php_getgid 124 ext/standard/pageinfo.c gid = php_getgid(); php_getgid 33 ext/standard/pageinfo.h extern long php_getgid(void); php_getgid 118 main/safe_mode.c } else if (PG(safe_mode_gid) && gid == php_getgid()) { php_getgid 171 main/safe_mode.c } else if (PG(safe_mode_gid) && dgid == php_getgid()) { php_getgid 198 main/safe_mode.c php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid/gid is %ld/%ld is not allowed to access %s owned by uid/gid %ld/%ld", php_getuid(), php_getgid(), filename, uid, gid);