AF                 73 libavfilter/af_acrossover.c     { "split", "set split frequencies", OFFSET(splits_str), AV_OPT_TYPE_STRING, {.str="500"}, 0, 0, AF },
AF                 74 libavfilter/af_acrossover.c     { "order", "set order",             OFFSET(order),      AV_OPT_TYPE_INT,    {.i64=1},     0, 2, AF, "m" },
AF                 75 libavfilter/af_acrossover.c     { "2nd",   "2nd order",             0,                  AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST,  {.i64=0},     0, 0, AF, "m" },
AF                 76 libavfilter/af_acrossover.c     { "4th",   "4th order",             0,                  AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST,  {.i64=1},     0, 0, AF, "m" },
AF                 77 libavfilter/af_acrossover.c     { "8th",   "8th order",             0,                  AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST,  {.i64=2},     0, 0, AF, "m" },
AF                 95 libavfilter/af_adeclick.c     { "w", "set window size",          OFFSET(w),         AV_OPT_TYPE_DOUBLE, {.dbl=55}, 10,  100, AF },
AF                 96 libavfilter/af_adeclick.c     { "o", "set window overlap",       OFFSET(overlap),   AV_OPT_TYPE_DOUBLE, {.dbl=75}, 50,   95, AF },
AF                 97 libavfilter/af_adeclick.c     { "a", "set autoregression order", OFFSET(ar),        AV_OPT_TYPE_DOUBLE, {.dbl=2},   0,   25, AF },
AF                 98 libavfilter/af_adeclick.c     { "t", "set threshold",            OFFSET(threshold), AV_OPT_TYPE_DOUBLE, {.dbl=2},   1,  100, AF },
AF                 99 libavfilter/af_adeclick.c     { "b", "set burst fusion",         OFFSET(burst),     AV_OPT_TYPE_DOUBLE, {.dbl=2},   0,   10, AF },
AF                100 libavfilter/af_adeclick.c     { "m", "set overlap method",       OFFSET(method),    AV_OPT_TYPE_INT,    {.i64=0},   0,    1, AF, "m" },
AF                101 libavfilter/af_adeclick.c     { "a", "overlap-add",              0,                 AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST,  {.i64=0},   0,    0, AF, "m" },
AF                102 libavfilter/af_adeclick.c     { "s", "overlap-save",             0,                 AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST,  {.i64=1},   0,    0, AF, "m" },
AF                772 libavfilter/af_adeclick.c     { "w", "set window size",          OFFSET(w),              AV_OPT_TYPE_DOUBLE, {.dbl=55},     10,  100, AF },
AF                773 libavfilter/af_adeclick.c     { "o", "set window overlap",       OFFSET(overlap),        AV_OPT_TYPE_DOUBLE, {.dbl=75},     50,   95, AF },
AF                774 libavfilter/af_adeclick.c     { "a", "set autoregression order", OFFSET(ar),             AV_OPT_TYPE_DOUBLE, {.dbl=8},       0,   25, AF },
AF                775 libavfilter/af_adeclick.c     { "t", "set threshold",            OFFSET(threshold),      AV_OPT_TYPE_DOUBLE, {.dbl=10},      1,  100, AF },
AF                776 libavfilter/af_adeclick.c     { "n", "set histogram size",       OFFSET(nb_hbins),       AV_OPT_TYPE_INT,    {.i64=1000},  100, 9999, AF },
AF                777 libavfilter/af_adeclick.c     { "m", "set overlap method",       OFFSET(method),         AV_OPT_TYPE_INT,    {.i64=0},       0,    1, AF, "m" },
AF                778 libavfilter/af_adeclick.c     { "a", "overlap-add",              0,                      AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST,  {.i64=0},       0,    0, AF, "m" },
AF                779 libavfilter/af_adeclick.c     { "s", "overlap-save",             0,                      AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST,  {.i64=1},       0,    0, AF, "m" },
AF                150 libavfilter/af_afftdn.c     { "nt", "set the noise type",         OFFSET(noise_type),      AV_OPT_TYPE_INT,    {.i64 = WHITE_NOISE}, WHITE_NOISE, NB_NOISE-1, AF, "type" },
AF                151 libavfilter/af_afftdn.c     {  "w", "white noise",                0,                       AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST,  {.i64 = WHITE_NOISE},   0,  0, AF, "type" },
AF                152 libavfilter/af_afftdn.c     {  "v", "vinyl noise",                0,                       AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST,  {.i64 = VINYL_NOISE},   0,  0, AF, "type" },
AF                153 libavfilter/af_afftdn.c     {  "s", "shellac noise",              0,                       AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST,  {.i64 = SHELLAC_NOISE}, 0,  0, AF, "type" },
AF                154 libavfilter/af_afftdn.c     {  "c", "custom noise",               0,                       AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST,  {.i64 = CUSTOM_NOISE},  0,  0, AF, "type" },
AF                155 libavfilter/af_afftdn.c     { "bn", "set the custom bands noise", OFFSET(band_noise_str),  AV_OPT_TYPE_STRING, {.str = 0},             0,  0, AF },
AF                939 libavfilter/af_afir.c     { "dry",    "set dry gain",      OFFSET(dry_gain),   AV_OPT_TYPE_FLOAT, {.dbl=1},    0, 10, AF },
AF                940 libavfilter/af_afir.c     { "wet",    "set wet gain",      OFFSET(wet_gain),   AV_OPT_TYPE_FLOAT, {.dbl=1},    0, 10, AF },
AF                941 libavfilter/af_afir.c     { "length", "set IR length",     OFFSET(length),     AV_OPT_TYPE_FLOAT, {.dbl=1},    0,  1, AF },
AF                942 libavfilter/af_afir.c     { "gtype",  "set IR auto gain type",OFFSET(gtype),   AV_OPT_TYPE_INT,   {.i64=0},   -1,  2, AF, "gtype" },
AF                943 libavfilter/af_afir.c     {  "none",  "without auto gain", 0,                  AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, {.i64=-1},   0,  0, AF, "gtype" },
AF                944 libavfilter/af_afir.c     {  "peak",  "peak gain",         0,                  AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, {.i64=0},    0,  0, AF, "gtype" },
AF                945 libavfilter/af_afir.c     {  "dc",    "DC gain",           0,                  AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, {.i64=1},    0,  0, AF, "gtype" },
AF                946 libavfilter/af_afir.c     {  "gn",    "gain to noise",     0,                  AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, {.i64=2},    0,  0, AF, "gtype" },
AF                947 libavfilter/af_afir.c     { "irgain", "set IR gain",       OFFSET(ir_gain),    AV_OPT_TYPE_FLOAT, {.dbl=1},    0,  1, AF },
AF                948 libavfilter/af_afir.c     { "irfmt",  "set IR format",     OFFSET(ir_format),  AV_OPT_TYPE_INT,   {.i64=1},    0,  1, AF, "irfmt" },
AF                949 libavfilter/af_afir.c     {  "mono",  "single channel",    0,                  AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, {.i64=0},    0,  0, AF, "irfmt" },
AF                950 libavfilter/af_afir.c     {  "input", "same as input",     0,                  AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, {.i64=1},    0,  0, AF, "irfmt" },
AF                951 libavfilter/af_afir.c     { "maxir",  "set max IR length", OFFSET(max_ir_len), AV_OPT_TYPE_FLOAT, {.dbl=30}, 0.1, 60, AF },
AF                956 libavfilter/af_afir.c     { "minp",   "set min partition size", OFFSET(minp),  AV_OPT_TYPE_INT,   {.i64=8192}, 1, 32768, AF },
AF                957 libavfilter/af_afir.c     { "maxp",   "set max partition size", OFFSET(maxp),  AV_OPT_TYPE_INT,   {.i64=8192}, 8, 32768, AF },
AF                958 libavfilter/af_afir.c     { "nbirs",  "set number of input IRs",OFFSET(nb_irs),AV_OPT_TYPE_INT,   {.i64=1},    1,    32, AF },
AF               1228 libavfilter/af_aiir.c     { "zeros", "set B/numerator/zeros coefficients", OFFSET(b_str),  AV_OPT_TYPE_STRING, {.str="1+0i 1-0i"}, 0, 0, AF },
AF               1229 libavfilter/af_aiir.c     { "z", "set B/numerator/zeros coefficients",   OFFSET(b_str),    AV_OPT_TYPE_STRING, {.str="1+0i 1-0i"}, 0, 0, AF },
AF               1230 libavfilter/af_aiir.c     { "poles", "set A/denominator/poles coefficients", OFFSET(a_str),AV_OPT_TYPE_STRING, {.str="1+0i 1-0i"}, 0, 0, AF },
AF               1231 libavfilter/af_aiir.c     { "p", "set A/denominator/poles coefficients", OFFSET(a_str),    AV_OPT_TYPE_STRING, {.str="1+0i 1-0i"}, 0, 0, AF },
AF               1232 libavfilter/af_aiir.c     { "gains", "set channels gains",               OFFSET(g_str),    AV_OPT_TYPE_STRING, {.str="1|1"}, 0, 0, AF },
AF               1233 libavfilter/af_aiir.c     { "k", "set channels gains",                   OFFSET(g_str),    AV_OPT_TYPE_STRING, {.str="1|1"}, 0, 0, AF },
AF               1234 libavfilter/af_aiir.c     { "dry", "set dry gain",                       OFFSET(dry_gain), AV_OPT_TYPE_DOUBLE, {.dbl=1},     0, 1, AF },
AF               1235 libavfilter/af_aiir.c     { "wet", "set wet gain",                       OFFSET(wet_gain), AV_OPT_TYPE_DOUBLE, {.dbl=1},     0, 1, AF },
AF               1236 libavfilter/af_aiir.c     { "format", "set coefficients format",         OFFSET(format),   AV_OPT_TYPE_INT,    {.i64=1},     0, 4, AF, "format" },
AF               1237 libavfilter/af_aiir.c     { "f", "set coefficients format",              OFFSET(format),   AV_OPT_TYPE_INT,    {.i64=1},     0, 4, AF, "format" },
AF               1238 libavfilter/af_aiir.c     { "tf", "digital transfer function",           0,                AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST,  {.i64=0},     0, 0, AF, "format" },
AF               1239 libavfilter/af_aiir.c     { "zp", "Z-plane zeros/poles",                 0,                AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST,  {.i64=1},     0, 0, AF, "format" },
AF               1240 libavfilter/af_aiir.c     { "pr", "Z-plane zeros/poles (polar radians)", 0,                AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST,  {.i64=2},     0, 0, AF, "format" },
AF               1241 libavfilter/af_aiir.c     { "pd", "Z-plane zeros/poles (polar degrees)", 0,                AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST,  {.i64=3},     0, 0, AF, "format" },
AF               1242 libavfilter/af_aiir.c     { "sp", "S-plane zeros/poles",                 0,                AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST,  {.i64=4},     0, 0, AF, "format" },
AF               1243 libavfilter/af_aiir.c     { "process", "set kind of processing",         OFFSET(process),  AV_OPT_TYPE_INT,    {.i64=1},     0, 1, AF, "process" },
AF               1244 libavfilter/af_aiir.c     { "r", "set kind of processing",               OFFSET(process),  AV_OPT_TYPE_INT,    {.i64=1},     0, 1, AF, "process" },
AF               1245 libavfilter/af_aiir.c     { "d", "direct",                               0,                AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST,  {.i64=0},     0, 0, AF, "process" },
AF               1246 libavfilter/af_aiir.c     { "s", "serial cascading",                     0,                AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST,  {.i64=1},     0, 0, AF, "process" },
AF               1247 libavfilter/af_aiir.c     { "precision", "set filtering precision",      OFFSET(precision),AV_OPT_TYPE_INT,    {.i64=0},     0, 3, AF, "precision" },
AF               1248 libavfilter/af_aiir.c     { "e", "set precision",                        OFFSET(precision),AV_OPT_TYPE_INT,    {.i64=0},     0, 3, AF, "precision" },
AF               1249 libavfilter/af_aiir.c     { "dbl", "double-precision floating-point",    0,                AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST,  {.i64=0},     0, 0, AF, "precision" },
AF               1250 libavfilter/af_aiir.c     { "flt", "single-precision floating-point",    0,                AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST,  {.i64=1},     0, 0, AF, "precision" },
AF               1251 libavfilter/af_aiir.c     { "i32", "32-bit integers",                    0,                AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST,  {.i64=2},     0, 0, AF, "precision" },
AF               1252 libavfilter/af_aiir.c     { "i16", "16-bit integers",                    0,                AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST,  {.i64=3},     0, 0, AF, "precision" },
AF               1253 libavfilter/af_aiir.c     { "normalize", "normalize coefficients",       OFFSET(normalize),AV_OPT_TYPE_BOOL,   {.i64=1},     0, 1, AF },
AF               1254 libavfilter/af_aiir.c     { "n", "normalize coefficients",               OFFSET(normalize),AV_OPT_TYPE_BOOL,   {.i64=1},     0, 1, AF },
AF               1255 libavfilter/af_aiir.c     { "mix", "set mix",                            OFFSET(mix),      AV_OPT_TYPE_DOUBLE, {.dbl=1},     0, 1, AF },
AF                 80 libavfilter/af_anlmdn.c     { "p", "set patch duration",     OFFSET(pd), AV_OPT_TYPE_DURATION, {.i64=2000}, 1000, 100000, AF },
AF                 81 libavfilter/af_anlmdn.c     { "r", "set research duration",  OFFSET(rd), AV_OPT_TYPE_DURATION, {.i64=6000}, 2000, 300000, AF },
AF                 86 libavfilter/af_anlmdn.c     { "m", "set smooth factor",      OFFSET(m),  AV_OPT_TYPE_FLOAT,    {.dbl=11.},       1, 15, AF },
AF               1530 libavfilter/af_arnndn.c     { "model", "set model name", OFFSET(model_name), AV_OPT_TYPE_STRING, {.str=NULL}, 0, 0, AF },
AF               1531 libavfilter/af_arnndn.c     { "m",     "set model name", OFFSET(model_name), AV_OPT_TYPE_STRING, {.str=NULL}, 0, 0, AF },
AF                359 libavfilter/af_axcorrelate.c     { "size", "set segment size", OFFSET(size), AV_OPT_TYPE_INT,   {.i64=256}, 2, 131072, AF },
AF                360 libavfilter/af_axcorrelate.c     { "algo", "set alghorithm",   OFFSET(algo), AV_OPT_TYPE_INT,   {.i64=0},   0,      1, AF, "algo" },
AF                361 libavfilter/af_axcorrelate.c     { "slow", "slow algorithm",   0,            AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, {.i64=0},   0,      0, AF, "algo" },
AF                362 libavfilter/af_axcorrelate.c     { "fast", "fast algorithm",   0,            AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, {.i64=1},   0,      0, AF, "algo" },
AF                732 libavfilter/af_biquads.c     {"poles", "set number of poles", OFFSET(poles), AV_OPT_TYPE_INT, {.i64=2}, 1, 2, AF},
AF                733 libavfilter/af_biquads.c     {"p",     "set number of poles", OFFSET(poles), AV_OPT_TYPE_INT, {.i64=2}, 1, 2, AF},
AF                758 libavfilter/af_biquads.c     {"poles", "set number of poles", OFFSET(poles), AV_OPT_TYPE_INT, {.i64=2}, 1, 2, AF},
AF                759 libavfilter/af_biquads.c     {"p",     "set number of poles", OFFSET(poles), AV_OPT_TYPE_INT, {.i64=2}, 1, 2, AF},
AF                107 libavfilter/af_silenceremove.c     { "start_periods",   NULL,                                                 OFFSET(start_periods),       AV_OPT_TYPE_INT,      {.i64=0},     0,      9000, AF },
AF                108 libavfilter/af_silenceremove.c     { "start_duration",  "set start duration of non-silence part",             OFFSET(start_duration_opt),  AV_OPT_TYPE_DURATION, {.i64=0},     0, INT32_MAX, AF },
AF                109 libavfilter/af_silenceremove.c     { "start_threshold", "set threshold for start silence detection",          OFFSET(start_threshold),     AV_OPT_TYPE_DOUBLE,   {.dbl=0},     0,   DBL_MAX, AF },
AF                110 libavfilter/af_silenceremove.c     { "start_silence",   "set start duration of silence part to keep",         OFFSET(start_silence_opt),   AV_OPT_TYPE_DURATION, {.i64=0},     0, INT32_MAX, AF },
AF                111 libavfilter/af_silenceremove.c     { "start_mode",      "set which channel will trigger trimming from start", OFFSET(start_mode),          AV_OPT_TYPE_INT,      {.i64=T_ANY}, T_ANY, T_ALL, AF, "mode" },
AF                112 libavfilter/af_silenceremove.c     {   "any",           0,                                                    0,                           AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST,    {.i64=T_ANY}, 0,         0, AF, "mode" },
AF                113 libavfilter/af_silenceremove.c     {   "all",           0,                                                    0,                           AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST,    {.i64=T_ALL}, 0,         0, AF, "mode" },
AF                114 libavfilter/af_silenceremove.c     { "stop_periods",    NULL,                                                 OFFSET(stop_periods),        AV_OPT_TYPE_INT,      {.i64=0}, -9000,      9000, AF },
AF                115 libavfilter/af_silenceremove.c     { "stop_duration",   "set stop duration of non-silence part",              OFFSET(stop_duration_opt),   AV_OPT_TYPE_DURATION, {.i64=0},     0, INT32_MAX, AF },
AF                116 libavfilter/af_silenceremove.c     { "stop_threshold",  "set threshold for stop silence detection",           OFFSET(stop_threshold),      AV_OPT_TYPE_DOUBLE,   {.dbl=0},     0,   DBL_MAX, AF },
AF                117 libavfilter/af_silenceremove.c     { "stop_silence",    "set stop duration of silence part to keep",          OFFSET(stop_silence_opt),    AV_OPT_TYPE_DURATION, {.i64=0},     0, INT32_MAX, AF },
AF                118 libavfilter/af_silenceremove.c     { "stop_mode",       "set which channel will trigger trimming from end",   OFFSET(stop_mode),           AV_OPT_TYPE_INT,      {.i64=T_ANY}, T_ANY, T_ALL, AF, "mode" },
AF                119 libavfilter/af_silenceremove.c     { "detection",       "set how silence is detected",                        OFFSET(detection),           AV_OPT_TYPE_INT,      {.i64=D_RMS}, D_PEAK,D_RMS, AF, "detection" },
AF                120 libavfilter/af_silenceremove.c     {   "peak",          "use absolute values of samples",                     0,                           AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST,    {.i64=D_PEAK},0,         0, AF, "detection" },
AF                121 libavfilter/af_silenceremove.c     {   "rms",           "use squared values of samples",                      0,                           AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST,    {.i64=D_RMS}, 0,         0, AF, "detection" },
AF                122 libavfilter/af_silenceremove.c     { "window",          "set duration of window in seconds",                  OFFSET(window_ratio),        AV_OPT_TYPE_DOUBLE,   {.dbl=0.02},  0,        10, AF },
AF                354 libavfilter/af_superequalizer.c     {  "1b", "set 65Hz band gain",    OFFSET(gains [0]), AV_OPT_TYPE_FLOAT, {.dbl=1}, 0, 20, AF },
AF                355 libavfilter/af_superequalizer.c     {  "2b", "set 92Hz band gain",    OFFSET(gains [1]), AV_OPT_TYPE_FLOAT, {.dbl=1}, 0, 20, AF },
AF                356 libavfilter/af_superequalizer.c     {  "3b", "set 131Hz band gain",   OFFSET(gains [2]), AV_OPT_TYPE_FLOAT, {.dbl=1}, 0, 20, AF },
AF                357 libavfilter/af_superequalizer.c     {  "4b", "set 185Hz band gain",   OFFSET(gains [3]), AV_OPT_TYPE_FLOAT, {.dbl=1}, 0, 20, AF },
AF                358 libavfilter/af_superequalizer.c     {  "5b", "set 262Hz band gain",   OFFSET(gains [4]), AV_OPT_TYPE_FLOAT, {.dbl=1}, 0, 20, AF },
AF                359 libavfilter/af_superequalizer.c     {  "6b", "set 370Hz band gain",   OFFSET(gains [5]), AV_OPT_TYPE_FLOAT, {.dbl=1}, 0, 20, AF },
AF                360 libavfilter/af_superequalizer.c     {  "7b", "set 523Hz band gain",   OFFSET(gains [6]), AV_OPT_TYPE_FLOAT, {.dbl=1}, 0, 20, AF },
AF                361 libavfilter/af_superequalizer.c     {  "8b", "set 740Hz band gain",   OFFSET(gains [7]), AV_OPT_TYPE_FLOAT, {.dbl=1}, 0, 20, AF },
AF                362 libavfilter/af_superequalizer.c     {  "9b", "set 1047Hz band gain",  OFFSET(gains [8]), AV_OPT_TYPE_FLOAT, {.dbl=1}, 0, 20, AF },
AF                363 libavfilter/af_superequalizer.c     { "10b", "set 1480Hz band gain",  OFFSET(gains [9]), AV_OPT_TYPE_FLOAT, {.dbl=1}, 0, 20, AF },
AF                364 libavfilter/af_superequalizer.c     { "11b", "set 2093Hz band gain",  OFFSET(gains[10]), AV_OPT_TYPE_FLOAT, {.dbl=1}, 0, 20, AF },
AF                365 libavfilter/af_superequalizer.c     { "12b", "set 2960Hz band gain",  OFFSET(gains[11]), AV_OPT_TYPE_FLOAT, {.dbl=1}, 0, 20, AF },
AF                366 libavfilter/af_superequalizer.c     { "13b", "set 4186Hz band gain",  OFFSET(gains[12]), AV_OPT_TYPE_FLOAT, {.dbl=1}, 0, 20, AF },
AF                367 libavfilter/af_superequalizer.c     { "14b", "set 5920Hz band gain",  OFFSET(gains[13]), AV_OPT_TYPE_FLOAT, {.dbl=1}, 0, 20, AF },
AF                368 libavfilter/af_superequalizer.c     { "15b", "set 8372Hz band gain",  OFFSET(gains[14]), AV_OPT_TYPE_FLOAT, {.dbl=1}, 0, 20, AF },
AF                369 libavfilter/af_superequalizer.c     { "16b", "set 11840Hz band gain", OFFSET(gains[15]), AV_OPT_TYPE_FLOAT, {.dbl=1}, 0, 20, AF },
AF                370 libavfilter/af_superequalizer.c     { "17b", "set 16744Hz band gain", OFFSET(gains[16]), AV_OPT_TYPE_FLOAT, {.dbl=1}, 0, 20, AF },
AF                371 libavfilter/af_superequalizer.c     { "18b", "set 20000Hz band gain", OFFSET(gains[17]), AV_OPT_TYPE_FLOAT, {.dbl=1}, 0, 20, AF },
AF                430 libavfilter/asrc_sinc.c     { "sample_rate", "set sample rate",                               OFFSET(sample_rate), AV_OPT_TYPE_INT,   {.i64=44100},  1, INT_MAX, AF },
AF                431 libavfilter/asrc_sinc.c     { "r",           "set sample rate",                               OFFSET(sample_rate), AV_OPT_TYPE_INT,   {.i64=44100},  1, INT_MAX, AF },
AF                432 libavfilter/asrc_sinc.c     { "nb_samples",  "set the number of samples per requested frame", OFFSET(nb_samples),  AV_OPT_TYPE_INT,   {.i64=1024},   1, INT_MAX, AF },
AF                433 libavfilter/asrc_sinc.c     { "n",           "set the number of samples per requested frame", OFFSET(nb_samples),  AV_OPT_TYPE_INT,   {.i64=1024},   1, INT_MAX, AF },
AF                434 libavfilter/asrc_sinc.c     { "hp",          "set high-pass filter frequency",                OFFSET(Fc0),         AV_OPT_TYPE_FLOAT, {.dbl=0},      0, INT_MAX, AF },
AF                435 libavfilter/asrc_sinc.c     { "lp",          "set low-pass filter frequency",                 OFFSET(Fc1),         AV_OPT_TYPE_FLOAT, {.dbl=0},      0, INT_MAX, AF },
AF                436 libavfilter/asrc_sinc.c     { "phase",       "set filter phase response",                     OFFSET(phase),       AV_OPT_TYPE_FLOAT, {.dbl=50},     0,     100, AF },
AF                437 libavfilter/asrc_sinc.c     { "beta",        "set kaiser window beta",                        OFFSET(beta),        AV_OPT_TYPE_FLOAT, {.dbl=-1},    -1,     256, AF },
AF                438 libavfilter/asrc_sinc.c     { "att",         "set stop-band attenuation",                     OFFSET(att),         AV_OPT_TYPE_FLOAT, {.dbl=120},   40,     180, AF },
AF                439 libavfilter/asrc_sinc.c     { "round",       "enable rounding",                               OFFSET(round),       AV_OPT_TYPE_BOOL,  {.i64=0},      0,       1, AF },
AF                440 libavfilter/asrc_sinc.c     { "hptaps",      "set number of taps for high-pass filter",       OFFSET(num_taps[0]), AV_OPT_TYPE_INT,   {.i64=0},      0,   32768, AF },
AF                441 libavfilter/asrc_sinc.c     { "lptaps",      "set number of taps for low-pass filter",        OFFSET(num_taps[1]), AV_OPT_TYPE_INT,   {.i64=0},      0,   32768, AF },