
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. __construct
  2. create
  3. format
  4. parse
  5. localtime
  6. getDateType
  7. getTimeType
  8. isLenient
  9. setLenient
  10. getLocale
  11. getTimeZoneId
  12. setTimeZoneId
  13. setCalendar
  14. getCalendar
  15. getPattern
  16. setPattern
  17. getErrorCode
  18. getErrorMessage
  19. datefmt_create
  20. datefmt_format
  21. datefmt_parse
  22. datefmt_localtime
  23. datefmt_get_datetype
  24. datefmt_get_timetype
  25. datefmt_is_lenient
  26. datefmt_set_lenient
  27. datefmt_get_locale
  28. datefmt_get_timezone_id
  29. datefmt_set_timezone_id
  30. datefmt_set_calendar
  31. datefmt_get_calendar
  32. datefmt_get_pattern
  33. datefmt_set_pattern
  34. datefmt_get_error_code
  35. datefmt_get_error_message


 * Date Formatter class - locale-dependent formatting/parsing of dates using pattern strings and/or canned patterns.
 * This class represents the ICU date formatting functionality. It allows users to
 * display dates in a localized format or to parse strings 
 * into PHP date values using pattern strings and/or canned patterns.
 * Example:
 * <code>
 * $datefmt = new DateFormatter("de-DE", LONG, SHORT, date_default_timezone_get());
 * echo $formatter->format(time());
 * </code>
 * <code>
 *  $datefmt = new DateFormatter("de-DE", LONG, SHORT, date_default_timezone_get() , GREGORIAN , "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss z");
 *  echo $formatter->format(time());
 * </code>
 * @see
class DateFormatter {

# Common constants.

    * The following constants are used to specify different formats
    * in the constructor.
    const NONE = -1;
    const FULL = 0;
    const LONG = 1;
    const MEDIUM = 2;
    const SHORT = 3;

     * The following int constants are used to specify the calendar. 
     * These calendars are all based directly on the Gregorian calendar 
     * Non-Gregorian calendars need to be specified in locale. 
     * Examples might include locale="hi@calendar=BUDDHIST"
    const TRADITIONAL = 0; // non-Gregorian calendar that is locale-defined, required by ICU
    const GREGORIAN = 1 ;// Gregorian calendar
# Object-oriented API
         * Create a date formatter 
         * @param string  $locale     Locale to use when formatting or parsing
         * @param integer $datetype   Date type to use (none, short, medium, long, full)
         * @param integer $timetype   Time type to use (none, short, medium, long, full)
         * @param [String] $timezone  Time zone ID ; default is system default
         * @param [integer] $calendar Calendar to use for formatting or parsing; default is
         *                            GREGORIAN
         * @param [string]  $pattern  Optional pattern to use when formatting or parsing
         * @return DateFormatter
         * @see __construct
         * @see datefmt_create
        public function __construct($locale, $datetype, $timetype, $timezone = null, $calendar= null , $pattern= null) {}

         * Create a date formatter 
         * @param string  $locale     Locale to use when formatting or parsing
         * @param integer $datetype   Date type to use (none, short, medium, long, full)
         * @param integer $timetype   Time type to use (none, short, medium, long, full)
         * @param [string] $timezone  Time zone ID ; default is system default
         * @param [integer] $calendar Calendar to use for formatting or parsing; default is
         *                            GREGORIAN
         * @param [string]  $pattern  Optional pattern to use when formatting or parsing
         * @return DateFormatter
         * @see __construct
         * @see datefmt_create
        public static function create($locale, $datetype, $timetype, $timezone = null, $calendar= null , $pattern= null) {}

         * formats the time value as a string.
         * @param mixed $value - value to format
         *     integer: a unix timestamp value (seconds since epoch, UTC)
         *     array: a localtime array  - uses 24 hour clock in tm_hour field
         * @return string  a formatted string or, if an error occurred, 'null'. 
        public function format($value) {}

         * converts string $value to an incremental time value, starting at
         * $parse_pos and consuming as much of the input value as possible
         * If no error occurs before $value is consumed, $parse_pos will contain -1
         * otherwise it will contain the position at which parsing ended (and the error
         * occurred). 
         * @param string  $value      string to convert to a time
         * @param integer $parse_pos  position at which to start the parsing in $value (zero-based)
         *                            This variable will contain the end position if the parse fails
         *                            If $parse_pos > strlen($value), the parse fails immediately.
         * @return integer timestamp  parsed value
         public function parse($value, $parse_pos=0) {}

         * converts string $value to a field-based time value, starting at
         * $parse_pos and consuming as much of the input value as possible
         * If no error occurs before $value is consumed, $parse_pos will contain -1
         * otherwise it will contain the position at which parsing ended (and the error
         * occurred). 
         * @param string  $value      string to convert to a time
         * @param integer $parse_pos  position at which to start the parsing in $value (zero-based)
         *                            This variable will contain the end position if the parse fails
         *                            If $parse_pos > strlen($value), the parse fails immediately.
         * @return array localtime compatible array of integers  - uses 24 hour clock in tm_hour field
         public function localtime($value, $parse_pos=0) {}

          * Gets the datetype in use 
          * @return integer the current 'datetype' value of the formatter
         public function getDateType() {}

          * Gets the timetype in use 
          * @return integer the current 'timetype' value of the formatter
         public function getTimeType() {}

          * Gets the leniency in use 
          * @return boolean   'true' if parser is lenient, 'false' if parser is strict
          *                   default value for parser is 'false'.
         public function isLenient() {}

          * Sets the leniency to use 
          * @param boolean $lenient  sets whether the parser is lenient or not, default is 'false'
          *                          'true' sets the parser to accept otherwise flawed date or 
          *                          time patterns, parsing as much as possible to obtain a value.
          *                          'false' sets the parser to strictly parse strings into dates. 
          *                          Extra space, unrecognized tokens, or invalid values 
          *                          ("Feburary 30th") are not accepted.
          * @return boolean          'true' if successful; 'false' if an error occurred. 
         public function setLenient($lenient) {}

          * Gets the locale in use 
          * @param  [integer]  which locale should be returned? 
          *                    values may include ULOC_ACTUAL_LOCALE,
          *                    ULOC_VALID_LOCALE. By default the actual
          *                    locale is returned.
          * @return string     the locale of this formatter  or 'false' if error

         public function getLocale($type = ULOC_ACTUAL_LOCALE) {}

          * @return string ID string for the time zone used by this formatter
         public function getTimeZoneId() {}

         * sets the time zone to use
         * @param string $zone zone ID string of the time zone to use.
         *                     if null or the empty string, the default time zone for
         *                     the runtime is used.
         * @return boolean 'true' on successful setting of the time zone, 'false'
         *                 if an error occurred (such as the time zone wasn't recognized).
        public function setTimeZoneId($zone) {}

         * Sets the calendar used to the appropriate calendar, which must be 
         * one of the constants defined above. Some examples include:
         *   - Gregorian calendar
         *   - Traditional
         * Default value is GREGORIAN
         * @param integer $which the calendar (an enumerated constant) to use.
         * @return boolean 'true' if successful, 'false' if an error occurred or if the calendar was not recognized 
         public function setCalendar($which) {}

         * Gets the Calendar in use 
         * @return integer the calendar being used by the formatter
         public function getCalendar() {}

         * Gets the pattern in use 
         * @return string the pattern string being used to format/parse 
        public function getPattern() {}

         * Sets the pattern to  use 
         * @param  string $pattern new pattern string to use
         * @return boolean 'true' if successful, 'false' if an error occurred. Bad format
         *                 strings are usually the cause of the latter.
        public function setPattern($pattern) {}

         * Get the error code from last operation
         * Returns error code from the last number formatting operation.
         * @return integer the error code, one of UErrorCode values. Initial value is U_ZERO_ERROR.
        public function getErrorCode() {}

         * Get the error text from the last operation.
         * @return string Description of the last error.
        public function getErrorMessage() {}


# Procedural API

         * Create a date formatter 
         * @param string  $locale     Locale to use when formatting or parsing
         * @param integer $datetype   Date type to use (none, short, medium, long, full)
         * @param integer $timetype   Time type to use (none, short, medium, long, full)
         * @param [string] $timezone  Time zone ID ; default is system default
         * @param [integer] $calendar Calendar to use for formatting or parsing; default is
         *                            GREGORIAN
         * @param [string]  $pattern  Optional pattern to use when formatting or parsing
         * @return DateFormatter
         * @see datefmt_create
        function datefmt_create($locale, $datetype, $timetype, $timezone = null, $calendar= null ,$pattern=null ) {}

         * formats the time value as a string.
         * @param DateFormatter $fmt The date formatter resource
         * @param mixed $value - value to format
         *     integer: a unix timestamp value (seconds since epoch, UTC)
         *     array: a localtime array   - uses 24 hour clock in tm_hour field
         * @return string  a formatted string or, if an error occurred, 'null'. 
        function datefmt_format($fmt , $value) {}

         * converts string $value to an incremental time value, starting at
         * $parse_pos and consuming as much of the input value as possible
         * If no error occurs before $value is consumed, $parse_pos will contain -1
         * otherwise it will contain the position at which parsing ended (and the error
         * occurred). 
         * @param DateFormatter $fmt The date formatter resource
         * @param string  $value      string to convert to a time
         * @param integer $parse_pos  position at which to start the parsing in $value (zero-based)
         *                            This variable will contain the end position if the parse fails
         *                            If $parse_pos > strlen($value), the parse fails immediately.
         * @return integer timestamp  parsed value
         function datefmt_parse($fmt , $value, $parse_pos=0) {}

         * converts string $value to a field-based time value, starting at
         * $parse_pos and consuming as much of the input value as possible
         * If no error occurs before $value is consumed, $parse_pos will contain -1
         * otherwise it will contain the position at which parsing ended (and the error
         * occurred). 
         * @param DateFormatter $fmt The date formatter resource
         * @param string  $value      string to convert to a time
         * @param integer $parse_pos  position at which to start the parsing in $value (zero-based)
         *                            This variable will contain the end position if the parse fails
         *                            If $parse_pos > strlen($value), the parse fails immediately.
         * @return array localtime compatible array of integers  - uses 24 hour clock in tm_hour field
         function datefmt_localtime($fmt , $value, $parse_pos=0) {}

          * Gets the  Datetype in use
          * @param DateFormatter $fmt The date formatter resource
          * @return integer the current 'datetype' value of the formatter
         function datefmt_get_datetype($fmt ) {}

          * Gets the  timetype in use
          * @param DateFormatter $fmt The date formatter resource
          * @return integer the current 'timetype' value of the formatter
         function datefmt_get_timetype($fmt) {}

          * Gets the leniency of the formatter 
          * @param DateFormatter $fmt The date formatter resource
          * @return boolean   'true' if parser is lenient, 'false' if parser is strict
          *                   default value for parser is 'false'.
         function datefmt_is_lenient($fmt) {}

          * Sets the leniency of the formatter 
          * @param DateFormatter $fmt The date formatter resource
          * @param boolean $lenient  sets whether the parser is lenient or not, default is 'false'
          *                          'true' sets the parser to accept otherwise flawed date or 
          *                          time patterns, parsing as much as possible to obtain a value.
          *                          'false' sets the parser to strictly parse strings into dates. 
          *                          Extra space, unrecognized tokens, or invalid values 
          *                          ("Feburary 30th") are not accepted.
          * @return boolean          'true' if successful; 'false' if an error occurred. 
         function datefmt_set_lenient($fmt , $lenient) {}

          * Gets the locale in  use
          * @param DateFormatter $fmt The date formatter resource
          * @param  [integer]  which locale should be returned? 
          *                    values may include ULOC_ACTUAL_LOCALE,
          *                    ULOC_VALID_LOCALE. By default the actual
          *                    locale is returned.
          * @return string     the locale of this formatter  or 'false' if error
         function datefmt_get_locale($fmt , $type = ULOC_ACTUAL_LOCALE) {}

          * Gets the time zone id in  use
          * @param DateFormatter $fmt The date formatter resource
          * @return string ID string for the time zone used by this formatter
         function datefmt_get_timezone_id($fmt) {}

         * Sets the time zone to use
         * @param DateFormatter $fmt The date formatter resource
         * @param string $zone zone ID string of the time zone to use.
         *                     if null or the empty string, the default time zone for
         *                     the runtime is used.
         * @return boolean 'true' on successful setting of the time zone, 'false'
         *                 if an error occurred (such as the time zone wasn't recognized).
        function datefmt_set_timezone_id($fmt , $zone) {}

         * Sets the calendar used to the appropriate calendar, which must be 
         * one of the constants defined above. Some examples include:
         *   - Gregorian calendar
         *   - Traditional
         * Default value is GREGORIAN
         * @param DateFormatter $fmt The date formatter resource
         * @param integer $which the calendar (an enumerated constant) to use.
         * @return boolean 'true' if successful, 'false' if an error occurred or if the calendar was not recognized 
         function datefmt_set_calendar($fmt , $which) {}

         * Gets the calendar in use
         * @param DateFormatter $fmt The date formatter resource
         * @return integer the calendar being used by the formatter
         function datefmt_get_calendar($fmt) {}

         * Gets the pattern in use
         * @param DateFormatter $fmt The date formatter resource
         * @return string the pattern string being used to format/parse
        function  datefmt_get_pattern($fmt) {}

         * Sets the pattern to use
         * @param DateFormatter $fmt The date formatter resource
         * @param  string $pattern new pattern string to use
         * @return boolean 'true' if successful, 'false' if an error occurred. Bad format
         *                 strings are usually the cause of the latter.
        function datefmt_set_pattern($fmt , $pattern) {}

         * Get the error code from last operation
         * @param DateFormatter $fmt The date formatter resource
         * Returns error code from the last number formatting operation.
         * @return integer the error code, one of UErrorCode values. Initial value is U_ZERO_ERROR.
        function datefmt_get_error_code($fmt) {}

         * Get the error text from the last operation.
         * @param DateFormatter $fmt The date formatter resource
         * @return string Description of the last error.
        function datefmt_get_error_message($fmt) {}

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