BE                490 lib/regcomp.c    if (BE (preg->fastmap == NULL, 0))
BE                516 lib/regcomp.c    if (BE (ret == REG_NOERROR, 1))
BE                552 lib/regcomp.c    if (BE (errcode < 0
BE                565 lib/regcomp.c    if (BE (errbuf_size != 0, 1))
BE                568 lib/regcomp.c        if (BE (msg_size > errbuf_size, 0))
BE                663 lib/regcomp.c    if (BE (dfa != NULL, 1))
BE                770 lib/regcomp.c    if (BE (preg->allocated < sizeof (re_dfa_t), 0))
BE                785 lib/regcomp.c    if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE                802 lib/regcomp.c    if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE                816 lib/regcomp.c    if (BE (dfa->str_tree == NULL, 0))
BE                821 lib/regcomp.c    if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE                837 lib/regcomp.c    if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE                878 lib/regcomp.c    if (BE (SIZE_MAX / max_object_size / 2 <= pat_len, 0))
BE                920 lib/regcomp.c  	  if (BE (dfa->sb_char == NULL, 0))
BE                939 lib/regcomp.c    if (BE (dfa->nodes == NULL || dfa->state_table == NULL, 0))
BE                993 lib/regcomp.c    if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               1037 lib/regcomp.c    if (BE (dfa->init_state == NULL, 0))
BE               1049 lib/regcomp.c        if (BE (dfa->init_state_word == NULL || dfa->init_state_nl == NULL
BE               1157 lib/regcomp.c    if (BE (dfa->nexts == NULL || dfa->org_indices == NULL || dfa->edests == NULL
BE               1179 lib/regcomp.c    if (BE (ret != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               1182 lib/regcomp.c    if (BE (ret != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               1186 lib/regcomp.c    if (BE (ret != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               1189 lib/regcomp.c    if (BE (ret != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               1198 lib/regcomp.c        if (BE (dfa->inveclosures == NULL, 0))
BE               1228 lib/regcomp.c  	  if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               1250 lib/regcomp.c        if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               1351 lib/regcomp.c    if (BE (tree == NULL || tree1 == NULL || op == NULL || cls == NULL, 0))
BE               1377 lib/regcomp.c        if (BE (node->node_idx == REG_MISSING, 0))
BE               1489 lib/regcomp.c  	  if (BE (clone_dest == REG_MISSING, 0))
BE               1493 lib/regcomp.c  	  if (BE (! ok, 0))
BE               1515 lib/regcomp.c  	      if (BE (! ok, 0))
BE               1522 lib/regcomp.c  	  if (BE (clone_dest == REG_MISSING, 0))
BE               1525 lib/regcomp.c  	  if (BE (! ok, 0))
BE               1541 lib/regcomp.c  	      if (BE (clone_dest == REG_MISSING, 0))
BE               1544 lib/regcomp.c  	      if (BE (! ok, 0))
BE               1548 lib/regcomp.c  	      if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               1556 lib/regcomp.c  	      if (BE (! ok, 0))
BE               1562 lib/regcomp.c  	  if (BE (clone_dest == REG_MISSING, 0))
BE               1565 lib/regcomp.c  	  if (BE (! ok, 0))
BE               1599 lib/regcomp.c    if (BE (dup_idx != REG_MISSING, 1))
BE               1625 lib/regcomp.c  	  if (BE (! ok, 0))
BE               1666 lib/regcomp.c        if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               1689 lib/regcomp.c    if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               1704 lib/regcomp.c        if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               1726 lib/regcomp.c  	    if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               1733 lib/regcomp.c  	if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               1746 lib/regcomp.c    if (BE (! ok, 0))
BE               2117 lib/regcomp.c    if (BE (*err != REG_NOERROR && tree == NULL, 0))
BE               2124 lib/regcomp.c    if (BE (eor == NULL || root == NULL, 0))
BE               2148 lib/regcomp.c    if (BE (*err != REG_NOERROR && tree == NULL, 0))
BE               2158 lib/regcomp.c  	  if (BE (*err != REG_NOERROR && branch == NULL, 0))
BE               2164 lib/regcomp.c        if (BE (tree == NULL, 0))
BE               2189 lib/regcomp.c    if (BE (*err != REG_NOERROR && tree == NULL, 0))
BE               2196 lib/regcomp.c        if (BE (*err != REG_NOERROR && expr == NULL, 0))
BE               2232 lib/regcomp.c        if (BE (tree == NULL, 0))
BE               2247 lib/regcomp.c  	      if (BE (mbc_remain == NULL || tree == NULL, 0))
BE               2258 lib/regcomp.c        if (BE (*err != REG_NOERROR && tree == NULL, 0))
BE               2263 lib/regcomp.c        if (BE (*err != REG_NOERROR && tree == NULL, 0))
BE               2267 lib/regcomp.c        if (!BE (dfa->completed_bkref_map & (1 << token->opr.idx), 1))
BE               2274 lib/regcomp.c        if (BE (tree == NULL, 0))
BE               2319 lib/regcomp.c        if (BE (tree == NULL, 0))
BE               2348 lib/regcomp.c  	  if (BE (tree_first == NULL || tree_last == NULL || tree == NULL, 0))
BE               2357 lib/regcomp.c  	  if (BE (tree == NULL, 0))
BE               2371 lib/regcomp.c        if (BE (tree == NULL, 0))
BE               2385 lib/regcomp.c        if (BE (*err != REG_NOERROR && tree == NULL, 0))
BE               2394 lib/regcomp.c        if (BE (*err != REG_NOERROR && tree == NULL, 0))
BE               2416 lib/regcomp.c        if (BE (*err != REG_NOERROR && tree == NULL, 0))
BE               2455 lib/regcomp.c        if (BE (*err == REG_NOERROR && token->type != OP_CLOSE_SUBEXP, 0))
BE               2457 lib/regcomp.c        if (BE (*err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               2465 lib/regcomp.c    if (BE (tree == NULL, 0))
BE               2498 lib/regcomp.c        if (BE (start != REG_ERROR, 1))
BE               2505 lib/regcomp.c        if (BE (start == REG_ERROR || end == REG_ERROR, 0))
BE               2508 lib/regcomp.c  	  if (BE (!(syntax & RE_INVALID_INTERVAL_ORD), 0))
BE               2527 lib/regcomp.c        if (BE ((end != REG_MISSING && start > end)
BE               2543 lib/regcomp.c    if (BE (elem == NULL, 0))
BE               2545 lib/regcomp.c    if (BE (start == 0 && end == 0, 0))
BE               2552 lib/regcomp.c    if (BE (start > 0, 0))
BE               2559 lib/regcomp.c  	  if (BE (elem == NULL || tree == NULL, 0))
BE               2578 lib/regcomp.c    if (BE (tree == NULL, 0))
BE               2593 lib/regcomp.c  	if (BE (elem == NULL || tree == NULL, 0))
BE               2597 lib/regcomp.c  	if (BE (tree == NULL, 0))
BE               2641 lib/regcomp.c    if (BE (start_elem->type == EQUIV_CLASS || start_elem->type == CHAR_CLASS
BE               2648 lib/regcomp.c    if (BE ((start_elem->type == COLL_SYM
BE               2676 lib/regcomp.c      if (BE ((syntax & RE_NO_EMPTY_RANGES)
BE               2688 lib/regcomp.c  	if (BE (*range_alloc == mbcset->nranges, 0))
BE               2703 lib/regcomp.c  	    if (BE (new_array_start == NULL || new_array_end == NULL, 0))
BE               2762 lib/regcomp.c    if (BE (name_len != 1, 0))
BE               2912 lib/regcomp.c        if (BE (start_elem->type == EQUIV_CLASS || start_elem->type == CHAR_CLASS
BE               2920 lib/regcomp.c        if (BE (start_collseq == UINT_MAX || end_collseq == UINT_MAX, 0))
BE               2922 lib/regcomp.c        if (BE ((syntax & RE_NO_EMPTY_RANGES) && start_collseq > end_collseq, 0))
BE               2932 lib/regcomp.c  	  if (BE (*range_alloc == mbcset->nranges, 0))
BE               2946 lib/regcomp.c  	      if (BE (new_array_start == NULL || new_array_end == NULL, 0))
BE               3013 lib/regcomp.c  	  if (BE (*coll_sym_alloc == mbcset->ncoll_syms, 0))
BE               3022 lib/regcomp.c  	      if (BE (new_coll_syms == NULL, 0))
BE               3032 lib/regcomp.c  	  if (BE (name_len != 1, 0))
BE               3076 lib/regcomp.c    if (BE (sbcset == NULL || mbcset == NULL, 0))
BE               3078 lib/regcomp.c    if (BE (sbcset == NULL, 0))
BE               3086 lib/regcomp.c    if (BE (token->type == END_OF_RE, 0))
BE               3101 lib/regcomp.c        if (BE (token->type == END_OF_RE, 0))
BE               3125 lib/regcomp.c        if (BE (ret != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               3138 lib/regcomp.c  	  if (BE (token->type == END_OF_RE, 0))
BE               3147 lib/regcomp.c  	      if (BE (token2.type == END_OF_RE, 0))
BE               3168 lib/regcomp.c  	  if (BE (ret != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               3188 lib/regcomp.c  	  if (BE (*err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               3201 lib/regcomp.c  	      if (BE (mbchar_alloc == mbcset->nmbchars, 0))
BE               3210 lib/regcomp.c  		  if (BE (new_mbchars == NULL, 0))
BE               3223 lib/regcomp.c  	      if (BE (*err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               3232 lib/regcomp.c  	      if (BE (*err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               3241 lib/regcomp.c  	      if (BE (*err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               3249 lib/regcomp.c        if (BE (token->type == END_OF_RE, 0))
BE               3280 lib/regcomp.c        if (BE (mbc_tree == NULL, 0))
BE               3293 lib/regcomp.c  	  if (BE (work_tree == NULL, 0))
BE               3298 lib/regcomp.c  	  if (BE (work_tree == NULL, 0))
BE               3317 lib/regcomp.c        if (BE (work_tree == NULL, 0))
BE               3355 lib/regcomp.c    if (BE (token->type == OP_CHARSET_RANGE, 0) && !accept_hyphen)
BE               3453 lib/regcomp.c        if (BE (idx1 == 0 || cp < name + strlen ((const char *) name), 0))
BE               3487 lib/regcomp.c        if (BE (*equiv_class_alloc == mbcset->nequiv_classes, 0))
BE               3496 lib/regcomp.c  	  if (BE (new_equiv_classes == NULL, 0))
BE               3506 lib/regcomp.c        if (BE (strlen ((const char *) name) != 1, 0))
BE               3540 lib/regcomp.c    if (BE (*char_class_alloc == mbcset->nchar_classes, 0))
BE               3548 lib/regcomp.c        if (BE (new_char_classes == NULL, 0))
BE               3558 lib/regcomp.c      if (BE (trans != NULL, 0))			\
BE               3623 lib/regcomp.c    if (BE (sbcset == NULL || mbcset == NULL, 0))
BE               3625 lib/regcomp.c    if (BE (sbcset == NULL, 0))
BE               3646 lib/regcomp.c    if (BE (ret != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               3673 lib/regcomp.c    if (BE (tree == NULL, 0))
BE               3685 lib/regcomp.c        if (BE (mbc_tree == NULL, 0))
BE               3689 lib/regcomp.c        if (BE (mbc_tree != NULL, 1))
BE               3724 lib/regcomp.c        if (BE (token->type == END_OF_RE, 0))
BE               3771 lib/regcomp.c    if (BE (dfa->str_tree_storage_idx == BIN_TREE_STORAGE_SIZE, 0))
BE                 56 lib/regex_internal.c   if (BE (ret != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE                 81 lib/regex_internal.c       if (BE (ret != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE                 94 lib/regex_internal.c 	      if (BE (ret != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE                101 lib/regex_internal.c 	      if (BE (ret != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE                143 lib/regex_internal.c       if (BE (SIZE_MAX / max_object_size < new_buf_len, 0))
BE                147 lib/regex_internal.c       if (BE (new_wcs == NULL, 0))
BE                153 lib/regex_internal.c 	  if (BE (new_offsets == NULL, 0))
BE                163 lib/regex_internal.c       if (BE (new_mbs == NULL, 0))
BE                229 lib/regex_internal.c       if (BE (pstr->trans != NULL, 0))
BE                243 lib/regex_internal.c       if (BE (mbclen == (size_t) -2, 0))
BE                249 lib/regex_internal.c       else if (BE (mbclen == (size_t) -1 || mbclen == 0, 0))
BE                254 lib/regex_internal.c 	  if (BE (pstr->trans != NULL, 0))
BE                315 lib/regex_internal.c 	  if (BE (mbclen < (size_t) -2, 1))
BE                324 lib/regex_internal.c 		  if (BE (mbclen == mbcdlen, 1))
BE                347 lib/regex_internal.c 	      if (BE (mbclen == (size_t) -1, 0))
BE                369 lib/regex_internal.c 	if (BE (pstr->trans != NULL, 0))
BE                383 lib/regex_internal.c 	if (BE (mbclen < (size_t) -2, 1))
BE                392 lib/regex_internal.c 		if (BE (mbclen == mbcdlen, 1))
BE                442 lib/regex_internal.c 	    if (BE (pstr->offsets_needed != 0, 0))
BE                460 lib/regex_internal.c 	    if (BE (pstr->trans != NULL, 0))
BE                464 lib/regex_internal.c 	    if (BE (pstr->offsets_needed != 0, 0))
BE                470 lib/regex_internal.c 	    if (BE (mbclen == (size_t) -1, 0))
BE                507 lib/regex_internal.c       if (BE (mbclen == (size_t) -2 || mbclen == (size_t) -1 || mbclen == 0, 0))
BE                540 lib/regex_internal.c       if (BE (pstr->trans != NULL, 0))
BE                580 lib/regex_internal.c   if (BE (pstr->raw_mbs_idx <= idx, 0))
BE                602 lib/regex_internal.c   if (BE (offset != 0, 1))
BE                605 lib/regex_internal.c       if (BE (offset < pstr->valid_raw_len, 1))
BE                609 lib/regex_internal.c 	  if (BE (pstr->offsets_needed, 0))
BE                681 lib/regex_internal.c 	      if (BE (pstr->mbs_allocated, 0))
BE                697 lib/regex_internal.c 	  if (BE (pstr->offsets_needed, 0))
BE                725 lib/regex_internal.c 		  if (isascii (*p) && BE (pstr->trans == NULL, 1))
BE                743 lib/regex_internal.c 			  if (BE (pstr->trans != NULL, 0))
BE                773 lib/regex_internal.c 		pstr->tip_context = ((BE (pstr->word_ops_used != 0, 0)
BE                779 lib/regex_internal.c 	      if (BE (pstr->valid_len, 0))
BE                801 lib/regex_internal.c       if (!BE (pstr->mbs_allocated, 0))
BE                815 lib/regex_internal.c 	  if (BE (ret != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE                823 lib/regex_internal.c     if (BE (pstr->mbs_allocated, 0))
BE                845 lib/regex_internal.c   if (BE (!pstr->mbs_allocated, 1))
BE                878 lib/regex_internal.c   if (BE (!pstr->mbs_allocated, 1))
BE                931 lib/regex_internal.c   if (BE (! REG_VALID_INDEX (idx), 0))
BE                935 lib/regex_internal.c   if (BE (idx == input->len, 0))
BE                954 lib/regex_internal.c       if (BE (input->word_ops_used != 0, 0) && IS_WIDE_WORD_CHAR (wc))
BE                978 lib/regex_internal.c   if (BE (set->elems == NULL, 0))
BE                990 lib/regex_internal.c   if (BE (set->elems == NULL, 0))
BE               1005 lib/regex_internal.c   if (BE (set->elems == NULL, 0))
BE               1038 lib/regex_internal.c       if (BE (dest->elems == NULL, 0))
BE               1069 lib/regex_internal.c       if (BE (new_elems == NULL, 0))
BE               1155 lib/regex_internal.c       if (BE (dest->elems == NULL, 0))
BE               1209 lib/regex_internal.c       if (BE (new_buffer == NULL, 0))
BE               1215 lib/regex_internal.c   if (BE (dest->nelem == 0, 0))
BE               1289 lib/regex_internal.c     return BE (re_node_set_init_1 (set, elem) == REG_NOERROR, 1);
BE               1291 lib/regex_internal.c   if (BE (set->nelem, 0) == 0)
BE               1305 lib/regex_internal.c       if (BE (new_elems == NULL, 0))
BE               1344 lib/regex_internal.c       if (BE (new_elems == NULL, 0))
BE               1416 lib/regex_internal.c   if (BE (dfa->nodes_len >= dfa->nodes_alloc, 0))
BE               1428 lib/regex_internal.c       if (BE (SIZE_MAX / 2 / max_object_size < dfa->nodes_alloc, 0))
BE               1432 lib/regex_internal.c       if (BE (new_nodes == NULL, 0))
BE               1439 lib/regex_internal.c       if (BE (new_nexts == NULL || new_indices == NULL
BE               1496 lib/regex_internal.c   if (BE (nodes->nelem == 0, 0))
BE               1515 lib/regex_internal.c   if (BE (new_state == NULL, 0))
BE               1562 lib/regex_internal.c   if (BE (new_state == NULL, 0))
BE               1583 lib/regex_internal.c   if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               1589 lib/regex_internal.c 	if (BE (! re_node_set_insert_last (&newstate->non_eps_nodes, elem), 0))
BE               1594 lib/regex_internal.c   if (BE (spot->alloc <= spot->num, 0))
BE               1599 lib/regex_internal.c       if (BE (new_array == NULL, 0))
BE               1637 lib/regex_internal.c   if (BE (newstate == NULL, 0))
BE               1640 lib/regex_internal.c   if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               1666 lib/regex_internal.c   if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               1687 lib/regex_internal.c   if (BE (newstate == NULL, 0))
BE               1690 lib/regex_internal.c   if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               1722 lib/regex_internal.c 	      if (BE (newstate->entrance_nodes == NULL, 0))
BE               1742 lib/regex_internal.c   if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE                385 lib/regexec.c    if (BE (len < length1, 0))
BE                396 lib/regexec.c  	if (BE (s == NULL, 0))
BE                443 lib/regexec.c    if (BE (start > length, 0))
BE                445 lib/regexec.c    if (BE (length < last_start || (0 <= range && last_start < start), 0))
BE                447 lib/regexec.c    else if (BE (/* last_start < 0 || */ (range < 0 && start <= last_start), 0))
BE                459 lib/regexec.c    if (BE (bufp->no_sub, 0))
BE                465 lib/regexec.c    else if (BE (bufp->regs_allocated == REGS_FIXED
BE                469 lib/regexec.c        if (BE (nregs < 1, 0))
BE                479 lib/regexec.c    if (BE (pmatch == NULL, 0))
BE                498 lib/regexec.c        if (BE (bufp->regs_allocated == REGS_UNALLOCATED, 0))
BE                502 lib/regexec.c    if (BE (rval == 0, 1))
BE                533 lib/regexec.c        if (BE (regs->start == NULL, 0))
BE                536 lib/regexec.c        if (BE (regs->end == NULL, 0))
BE                547 lib/regexec.c        if (BE (need_regs > regs->num_regs, 0))
BE                551 lib/regexec.c  	  if (BE (new_start == NULL, 0))
BE                554 lib/regexec.c  	  if (BE (new_end == NULL, 0))
BE                686 lib/regexec.c    if (BE (preg->used == 0 || dfa->init_state == NULL
BE                715 lib/regexec.c    if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE                722 lib/regexec.c    if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE                732 lib/regexec.c        if (BE (SIZE_MAX / sizeof (re_dfastate_t *) <= mctx.input.bufs_len, 0))
BE                739 lib/regexec.c        if (BE (mctx.state_log == NULL, 0))
BE                783 lib/regexec.c  	  while (BE (match_first < right_lim, 1)
BE                790 lib/regexec.c  	  while (BE (match_first < right_lim, 1)
BE                795 lib/regexec.c  	  if (BE (match_first == right_lim, 0))
BE                828 lib/regexec.c  	      if (BE (offset >= (__re_size_t) mctx.input.valid_raw_len, 0))
BE                832 lib/regexec.c  		  if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE                856 lib/regexec.c        if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE                873 lib/regexec.c  	  if (BE (match_last == REG_ERROR, 0))
BE                893 lib/regexec.c  		  if (BE (err != REG_NOMATCH, 0))
BE                930 lib/regexec.c  	  if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE                941 lib/regexec.c  	    if (BE (mctx.input.offsets_needed != 0, 0))
BE               1000 lib/regexec.c    if (BE (SIZE_MAX / sizeof (re_dfastate_t *) <= match_last, 0))
BE               1004 lib/regexec.c    if (BE (sifted_states == NULL, 0))
BE               1012 lib/regexec.c        if (BE (lim_states == NULL, 0))
BE               1025 lib/regexec.c  	  if (BE (ret != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               1047 lib/regexec.c        if (BE (ret != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               1055 lib/regexec.c        if (BE (ret != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               1138 lib/regexec.c    if (BE (cur_state == NULL, 0))
BE               1150 lib/regexec.c        if (BE (dfa->nbackref, 0))
BE               1154 lib/regexec.c  	  if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               1160 lib/regexec.c  	      if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               1167 lib/regexec.c    if (BE (cur_state->halt, 0))
BE               1187 lib/regexec.c        if (BE (next_char_idx >= mctx->input.bufs_len, 0)
BE               1188 lib/regexec.c  	  || (BE (next_char_idx >= mctx->input.valid_len, 0)
BE               1192 lib/regexec.c  	  if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               1208 lib/regexec.c  	  if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               1217 lib/regexec.c        if (BE (at_init_state, 0))
BE               1309 lib/regexec.c        if (BE (! ok, 0))
BE               1371 lib/regexec.c  	      if (BE (! ok, 0))
BE               1522 lib/regexec.c        if (BE (! REG_VALID_INDEX (cur_node), 0))
BE               1524 lib/regexec.c  	  if (BE (cur_node == REG_ERROR, 0))
BE               1655 lib/regexec.c    if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               1658 lib/regexec.c    if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               1679 lib/regexec.c  	  if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               1688 lib/regexec.c        if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               1750 lib/regexec.c        if (BE (! ok, 0))
BE               1771 lib/regexec.c        if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               1800 lib/regexec.c  	  if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               1804 lib/regexec.c  	  if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               1832 lib/regexec.c  	  if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               1840 lib/regexec.c  	      if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               1846 lib/regexec.c        if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               1853 lib/regexec.c        if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               1868 lib/regexec.c    if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               1874 lib/regexec.c        if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               1880 lib/regexec.c  	  if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               1916 lib/regexec.c  		if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               2126 lib/regexec.c  	      if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               2144 lib/regexec.c  		    if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               2164 lib/regexec.c  		  if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               2230 lib/regexec.c  	      if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               2236 lib/regexec.c  	  if (BE (! ok, 0))
BE               2243 lib/regexec.c  	  if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               2250 lib/regexec.c  	      if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               2313 lib/regexec.c    if (BE (state->accept_mb, 0))
BE               2316 lib/regexec.c        if (BE (*err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               2333 lib/regexec.c        if (BE (trtable != NULL, 1))
BE               2337 lib/regexec.c        if (BE (trtable != NULL, 1))
BE               2394 lib/regexec.c  	  if (BE (*err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               2414 lib/regexec.c    if (BE (dfa->nbackref, 0) && next_state != NULL)
BE               2421 lib/regexec.c        if (BE (*err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               2428 lib/regexec.c  	  if (BE (*err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               2494 lib/regexec.c  	  if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               2516 lib/regexec.c    if (BE (*err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               2525 lib/regexec.c  	  if (BE (*err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               2585 lib/regexec.c        if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               2599 lib/regexec.c  	  if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               2608 lib/regexec.c        if (BE (mctx->state_log[dest_idx] == NULL && err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               2648 lib/regexec.c        if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               2681 lib/regexec.c  	      if (BE (mctx->state_log[dest_str_idx] == NULL
BE               2691 lib/regexec.c  	      if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               2699 lib/regexec.c  	      if (BE (mctx->state_log[dest_str_idx] == NULL
BE               2710 lib/regexec.c  	      if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               2713 lib/regexec.c  	      if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               2774 lib/regexec.c  	      if (BE (bkref_str_off + sl_str_diff > mctx->input.valid_len, 0))
BE               2783 lib/regexec.c  		  if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               2802 lib/regexec.c  	  if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               2821 lib/regexec.c  	      if (BE (bkref_str_off >= mctx->input.valid_len, 0))
BE               2828 lib/regexec.c  		  if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               2859 lib/regexec.c  	  if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               2862 lib/regexec.c  	  if (BE (sub_last == NULL, 0))
BE               2894 lib/regexec.c    if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               2945 lib/regexec.c    if (BE (path->alloc < last_str + mctx->max_mb_elem_len + 1, 0))
BE               2950 lib/regexec.c        if (BE (new_alloc < old_alloc, 0)
BE               2951 lib/regexec.c  	  || BE (SIZE_MAX / sizeof (re_dfastate_t *) < new_alloc, 0))
BE               2954 lib/regexec.c        if (BE (new_array == NULL, 0))
BE               2975 lib/regexec.c        if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               2978 lib/regexec.c        if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               2990 lib/regexec.c  	  if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               3002 lib/regexec.c  	  if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               3009 lib/regexec.c        if (BE (cur_state == NULL && err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               3024 lib/regexec.c  	  if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               3035 lib/regexec.c  	  if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               3045 lib/regexec.c  	  if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               3052 lib/regexec.c  	  if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               3060 lib/regexec.c        if (BE (cur_state == NULL && err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               3129 lib/regexec.c  		  if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               3136 lib/regexec.c  	      if (BE (! ok, 0))
BE               3143 lib/regexec.c  	      if (BE (mctx->state_log[next_idx] == NULL
BE               3156 lib/regexec.c  	  if (BE (! ok, 0))
BE               3185 lib/regexec.c    if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               3199 lib/regexec.c  	  if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               3210 lib/regexec.c  	  if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               3242 lib/regexec.c  	      if (BE (! ok, 0))
BE               3248 lib/regexec.c        if (BE (! ok, 0))
BE               3258 lib/regexec.c  	  if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               3310 lib/regexec.c  	  if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR || err2 != REG_NOERROR
BE               3333 lib/regexec.c  	      if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR || ! ok, 0))
BE               3343 lib/regexec.c  	      if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               3348 lib/regexec.c  	  if (BE (mctx->state_log[to_idx] == NULL
BE               3393 lib/regexec.c        if (BE (dests_alloc == NULL, 0))
BE               3406 lib/regexec.c    if (BE (! REG_VALID_NONZERO_INDEX (ndests), 0))
BE               3414 lib/regexec.c            if (BE (state->trtable == NULL, 0))
BE               3422 lib/regexec.c    if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               3426 lib/regexec.c    if (BE ((((SIZE_MAX - (sizeof (re_node_set) + sizeof (bitset_t)) * SBC_MAX)
BE               3440 lib/regexec.c        if (BE (dest_states == NULL, 0))
BE               3470 lib/regexec.c  	      if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               3475 lib/regexec.c        if (BE (dest_states[i] == NULL && err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               3483 lib/regexec.c  	  if (BE (dest_states_word[i] == NULL && err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               3491 lib/regexec.c  	  if (BE (dest_states_nl[i] == NULL && err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               3502 lib/regexec.c    if (!BE (need_word_trtable, 0))
BE               3510 lib/regexec.c        if (BE (trtable == NULL, 0))
BE               3518 lib/regexec.c  	  if (BE (elem & 1, 0))
BE               3541 lib/regexec.c        if (BE (trtable == NULL, 0))
BE               3549 lib/regexec.c  	  if (BE (elem & 1, 0))
BE               3749 lib/regexec.c  	      if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               3756 lib/regexec.c  	  if (BE (! ok, 0))
BE               3768 lib/regexec.c  	  if (BE (err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               3799 lib/regexec.c    if (BE (node->type == OP_UTF8_PERIOD, 0))
BE               3802 lib/regexec.c        if (BE (c < 0xc2, 1))
BE               4153 lib/regexec.c    if (BE (SIZE_MAX / 2 / sizeof (re_dfastate_t *) <= pstr->bufs_len, 0))
BE               4158 lib/regexec.c    if (BE (ret != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               4169 lib/regexec.c        if (BE (new_array == NULL, 0))
BE               4181 lib/regexec.c  	  if (BE (ret != REG_NOERROR, 0))
BE               4220 lib/regexec.c        if (BE (SIZE_MAX / max_object_size < n, 0))
BE               4225 lib/regexec.c        if (BE (mctx->bkref_ents == NULL || mctx->sub_tops == NULL, 0))
BE               4298 lib/regexec.c        if (BE (new_entry == NULL, 0))
BE               4368 lib/regexec.c    if (BE (mctx->nsub_tops == mctx->asub_tops, 0))
BE               4374 lib/regexec.c        if (BE (new_array == NULL, 0))
BE               4380 lib/regexec.c    if (BE (mctx->sub_tops[mctx->nsub_tops] == NULL, 0))
BE               4395 lib/regexec.c    if (BE (subtop->nlasts == subtop->alasts, 0))
BE               4401 lib/regexec.c        if (BE (new_array == NULL, 0))
BE               4407 lib/regexec.c    if (BE (new_entry != NULL, 1))