t_chunk_info 59 libgd/gd_gd2.c t_chunk_info *cidx; t_chunk_info 141 libgd/gd_gd2.c sidx = sizeof(t_chunk_info) * nc; t_chunk_info 256 libgd/gd_gd2.c t_chunk_info *chunkIdx = NULL; /* So we can gdFree it with impunity. */ t_chunk_info 422 libgd/gd_gd2.c t_chunk_info *chunkIdx = NULL; t_chunk_info 653 libgd/gd_gd2.c t_chunk_info *chunkIdx = NULL; /* So we can gdFree it with impunity. */ t_chunk_info 707 libgd/gd_gd2.c idxSize = ncx * ncy * sizeof(t_chunk_info); t_chunk_info 711 libgd/gd_gd2.c chunkIdx = safe_emalloc(idxSize, sizeof(t_chunk_info), 0); t_chunk_info 712 libgd/gd_gd2.c memset(chunkIdx, 0, idxSize * sizeof(t_chunk_info));