runtime·mcount   111 src/pkg/runtime/os_darwin.c 		runtime·printf("runtime: failed to create new OS thread (have %d already; errno=%d)\n", runtime·mcount(), -errno);
runtime·mcount   149 src/pkg/runtime/os_linux.c 		runtime·printf("runtime: failed to create new OS thread (have %d already; errno=%d)\n", runtime·mcount(), -ret);
runtime·mcount   177 src/pkg/runtime/os_netbsd.c 		runtime·printf("runtime: failed to create new OS thread (have %d already; errno=%d)\n", runtime·mcount() - 1, -ret);
runtime·mcount   154 src/pkg/runtime/os_openbsd.c 		runtime·printf("runtime: failed to create new OS thread (have %d already; errno=%d)\n", runtime·mcount() - 1, -ret);
runtime·mcount   156 src/pkg/runtime/os_solaris.c 		runtime·printf("runtime: failed to create new OS thread (have %d already; errno=%d)\n", runtime·mcount(), ret);
runtime·mcount   235 src/pkg/runtime/os_windows.c 		runtime·printf("runtime: failed to create new OS thread (have %d already; errno=%d)\n", runtime·mcount(), runtime·getlasterror());
runtime·mcount   884 src/pkg/runtime/runtime.h int32	runtime·mcount(void);