HASH 2812 ext/standard/string.c HASH table_mask; HASH 2816 ext/standard/string.c HASH table_mask; HASH 2843 ext/standard/string.c HASH *prefix; /* array of hashes of prefixes by pattern suffix hash order */ HASH 2849 ext/standard/string.c static inline HASH php_strtr_hash(const char *str, int len) HASH 2851 ext/standard/string.c HASH res = 0; HASH 2873 ext/standard/string.c HASH h = php_strtr_hash(&S(&patterns[i].pat)[j], B) & shift->table_mask; HASH 2886 ext/standard/string.c HASH hash_a = php_strtr_hash(&S(&pnr_a->pat)[res->m - res->B], res->B) HASH 3022 ext/standard/string.c HASH last_h = -1; /* assumes not all bits are used in res->hash */ HASH 3027 ext/standard/string.c HASH h = php_strtr_hash(&S(&res->patterns[i].pat)[res->m - res->B], res->B) HASH 3067 ext/standard/string.c HASH h = php_strtr_hash(&S(text)[pos + d->m - d->B], d->B) & d->shift->table_mask; HASH 3073 ext/standard/string.c HASH h2 = h & d->hash->table_mask,