
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
 * Copyright (c) 2015 Matthieu Bouron <matthieu.bouron>
 * Copyright (c) 2015 Clément Bœsch <clement>
 * This file is part of FFmpeg.
 * FFmpeg is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * FFmpeg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with FFmpeg; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

#include "libavutil/arm/asm.S"

.macro compute_premult
    vsub.u16            q14,q11                                        @ q14 = U * (1 << 3) - 128 * (1 << 3)
    vsub.u16            q15,q11                                        @ q15 = V * (1 << 3) - 128 * (1 << 3)
    vqdmulh.s16         q8, q15, d1[0]                                 @ q8  = V * v2r
    vqdmulh.s16         q9, q14, d1[1]                                 @ q9  = U * u2g
    vqdmulh.s16         q5, q15, d1[2]                                 @ q5  = V * v2g
    vadd.s16            q9, q5                                         @ q9  = U * u2g + V * v2g
    vqdmulh.s16         q10,q14, d1[3]                                 @ q10 = U * u2b

.macro compute_color dst_comp1 dst_comp2 pre
    vadd.s16            q1, q14, \pre
    vadd.s16            q2, q15, \pre
    vqrshrun.s16        \dst_comp1, q1, #1
    vqrshrun.s16        \dst_comp2, q2, #1

.macro compute_rgba r1 g1 b1 a1 r2 g2 b2 a2
    compute_color       \r1, \r2, q8
    compute_color       \g1, \g2, q9
    compute_color       \b1, \b2, q10
    vmov.u8             \a1, #255
    vmov.u8             \a2, #255

.macro compute dst ofmt
    vshll.u8            q14, d14, #3                                   @ q14 = Y * (1 << 3)
    vshll.u8            q15, d15, #3                                   @ q15 = Y * (1 << 3)
    vsub.s16            q14, q12                                       @ q14 = (Y - y_offset)
    vsub.s16            q15, q12                                       @ q15 = (Y - y_offset)
    vqdmulh.s16         q14, q13                                       @ q14 = (Y - y_offset) * y_coeff
    vqdmulh.s16         q15, q13                                       @ q15 = (Y - y_offset) * y_coeff

.ifc \ofmt,argb
    compute_rgba        d7, d8, d9, d6, d11, d12, d13, d10

.ifc \ofmt,rgba
    compute_rgba        d6, d7, d8, d9, d10, d11, d12, d13

.ifc \ofmt,abgr
    compute_rgba        d9, d8, d7, d6, d13, d12, d11, d10

.ifc \ofmt,bgra
    compute_rgba        d8, d7, d6, d9, d12, d11, d10, d13

    vzip.8              d6, d10                                        @ d6 = R1R2R3R4R5R6R7R8 d10 = R9R10R11R12R13R14R15R16
    vzip.8              d7, d11                                        @ d7 = G1G2G3G4G5G6G7G8 d11 = G9G10G11G12G13G14G15G16
    vzip.8              d8, d12                                        @ d8 = B1B2B3B4B5B6B7B8 d12 = B9B10B11B12B13B14B15B16
    vzip.8              d9, d13                                        @ d9 = A1A2A3A4A5A6A7A8 d13 = A9A10A11A12A13A14A15A16
    vst4.8              {q3, q4}, [\dst,:128]!
    vst4.8              {q5, q6}, [\dst,:128]!

.macro process_1l_internal dst src ofmt
    vld2.8              {d14, d15}, [\src]!                            @ q7 = Y (interleaved)
    compute             \dst, \ofmt

.macro process_1l ofmt
    process_1l_internal r2, r4, \ofmt

.macro process_2l ofmt
    process_1l_internal r2, r4, \ofmt
    process_1l_internal r11,r12,\ofmt

.macro load_args_nv12
    push                {r4-r12, lr}
    vpush               {q4-q7}
    ldr                 r4, [sp, #104]                                 @ r4  = srcY
    ldr                 r5, [sp, #108]                                 @ r5  = linesizeY
    ldr                 r6, [sp, #112]                                 @ r6  = srcC
    ldr                 r7, [sp, #116]                                 @ r7  = linesizeC
    ldr                 r8, [sp, #120]                                 @ r8  = table
    ldr                 r9, [sp, #124]                                 @ r9  = y_offset
    ldr                 r10,[sp, #128]                                 @ r10 = y_coeff
    vdup.16             d0, r10                                        @ d0  = y_coeff
    vld1.16             {d1}, [r8]                                     @ d1  = *table
    add                 r11, r2, r3                                    @ r11 = dst + linesize (dst2)
    add                 r12, r4, r5                                    @ r12 = srcY + linesizeY (srcY2)
    lsl                 r3, r3, #1
    lsl                 r5, r5, #1
    sub                 r3, r3, r0, lsl #2                             @ r3 = linesize  * 2 - width * 4 (padding)
    sub                 r5, r5, r0                                     @ r5 = linesizeY * 2 - width     (paddingY)
    sub                 r7, r7, r0                                     @ r7 = linesizeC     - width     (paddingC)

.macro load_args_nv21

.macro load_args_yuv420p
    push                {r4-r12, lr}
    vpush               {q4-q7}
    ldr                 r4, [sp, #104]                                 @ r4  = srcY
    ldr                 r5, [sp, #108]                                 @ r5  = linesizeY
    ldr                 r6, [sp, #112]                                 @ r6  = srcU
    ldr                 r8, [sp, #128]                                 @ r8  = table
    ldr                 r9, [sp, #132]                                 @ r9  = y_offset
    ldr                 r10,[sp, #136]                                 @ r10 = y_coeff
    vdup.16             d0, r10                                        @ d0  = y_coeff
    vld1.16             {d1}, [r8]                                     @ d1  = *table
    add                 r11, r2, r3                                    @ r11 = dst + linesize (dst2)
    add                 r12, r4, r5                                    @ r12 = srcY + linesizeY (srcY2)
    lsl                 r3, r3, #1
    lsl                 r5, r5, #1
    sub                 r3, r3, r0, lsl #2                             @ r3 = linesize  * 2 - width * 4 (padding)
    sub                 r5, r5, r0                                     @ r5 = linesizeY * 2 - width     (paddingY)
    ldr                 r10,[sp, #120]                                 @ r10 = srcV

.macro load_args_yuv422p
    push                {r4-r12, lr}
    vpush               {q4-q7}
    ldr                 r4, [sp, #104]                                 @ r4  = srcY
    ldr                 r5, [sp, #108]                                 @ r5  = linesizeY
    ldr                 r6, [sp, #112]                                 @ r6  = srcU
    ldr                 r7, [sp, #116]                                 @ r7  = linesizeU
    ldr                 r12,[sp, #124]                                 @ r12 = linesizeV
    ldr                 r8, [sp, #128]                                 @ r8  = table
    ldr                 r9, [sp, #132]                                 @ r9  = y_offset
    ldr                 r10,[sp, #136]                                 @ r10 = y_coeff
    vdup.16             d0, r10                                        @ d0  = y_coeff
    vld1.16             {d1}, [r8]                                     @ d1  = *table
    sub                 r3, r3, r0, lsl #2                             @ r3  = linesize  - width * 4 (padding)
    sub                 r5, r5, r0                                     @ r5  = linesizeY - width     (paddingY)
    sub                 r7, r7, r0, lsr #1                             @ r7  = linesizeU - width / 2 (paddingU)
    sub                 r12,r12,r0, lsr #1                             @ r12 = linesizeV - width / 2 (paddingV)
    ldr                 r10,[sp, #120]                                 @ r10 = srcV

.macro load_chroma_nv12
    pld [r12, #64*3]

    vld2.8              {d2, d3}, [r6]!                                @ q1: interleaved chroma line
    vshll.u8            q14, d2, #3                                    @ q14 = U * (1 << 3)
    vshll.u8            q15, d3, #3                                    @ q15 = V * (1 << 3)

.macro load_chroma_nv21
    pld [r12, #64*3]

    vld2.8              {d2, d3}, [r6]!                                @ q1: interleaved chroma line
    vshll.u8            q14, d3, #3                                    @ q14 = U * (1 << 3)
    vshll.u8            q15, d2, #3                                    @ q15 = V * (1 << 3)

.macro load_chroma_yuv420p
    pld [r10, #64*3]
    pld [r12, #64*3]

    vld1.8              d2, [r6]!                                      @ d2: chroma red line
    vld1.8              d3, [r10]!                                     @ d3: chroma blue line
    vshll.u8            q14, d2, #3                                    @ q14 = U * (1 << 3)
    vshll.u8            q15, d3, #3                                    @ q15 = V * (1 << 3)

.macro load_chroma_yuv422p
    pld [r10, #64*3]

    vld1.8              d2, [r6]!                                      @ d2: chroma red line
    vld1.8              d3, [r10]!                                     @ d3: chroma blue line
    vshll.u8            q14, d2, #3                                    @ q14 = U * (1 << 3)
    vshll.u8            q15, d3, #3                                    @ q15 = V * (1 << 3)

.macro increment_and_test_nv12
    add                 r11, r11, r3                                   @ dst2  += padding
    add                 r12, r12, r5                                   @ srcY2 += paddingY
    add                 r6, r6, r7                                     @ srcC  += paddingC
    subs                r1, r1, #2                                     @ height -= 2

.macro increment_and_test_nv21

.macro increment_and_test_yuv420p
    add                 r11, r11, r3                                   @ dst2  += padding
    add                 r12, r12, r5                                   @ srcY2 += paddingY
    ldr                 r7, [sp, #116]                                 @ r7     = linesizeU
    sub                 r7, r7, r0, lsr #1                             @ r7     = linesizeU - width / 2 (paddingU)
    add                 r6, r6, r7                                     @ srcU  += paddingU
    ldr                 r7, [sp, #124]                                 @ r7     = linesizeV
    sub                 r7, r7, r0, lsr #1                             @ r7     = linesizeV - width / 2 (paddingV)
    add                 r10, r10, r7                                   @ srcV  += paddingV
    subs                r1, r1, #2                                     @ height -= 2

.macro increment_and_test_yuv422p
    add                 r6, r6, r7                                     @ srcU  += paddingU
    add                 r10,r10,r12                                    @ srcV  += paddingV
    subs                r1, r1, #1                                     @ height -= 1

.macro process_nv12 ofmt
    process_2l \ofmt

.macro process_nv21 ofmt
    process_2l \ofmt

.macro process_yuv420p ofmt
    process_2l \ofmt

.macro process_yuv422p ofmt
    process_1l \ofmt

.macro declare_func ifmt ofmt
function ff_\ifmt\()_to_\ofmt\()_neon, export=1
    vmov.u16            q11, #1024                                     @ q11 = 128 * (1 << 3)
    vdup.16             q12, r9                                        @ q12 = y_offset
    vmov                d26, d0                                        @ q13 = y_coeff
    vmov                d27, d0                                        @ q13 = y_coeff
    mov                 r8, r0                                         @ r8 = width
    pld [r6, #64*3]
    pld [r4, #64*3]
    vmov.i8             d10, #128
    process_\ifmt \ofmt
    subs                r8, r8, #16                                    @ width -= 16
    bgt                 2b
    add                 r2, r2, r3                                     @ dst   += padding
    add                 r4, r4, r5                                     @ srcY  += paddingY
    bgt                 1b
    vpop                {q4-q7}
    pop                 {r4-r12, lr}
    mov                 pc, lr

.macro declare_rgb_funcs ifmt
    declare_func \ifmt, argb
    declare_func \ifmt, rgba
    declare_func \ifmt, abgr
    declare_func \ifmt, bgra

declare_rgb_funcs nv12
declare_rgb_funcs nv21
declare_rgb_funcs yuv420p
declare_rgb_funcs yuv422p

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