/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
This source file includes following definitions.
- add_text_field
- main
* Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* Uses both "embedded" font and device fonts.
* The text written is 'Hello world' in both cases.
* Text at the bottom is the one with embedded fonts.
* TODO: add a testrunner for pixel checking.
* TODO: test autoSize and wordWrap interaction (what takes precedence?)
* run as ./DefineEditTextTest
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ming.h>
#include "ming_utils.h"
#define OUTPUT_FILENAME "TextSnapshotTest.swf"
add_text_field(SWFMovie mo, SWFFont font, const char* text);
add_text_field(SWFMovie mo, SWFFont font, const char* text)
SWFText tf;
tf = newSWFText();
SWFText_setFont(tf, font);
SWFText_addString(tf, text, NULL);
return SWFMovie_add(mo, (SWFBlock)tf);
main(int argc, char** argv)
SWFMovie mo;
const char *srcdir=".";
char fdbfont[256];
SWFMovieClip dejagnuclip;
* Initialization
if ( argc>1 ) srcdir=argv[1];
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s <mediadir>\n", argv[0]);
return 1;
sprintf(fdbfont, "%s/Bitstream-Vera-Sans.fdb", srcdir);
puts("Setting things up");
Ming_useSWFVersion (OUTPUT_VERSION);
//Ming_setScale(20.0); /* so we talk twips */
mo = newSWFMovie();
SWFMovie_setRate(mo, 1.0);
SWFMovie_setDimension(mo, 800, 600);
dejagnuclip = get_dejagnu_clip((SWFBlock)get_default_font(srcdir), 10, 0, 0, 800, 600);
SWFMovie_add(mo, (SWFBlock)dejagnuclip);
SWFMovie_nextFrame(mo); // 1st frame
* Add some textfields
SWFDisplayItem it;
FILE *font_file = fopen(fdbfont, "r");
if ( font_file == NULL )
SWFFont efont = loadSWFFontFromFile(font_file);
it = add_text_field(mo, efont, "First text");
SWFDisplayItem_setName(it, "dtext1");
SWFDisplayItem_moveTo(it, 0, 200);
it = add_text_field(mo, efont, "Zweites Textfeld");
SWFDisplayItem_setName(it, "etext1");
SWFDisplayItem_moveTo(it, 0, 300);
it = add_text_field(mo, efont, "Some more static text here... abcdefgh");
SWFDisplayItem_setName(it, "dtext2");
SWFDisplayItem_moveTo(it, 0, 400);
add_actions(mo, "createTextField('dynamictext1', 99, 10, 10, 10, 10);"
"this.dynamictext1.text = 'Dynamic Text';");
add_actions(mo, "ts = this.getTextSnapshot();");
check(mo, "ts instanceof TextSnapshot");
check_equals(mo, "ts.getCount()", "64");
check_equals(mo, "ts.getText(0, 1)", "'F'");
check_equals(mo, "ts.getText(3, 3)", "'s'");
check_equals(mo, "ts.getText(-5, 5)", "'First'");
check_equals(mo, "ts.getText(10, 6)", "'Z'");
check_equals(mo, "ts.getText(0, 100)", "'First textZweites TextfeldSome more "
"static text here... abcdefgh'");
add_actions(mo, "ss = ts.getText(100, 110);");
check_equals(mo, "typeof(ss)", "'string'");
check_equals(mo, "ss", "'h'");
check_equals(mo, "ss.length", "1");
check_equals(mo, "ts.getText(0, 100, true)",
"'First text\nZweites Textfeld\nSome more "
"static text here... abcdefgh'");
check_equals(mo, "ts.getText(0, 14, true)", "'First text\nZwei'");
check_equals(mo, "ts.findText(0, '', false)", "-1");
check_equals(mo, "ts.findText(0, 'f', false)", "0");
check_equals(mo, "ts.findText(0, 'f', true)", "22");
check_equals(mo, "ts.findText(1, 'Rst', false)", "2");
check_equals(mo, "ts.findText(3, 'RSt', false)", "-1");
check_equals(mo, "ts.findText(100, 'h', false)", "-1");
check_equals(mo, "ts.findText(64, 'h', false)", "-1");
check_equals(mo, "ts.findText(-5, 'Zwei', true)", "-1");
check_equals(mo, "ts.findText(-5, 'gh', true)", "-1");
add_actions(mo, "ts.setSelected(5, 30, true);");
check_equals(mo, "ts.getSelectedText()", "' textZweites TextfeldSome'");
check_equals(mo, "ts.getSelectedText(true)", "' text\nZweites "
check_equals(mo, "ts.getSelectedText(false)", "' textZweites TextfeldSome'");
check_equals(mo, "ts.getSelected(0, 4)", "false");
check_equals(mo, "ts.getSelected(1, 9)", "true");
check_equals(mo, "ts.getSelected(-4, 10)", "true");
check_equals(mo, "ts.getSelected(-4, 6)", "true");
check_equals(mo, "ts.getSelected(28, 23)", "true");
check_equals(mo, "ts.getSelected(20, 20)", "true");
check_equals(mo, "ts.getSelected(20, 27)", "true");
check_equals(mo, "ts.getSelected(-3, -1)", "false");
check_equals(mo, "ts.getSelected(30, 31)", "false");
check_equals(mo, "ts.getSelected(0, 5)", "false");
check_equals(mo, "ts.getSelected(40, 45)", "false");
check_equals(mo, "ts.getSelected(31, 34)", "false");
check_equals(mo, "ts.getSelected(0)", "undefined");
check_equals(mo, "ts.getSelected(1)", "undefined");
check_equals(mo, "ts.getSelected(-4)", "undefined");
check_equals(mo, "ts.getSelected(-4)", "undefined");
check_equals(mo, "ts.getSelected(28)", "undefined");
check_equals(mo, "ts.getSelected(20)", "undefined");
// Selected text is stored in the textfield and reset when a new
// snapshot is taken.
add_actions(mo, "ts2 = new TextSnapshot(this);");
check_equals(mo, "ts.getSelectedText(false)", "''");
check_equals(mo, "ts2.getCount()", "64");
check_equals(mo, "ts2.getSelectedText()", "''");
add_actions(mo, "ts2 = this.getTextSnapshot();");
check_equals(mo, "ts2.getCount()", "64");
check_equals(mo, "ts2.getSelectedText()", "''");
add_actions(mo, "ts2.setSelected(3, 10, true);");
check_equals(mo, "ts2.getSelectedText(false).length", "7");
check_equals(mo, "ts.getSelectedText(false).length", "7");
add_actions(mo, "ts.setSelectedColor(0xffff00);");
add_actions(mo, "ts2.setSelectedColor(0x0000ff);");
check_equals(mo, "ts.getSelectedText(false)", "'st text'");
add_actions(mo, "ri = ts.getTextRunInfo(4, 10);");
check_equals(mo, "typeof(ri)", "'object'");
check(mo, "ri instanceof Array");
check_equals(mo, "ri.length", "7");
add_actions(mo, "el = ri[1];");
check_equals(mo, "typeof(el)", "'object'");
check(mo, "!el.hasOwnProperty('indexInRun')");
check_equals(mo, "el.indexInRun", "5");
check_equals(mo, "el.selected", "true");
check_equals(mo, "el.font", "'Bitstream Vera Sans'");
check_equals(mo, "el.color", "0");
check_equals(mo, "el.height", "12");
check_equals(mo, "el.matrix_a", "1");
check_equals(mo, "el.matrix_b", "0");
check_equals(mo, "el.matrix_c", "0");
check_equals(mo, "el.matrix_d", "1");
check_equals(mo, "el.matrix_tx", "25.95");
check_equals(mo, "el.matrix_ty", "200");
xcheck_equals(mo, "el.corner0x", "25.95");
xcheck_equals(mo, "el.corner0y", "202.8");
xcheck_equals(mo, "el.corner1x", "29.75");
xcheck_equals(mo, "el.corner1y", "202.8");
xcheck_equals(mo, "el.corner2x", "29.75");
xcheck_equals(mo, "el.corner2y", "188.85");
xcheck_equals(mo, "el.corner3x", "25.95");
xcheck_equals(mo, "el.corner3y", "188.85");
// Check properties individually
check_equals(mo, "ri[2].height", "12");
check_equals(mo, "ri[3].height", "12");
check_equals(mo, "ri[4].height", "12");
check_equals(mo, "ri[5].height", "12");
check_equals(mo, "ri[6].height", "12");
check_equals(mo, "ri[2].selected", "true");
check_equals(mo, "ri[3].selected", "true");
check_equals(mo, "ri[4].selected", "true");
check_equals(mo, "ri[5].selected", "true");
check_equals(mo, "ri[6].selected", "false");
check_equals(mo, "ri[2].matrix_tx", "29.75");
check_equals(mo, "ri[2].matrix_ty", "200");
check_equals(mo, "ri[3].matrix_tx", "34.4");
check_equals(mo, "ri[3].matrix_ty", "200");
check_equals(mo, "ri[4].matrix_tx", "41.75");
check_equals(mo, "ri[4].matrix_ty", "200");
xcheck_equals(mo, "ri[2].corner0x", "29.75");
xcheck_equals(mo, "ri[2].corner0y", "202.8");
xcheck_equals(mo, "ri[3].corner0x", "34.4");
xcheck_equals(mo, "ri[3].corner0y", "202.8");
xcheck_equals(mo, "ri[4].corner0x", "41.75");
xcheck_equals(mo, "ri[4].corner0y", "202.8");
xcheck_equals(mo, "ri[2].corner2y", "188.85");
xcheck_equals(mo, "ri[3].corner2y", "188.85");
xcheck_equals(mo, "ri[4].corner2y", "188.85");
add_actions(mo, "ts.setSelected(0, 10, true);");
add_actions(mo, "ts.setSelected(15, 20, false);");
check_equals(mo, "ts2.getSelectedText().length", "10");
add_actions(mo, "ri2 = ts.getTextRunInfo(0, 100);");
check_equals(mo, "ri2[0].selected", "true");
check_equals(mo, "ri2[1].selected", "true");
check_equals(mo, "ri2[2].selected", "true");
check_equals(mo, "ri2[3].selected", "true");
check_equals(mo, "ri2[4].selected", "true");
check_equals(mo, "ri2[5].selected", "true");
check_equals(mo, "ri2[6].selected", "true");
check_equals(mo, "ri2[15].selected", "false");
check_equals(mo, "ri2[16].selected", "false");
check_equals(mo, "ri2[17].selected", "false");
check_equals(mo, "ri2[18].selected", "false");
xcheck_equals(mo, "ri2[50].corner2y", "388.85");
xcheck_equals(mo, "ri2[50].corner2x", "156.6");
xcheck_equals(mo, "ri2[51].corner2y", "388.85");
xcheck_equals(mo, "ri2[51].corner2x", "163.95");
check_equals(mo, "ri2[50].matrix_tx", "151.65");
check_equals(mo, "ri2[51].matrix_tx", "156.55");
add_actions(mo, "ts = this.getTextSnapshot();");
check_equals(mo, "typeof(ts)", "'object'");
add_actions(mo, "backup = TextSnapshot;");
add_actions(mo, "TextSnapshot = undefined;");
add_actions(mo, "t = new TextSnapshot();");
check_equals(mo, "typeof(t)", "'undefined'");
check_equals(mo, "typeof(TextSnapshot)", "'undefined'");
add_actions(mo, "ts = this.getTextSnapshot();");
xcheck_equals(mo, "typeof(ts)", "'undefined'");
add_actions(mo, "TextSnapshot = backup;");
add_actions(mo, "ts = this.getTextSnapshot();");
check_equals(mo, "typeof(ts)", "'object'");
add_actions(mo, "backup = TextSnapshot.prototype;");
add_actions(mo, "TextSnapshot.prototype = undefined;");
add_actions(mo, "ts = this.getTextSnapshot();");
check_equals(mo, "typeof(ts)", "'object'");
add_actions(mo, "TextSnapshot.prototype = backup;");
add_actions(mo, "ts = this.getTextSnapshot();");
check_equals(mo, "typeof(ts)", "'object'");
add_actions(mo, "totals(); stop();");
* Output movie
puts("Saving " OUTPUT_FILENAME );
return 0;