ENC               206 libavdevice/caca.c     { "window_size",  "set window forced size",  OFFSET(window_width), AV_OPT_TYPE_IMAGE_SIZE, {.str = NULL }, 0, 0, ENC},
ENC               207 libavdevice/caca.c     { "window_title", "set window title",        OFFSET(window_title), AV_OPT_TYPE_STRING,     {.str = NULL }, 0, 0, ENC },
ENC               208 libavdevice/caca.c     { "driver",       "set display driver",      OFFSET(driver),    AV_OPT_TYPE_STRING, {.str = NULL }, 0, 0, ENC },
ENC               209 libavdevice/caca.c     { "algorithm",    "set dithering algorithm", OFFSET(algorithm), AV_OPT_TYPE_STRING, {.str = "default" }, 0, 0, ENC },
ENC               210 libavdevice/caca.c     { "antialias",    "set antialias method",    OFFSET(antialias), AV_OPT_TYPE_STRING, {.str = "default" }, 0, 0, ENC },
ENC               211 libavdevice/caca.c     { "charset",      "set charset used to render output", OFFSET(charset), AV_OPT_TYPE_STRING, {.str = "default" }, 0, 0, ENC },
ENC               212 libavdevice/caca.c     { "color",        "set color used to render output",   OFFSET(color),   AV_OPT_TYPE_STRING, {.str = "default" }, 0, 0, ENC },
ENC               213 libavdevice/caca.c     { "list_drivers", "list available drivers",  OFFSET(list_drivers), AV_OPT_TYPE_BOOL, {.i64=0}, 0, 1, ENC },
ENC               214 libavdevice/caca.c     { "list_dither", "list available dither options", OFFSET(list_dither), AV_OPT_TYPE_STRING, {.str=NULL}, 0, 1, ENC, "list_dither" },
ENC               215 libavdevice/caca.c     { "algorithms",   NULL, 0, AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, {.str = "algorithms"}, 0, 0, ENC, "list_dither" },
ENC               216 libavdevice/caca.c     { "antialiases",  NULL, 0, AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, {.str = "antialiases"},0, 0, ENC, "list_dither" },
ENC               217 libavdevice/caca.c     { "charsets",     NULL, 0, AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, {.str = "charsets"},   0, 0, ENC, "list_dither" },
ENC               218 libavdevice/caca.c     { "colors",       NULL, 0, AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, {.str = "colors"},     0, 0, ENC, "list_dither" },
ENC                31 libavdevice/decklink_enc_c.c     { "list_devices", "list available devices"  , OFFSET(list_devices), AV_OPT_TYPE_INT   , { .i64 = 0   }, 0, 1, ENC },
ENC                32 libavdevice/decklink_enc_c.c     { "list_formats", "list supported formats"  , OFFSET(list_formats), AV_OPT_TYPE_INT   , { .i64 = 0   }, 0, 1, ENC },
ENC                33 libavdevice/decklink_enc_c.c     { "preroll"     , "video preroll in seconds", OFFSET(preroll     ), AV_OPT_TYPE_DOUBLE, { .dbl = 0.5 }, 0, 5, ENC },
ENC                34 libavdevice/decklink_enc_c.c     { "duplex_mode" , "duplex mode"             , OFFSET(duplex_mode ), AV_OPT_TYPE_INT   , { .i64 = 0   }, 0, 2, ENC, "duplex_mode"},
ENC                35 libavdevice/decklink_enc_c.c     { "unset"       ,  NULL                     , 0                   , AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST , { .i64 = 0   }, 0, 0, ENC, "duplex_mode"},
ENC                36 libavdevice/decklink_enc_c.c     { "half"        ,  NULL                     , 0                   , AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST , { .i64 = 1   }, 0, 0, ENC, "duplex_mode"},
ENC                37 libavdevice/decklink_enc_c.c     { "full"        ,  NULL                     , 0                   , AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST , { .i64 = 2   }, 0, 0, ENC, "duplex_mode"},
ENC                38 libavdevice/decklink_enc_c.c     { "timing_offset", "genlock timing pixel offset", OFFSET(timing_offset), AV_OPT_TYPE_INT,   { .i64 = INT_MIN }, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, ENC, "timing_offset"},
ENC                39 libavdevice/decklink_enc_c.c     { "unset"       ,  NULL                     , 0                        , AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, { .i64 = INT_MIN },       0,       0, ENC, "timing_offset"},
ENC               195 libavdevice/fbdev_enc.c     { "xoffset", "set x coordinate of top left corner", OFFSET(xoffset), AV_OPT_TYPE_INT, {.i64 = 0}, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, ENC },
ENC               196 libavdevice/fbdev_enc.c     { "yoffset", "set y coordinate of top left corner", OFFSET(yoffset), AV_OPT_TYPE_INT, {.i64 = 0}, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, ENC },
ENC              1280 libavdevice/opengl_enc.c     { "background",   "set background color",   OFFSET(background),   AV_OPT_TYPE_COLOR,  {.str = "black"}, 0, 0, ENC },
ENC              1281 libavdevice/opengl_enc.c     { "no_window",    "disable default window", OFFSET(no_window),    AV_OPT_TYPE_INT,    {.i64 = 0}, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, ENC },
ENC              1282 libavdevice/opengl_enc.c     { "window_title", "set window title",       OFFSET(window_title), AV_OPT_TYPE_STRING, {.str = NULL}, 0, 0, ENC },
ENC              1283 libavdevice/opengl_enc.c     { "window_size",  "set window size",        OFFSET(window_width), AV_OPT_TYPE_IMAGE_SIZE, {.str = NULL}, 0, 0, ENC },
ENC               215 libavformat/adtsenc.c     { "write_id3v2",  "Enable ID3v2 tag writing", OFFSET(id3v2tag), AV_OPT_TYPE_BOOL, {.i64 = 0}, 0, 1, ENC},
ENC               216 libavformat/adtsenc.c     { "write_apetag", "Enable APE tag writing",   OFFSET(apetag),   AV_OPT_TYPE_BOOL, {.i64 = 0}, 0, 1, ENC},
ENC               282 libavformat/aiffenc.c       OFFSET(write_id3v2), AV_OPT_TYPE_BOOL, {.i64 = 0}, 0, 1, ENC },
ENC               284 libavformat/aiffenc.c       OFFSET(id3v2_version), AV_OPT_TYPE_INT, {.i64 = 4}, 3, 4, ENC },
ENC               284 libavformat/apngenc.c       AV_OPT_TYPE_INT, { .i64 = 1 }, 0, UINT_MAX, ENC },
ENC               286 libavformat/apngenc.c       AV_OPT_TYPE_RATIONAL, { .dbl = 0 }, 0, USHRT_MAX, ENC },
ENC               994 libavformat/avienc.c     { "reserve_index_space", "reserve space (in bytes) at the beginning of the file for each stream index", OFFSET(reserve_index_space), AV_OPT_TYPE_INT, { .i64 = 0 }, 0, INT_MAX, ENC },
ENC               995 libavformat/avienc.c     { "write_channel_mask", "write channel mask into wave format header", OFFSET(write_channel_mask), AV_OPT_TYPE_BOOL, { .i64 = 1 }, 0, 1, ENC },
ENC               193 libavformat/gif.c       AV_OPT_TYPE_INT, { .i64 = 0 }, -1, 65535, ENC },
ENC               195 libavformat/gif.c       AV_OPT_TYPE_INT, { .i64 = -1 }, -1, 65535, ENC },
ENC                41 libavformat/hashenc.c     { "hash", "set hash to use", OFFSET(hash_name), AV_OPT_TYPE_STRING, {.str = defaulttype}, 0, 0, ENC }
ENC                43 libavformat/hashenc.c     { "format_version", "file format version", OFFSET(format_version), AV_OPT_TYPE_INT, {.i64 = 2}, 1, 2, ENC }
ENC               243 libavformat/img2enc.c     { "update",       "continuously overwrite one file", OFFSET(update),  AV_OPT_TYPE_BOOL, { .i64 = 0 }, 0,       1, ENC },
ENC               244 libavformat/img2enc.c     { "start_number", "set first number in the sequence", OFFSET(img_number), AV_OPT_TYPE_INT,  { .i64 = 1 }, 0, INT_MAX, ENC },
ENC               245 libavformat/img2enc.c     { "strftime",     "use strftime for filename", OFFSET(use_strftime),  AV_OPT_TYPE_BOOL, { .i64 = 0 }, 0, 1, ENC },
ENC               246 libavformat/img2enc.c     { "frame_pts",    "use current frame pts for filename", OFFSET(frame_pts),  AV_OPT_TYPE_BOOL, { .i64 = 0 }, 0, 1, ENC },
ENC               247 libavformat/img2enc.c     { "atomic_writing", "write files atomically (using temporary files and renames)", OFFSET(use_rename), AV_OPT_TYPE_BOOL, { .i64 = 0 }, 0, 1, ENC },
ENC               248 libavformat/img2enc.c     { "protocol_opts", "specify protocol options for the opened files", OFFSET(protocol_opts), AV_OPT_TYPE_DICT, {0}, 0, 0, ENC },
ENC               322 libavformat/librtmp.c     {"rtmp_app", "Name of application to connect to on the RTMP server", OFFSET(app), AV_OPT_TYPE_STRING, {.str = NULL }, 0, 0, DEC|ENC},
ENC               323 libavformat/librtmp.c     {"rtmp_buffer", "Set buffer time in milliseconds. The default is 3000.", OFFSET(client_buffer_time), AV_OPT_TYPE_STRING, {.str = "3000"}, 0, 0, DEC|ENC},
ENC               324 libavformat/librtmp.c     {"rtmp_conn", "Append arbitrary AMF data to the Connect message", OFFSET(conn), AV_OPT_TYPE_STRING, {.str = NULL }, 0, 0, DEC|ENC},
ENC               325 libavformat/librtmp.c     {"rtmp_flashver", "Version of the Flash plugin used to run the SWF player.", OFFSET(flashver), AV_OPT_TYPE_STRING, {.str = NULL }, 0, 0, DEC|ENC},
ENC               331 libavformat/librtmp.c     {"rtmp_playpath", "Stream identifier to play or to publish", OFFSET(playpath), AV_OPT_TYPE_STRING, {.str = NULL }, 0, 0, DEC|ENC},
ENC               333 libavformat/librtmp.c     {"rtmp_swfurl", "URL of the SWF player. By default no value will be sent", OFFSET(swfurl), AV_OPT_TYPE_STRING, {.str = NULL }, 0, 0, DEC|ENC},
ENC               335 libavformat/librtmp.c     {"rtmp_tcurl", "URL of the target stream. Defaults to proto://host[:port]/app.", OFFSET(tcurl), AV_OPT_TYPE_STRING, {.str = NULL }, 0, 0, DEC|ENC},
ENC               337 libavformat/librtmp.c     {"rtmp_buffer_size", "set buffer size in bytes", OFFSET(buffer_size), AV_OPT_TYPE_INT, {.i64 = -1}, -1, INT_MAX, DEC|ENC },
ENC              1976 libavformat/mpegtsenc.c       OFFSET(transport_stream_id), AV_OPT_TYPE_INT, { .i64 = 0x0001 }, 0x0001, 0xffff, ENC },
ENC              1978 libavformat/mpegtsenc.c       OFFSET(original_network_id), AV_OPT_TYPE_INT, { .i64 = DVB_PRIVATE_NETWORK_START }, 0x0001, 0xffff, ENC },
ENC              1980 libavformat/mpegtsenc.c       OFFSET(service_id), AV_OPT_TYPE_INT, { .i64 = 0x0001 }, 0x0001, 0xffff, ENC },
ENC              1982 libavformat/mpegtsenc.c       OFFSET(service_type), AV_OPT_TYPE_INT, { .i64 = 0x01 }, 0x01, 0xff, ENC, "mpegts_service_type" },
ENC              1984 libavformat/mpegtsenc.c       0, AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, { .i64 = MPEGTS_SERVICE_TYPE_DIGITAL_TV }, 0x01, 0xff, ENC, "mpegts_service_type" },
ENC              1986 libavformat/mpegtsenc.c       0, AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, { .i64 = MPEGTS_SERVICE_TYPE_DIGITAL_RADIO }, 0x01, 0xff, ENC, "mpegts_service_type" },
ENC              1988 libavformat/mpegtsenc.c       0, AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, { .i64 = MPEGTS_SERVICE_TYPE_TELETEXT }, 0x01, 0xff, ENC, "mpegts_service_type" },
ENC              1990 libavformat/mpegtsenc.c       0, AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, { .i64 = MPEGTS_SERVICE_TYPE_ADVANCED_CODEC_DIGITAL_RADIO }, 0x01, 0xff, ENC, "mpegts_service_type" },
ENC              1992 libavformat/mpegtsenc.c       0, AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, { .i64 = MPEGTS_SERVICE_TYPE_MPEG2_DIGITAL_HDTV }, 0x01, 0xff, ENC, "mpegts_service_type" },
ENC              1994 libavformat/mpegtsenc.c       0, AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, { .i64 = MPEGTS_SERVICE_TYPE_ADVANCED_CODEC_DIGITAL_SDTV }, 0x01, 0xff, ENC, "mpegts_service_type" },
ENC              1996 libavformat/mpegtsenc.c       0, AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, { .i64 = MPEGTS_SERVICE_TYPE_ADVANCED_CODEC_DIGITAL_HDTV }, 0x01, 0xff, ENC, "mpegts_service_type" },
ENC              1998 libavformat/mpegtsenc.c       0, AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, { .i64 = MPEGTS_SERVICE_TYPE_HEVC_DIGITAL_HDTV }, 0x01, 0xff, ENC, "mpegts_service_type" },
ENC              2000 libavformat/mpegtsenc.c       OFFSET(pmt_start_pid), AV_OPT_TYPE_INT, { .i64 = 0x1000 }, FIRST_OTHER_PID, LAST_OTHER_PID, ENC },
ENC              2002 libavformat/mpegtsenc.c       OFFSET(start_pid), AV_OPT_TYPE_INT, { .i64 = 0x0100 }, FIRST_OTHER_PID, LAST_OTHER_PID, ENC },
ENC              2003 libavformat/mpegtsenc.c     { "mpegts_m2ts_mode", "Enable m2ts mode.", OFFSET(m2ts_mode), AV_OPT_TYPE_BOOL, { .i64 = -1 }, -1, 1, ENC },
ENC              2004 libavformat/mpegtsenc.c     { "muxrate", NULL, OFFSET(mux_rate), AV_OPT_TYPE_INT, { .i64 = 1 }, 0, INT_MAX, ENC },
ENC              2006 libavformat/mpegtsenc.c       OFFSET(pes_payload_size), AV_OPT_TYPE_INT, { .i64 = DEFAULT_PES_PAYLOAD_SIZE }, 0, INT_MAX, ENC },
ENC              2007 libavformat/mpegtsenc.c     { "mpegts_flags", "MPEG-TS muxing flags", OFFSET(flags), AV_OPT_TYPE_FLAGS, { .i64 = 0 }, 0, INT_MAX, ENC, "mpegts_flags" },
ENC              2009 libavformat/mpegtsenc.c       0, AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, { .i64 = MPEGTS_FLAG_REEMIT_PAT_PMT }, 0, INT_MAX, ENC, "mpegts_flags" },
ENC              2011 libavformat/mpegtsenc.c       0, AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, { .i64 = MPEGTS_FLAG_AAC_LATM }, 0, INT_MAX, ENC, "mpegts_flags" },
ENC              2013 libavformat/mpegtsenc.c       0, AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, { .i64 = MPEGTS_FLAG_PAT_PMT_AT_FRAMES}, 0, INT_MAX, ENC, "mpegts_flags" },
ENC              2015 libavformat/mpegtsenc.c       0, AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, { .i64 = MPEGTS_FLAG_SYSTEM_B }, 0, INT_MAX, ENC, "mpegts_flags" },
ENC              2017 libavformat/mpegtsenc.c       0, AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, { .i64 = MPEGTS_FLAG_DISCONT }, 0, INT_MAX, ENC, "mpegts_flags" },
ENC              2018 libavformat/mpegtsenc.c     { "mpegts_copyts", "don't offset dts/pts", OFFSET(copyts), AV_OPT_TYPE_BOOL, { .i64 = -1 }, -1, 1, ENC },
ENC              2019 libavformat/mpegtsenc.c     { "tables_version", "set PAT, PMT and SDT version", OFFSET(tables_version), AV_OPT_TYPE_INT, { .i64 = 0 }, 0, 31, ENC },
ENC              2021 libavformat/mpegtsenc.c       OFFSET(omit_video_pes_length), AV_OPT_TYPE_BOOL, { .i64 = 1 }, 0, 1, ENC },
ENC              2023 libavformat/mpegtsenc.c       OFFSET(pcr_period_ms), AV_OPT_TYPE_INT, { .i64 = -1 }, -1, INT_MAX, ENC },
ENC              2025 libavformat/mpegtsenc.c       OFFSET(pat_period_us), AV_OPT_TYPE_DURATION, { .i64 = PAT_RETRANS_TIME * 1000LL }, 0, INT64_MAX, ENC },
ENC              2027 libavformat/mpegtsenc.c       OFFSET(sdt_period_us), AV_OPT_TYPE_DURATION, { .i64 = SDT_RETRANS_TIME * 1000LL }, 0, INT64_MAX, ENC },
ENC              3099 libavformat/rtmpproto.c     {"rtmp_app", "Name of application to connect to on the RTMP server", OFFSET(app), AV_OPT_TYPE_STRING, {.str = NULL }, 0, 0, DEC|ENC},
ENC              3100 libavformat/rtmpproto.c     {"rtmp_buffer", "Set buffer time in milliseconds. The default is 3000.", OFFSET(client_buffer_time), AV_OPT_TYPE_INT, {.i64 = 3000}, 0, INT_MAX, DEC|ENC},
ENC              3101 libavformat/rtmpproto.c     {"rtmp_conn", "Append arbitrary AMF data to the Connect message", OFFSET(conn), AV_OPT_TYPE_STRING, {.str = NULL }, 0, 0, DEC|ENC},
ENC              3102 libavformat/rtmpproto.c     {"rtmp_flashver", "Version of the Flash plugin used to run the SWF player.", OFFSET(flashver), AV_OPT_TYPE_STRING, {.str = NULL }, 0, 0, DEC|ENC},
ENC              3103 libavformat/rtmpproto.c     {"rtmp_flush_interval", "Number of packets flushed in the same request (RTMPT only).", OFFSET(flush_interval), AV_OPT_TYPE_INT, {.i64 = 10}, 0, INT_MAX, ENC},
ENC              3109 libavformat/rtmpproto.c     {"rtmp_playpath", "Stream identifier to play or to publish", OFFSET(playpath), AV_OPT_TYPE_STRING, {.str = NULL }, 0, 0, DEC|ENC},
ENC              3113 libavformat/rtmpproto.c     {"rtmp_swfurl", "URL of the SWF player. By default no value will be sent", OFFSET(swfurl), AV_OPT_TYPE_STRING, {.str = NULL }, 0, 0, DEC|ENC},
ENC              3115 libavformat/rtmpproto.c     {"rtmp_tcurl", "URL of the target stream. Defaults to proto://host[:port]/app.", OFFSET(tcurl), AV_OPT_TYPE_STRING, {.str = NULL }, 0, 0, DEC|ENC},
ENC                80 libavformat/rtsp.c     { "buffer_size",        "Underlying protocol send/receive buffer size",                  OFFSET(buffer_size),           AV_OPT_TYPE_INT, { .i64 = -1 }, -1, INT_MAX, DEC|ENC }, \
ENC                81 libavformat/rtsp.c     { "pkt_size",           "Underlying protocol send packet size",                          OFFSET(pkt_size),              AV_OPT_TYPE_INT, { .i64 = -1 }, -1, INT_MAX, ENC } \
ENC                87 libavformat/rtsp.c     { "rtsp_transport", "set RTSP transport protocols", OFFSET(lower_transport_mask), AV_OPT_TYPE_FLAGS, {.i64 = 0}, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, DEC|ENC, "rtsp_transport" }, \
ENC                88 libavformat/rtsp.c     { "udp", "UDP", 0, AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, {.i64 = 1 << RTSP_LOWER_TRANSPORT_UDP}, 0, 0, DEC|ENC, "rtsp_transport" }, \
ENC                89 libavformat/rtsp.c     { "tcp", "TCP", 0, AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, {.i64 = 1 << RTSP_LOWER_TRANSPORT_TCP}, 0, 0, DEC|ENC, "rtsp_transport" }, \
ENC                95 libavformat/rtsp.c     { "prefer_tcp", "try RTP via TCP first, if available", 0, AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, {.i64 = RTSP_FLAG_PREFER_TCP}, 0, 0, DEC|ENC, "rtsp_flags" },
ENC                97 libavformat/rtsp.c     { "min_port", "set minimum local UDP port", OFFSET(rtp_port_min), AV_OPT_TYPE_INT, {.i64 = RTSP_RTP_PORT_MIN}, 0, 65535, DEC|ENC },
ENC                98 libavformat/rtsp.c     { "max_port", "set maximum local UDP port", OFFSET(rtp_port_max), AV_OPT_TYPE_INT, {.i64 = RTSP_RTP_PORT_MAX}, 0, 65535, DEC|ENC },
ENC               482 libavformat/wavenc.c     { "write_bext", "Write BEXT chunk.", OFFSET(write_bext), AV_OPT_TYPE_BOOL, { .i64 = 0 }, 0, 1, ENC },
ENC               483 libavformat/wavenc.c     { "write_peak", "Write Peak Envelope chunk.",            OFFSET(write_peak), AV_OPT_TYPE_INT, { .i64 = 0 }, 0, 2, ENC, "peak" },
ENC               484 libavformat/wavenc.c     { "off",        "Do not write peak chunk.",              0,                  AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, { .i64 = PEAK_OFF  }, 0, 0, ENC, "peak" },
ENC               485 libavformat/wavenc.c     { "on",         "Append peak chunk after wav data.",     0,                  AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, { .i64 = PEAK_ON   }, 0, 0, ENC, "peak" },
ENC               486 libavformat/wavenc.c     { "only",       "Write only peak chunk, omit wav data.", 0,                  AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, { .i64 = PEAK_ONLY }, 0, 0, ENC, "peak" },
ENC               487 libavformat/wavenc.c     { "rf64",       "Use RF64 header rather than RIFF for large files.",    OFFSET(rf64), AV_OPT_TYPE_INT,   { .i64 = RF64_NEVER  },-1, 1, ENC, "rf64" },
ENC               488 libavformat/wavenc.c     { "auto",       "Write RF64 header if file grows large enough.",        0,            AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, { .i64 = RF64_AUTO   }, 0, 0, ENC, "rf64" },
ENC               489 libavformat/wavenc.c     { "always",     "Always write RF64 header regardless of file size.",    0,            AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, { .i64 = RF64_ALWAYS }, 0, 0, ENC, "rf64" },
ENC               490 libavformat/wavenc.c     { "never",      "Never write RF64 header regardless of file size.",     0,            AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, { .i64 = RF64_NEVER  }, 0, 0, ENC, "rf64" },
ENC               491 libavformat/wavenc.c     { "peak_block_size", "Number of audio samples used to generate each peak frame.",   OFFSET(peak_block_size), AV_OPT_TYPE_INT, { .i64 = 256 }, 0, 65536, ENC },
ENC               492 libavformat/wavenc.c     { "peak_format",     "The format of the peak envelope data (1: uint8, 2: uint16).", OFFSET(peak_format), AV_OPT_TYPE_INT,     { .i64 = PEAK_FORMAT_UINT16 }, PEAK_FORMAT_UINT8, PEAK_FORMAT_UINT16, ENC },
ENC               493 libavformat/wavenc.c     { "peak_ppv",        "Number of peak points per peak value (1 or 2).",              OFFSET(peak_ppv), AV_OPT_TYPE_INT, { .i64 = 2 }, 1, 2, ENC },
ENC               197 libavformat/webpenc.c       AV_OPT_TYPE_INT, { .i64 = 1 }, 0, 65535, ENC },