bft 14846 ext/sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c bft explain:2; /* True if EXPLAIN present on SQL command */ bft 14847 ext/sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c bft changeCntOn:1; /* True to update the change-counter */ bft 14848 ext/sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c bft expired:1; /* True if the VM needs to be recompiled */ bft 14849 ext/sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c bft runOnlyOnce:1; /* Automatically expire on reset */ bft 14850 ext/sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c bft usesStmtJournal:1; /* True if uses a statement journal */ bft 14851 ext/sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c bft readOnly:1; /* True for statements that do not write */ bft 14852 ext/sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c bft bIsReader:1; /* True for statements that read */ bft 14853 ext/sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c bft isPrepareV2:1; /* True if prepared with prepare_v2() */ bft 14854 ext/sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c bft doingRerun:1; /* True if rerunning after an auto-reprepare */