
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. getDefault
  2. setDefault
  3. getPrimaryLanguage
  4. getScript
  5. getRegion
  6. getAllVariants
  7. getKeywords
  8. getDisplayName
  9. getDisplayLanguage
  10. getDisplayScript
  11. getDisplayRegion
  12. getDisplayVariant
  13. filterMatches
  14. lookup
  15. composeLocale
  16. parseLocale
  17. locale_get_default
  18. locale_set_default
  19. locale_get_primary_language
  20. locale_get_script
  21. locale_get_region
  22. locale_get_all_variants
  23. locale_get_keywords
  24. locale_get_display_name
  25. locale_get_display_language
  26. locale_get_display_script
  27. locale_get_display_region
  28. locale_get_display_variant
  29. locale_filter_matches
  30. locale_lookup
  31. locale_compose_locale
  32. locale_parse_locale


 * A "Locale" is an identifier used to get language, culture, or regionally-specific 
 * behavior from an API. PHP locales are organized and identified the same
 * way that the CLDR locales used by ICU (and many vendors of Unix-like operating 
 * systems, the Mac, Java, and so forth) use. Locales are identified using
 * RFC 4646 language tags (which use hyphen, not underscore) in addition to the
 * more traditional underscore-using identifiers. Unless otherwise noted
 * the functions in this class are tolerant of both formats. 
 * Examples of identifiers include:
 *  * en-US (English, United States)
 *  * zh-Hant-TW (Chinese, Traditional Script, Taiwan)
 *  * fr-CA, fr-FR (French for Canada and France respectively) 
 * The Locale class (and related procedural functions) are used to interact 
 * with locale identifiers--to verify that an ID is well-formed, valid, 
 * etc. The extensions used by CLDR in UAX #35 (and inherited by ICU) are 
 * valid and used wherever they would be in ICU normally.
 * Locales cannot be instantiated as objects. All of the functions/methods 
 * provided are static.
 *   * The null or empty string obtains the "root" locale. 
 *     The "root" locale is equivalent to "en_US_POSIX" in CLDR.
 *   * Language tags (and thus locale identifiers) are case insensitive. There
 *     exists a canonicalization function to make case match the specification.
 * @see
 * @see
class Locale {

# Common constants.

         * The following static members are used with the getLocale methods of
         * the various locale affected classes, such as numfmt.
        const DEFAULT_LOCALE                    = null;

         * identifiers for the actual locale, valid locale
         * WARNING:
         * The values described here are NOT the actual values in PHP code.
         * They are references to the ICU C definitions, so the line
         *    const ACTUAL_LOCALE = 'ULOC_ACTUAL_LOCALE';
         * actually means that Locale::ACTUAL_LOCALE is the same as
         * ULOC_ACTUAL_LOCALE constant in the ICU library.
        const ACTUAL_LOCALE                     = 'ULOC_ACTUAL_LOCALE';
        const VALID_LOCALE                      = 'ULOC_VALID_LOCALE';

         * Valid locale tag and subtag values
        const LANG_TAG                          = "language";
        const EXTLANG_TAG                       = "extlang";
        const SCRIPT_TAG                        = "script";
        const REGION_TAG                        = "region";
        const VARIANT_TAG                       = "variant";
        const GRANDFATHERED_LANG_TAG            = "grandfathered";
        const PRIVATE_TAG                       = "private";

# Object-oriented API

         * Gets the default locale value from the INTL global 'default_locale'
         * At the PHP initilaization (MINIT) this value is set to 
         * 'intl.default_locale' value from php.ini if that value exists 
         * or from ICU's function  uloc_getDefault() 
         * Then onwards picks up changes from setDefault() calls also
         * @return string the current runtime locale 
        public static function getDefault() {}

         * sets the default runtime locale to $locale
         * This changes the value of INTL global 'default_locale'
         * @param       string   $locale        is a BCP 47 compliant language tag containing the 
         *                                      locale identifier. UAX #35 extensions are accepted.
         * @return      boolean                 'true' if okay, 'false' if an error
        public static function setDefault($locale) {}

         * Gets the primary language for the input locale
         * @param       string  $locale         the locale to extract the primary language code from
         * @return      string                  the language code associated with the language 
         *                                      or null in case of error. 
        public static function getPrimaryLanguage($locale) {}

         * Gets the script for the input locale
         * @param       string  $locale         the locale to extract the script code from
         * @return      string                  the script subtag for the locale or null if not present
        public static function getScript($locale) {}

         * Gets the region for the input locale
         * @param       string  $locale         the locale to extract the region code from
         * @return      string                  the region subtag for the locale or null if not present
        public static function getRegion($locale) {}

         * Gets the variants for the input locale
         * @param       string  $locale         the locale to extract the variants from
         * @return      array                   the array containing the list of all variants 
         *                                      subtag for the locale or null if not present
        public static function getAllVariants($locale) {}

         * Gets the keywords for the input locale
         * @param       string  $locale         the locale to extract the keywords from
         * @return      array                   associative array containing the keyword-value pairs for this locale 
        public static function getKeywords($locale) {}

         * Returns an appropriately localized display name for the input locale
         * @param       string          $locale         the locale to return a displayname for
         * @param       [string]        $in_locale      optional format locale
         *                                              If is 'null' then the default locale is used. 
         * @return      string                          display name of the locale in the format
         *                                              appropriate for $in_locale. 
        public static function getDisplayName($locale, $in_locale = null) {}

         * Returns an appropriately localized display name for language of the input locale
         * @param       string          $locale         the locale to return a display language for
         * @param       [string]        $in_locale      optional format locale to use to display the language name
         *                                              If is 'null' then the default locale is used. 
         * @return      string                          display name of the language for the $locale in the format
         *                                              appropriate for $in_locale. 
        public static function getDisplayLanguage($lang, $in_locale = null) {}

         * Returns an appropriately localized display name for script of the input locale
         * @param       string          $locale         the locale to return a display script for
         * @param       [string]        $in_locale      optional format locale to use to display the script name
         *                                              If is 'null' then the default locale is used. 
         * @return      string                          display name of the script for the $locale in the format
         *                                              appropriate for $in_locale. 
        public static function getDisplayScript($script, $in_locale = null) {}

         * Returns an appropriately localized display name for region of the input locale
         * @param       string          $locale         the locale to return a display region for
         * @param       [string]        $in_locale      optional format locale to use to display the region name
         *                                              If is 'null' then the default locale is used. 
         * @return      string                          display name of the region for the $locale in the format
         *                                              appropriate for $in_locale. 
        public static function getDisplayRegion($region, $in_locale = null) {}

         * Returns an appropriately localized display name for variants of the input locale
         * @param       string          $locale         the locale to return a display variant for
         * @param       [string]        $in_locale      optional format locale to use to display the variant name
         *                                              If is 'null' then the default locale is used. 
         * @return      string                          display name of the variant for the $locale in the format
         *                                              appropriate for $in_locale. 
        public static function getDisplayVariant($variant, $in_locale = null) {}

         * Checks if a $langtag  filter matches with $locale according to 
         * RFC 4647's basic filtering algorithm
         * @param       string          $langtag        the language tag to check
         * @param       string          $locale         the language range to check against
         * @param       bool            $canonicalize   Canonicalize parameters?
         * @return      boolean                         'true' if $locale matches $langtag 'false' otherwise
        public static function filterMatches($langtag, $locale, $canonicalize) {}

         * Searchs the items in $langtag for the best match to the language
         * range specified in $locale according to RFC 4647's lookup algorithm. 
         * @param       array           $langtag        an array containing a list of language tags to compare
         *                                              to $locale
         * @param       string          $locale         the locale to use as the language range when matching
         * @param       string          $default        the locale to use if no match is found
         * @return      string                          closest matching language tag, $default, 
         *                                              or empty string
        public static function lookup(array $langtag, $locale, $default = null) {}

         * Returns a correctly ordered and delimited locale ID 
         * @param       array           $subtags        an array containing a list of key-value pairs, where 
         *                                              the keys identify the particular locale ID subtags,     
         *                                              and the values are the associated subtag values. 
         * @return      string                          the corresponding locale identifier.
        public static function composeLocale(array $subtags) {}

         * Returns a key-value array of locale ID subtag elements.
         * @param       string          $locale         the locale to extract the subtag array from                                     
         * @return      array           $subtags        an array containing a list of key-value pairs, where 
         *                                              the keys identify the particular locale ID subtags,     
         *                                              and the values are the associated subtag values. 
        public static function parseLocale($locale) {}


# Procedural API

         * Gets the default locale value from the INTL global 'default_locale'
         * At the PHP initilaization (MINIT) this value is set to 
         * 'intl.default_locale' value from php.ini if that value exists 
         * or from ICU's function  uloc_getDefault() 
         * Then onwards picks up changes from setDefault() calls also
         * @return string the current runtime locale 
         function locale_get_default() {}

         * sets the default runtime locale to $locale
         * This changes the value of INTL global 'default_locale'
         * @param       string   $locale        is a BCP 47 compliant language tag containing the 
         *                                      locale identifier. UAX #35 extensions are accepted.
         * @return      boolean                 'true' if okay, 'false' if an error
         function locale_set_default($locale) {}

         * Gets the primary language for the input locale
         * @param       string  $locale         the locale to extract the primary language code from
         * @return      string                  the language code associated with the language 
         *                                      or null in case of error. 
         function locale_get_primary_language($locale) {}

         * Gets the script for the input locale
         * @param       string  $locale         the locale to extract the script code from
         * @return      string                  the script subtag for the locale or null if not present
         function locale_get_script($locale) {}

         * Gets the region for the input locale
         * @param       string  $locale         the locale to extract the region code from
         * @return      string                  the region subtag for the locale or null if not present
         function locale_get_region($locale) {}

         * Gets the variants for the input locale
         * @param       string  $locale         the locale to extract the variants from
         * @return      array                   the array containing the list of all variants 
         *                                      subtag for the locale or null if not present
         function locale_get_all_variants($locale) {}

         * Gets the keywords for the input locale
         * @param       string  $locale         the locale to extract the keywords from
         * @return      array                   associative array containing the keyword-value pairs for this locale 
         function locale_get_keywords($locale) {}

         * Returns an appropriately localized display name for the input locale
         * @param       string          $locale         the locale to return a displayname for
         * @param       [string]        $in_locale      optional format locale
         *                                              If is 'null' then the default locale is used. 
         * @return      string                          display name of the locale in the format
         *                                              appropriate for $in_locale. 
         function locale_get_display_name($locale, $in_locale = null) {}

         * Returns an appropriately localized display name for language of the input locale
         * @param       string          $locale         the locale to return a display language for
         * @param       [string]        $in_locale      optional format locale to use to display the language name
         *                                              If is 'null' then the default locale is used. 
         * @return      string                          display name of the language for the $locale in the format
         *                                              appropriate for $in_locale. 
         function locale_get_display_language($lang, $in_locale = null) {}

         * Returns an appropriately localized display name for script of the input locale
         * @param       string          $locale         the locale to return a display script for
         * @param       [string]        $in_locale      optional format locale to use to display the script name
         *                                              If is 'null' then the default locale is used. 
         * @return      string                          display name of the script for the $locale in the format
         *                                              appropriate for $in_locale. 
         function locale_get_display_script($script, $in_locale = null) {}

         * Returns an appropriately localized display name for region of the input locale
         * @param       string          $locale         the locale to return a display region for
         * @param       [string]        $in_locale      optional format locale to use to display the region name
         *                                              If is 'null' then the default locale is used. 
         * @return      string                          display name of the region for the $locale in the format
         *                                              appropriate for $in_locale. 
         function locale_get_display_region($region, $in_locale = null) {}

         * Returns an appropriately localized display name for variants of the input locale
         * @param       string          $locale         the locale to return a display variant for
         * @param       [string]        $in_locale      optional format locale to use to display the variant name
         *                                              If is 'null' then the default locale is used. 
         * @return      string                          display name of the variant for the $locale in the format
         *                                              appropriate for $in_locale. 
         function locale_get_display_variant($variant, $in_locale = null) {}

         * Checks if a $langtag  filter matches with $locale according to 
         * RFC 4647's basic filtering algorithm
         * @param       string          $langtag        the language tag to check
         * @param       string          $locale         the language range to check against
         * @param       bool            $canonicalize   Canonicalize parameters?
         * @return      boolean                         'true' if $locale matches $langtag 'false' otherwise
         function locale_filter_matches($langtag, $locale, $canonicalize) {}

         * Searchs the items in $langtag for the best match to the language
         * range specified in $locale according to RFC 4647's lookup algorithm. 
         * @param       array           $langtag        an array containing a list of language tags to compare
         *                                              to $locale
         * @param       string          $locale         the locale to use as the language range when matching
         * @param       string          $default        the locale to use if no match is found
         * @return      string                          closest matching language tag, $default, 
         *                                              or empty string
         function locale_lookup(array $langtag, $locale, $default = null) {}

         * Returns a correctly ordered and delimited locale ID 
         * @param       array           $subtags        an array containing a list of key-value pairs, where 
         *                                              the keys identify the particular locale ID subtags,     
         *                                              and the values are the associated subtag values. 
         * @return      string                          the corresponding locale identifier.
         function locale_compose_locale(array $subtags) {}

         * Returns a key-value array of locale ID subtag elements.
         * @param       string          $locale         the locale to extract the subtag array from                                     
         * @return      array           $subtags        an array containing a list of key-value pairs, where 
         *                                              the keys identify the particular locale ID subtags,     
         *                                              and the values are the associated subtag values. 
         function locale_parse_locale($locale) {}


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