php_gd_error 51 libgd/gd.h void php_gd_error(const char *format, ...); php_gd_error 729 libgd/gd_arc_f_buggy.c php_gd_error("Can't create test/arctest.png"); php_gd_error 734 libgd/gd_arc_f_buggy.c php_gd_error("Test image written to test/arctest.png"); php_gd_error 63 libgd/gd_gd2.c GD2_DBG(php_gd_error("Reading gd2 header info")); php_gd_error 74 libgd/gd_gd2.c GD2_DBG(php_gd_error("Got file code: %s", id)); php_gd_error 78 libgd/gd_gd2.c GD2_DBG(php_gd_error("Not a valid gd2 file")); php_gd_error 86 libgd/gd_gd2.c GD2_DBG(php_gd_error("Version: %d", *vers)); php_gd_error 89 libgd/gd_gd2.c GD2_DBG(php_gd_error("Bad version: %d", *vers)); php_gd_error 95 libgd/gd_gd2.c GD2_DBG(php_gd_error("Could not get x-size")); php_gd_error 99 libgd/gd_gd2.c GD2_DBG(php_gd_error("Could not get y-size")); php_gd_error 102 libgd/gd_gd2.c GD2_DBG(php_gd_error("Image is %dx%d", *sx, *sy)); php_gd_error 108 libgd/gd_gd2.c GD2_DBG(php_gd_error("ChunkSize: %d", *cs)); php_gd_error 111 libgd/gd_gd2.c GD2_DBG(php_gd_error("Bad chunk size: %d", *cs)); php_gd_error 119 libgd/gd_gd2.c GD2_DBG(php_gd_error("Format: %d", *fmt)); php_gd_error 122 libgd/gd_gd2.c GD2_DBG(php_gd_error("Bad data format: %d", *fmt)); php_gd_error 130 libgd/gd_gd2.c GD2_DBG(php_gd_error("%d Chunks Wide", *ncx)); php_gd_error 136 libgd/gd_gd2.c GD2_DBG(php_gd_error("%d Chunks vertically", *ncy)); php_gd_error 140 libgd/gd_gd2.c GD2_DBG(php_gd_error("Reading %d chunk index entries", nc)); php_gd_error 157 libgd/gd_gd2.c GD2_DBG(php_gd_error("gd2 header complete")); php_gd_error 170 libgd/gd_gd2.c GD2_DBG(php_gd_error("Bad GD2 header")); php_gd_error 180 libgd/gd_gd2.c GD2_DBG(php_gd_error("Could not create gdImage")); php_gd_error 185 libgd/gd_gd2.c GD2_DBG(php_gd_error("Could not read color palette")); php_gd_error 188 libgd/gd_gd2.c GD2_DBG(php_gd_error("Image palette completed: %d colours", im->colorsTotal)); php_gd_error 205 libgd/gd_gd2.c GD2_DBG(php_gd_error("Positioning in file to %d", offset)); php_gd_error 208 libgd/gd_gd2.c GD2_DBG(php_gd_error("Already Positioned in file to %d", offset)); php_gd_error 212 libgd/gd_gd2.c GD2_DBG(php_gd_error("Reading file")); php_gd_error 216 libgd/gd_gd2.c GD2_DBG(php_gd_error("Got %d bytes. Uncompressing into buffer of %d bytes", compSize, (int)*chunkLen)); php_gd_error 219 libgd/gd_gd2.c GD2_DBG(php_gd_error("Error %d from uncompress", zerr)); php_gd_error 222 libgd/gd_gd2.c GD2_DBG(php_gd_error("Got chunk")); php_gd_error 294 libgd/gd_gd2.c GD2_DBG(php_gd_error("Largest compressed chunk is %d bytes", compMax)); php_gd_error 306 libgd/gd_gd2.c GD2_DBG(php_gd_error("Processing Chunk %d (%d, %d), y from %d to %d", chunkNum, cx, cy, ylo, yhi)); php_gd_error 312 libgd/gd_gd2.c GD2_DBG(php_gd_error("Error reading comproessed chunk")); php_gd_error 359 libgd/gd_gd2.c GD2_DBG(php_gd_error("Freeing memory")); php_gd_error 371 libgd/gd_gd2.c GD2_DBG(php_gd_error("Done")); php_gd_error 445 libgd/gd_gd2.c GD2_DBG(php_gd_error("File size is %dx%d", fsx, fsy)); php_gd_error 460 libgd/gd_gd2.c GD2_DBG(php_gd_error("Image palette completed: %d colours", im->colorsTotal)); php_gd_error 509 libgd/gd_gd2.c GD2_DBG(php_gd_error("Data starts at %d", dstart)); php_gd_error 527 libgd/gd_gd2.c GD2_DBG(php_gd_error("Processing Chunk (%d, %d), from %d to %d", cx, cy, ylo, yhi)); php_gd_error 530 libgd/gd_gd2.c GD2_DBG(php_gd_error("Using raw format data")); php_gd_error 542 libgd/gd_gd2.c GD2_DBG(php_gd_error("Reading (%d, %d) from position %d", cx, cy, dpos - dstart)); php_gd_error 548 libgd/gd_gd2.c php_gd_error("Error reading comproessed chunk"); php_gd_error 552 libgd/gd_gd2.c GD2_DBG(php_gd_error("Reading (%d, %d) from chunk %d", cx, cy, chunkNum)); php_gd_error 555 libgd/gd_gd2.c GD2_DBG(php_gd_error(" into (%d, %d) - (%d, %d)", xlo, ylo, xhi, yhi)); php_gd_error 708 libgd/gd_gd2.c GD2_DBG(php_gd_error("Index size is %d", idxSize)); php_gd_error 717 libgd/gd_gd2.c GD2_DBG(php_gd_error("Size: %dx%d", im->sx, im->sy)); php_gd_error 718 libgd/gd_gd2.c GD2_DBG(php_gd_error("Chunks: %dx%d", ncx, ncy)); php_gd_error 728 libgd/gd_gd2.c GD2_DBG(php_gd_error("Processing Chunk (%dx%d), y from %d to %d", cx, cy, ylo, yhi)); php_gd_error 731 libgd/gd_gd2.c GD2_DBG(php_gd_error("y=%d: ",y)); php_gd_error 740 libgd/gd_gd2.c GD2_DBG(php_gd_error("%d...",x)); php_gd_error 753 libgd/gd_gd2.c GD2_DBG(php_gd_error("%d, ",x)); php_gd_error 762 libgd/gd_gd2.c GD2_DBG(php_gd_error("y=%d done.",y)); php_gd_error 768 libgd/gd_gd2.c php_gd_error("Error from compressing"); php_gd_error 772 libgd/gd_gd2.c GD2_DBG(php_gd_error("Chunk %d size %d offset %d", chunkNum, chunkIdx[chunkNum - 1].size, chunkIdx[chunkNum - 1].offset)); php_gd_error 785 libgd/gd_gd2.c GD2_DBG(php_gd_error("Seeking %d to write index", idxPos)); php_gd_error 788 libgd/gd_gd2.c GD2_DBG(php_gd_error("Writing index")); php_gd_error 790 libgd/gd_gd2.c GD2_DBG(php_gd_error("Chunk %d size %d offset %d", x, chunkIdx[x].size, chunkIdx[x].offset)); php_gd_error 797 libgd/gd_gd2.c GD2_DBG(php_gd_error("Freeing memory")); php_gd_error 807 libgd/gd_gd2.c GD2_DBG(php_gd_error("Done")); php_gd_error 55 libgd/gd_io.c IO_DBG (php_gd_error("Putting word...")); php_gd_error 58 libgd/gd_io.c IO_DBG (php_gd_error("put.")); php_gd_error 63 libgd/gd_io.c IO_DBG (php_gd_error("Putting int...")); php_gd_error 68 libgd/gd_io.c IO_DBG (php_gd_error("put.")); php_gd_error 124 libgd/gd_io.c IO_DBG (php_gd_error("Putting buf...")); php_gd_error 126 libgd/gd_io.c IO_DBG (php_gd_error("put.")); php_gd_error 136 libgd/gd_io.c IO_DBG (php_gd_error("Seeking...")); php_gd_error 138 libgd/gd_io.c IO_DBG (php_gd_error("Done.")); php_gd_error 143 libgd/gd_io.c IO_DBG (php_gd_error("Telling...")); php_gd_error 145 libgd/gd_io.c IO_DBG (php_gd_error ("told.")); php_gd_error 89 libgd/gd_jpeg.c php_gd_error("gd-jpeg: JPEG library reports unrecoverable error: "); php_gd_error 220 libgd/gd_jpeg.c php_gd_error("gd-jpeg: error: jpeg library was compiled for 12-bit precision. This is mostly useless, because JPEGs on the web are 8-bit and such versions of the jpeg library won't read or write them. GD doesn't support these unusual images. Edit your jmorecfg.h file to specify the correct precision and completely 'make clean' and 'make install' libjpeg again. Sorry"); php_gd_error 376 libgd/gd_jpeg.c php_gd_error("gd-jpeg error: cannot allocate gdImage struct"); php_gd_error 390 libgd/gd_jpeg.c php_gd_error("gd-jpeg: warning: jpeg_start_decompress reports suspended data source"); php_gd_error 433 libgd/gd_jpeg.c php_gd_error("gd-jpeg: error: jpeg library was compiled for 12-bit precision. This is mostly useless, because JPEGs on the web are 8-bit and such versions of the jpeg library won't read or write them. GD doesn't support these unusual images. Edit your jmorecfg.h file to specify the correct precision and completely 'make clean' and 'make install' libjpeg again. Sorry."); php_gd_error 470 libgd/gd_jpeg.c php_gd_error("gd-jpeg: warning: jpeg_finish_decompress reports suspended data source"); php_gd_error 159 libgd/gd_png.c php_gd_error("gd-png error: cannot allocate libpng main struct"); php_gd_error 165 libgd/gd_png.c php_gd_error("gd-png error: cannot allocate libpng info struct"); php_gd_error 181 libgd/gd_png.c php_gd_error("gd-png error: setjmp returns error condition"); php_gd_error 201 libgd/gd_png.c php_gd_error("gd-png error: cannot allocate gdImage struct"); php_gd_error 218 libgd/gd_png.c php_gd_error("gd-png error: setjmp returns error condition"); php_gd_error 233 libgd/gd_png.c php_gd_error("gd-png color_type is palette, colors: %d", num_palette); php_gd_error 256 libgd/gd_png.c php_gd_error("gd-png error: cannot allocate gray palette"); php_gd_error 405 libgd/gd_png.c php_gd_error("gd-png warning: image data references out-of-range color index (%d)", i); php_gd_error 487 libgd/gd_png.c php_gd_error("gd-png error: cannot allocate libpng main struct"); php_gd_error 493 libgd/gd_png.c php_gd_error("gd-png error: cannot allocate libpng info struct"); php_gd_error 501 libgd/gd_png.c php_gd_error("gd-png error: setjmp returns error condition"); php_gd_error 521 libgd/gd_png.c php_gd_error("gd-png error: compression level must be 0 through 9"); php_gd_error 553 libgd/gd_png.c php_gd_error("gd-png error: no colors in palette"); php_gd_error 23 libgd/gd_security.c php_gd_error("gd warning: one parameter to a memory allocation multiplication is negative or zero, failing operation gracefully\n"); php_gd_error 27 libgd/gd_security.c php_gd_error("gd warning: product of memory allocation multiplication would exceed INT_MAX, failing operation gracefully\n"); php_gd_error 41 libgd/gd_ss.c php_gd_error("PNG support is not available"); php_gd_error 45 libgd/gd_ss.c php_gd_error("PNG support is not available"); php_gd_error 101 libgd/gd_wbmp.c php_gd_error("Could not create WBMP"); php_gd_error 117 libgd/gd_wbmp.c php_gd_error("Could not save WBMP"); php_gd_error 50 libgd/gd_webp.c php_gd_error("WebP decode: fail to decode input data"); php_gd_error 79 libgd/gd_webp.c php_gd_error("WebP decode: alloc failed"); php_gd_error 89 libgd/gd_webp.c php_gd_error("WebP decode: fail to decode input data"); php_gd_error 144 libgd/gd_webp.c php_gd_error("Wrong quality value %d.", quality); php_gd_error 175 libgd/gd_webp.c php_gd_error("gd-webp error: cannot allocate Y buffer"); php_gd_error 193 libgd/gd_webp.c php_gd_error("gd-webp error: WebP Encoder failed"); php_gd_error 554 libgd/webpimg.c php_gd_error("gd-webp error: cannot convert palette input to truecolor"); php_gd_error 152 libgd/xbm.c php_gd_error("EOF before image was complete");