
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

#include "zasm_GOOS_GOARCH.h"
#include "../../cmd/ld/textflag.h"

// void runtime·asmstdcall(void *c);
TEXT runtime·asmstdcall(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
        MOVL    c+0(FP), BX

        // SetLastError(0).
        MOVL    $0, 0x34(FS)

        // Copy args to the stack.
        MOVL    SP, BP
        MOVL    libcall_n(BX), CX       // words
        MOVL    CX, AX
        SALL    $2, AX
        SUBL    AX, SP                  // room for args
        MOVL    SP, DI
        MOVL    libcall_args(BX), SI
        REP; MOVSL

        // Call stdcall or cdecl function.
        // DI SI BP BX are preserved, SP is not
        CALL    libcall_fn(BX)
        MOVL    BP, SP

        // Return result.
        MOVL    c+0(FP), BX
        MOVL    AX, libcall_r1(BX)
        MOVL    DX, libcall_r2(BX)

        // GetLastError().
        MOVL    0x34(FS), AX
        MOVL    AX, libcall_err(BX)


TEXT    runtime·badsignal2(SB),NOSPLIT,$24
        // stderr
        MOVL    $-12, 0(SP)
        MOVL    SP, BP
        CALL    *runtime·GetStdHandle(SB)
        MOVL    BP, SP

        MOVL    AX, 0(SP)       // handle
        MOVL    $runtime·badsignalmsg(SB), DX // pointer
        MOVL    DX, 4(SP)
        MOVL    runtime·badsignallen(SB), DX // count
        MOVL    DX, 8(SP)
        LEAL    20(SP), DX  // written count
        MOVL    $0, 0(DX)
        MOVL    DX, 12(SP)
        MOVL    $0, 16(SP) // overlapped
        CALL    *runtime·WriteFile(SB)
        MOVL    BP, SI

// faster get/set last error
TEXT runtime·getlasterror(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
        MOVL    0x34(FS), AX

TEXT runtime·setlasterror(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
        MOVL    err+0(FP), AX
        MOVL    AX, 0x34(FS)

// Called by Windows as a Vectored Exception Handler (VEH).
// First argument is pointer to struct containing
// exception record and context pointers.
// Return 0 for 'not handled', -1 for handled.
TEXT runtime·sigtramp(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
        MOVL    ptrs+0(FP), CX
        SUBL    $28, SP

        // save callee-saved registers
        MOVL    BX, 12(SP)
        MOVL    BP, 16(SP)
        MOVL    SI, 20(SP)
        MOVL    DI, 24(SP)

        MOVL    0(CX), BX // ExceptionRecord*
        MOVL    4(CX), CX // Context*

        // fetch g
        MOVL    m(DX), AX
        CMPL    AX, $0
        JNE     2(PC)
        CALL    runtime·badsignal2(SB)
        MOVL    g(DX), DX
        // call sighandler(ExceptionRecord*, Context*, G*)
        MOVL    BX, 0(SP)
        MOVL    CX, 4(SP)
        MOVL    DX, 8(SP)
        CALL    runtime·sighandler(SB)
        // AX is set to report result back to Windows

        // restore callee-saved registers
        MOVL    24(SP), DI
        MOVL    20(SP), SI
        MOVL    16(SP), BP
        MOVL    12(SP), BX

        ADDL    $28, SP
        // RET 4 (return and pop 4 bytes parameters)
        BYTE $0xC2; WORD $4
        RET // unreached; make assembler happy

TEXT runtime·ctrlhandler(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
        PUSHL   $runtime·ctrlhandler1(SB)
        CALL    runtime·externalthreadhandler(SB)
        MOVL    4(SP), CX
        ADDL    $12, SP
        JMP     CX

TEXT runtime·profileloop(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
        PUSHL   $runtime·profileloop1(SB)
        CALL    runtime·externalthreadhandler(SB)
        MOVL    4(SP), CX
        ADDL    $12, SP
        JMP     CX

TEXT runtime·externalthreadhandler(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
        PUSHL   BP
        MOVL    SP, BP
        PUSHL   BX
        PUSHL   SI
        PUSHL   DI
        PUSHL   0x14(FS)
        MOVL    SP, DX

        // setup dummy m, g
        SUBL    $m_end, SP              // space for M
        MOVL    SP, 0(SP)
        MOVL    $m_end, 4(SP)
        CALL    runtime·memclr(SB)     // smashes AX,BX,CX

        LEAL    m_tls(SP), CX
        MOVL    CX, 0x14(FS)
        MOVL    SP, m(CX)
        MOVL    SP, BX
        SUBL    $g_end, SP              // space for G
        MOVL    SP, g(CX)
        MOVL    SP, m_g0(BX)

        MOVL    SP, 0(SP)
        MOVL    $g_end, 4(SP)
        CALL    runtime·memclr(SB)     // smashes AX,BX,CX
        LEAL    -4096(SP), CX
        MOVL    CX, g_stackguard(SP)
        MOVL    DX, g_stackbase(SP)

        PUSHL   16(BP)                  // arg for handler
        CALL    8(BP)
        POPL    CX

        MOVL    g(CX), CX
        MOVL    g_stackbase(CX), SP
        POPL    0x14(FS)
        POPL    DI
        POPL    SI
        POPL    BX
        POPL    BP

GLOBL runtime·cbctxts(SB), $4

TEXT runtime·callbackasm1+0(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
        MOVL    0(SP), AX       // will use to find our callback context

        // remove return address from stack, we are not returning there
        ADDL    $4, SP

        // address to callback parameters into CX
        LEAL    4(SP), CX

        // save registers as required for windows callback
        PUSHL   DI
        PUSHL   SI
        PUSHL   BP
        PUSHL   BX

        // determine index into runtime·cbctxts table
        SUBL    $runtime·callbackasm(SB), AX
        MOVL    $0, DX
        MOVL    $5, BX  // divide by 5 because each call instruction in runtime·callbacks is 5 bytes long
        DIVL    BX,

        // find correspondent runtime·cbctxts table entry
        MOVL    runtime·cbctxts(SB), BX
        MOVL    -4(BX)(AX*4), BX

        // extract callback context
        MOVL    cbctxt_gobody(BX), AX
        MOVL    cbctxt_argsize(BX), DX

        // preserve whatever's at the memory location that
        // the callback will use to store the return value
        PUSHL   0(CX)(DX*1)

        // extend argsize by size of return value
        ADDL    $4, DX

        // remember how to restore stack on return
        MOVL    cbctxt_restorestack(BX), BX
        PUSHL   BX

        // call target Go function
        PUSHL   DX                      // argsize (including return value)
        PUSHL   CX                      // callback parameters
        PUSHL   AX                      // address of target Go function
        CALL    runtime·cgocallback_gofunc(SB)
        POPL    AX
        POPL    CX
        POPL    DX

        // how to restore stack on return
        POPL    BX

        // return value into AX (as per Windows spec)
        // and restore previously preserved value
        MOVL    -4(CX)(DX*1), AX
        POPL    -4(CX)(DX*1)

        MOVL    BX, CX                  // cannot use BX anymore

        // restore registers as required for windows callback
        POPL    BX
        POPL    BP
        POPL    SI
        POPL    DI

        // remove callback parameters before return (as per Windows spec)
        POPL    DX
        ADDL    CX, SP
        PUSHL   DX



// void tstart(M *newm);
TEXT runtime·tstart(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
        MOVL    newm+4(SP), CX          // m
        MOVL    m_g0(CX), DX            // g

        // Layout new m scheduler stack on os stack.
        MOVL    SP, AX
        MOVL    AX, g_stackbase(DX)
        SUBL    $(64*1024), AX          // stack size
        MOVL    AX, g_stackguard(DX)

        // Set up tls.
        LEAL    m_tls(CX), SI
        MOVL    SI, 0x14(FS)
        MOVL    CX, m(SI)
        MOVL    DX, g(SI)

        // Someday the convention will be D is always cleared.

        CALL    runtime·stackcheck(SB) // clobbers AX,CX
        CALL    runtime·mstart(SB)


// uint32 tstart_stdcall(M *newm);
TEXT runtime·tstart_stdcall(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
        MOVL    newm+4(SP), BX

        PUSHL   BX
        CALL    runtime·tstart(SB)
        POPL    BX

        // Adjust stack for stdcall to return properly.
        MOVL    (SP), AX                // save return address
        ADDL    $4, SP                  // remove single parameter
        MOVL    AX, (SP)                // restore return address

        XORL    AX, AX                  // return 0 == success


// setldt(int entry, int address, int limit)
TEXT runtime·setldt(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
        MOVL    address+4(FP), CX
        MOVL    CX, 0x14(FS)

// Sleep duration is in 100ns units.
TEXT runtime·usleep1(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
        MOVL    duration+0(FP), BX
        MOVL    $runtime·usleep2(SB), AX // to hide from 8l

        // Execute call on m->g0 stack, in case we are not actually
        // calling a system call wrapper, like when running under WINE.
        CMPL    CX, $0
        JNE     3(PC)
        // Not a Go-managed thread. Do not switch stack.
        CALL    AX

        MOVL    m(CX), BP

        // leave pc/sp for cpu profiler
        MOVL    (SP), SI
        MOVL    SI, m_libcallpc(BP)
        MOVL    g(CX), SI
        MOVL    SI, m_libcallg(BP)
        // sp must be the last, because once async cpu profiler finds
        // all three values to be non-zero, it will use them
        LEAL    4(SP), SI
        MOVL    SI, m_libcallsp(BP)

        MOVL    m_g0(BP), SI
        CMPL    g(CX), SI
        JNE     usleep1_switch
        // executing on m->g0 already
        CALL    AX
        JMP     usleep1_ret

        // Switch to m->g0 stack and back.
        MOVL    (g_sched+gobuf_sp)(SI), SI
        MOVL    SP, -4(SI)
        LEAL    -4(SI), SP
        CALL    AX
        MOVL    0(SP), SP

        MOVL    m(CX), BP
        MOVL    $0, m_libcallsp(BP)

// Runs on OS stack. duration (in 100ns units) is in BX.
TEXT runtime·usleep2(SB),NOSPLIT,$20
        // Want negative 100ns units.
        NEGL    BX
        MOVL    $-1, hi-4(SP)
        MOVL    BX, lo-8(SP)
        LEAL    lo-8(SP), BX
        MOVL    BX, ptime-12(SP)
        MOVL    $0, alertable-16(SP)
        MOVL    $-1, handle-20(SP)
        MOVL    SP, BP
        MOVL    runtime·NtWaitForSingleObject(SB), AX
        CALL    AX
        MOVL    BP, SP

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