M                 130 date/lib/astro.c 	double M,         /* Mean anomaly of the Sun */
M                 139 date/lib/astro.c 	M = astro_revolution(356.0470 + 0.9856002585 * d);
M                 144 date/lib/astro.c 	E = M + e * RADEG * sind(M) * (1.0 + e * cosd(M));
M                  98 mysqlnd/config-win.h #define float8get(V,M)	{	*((int32_t *) &V) = *((int32_t*) M); \
M                  99 mysqlnd/config-win.h 							*(((int32_t *) &V)+1) = *(((int32_t*) M)+1); }
M                 102 mysqlnd/config-win.h #define float4get(V,M) { *((int32_t *) &(V)) = *((int32_t*) (M)); }
M                 342 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_portability.h #define float8get(V,M)    { ((float8get_union *)&(V))->m[0] = *((long*) (M)); \
M                 343 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_portability.h                             ((float8get_union *)&(V))->m[1] = *(((long*) (M))+1); }
M                 346 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_portability.h #define float4get(V,M)	{ *((float *) &(V)) = *((float*) (M)); }
M                 348 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_portability.h #define floatget(V,M)    memcpy((char*) &(V),(char*) (M),sizeof(float))
M                 423 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_portability.h                           ((char*) &def_temp)[0] = (M)[3];\
M                 424 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_portability.h                           ((char*) &def_temp)[1] = (M)[2];\
M                 425 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_portability.h                           ((char*) &def_temp)[2] = (M)[1];\
M                 426 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_portability.h                           ((char*) &def_temp)[3] = (M)[0];\
M                 439 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_portability.h                           ((char*) &def_temp)[0] = (M)[7];\
M                 440 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_portability.h                           ((char*) &def_temp)[1] = (M)[6];\
M                 441 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_portability.h                           ((char*) &def_temp)[2] = (M)[5];\
M                 442 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_portability.h                           ((char*) &def_temp)[3] = (M)[4];\
M                 443 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_portability.h                           ((char*) &def_temp)[4] = (M)[3];\
M                 444 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_portability.h                           ((char*) &def_temp)[5] = (M)[2];\
M                 445 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_portability.h                           ((char*) &def_temp)[6] = (M)[1];\
M                 446 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_portability.h                           ((char*) &def_temp)[7] = (M)[0];\
M                 450 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_portability.h #define float4get(V,M)   memcpy((char*) &(V),(char*) (M),sizeof(float))
M                 463 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_portability.h                          ((char*) &def_temp)[0]=(M)[4];\
M                 464 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_portability.h                          ((char*) &def_temp)[1]=(M)[5];\
M                 465 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_portability.h                          ((char*) &def_temp)[2]=(M)[6];\
M                 466 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_portability.h                          ((char*) &def_temp)[3]=(M)[7];\
M                 467 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_portability.h                          ((char*) &def_temp)[4]=(M)[0];\
M                 468 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_portability.h                          ((char*) &def_temp)[5]=(M)[1];\
M                 469 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_portability.h                          ((char*) &def_temp)[6]=(M)[2];\
M                 470 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_portability.h                          ((char*) &def_temp)[7]=(M)[3];\
M                 487 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_portability.h #define float8get(V,M)		memcpy((char*) &(V),(char*)  (M), sizeof(double))
M                 490 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_portability.h #define float8get(V,M)    memcpy((char*) &(V),(char*) (M),sizeof(double))
M                12697 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c #define memIsValid(M)  ((M)->flags & MEM_Invalid)==0
M                13183 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c   int Y, M, D;       /* Year, month, and day */
M                13337 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c   int Y, M, D, A, B, X1, X2;
M                13342 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c     M = p->M;
M                13346 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c     M = 1;
M                13349 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c   if( M<=2 ){
M                13351 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c     M += 12;
M                13356 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c   X2 = 306001*(M+1)/10000;
M                13383 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c   int Y, M, D, neg;
M                13391 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c   if( getDigits(zDate,4,0,9999,'-',&Y,2,1,12,'-',&M,2,1,31,0,&D)!=3 ){
M                13406 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c   p->M = M;
M                13468 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c     p->M = 1;
M                13480 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c     p->M = E<14 ? E-1 : E-13;
M                13481 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c     p->Y = p->M>2 ? C - 4716 : C - 4715;
M                13602 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c     x.M = 1;
M                13621 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c   y.M = sLocal.tm_mon + 1;
M                13756 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c         p->M = 1;
M                13824 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c         p->M += (int)r;
M                13825 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c         x = p->M>0 ? (p->M-1)/12 : (p->M-12)/12;
M                13827 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c         p->M -= x*12;
M                13932 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c                      x.Y, x.M, x.D, x.h, x.m, (int)(x.s));
M                13970 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c     sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zBuf), zBuf, "%04d-%02d-%02d", x.Y, x.M, x.D);
M                14079 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c           y.M = 1;
M                14099 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c         case 'm':  sqlite3_snprintf(3, &z[j],"%02d",x.M); j+=2; break;
M                48375 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c #define findCellv2(D,M,O,I) (D+(M&get2byte(D+(O+2*(I)))))
M                62311 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c # define memAboutToChange(P,M) sqlite3VdbeMemPrepareToChange(P,M)
M                62707 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c #  define REGISTER_TRACE(R,M) if(p->trace)registerTrace(p->trace,R,M)
M                 184 standard/rand.c 	for (i = N - M; i--; ++p)
M                 185 standard/rand.c 		*p = twist(p[M], p[0], p[1]);
M                 186 standard/rand.c 	for (i = M; --i; ++p)
M                 187 standard/rand.c 		*p = twist(p[M-N], p[0], p[1]);
M                 188 standard/rand.c 	*p = twist(p[M-N], p[0], state[0]);