
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

#include "../../../cmd/ld/textflag.h"

// func hasAsm() bool
// returns whether AES-NI is supported
        XORQ AX, AX
        INCL AX
        SHRQ $25, CX
        ANDQ $1, CX
        MOVB CX, ret+0(FP)

// func encryptBlockAsm(nr int, xk *uint32, dst, src *byte)
TEXT ·encryptBlockAsm(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
        MOVQ nr+0(FP), CX
        MOVQ xk+8(FP), AX
        MOVQ dst+16(FP), DX
        MOVQ src+24(FP), BX
        MOVUPS 0(AX), X1
        MOVUPS 0(BX), X0
        ADDQ $16, AX
        PXOR X1, X0
        SUBQ $12, CX
        JE Lenc196
        JB Lenc128
        MOVUPS 0(AX), X1
        AESENC X1, X0
        MOVUPS 16(AX), X1
        AESENC X1, X0
        ADDQ $32, AX
        MOVUPS 0(AX), X1
        AESENC X1, X0
        MOVUPS 16(AX), X1
        AESENC X1, X0
        ADDQ $32, AX
        MOVUPS 0(AX), X1
        AESENC X1, X0
        MOVUPS 16(AX), X1
        AESENC X1, X0
        MOVUPS 32(AX), X1
        AESENC X1, X0
        MOVUPS 48(AX), X1
        AESENC X1, X0
        MOVUPS 64(AX), X1
        AESENC X1, X0
        MOVUPS 80(AX), X1
        AESENC X1, X0
        MOVUPS 96(AX), X1
        AESENC X1, X0
        MOVUPS 112(AX), X1
        AESENC X1, X0
        MOVUPS 128(AX), X1
        AESENC X1, X0
        MOVUPS 144(AX), X1
        AESENCLAST X1, X0
        MOVUPS X0, 0(DX)

// func decryptBlockAsm(nr int, xk *uint32, dst, src *byte)
TEXT ·decryptBlockAsm(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
        MOVQ nr+0(FP), CX
        MOVQ xk+8(FP), AX
        MOVQ dst+16(FP), DX
        MOVQ src+24(FP), BX
        MOVUPS 0(AX), X1
        MOVUPS 0(BX), X0
        ADDQ $16, AX
        PXOR X1, X0
        SUBQ $12, CX
        JE Ldec196
        JB Ldec128
        MOVUPS 0(AX), X1
        AESDEC X1, X0
        MOVUPS 16(AX), X1
        AESDEC X1, X0
        ADDQ $32, AX
        MOVUPS 0(AX), X1
        AESDEC X1, X0
        MOVUPS 16(AX), X1
        AESDEC X1, X0
        ADDQ $32, AX
        MOVUPS 0(AX), X1
        AESDEC X1, X0
        MOVUPS 16(AX), X1
        AESDEC X1, X0
        MOVUPS 32(AX), X1
        AESDEC X1, X0
        MOVUPS 48(AX), X1
        AESDEC X1, X0
        MOVUPS 64(AX), X1
        AESDEC X1, X0
        MOVUPS 80(AX), X1
        AESDEC X1, X0
        MOVUPS 96(AX), X1
        AESDEC X1, X0
        MOVUPS 112(AX), X1
        AESDEC X1, X0
        MOVUPS 128(AX), X1
        AESDEC X1, X0
        MOVUPS 144(AX), X1
        AESDECLAST X1, X0
        MOVUPS X0, 0(DX)

// func expandKeyAsm(nr int, key *byte, enc, dec *uint32) {
// Note that round keys are stored in uint128 format, not uint32
TEXT ·expandKeyAsm(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
        MOVQ nr+0(FP), CX
        MOVQ key+8(FP), AX
        MOVQ enc+16(FP), BX
        MOVQ dec+24(FP), DX
        MOVUPS (AX), X0
        // enc
        MOVUPS X0, (BX)
        ADDQ $16, BX
        PXOR X4, X4 // _expand_key_* expect X4 to be zero
        CMPL CX, $12
        JE Lexp_enc196
        JB Lexp_enc128
        MOVUPS 16(AX), X2
        MOVUPS X2, (BX)
        ADDQ $16, BX
        AESKEYGENASSIST $0x01, X2, X1
        CALL _expand_key_256a<>(SB)
        AESKEYGENASSIST $0x01, X0, X1
        CALL _expand_key_256b<>(SB)
        AESKEYGENASSIST $0x02, X2, X1
        CALL _expand_key_256a<>(SB)
        AESKEYGENASSIST $0x02, X0, X1
        CALL _expand_key_256b<>(SB)
        AESKEYGENASSIST $0x04, X2, X1
        CALL _expand_key_256a<>(SB)
        AESKEYGENASSIST $0x04, X0, X1
        CALL _expand_key_256b<>(SB)
        AESKEYGENASSIST $0x08, X2, X1
        CALL _expand_key_256a<>(SB)
        AESKEYGENASSIST $0x08, X0, X1
        CALL _expand_key_256b<>(SB)
        AESKEYGENASSIST $0x10, X2, X1
        CALL _expand_key_256a<>(SB)
        AESKEYGENASSIST $0x10, X0, X1
        CALL _expand_key_256b<>(SB)
        AESKEYGENASSIST $0x20, X2, X1
        CALL _expand_key_256a<>(SB)
        AESKEYGENASSIST $0x20, X0, X1
        CALL _expand_key_256b<>(SB)
        AESKEYGENASSIST $0x40, X2, X1
        CALL _expand_key_256a<>(SB)
        JMP Lexp_dec
        MOVQ 16(AX), X2
        AESKEYGENASSIST $0x01, X2, X1
        CALL _expand_key_192a<>(SB)
        AESKEYGENASSIST $0x02, X2, X1
        CALL _expand_key_192b<>(SB)
        AESKEYGENASSIST $0x04, X2, X1
        CALL _expand_key_192a<>(SB)
        AESKEYGENASSIST $0x08, X2, X1
        CALL _expand_key_192b<>(SB)
        AESKEYGENASSIST $0x10, X2, X1
        CALL _expand_key_192a<>(SB)
        AESKEYGENASSIST $0x20, X2, X1
        CALL _expand_key_192b<>(SB)
        AESKEYGENASSIST $0x40, X2, X1
        CALL _expand_key_192a<>(SB)
        AESKEYGENASSIST $0x80, X2, X1
        CALL _expand_key_192b<>(SB)
        JMP Lexp_dec
        AESKEYGENASSIST $0x01, X0, X1
        CALL _expand_key_128<>(SB)
        AESKEYGENASSIST $0x02, X0, X1
        CALL _expand_key_128<>(SB)
        AESKEYGENASSIST $0x04, X0, X1
        CALL _expand_key_128<>(SB)
        AESKEYGENASSIST $0x08, X0, X1
        CALL _expand_key_128<>(SB)
        AESKEYGENASSIST $0x10, X0, X1
        CALL _expand_key_128<>(SB)
        AESKEYGENASSIST $0x20, X0, X1
        CALL _expand_key_128<>(SB)
        AESKEYGENASSIST $0x40, X0, X1
        CALL _expand_key_128<>(SB)
        AESKEYGENASSIST $0x80, X0, X1
        CALL _expand_key_128<>(SB)
        AESKEYGENASSIST $0x1b, X0, X1
        CALL _expand_key_128<>(SB)
        AESKEYGENASSIST $0x36, X0, X1
        CALL _expand_key_128<>(SB)
        // dec
        SUBQ $16, BX
        MOVUPS (BX), X1
        MOVUPS X1, (DX)
        DECQ CX
        MOVUPS -16(BX), X1
        AESIMC X1, X0
        MOVUPS X0, 16(DX)
        SUBQ $16, BX
        ADDQ $16, DX
        DECQ CX
        JNZ Lexp_dec_loop
        MOVUPS -16(BX), X0
        MOVUPS X0, 16(DX)

#define PSHUFD_X0_X0_ BYTE $0x66; BYTE $0x0f; BYTE $0x70; BYTE $0xc0
#define PSHUFD_X1_X1_ BYTE $0x66; BYTE $0x0f; BYTE $0x70; BYTE $0xc9
TEXT _expand_key_128<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
        PSHUFD $0xff, X1, X1
        SHUFPS $0x10, X0, X4
        PXOR X4, X0
        SHUFPS $0x8c, X0, X4
        PXOR X4, X0
        PXOR X1, X0
        MOVUPS X0, (BX)
        ADDQ $16, BX

#define PSLLDQ_X5_ BYTE $0x66; BYTE $0x0f; BYTE $0x73; BYTE $0xfd
#define PSHUFD_X0_X3_ BYTE $0x66; BYTE $0x0f; BYTE $0x70; BYTE $0xd8
TEXT _expand_key_192a<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
        PSHUFD $0x55, X1, X1
        SHUFPS $0x10, X0, X4
        PXOR X4, X0
        SHUFPS $0x8c, X0, X4
        PXOR X4, X0
        PXOR X1, X0

        MOVAPS X2, X5
        MOVAPS X2, X6
        PSLLDQ_X5_; BYTE $0x4
        PSHUFD $0xff, X0, X3
        PXOR X3, X2
        PXOR X5, X2

        MOVAPS X0, X1
        SHUFPS $0x44, X0, X6
        MOVUPS X6, (BX)
        SHUFPS $0x4e, X2, X1
        MOVUPS X1, 16(BX)
        ADDQ $32, BX

TEXT _expand_key_192b<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
        PSHUFD $0x55, X1, X1
        SHUFPS $0x10, X0, X4
        PXOR X4, X0
        SHUFPS $0x8c, X0, X4
        PXOR X4, X0
        PXOR X1, X0

        MOVAPS X2, X5
        PSLLDQ_X5_; BYTE $0x4
        PSHUFD $0xff, X0, X3
        PXOR X3, X2
        PXOR X5, X2

        MOVUPS X0, (BX)
        ADDQ $16, BX

TEXT _expand_key_256a<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
        JMP _expand_key_128<>(SB)

TEXT _expand_key_256b<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
        PSHUFD $0xaa, X1, X1
        SHUFPS $0x10, X2, X4
        PXOR X4, X2
        SHUFPS $0x8c, X2, X4
        PXOR X4, X2
        PXOR X1, X2

        MOVUPS X2, (BX)
        ADDQ $16, BX

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