AV_RB16            45 libavcodec/adxdec.c     int scale = AV_RB16(in);
AV_RB16           481 libavcodec/bitstream.h         name##_cache+= AV_RB16(name##_buffer_ptr) << name##_bit_count; \
AV_RB16            51 libavcodec/bytestream.h DEF  (be16, 2, AV_RB16, AV_WB16)
AV_RB16           328 libavcodec/cinepak.c     num_strips  = AV_RB16 (&s->data[8]);
AV_RB16           329 libavcodec/cinepak.c     encoded_buf_size = ((s->data[1] << 16) | AV_RB16 (&s->data[2]));
AV_RB16           364 libavcodec/cinepak.c         s->strips[i].y2 = y0 + AV_RB16 (&s->data[8]);
AV_RB16          1196 libavcodec/dca.c             tmp = ((mrk == DCA_MARKER_14B_BE) ? AV_RB16(src) : AV_RL16(src)) & 0x3FFF;
AV_RB16           105 libavcodec/dnxhddec.c     ctx->height = AV_RB16(buf + 0x18);
AV_RB16           106 libavcodec/dnxhddec.c     ctx->width  = AV_RB16(buf + 0x1a);
AV_RB16           142 libavcodec/dvbsub_parser.c                 len = AV_RB16(p + 4);
AV_RB16           850 libavcodec/dvbsubdec.c     object_id = AV_RB16(buf);
AV_RB16           862 libavcodec/dvbsubdec.c         top_field_len = AV_RB16(buf);
AV_RB16           864 libavcodec/dvbsubdec.c         bottom_field_len = AV_RB16(buf);
AV_RB16          1015 libavcodec/dvbsubdec.c     region->width = AV_RB16(buf);
AV_RB16          1017 libavcodec/dvbsubdec.c     region->height = AV_RB16(buf);
AV_RB16          1063 libavcodec/dvbsubdec.c         object_id = AV_RB16(buf);
AV_RB16          1083 libavcodec/dvbsubdec.c         display->x_pos = AV_RB16(buf) & 0xfff;
AV_RB16          1085 libavcodec/dvbsubdec.c         display->y_pos = AV_RB16(buf) & 0xfff;
AV_RB16          1147 libavcodec/dvbsubdec.c         display->x_pos = AV_RB16(buf);
AV_RB16          1149 libavcodec/dvbsubdec.c         display->y_pos = AV_RB16(buf);
AV_RB16          1382 libavcodec/dvbsubdec.c         page_id = AV_RB16(p);
AV_RB16          1384 libavcodec/dvbsubdec.c         segment_length = AV_RB16(p);
AV_RB16            47 libavcodec/dvdsub_parser.c         pc->packet_len = AV_RB16(buf);
AV_RB16           161 libavcodec/dvdsubdec.c #define READ_OFFSET(a) (big_offsets ? AV_RB32(a) : AV_RB16(a))
AV_RB16           182 libavcodec/dvdsubdec.c     if (AV_RB16(buf) == 0) {   /* HD subpicture with 4-byte offsets */
AV_RB16           195 libavcodec/dvdsubdec.c         date = AV_RB16(buf + cmd_pos);
AV_RB16           265 libavcodec/dvdsubdec.c                 offset1 = AV_RB16(buf + pos);
AV_RB16           266 libavcodec/dvdsubdec.c                 offset2 = AV_RB16(buf + pos + 2);
AV_RB16            89 libavcodec/dxa.c                     mask = AV_RB16(msk);
AV_RB16           154 libavcodec/dxa.c                 mask = AV_RB16(msk);
AV_RB16           206 libavcodec/eatgq.c     s->width  = big_endian ? AV_RB16(&buf[0]) : AV_RL16(&buf[0]);
AV_RB16           207 libavcodec/eatgq.c     s->height = big_endian ? AV_RB16(&buf[2]) : AV_RL16(&buf[2]);
AV_RB16            91 libavcodec/eatgv.c                     offset = ((src[0] & 0x10) << 12) + AV_RB16(&src[1]) + 1;
AV_RB16            97 libavcodec/eatgv.c                 offset = (AV_RB16(&src[1]) & 0x3FFF) + 1;
AV_RB16          7680 libavcodec/h264.c             nalsize = AV_RB16(p) + 2;
AV_RB16          7690 libavcodec/h264.c             nalsize = AV_RB16(p) + 2;
AV_RB16            86 libavcodec/h264_mp4toannexb_bsf.c             unit_size = AV_RB16(extradata);
AV_RB16           114 libavcodec/h264_mp4toannexb_bsf.c             nal_size = AV_RB16(buf);
AV_RB16            71 libavcodec/mjpega_dump_header_bsf.c                 bytestream_put_be32(&poutbufp, i + 46 + AV_RB16(buf + i + 2)); /* data off */
AV_RB16           879 libavcodec/mlpdec.c     length = (AV_RB16(buf) & 0xfff) * 2;
AV_RB16            46 libavcodec/movsub_bsf.c     *poutbuf_size = FFMIN(buf_size - 2, AV_RB16(buf));
AV_RB16          2491 libavcodec/mpegaudiodec.c         fsize = AV_RB16(buf) >> 4;
AV_RB16            85 libavcodec/pixdesc.h         if(flags & PIX_FMT_BE) val= AV_RB16(p);
AV_RB16           712 libavcodec/qcelpdec.c        (q->first16bits = AV_RB16(buf)) == 0xFFFF)
AV_RB16            72 libavcodec/qdrw.c         idx = AV_RB16(buf); /* color index */
AV_RB16            99 libavcodec/qdrw.c         size = AV_RB16(buf); /* size of packed line */
AV_RB16           250 libavcodec/qtrle.c                 rgb16 = AV_RB16(&s->buf[stream_ptr]);
AV_RB16           265 libavcodec/qtrle.c                     rgb16 = AV_RB16(&s->buf[stream_ptr]);
AV_RB16           453 libavcodec/qtrle.c     header = AV_RB16(&s->buf[stream_ptr]);
AV_RB16           460 libavcodec/qtrle.c         start_line = AV_RB16(&s->buf[stream_ptr]);
AV_RB16           462 libavcodec/qtrle.c         height = AV_RB16(&s->buf[stream_ptr]);
AV_RB16           140 libavcodec/rpza.c             colorA = AV_RB16 (&s->buf[stream_ptr]);
AV_RB16           157 libavcodec/rpza.c             colorA = AV_RB16 (&s->buf[stream_ptr]);
AV_RB16           160 libavcodec/rpza.c             colorB = AV_RB16 (&s->buf[stream_ptr]);
AV_RB16           209 libavcodec/rpza.c                         colorA = AV_RB16 (&s->buf[stream_ptr]);
AV_RB16           278 libavcodec/smc.c                 color_flags = AV_RB16(&s->buf[stream_ptr]);
AV_RB16            57 libavcodec/tiff.c     int v = le ? AV_RL16(*p) : AV_RB16(*p);
AV_RB16            79 libavcodec/vmnc.c     case 5: return AV_RB16(buf);
AV_RB16           330 libavcodec/vmnc.c     chunks = AV_RB16(src); src += 2;
AV_RB16           332 libavcodec/vmnc.c         dx = AV_RB16(src); src += 2;
AV_RB16           333 libavcodec/vmnc.c         dy = AV_RB16(src); src += 2;
AV_RB16           334 libavcodec/vmnc.c         w  = AV_RB16(src); src += 2;
AV_RB16           335 libavcodec/vmnc.c         h  = AV_RB16(src); src += 2;
AV_RB16            68 libavcodec/vp6.c             coeff_offset = AV_RB16(buf+2) - 2;
AV_RB16           101 libavcodec/vp6.c             coeff_offset = AV_RB16(buf+1) - 2;
AV_RB16           280 libavcodec/vqavideo.c             src_pos = AV_RB16(&src[src_index]) & 0x0FFF;
AV_RB16           349 libavcodec/xan.c             size = AV_RB16(&size_segment[0]);
AV_RB16            30 libavcodec/xiph.c     if (extradata_size >= 6 && AV_RB16(extradata) == first_header_size) {
AV_RB16            33 libavcodec/xiph.c             header_len[i] = AV_RB16(extradata);
AV_RB16            40 libavformat/lmlm4.c     frame_type  = AV_RB16(buf+2);
AV_RB16            43 libavformat/lmlm4.c     if (!AV_RB16(buf) && frame_type <= LMLM4_MPEG1L2 && packet_size &&
AV_RB16            47 libavformat/lmlm4.c             if ((AV_RB16(buf+8) & 0xfffe) != 0xfffc)
AV_RB16          1551 libavformat/matroskadec.c     block_time = AV_RB16(data);
AV_RB16            68 libavformat/mpeg.h             (AV_RB16(buf+1) >> 1) << 15 |
AV_RB16            69 libavformat/mpeg.h              AV_RB16(buf+3) >> 1;
AV_RB16           262 libavformat/mpegts.c         len = (AV_RB16(tss->section_buf + 1) & 0xfff) + 3;
AV_RB16           422 libavformat/mpegts.c     c = AV_RB16(p);
AV_RB16           816 libavformat/mpegts.c     pts |= (AV_RB16(p + 1) >> 1) << 15;
AV_RB16           817 libavformat/mpegts.c     pts |=  AV_RB16(p + 3) >> 1;
AV_RB16           869 libavformat/mpegts.c                     pes->total_size = AV_RB16(pes->header + 4);
AV_RB16          1055 libavformat/mpegts.c     pid = AV_RB16(packet + 1) & 0x1fff;
AV_RB16          1321 libavformat/mpegts.c             pid = AV_RB16(packet + 1) & 0x1fff;
AV_RB16          1435 libavformat/mpegts.c             if ((pcr_pid < 0 || (AV_RB16(buf + 1) & 0x1fff) == pcr_pid) &&
AV_RB16          1449 libavformat/mpegts.c             if ((pcr_pid < 0 || (AV_RB16(buf + 1) & 0x1fff) == pcr_pid) &&
AV_RB16           878 libavformat/mxfdec.c                 int local_tag = AV_RB16(mxf->local_tags+i*18);
AV_RB16            97 libavformat/oma.c     eid = AV_RB16(&buf[6]);
AV_RB16            37 libavformat/pva.c     if (AV_RB16(buf) == PVA_MAGIC && buf[2] && buf[2] < 3 && buf[4] == 0x55)
AV_RB16           605 libavformat/raw.c             uint32_t header = AV_RB16(buf2);
AV_RB16           210 libavformat/rdt.c         pkt_len = AV_RB16(buf+3);
AV_RB16           212 libavformat/rtp_h264.c                     uint16_t nal_size = AV_RB16(src); // this going to be a problem if unaligned (can it be?)
AV_RB16           335 libavformat/rtpdec.c     au_headers_length = AV_RB16(buf);
AV_RB16           442 libavformat/rtpdec.c     seq  = AV_RB16(buf + 2);
AV_RB16           724 libavformat/rtsp.c     len = AV_RB16(buf + 1);
AV_RB16          1238 libavformat/rtsp.c     len = AV_RB16(buf + 1);
AV_RB16           111 libavformat/segafilm.c         film->audio_samplerate = AV_RB16(&scratch[24]);