gf_dm_sess_get_utc_start  389 include/gpac/download.h u64 gf_dm_sess_get_utc_start(GF_DownloadSession *sess);
gf_dm_sess_get_utc_start  586 modules/mpd_in/mpd_in.c 			GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_DASH, ("[MPD_IN] End of chunk received for %s at UTC "LLU" ms - estimated bandwidth %d kbps - chunk start at UTC "LLU"\n", url, gf_net_get_utc(), 8*bytes_per_sec/1000, gf_dm_sess_get_utc_start(group->sess)));
gf_dm_sess_get_utc_start  601 modules/mpd_in/mpd_in.c 		GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_DASH, ("[MPD_IN] End of file %s download at UTC "LLU" ms - estimated bandwidth %d kbps - started file or last chunk at UTC "LLU"\n", url, gf_net_get_utc(), 8*bytes_per_sec/1000, gf_dm_sess_get_utc_start(group->sess)));
gf_dm_sess_get_utc_start  685 modules/mpd_in/mpd_in.c 	return gf_dm_sess_get_utc_start((GF_DownloadSession *)session);