
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

#include "../../cmd/ld/textflag.h"

// NaCl entry on 32-bit x86 has DI pointing at the arg block, which contains:
//      0(DI) - cleanup function pointer, always 0
//      4(DI) - envc
//      8(DI) - argc
//      12(DI) - argv, then 0, then envv, then 0, then auxv
// NaCl entry here is almost the same, except that there
// is no saved caller PC, so 0(FP) is -8(FP) and so on. 
TEXT _rt0_amd64p32_nacl(SB),NOSPLIT,$16
        MOVL    DI, 0(SP)
        CALL    runtime·nacl_sysinfo(SB)
        MOVL    0(SP), DI
        MOVL    8(DI), AX
        LEAL    12(DI), BX
        MOVL    AX, 0(SP)
        MOVL    BX, 4(SP)
        CALL    main(SB)
        INT     $3

        // Uncomment for fake time like on Go Playground.
        //MOVQ  $1257894000000000000, AX
        //MOVQ  AX, runtime·timens(SB)
        JMP     _rt0_go(SB)

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