static struct {
int yystate;
int yychar;
char *msg;
} yymsg[] = {
222, ',',
"unexpected comma during import block",
32, ';',
"missing import path; require quoted string",
378, ';',
"missing { after if clause",
399, ';',
"missing { after switch clause",
238, ';',
"missing { after for clause",
476, LBODY,
"missing { after for clause",
22, '{',
"unexpected semicolon or newline before {",
145, ';',
"unexpected semicolon or newline in type declaration",
37, '}',
"unexpected } in channel type",
37, ')',
"unexpected ) in channel type",
37, ',',
"unexpected comma in channel type",
439, LELSE,
"unexpected semicolon or newline before else",
258, ',',
"name list not allowed in interface type",
238, LVAR,
"var declaration not allowed in for initializer",
65, '{',
"unexpected { at end of statement",
377, '{',
"unexpected { at end of statement",
126, ';',
"argument to go/defer must be function call",
426, ';',
"need trailing comma before newline in composite literal",
437, ';',
"need trailing comma before newline in composite literal",
113, LNAME,
"nested func not allowed",
645, ';',
"else must be followed by if or statement block"