
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. inittls
  2. x_cgo_init
  3. _cgo_sys_thread_start
  4. threadentry

// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors.  All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

#include <string.h> /* for strerror */
#include <pthread.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include "libcgo.h"

static void* threadentry(void*);
static pthread_key_t k1, k2;

#define magic1 (0x23581321U)

static void
        uint32 x, y;
        pthread_key_t tofree[128], k;
        int i, ntofree;
        int havek1, havek2;

         * Allocate thread-local storage slots for m, g.
         * The key numbers start at 0x100, and we expect to be
         * one of the early calls to pthread_key_create, so we
         * should be able to get pretty low numbers.
         * In Darwin/386 pthreads, %gs points at the thread
         * structure, and each key is an index into the thread-local
         * storage array that begins at offset 0x48 within in that structure.
         * It may happen that we are not quite the first function to try
         * to allocate thread-local storage keys, so instead of depending
         * on getting 0x100 and 0x101, we try for 0x108 and 0x109,
         * allocating keys until we get the ones we want and then freeing
         * the ones we didn't want.
         * Thus the final offsets to use in %gs references are
         * 0x48+4*0x108 = 0x468 and 0x48+4*0x109 = 0x46c.
         * The linker and runtime hard-code these constant offsets
         * from %gs where we expect to find m and g.
         * Known to ../../../cmd/8l/obj.c:/468
         * and to ../sys_darwin_386.s:/468
         * This is truly disgusting and a bit fragile, but taking care
         * of it here protects the rest of the system from damage.
         * The alternative would be to use a global variable that
         * held the offset and refer to that variable each time we
         * need a %gs variable (m or g).  That approach would
         * require an extra instruction and memory reference in
         * every stack growth prolog and would also require
         * rewriting the code that 8c generates for extern registers.
         * Things get more disgusting on OS X 10.7 Lion.
         * The 0x48 base mentioned above is the offset of the tsd
         * array within the per-thread structure on Leopard and Snow Leopard.
         * On Lion, the base moved a little, so while the math above
         * still applies, the base is different.  Thus, we cannot
         * look for specific key values if we want to build binaries
         * that run on both systems.  Instead, forget about the
         * specific key values and just allocate and initialize per-thread
         * storage until we find a key that writes to the memory location
         * we want.  Then keep that key.
        havek1 = 0;
        havek2 = 0;
        ntofree = 0;
        while(!havek1 || !havek2) {
                if(pthread_key_create(&k, nil) < 0) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "runtime/cgo: pthread_key_create failed\n");
                pthread_setspecific(k, (void*)magic1);
                asm volatile("movl %%gs:0x468, %0" : "=r"(x));
                asm volatile("movl %%gs:0x46c, %0" : "=r"(y));
                if(x == magic1) {
                        havek1 = 1;
                        k1 = k;
                } else if(y == magic1) {
                        havek2 = 1;
                        k2 = k;
                } else {
                        if(ntofree >= nelem(tofree)) {
                                fprintf(stderr, "runtime/cgo: could not obtain pthread_keys\n");
                                fprintf(stderr, "\ttried");
                                for(i=0; i<ntofree; i++)
                                        fprintf(stderr, " %#x", (unsigned)tofree[i]);
                                fprintf(stderr, "\n");
                        tofree[ntofree++] = k;
                pthread_setspecific(k, 0);

         * We got the keys we wanted.  Free the others.
        for(i=0; i<ntofree; i++)

x_cgo_init(G *g)
        pthread_attr_t attr;
        size_t size;

        pthread_attr_getstacksize(&attr, &size);
        g->stackguard = (uintptr)&attr - size + 4096;


_cgo_sys_thread_start(ThreadStart *ts)
        pthread_attr_t attr;
        sigset_t ign, oset;
        pthread_t p;
        size_t size;
        int err;

        pthread_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK, &ign, &oset);

        pthread_attr_getstacksize(&attr, &size);
        ts->g->stackguard = size;
        err = pthread_create(&p, &attr, threadentry, ts);

        pthread_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK, &oset, nil);

        if (err != 0) {
                fprintf(stderr, "runtime/cgo: pthread_create failed: %s\n", strerror(err));

static void*
threadentry(void *v)
        ThreadStart ts;

        ts = *(ThreadStart*)v;

        ts.g->stackbase = (uintptr)&ts;

         * _cgo_sys_thread_start set stackguard to stack size;
         * change to actual guard pointer.
        ts.g->stackguard = (uintptr)&ts - ts.g->stackguard + 4096;

        pthread_setspecific(k1, (void*)ts.g);
        pthread_setspecific(k2, (void*)ts.m);

        return nil;

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