/** * $URL$ * * $LastChangedBy$ - $LastChangedDate$ */ package com.gpac.Osmo4; /** * @copyright RTL Group 2008 * @author RTL Group DTIT software development team (last changed by $LastChangedBy$) * @version $Revision$ * */ public interface GPACInstanceInterface { /** * @version $Revision$ * */ public static class GpacInstanceException extends Exception { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 3207851655866335152L; /** * Constructor * * @param msg */ public GpacInstanceException(String msg) { super(msg); } } /** * Call this method to disconnect */ public void disconnect(); /** * Call this method to connect to a given URL * * @param url The URL to connect to */ public void connect(String url); /** * Destroys the current instance, you won't be able to use it anymore... */ public void destroy(); /** * Set a GPAC preference to given value * * @param category * @param name The name of preference as defined in GPAC.cfg * @param value The value to set, if null, value will be deleted */ public void setGpacPreference(String category, String name, String value); /** * Set a GPAC debug level for a given tool * * @param tools_at_levels a ":" separated debugspec with debugspec := tool@debug_level */ public void setGpacLogs(String tools_at_levels); }