svg_report        344 src/scene_manager/loader_svg.c 	if (e) svg_report(parser, e, "Error storing embedded IRI data");
svg_report        409 src/scene_manager/loader_svg.c 				svg_report(parser, GF_OK, "unknown datatype for animate transform");
svg_report        450 src/scene_manager/loader_svg.c 				svg_report(parser, GF_OK, "Missing attributeName attribute on %s", gf_node_get_name((GF_Node *)anim->animation_elt));
svg_report        924 src/scene_manager/loader_svg.c 			svg_report(parser, GF_OK, "Skipping unknown event handler %s on node %s", att->name, name);
svg_report        934 src/scene_manager/loader_svg.c 				svg_report(parser, e, "Error parsing attribute %s on node %s", att->name, name);
svg_report        945 src/scene_manager/loader_svg.c 						svg_report(parser, GF_BAD_PARAM, "Invalid value %s for node %s %s", node_name, name, att->name);
svg_report        966 src/scene_manager/loader_svg.c 		svg_report(parser, GF_OK, "Skipping attribute %s on node %s", att->name, name);
svg_report       1121 src/scene_manager/loader_svg.c 		if (!atNode) return svg_report(parser, GF_BAD_PARAM, "Missing node ref for command");
svg_report       1126 src/scene_manager/loader_svg.c 		if (!parser->command->node) return svg_report(parser, GF_BAD_PARAM, "Cannot find node node ref %s for command", atNode);
svg_report       1161 src/scene_manager/loader_svg.c 		if (!atNode) return svg_report(parser, GF_BAD_PARAM, "Missing node ref for command");
svg_report       1163 src/scene_manager/loader_svg.c 		if (!parser->command->node) return svg_report(parser, GF_BAD_PARAM, "Cannot find node node ref %s for command", atNode);
svg_report       1172 src/scene_manager/loader_svg.c 		if (!atAtt) return svg_report(parser, GF_BAD_PARAM, "Missing attribute name for command");
svg_report       1215 src/scene_manager/loader_svg.c 			if (!opNode) return svg_report(parser, GF_BAD_PARAM, "Cannot find operand element %s for command", atOperandNode);
svg_report       1217 src/scene_manager/loader_svg.c 		if (!atValue && (!atOperandNode || !atOperandAtt) ) return svg_report(parser, GF_BAD_PARAM, "Missing attribute value for command");
svg_report       1244 src/scene_manager/loader_svg.c 		if (!atNode) return svg_report(parser, GF_BAD_PARAM, "Missing node ref for command");
svg_report       1248 src/scene_manager/loader_svg.c 		if (!parser->command->node) return svg_report(parser, GF_BAD_PARAM, "Cannot find node node ref %s for command", atNode);
svg_report       1265 src/scene_manager/loader_svg.c 		if (!atEvent) return svg_report(parser, GF_BAD_PARAM, "Missing event name for command");
svg_report       1266 src/scene_manager/loader_svg.c 		if (!atNode) return svg_report(parser, GF_BAD_PARAM, "Missing node ref for command");
svg_report       1270 src/scene_manager/loader_svg.c 		if (!parser->command->node) return svg_report(parser, GF_BAD_PARAM, "Cannot find node node ref %s for command", atNode);
svg_report       1400 src/scene_manager/loader_svg.c 			if (!esd) svg_report(parser, GF_BAD_PARAM, "Invalid LASER Header");
svg_report       1578 src/scene_manager/loader_svg.c 				svg_report(parser, GF_BAD_PARAM, "LASeR sceneUnit not defined for command %s", name);
svg_report       1668 src/scene_manager/loader_svg.c 				svg_report(parser, GF_OK, "Warning: LASeR cannot replace children with a mix of text nodes and elements - ignoring text\n");
svg_report       1753 src/scene_manager/loader_svg.c 				svg_report(parser, GF_BAD_PARAM, "SVG depth mismatch: expecting </%s> got </%s>", the_name, name);
svg_report       1815 src/scene_manager/loader_svg.c 			svg_report(parser, GF_BAD_PARAM, "SVG depth mismatch");
svg_report       1850 src/scene_manager/loader_svg.c 			svg_report(parser, GF_OK, "Warning: LASeR cannot replace children with a mix of text nodes and elements - ignoring text\n");
svg_report       1986 src/scene_manager/loader_svg.c 			svg_report(parser, e, "Error initializing SAX parser: %s", gf_xml_sax_get_error(parser->sax_parser) );
svg_report       2043 src/scene_manager/loader_svg.c 	if (e<0) return svg_report(parser, e, "Unable to parse file %s: %s", load->fileName, gf_xml_sax_get_error(parser->sax_parser) );
svg_report       2091 src/scene_manager/loader_svg.c 	if (e<0) svg_report(parser, e, "Unable to parse chunk: %s", gf_xml_sax_get_error(parser->sax_parser) );