
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. __construct
  2. create
  3. format
  4. parse
  5. formatCurrency
  6. parseCurrency
  7. setAttribute
  8. setTextAttribute
  9. setSymbol
  10. setPattern
  11. getAttribute
  12. getTextAttribute
  13. getSymbol
  14. getPattern
  15. getLocale
  16. getErrorCode
  17. getErrorMessage
  18. numfmt_create
  19. numfmt_format
  20. numfmt_parse
  21. numfmt_format_currency
  22. numfmt_parse_currency
  23. numfmt_set_attribute
  24. numfmt_set_text_attribute
  25. numfmt_set_symbol
  26. numfmt_set_pattern
  27. numfmt_get_attribute
  28. numfmt_get_text_attribute
  29. numfmt_get_symbol
  30. numfmt_get_pattern
  31. numfmt_get_locale
  32. numfmt_get_error_code
  33. numfmt_get_error_message


 * Number formatter class - locale-dependent number formatting/parsing.
 * This class represents the ICU number formatting functionality. It allows to display
 * number according to the localized format or given pattern or set of rules, and to
 * parse strings into numbers according to the above patterns.
 * Example:
 * <code>
 * $value = 1234567;
 * $formatter = new NumberFormatter("de_DE", NumberFormatter::DECIMAL);
 * echo $formatter->format($value);
 * </code>
 * @see
 * @see
 * The class would also contain all the constants listed in the following enums:
 * UNumberFormatStyle, UNumberFormatRoundingMode, UNumberFormatPadPosition,
 * UNumberFormatAttribute, UNumberFormatTextAttribute, UNumberFormatSymbol.
class NumberFormatter {
# Common constants.

         * WARNING:
         * The values described here are NOT the actual values in PHP code.
         * They are references to the ICU C definitions, so the line
         * actually means that NumberFormatter::PATTERN_DECIMAL is the same as
         * UNUM_PATTERN_DECIMAL constant in the ICU library.

         * These constants define formatter/parser argument type - integer, floating point or currency.
        const TYPE_INT32       = 'FORMAT_TYPE_INT32';
        const TYPE_INT64       = 'FORMAT_TYPE_INT64';
        const TYPE_DOUBLE      = 'FORMAT_TYPE_DOUBLE';

         * UNumberFormatStyle constants
        const DECIMAL           = 'UNUM_DECIMAL';
        const CURRENCY          = 'UNUM_CURRENCY';
        const PERCENT           = 'UNUM_PERCENT';
        const SCIENTIFIC        = 'UNUM_SCIENTIFIC';
        const SPELLOUT          = 'UNUM_SPELLOUT';
        const ORDINAL           = 'UNUM_ORDINAL';
        const DURATION          = 'UNUM_DURATION';
        const DEFAULT           = 'UNUM_DEFAULT';
        const IGNORE            = 'UNUM_IGNORE';

         * UNumberFormatRoundingMode
        const ROUND_FLOOR    = 'UNUM_ROUND_FLOOR';
        const ROUND_DOWN     = 'UNUM_ROUND_DOWN';
        const ROUND_UP       = 'UNUM_ROUND_UP';

         * UNumberFormatPadPosition

         * UNumberFormatAttribute
        const PARSE_INT_ONLY          = 'UNUM_PARSE_INT_ONLY';
        const GROUPING_USED           = 'UNUM_GROUPING_USED';
        const INTEGER_DIGITS          = 'UNUM_INTEGER_DIGITS';
        const MULTIPLIER              = 'UNUM_MULTIPLIER';
        const GROUPING_SIZE           = 'UNUM_GROUPING_SIZE';
        const ROUNDING_MODE           = 'UNUM_ROUNDING_MODE';
        const FORMAT_WIDTH            = 'UNUM_FORMAT_WIDTH';
        const LENIENT_PARSE           = 'UNUM_LENIENT_PARSE';

         * UNumberFormatTextAttribute

         * UNumberFormatSymbol
        const PERCENT_SYMBOL                     = 'UNUM_PERCENT_SYMBOL';
        const ZERO_DIGIT_SYMBOL                  = 'UNUM_ZERO_DIGIT_SYMBOL';
        const DIGIT_SYMBOL                       = 'UNUM_DIGIT_SYMBOL';
        const MINUS_SIGN_SYMBOL                  = 'UNUM_MINUS_SIGN_SYMBOL';
        const PLUS_SIGN_SYMBOL                   = 'UNUM_PLUS_SIGN_SYMBOL';
        const CURRENCY_SYMBOL                    = 'UNUM_CURRENCY_SYMBOL';
        const EXPONENTIAL_SYMBOL                 = 'UNUM_EXPONENTIAL_SYMBOL';
        const PERMILL_SYMBOL                     = 'UNUM_PERMILL_SYMBOL';
        const PAD_ESCAPE_SYMBOL                  = 'UNUM_PAD_ESCAPE_SYMBOL';
        const INFINITY_SYMBOL                    = 'UNUM_INFINITY_SYMBOL';
        const NAN_SYMBOL                         = 'UNUM_NAN_SYMBOL';

         * Create a number formatter
         * Creates a number formatter from locale and pattern. This formatter would be used to
         * format or parse numbers.
         * @param integer $style     Style of the formatting, one of the UNumberFormatStyle constants
         * @param string $locale     Locale in which the number would be formatted
         * @param [string] $pattern  Pattern string in case chose style requires pattern
         * @return NumberFormatter
        public function __construct($locale, $style, $pattern = null) {}

         * Create a number formatter
         * Creates a number formatter from locale and pattern. This formatter would be used to
         * format or parse numbers.
         * This method is useful when you prefer just to get null on error,
         * as if you called numfmt_create().
         * @param integer  $style    Style of the formatting, one of the UNumberFormatStyle constants
         * @param string   $locale   Locale in which the number would be formatted
         * @param [string] $pattern  Pattern string in case chose style requires pattern
         * @return NumberFormatter
         * @see __construct
         * @see numfmt_create
        public static function create($locale, $style, $pattern = null) {}

         * Format a number according to current formatting rules.
         * If the type is not specified, the type is derived from the $number parameter. I.e., if it's
         * integer then INT32 would be chosen on 32-bit, INT64 on 64-bit, if it's double, DOUBLE would be
         * chosen. It is possible to format 64-bit number on 32-bit machine by passing it as double and using
         * TYPE_INT64.
         * When formatting currency, default formatter's currency code is used.
         * @param integer|double $number Number to format
         * @param [integer]      $type   Type of the formatting - one of TYPE constants. If not specified, default for the type.
         * @return string formatted number
        public function format($number, $type = 0) {}

         * Parse a number according to current formatting rules.
         * @param string     $string   String to parse
         * @param [integer]  $type     Type of the formatting - one of TYPE constants.
         *                             TYPE_DOUBLE is used by default.
         * @param [integer]  $position On input, the position to start parsing, default is 0;
         *                             on output, moved to after the last successfully parse character;
         *                             on parse failure, does not change.
         * @return integer|double|false  Parsed number, false if parsing failed
        public function parse($string, $type, &$position) {}

         * Format number as currency.
         * Uses user-defined currency string.
         * @param double $number    Number to format
         * @param string $currency  3-letter currency code (ISO 4217) to use in format
        public function formatCurrency($number, $currency) {}

         * Parse currency string
         * This parser would use parseCurrency API string to parse currency string. The format is defined by the
         * formatter, returns both number and currency code.
         * @param string    $string    String to parse
         * @param string    $currency  Parameter to return parsed currency code
         * @param [integer] $position  On input, the position within text to match, default is 0;
         *                             on output, the position after the last matched character;
         *                             on parse failure, does not change.
         * @return double currency number
        public function parseCurrency($string, &$currency, &$position) {}

         * Set formatter attribute.
         * This function is used to set any of the formatter attributes. Example:
         * $formatter->setAttribute(NumberFormat::FORMAT_WIDTH, 10);
         * @param integer        $attr  One of UNumberFormatAttribute constants
         * @param integer|double $value Value of the attribute
         * @return false if attribute is unknown or can not be set, true otherwise
        public function setAttribute($attr, $value) {}
         * Set formatter attribute.
         * This function is used to set any of the formatter attributes. Example:
         * $formatter->setTextAttribute(NumberFormat::POSITIVE_PREFIX, "+");
         * @param integer $attr  One of UNumberFormatTextAttribute constants
         * @param string  $value Value of the attribute
         * @return false if attribute is unknown or can not be set, true otherwise
        public function setTextAttribute($attr, $value) {}
         * Set formatting symbol.
         * Example:
         * $formatter->setSymbol(NumberFormat::EXPONENTIAL_SYMBOL, "E");
         * @param integer|array $attr  One of UNumberFormatSymbol constants or array of symbols, indexed by
         *                                                              these constants
         * @param string        $value Value of the symbol
        public function setSymbol($attr, $value) {}
         * Set pattern used by the formatter
         * Valid only if the formatter is using pattern and is not rule-based.
         * @see
         * Localized patterns are not currently supported.
         * @param string $pattern  The pattern to be used.
         * @return boolean         false if formatter pattern could not be set, true otherwise
        public function setPattern($pattern) {}
         * Get value of the formatter attribute
         * @param integer $attr One of UNumberFormatAttribute constants
         * @return integer|double value of the attribute or false if the value can not be obtained
        public function getAttribute($attr) {}
         * Get value of the formatter attribute
         * @param integer $attr One of UNumberFormatTextAttribute constants
         * @return string value of the attribute or false if the value can not be obtained
        public function getTextAttribute($attr) {}
         * Get value of the formatter symbol
         * @param integer $attr One of UNumberFormatSymbol constants specifying the symbol
         * @return string|false The symbol value, or false if the value can not be obtained
        public function getSymbol($attr) {}
         * Get pattern used by the formatter.
         * Gets current state of the formatter as a pattern.
         * Localized patterns are not currently supported.
         * Valid only if the formatter is UNUM_PATTERN_DECIMAL
         * @return string|false The pattern used by the formatter or false if formatter is of a type
         *                      that does not support patterns.
        public function getPattern() {}
         * Get the locale for which the formatter was created.
         * @param [integer] $type One of  ULocDataLocaleType  values
         * @return string locale name
        public function getLocale($type = 0) {}
         * Get the error code from last operation
         * Returns error code from the last number formatting operation.
         * @return integer the error code, one of UErrorCode values. Initial value is U_ZERO_ERROR.
        public function getErrorCode() {}
         * Get the error text from the last operation.
         * @return string Description of the last occurred error.
        public public function getErrorMessage() {}


/** Now the same as procedural API */

 * Create a number formatter
 * Creates a number formatter from locale and pattern. This formatter would be used to
 * format or parse numbers.
 * @param string   $locale   Locale in which the number would be formatted
 * @param integer  $style    Style of the formatting, one of the UNumberFormatStyle constants
 * @param [string] $pattern  Pattern string in case chose style requires pattern
 * @return Numberformatter resource NumberFormatter
function numfmt_create($locale, $style, $pattern = null) {}
 * Format a number according to current formatting rules.
 * If the type is not specified, the type is derived from the $number parameter. I.e., if it's
 * integer then INT32 would be chosen on 32-bit, INT64 on 64-bit, if it's double, DOUBLE would be
 * chosen. It is possible to format 64-bit number on 32-bit machine by passing it as double and using
 * TYPE_INT64.
 * @param NumberFormatter $formatter The formatter resource
 * @param integer|double  $number        Number to format
 * @param [integer]       $type          Type of the formatting - one of TYPE constants. If not specified, default for the type.
 * @return string formatted number
function numfmt_format($formatter, $number, $type = null) {}
 * Parse a number according to current formatting rules.
 * This parser uses DOUBLE type by default. When parsing currency,
 * default currency definitions are used.
 * @param NumberFormatter $formatter       The formatter resource
 * @param string                 $string   String to parse
 * @param [integer]              $type     Type of the formatting - one of TYPE constants.
 * @param [integer]              $position String position after the end of parsed data.
 * @return integer|double|false  Parsed number, false if parsing failed
function numfmt_parse($formatter, $string, $type, &$position) {}
 * Format number as currency.
 * Uses user-defined currency string.
 * @param NumberFormatter $formatter The formatter resource
 * @param double          $number    Number to format
 * @param string          $currency  3-letter currency code (ISO 4217) to use in format
function numfmt_format_currency($formatter, $number, $currency) {}
 * Parse currency string
 * This parser would use parseCurrency API string to parse currency string. The format is defined by the
 * formatter, returns both number and currency code.
 * @param NumberFormatter $formatter The formatter resource
 * @param string          $string    String to parse
 * @param string          $currency  Parameter to return parsed currency code
 * @param [integer]       $position  String position after the end of parsed data.
 * @return double currency number
function numfmt_parse_currency($formatter, $string, &$currency, &$position) {}
 * Set formatter attribute.
 * This function is used to set any of the formatter attributes. Example:
 * numfmt_format_set_attribute($formatter, NumberFormat::FORMAT_WIDTH, 10);
 * @param NumberFormatter $formatter The formatter resource
 * @param integer         $attr      One of UNumberFormatAttribute constants
 * @param integer|double  $value     Value of the attribute
 * @return false if attribute is unknown or can not be set, true otherwise
function numfmt_set_attribute($formatter, $attribute, $value) {}
 * Set formatter attribute.
 * This function is used to set any of the formatter attributes. Example:
 * numfmt_format_set_text_attribute($formatter, NumberFormat::POSITIVE_PREFIX, "+");
 * @param NumberFormatter $formatter The formatter resource
 * @param integer         $attr      One of UNumberFormatTextAttribute constants
 * @param string          $value     Value of the attribute
 * @return false if attribute is unknown or can not be set, true otherwise
function numfmt_set_text_attribute($formatter, $attribute, $value) {}
 * Set formatting symbol.
 * Example:
 * $formatter->setSymbol(NumberFormat::EXPONENTIAL_SYMBOL, "E");
 * @param NumberFormatter $formatter The formatter resource
 * @param integer|array   $attr      One of UNumberFormatSymbol constants or array of symbols,
 *                                   indexed by these constants
 * @param string $value Value of the symbol
function numfmt_set_symbol($formatter, $attribute, $value) {}
 * Set pattern used by the formatter
 * Valid only if the formatter is using pattern and is not rule-based.
 * @see
 * Localized patterns are not currently supported.
 * @param NumberFormatter $formatter The formatter resource
 * @param string          $pattern   The pattern to be used.
 * @return boolean false if formatter pattern could not be set, true otherwise
function numfmt_set_pattern($formatter, $pattern) {}
 * Get value of the formatter attribute
 * @param NumberFormatter $formatter The formatter resource
 * @param integer         $attribute One of UNumberFormatAttribute constants
 * @return integer|double value of the attribute or false if the value can not be obtained
function numfmt_get_attribute($formatter, $attribute) {}
 * Get value of the formatter attribute
 * @param NumberFormatter $formatter The formatter resource
 * @param integer         $attribute One of UNumberFormatTextAttribute constants
 * @return string value of the attribute or false if the value can not be obtained
function numfmt_get_text_attribute($formatter, $attribute) {}
 * Get value of the formatter symbol
 * @param NumberFormatter $formatter The formatter resource
 * @param integer         $attribute One of UNumberFormatSymbol constants specifying the symbol
 * @return string|false The symbol value, or false if the value can not be obtained
function numfmt_get_symbol($formatter, $attribute) {}
 * Get pattern used by the formatter.
 * Gets current state of the formatter as a pattern.
 * Localized patterns are not currently supported.
 * Valid only if the formatter is   UNUM_PATTERN_DECIMAL
 * @param NumberFormatter $formatter The formatter resource
 * @return string|false The pattern used by the formatter or false if formatter is of a type
 *                      that does not support patterns.
function numfmt_get_pattern($formatter) {}
 * Get the locale for which the formatter was created.
 * @param NumberFormatter $formatter The formatter resource
 * @param [integer]       $type      One of ULocDataLocaleType values
 * @return string locale name
function numfmt_get_locale($formatter, $type = 0) {}
 * Get the error code from last operation
 * Returns error code from the last number formatting operation.
 * @param NumberFormatter $formatter The formatter resource
 * @return integer the error code, one of UErrorCode values. Initial value is U_ZERO_ERROR.
function numfmt_get_error_code($formatter) {}
 * Get the error text from the last operation.
 * @param NumberFormatter $formatter The formatter resource
 * @return string Description of the last occurred error.
function numfmt_get_error_message($formatter) {}

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