handle            474 cygnal/libnet/diskstream.cpp 	HANDLE handle = CreateFileMapping((HANDLE)_get_osfhandle(_filefd), NULL,
handle            476 cygnal/libnet/diskstream.cpp 	if (handle != NULL) {
handle            477 cygnal/libnet/diskstream.cpp 	    dataptr = static_cast<boost::uint8_t *>(MapViewOfFile(handle, FILE_MAP_COPY, 0, offset, page));
handle            478 cygnal/libnet/diskstream.cpp 	    CloseHandle(handle);
handle            107 gui/fltk/fltk.cpp         Window::handle(event);
handle            111 gui/fltk/fltk.cpp         Window::handle(event);
handle            117 gui/fltk/fltk.cpp           return Window::handle(event);
handle            120 gui/fltk/fltk.cpp         return Window::handle(event);
handle            127 gui/fltk/fltk.cpp         return Window::handle(event);
handle             65 gui/fltk/fltksup.h     int handle(int event);
handle            212 libbase/curl_adapter.cpp         ci->lockSharedHandle(handle, data, access);
handle            224 libbase/curl_adapter.cpp         ci->unlockSharedHandle(handle, data);
handle            319 libbase/curl_adapter.cpp     UNUSED(handle); // possibly being the 'easy' handle triggering the request ?
handle            363 libbase/curl_adapter.cpp     UNUSED(handle); // possibly being the 'easy' handle triggering the request ?