hash             1038 modules/aaa/mod_auth_digest.c         *hash++ = hex[sha1[idx] >> 4];
hash             1039 modules/aaa/mod_auth_digest.c         *hash++ = hex[sha1[idx] & 0xF];
hash             1042 modules/aaa/mod_auth_digest.c     *hash++ = '\0';
hash             1416 modules/aaa/mod_auth_digest.c     char tmp, hash[NONCE_HASH_LEN+1];
hash             1429 modules/aaa/mod_auth_digest.c     gen_nonce_hash(hash, resp->nonce, resp->opaque, r->server, conf);
hash             1433 modules/aaa/mod_auth_digest.c     if (strcmp(hash, resp->nonce+NONCE_TIME_LEN)) {
hash             1436 modules/aaa/mod_auth_digest.c                       resp->nonce, hash);
hash              202 modules/arch/win32/mod_isapi.c     apr_hash_t         *hash;
hash              336 modules/arch/win32/mod_isapi.c     *isa = apr_hash_get(loaded.hash, fpath, APR_HASH_KEY_STRING);
hash              439 modules/arch/win32/mod_isapi.c     apr_hash_set(loaded.hash, key, APR_HASH_KEY_STRING, *isa);
hash             1697 modules/arch/win32/mod_isapi.c     loaded.hash = apr_hash_make(loaded.pool);
hash             1698 modules/arch/win32/mod_isapi.c     if (!loaded.hash) {
hash               43 modules/cache/cache_hash.c     unsigned int         hash;
hash              164 modules/cache/cache_hash.c     unsigned int hash;
hash              204 modules/cache/cache_hash.c     hash = 0;
hash              207 modules/cache/cache_hash.c             hash = hash * 33 + *p;
hash              213 modules/cache/cache_hash.c             hash = hash * 33 + *p;
hash              218 modules/cache/cache_hash.c     for (hep = &ht->array[hash % ht->max], he = *hep;
hash              221 modules/cache/cache_hash.c         if (he->hash == hash &&
hash              234 modules/cache/cache_hash.c     he->hash = hash;
hash               49 modules/ldap/util_ldap_cache.h     unsigned long (*hash)(void *);      /* Func to hash the payload */
hash              314 modules/ldap/util_ldap_cache_mgr.c     cache->hash = hashfunc;
hash              367 modules/ldap/util_ldap_cache_mgr.c     hashval = (*cache->hash)(payload) % cache->size;
hash              418 modules/ldap/util_ldap_cache_mgr.c     hashval = (*cache->hash)(payload) % cache->size;
hash              443 modules/ldap/util_ldap_cache_mgr.c     hashval = (*cache->hash)(payload) % cache->size;
hash               57 server/util_md5.c     unsigned char hash[APR_MD5_DIGESTSIZE];
hash               70 server/util_md5.c     apr_md5_final(hash, &my_md5);
hash               73 server/util_md5.c         *r++ = hex[hash[i] >> 4];
hash               74 server/util_md5.c         *r++ = hex[hash[i] & 0xF];
hash              705 srclib/apr-util/crypto/apr_md5.c     if (!strncmp(hash, apr1_id, strlen(apr1_id))) {
hash              709 srclib/apr-util/crypto/apr_md5.c         apr_md5_encode(passwd, hash, sample, sizeof(sample));
hash              711 srclib/apr-util/crypto/apr_md5.c     else if (!strncmp(hash, APR_SHA1PW_ID, APR_SHA1PW_IDLEN)) {
hash              723 srclib/apr-util/crypto/apr_md5.c         crypt_pw = crypt_r(passwd, hash, &buffer);
hash              734 srclib/apr-util/crypto/apr_md5.c         crypt_pw = crypt_r(passwd, hash, &buffer);
hash              750 srclib/apr-util/crypto/apr_md5.c         crypt_pw = crypt(passwd, hash);
hash              755 srclib/apr-util/crypto/apr_md5.c     return (strcmp(sample, hash) == 0) ? APR_SUCCESS : APR_EMISMATCH;
hash              247 srclib/apr-util/dbm/sdbm/sdbm.c     register long hash;
hash              264 srclib/apr-util/dbm/sdbm/sdbm.c     if ((status = getpage(db, (hash = exhash(key)))) == APR_SUCCESS) {
hash              280 srclib/apr-util/dbm/sdbm/sdbm.c             if ((status = makroom(db, hash, need)) != APR_SUCCESS)
hash              319 srclib/apr-util/dbm/sdbm/sdbm.c         newp = (hash & db->hmask) | (db->hmask + 1);
hash              329 srclib/apr-util/dbm/sdbm/sdbm.c         if (hash & (db->hmask + 1)) {
hash              356 srclib/apr-util/dbm/sdbm/sdbm.c                    + ((hash & (db->hmask + 1)) ? 2 : 1);
hash              454 srclib/apr-util/dbm/sdbm/sdbm.c     dbit = 2 * dbit + ((hash & (1 << hbit++)) ? 2 : 1);
hash              461 srclib/apr-util/dbm/sdbm/sdbm.c     pagb = hash & db->hmask;
hash              154 srclib/apr-util/include/apr_md5.h                                                 const char *hash);
hash              154 srclib/apr-util/include/apr_memcache.h                                                                    const apr_uint32_t hash);
hash              162 srclib/apr-util/include/apr_memcache.h                                       const apr_uint32_t hash);
hash              152 srclib/apr-util/memcache/apr_memcache.c         return mc->server_func(mc->server_baton, mc, hash);
hash              155 srclib/apr-util/memcache/apr_memcache.c         return apr_memcache_find_server_hash_default(NULL, mc, hash);
hash              164 srclib/apr-util/memcache/apr_memcache.c     apr_uint32_t h = hash ? hash : 1;
hash              573 srclib/apr-util/memcache/apr_memcache.c     apr_uint32_t hash;
hash              583 srclib/apr-util/memcache/apr_memcache.c     hash = apr_memcache_hash(mc, key, key_size);
hash              585 srclib/apr-util/memcache/apr_memcache.c     ms = apr_memcache_find_server_hash(mc, hash);
hash              705 srclib/apr-util/memcache/apr_memcache.c     apr_uint32_t hash;
hash              710 srclib/apr-util/memcache/apr_memcache.c     hash = apr_memcache_hash(mc, key, klen);
hash              711 srclib/apr-util/memcache/apr_memcache.c     ms = apr_memcache_find_server_hash(mc, hash);
hash              839 srclib/apr-util/memcache/apr_memcache.c     apr_uint32_t hash;
hash              844 srclib/apr-util/memcache/apr_memcache.c     hash = apr_memcache_hash(mc, key, klen);
hash              845 srclib/apr-util/memcache/apr_memcache.c     ms = apr_memcache_find_server_hash(mc, hash);
hash              908 srclib/apr-util/memcache/apr_memcache.c     apr_uint32_t hash;
hash              913 srclib/apr-util/memcache/apr_memcache.c     hash = apr_memcache_hash(mc, key, klen);
hash              914 srclib/apr-util/memcache/apr_memcache.c     ms = apr_memcache_find_server_hash(mc, hash);
hash             1148 srclib/apr-util/memcache/apr_memcache.c     apr_uint32_t hash;
hash             1181 srclib/apr-util/memcache/apr_memcache.c         hash = apr_memcache_hash(mc, value->key, klen);
hash             1182 srclib/apr-util/memcache/apr_memcache.c         ms = apr_memcache_find_server_hash(mc, hash);
hash              138 srclib/apr-util/test/testmemcache.c   apr_uint32_t hash;
hash              163 srclib/apr-util/test/testmemcache.c     hash = apr_memcache_hash(memcache, prefix, strlen(prefix));
hash              164 srclib/apr-util/test/testmemcache.c     ABTS_ASSERT(tc, "hash failed", hash > 0);
hash              166 srclib/apr-util/test/testmemcache.c     s = apr_memcache_find_server_hash(memcache, hash);
hash               33 srclib/apr-util/test/testpass.c     const char *hash;
hash               67 srclib/apr-util/test/testpass.c                                                  passwords[i].hash));
hash              110 srclib/apr-util/test/testpass.c     char hash[100];
hash              112 srclib/apr-util/test/testpass.c     apr_sha1_base64(pass, strlen(pass), hash);
hash              115 srclib/apr-util/test/testpass.c                        apr_password_validate(pass, hash));
hash              121 srclib/apr-util/test/testpass.c     char hash[100];
hash              123 srclib/apr-util/test/testpass.c     apr_md5_encode(pass, salt, hash, sizeof hash);
hash              126 srclib/apr-util/test/testpass.c                        apr_password_validate(pass, hash));
hash             4257 srclib/apr-util/xml/expat/lib/xmlparse.c     i = hash(name) & (table->size - 1);
hash             4260 srclib/apr-util/xml/expat/lib/xmlparse.c     unsigned long h = hash(name);
hash             4280 srclib/apr-util/xml/expat/lib/xmlparse.c 	  for (j = hash(table->v[i]->name) & (newSize - 1);
hash              224 srclib/apr/include/apr_hash.h APR_POOL_DECLARE_ACCESSOR(hash);
hash              228 srclib/apr/random/unix/apr_random.c                 hash(g->pool_hash,p->pool+r,p->pool+r*2,g->pool_hash->size*2);
hash              242 srclib/apr/random/unix/apr_random.c     hash(g->prng_hash,g->H,g->H,H_size(g));
hash              243 srclib/apr/random/unix/apr_random.c     hash(g->prng_hash,random,g->H,B_size(g));
hash               48 srclib/apr/tables/apr_hash.c     unsigned int      hash;
hash              173 srclib/apr/tables/apr_hash.c         unsigned int i = hi->this->hash & new_max;
hash              184 srclib/apr/tables/apr_hash.c     unsigned int hash = 0;
hash              229 srclib/apr/tables/apr_hash.c             hash = hash * 33 + *p;
hash              235 srclib/apr/tables/apr_hash.c             hash = hash * 33 + *p;
hash              239 srclib/apr/tables/apr_hash.c     return hash;
hash              258 srclib/apr/tables/apr_hash.c     unsigned int hash;
hash              260 srclib/apr/tables/apr_hash.c     hash = ht->hash_func(key, &klen);
hash              263 srclib/apr/tables/apr_hash.c     for (hep = &ht->array[hash & ht->max], he = *hep;
hash              265 srclib/apr/tables/apr_hash.c         if (he->hash == hash
hash              279 srclib/apr/tables/apr_hash.c     he->hash = hash;
hash              313 srclib/apr/tables/apr_hash.c             (*new_entry)->hash = orig_entry->hash;
hash              435 srclib/apr/tables/apr_hash.c             i = iter->hash & res->max;
hash              439 srclib/apr/tables/apr_hash.c             new_vals[j].hash = iter->hash;
hash              448 srclib/apr/tables/apr_hash.c             i = iter->hash & res->max;
hash              466 srclib/apr/tables/apr_hash.c                 new_vals[j].hash = iter->hash;
hash              443 srclib/apr/tables/apr_tables.c     int hash;
hash              448 srclib/apr/tables/apr_tables.c         hash = TABLE_HASH(next_elt->key);
hash              449 srclib/apr/tables/apr_tables.c         t->index_last[hash] = i;
hash              450 srclib/apr/tables/apr_tables.c         if (!TABLE_INDEX_IS_INITIALIZED(t, hash)) {
hash              451 srclib/apr/tables/apr_tables.c             t->index_first[hash] = i;
hash              452 srclib/apr/tables/apr_tables.c             TABLE_SET_INDEX_INITIALIZED(t, hash);
hash              468 srclib/apr/tables/apr_tables.c     int hash;
hash              474 srclib/apr/tables/apr_tables.c     hash = TABLE_HASH(key);
hash              475 srclib/apr/tables/apr_tables.c     if (!TABLE_INDEX_IS_INITIALIZED(t, hash)) {
hash              479 srclib/apr/tables/apr_tables.c     next_elt = ((apr_table_entry_t *) t->a.elts) + t->index_first[hash];;
hash              480 srclib/apr/tables/apr_tables.c     end_elt = ((apr_table_entry_t *) t->a.elts) + t->index_last[hash];
hash              499 srclib/apr/tables/apr_tables.c     int hash;
hash              502 srclib/apr/tables/apr_tables.c     hash = TABLE_HASH(key);
hash              503 srclib/apr/tables/apr_tables.c     if (!TABLE_INDEX_IS_INITIALIZED(t, hash)) {
hash              504 srclib/apr/tables/apr_tables.c         t->index_first[hash] = t->a.nelts;
hash              505 srclib/apr/tables/apr_tables.c         TABLE_SET_INDEX_INITIALIZED(t, hash);
hash              508 srclib/apr/tables/apr_tables.c     next_elt = ((apr_table_entry_t *) t->a.elts) + t->index_first[hash];;
hash              509 srclib/apr/tables/apr_tables.c     end_elt = ((apr_table_entry_t *) t->a.elts) + t->index_last[hash];
hash              557 srclib/apr/tables/apr_tables.c     t->index_last[hash] = t->a.nelts;
hash              571 srclib/apr/tables/apr_tables.c     int hash;
hash              574 srclib/apr/tables/apr_tables.c     hash = TABLE_HASH(key);
hash              575 srclib/apr/tables/apr_tables.c     if (!TABLE_INDEX_IS_INITIALIZED(t, hash)) {
hash              576 srclib/apr/tables/apr_tables.c         t->index_first[hash] = t->a.nelts;
hash              577 srclib/apr/tables/apr_tables.c         TABLE_SET_INDEX_INITIALIZED(t, hash);
hash              580 srclib/apr/tables/apr_tables.c     next_elt = ((apr_table_entry_t *) t->a.elts) + t->index_first[hash];;
hash              581 srclib/apr/tables/apr_tables.c     end_elt = ((apr_table_entry_t *) t->a.elts) + t->index_last[hash];
hash              629 srclib/apr/tables/apr_tables.c     t->index_last[hash] = t->a.nelts;
hash              642 srclib/apr/tables/apr_tables.c     int hash;
hash              645 srclib/apr/tables/apr_tables.c     hash = TABLE_HASH(key);
hash              646 srclib/apr/tables/apr_tables.c     if (!TABLE_INDEX_IS_INITIALIZED(t, hash)) {
hash              650 srclib/apr/tables/apr_tables.c     next_elt = ((apr_table_entry_t *) t->a.elts) + t->index_first[hash];
hash              651 srclib/apr/tables/apr_tables.c     end_elt = ((apr_table_entry_t *) t->a.elts) + t->index_last[hash];
hash              696 srclib/apr/tables/apr_tables.c     int hash;
hash              699 srclib/apr/tables/apr_tables.c     hash = TABLE_HASH(key);
hash              700 srclib/apr/tables/apr_tables.c     if (!TABLE_INDEX_IS_INITIALIZED(t, hash)) {
hash              701 srclib/apr/tables/apr_tables.c         t->index_first[hash] = t->a.nelts;
hash              702 srclib/apr/tables/apr_tables.c         TABLE_SET_INDEX_INITIALIZED(t, hash);
hash              705 srclib/apr/tables/apr_tables.c     next_elt = ((apr_table_entry_t *) t->a.elts) + t->index_first[hash];
hash              706 srclib/apr/tables/apr_tables.c     end_elt = ((apr_table_entry_t *) t->a.elts) + t->index_last[hash];
hash              720 srclib/apr/tables/apr_tables.c     t->index_last[hash] = t->a.nelts;
hash              733 srclib/apr/tables/apr_tables.c     int hash;
hash              749 srclib/apr/tables/apr_tables.c     hash = TABLE_HASH(key);
hash              750 srclib/apr/tables/apr_tables.c     if (!TABLE_INDEX_IS_INITIALIZED(t, hash)) {
hash              751 srclib/apr/tables/apr_tables.c         t->index_first[hash] = t->a.nelts;
hash              752 srclib/apr/tables/apr_tables.c         TABLE_SET_INDEX_INITIALIZED(t, hash);
hash              755 srclib/apr/tables/apr_tables.c     next_elt = ((apr_table_entry_t *) t->a.elts) + t->index_first[hash];;
hash              756 srclib/apr/tables/apr_tables.c     end_elt = ((apr_table_entry_t *) t->a.elts) + t->index_last[hash];
hash              770 srclib/apr/tables/apr_tables.c     t->index_last[hash] = t->a.nelts;
hash              782 srclib/apr/tables/apr_tables.c     int hash;
hash              784 srclib/apr/tables/apr_tables.c     hash = TABLE_HASH(key);
hash              785 srclib/apr/tables/apr_tables.c     t->index_last[hash] = t->a.nelts;
hash              786 srclib/apr/tables/apr_tables.c     if (!TABLE_INDEX_IS_INITIALIZED(t, hash)) {
hash              787 srclib/apr/tables/apr_tables.c         t->index_first[hash] = t->a.nelts;
hash              788 srclib/apr/tables/apr_tables.c         TABLE_SET_INDEX_INITIALIZED(t, hash);
hash              802 srclib/apr/tables/apr_tables.c     int hash;
hash              817 srclib/apr/tables/apr_tables.c     hash = TABLE_HASH(key);
hash              818 srclib/apr/tables/apr_tables.c     t->index_last[hash] = t->a.nelts;
hash              819 srclib/apr/tables/apr_tables.c     if (!TABLE_INDEX_IS_INITIALIZED(t, hash)) {
hash              820 srclib/apr/tables/apr_tables.c         t->index_first[hash] = t->a.nelts;
hash              821 srclib/apr/tables/apr_tables.c         TABLE_SET_INDEX_INITIALIZED(t, hash);
hash              960 srclib/apr/tables/apr_tables.c             int hash = TABLE_HASH(argp);
hash              961 srclib/apr/tables/apr_tables.c             if (TABLE_INDEX_IS_INITIALIZED(t, hash)) {
hash              964 srclib/apr/tables/apr_tables.c                 for (i = t->index_first[hash];
hash              965 srclib/apr/tables/apr_tables.c                      rv && (i <= t->index_last[hash]); ++i) {
hash              135 srclib/apr/test/testhash.c     unsigned int hash = 0;
hash              138 srclib/apr/test/testhash.c         hash = hash * 33 + key[ *klen ];
hash              140 srclib/apr/test/testhash.c     return hash;