specify non-NULL values
  ** for both docid and some other rowid alias.
  if( SQLITE_NULL!=sqlite3_value_type(apVal[3+p->nColumn]) ){
    if( SQLITE_NULL==sqlite3_value_type(apVal[0])
     && SQLITE_NULL!=sqlite3_value_type(apVal[1])
      /* A rowid/docid conflict. */
      return SQLITE_ERROR;
    rc = sqlite3_bind_value(pContentInsert, 1, apVal[3+p->nColumn]);
    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;

  /* Execute the statement to insert the record. Set *piDocid to the 
  ** new docid value. 
  rc = sqlite3_reset(pContentInsert);

  *piDocid = sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(p->db);
  return rc;

** Remove all data from the FTS3 table. Clear the hash table containing
** pending terms.
static int fts3DeleteAll(Fts3Table *p){
  int rc = SQLITE_OK;             /* Return code */

  /* Discard the contents of the pending-terms hash table. */

  /* Delete everything from the %_content, %_segments and %_segdir tables. */
  fts3SqlExec(&rc, p, SQL_DELETE_ALL_CONTENT, 0);
  fts3SqlExec(&rc, p, SQL_DELETE_ALL_SEGMENTS, 0);
  fts3SqlExec(&rc, p, SQL_DELETE_ALL_SEGDIR, 0);
  if( p->bHasDocsize ){
    fts3SqlExec(&rc, p, SQL_DELETE_ALL_DOCSIZE, 0);
  if( p->bHasStat ){
    fts3SqlExec(&rc, p, SQL_DELETE_ALL_STAT, 0);
  return rc;

** The first element in the apVal[] array is assumed to contain the docid
** (an integer) of a row about to be deleted. Remove all terms from the
** full-text index.
static void fts3DeleteTerms( 
  int *pRC,               /* Result code */
  Fts3Table *p,           /* The FTS table to delete from */
  sqlite3_value **apVal,  /* apVal[] contains the docid to be deleted */
  u32 *aSz                /* Sizes of deleted document written here */
  int rc;
  sqlite3_stmt *pSelect;

  if( *pRC ) return;
  rc = fts3SqlStmt(p, SQL_SELECT_CONTENT_BY_ROWID, &pSelect, apVal);
  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
    if( SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pSelect) ){
      int i;
      for(i=1; i<=p->nColumn; i++){
        const char *zText = (const char *)sqlite3_column_text(pSelect, i);
        rc = fts3PendingTermsAdd(p, zText, -1, &aSz[i-1]);
        if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
          *pRC = rc;
        aSz[p->nColumn] += sqlite3_column_bytes(pSelect, i);
    rc = sqlite3_reset(pSelect);
  *pRC = rc;

** Forward declaration to account for the circular dependency between
** functions fts3SegmentMerge() and fts3AllocateSegdirIdx().
static int fts3SegmentMerge(Fts3Table *, int);

** This function allocates a new level iLevel index in the segdir table.
** Usually, indexes are allocated within a level sequentially starting
** with 0, so the allocated index is one greater than the value returned
** by:
**   SELECT max(idx) FROM %_segdir WHERE level = :iLevel
** However, if there are already FTS3_MERGE_COUNT indexes at the requested
** level, they are merged into a single level (iLevel+1) segment and the 
** allocated index is 0.
** If successful, *piIdx is set to the allocated index slot and SQLITE_OK
** returned. Otherwise, an SQLite error code is returned.
static int fts3AllocateSegdirIdx(Fts3Table *p, int iLevel, int *piIdx){
  int rc;                         /* Return Code */
  sqlite3_stmt *pNextIdx;         /* Query for next idx at level iLevel */
  int iNext = 0;                  /* Result of query pNextIdx */

  /* Set variable iNext to the next available segdir index at level iLevel. */
  rc = fts3SqlStmt(p, SQL_NEXT_SEGMENT_INDEX, &pNextIdx, 0);
  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
    sqlite3_bind_int(pNextIdx, 1, iLevel);
    if( SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pNextIdx) ){
      iNext = sqlite3_column_int(pNextIdx, 0);
    rc = sqlite3_reset(pNextIdx);

  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
    /* If iNext is FTS3_MERGE_COUNT, indicating that level iLevel is already
    ** full, merge all segments in level iLevel into a single iLevel+1
    ** segment and allocate (newly freed) index 0 at level iLevel. Otherwise,
    ** if iNext is less than FTS3_MERGE_COUNT, allocate index iNext.
    if( iNext>=FTS3_MERGE_COUNT ){
      rc = fts3SegmentMerge(p, iLevel);
      *piIdx = 0;
      *piIdx = iNext;

  return rc;

** The %_segments table is declared as follows:
**   CREATE TABLE %_segments(blockid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, block BLOB)
** This function reads data from a single row of the %_segments table. The
** specific row is identified by the iBlockid parameter. If paBlob is not
** NULL, then a buffer is allocated using sqlite3_malloc() and populated
** with the contents of the blob stored in the "block" column of the 
** identified table row is. Whether or not paBlob is NULL, *pnBlob is set
** to the size of the blob in bytes before returning.
** If an error occurs, or the table does not contain the specified row,
** an SQLite error code is returned. Otherwise, SQLITE_OK is returned. If
** paBlob is non-NULL, then it is the responsibility of the caller to
** eventually free the returned buffer.
** This function may leave an open sqlite3_blob* handle in the
** Fts3Table.pSegments variable. This handle is reused by subsequent calls
** to this function. The handle may be closed by calling the
** sqlite3Fts3SegmentsClose() function. Reusing a blob handle is a handy
** performance improvement, but the blob handle should always be closed
** before control is returned to the user (to prevent a lock being held
** on the database file for longer than necessary). Thus, any virtual table
** method (xFilter etc.) that may directly or indirectly call this function
** must call sqlite3Fts3SegmentsClose() before returning.
int sqlite3Fts3ReadBlock(
  Fts3Table *p,                   /* FTS3 table handle */
  sqlite3_int64 iBlockid,         /* Access the row with blockid=$iBlockid */
  char **paBlob,                  /* OUT: Blob data in malloc'd buffer */
  int *pnBlob                     /* OUT: Size of blob data */
  int rc;                         /* Return code */

  /* pnBlob must be non-NULL. paBlob may be NULL or non-NULL. */
  assert( pnBlob);

  if( p->pSegments ){
    rc = sqlite3_blob_reopen(p->pSegments, iBlockid);
    if( 0==p->zSegmentsTbl ){
      p->zSegmentsTbl = sqlite3_mprintf("%s_segments", p->zName);
      if( 0==p->zSegmentsTbl ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
    rc = sqlite3_blob_open(
       p->db, p->zDb, p->zSegmentsTbl, "block", iBlockid, 0, &p->pSegments

  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
    int nByte = sqlite3_blob_bytes(p->pSegments);
    if( paBlob ){
      char *aByte = sqlite3_malloc(nByte + FTS3_NODE_PADDING);
      if( !aByte ){
        rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
        rc = sqlite3_blob_read(p->pSegments, aByte, nByte, 0);
        memset(&aByte[nByte], 0, FTS3_NODE_PADDING);
        if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
          aByte = 0;
      *paBlob = aByte;
    *pnBlob = nByte;

  return rc;

** Close the blob handle at p->pSegments, if it is open. See comments above
** the sqlite3Fts3ReadBlock() function for details.
void sqlite3Fts3SegmentsClose(Fts3Table *p){
  p->pSegments = 0;

** Move the iterator passed as the first argument to the next term in the
** segment. If successful, SQLITE_OK is returned. If there is no next term,
** SQLITE_DONE. Otherwise, an SQLite error code.
static int fts3SegReaderNext(Fts3Table *p, Fts3SegReader *pReader){
  char *pNext;                    /* Cursor variable */
  int nPrefix;                    /* Number of bytes in term prefix */
  int nSuffix;                    /* Number of bytes in term suffix */

  if( !pReader->aDoclist ){
    pNext = pReader->aNode;
    pNext = &pReader->aDoclist[pReader->nDoclist];

  if( !pNext || pNext>=&pReader->aNode[pReader->nNode] ){
    int rc;                       /* Return code from Fts3ReadBlock() */

    if( fts3SegReaderIsPending(pReader) ){
      Fts3HashElem *pElem = *(pReader->ppNextElem);
      if( pElem==0 ){
        pReader->aNode = 0;
        PendingList *pList = (PendingList *)fts3HashData(pElem);
        pReader->zTerm = (char *)fts3HashKey(pElem);
        pReader->nTerm = fts3HashKeysize(pElem);
        pReader->nNode = pReader->nDoclist = pList->nData + 1;
        pReader->aNode = pReader->aDoclist = pList->aData;
        assert( pReader->aNode );
      return SQLITE_OK;

    if( !fts3SegReaderIsRootOnly(pReader) ){
    pReader->aNode = 0;

    /* If iCurrentBlock>=iLeafEndBlock, this is an EOF condition. All leaf 
    ** blocks have already been traversed.  */
    assert( pReader->iCurrentBlock<=pReader->iLeafEndBlock );
    if( pReader->iCurrentBlock>=pReader->iLeafEndBlock ){
      return SQLITE_OK;

    rc = sqlite3Fts3ReadBlock(
        p, ++pReader->iCurrentBlock, &pReader->aNode, &pReader->nNode
    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
    pNext = pReader->aNode;
  /* Because of the FTS3_NODE_PADDING bytes of padding, the following is 
  ** safe (no risk of overread) even if the node data is corrupted.  
  pNext += sqlite3Fts3GetVarint32(pNext, &nPrefix);
  pNext += sqlite3Fts3GetVarint32(pNext, &nSuffix);
  if( nPrefix<0 || nSuffix<=0 
   || &pNext[nSuffix]>&pReader->aNode[pReader->nNode] 
    return SQLITE_CORRUPT;

  if( nPrefix+nSuffix>pReader->nTermAlloc ){
    int nNew = (nPrefix+nSuffix)*2;
    char *zNew = sqlite3_realloc(pReader->zTerm, nNew);
    if( !zNew ){
      return SQLITE_NOMEM;
    pReader->zTerm = zNew;
    pReader->nTermAlloc = nNew;
  memcpy(&pReader->zTerm[nPrefix], pNext, nSuffix);
  pReader->nTerm = nPrefix+nSuffix;
  pNext += nSuffix;
  pNext += sqlite3Fts3GetVarint32(pNext, &pReader->nDoclist);
  pReader->aDoclist = pNext;
  pReader->pOffsetList = 0;

  /* Check that the doclist does not appear to extend past the end of the
  ** b-tree node. And that the final byte of the doclist is 0x00. If either 
  ** of these statements is untrue, then the data structure is corrupt.
  if( &pReader->aDoclist[pReader->nDoclist]>&pReader->aNode[pReader->nNode] 
   || pReader->aDoclist[pReader->nDoclist-1]
    return SQLITE_CORRUPT;
  return SQLITE_OK;

** Set the SegReader to point to the first docid in the doclist associated
** with the current term.
static void fts3SegReaderFirstDocid(Fts3SegReader *pReader){
  int n;
  assert( pReader->aDoclist );
  assert( !pReader->pOffsetList );
  n = sqlite3Fts3GetVarint(pReader->aDoclist, &pReader->iDocid);
  pReader->pOffsetList = &pReader->aDoclist[n];

** Advance the SegReader to point to the next docid in the doclist
** associated with the current term.
** If arguments ppOffsetList and pnOffsetList are not NULL, then 
** *ppOffsetList is set to point to the first column-offset list
** in the doclist entry (i.e. immediately past the docid varint).
** *pnOffsetList is set to the length of the set of column-offset
** lists, not including the nul-terminator byte. For example:
static void fts3SegReaderNextDocid(
  Fts3SegReader *pReader,
  char **ppOffsetList,
  int *pnOffsetList
  char *p = pReader->pOffsetList;
  char c = 0;

  /* Pointer p currently points at the first byte of an offset list. The
  ** following two lines advance it to point one byte past the end of
  ** the same offset list.
  while( *p | c ) c = *p++ & 0x80;

  /* If required, populate the output variables with a pointer to and the
  ** size of the previous offset-list.
  if( ppOffsetList ){
    *ppOffsetList = pReader->pOffsetList;
    *pnOffsetList = (int)(p - pReader->pOffsetList - 1);

  /* If there are no more entries in the doclist, set pOffsetList to
  ** NULL. Otherwise, set Fts3SegReader.iDocid to the next docid and
  ** Fts3SegReader.pOffsetList to point to the next offset list before
  ** returning.
  if( p>=&pReader->aDoclist[pReader->nDoclist] ){
    pReader->pOffsetList = 0;
    sqlite3_int64 iDelta;
    pReader->pOffsetList = p + sqlite3Fts3GetVarint(p, &iDelta);
    pReader->iDocid += iDelta;

** This function is called to estimate the amount of data that will be 
** loaded from the disk If SegReaderIterate() is called on this seg-reader,
** in units of average document size.
** This can be used as follows: If the caller has a small doclist that 
** contains references to N documents, and is considering merging it with
** a large doclist (size X "average documents"), it may opt not to load
** the large doclist if X>N.
int sqlite3Fts3SegReaderCost(
  Fts3Cursor *pCsr,               /* FTS3 cursor handle */
  Fts3SegReader *pReader,         /* Segment-reader handle */
  int *pnCost                     /* IN/OUT: Number of bytes read */
  Fts3Table *p = (Fts3Table*)pCsr->base.pVtab;
  int rc = SQLITE_OK;             /* Return code */
  int nCost = 0;                  /* Cost in bytes to return */
  int pgsz = p->nPgsz;            /* Database page size */

  /* If this seg-reader is reading the pending-terms table, or if all data
  ** for the segment is stored on the root page of the b-tree, then the cost
  ** is zero. In this case all required data is already in main memory.
  if( p->bHasStat 
   && !fts3SegReaderIsPending(pReader) 
   && !fts3SegReaderIsRootOnly(pReader) 
    int nBlob = 0;
    sqlite3_int64 iBlock;

    if( pCsr->nRowAvg==0 ){
      /* The average document size, which is required to calculate the cost
      ** of each doclist, has not yet been determined. Read the required 
      ** data from the %_stat table to calculate it.
      ** Entry 0 of the %_stat table is a blob containing (nCol+1) FTS3 
      ** varints, where nCol is the number of columns in the FTS3 table.
      ** The first varint is the number of documents currently stored in
      ** the table. The following nCol varints contain the total amount of
      ** data stored in all rows of each column of the table, from left
      ** to right.
      sqlite3_stmt *pStmt;
      sqlite3_int64 nDoc = 0;
      sqlite3_int64 nByte = 0;
      const char *pEnd;
      const char *a;

      rc = sqlite3Fts3SelectDoctotal(p, &pStmt);
      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
      a = sqlite3_column_blob(pStmt, 0);
      assert( a );

      pEnd = &a[sqlite3_column_bytes(pStmt, 0)];
      a += sqlite3Fts3GetVarint(a, &nDoc);
      while( a<pEnd ){
        a += sqlite3Fts3GetVarint(a, &nByte);
      if( nDoc==0 || nByte==0 ){
        return SQLITE_CORRUPT;

      pCsr->nRowAvg = (int)(((nByte / nDoc) + pgsz) / pgsz);
      assert( pCsr->nRowAvg>0 ); 
      rc = sqlite3_reset(pStmt);
      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;

    /* Assume that a blob flows over onto overflow pages if it is larger
    ** than (pgsz-35) bytes in size (the file-format documentation
    ** confirms this).
    for(iBlock=pReader->iStartBlock; iBlock<=pReader->iLeafEndBlock; iBlock++){
      rc = sqlite3Fts3ReadBlock(p, iBlock, 0, &nBlob);
      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) break;
      if( (nBlob+35)>pgsz ){
        int nOvfl = (nBlob + 34)/pgsz;
        nCost += ((nOvfl + pCsr->nRowAvg - 1)/pCsr->nRowAvg);

  *pnCost += nCost;
  return rc;

** Free all allocations associated with the iterator passed as the 
** second argument.
void sqlite3Fts3SegReaderFree(Fts3SegReader *pReader){
  if( pReader && !fts3SegReaderIsPending(pReader) ){
    if( !fts3SegReaderIsRootOnly(pReader) ){

** Allocate a new SegReader object.
int sqlite3Fts3SegReaderNew(
  int iAge,                       /* Segment "age". */
  sqlite3_int64 iStartLeaf,       /* First leaf to traverse */
  sqlite3_int64 iEndLeaf,         /* Final leaf to traverse */
  sqlite3_int64 iEndBlock,        /* Final block of segment */
  const char *zRoot,              /* Buffer containing root node */
  int nRoot,                      /* Size of buffer containing root node */
  Fts3SegReader **ppReader        /* OUT: Allocated Fts3SegReader */
  int rc = SQLITE_OK;             /* Return code */
  Fts3SegReader *pReader;         /* Newly allocated SegReader object */
  int nExtra = 0;                 /* Bytes to allocate segment root node */

  assert( iStartLeaf<=iEndLeaf );
  if( iStartLeaf==0 ){
    nExtra = nRoot + FTS3_NODE_PADDING;

  pReader = (Fts3SegReader *)sqlite3_malloc(sizeof(Fts3SegReader) + nExtra);
  if( !pReader ){
    return SQLITE_NOMEM;
  memset(pReader, 0, sizeof(Fts3SegReader));
  pReader->iIdx = iAge;
  pReader->iStartBlock = iStartLeaf;
  pReader->iLeafEndBlock = iEndLeaf;
  pReader->iEndBlock = iEndBlock;

  if( nExtra ){
    /* The entire segment is stored in the root node. */
    pReader->aNode = (char *)&pReader[1];
    pReader->nNode = nRoot;
    memcpy(pReader->aNode, zRoot, nRoot);
    memset(&pReader->aNode[nRoot], 0, FTS3_NODE_PADDING);
    pReader->iCurrentBlock = iStartLeaf-1;

  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
    *ppReader = pReader;
  return rc;

** This is a comparison function used as a qsort() callback when sorting
** an array of pending terms by term. This occurs as part of flushing
** the contents of the pending-terms hash table to the database.
static int fts3CompareElemByTerm(const void *lhs, const void *rhs){
  char *z1 = fts3HashKey(*(Fts3HashElem **)lhs);
  char *z2 = fts3HashKey(*(Fts3HashElem **)rhs);
  int n1 = fts3HashKeysize(*(Fts3HashElem **)lhs);
  int n2 = fts3HashKeysize(*(Fts3HashElem **)rhs);

  int n = (n1<n2 ? n1 : n2);
  int c = memcmp(z1, z2, n);
  if( c==0 ){
    c = n1 - n2;
  return c;

** This function is used to allocate an Fts3SegReader that iterates through
** a subset of the terms stored in the Fts3Table.pendingTerms array.
int sqlite3Fts3SegReaderPending(
  Fts3Table *p,                   /* Virtual table handle */
  const char *zTerm,              /* Term to search for */
  int nTerm,                      /* Size of buffer zTerm */
  int isPrefix,                   /* True for a term-prefix query */
  Fts3SegReader **ppReader        /* OUT: SegReader for pending-terms */
  Fts3SegReader *pReader = 0;     /* Fts3SegReader object to return */
  Fts3HashElem *pE;               /* Iterator variable */
  Fts3HashElem **aElem = 0;       /* Array of term hash entries to scan */
  int nElem = 0;                  /* Size of array at aElem */
  int rc = SQLITE_OK;             /* Return Code */

  if( isPrefix ){
    int nAlloc = 0;               /* Size of allocated array at aElem */

    for(pE=fts3HashFirst(&p->pendingTerms); pE; pE=fts3HashNext(pE)){
      char *zKey = (char *)fts3HashKey(pE);
      int nKey = fts3HashKeysize(pE);
      if( nTerm==0 || (nKey>=nTerm && 0==memcmp(zKey, zTerm, nTerm)) ){
        if( nElem==nAlloc ){
          Fts3HashElem **aElem2;
          nAlloc += 16;
          aElem2 = (Fts3HashElem **)sqlite3_realloc(
              aElem, nAlloc*sizeof(Fts3HashElem *)
          if( !aElem2 ){
            rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
            nElem = 0;
          aElem = aElem2;
        aElem[nElem++] = pE;

    /* If more than one term matches the prefix, sort the Fts3HashElem
    ** objects in term order using qsort(). This uses the same comparison
    ** callback as is used when flushing terms to disk.
    if( nElem>1 ){
      qsort(aElem, nElem, sizeof(Fts3HashElem *), fts3CompareElemByTerm);

    pE = fts3HashFindElem(&p->pendingTerms, zTerm, nTerm);
    if( pE ){
      aElem = &pE;
      nElem = 1;

  if( nElem>0 ){
    int nByte = sizeof(Fts3SegReader) + (nElem+1)*sizeof(Fts3HashElem *);
    pReader = (Fts3SegReader *)sqlite3_malloc(nByte);
    if( !pReader ){
      rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
      memset(pReader, 0, nByte);
      pReader->iIdx = 0x7FFFFFFF;
      pReader->ppNextElem = (Fts3HashElem **)&pReader[1];
      memcpy(pReader->ppNextElem, aElem, nElem*sizeof(Fts3HashElem *));

  if( isPrefix ){
  *ppReader = pReader;
  return rc;

** Compare the entries pointed to by two Fts3SegReader structures. 
** Comparison is as follows:
**   1) EOF is greater than not EOF.
**   2) The current terms (if any) are compared using memcmp(). If one
**      term is a prefix of another, the longer term is considered the
**      larger.
**   3) By segment age. An older segment is considered larger.
static int fts3SegReaderCmp(Fts3SegReader *pLhs, Fts3SegReader *pRhs){
  int rc;
  if( pLhs->aNode && pRhs->aNode ){
    int rc2 = pLhs->nTerm - pRhs->nTerm;
    if( rc2<0 ){
      rc = memcmp(pLhs->zTerm, pRhs->zTerm, pLhs->nTerm);
      rc = memcmp(pLhs->zTerm, pRhs->zTerm, pRhs->nTerm);
    if( rc==0 ){
      rc = rc2;
    rc = (pLhs->aNode==0) - (pRhs->aNode==0);
  if( rc==0 ){
    rc = pRhs->iIdx - pLhs->iIdx;
  assert( rc!=0 );
  return rc;

** A different comparison function for SegReader structures. In this
** version, it is assumed that each SegReader points to an entry in
** a doclist for identical terms. Comparison is made as follows:
**   1) EOF (end of doclist in this case) is greater than not EOF.
**   2) By current docid.
**   3) By segment age. An older segment is considered larger.
static int fts3SegReaderDoclistCmp(Fts3SegReader *pLhs, Fts3SegReader *pRhs){
  int rc = (pLhs->pOffsetList==0)-(pRhs->pOffsetList==0);
  if( rc==0 ){
    if( pLhs->iDocid==pRhs->iDocid ){
      rc = pRhs->iIdx - pLhs->iIdx;
      rc = (pLhs->iDocid > pRhs->iDocid) ? 1 : -1;
  assert( pLhs->aNode && pRhs->aNode );
  return rc;

** Compare the term that the Fts3SegReader object passed as the first argument
** points to with the term specified by arguments zTerm and nTerm. 
** If the pSeg iterator is already at EOF, return 0. Otherwise, return
** -ve if the pSeg term is less than zTerm/nTerm, 0 if the two terms are
** equal, or +ve if the pSeg term is greater than zTerm/nTerm.
static int fts3SegReaderTermCmp(
  Fts3SegReader *pSeg,            /* Segment reader object */
  const char *zTerm,              /* Term to compare to */
  int nTerm                       /* Size of term zTerm in bytes */
  int res = 0;
  if( pSeg->aNode ){
    if( pSeg->nTerm>nTerm ){
      res = memcmp(pSeg->zTerm, zTerm, nTerm);
      res = memcmp(pSeg->zTerm, zTerm, pSeg->nTerm);
    if( res==0 ){
      res = pSeg->nTerm-nTerm;
  return res;

** Argument apSegment is an array of nSegment elements. It is known that
** the final (nSegment-nSuspect) members are already in sorted order
** (according to the comparison function provided). This function shuffles
** the array around until all entries are in sorted order.
static void fts3SegReaderSort(
  Fts3SegReader **apSegment,                     /* Array to sort entries of */
  int nSegment,                                  /* Size of apSegment array */
  int nSuspect,                                  /* Unsorted entry count */
  int (*xCmp)(Fts3SegReader *, Fts3SegReader *)  /* Comparison function */
  int i;                          /* Iterator variable */

  assert( nSuspect<=nSegment );

  if( nSuspect==nSegment ) nSuspect--;
  for(i=nSuspect-1; i>=0; i--){
    int j;
    for(j=i; j<(nSegment-1); j++){
      Fts3SegReader *pTmp;
      if( xCmp(apSegment[j], apSegment[j+1])<0 ) break;
      pTmp = apSegment[j+1];
      apSegment[j+1] = apSegment[j];
      apSegment[j] = pTmp;

#ifndef NDEBUG
  /* Check that the list really is sorted now. */
  for(i=0; i<(nSuspect-1); i++){
    assert( xCmp(apSegment[i], apSegment[i+1])<0 );

** Insert a record into the %_segments table.
static int fts3WriteSegment(
  Fts3Table *p,                   /* Virtual table handle */
  sqlite3_int64 iBlock,           /* Block id for new block */
  char *z,                        /* Pointer to buffer containing block data */
  int n                           /* Size of buffer z in bytes */
  sqlite3_stmt *pStmt;
  int rc = fts3SqlStmt(p, SQL_INSERT_SEGMENTS, &pStmt, 0);
  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
    sqlite3_bind_int64(pStmt, 1, iBlock);
    sqlite3_bind_blob(pStmt, 2, z, n, SQLITE_STATIC);
    rc = sqlite3_reset(pStmt);
  return rc;

** Insert a record into the %_segdir table.
static int fts3WriteSegdir(
  Fts3Table *p,                   /* Virtual table handle */
  int iLevel,                     /* Value for "level" field */
  int iIdx,                       /* Value for "idx" field */
  sqlite3_int64 iStartBlock,      /* Value for "start_block" field */
  sqlite3_int64 iLeafEndBlock,    /* Value for "leaves_end_block" field */
  sqlite3_int64 iEndBlock,        /* Value for "end_block" field */
  char *zRoot,                    /* Blob value for "root" field */
  int nRoot                       /* Number of bytes in buffer zRoot */
  sqlite3_stmt *pStmt;
  int rc = fts3SqlStmt(p, SQL_INSERT_SEGDIR, &pStmt, 0);
  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
    sqlite3_bind_int(pStmt, 1, iLevel);
    sqlite3_bind_int(pStmt, 2, iIdx);
    sqlite3_bind_int64(pStmt, 3, iStartBlock);
    sqlite3_bind_int64(pStmt, 4, iLeafEndBlock);
    sqlite3_bind_int64(pStmt, 5, iEndBlock);
    sqlite3_bind_blob(pStmt, 6, zRoot, nRoot, SQLITE_STATIC);
    rc = sqlite3_reset(pStmt);
  return rc;

** Return the size of the common prefix (if any) shared by zPrev and
** zNext, in bytes. For example, 
**   fts3PrefixCompress("abc", 3, "abcdef", 6)   // returns 3
**   fts3PrefixCompress("abX", 3, "abcdef", 6)   // returns 2
**   fts3PrefixCompress("abX", 3, "Xbcdef", 6)   // returns 0
static int fts3PrefixCompress(
  const char *zPrev,              /* Buffer containing previous term */
  int nPrev,                      /* Size of buffer zPrev in bytes */
  const char *zNext,              /* Buffer containing next term */
  int nNext                       /* Size of buffer zNext in bytes */
  int n;
  for(n=0; n<nPrev && zPrev[n]==zNext[n]; n++);
  return n;

** Add term zTerm to the SegmentNode. It is guaranteed that zTerm is larger
** (according to memcmp) than the previous term.
static int fts3NodeAddTerm(
  Fts3Table *p,                   /* Virtual table handle */
  SegmentNode **ppTree,           /* IN/OUT: SegmentNode handle */ 
  int isCopyTerm,                 /* True if zTerm/nTerm is transient */
  const char *zTerm,              /* Pointer to buffer containing term */
  int nTerm                       /* Size of term in bytes */
  SegmentNode *pTree = *ppTree;
  int rc;
  SegmentNode *pNew;

  /* First try to append the term to the current node. Return early if 
  ** this is possible.
  if( pTree ){
    int nData = pTree->nData;     /* Current size of node in bytes */
    int nReq = nData;             /* Required space after adding zTerm */
    int nPrefix;                  /* Number of bytes of prefix compression */
    int nSuffix;                  /* Suffix length */

    nPrefix = fts3PrefixCompress(pTree->zTerm, pTree->nTerm, zTerm, nTerm);
    nSuffix = nTerm-nPrefix;

    nReq += sqlite3Fts3VarintLen(nPrefix)+sqlite3Fts3VarintLen(nSuffix)+nSuffix;
    if( nReq<=p->nNodeSize || !pTree->zTerm ){

      if( nReq>p->nNodeSize ){
        /* An unusual case: this is the first term to be added to the node
        ** and the static node buffer (p->nNodeSize bytes) is not large
        ** enough. Use a separately malloced buffer instead This wastes
        ** p->nNodeSize bytes, but since this scenario only comes about when
        ** the database contain two terms that share a prefix of almost 2KB, 
        ** this is not expected to be a serious problem. 
        assert( pTree->aData==(char *)&pTree[1] );
        pTree->aData = (char *)sqlite3_malloc(nReq);
        if( !pTree->aData ){
          return SQLITE_NOMEM;

      if( pTree->zTerm ){
        /* There is no prefix-length field for first term in a node */
        nData += sqlite3Fts3PutVarint(&pTree->aData[nData], nPrefix);

      nData += sqlite3Fts3PutVarint(&pTree->aData[nData], nSuffix);
      memcpy(&pTree->aData[nData], &zTerm[nPrefix], nSuffix);
      pTree->nData = nData + nSuffix;

      if( isCopyTerm ){
        if( pTree->nMalloc<nTerm ){
          char *zNew = sqlite3_realloc(pTree->zMalloc, nTerm*2);
          if( !zNew ){
            return SQLITE_NOMEM;
          pTree->nMalloc = nTerm*2;
          pTree->zMalloc = zNew;
        pTree->zTerm = pTree->zMalloc;
        memcpy(pTree->zTerm, zTerm, nTerm);
        pTree->nTerm = nTerm;
        pTree->zTerm = (char *)zTerm;
        pTree->nTerm = nTerm;
      return SQLITE_OK;

  /* If control flows to here, it was not possible to append zTerm to the
  ** current node. Create a new node (a right-sibling of the current node).
  ** If this is the first node in the tree, the term is added to it.
  ** Otherwise, the term is not added to the new node, it is left empty for
  ** now. Instead, the term is inserted into the parent of pTree. If pTree 
  ** has no parent, one is created here.
  pNew = (SegmentNode *)sqlite3_malloc(sizeof(SegmentNode) + p->nNodeSize);
  if( !pNew ){
    return SQLITE_NOMEM;
  memset(pNew, 0, sizeof(SegmentNode));
  pNew->nData = 1 + FTS3_VARINT_MAX;
  pNew->aData = (char *)&pNew[1];

  if( pTree ){
    SegmentNode *pParent = pTree->pParent;
    rc = fts3NodeAddTerm(p, &pParent, isCopyTerm, zTerm, nTerm);
    if( pTree->pParent==0 ){
      pTree->pParent = pParent;
    pTree->pRight = pNew;
    pNew->pLeftmost = pTree->pLeftmost;
    pNew->pParent = pParent;
    pNew->zMalloc = pTree->zMalloc;
    pNew->nMalloc = pTree->nMalloc;
    pTree->zMalloc = 0;
    pNew->pLeftmost = pNew;
    rc = fts3NodeAddTerm(p, &pNew, isCopyTerm, zTerm, nTerm); 

  *ppTree = pNew;
  return rc;

** Helper function for fts3NodeWrite().
static int fts3TreeFinishNode(
  SegmentNode *pTree, 
  int iHeight, 
  sqlite3_int64 iLeftChild
  int nStart;
  assert( iHeight>=1 && iHeight<128 );
  nStart = FTS3_VARINT_MAX - sqlite3Fts3VarintLen(iLeftChild);
  pTree->aData[nStart] = (char)iHeight;
  sqlite3Fts3PutVarint(&pTree->aData[nStart+1], iLeftChild);
  return nStart;

** Write the buffer for the segment node pTree and all of its peers to the
** database. Then call this function recursively to write the parent of 
** pTree and its peers to the database. 
** Except, if pTree is a root node, do not write it to the database. Instead,
** set output variables *paRoot and *pnRoot to contain the root node.
** If successful, SQLITE_OK is returned and output variable *piLast is
** set to the largest blockid written to the database (or zero if no
** blocks were written to the db). Otherwise, an SQLite error code is 
** returned.
static int fts3NodeWrite(
  Fts3Table *p,                   /* Virtual table handle */
  SegmentNode *pTree,             /* SegmentNode handle */
  int iHeight,                    /* Height of this node in tree */
  sqlite3_int64 iLeaf,            /* Block id of first leaf node */
  sqlite3_int64 iFree,            /* Block id of next free slot in %_segments */
  sqlite3_int64 *piLast,          /* OUT: Block id of last entry written */
  char **paRoot,                  /* OUT: Data for root node */
  int *pnRoot                     /* OUT: Size of root node in bytes */
  int rc = SQLITE_OK;

  if( !pTree->pParent ){
    /* Root node of the tree. */
    int nStart = fts3TreeFinishNode(pTree, iHeight, iLeaf);
    *piLast = iFree-1;
    *pnRoot = pTree->nData - nStart;
    *paRoot = &pTree->aData[nStart];
    SegmentNode *pIter;
    sqlite3_int64 iNextFree = iFree;
    sqlite3_int64 iNextLeaf = iLeaf;
    for(pIter=pTree->pLeftmost; pIter && rc==SQLITE_OK; pIter=pIter->pRight){
      int nStart = fts3TreeFinishNode(pIter, iHeight, iNextLeaf);
      int nWrite = pIter->nData - nStart;
      rc = fts3WriteSegment(p, iNextFree, &pIter->aData[nStart], nWrite);
      iNextLeaf += (pIter->nEntry+1);
    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
      assert( iNextLeaf==iFree );
      rc = fts3NodeWrite(
          p, pTree->pParent, iHeight+1, iFree, iNextFree, piLast, paRoot, pnRoot

  return rc;

** Free all memory allocations associated with the tree pTree.
static void fts3NodeFree(SegmentNode *pTree){
  if( pTree ){
    SegmentNode *p = pTree->pLeftmost;
    while( p ){
      SegmentNode *pRight = p->pRight;
      if( p->aData!=(char *)&p[1] ){
      assert( pRight==0 || p->zMalloc==0 );
      p = pRight;

** Add a term to the segment being constructed by the SegmentWriter object
** *ppWriter. When adding the first term to a segment, *ppWriter should
** be passed NULL. This function will allocate a new SegmentWriter object
** and return it via the input/output variable *ppWriter in this case.
** If successful, SQLITE_OK is returned. Otherwise, an SQLite error code.
static int fts3SegWriterAdd(
  Fts3Table *p,                   /* Virtual table handle */
  SegmentWriter **ppWriter,       /* IN/OUT: SegmentWriter handle */ 
  int isCopyTerm,                 /* True if buffer zTerm must be copied */
  const char *zTerm,              /* Pointer to buffer containing term */
  int nTerm,                      /* Size of term in bytes */
  const char *aDoclist,           /* Pointer to buffer containing doclist */
  int nDoclist                    /* Size of doclist in bytes */
  int nPrefix;                    /* Size of term prefix in bytes */
  int nSuffix;                    /* Size of term suffix in bytes */
  int nReq;                       /* Number of bytes required on leaf page */
  int nData;
  SegmentWriter *pWriter = *ppWriter;

  if( !pWriter ){
    int rc;
    sqlite3_stmt *pStmt;

    /* Allocate the SegmentWriter structure */
    pWriter = (SegmentWriter *)sqlite3_malloc(sizeof(SegmentWriter));
    if( !pWriter ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
    memset(pWriter, 0, sizeof(SegmentWriter));
    *ppWriter = pWriter;

    /* Allocate a buffer in which to accumulate data */
    pWriter->aData = (char *)sqlite3_malloc(p->nNodeSize);
    if( !pWriter->aData ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
    pWriter->nSize = p->nNodeSize;

    /* Find the next free blockid in the %_segments table */
    rc = fts3SqlStmt(p, SQL_NEXT_SEGMENTS_ID, &pStmt, 0);
    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
    if( SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pStmt) ){
      pWriter->iFree = sqlite3_column_int64(pStmt, 0);
      pWriter->iFirst = pWriter->iFree;
    rc = sqlite3_reset(pStmt);
    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
  nData = pWriter->nData;

  nPrefix = fts3PrefixCompress(pWriter->zTerm, pWriter->nTerm, zTerm, nTerm);
  nSuffix = nTerm-nPrefix;

  /* Figure out how many bytes are required by this new entry */
  nReq = sqlite3Fts3VarintLen(nPrefix) +    /* varint containing prefix size */
    sqlite3Fts3VarintLen(nSuffix) +         /* varint containing suffix size */
    nSuffix +                               /* Term suffix */
    sqlite3Fts3VarintLen(nDoclist) +        /* Size of doclist */
    nDoclist;                               /* Doclist data */

  if( nData>0 && nData+nReq>p->nNodeSize ){
    int rc;

    /* The current leaf node is full. Write it out to the database. */
    rc = fts3WriteSegment(p, pWriter->iFree++, pWriter->aData, nData);
    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;

    /* Add the current term to the interior node tree. The term added to
    ** the interior tree must:
    **   a) be greater than the largest term on the leaf node just written
    **      to the database (still available in pWriter->zTerm), and
    **   b) be less than or equal to the term about to be added to the new
    **      leaf node (zTerm/nTerm).
    ** In other words, it must be the prefix of zTerm 1 byte longer than
    ** the common prefix (if any) of zTerm and pWriter->zTerm.
    assert( nPrefix<nTerm );
    rc = fts3NodeAddTerm(p, &pWriter->pTree, isCopyTerm, zTerm, nPrefix+1);
    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;

    nData = 0;
    pWriter->nTerm = 0;

    nPrefix = 0;
    nSuffix = nTerm;
    nReq = 1 +                              /* varint containing prefix size */
      sqlite3Fts3VarintLen(nTerm) +         /* varint containing suffix size */
      nTerm +                               /* Term suffix */
      sqlite3Fts3VarintLen(nDoclist) +      /* Size of doclist */
      nDoclist;                             /* Doclist data */

  /* If the buffer currently allocated is too small for this entry, realloc
  ** the buffer to make it large enough.
  if( nReq>pWriter->nSize ){
    char *aNew = sqlite3_realloc(pWriter->aData, nReq);
    if( !aNew ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
    pWriter->aData = aNew;
    pWriter->nSize = nReq;
  assert( nData+nReq<=pWriter->nSize );

  /* Append the prefix-compressed term and doclist to the buffer. */
  nData += sqlite3Fts3PutVarint(&pWriter->aData[nData], nPrefix);
  nData += sqlite3Fts3PutVarint(&pWriter->aData[nData], nSuffix);
  memcpy(&pWriter->aData[nData], &zTerm[nPrefix], nSuffix);
  nData += nSuffix;
  nData += sqlite3Fts3PutVarint(&pWriter->aData[nData], nDoclist);
  memcpy(&pWriter->aData[nData], aDoclist, nDoclist);
  pWriter->nData = nData + nDoclist;

  /* Save the current term so that it can be used to prefix-compress the next.
  ** If the isCopyTerm parameter is true, then the buffer pointed to by
  ** zTerm is transient, so take a copy of the term data. Otherwise, just
  ** store a copy of the pointer.
  if( isCopyTerm ){
    if( nTerm>pWriter->nMalloc ){
      char *zNew = sqlite3_realloc(pWriter->zMalloc, nTerm*2);
      if( !zNew ){
        return SQLITE_NOMEM;
      pWriter->nMalloc = nTerm*2;
      pWriter->zMalloc = zNew;
      pWriter->zTerm = zNew;
    assert( pWriter->zTerm==pWriter->zMalloc );
    memcpy(pWriter->zTerm, zTerm, nTerm);
    pWriter->zTerm = (char *)zTerm;
  pWriter->nTerm = nTerm;

  return SQLITE_OK;

** Flush all data associated with the SegmentWriter object pWriter to the
** database. This function must be called after all terms have been added
** to the segment using fts3SegWriterAdd(). If successful, SQLITE_OK is
** returned. Otherwise, an SQLite error code.
static int fts3SegWriterFlush(
  Fts3Table *p,                   /* Virtual table handle */
  SegmentWriter *pWriter,         /* SegmentWriter to flush to the db */
  int iLevel,                     /* Value for 'level' column of %_segdir */
  int iIdx                        /* Value for 'idx' column of %_segdir */
  int rc;                         /* Return code */
  if( pWriter->pTree ){
    sqlite3_int64 iLast = 0;      /* Largest block id written to database */
    sqlite3_int64 iLastLeaf;      /* Largest leaf block id written to db */
    char *zRoot = NULL;           /* Pointer to buffer containing root node */
    int nRoot = 0;                /* Size of buffer zRoot */

    iLastLeaf = pWriter->iFree;
    rc = fts3WriteSegment(p, pWriter->iFree++, pWriter->aData, pWriter->nData);
    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
      rc = fts3NodeWrite(p, pWriter->pTree, 1,
          pWriter->iFirst, pWriter->iFree, &iLast, &zRoot, &nRoot);
    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
      rc = fts3WriteSegdir(
          p, iLevel, iIdx, pWriter->iFirst, iLastLeaf, iLast, zRoot, nRoot);
    /* The entire tree fits on the root node. Write it to the segdir table. */
    rc = fts3WriteSegdir(
        p, iLevel, iIdx, 0, 0, 0, pWriter->aData, pWriter->nData);
  return rc;

** Release all memory held by the SegmentWriter object passed as the 
** first argument.
static void fts3SegWriterFree(SegmentWriter *pWriter){
  if( pWriter ){

** The first value in the apVal[] array is assumed to contain an integer.
** This function tests if there exist any documents with docid values that
** are different from that integer. i.e. if deleting the document with docid
** apVal[0] would mean the FTS3 table were empty.
** If successful, *pisEmpty is set to true if the table is empty except for
** document apVal[0], or false otherwise, and SQLITE_OK is returned. If an
** error occurs, an SQLite error code is returned.
static int fts3IsEmpty(Fts3Table *p, sqlite3_value **apVal, int *pisEmpty){
  sqlite3_stmt *pStmt;
  int rc;
  rc = fts3SqlStmt(p, SQL_IS_EMPTY, &pStmt, apVal);
  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
    if( SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pStmt) ){
      *pisEmpty = sqlite3_column_int(pStmt, 0);
    rc = sqlite3_reset(pStmt);
  return rc;

** Set *pnSegment to the total number of segments in the database. Set
** *pnMax to the largest segment level in the database (segment levels
** are stored in the 'level' column of the %_segdir table).
** Return SQLITE_OK if successful, or an SQLite error code if not.
static int fts3SegmentCountMax(Fts3Table *p, int *pnSegment, int *pnMax){
  sqlite3_stmt *pStmt;
  int rc;

  rc = fts3SqlStmt(p, SQL_SELECT_SEGDIR_COUNT_MAX, &pStmt, 0);
  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
  if( SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pStmt) ){
    *pnSegment = sqlite3_column_int(pStmt, 0);
    *pnMax = sqlite3_column_int(pStmt, 1);
  return sqlite3_reset(pStmt);

** This function is used after merging multiple segments into a single large
** segment to delete the old, now redundant, segment b-trees. Specifically,
** it:
**   1) Deletes all %_segments entries for the segments associated with 
**      each of the SegReader objects in the array passed as the third 
**      argument, and
**   2) deletes all %_segdir entries with level iLevel, or all %_segdir
**      entries regardless of level if (iLevel<0).
** SQLITE_OK is returned if successful, otherwise an SQLite error code.
static int fts3DeleteSegdir(
  Fts3Table *p,                   /* Virtual table handle */
  int iLevel,                     /* Level of %_segdir entries to delete */
  Fts3SegReader **apSegment,      /* Array of SegReader objects */
  int nReader                     /* Size of array apSegment */
  int rc;                         /* Return Code */
  int i;                          /* Iterator variable */
  sqlite3_stmt *pDelete;          /* SQL statement to delete rows */

  rc = fts3SqlStmt(p, SQL_DELETE_SEGMENTS_RANGE, &pDelete, 0);
  for(i=0; rc==SQLITE_OK && i<nReader; i++){
    Fts3SegReader *pSegment = apSegment[i];
    if( pSegment->iStartBlock ){
      sqlite3_bind_int64(pDelete, 1, pSegment->iStartBlock);
      sqlite3_bind_int64(pDelete, 2, pSegment->iEndBlock);
      rc = sqlite3_reset(pDelete);
  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
    return rc;

  if( iLevel==FTS3_SEGCURSOR_ALL ){
    fts3SqlExec(&rc, p, SQL_DELETE_ALL_SEGDIR, 0);
  }else if( iLevel==FTS3_SEGCURSOR_PENDING ){
    assert( iLevel>=0 );
    rc = fts3SqlStmt(p, SQL_DELETE_SEGDIR_BY_LEVEL, &pDelete, 0);
    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
      sqlite3_bind_int(pDelete, 1, iLevel);
      rc = sqlite3_reset(pDelete);

  return rc;

** When this function is called, buffer *ppList (size *pnList bytes) contains 
** a position list that may (or may not) feature multiple columns. This
** function adjusts the pointer *ppList and the length *pnList so that they
** identify the subset of the position list that corresponds to column iCol.
** If there are no entries in the input position list for column iCol, then
** *pnList is set to zero before returning.
static void fts3ColumnFilter(
  int iCol,                       /* Column to filter on */
  char **ppList,                  /* IN/OUT: Pointer to position list */
  int *pnList                     /* IN/OUT: Size of buffer *ppList in bytes */
  char *pList = *ppList;
  int nList = *pnList;
  char *pEnd = &pList[nList];
  int iCurrent = 0;
  char *p = pList;

  assert( iCol>=0 );
  while( 1 ){
    char c = 0;
    while( p<pEnd && (c | *p)&0xFE ) c = *p++ & 0x80;
    if( iCol==iCurrent ){
      nList = (int)(p - pList);

    nList -= (int)(p - pList);
    pList = p;
    if( nList==0 ){
    p = &pList[1];
    p += sqlite3Fts3GetVarint32(p, &iCurrent);

  *ppList = pList;
  *pnList = nList;

int sqlite3Fts3SegReaderStart(
  Fts3Table *p,                   /* Virtual table handle */
  Fts3SegReaderCursor *pCsr,      /* Cursor object */
  Fts3SegFilter *pFilter          /* Restrictions on range of iteration */
  int i;

  /* Initialize the cursor object */
  pCsr->pFilter = pFilter;

  /* If the Fts3SegFilter defines a specific term (or term prefix) to search 
  ** for, then advance each segment iterator until it points to a term of
  ** equal or greater value than the specified term. This prevents many
  ** unnecessary merge/sort operations for the case where single segment
  ** b-tree leaf nodes contain more than one term.
  for(i=0; i<pCsr->nSegment; i++){
    int nTerm = pFilter->nTerm;
    const char *zTerm = pFilter->zTerm;
    Fts3SegReader *pSeg = pCsr->apSegment[i];
    do {
      int rc = fts3SegReaderNext(p, pSeg);
      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
    }while( zTerm && fts3SegReaderTermCmp(pSeg, zTerm, nTerm)<0 );
      pCsr->apSegment, pCsr->nSegment, pCsr->nSegment, fts3SegReaderCmp);

  return SQLITE_OK;

int sqlite3Fts3SegReaderStep(
  Fts3Table *p,                   /* Virtual table handle */
  Fts3SegReaderCursor *pCsr       /* Cursor object */
  int rc = SQLITE_OK;

  int isIgnoreEmpty =  (pCsr->pFilter->flags & FTS3_SEGMENT_IGNORE_EMPTY);
  int isRequirePos =   (pCsr->pFilter->flags & FTS3_SEGMENT_REQUIRE_POS);
  int isColFilter =    (pCsr->pFilter->flags & FTS3_SEGMENT_COLUMN_FILTER);
  int isPrefix =       (pCsr->pFilter->flags & FTS3_SEGMENT_PREFIX);
  int isScan =         (pCsr->pFilter->flags & FTS3_SEGMENT_SCAN);

  Fts3SegReader **apSegment = pCsr->apSegment;
  int nSegment = pCsr->nSegment;
  Fts3SegFilter *pFilter = pCsr->pFilter;

  if( pCsr->nSegment==0 ) return SQLITE_OK;

  do {
    int nMerge;
    int i;
    /* Advance the first pCsr->nAdvance entries in the apSegment[] array
    ** forward. Then sort the list in order of current term again.  
    for(i=0; i<pCsr->nAdvance; i++){
      rc = fts3SegReaderNext(p, apSegment[i]);
      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
    fts3SegReaderSort(apSegment, nSegment, pCsr->nAdvance, fts3SegReaderCmp);
    pCsr->nAdvance = 0;

    /* If all the seg-readers are at EOF, we're finished. return SQLITE_OK. */
    assert( rc==SQLITE_OK );
    if( apSegment[0]->aNode==0 ) break;

    pCsr->nTerm = apSegment[0]->nTerm;
    pCsr->zTerm = apSegment[0]->zTerm;

    /* If this is a prefix-search, and if the term that apSegment[0] points
    ** to does not share a suffix with pFilter->zTerm/nTerm, then all 
    ** required callbacks have been made. In this case exit early.
    ** Similarly, if this is a search for an exact match, and the first term
    ** of segment apSegment[0] is not a match, exit early.
    if( pFilter->zTerm && !isScan ){
      if( pCsr->nTerm<pFilter->nTerm 
       || (!isPrefix && pCsr->nTerm>pFilter->nTerm)
       || memcmp(pCsr->zTerm, pFilter->zTerm, pFilter->nTerm) 

    nMerge = 1;
    while( nMerge<nSegment 
        && apSegment[nMerge]->aNode
        && apSegment[nMerge]->nTerm==pCsr->nTerm 
        && 0==memcmp(pCsr->zTerm, apSegment[nMerge]->zTerm, pCsr->nTerm)

    assert( isIgnoreEmpty || (isRequirePos && !isColFilter) );
    if( nMerge==1 && !isIgnoreEmpty ){
      pCsr->aDoclist = apSegment[0]->aDoclist;
      pCsr->nDoclist = apSegment[0]->nDoclist;
      rc = SQLITE_ROW;
      int nDoclist = 0;           /* Size of doclist */
      sqlite3_int64 iPrev = 0;    /* Previous docid stored in doclist */

      /* The current term of the first nMerge entries in the array
      ** of Fts3SegReader objects is the same. The doclists must be merged
      ** and a single term returned with the merged doclist.
      for(i=0; i<nMerge; i++){
      fts3SegReaderSort(apSegment, nMerge, nMerge, fts3SegReaderDoclistCmp);
      while( apSegment[0]->pOffsetList ){
        int j;                    /* Number of segments that share a docid */
        char *pList;
        int nList;
        int nByte;
        sqlite3_int64 iDocid = apSegment[0]->iDocid;
        fts3SegReaderNextDocid(apSegment[0], &pList, &nList);
        j = 1;
        while( j<nMerge
            && apSegment[j]->pOffsetList
            && apSegment[j]->iDocid==iDocid
          fts3SegReaderNextDocid(apSegment[j], 0, 0);

        if( isColFilter ){
          fts3ColumnFilter(pFilter->iCol, &pList, &nList);

        if( !isIgnoreEmpty || nList>0 ){
          nByte = sqlite3Fts3VarintLen(iDocid-iPrev) + (isRequirePos?nList+1:0);
          if( nDoclist+nByte>pCsr->nBuffer ){
            char *aNew;
            pCsr->nBuffer = (nDoclist+nByte)*2;
            aNew = sqlite3_realloc(pCsr->aBuffer, pCsr->nBuffer);
            if( !aNew ){
              return SQLITE_NOMEM;
            pCsr->aBuffer = aNew;
          nDoclist += sqlite3Fts3PutVarint(
              &pCsr->aBuffer[nDoclist], iDocid-iPrev
          iPrev = iDocid;
          if( isRequirePos ){
            memcpy(&pCsr->aBuffer[nDoclist], pList, nList);
            nDoclist += nList;
            pCsr->aBuffer[nDoclist++] = '\0';

        fts3SegReaderSort(apSegment, nMerge, j, fts3SegReaderDoclistCmp);
      if( nDoclist>0 ){
        pCsr->aDoclist = pCsr->aBuffer;
        pCsr->nDoclist = nDoclist;
        rc = SQLITE_ROW;
    pCsr->nAdvance = nMerge;
  }while( rc==SQLITE_OK );

  return rc;

void sqlite3Fts3SegReaderFinish(
  Fts3SegReaderCursor *pCsr       /* Cursor object */
  if( pCsr ){
    int i;
    for(i=0; i<pCsr->nSegment; i++){

    pCsr->nSegment = 0;
    pCsr->apSegment = 0;
    pCsr->aBuffer = 0;

** Merge all level iLevel segments in the database into a single 
** iLevel+1 segment. Or, if iLevel<0, merge all segments into a
** single segment with a level equal to the numerically largest level 
** currently present in the database.
** If this function is called with iLevel<0, but there is only one
** segment in the database, SQLITE_DONE is returned immediately. 
** Otherwise, if successful, SQLITE_OK is returned. If an error occurs, 
** an SQLite error code is returned.
static int fts3SegmentMerge(Fts3Table *p, int iLevel){
  int rc;                         /* Return code */
  int iIdx = 0;                   /* Index of new segment */
  int iNewLevel = 0;              /* Level to create new segment at */
  SegmentWriter *pWriter = 0;     /* Used to write the new, merged, segment */
  Fts3SegFilter filter;           /* Segment term filter condition */
  Fts3SegReaderCursor csr;        /* Cursor to iterate through level(s) */

  rc = sqlite3Fts3SegReaderCursor(p, iLevel, 0, 0, 1, 0, &csr);
  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK || csr.nSegment==0 ) goto finished;

  if( iLevel==FTS3_SEGCURSOR_ALL ){
    /* This call is to merge all segments in the database to a single
    ** segment. The level of the new segment is equal to the the numerically 
    ** greatest segment level currently present in the database. The index
    ** of the new segment is always 0.  */
    int nDummy; /* TODO: Remove this */
    if( csr.nSegment==1 ){
      rc = SQLITE_DONE;
      goto finished;
    rc = fts3SegmentCountMax(p, &nDummy, &iNewLevel);
    /* This call is to merge all segments at level iLevel. Find the next
    ** available segment index at level iLevel+1. The call to
    ** fts3AllocateSegdirIdx() will merge the segments at level iLevel+1 to 
    ** a single iLevel+2 segment if necessary.  */
    iNewLevel = iLevel+1;
    rc = fts3AllocateSegdirIdx(p, iNewLevel, &iIdx);
  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto finished;
  assert( csr.nSegment>0 );
  assert( iNewLevel>=0 );

  memset(&filter, 0, sizeof(Fts3SegFilter));
  filter.flags = FTS3_SEGMENT_REQUIRE_POS;
  filter.flags |= (iLevel==FTS3_SEGCURSOR_ALL ? FTS3_SEGMENT_IGNORE_EMPTY : 0);

  rc = sqlite3Fts3SegReaderStart(p, &csr, &filter);
  while( SQLITE_OK==rc ){
    rc = sqlite3Fts3SegReaderStep(p, &csr);
    if( rc!=SQLITE_ROW ) break;
    rc = fts3SegWriterAdd(p, &pWriter, 1, 
        csr.zTerm, csr.nTerm, csr.aDoclist, csr.nDoclist);
  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto finished;
  assert( pWriter );

  rc = fts3DeleteSegdir(p, iLevel, csr.apSegment, csr.nSegment);
  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto finished;
  rc = fts3SegWriterFlush(p, pWriter, iNewLevel, iIdx);

  return rc;

** Flush the contents of pendingTerms to a level 0 segment.
int sqlite3Fts3PendingTermsFlush(Fts3Table *p){
  return fts3SegmentMerge(p, FTS3_SEGCURSOR_PENDING);

** Encode N integers as varints into a blob.
static void fts3EncodeIntArray(
  int N,             /* The number of integers to encode */
  u32 *a,            /* The integer values */
  char *zBuf,        /* Write the BLOB here */
  int *pNBuf         /* Write number of bytes if zBuf[] used here */
  int i, j;
  for(i=j=0; i<N; i++){
    j += sqlite3Fts3PutVarint(&zBuf[j], (sqlite3_int64)a[i]);
  *pNBuf = j;

** Decode a blob of varints into N integers
static void fts3DecodeIntArray(
  int N,             /* The number of integers to decode */
  u32 *a,            /* Write the integer values */
  const char *zBuf,  /* The BLOB containing the varints */
  int nBuf           /* size of the BLOB */
  int i, j;
  for(i=j=0; i<N; i++){
    sqlite3_int64 x;
    j += sqlite3Fts3GetVarint(&zBuf[j], &x);
    a[i] = (u32)(x & 0xffffffff);

** Insert the sizes (in tokens) for each column of the document
** with docid equal to p->iPrevDocid.  The sizes are encoded as
** a blob of varints.
static void fts3InsertDocsize(
  int *pRC,         /* Result code */
  Fts3Table *p,     /* Table into which to insert */
  u32 *aSz          /* Sizes of each column */
  char *pBlob;             /* The BLOB encoding of the document size */
  int nBlob;               /* Number of bytes in the BLOB */
  sqlite3_stmt *pStmt;     /* Statement used to insert the encoding */
  int rc;                  /* Result code from subfunctions */

  if( *pRC ) return;
  pBlob = sqlite3_malloc( 10*p->nColumn );
  if( pBlob==0 ){
  fts3EncodeIntArray(p->nColumn, aSz, pBlob, &nBlob);
  rc = fts3SqlStmt(p, SQL_REPLACE_DOCSIZE, &pStmt, 0);
  if( rc ){
    *pRC = rc;
  sqlite3_bind_int64(pStmt, 1, p->iPrevDocid);
  sqlite3_bind_blob(pStmt, 2, pBlob, nBlob, sqlite3_free);
  *pRC = sqlite3_reset(pStmt);

** Record 0 of the %_stat table contains a blob consisting of N varints,
** where N is the number of user defined columns in the fts3 table plus
** two. If nCol is the number of user defined columns, then values of the 
** varints are set as follows:
**   Varint 0:       Total number of rows in the table.
**   Varint 1..nCol: For each column, the total number of tokens stored in
**                   the column for all rows of the table.
**   Varint 1+nCol:  The total size, in bytes, of all text values in all
**                   columns of all rows of the table.
static void fts3UpdateDocTotals(
  int *pRC,                       /* The result code */
  Fts3Table *p,                   /* Table being updated */
  u32 *aSzIns,                    /* Size increases */
  u32 *aSzDel,                    /* Size decreases */
  int nChng                       /* Change in the number of documents */
  char *pBlob;             /* Storage for BLOB written into %_stat */
  int nBlob;               /* Size of BLOB written into %_stat */
  u32 *a;                  /* Array of integers that becomes the BLOB */
  sqlite3_stmt *pStmt;     /* Statement for reading and writing */
  int i;                   /* Loop counter */
  int rc;                  /* Result code from subfunctions */

  const int nStat = p->nColumn+2;

  if( *pRC ) return;
  a = sqlite3_malloc( (sizeof(u32)+10)*nStat );
  if( a==0 ){
  pBlob = (char*)&a[nStat];
  rc = fts3SqlStmt(p, SQL_SELECT_DOCTOTAL, &pStmt, 0);
  if( rc ){
    *pRC = rc;
  if( sqlite3_step(pStmt)==SQLITE_ROW ){
    fts3DecodeIntArray(nStat, a,
         sqlite3_column_blob(pStmt, 0),
         sqlite3_column_bytes(pStmt, 0));
    memset(a, 0, sizeof(u32)*(nStat) );
  if( nChng<0 && a[0]<(u32)(-nChng) ){
    a[0] = 0;
    a[0] += nChng;
  for(i=0; i<p->nColumn+1; i++){
    u32 x = a[i+1];
    if( x+aSzIns[i] < aSzDel[i] ){
      x = 0;
      x = x + aSzIns[i] - aSzDel[i];
    a[i+1] = x;
  fts3EncodeIntArray(nStat, a, pBlob, &nBlob);
  rc = fts3SqlStmt(p, SQL_REPLACE_DOCTOTAL, &pStmt, 0);
  if( rc ){
    *pRC = rc;
  sqlite3_bind_blob(pStmt, 1, pBlob, nBlob, SQLITE_STATIC);
  *pRC = sqlite3_reset(pStmt);

** Handle a 'special' INSERT of the form:
**   "INSERT INTO tbl(tbl) VALUES(<expr>)"
** Argument pVal contains the result of <expr>. Currently the only 
** meaningful value to insert is the text 'optimize'.
static int fts3SpecialInsert(Fts3Table *p, sqlite3_value *pVal){
  int rc;                         /* Return Code */
  const char *zVal = (const char *)sqlite3_value_text(pVal);
  int nVal = sqlite3_value_bytes(pVal);

  if( !zVal ){
    return SQLITE_NOMEM;
  }else if( nVal==8 && 0==sqlite3_strnicmp(zVal, "optimize", 8) ){
    rc = fts3SegmentMerge(p, FTS3_SEGCURSOR_ALL);
    if( rc==SQLITE_DONE ){
      rc = SQLITE_OK;
  }else if( nVal>9 && 0==sqlite3_strnicmp(zVal, "nodesize=", 9) ){
    p->nNodeSize = atoi(&zVal[9]);
    rc = SQLITE_OK;
  }else if( nVal>11 && 0==sqlite3_strnicmp(zVal, "maxpending=", 9) ){
    p->nMaxPendingData = atoi(&zVal[11]);
    rc = SQLITE_OK;
    rc = SQLITE_ERROR;

  return rc;

** Return the deferred doclist associated with deferred token pDeferred.
** This function assumes that sqlite3Fts3CacheDeferredDoclists() has already
** been called to allocate and populate the doclist.
char *sqlite3Fts3DeferredDoclist(Fts3DeferredToken *pDeferred, int *pnByte){
  if( pDeferred->pList ){
    *pnByte = pDeferred->pList->nData;
    return pDeferred->pList->aData;
  *pnByte = 0;
  return 0;

** Helper fucntion for FreeDeferredDoclists(). This function removes all
** references to deferred doclists from within the tree of Fts3Expr 
** structures headed by 
static void fts3DeferredDoclistClear(Fts3Expr *pExpr){
  if( pExpr ){
    if( pExpr->isLoaded ){
      pExpr->isLoaded = 0;
      pExpr->aDoclist = 0;
      pExpr->nDoclist = 0;
      pExpr->pCurrent = 0;
      pExpr->iCurrent = 0;

** Delete all cached deferred doclists. Deferred doclists are cached
** (allocated) by the sqlite3Fts3CacheDeferredDoclists() function.
void sqlite3Fts3FreeDeferredDoclists(Fts3Cursor *pCsr){
  Fts3DeferredToken *pDef;
  for(pDef=pCsr->pDeferred; pDef; pDef=pDef->pNext){
    pDef->pList = 0;
  if( pCsr->pDeferred ){

** Free all entries in the pCsr->pDeffered list. Entries are added to 
** this list using sqlite3Fts3DeferToken().
void sqlite3Fts3FreeDeferredTokens(Fts3Cursor *pCsr){
  Fts3DeferredToken *pDef;
  Fts3DeferredToken *pNext;
  for(pDef=pCsr->pDeferred; pDef; pDef=pNext){
    pNext = pDef->pNext;
  pCsr->pDeferred = 0;

** Generate deferred-doclists for all tokens in the pCsr->pDeferred list
** based on the row that pCsr currently points to.
** A deferred-doclist is like any other doclist with position information
** included, except that it only contains entries for a single row of the
** table, not for all rows.
int sqlite3Fts3CacheDeferredDoclists(Fts3Cursor *pCsr){
  int rc = SQLITE_OK;             /* Return code */
  if( pCsr->pDeferred ){
    int i;                        /* Used to iterate through table columns */
    sqlite3_int64 iDocid;         /* Docid of the row pCsr points to */
    Fts3DeferredToken *pDef;      /* Used to iterate through deferred tokens */
    Fts3Table *p = (Fts3Table *)pCsr->base.pVtab;
    sqlite3_tokenizer *pT = p->pTokenizer;
    sqlite3_tokenizer_module const *pModule = pT->pModule;
    assert( pCsr->isRequireSeek==0 );
    iDocid = sqlite3_column_int64(pCsr->pStmt, 0);
    for(i=0; i<p->nColumn && rc==SQLITE_OK; i++){
      const char *zText = (const char *)sqlite3_column_text(pCsr->pStmt, i+1);
      sqlite3_tokenizer_cursor *pTC = 0;
      rc = pModule->xOpen(pT, zText, -1, &pTC);
      while( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
        char const *zToken;       /* Buffer containing token */
        int nToken;               /* Number of bytes in token */
        int iDum1, iDum2;         /* Dummy variables */
        int iPos;                 /* Position of token in zText */
        pTC->pTokenizer = pT;
        rc = pModule->xNext(pTC, &zToken, &nToken, &iDum1, &iDum2, &iPos);
        for(pDef=pCsr->pDeferred; pDef && rc==SQLITE_OK; pDef=pDef->pNext){
          Fts3PhraseToken *pPT = pDef->pToken;
          if( (pDef->iCol>=p->nColumn || pDef->iCol==i)
           && (pPT->n==nToken || (pPT->isPrefix && pPT->n<nToken))
           && (0==memcmp(zToken, pPT->z, pPT->n))
            fts3PendingListAppend(&pDef->pList, iDocid, i, iPos, &rc);
      if( pTC ) pModule->xClose(pTC);
      if( rc==SQLITE_DONE ) rc = SQLITE_OK;
    for(pDef=pCsr->pDeferred; pDef && rc==SQLITE_OK; pDef=pDef->pNext){
      if( pDef->pList ){
        rc = fts3PendingListAppendVarint(&pDef->pList, 0);

  return rc;

** Add an entry for token pToken to the pCsr->pDeferred list.
int sqlite3Fts3DeferToken(
  Fts3Cursor *pCsr,               /* Fts3 table cursor */
  Fts3PhraseToken *pToken,        /* Token to defer */
  int iCol                        /* Column that token must appear in (or -1) */
  Fts3DeferredToken *pDeferred;
  pDeferred = sqlite3_malloc(sizeof(*pDeferred));
  if( !pDeferred ){
    return SQLITE_NOMEM;
  memset(pDeferred, 0, sizeof(*pDeferred));
  pDeferred->pToken = pToken;
  pDeferred->pNext = pCsr->pDeferred; 
  pDeferred->iCol = iCol;
  pCsr->pDeferred = pDeferred;

  assert( pToken->pDeferred==0 );
  pToken->pDeferred = pDeferred;

  return SQLITE_OK;

** This function does the work for the xUpdate method of FTS3 virtual
** tables.
int sqlite3Fts3UpdateMethod(
  sqlite3_vtab *pVtab,            /* FTS3 vtab object */
  int nArg,                       /* Size of argument array */
  sqlite3_value **apVal,          /* Array of arguments */
  sqlite_int64 *pRowid            /* OUT: The affected (or effected) rowid */
  Fts3Table *p = (Fts3Table *)pVtab;
  int rc = SQLITE_OK;             /* Return Code */
  int isRemove = 0;               /* True for an UPDATE or DELETE */
  sqlite3_int64 iRemove = 0;      /* Rowid removed by UPDATE or DELETE */
  u32 *aSzIns;                    /* Sizes of inserted documents */
  u32 *aSzDel;                    /* Sizes of deleted documents */
  int nChng = 0;                  /* Net change in number of documents */

  assert( p->pSegments==0 );

  /* Allocate space to hold the change in document sizes */
  aSzIns = sqlite3_malloc( sizeof(aSzIns[0])*(p->nColumn+1)*2 );
  if( aSzIns==0 ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
  aSzDel = &aSzIns[p->nColumn+1];
  memset(aSzIns, 0, sizeof(aSzIns[0])*(p->nColumn+1)*2);

  /* If this is a DELETE or UPDATE operation, remove the old record. */
  if( sqlite3_value_type(apVal[0])!=SQLITE_NULL ){
    int isEmpty = 0;
    rc = fts3IsEmpty(p, apVal, &isEmpty);
    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
      if( isEmpty ){
        /* Deleting this row means the whole table is empty. In this case
        ** delete the contents of all three tables and throw away any
        ** data in the pendingTerms hash table.
        rc = fts3DeleteAll(p);
        isRemove = 1;
        iRemove = sqlite3_value_int64(apVal[0]);
        rc = fts3PendingTermsDocid(p, iRemove);
        fts3DeleteTerms(&rc, p, apVal, aSzDel);
        fts3SqlExec(&rc, p, SQL_DELETE_CONTENT, apVal);
        if( p->bHasDocsize ){
          fts3SqlExec(&rc, p, SQL_DELETE_DOCSIZE, apVal);
  }else if( sqlite3_value_type(apVal[p->nColumn+2])!=SQLITE_NULL ){
    return fts3SpecialInsert(p, apVal[p->nColumn+2]);
  /* If this is an INSERT or UPDATE operation, insert the new record. */
  if( nArg>1 && rc==SQLITE_OK ){
    rc = fts3InsertData(p, apVal, pRowid);
    if( rc==SQLITE_OK && (!isRemove || *pRowid!=iRemove) ){
      rc = fts3PendingTermsDocid(p, *pRowid);
    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
      rc = fts3InsertTerms(p, apVal, aSzIns);
    if( p->bHasDocsize ){
      fts3InsertDocsize(&rc, p, aSzIns);

  if( p->bHasStat ){
    fts3UpdateDocTotals(&rc, p, aSzIns, aSzDel, nChng);

  return rc;

** Flush any data in the pending-terms hash table to disk. If successful,
** merge all segments in the database (including the new segment, if 
** there was any data to flush) into a single segment. 
int sqlite3Fts3Optimize(Fts3Table *p){
  int rc;
  rc = sqlite3_exec(p->db, "SAVEPOINT fts3", 0, 0, 0);
  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
    rc = fts3SegmentMerge(p, FTS3_SEGCURSOR_ALL);
    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
      rc = sqlite3_exec(p->db, "RELEASE fts3", 0, 0, 0);
      if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
      sqlite3_exec(p->db, "ROLLBACK TO fts3", 0, 0, 0);
      sqlite3_exec(p->db, "RELEASE fts3", 0, 0, 0);
  return rc;


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