copy              363 3rdparty/include/opencl/1.2/CL/cl.hpp #define __COPY_ERR                          __ERR_STR(cl::copy)
copy             2977 3rdparty/include/opencl/1.2/CL/cl.hpp cl_int copy( IteratorType startIterator, IteratorType endIterator, cl::Buffer &buffer );
copy             2979 3rdparty/include/opencl/1.2/CL/cl.hpp cl_int copy( const cl::Buffer &buffer, IteratorType startIterator, IteratorType endIterator );
copy             3083 3rdparty/include/opencl/1.2/CL/cl.hpp             error = cl::copy(startIterator, endIterator, *this);
copy             6241 3rdparty/include/opencl/1.2/CL/cl.hpp     std::copy(
copy             6247 3rdparty/include/opencl/1.2/CL/cl.hpp     std::copy(startIterator, endIterator, pointer);
copy             6277 3rdparty/include/opencl/1.2/CL/cl.hpp     std::copy(pointer, pointer + length, startIterator);
copy              903 3rdparty/libjasper/jas_icc.c         if (newattrval->ops->copy) {
copy              904 3rdparty/libjasper/jas_icc.c             if ((*newattrval->ops->copy)(newattrval, attrval))
copy              298 3rdparty/libjasper/jasper/jas_icc.h     int (*copy)(struct jas_iccattrval_s *, struct jas_iccattrval_s *);
copy              345 3rdparty/libpng/pngrutil.c             png_size_t copy = output_size - count;
copy              347 3rdparty/libpng/pngrutil.c             if (space < copy)
copy              348 3rdparty/libpng/pngrutil.c                copy = space;
copy              350 3rdparty/libpng/pngrutil.c             png_memcpy(output + count, png_ptr->zbuf, copy);
copy               77 3rdparty/openexr/IlmImf/ImfAttribute.h     virtual Attribute *		copy () const = 0;
copy              181 3rdparty/openexr/IlmImf/ImfAttribute.h     virtual Attribute *			copy () const;
copy              309 3rdparty/openexr/IlmImf/ImfAttribute.h TypedAttribute<T>::copy () const
copy              297 3rdparty/openexr/IlmImf/ImfHeader.cpp     Attribute *tmp = attribute.copy();
copy              317 3rdparty/openexr/IlmImf/ImfHeader.cpp     Attribute *tmp = attribute.copy();
copy               82 3rdparty/openexr/IlmImf/ImfOpaqueAttribute.h     virtual Attribute *		copy () const;
copy              210 3rdparty/zlib/gzwrite.c             unsigned have, copy;
copy              215 3rdparty/zlib/gzwrite.c             copy = state->size - have;
copy              216 3rdparty/zlib/gzwrite.c             if (copy > len)
copy              217 3rdparty/zlib/gzwrite.c                 copy = len;
copy              218 3rdparty/zlib/gzwrite.c             memcpy(state->in + have, buf, copy);
copy              219 3rdparty/zlib/gzwrite.c             strm->avail_in += copy;
copy              220 3rdparty/zlib/gzwrite.c             state->x.pos += copy;
copy              221 3rdparty/zlib/gzwrite.c             buf = (const char *)buf + copy;
copy              222 3rdparty/zlib/gzwrite.c             len -= copy;
copy              263 3rdparty/zlib/infback.c     unsigned copy;              /* number of stored or match bytes to copy */
copy              342 3rdparty/zlib/infback.c                 copy = state->length;
copy              345 3rdparty/zlib/infback.c                 if (copy > have) copy = have;
copy              346 3rdparty/zlib/infback.c                 if (copy > left) copy = left;
copy              347 3rdparty/zlib/infback.c                 zmemcpy(put, next, copy);
copy              348 3rdparty/zlib/infback.c                 have -= copy;
copy              349 3rdparty/zlib/infback.c                 next += copy;
copy              350 3rdparty/zlib/infback.c                 left -= copy;
copy              351 3rdparty/zlib/infback.c                 put += copy;
copy              352 3rdparty/zlib/infback.c                 state->length -= copy;
copy              419 3rdparty/zlib/infback.c                         copy = 3 + BITS(2);
copy              426 3rdparty/zlib/infback.c                         copy = 3 + BITS(3);
copy              433 3rdparty/zlib/infback.c                         copy = 11 + BITS(7);
copy              436 3rdparty/zlib/infback.c                     if (state->have + copy > state->nlen + state->ndist) {
copy              441 3rdparty/zlib/infback.c                     while (copy--)
copy              588 3rdparty/zlib/infback.c                 copy = state->wsize - state->offset;
copy              589 3rdparty/zlib/infback.c                 if (copy < left) {
copy              590 3rdparty/zlib/infback.c                     from = put + copy;
copy              591 3rdparty/zlib/infback.c                     copy = left - copy;
copy              595 3rdparty/zlib/infback.c                     copy = left;
copy              597 3rdparty/zlib/infback.c                 if (copy > state->length) copy = state->length;
copy              598 3rdparty/zlib/infback.c                 state->length -= copy;
copy              599 3rdparty/zlib/infback.c                 left -= copy;
copy              602 3rdparty/zlib/infback.c                 } while (--copy);
copy               97 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c                            unsigned copy));
copy              379 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c local int updatewindow(strm, end, copy)
copy              382 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c unsigned copy;
copy              405 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c     if (copy >= state->wsize) {
copy              412 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c         if (dist > copy) dist = copy;
copy              413 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c         zmemcpy(state->window + state->wnext, end - copy, dist);
copy              414 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c         copy -= dist;
copy              415 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c         if (copy) {
copy              416 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c             zmemcpy(state->window, end - copy, copy);
copy              417 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c             state->wnext = copy;
copy              616 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c     unsigned copy;              /* number of stored or match bytes to copy */
copy              735 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c                 copy = state->length;
copy              736 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c                 if (copy > have) copy = have;
copy              737 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c                 if (copy) {
copy              742 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c                                 len + copy > state->head->extra_max ?
copy              743 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c                                 state->head->extra_max - len : copy);
copy              746 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c                         state->check = crc32(state->check, next, copy);
copy              747 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c                     have -= copy;
copy              748 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c                     next += copy;
copy              749 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c                     state->length -= copy;
copy              758 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c                 copy = 0;
copy              760 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c                     len = (unsigned)(next[copy++]);
copy              765 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c                 } while (len && copy < have);
copy              767 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c                     state->check = crc32(state->check, next, copy);
copy              768 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c                 have -= copy;
copy              769 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c                 next += copy;
copy              779 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c                 copy = 0;
copy              781 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c                     len = (unsigned)(next[copy++]);
copy              786 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c                 } while (len && copy < have);
copy              788 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c                     state->check = crc32(state->check, next, copy);
copy              789 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c                 have -= copy;
copy              790 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c                 next += copy;
copy              881 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c             copy = state->length;
copy              882 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c             if (copy) {
copy              883 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c                 if (copy > have) copy = have;
copy              884 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c                 if (copy > left) copy = left;
copy              885 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c                 if (copy == 0) goto inf_leave;
copy              886 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c                 zmemcpy(put, next, copy);
copy              887 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c                 have -= copy;
copy              888 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c                 next += copy;
copy              889 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c                 left -= copy;
copy              890 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c                 put += copy;
copy              891 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c                 state->length -= copy;
copy              957 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c                         copy = 3 + BITS(2);
copy              964 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c                         copy = 3 + BITS(3);
copy              971 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c                         copy = 11 + BITS(7);
copy              974 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c                     if (state->have + copy > state->nlen + state->ndist) {
copy              979 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c                     while (copy--)
copy             1125 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c             copy = out - left;
copy             1126 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c             if (state->offset > copy) {         /* copy from window */
copy             1127 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c                 copy = state->offset - copy;
copy             1128 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c                 if (copy > state->whave) {
copy             1136 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c                     copy -= state->whave;
copy             1137 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c                     if (copy > state->length) copy = state->length;
copy             1138 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c                     if (copy > left) copy = left;
copy             1139 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c                     left -= copy;
copy             1140 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c                     state->length -= copy;
copy             1143 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c                     } while (--copy);
copy             1148 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c                 if (copy > state->wnext) {
copy             1149 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c                     copy -= state->wnext;
copy             1150 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c                     from = state->window + (state->wsize - copy);
copy             1153 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c                     from = state->window + (state->wnext - copy);
copy             1154 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c                 if (copy > state->length) copy = state->length;
copy             1158 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c                 copy = state->length;
copy             1160 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c             if (copy > left) copy = left;
copy             1161 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c             left -= copy;
copy             1162 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c             state->length -= copy;
copy             1165 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c             } while (--copy);
copy             1443 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c     struct inflate_state FAR *copy;
copy             1454 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c     copy = (struct inflate_state FAR *)
copy             1456 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c     if (copy == Z_NULL) return Z_MEM_ERROR;
copy             1462 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c             ZFREE(source, copy);
copy             1469 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c     zmemcpy((voidpf)copy, (voidpf)state, sizeof(struct inflate_state));
copy             1472 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c         copy->lencode = copy->codes + (state->lencode - state->codes);
copy             1473 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c         copy->distcode = copy->codes + (state->distcode - state->codes);
copy             1475 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c     copy->next = copy->codes + (state->next - state->codes);
copy             1480 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c     copy->window = window;
copy             1481 3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c     dest->state = (struct internal_state FAR *)copy;
copy             3510 modules/calib3d/src/calibration.cpp         std::copy(pt1data, pt1data + ni1, std::back_inserter(imgpt1));
copy             3511 modules/calib3d/src/calibration.cpp         std::copy(pt3data, pt3data + ni3, std::back_inserter(imgpt3));
copy             1726 modules/calib3d/test/test_cameracalibration.cpp         std::copy(objectPoints[i].begin(), objectPoints[i].end(), objPtData + j);
copy             1727 modules/calib3d/test/test_cameracalibration.cpp         std::copy(imagePoints1[i].begin(), imagePoints1[i].end(), imgPtData + j);
copy             1728 modules/calib3d/test/test_cameracalibration.cpp         std::copy(imagePoints2[i].begin(), imagePoints2[i].end(), imgPtData2 + j);
copy              729 modules/calib3d/test/test_fundam.cpp     cvtest::copy( vec, vec2 );
copy              751 modules/calib3d/test/test_fundam.cpp             cvtest::copy( test_mat[REF_OUTPUT][2], test_mat[OUTPUT][2] );
copy              137 modules/calib3d/test/test_undistort.cpp         cvtest::copy(src, dst);
copy              442 modules/calib3d/test/test_undistort.cpp     cvtest::copy(test_mat[INPUT][0], test_mat[OUTPUT][0]);
copy              837 modules/calib3d/test/test_undistort.cpp     cvtest::copy(test_mat[INPUT][0],test_mat[OUTPUT][0]);
copy              893 modules/calib3d/test/test_undistort.cpp     cvtest::copy(test_mat[INPUT][0],test_mat[OUTPUT][0]);
copy              100 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/cuda/detail/reduce_key_val.hpp                 For<I + 1, N>::copy(svals, val, tid, delta);
copy              223 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/cuda/detail/reduce_key_val.hpp             For<0, thrust::tuple_size<thrust::tuple<VP0, VP1, VP2, VP3, VP4, VP5, VP6, VP7, VP8, VP9> >::value>::copy(svals, val, tid, delta);
copy              421 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/mat.hpp     virtual void copy(UMatData* srcdata, UMatData* dstdata, int dims, const size_t sz[],
copy              248 modules/core/src/persistence.cpp         std::copy(str, str + strlen(str), std::back_inserter(*fs->outbuf));
copy              654 modules/core/src/umatrix.cpp             u->currAllocator->copy(u, dst.u, dims, sz, srcofs, step.p, dstofs, dst.step.p, false);
copy              107 modules/core/test/test_arithm.cpp             cvtest::copy(temp, dst, mask);
copy              296 modules/core/test/test_arithm.cpp             cvtest::copy(temp, dst, mask);
copy              329 modules/core/test/test_arithm.cpp             cvtest::copy(temp, dst, mask);
copy              476 modules/core/test/test_arithm.cpp         cvtest::copy(src[0], dst, mask);
copy             1356 modules/core/test/test_arithm.cpp             cvtest::copy(dst, dst0);
copy              658 modules/core/test/test_dxt.cpp             cvtest::copy( test_mat[INPUT][test_case_idx & (int)spectrum_mode],
copy             1111 modules/core/test/test_math.cpp         cvtest::copy( test_mat[TEMP][2], test_mat[INPUT][2] );
copy             1564 modules/core/test/test_math.cpp             cvtest::copy( test_mat[TEMP][0], test_mat[INPUT][0] );
copy             1899 modules/core/test/test_math.cpp             cvtest::copy( temp, input );
copy             1903 modules/core/test/test_math.cpp             cvtest::copy( input, test_mat[OUTPUT][0] );
copy             2006 modules/core/test/test_math.cpp         cvtest::copy( test_mat[INPUT][0], test_mat[REF_OUTPUT][0] );
copy             2114 modules/core/test/test_math.cpp             cvtest::copy( temp, input );
copy             2182 modules/core/test/test_math.cpp         cvtest::copy( u, t0 );
copy              561 modules/cudafeatures2d/src/brute_force_matcher.cpp                     std::copy(temp.begin(), temp.begin() + count, std::back_inserter(globalMatch));
copy              102 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/block/detail/reduce_key_val.hpp             For<I + 1, N>::copy(svals, val, tid, delta);
copy              195 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/block/detail/reduce_key_val.hpp         For<0, tuple_size<tuple<VP0, VP1, VP2, VP3, VP4, VP5, VP6, VP7, VP8, VP9> >::value>::copy(svals, val, tid, delta);
copy               73 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/grid/copy.hpp     grid_copy_detail::copy<Policy>(shrinkPtr(src), shrinkPtr(dst), shrinkPtr(mask), rows, cols, StreamAccessor::getStream(stream));
copy               85 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/grid/copy.hpp     grid_copy_detail::copy<Policy>(shrinkPtr(src), shrinkPtr(dst), shrinkPtr(mask), rows, cols, StreamAccessor::getStream(stream));
copy               96 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/grid/copy.hpp     grid_copy_detail::copy<Policy>(shrinkPtr(src), shrinkPtr(dst), WithOutMask(), rows, cols, StreamAccessor::getStream(stream));
copy              107 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/grid/copy.hpp     grid_copy_detail::copy<Policy>(shrinkPtr(src), shrinkPtr(dst), WithOutMask(), rows, cols, StreamAccessor::getStream(stream));
copy               77 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/grid/detail/copy.hpp         copy<<<grid, block, 0, stream>>>(src, dst, mask, rows, cols);
copy               93 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/grid/detail/copy.hpp             Unroll<count - 1>::copy(src, dst, y, x);
copy              113 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/grid/detail/copy.hpp         Unroll<tuple_size<SrcPtrTuple>::value>::copy(src, dst, y, x);
copy               92 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/warp/detail/reduce_key_val.hpp             For<I + 1, N>::copy(svals, val, tid, delta);
copy              165 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/warp/detail/reduce_key_val.hpp         For<0, tuple_size<tuple<VP0, VP1, VP2, VP3, VP4, VP5, VP6, VP7, VP8, VP9> >::value>::copy(svals, val, tid, delta);
copy              348 modules/features2d/src/blobdetector.cpp         std::copy(newCenters.begin(), newCenters.end(), std::back_inserter(centers));
copy              403 modules/features2d/src/matchers.cpp     std::copy( collection.startIdxs.begin(), collection.startIdxs.begin(), startIdxs.begin() );
copy              849 modules/features2d/src/orb.cpp         std::copy(keypoints.begin(), keypoints.end(), std::back_inserter(allKeypoints));
copy              891 modules/features2d/src/orb.cpp             std::copy(allKeypoints.begin() + offset,
copy              899 modules/features2d/src/orb.cpp             std::copy(keypoints.begin(), keypoints.end(), std::back_inserter(newAllKeypoints));
copy             1103 modules/features2d/src/orb.cpp                 std::copy(allKeypoints[level].begin(), allKeypoints[level].end(), std::back_inserter(keypoints));
copy             1134 modules/features2d/src/orb.cpp             std::copy(pattern0, pattern0 + npoints, std::back_inserter(pattern));
copy              206 modules/flann/include/opencv2/flann/lsh_index.h             else resultSet.copy(indices[i], dists[i], knn);
copy               88 modules/flann/include/opencv2/flann/nn_index.h             else resultSet.copy(indices[i], dists[i], knn);
copy              125 modules/flann/include/opencv2/flann/nn_index.h             else resultSet.copy(indices_ptr, dists_ptr, n);
copy              327 modules/flann/include/opencv2/flann/result_set.h     virtual void copy(int* indices, DistanceType* dist, int n_neighbors = -1) const
copy              353 modules/flann/include/opencv2/flann/result_set.h         copy(indices, dist, n_neighbors);
copy               49 modules/flann/include/opencv2/flann/sampling.h         std::copy(src, src+srcMatrix.cols, dest);
copy               53 modules/flann/include/opencv2/flann/sampling.h             std::copy(src, src+srcMatrix.cols, dest);
copy               73 modules/flann/include/opencv2/flann/sampling.h         std::copy(src, src+srcMatrix.cols, dest);
copy              156 modules/imgproc/test/test_color.cpp         cvtest::copy( test_mat[INPUT][0], test_mat[OUTPUT][0] );
copy              159 modules/imgproc/test/test_filter.cpp             cvtest::copy( test_mat[INPUT][0], test_mat[OUTPUT][0] );
copy               31 modules/java/android_test/src/org/opencv/test/android/         Bitmap bmp32 = bmp16.copy(Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888, false);
copy              380 modules/ml/src/data.cpp                 std::copy(labels.begin(), labels.end(), std::back_inserter(tempCatMap));
copy              822 modules/ml/src/em.cpp         std::copy(covs.begin(), covs.end(), _covs.begin());
copy              512 modules/ml/src/kdtree.cpp             std::copy(src, src + ptdims, pts.ptr<float>(i));
copy             1727 modules/objdetect/src/haar.cpp                 std::copy(allCandidates.begin(), allCandidates.end(), rectList.begin());
copy             1762 modules/objdetect/src/haar.cpp         std::copy(allCandidates.begin(), allCandidates.end(), rectList.begin());
copy             1875 modules/objdetect/src/hog.cpp     std::copy(tempScales.begin(), tempScales.end(), back_inserter(foundScales));
copy             1877 modules/objdetect/src/hog.cpp     std::copy(allCandidates.begin(), allCandidates.end(), back_inserter(foundLocations));
copy             1879 modules/objdetect/src/hog.cpp     std::copy(tempWeights.begin(), tempWeights.end(), back_inserter(foundWeights));
copy             3431 modules/objdetect/src/hog.cpp     std::copy(allCandidates.begin(), allCandidates.end(), foundLocations.begin());
copy              100 modules/ts/include/opencv2/ts.hpp CV_EXPORTS void copy(const Mat& src, Mat& dst, const Mat& mask=Mat(), bool invertMask=false);
copy             8027 modules/ts/include/opencv2/ts/ts_gtest.h       Element* const copy = new Element[a_size];
copy             8028 modules/ts/include/opencv2/ts/ts_gtest.h       CopyArray(array, a_size, copy);
copy             8029 modules/ts/include/opencv2/ts/ts_gtest.h       array_ = copy;
copy             9167 modules/ts/include/opencv2/ts/ts_gtest.h   template <typename U> linked_ptr(linked_ptr<U> const& ptr) { copy(&ptr); }
copy             9170 modules/ts/include/opencv2/ts/ts_gtest.h     copy(&ptr);
copy             9176 modules/ts/include/opencv2/ts/ts_gtest.h     copy(&ptr);
copy             9183 modules/ts/include/opencv2/ts/ts_gtest.h       copy(&ptr);
copy             9224 modules/ts/include/opencv2/ts/ts_gtest.h   template <typename U> void copy(linked_ptr<U> const* ptr) {
copy              257 modules/ts/src/ts_arrtest.cpp         cvtest::copy( test_mat[INPUT_OUTPUT][j], arr, Mat() );
copy              293 modules/ts/src/ts_func.cpp         copy( src, dst );
copy             2824 modules/ts/src/ts_func.cpp         std::copy(ofs0.begin(), ofs0.end(), ofs.begin());
copy              123 modules/video/test/test_accum.cpp     cvtest::copy( temp, dst, mask );
copy              159 modules/video/test/test_accum.cpp     cvtest::copy( temp, dst, mask );
copy              200 modules/video/test/test_accum.cpp     cvtest::copy( temp1, dst, mask );
copy              241 modules/video/test/test_accum.cpp     cvtest::copy( temp, dst, mask );
copy              282 samples/cpp/3calibration.cpp                     std::copy(ptvec.begin(), ptvec.end(), imgpt[k1][i].begin());
copy              266 samples/cpp/stereo_calib.cpp                 std::copy(imagePoints[k][i].begin(), imagePoints[k][i].end(), back_inserter(allimgpt[k]));
copy               69 samples/cpp/tutorial_code/TrackingMotion/cornerSubPix_Demo.cpp   Mat copy;
copy               70 samples/cpp/tutorial_code/TrackingMotion/cornerSubPix_Demo.cpp   copy = src.clone();
copy               88 samples/cpp/tutorial_code/TrackingMotion/cornerSubPix_Demo.cpp      { circle( copy, corners[i], r, Scalar(rng.uniform(0,255), rng.uniform(0,255), rng.uniform(0,255)), -1, 8, 0 ); }
copy               92 samples/cpp/tutorial_code/TrackingMotion/cornerSubPix_Demo.cpp   imshow( source_window, copy );
copy               69 samples/cpp/tutorial_code/TrackingMotion/goodFeaturesToTrack_Demo.cpp   Mat copy;
copy               70 samples/cpp/tutorial_code/TrackingMotion/goodFeaturesToTrack_Demo.cpp   copy = src.clone();
copy               88 samples/cpp/tutorial_code/TrackingMotion/goodFeaturesToTrack_Demo.cpp      { circle( copy, corners[i], r, Scalar(rng.uniform(0,255), rng.uniform(0,255), rng.uniform(0,255)), -1, 8, 0 ); }
copy               92 samples/cpp/tutorial_code/TrackingMotion/goodFeaturesToTrack_Demo.cpp   imshow( source_window, copy );