Math               59 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathColorAlgo.cpp     int i = int(Math<double>::floor(hue));
Math               91 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathColorAlgo.cpp     int i = int(Math<double>::floor(hue));
Math              481 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathEuler.h     x = Math<T>::atan2 (M[j][i], M[k][i]);
Math              503 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathEuler.h     T sy = Math<T>::sqrt (N[j][i]*N[j][i] + N[k][i]*N[k][i]);
Math              504 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathEuler.h     y = Math<T>::atan2 (sy, N[i][i]);
Math              505 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathEuler.h     z = Math<T>::atan2 (N[j][k], N[j][j]);
Math              513 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathEuler.h     x = Math<T>::atan2 (M[j][k], M[k][k]);
Math              535 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathEuler.h     T cy = Math<T>::sqrt (N[i][i]*N[i][i] + N[i][j]*N[i][j]);
Math              536 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathEuler.h     y = Math<T>::atan2 (-N[i][k], cy);
Math              537 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathEuler.h     z = Math<T>::atan2 (-N[j][i], N[j][j]);
Math              563 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathEuler.h     x = Math<T>::atan2 (M[j][i], M[k][i]);
Math              582 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathEuler.h     T sy = Math<T>::sqrt (N[j][i]*N[j][i] + N[k][i]*N[k][i]);
Math              583 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathEuler.h     y = Math<T>::atan2 (sy, N[i][i]);
Math              584 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathEuler.h     z = Math<T>::atan2 (N[j][k], N[j][j]);
Math              592 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathEuler.h     x = Math<T>::atan2 (M[j][k], M[k][k]);
Math              611 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathEuler.h     T cy = Math<T>::sqrt (N[i][i]*N[i][i] + N[i][j]*N[i][j]);
Math              612 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathEuler.h     y = Math<T>::atan2 (-N[i][k], cy);
Math              613 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathEuler.h     z = Math<T>::atan2 (-N[j][i], N[j][j]);
Math              640 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathEuler.h     T ci = Math<T>::cos(angles.x);
Math              641 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathEuler.h     T cj = Math<T>::cos(angles.y);
Math              642 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathEuler.h     T ch = Math<T>::cos(angles.z);
Math              643 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathEuler.h     T si = Math<T>::sin(angles.x);
Math              644 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathEuler.h     T sj = Math<T>::sin(angles.y);
Math              645 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathEuler.h     T sh = Math<T>::sin(angles.z);
Math              683 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathEuler.h     T ci = Math<T>::cos(angles.x);
Math              684 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathEuler.h     T cj = Math<T>::cos(angles.y);
Math              685 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathEuler.h     T ch = Math<T>::cos(angles.z);
Math              686 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathEuler.h     T si = Math<T>::sin(angles.x);
Math              687 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathEuler.h     T sj = Math<T>::sin(angles.y);
Math              688 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathEuler.h     T sh = Math<T>::sin(angles.z);
Math              728 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathEuler.h     T ci = Math<T>::cos(ti);
Math              729 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathEuler.h     T cj = Math<T>::cos(tj);
Math              730 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathEuler.h     T ch = Math<T>::cos(th);
Math              731 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathEuler.h     T si = Math<T>::sin(ti);
Math              732 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathEuler.h     T sj = Math<T>::sin(tj);
Math              733 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathEuler.h     T sh = Math<T>::sin(th);
Math              310 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathFrustum.h     _right	    = nearPlane * Math<T>::tan(fovx / two);
Math              317 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathFrustum.h     _top	    = nearPlane * Math<T>::tan(fovy / two);
Math              330 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathFrustum.h     return Math<T>::atan2(_right,_nearPlane) - Math<T>::atan2(_left,_nearPlane);
Math              336 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathFrustum.h     return Math<T>::atan2(_top,_nearPlane) - Math<T>::atan2(_bottom,_nearPlane);
Math              276 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathLineAlgo.h     T cosangle = Math<T>::cos(angle);
Math              277 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathLineAlgo.h     T sinangle = Math<T>::sin(angle);
Math              124 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathMath.h struct Math<float>
Math              166 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathMath.h     return Math<T>::sin (x) / x;
Math             1697 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathMatrix.h     cos_r = Math<T>::cos (r);
Math             1698 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathMatrix.h     sin_r = Math<T>::sin (r);
Math             2937 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathMatrix.h     cos_rz = Math<T>::cos (r[2]);
Math             2938 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathMatrix.h     cos_ry = Math<T>::cos (r[1]);
Math             2939 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathMatrix.h     cos_rx = Math<T>::cos (r[0]);
Math             2941 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathMatrix.h     sin_rz = Math<T>::sin (r[2]);
Math             2942 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathMatrix.h     sin_ry = Math<T>::sin (r[1]);
Math             2943 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathMatrix.h     sin_rx = Math<T>::sin (r[0]);
Math             2974 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathMatrix.h     S sine   = Math<T>::sin (angle);
Math             2975 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathMatrix.h     S cosine = Math<T>::cos (angle);
Math             3010 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathMatrix.h     cos_rz = Math<S>::cos (r[2]);
Math             3011 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathMatrix.h     cos_ry = Math<S>::cos (r[1]);
Math             3012 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathMatrix.h     cos_rx = Math<S>::cos (r[0]);
Math             3014 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathMatrix.h     sin_rz = Math<S>::sin (r[2]);
Math             3015 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathMatrix.h     sin_ry = Math<S>::sin (r[1]);
Math             3016 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathMatrix.h     sin_rx = Math<S>::sin (r[0]);
Math              615 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathMatrixAlgo.h     rot.x = Math<T>::atan2 (M[1][2], M[2][2]);
Math              631 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathMatrixAlgo.h     T cy = Math<T>::sqrt (N[0][0]*N[0][0] + N[0][1]*N[0][1]);
Math              632 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathMatrixAlgo.h     rot.y = Math<T>::atan2 (-N[0][2], cy);
Math              633 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathMatrixAlgo.h     rot.z = Math<T>::atan2 (-N[1][0], N[1][1]);
Math              662 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathMatrixAlgo.h     rot.x = -Math<T>::atan2 (M[1][0], M[0][0]);
Math              678 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathMatrixAlgo.h     T cy = Math<T>::sqrt (N[2][2]*N[2][2] + N[2][1]*N[2][1]);
Math              679 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathMatrixAlgo.h     rot.y = -Math<T>::atan2 (-N[2][0], cy);
Math              680 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathMatrixAlgo.h     rot.z = -Math<T>::atan2 (-N[1][2], N[1][1]);
Math              700 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathMatrixAlgo.h      s = Math<T>::sqrt (tr + T(1.0));
Math              718 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathMatrixAlgo.h      s = Math<T>::sqrt ((mat[i][i] - (mat[j][j] + mat[k][k])) + T(1.0));
Math             1263 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathMatrixAlgo.h     rot = - Math<T>::atan2 (j[0], i[0]);
Math              384 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathQuat.h     return Math<T>::sqrt (r * r + (v ^ v));
Math              483 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathQuat.h     T lengthD = Math<T>::sqrt (d ^ d);
Math              486 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathQuat.h     T lengthS = Math<T>::sqrt (s ^ s);
Math              488 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathQuat.h     return 2 * Math<T>::atan2 (lengthD, lengthS);
Math              632 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathQuat.h     T theta = Math<T>::acos (std::min (r, (T) 1.0));
Math              637 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathQuat.h     T sintheta = Math<T>::sin (theta);
Math              660 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathQuat.h     T sintheta = Math<T>::sin (theta);
Math              668 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathQuat.h     T costheta = Math<T>::cos (theta);
Math              678 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathQuat.h     return 2 * Math<T>::atan2 (v.length(), r);
Math              694 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathQuat.h     r = Math<T>::cos (radians / 2);
Math              695 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathQuat.h     v = axis.normalized() * Math<T>::sin (radians / 2);
Math              128 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathRoots.h         T s = Math<T>::sqrt (D);
Math              140 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathSphere.h     T sqroot = Math<T>::sqrt(discr);
Math              133 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathVec.cpp     float lenF = Math<float>::sqrt ((float)dot (*this));
Math              202 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathVec.cpp     float lenF = Math<float>::sqrt ((float)dot (*this));
Math              271 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathVec.cpp     float lenF = Math<float>::sqrt ((float)dot (*this));
Math              340 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathVec.cpp     float lenF = Math<float>::sqrt ((float)dot (*this));
Math              409 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathVec.cpp     float lenF = Math<float>::sqrt ((float)dot (*this));
Math              478 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathVec.cpp     float lenF = Math<float>::sqrt ((float)dot (*this));
Math             1166 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathVec.h     return max * Math<T>::sqrt (absX * absX + absY * absY);
Math             1178 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathVec.h     return Math<T>::sqrt (length2);
Math             1657 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathVec.h     return max * Math<T>::sqrt (absX * absX + absY * absY + absZ * absZ);
Math             1669 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathVec.h     return Math<T>::sqrt (length2);
Math             2061 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathVec.h         Math<T>::sqrt (absX * absX + absY * absY + absZ * absZ + absW * absW);
Math             2073 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathVec.h     return Math<T>::sqrt (length2);
Math              246 modules/calib3d/misc/java/test/             double x = Math.random() * 100 - 50;
Math              247 modules/calib3d/misc/java/test/             double y = Math.random() * 100 - 50;
Math              283 modules/calib3d/misc/java/test/             double x = Math.random() * 100 - 50;
Math              284 modules/calib3d/misc/java/test/             double y = Math.random() * 100 - 50;
Math              465 modules/calib3d/misc/java/test/         r.put(0, 0, Math.PI, 0, 0);
Math              514 modules/calib3d/misc/java/test/             double x = Math.random() * 100 - 50;
Math              515 modules/calib3d/misc/java/test/             double y = Math.random() * 100 - 50;
Math              525 modules/calib3d/misc/java/test/         truth_rvec.put(0, 0, 0, Math.PI / 2, 0);
Math               45 modules/core/misc/java/src/java/         Range r = new Range(Math.max(r1.start, this.start), Math.min(r1.end, this.end));
Math               46 modules/core/misc/java/src/java/         r.end = Math.max(r.end, r.start);
Math               45 modules/core/misc/java/src/java/         double _angle = angle * Math.PI / 180.0;
Math               46 modules/core/misc/java/src/java/         double b = (double) Math.cos(_angle) * 0.5f;
Math               47 modules/core/misc/java/src/java/         double a = (double) Math.sin(_angle) * 0.5f;
Math               70 modules/core/misc/java/src/java/         Rect r = new Rect((int) Math.floor(Math.min(Math.min(Math.min(pt[0].x, pt[1].x), pt[2].x), pt[3].x)),
Math               71 modules/core/misc/java/src/java/                 (int) Math.floor(Math.min(Math.min(Math.min(pt[0].y, pt[1].y), pt[2].y), pt[3].y)),
Math               72 modules/core/misc/java/src/java/                 (int) Math.ceil(Math.max(Math.max(Math.max(pt[0].x, pt[1].x), pt[2].x), pt[3].x)),
Math               73 modules/core/misc/java/src/java/                 (int) Math.ceil(Math.max(Math.max(Math.max(pt[0].y, pt[1].y), pt[2].y), pt[3].y)));
Math              181 modules/core/misc/java/test/         assertMatEqual(expected_angle, dst_angle, EPS * 180/Math.PI);
Math              440 modules/core/misc/java/test/         assertEquals(Math.atan2(80, 20) * 180 / Math.PI, res2, eps);
Math              854 modules/core/misc/java/test/         int nPoints = Math.min(gray0.cols(), gray0.rows());
Math              865 modules/core/misc/java/test/         int nPoints = Math.min(gray0.cols(), gray0.rows());
Math              875 modules/core/misc/java/test/         int nPoints = Math.min(gray0.cols(), gray0.rows());
Math             1422 modules/core/misc/java/test/         double res = Math.atan2(y, x);
Math             1424 modules/core/misc/java/test/             res = Math.PI * 2 + res;
Math             1425 modules/core/misc/java/test/         return res * 180 / Math.PI;
Math             1430 modules/core/misc/java/test/         double res = Math.atan2(y, x);
Math             1432 modules/core/misc/java/test/             res = Math.PI * 2 + res;
Math             1477 modules/core/misc/java/test/         assertMatEqual(gold, dst, EPS * 180 / Math.PI);
Math               33 modules/core/misc/java/test/         double halfDiagonal = length * Math.sqrt(2) / 2;
Math               35 modules/core/misc/java/test/         assertTrue((r.x == Math.floor(center.x - halfDiagonal)) && (r.y == Math.floor(center.y - halfDiagonal)));
Math               37 modules/core/misc/java/test/         assertTrue(( >= Math.ceil(center.x + halfDiagonal)) && ( >= Math.ceil(center.y + halfDiagonal)));
Math               39 modules/core/misc/java/test/         assertTrue(( - Math.ceil(center.x + halfDiagonal)) <= 1 && ( - Math.ceil(center.y + halfDiagonal)) <= 1);
Math              103 modules/core/misc/java/test/                 Math.abs((p[0].x + p[2].x) / 2 - center.x) + Math.abs((p[0].y + p[2].y) / 2 - center.y) < EPS);
Math              106 modules/core/misc/java/test/                 Math.abs((p[1].x + p[3].x) / 2 - center.x) + Math.abs((p[1].y + p[3].y) / 2 - center.y) < EPS);
Math              109 modules/core/misc/java/test/                 Math.abs((p[1].x - p[0].x) * (p[2].x - p[1].x) +
Math              113 modules/core/misc/java/test/                 Math.abs((p[2].x - p[1].x) * (p[3].x - p[2].x) +
Math              117 modules/core/misc/java/test/                 Math.abs((p[3].x - p[2].x) * (p[0].x - p[3].x) +
Math              121 modules/core/misc/java/test/                 Math.abs((p[0].x - p[3].x) * (p[1].x - p[0].x) +
Math              125 modules/core/misc/java/test/                 Math.abs((p[1].x - p[0].x) * (p[1].x - p[0].x) +
Math              129 modules/core/misc/java/test/                 Math.abs((p[1].x - p[2].x) * (p[1].x - p[2].x) +
Math              132 modules/core/misc/java/test/         assertTrue("Angle of the vector 21 with the axes", Math.abs((p[2].x - p[1].x) / size.width - Math.cos(angle * Math.PI / 180)) < EPS);
Math              186 modules/features2d/misc/java/test/             assertTrue(Math.min(k, train.rows()) >=;
Math             1065 modules/imgproc/misc/java/test/         int radius = Math.min(img.cols() / 4, img.rows() / 4);
Math             1475 modules/imgproc/misc/java/test/         assertEquals(-Math.sqrt(0.5), sign2);
Math             1951 modules/imgproc/misc/java/test/         int radius = Math.min(gray0.cols() / 4, gray0.rows() / 4);
Math             1961 modules/imgproc/misc/java/test/         int radius = Math.min(gray0.cols() / 4, gray0.rows() / 4);
Math             1972 modules/imgproc/misc/java/test/         int radius = Math.min(gray0.cols() / 4, gray0.rows() / 4);
Math              229 modules/java/android_test/src/org/opencv/test/             assertTrue(Math.abs(list1.get(i).doubleValue() - list2.get(i).doubleValue()) <= epsilon);
Math              322 modules/java/android_test/src/org/opencv/test/         assertTrue(msg, Math.hypot( -, - < eps);
Math              323 modules/java/android_test/src/org/opencv/test/         assertTrue(msg, Math.abs(expected.size - actual.size) < eps);
Math              324 modules/java/android_test/src/org/opencv/test/         assertTrue(msg, Math.abs(expected.angle - actual.angle) < eps);
Math              325 modules/java/android_test/src/org/opencv/test/         assertTrue(msg, Math.abs(expected.response - actual.response) < eps);
Math              341 modules/java/android_test/src/org/opencv/test/         assertTrue(msg, Math.abs(expected.distance - actual.distance) < eps);
Math              346 modules/java/android_test/src/org/opencv/test/         assertTrue(msg, Math.abs(expected.val[0] - actual.val[0]) < eps);
Math              347 modules/java/android_test/src/org/opencv/test/         assertTrue(msg, Math.abs(expected.val[1] - actual.val[1]) < eps);
Math              348 modules/java/android_test/src/org/opencv/test/         assertTrue(msg, Math.abs(expected.val[2] - actual.val[2]) < eps);
Math              349 modules/java/android_test/src/org/opencv/test/         assertTrue(msg, Math.abs(expected.val[3] - actual.val[3]) < eps);
Math              167 modules/java/generator/src/java/                         mScale = Math.min(((float)height)/mFrameHeight, ((float)width)/mFrameWidth);
Math              259 modules/java/pure_test/src/org/opencv/test/             assertTrue(Math.abs(list1.get(i).doubleValue() - list2.get(i).doubleValue()) <= epsilon);
Math              352 modules/java/pure_test/src/org/opencv/test/         assertTrue(msg, Math.hypot( -, - < eps);
Math              353 modules/java/pure_test/src/org/opencv/test/         assertTrue(msg, Math.abs(expected.size - actual.size) < eps);
Math              354 modules/java/pure_test/src/org/opencv/test/         assertTrue(msg, Math.abs(expected.angle - actual.angle) < eps);
Math              355 modules/java/pure_test/src/org/opencv/test/         assertTrue(msg, Math.abs(expected.response - actual.response) < eps);
Math              371 modules/java/pure_test/src/org/opencv/test/         assertTrue(msg, Math.abs(expected.distance - actual.distance) < eps);
Math              376 modules/java/pure_test/src/org/opencv/test/         assertTrue(msg, Math.abs(expected.val[0] - actual.val[0]) < eps);
Math              377 modules/java/pure_test/src/org/opencv/test/         assertTrue(msg, Math.abs(expected.val[1] - actual.val[1]) < eps);
Math              378 modules/java/pure_test/src/org/opencv/test/         assertTrue(msg, Math.abs(expected.val[2] - actual.val[2]) < eps);
Math              379 modules/java/pure_test/src/org/opencv/test/         assertTrue(msg, Math.abs(expected.val[3] - actual.val[3]) < eps);
Math               66 platforms/android/service/engine/src/org/opencv/engine/             for (; i < Math.min(expected.length, actual.length); ++i) {
Math              124 samples/android/15-puzzle/src/org/opencv/samples/puzzle15/         int row = (int) Math.floor(y * GRID_SIZE / rows);
Math              125 samples/android/15-puzzle/src/org/opencv/samples/puzzle15/         int col = (int) Math.floor(x * GRID_SIZE / cols);
Math              172 samples/android/15-puzzle/src/org/opencv/samples/puzzle15/             int randIx = (int) (Math.random() * i);
Math              115 samples/android/camera-calibration/src/org/opencv/samples/cameracalibration/             viewErrors[i] = (float) Math.sqrt(error * error / n);
Math              122 samples/android/camera-calibration/src/org/opencv/samples/cameracalibration/         return Math.sqrt(totalError / totalPoints);
Math              174 samples/android/face-detection/src/org/opencv/samples/facedetect/             if (Math.round(height * mRelativeFaceSize) > 0) {
Math              175 samples/android/face-detection/src/org/opencv/samples/facedetect/                 mAbsoluteFaceSize = Math.round(height * mRelativeFaceSize);