
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. WRAP
  2. WRAP
  3. WRAP
  4. WRAP
  5. WRAP
  6. WRAP
  7. WRAP
  8. WRAP
  9. WRAP
  10. WRAP
  11. WRAP
  12. WRAP
  13. WRAP
  14. WRAP
  15. WRAP
  16. WRAP
  17. WRAP
  18. WRAP
  19. WRAP
  20. WRAP
  21. WRAP
  22. WRAP
  23. WRAP
  24. WRAP
  25. WRAP
  26. WRAP
  27. WRAP
  28. WRAP
  29. WRAP
  30. WRAP
  31. WRAP
  32. WRAP
  33. WRAP
  34. assign_real_pointers
  35. _real_close
  36. _real_exit
  37. _real_fstat
  38. _real_isatty
  39. _real_getdents
  40. _real_lseek
  41. _real_mkdir
  42. _real_mmap
  43. _real_munmap
  44. _real_open
  45. _real_open_resource
  46. _real_read
  47. _real_rmdir
  48. _real_write
  49. kernel_wrap_init
  50. kernel_wrap_uninit

// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include <sys/types.h>  // Include something that will define __GLIBC__.

// The entire file is wrapped in this #if. We do this so this .cc file can be
// compiled, even on a non-newlib build.
#if defined(__native_client__) && !defined(__GLIBC__) && !defined(__BIONIC__)

#include "nacl_io/kernel_wrap.h"

#include <dirent.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <irt.h>
#include <irt_dev.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/time.h>

#include "nacl_io/kernel_intercept.h"
#include "nacl_io/kernel_wrap_real.h"


// Macro to get the REAL function pointer
#define REAL(name) __nacl_irt_##name##_real

// Macro to get the WRAP function
#define WRAP(name) __nacl_irt_##name##_wrap

// Declare REAL function pointer.
#define DECLARE_REAL_PTR(group, name) \
  typeof( REAL(name);

// Assign the REAL function pointer.
#define ASSIGN_REAL_PTR(group, name) \
  REAL(name) =;

// Switch IRT's pointer to the REAL pointer
#define USE_REAL(group, name) \ = (typeof(REAL(name))) REAL(name); \

// Switch the IRT's pointer to the WRAP function
#define USE_WRAP(group, name) \ = (typeof(REAL(name))) WRAP(name); \

extern void __libnacl_irt_dev_filename_init(void);

extern struct nacl_irt_basic __libnacl_irt_basic;
extern struct nacl_irt_fdio __libnacl_irt_fdio;
extern struct nacl_irt_dev_fdio __libnacl_irt_dev_fdio;
extern struct nacl_irt_dev_filename __libnacl_irt_dev_filename;
extern struct nacl_irt_memory __libnacl_irt_memory;

// Create function pointers to the REAL implementation
  OP(basic, exit); \
  OP(fdio, close); \
  OP(fdio, dup); \
  OP(fdio, dup2); \
  OP(fdio, read); \
  OP(fdio, write); \
  OP(fdio, seek); \
  OP(fdio, fstat); \
  OP(fdio, getdents); \
  OP(dev_fdio, fchdir); \
  OP(dev_fdio, fchmod); \
  OP(dev_fdio, fsync); \
  OP(dev_fdio, fdatasync); \
  OP(dev_fdio, ftruncate); \
  OP(dev_fdio, isatty); \
  OP(dev_filename, open); \
  OP(dev_filename, stat); \
  OP(dev_filename, mkdir); \
  OP(dev_filename, rmdir); \
  OP(dev_filename, chdir); \
  OP(dev_filename, getcwd); \
  OP(dev_filename, unlink); \
  OP(dev_filename, truncate); \
  OP(dev_filename, lstat); \
  OP(dev_filename, link); \
  OP(dev_filename, rename); \
  OP(dev_filename, symlink); \
  OP(dev_filename, chmod); \
  OP(dev_filename, access); \
  OP(dev_filename, readlink); \
  OP(dev_filename, utimes); \
  OP(memory, mmap); \
  OP(memory, munmap);


int WRAP(close)(int fd) {
  return (ki_close(fd) < 0) ? errno : 0;

int WRAP(dup)(int fd, int* newfd) {
  *newfd = ki_dup(fd);
  return (*newfd < 0) ? errno : 0;

int WRAP(dup2)(int fd, int newfd) {
  newfd = ki_dup2(fd, newfd);
  return (newfd < 0) ? errno : 0;

void WRAP(exit)(int status) {

int WRAP(read)(int fd, void* buf, size_t count, size_t* nread) {
  ssize_t signed_nread = ki_read(fd, buf, count);
  *nread = static_cast<size_t>(signed_nread);
  return (signed_nread < 0) ? errno : 0;

int WRAP(write)(int fd, const void* buf, size_t count, size_t* nwrote) {
  ssize_t signed_nwrote = ki_write(fd, buf, count);
  *nwrote = static_cast<size_t>(signed_nwrote);
  return (signed_nwrote < 0) ? errno : 0;

int WRAP(seek)(int fd, off_t offset, int whence, off_t* new_offset) {
  *new_offset = ki_lseek(fd, offset, whence);
  return (*new_offset < 0) ? errno : 0;

int WRAP(fstat)(int fd, struct stat* buf) {
  return (ki_fstat(fd, buf) < 0) ? errno : 0;

int WRAP(getdents)(int fd, dirent* buf, size_t count, size_t* nread) {
  int rtn = ki_getdents(fd, buf, count);
  if (rtn < 0)
    return errno;
  *nread = rtn;
  return 0;

int WRAP(fchdir)(int fd) {
  return (ki_fchdir(fd) < 0) ? errno : 0;

int WRAP(fchmod)(int fd, mode_t mode) {
  return (ki_fchmod(fd, mode) < 0) ? errno : 0;

int WRAP(fsync)(int fd) {
  return (ki_fsync(fd) < 0) ? errno : 0;

int WRAP(fdatasync)(int fd) {
  return (ki_fdatasync(fd) < 0) ? errno : 0;

int WRAP(ftruncate)(int fd, off_t length) {
  return (ki_ftruncate(fd, length) < 0) ? errno : 0;

int WRAP(isatty)(int fd, int* result) {
  *result = ki_isatty(fd);
  if (*result == 1)
    return errno;
  return 0;

int WRAP(mmap)(void** addr, size_t length, int prot, int flags, int fd,
               off_t offset) {
  if (flags & MAP_ANONYMOUS)
    return REAL(mmap)(addr, length, prot, flags, fd, offset);

  *addr = ki_mmap(*addr, length, prot, flags, fd, offset);
  return *addr == (void*)-1 ? errno : 0;

int WRAP(munmap)(void* addr, size_t length) {
  // Always let the real munmap run on the address range. It is not an error if
  // there are no mapped pages in that range.
  ki_munmap(addr, length);
  return REAL(munmap)(addr, length);

int WRAP(open)(const char* pathname, int oflag, mode_t cmode, int* newfd) {
  *newfd = ki_open(pathname, oflag);
  return (*newfd < 0) ? errno : 0;

int WRAP(stat)(const char* pathname, struct stat* buf) {
  return (ki_stat(pathname, buf) < 0) ? errno : 0;

int WRAP(mkdir)(const char* pathname, mode_t mode) {
  return (ki_mkdir(pathname, mode) < 0) ? errno : 0;

int WRAP(rmdir)(const char* pathname) {
  return (ki_rmdir(pathname) < 0) ? errno : 0;

int WRAP(chdir)(const char* pathname) {
  return (ki_chdir(pathname) < 0) ? errno : 0;

int WRAP(getcwd)(char* pathname, size_t len) {
  char* rtn = ki_getcwd(pathname, len);
  if (NULL == rtn)
    return errno;
  return 0;

int WRAP(unlink)(const char* pathname) {
  return (ki_unlink(pathname) < 0) ? errno : 0;

int WRAP(truncate)(const char* pathname, off_t length) {
  return (ki_truncate(pathname, length) < 0) ? errno : 0;

int WRAP(lstat)(const char* pathname, struct stat* buf) {
  return (ki_lstat(pathname, buf) < 0) ? errno : 0;

int WRAP(link)(const char* pathname, const char* newpath) {
  return (ki_link(pathname, newpath) < 0) ? errno : 0;

int WRAP(rename)(const char* pathname, const char* newpath) {
  return (ki_rename(pathname, newpath) < 0) ? errno : 0;

int WRAP(symlink)(const char* pathname, const char* newpath) {
  return (ki_symlink(pathname, newpath) < 0) ? errno : 0;

int WRAP(chmod)(const char* pathname, mode_t mode) {
  return (ki_chmod(pathname, mode) < 0) ? errno : 0;

int WRAP(access)(const char* pathname, int amode) {
  return (ki_access(pathname, amode) < 0) ? errno : 0;

int WRAP(readlink)(const char* pathname, char *buf,
                   size_t count, size_t *nread) {
  int rtn = ki_readlink(pathname, buf, count);
  if (rtn < 0)
    return errno;
  *nread = rtn;
  return 0;

int WRAP(utimes)(const char* pathname, const struct timeval times[2]) {
  return (ki_utimes(pathname, times) < 0) ? errno : 0;

static void assign_real_pointers() {
  static bool assigned = false;
  if (!assigned) {
    assigned = true;

#define CHECK_REAL(func) \
  if (!REAL(func)) \

// "real" functions, i.e. the unwrapped original functions.

int _real_close(int fd) {
  return REAL(close)(fd);

void _real_exit(int status) {

int _real_fstat(int fd, struct stat* buf) {
  return REAL(fstat)(fd, buf);

int _real_isatty(int fd, int* result) {
  return REAL(isatty)(fd, result);

int _real_getdents(int fd, void* nacl_buf, size_t nacl_count, size_t* nread) {
  return REAL(getdents)(fd, static_cast<dirent*>(nacl_buf), nacl_count, nread);

int _real_lseek(int fd, off_t offset, int whence, off_t* new_offset) {
  return REAL(seek)(fd, offset, whence, new_offset);

int _real_mkdir(const char* pathname, mode_t mode) {
  return ENOSYS;

int _real_mmap(void** addr, size_t length, int prot, int flags, int fd,
               off_t offset) {
  return REAL(mmap)(addr, length, prot, flags, fd, offset);

int _real_munmap(void* addr, size_t length) {
  return REAL(munmap)(addr, length);

int _real_open(const char* pathname, int oflag, mode_t cmode, int* newfd) {
  return REAL(open)(pathname, oflag, cmode, newfd);

int _real_open_resource(const char* file, int* fd) {
  return ENOSYS;

int _real_read(int fd, void* buf, size_t count, size_t* nread) {
  return REAL(read)(fd, buf, count, nread);

int _real_rmdir(const char* pathname) {
  return ENOSYS;

int _real_write(int fd, const void* buf, size_t count, size_t* nwrote) {
  return REAL(write)(fd, buf, count, nwrote);

static bool s_wrapped = false;

void kernel_wrap_init() {
  if (!s_wrapped) {
    s_wrapped = true;

void kernel_wrap_uninit() {
  if (s_wrapped) {
    s_wrapped = false;


#endif  // defined(__native_client__) && !defined(__GLIBC__) ...

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */