/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
This source file includes following definitions.
- compress
- swft_import_png
#include <libxslt/extensions.h>
#include <libxslt/xsltutils.h>
#include <libxml/xpathInternals.h>
#include <libxslt/variables.h>
#include "swft.h"
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <cstring>
#include "readpng.h"
#include <zlib.h>
#define TMP_STRLEN 0xff
// outLength should contain the allocated size,
// will be updated with the actual size
bool compress( unsigned char *inputBuffer, int inLength, unsigned char *outputBuffer, int *outLength ) {
z_stream stream;
int status, count;
stream.avail_in = inLength;
stream.next_in = inputBuffer;
stream.next_out = outputBuffer;
stream.zalloc = (alloc_func) NULL;
stream.zfree = (free_func) NULL;
stream.opaque = (voidpf) 0;
stream.avail_out = *outLength;
status = deflateInit( &stream, Z_BEST_COMPRESSION );
if( status != Z_OK ) {
fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: compressing PNG (1): %s\n", stream.msg );
return false;
while( true ) {
if( stream.avail_in == 0 ) break;
status = deflate( &stream, Z_NO_FLUSH );
if( status != Z_OK ) {
fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: compressing PNG (2): %s\n", stream.msg );
return false;
do {
status = deflate( &stream, Z_FINISH );
} while( status == Z_OK );
if( status != Z_STREAM_END ) {
fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: compressing PNG (3): %s\n", stream.msg );
return false;
status = deflateEnd(&stream);
if( status != Z_OK ) {
fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: compressing PNG (4): %s\n", stream.msg );
return false;
*outLength -= stream.avail_out;
return true;
void swft_import_png( xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctx, int nargs ) {
xsltTransformContextPtr tctx;
xmlChar *filename;
xsltDocumentPtr xsltdoc;
xmlDocPtr doc = NULL;
xmlNodePtr node;
xmlXPathObjectPtr obj;
char tmp[TMP_STRLEN];
png_colorp palette;
int n_pal;
xmlXPathStringFunction(ctx, 1);
if (ctx->value->type != XPATH_STRING) {
xsltTransformError(xsltXPathGetTransformContext(ctx), NULL, NULL,
"swft:import-png() : invalid arg expecting a string\n");
ctx->error = XPATH_INVALID_TYPE;
obj = valuePop(ctx);
if (obj->stringval == NULL) {
valuePush(ctx, xmlXPathNewNodeSet(NULL));
tctx = xsltXPathGetTransformContext(ctx);
filename = swft_get_filename(obj->stringval);
bool quiet = true;
xmlXPathObjectPtr quietObj = xsltVariableLookup( tctx, (const xmlChar*)"quiet", NULL );
if( quietObj && quietObj->stringval ) { quiet = !strcmp("true",(const char*)quietObj->stringval ); };
FILE *fp = fopen( (const char *)filename, "rb" );
if( !fp ) {
xsltTransformError(xsltXPathGetTransformContext(ctx), NULL, NULL,
"swft:import-png() : failed to read file '%s'\n", (const char *)filename);
valuePush(ctx, xmlXPathNewNodeSet(NULL));
doc = xmlNewDoc( (const xmlChar *)"1.0");
doc->xmlRootNode = xmlNewDocNode( doc, NULL, (const xmlChar *)"png", NULL );
node = doc->xmlRootNode;
swft_addFileName( node, (const char *)filename );
// add data
unsigned char *data, *compressed;
unsigned long w, h, rowbytes;
int channels;
int compressed_size;
int format = 5;
int data_size = 0;
if( !fp ) goto fail;
if( readpng_init( fp, &w, &h ) ) goto fail;
// add w/h
snprintf(tmp,TMP_STRLEN,"%i", w);
xmlSetProp( node, (const xmlChar *)"width", (const xmlChar *)&tmp );
snprintf(tmp,TMP_STRLEN,"%i", h);
xmlSetProp( node, (const xmlChar *)"height", (const xmlChar *)&tmp );
data = readpng_get_image( 2.2, &channels, &rowbytes, &palette, &n_pal );
if( !quiet ) {
fprintf(stderr,"Importing PNG: '%s' (%i bit/pixel)\n", filename, (rowbytes*8)/w );
if( channels == 4 && rowbytes == (4*w) ) {
int c;
float a;
unsigned char r,g,b;
for( int i=0; i<w*h*4; i+=4 ) {
a = data[i+3]/255.0;
r = (unsigned char)((data[i+0])*a);
g = (unsigned char)((data[i+1])*a);
b = (unsigned char)((data[i+2])*a);
data[i] = data[i+3];
data[i+1] = r;
data[i+2] = g;
data[i+3] = b;
data_size = w*h*4;
} else if( channels == 3 && rowbytes == (3*w) ) {
unsigned char *rgba = new unsigned char[ w*h*4 ];
for( int i=0; i<w*h; i++ ) {
rgba[i*4] = 0xff;
rgba[(i*4)+3] = data[(i*3)+2];
rgba[(i*4)+2] = data[(i*3)+1];
rgba[(i*4)+1] = data[(i*3)];
data = rgba;
data_size = w*h*4;
} else if( channels == 1 && rowbytes == w ) {
unsigned char *img_data = data;
format = 3;
int bpr = rowbytes;
bpr += (rowbytes % 4) ? 4 - (rowbytes % 4) : 0;
if( n_pal ) {
data_size = (4*n_pal) + (bpr*h);
data = new unsigned char[ data_size ];
for( int i=0; i<n_pal; i++ ) {
unsigned char *entry = &data[(i*4)];
entry[2] = palette[i].blue;
entry[1] = palette[i].green;
entry[0] = palette[i].red;
entry[3] = 0xff;
} else {
n_pal = 0xff;
data_size = (4*n_pal) + (bpr*h);
data = new unsigned char[ data_size ];
for( int i=0; i<n_pal; i++ ) {
unsigned char *entry = &data[(i*4)];
entry[2] = i;
entry[1] = i;
entry[0] = i;
entry[3] = 0xff;
/* copy row by row with 32bit alignment */
unsigned char *dst = &data[ (4*n_pal) ];
unsigned char *src = img_data;
memset( dst, 0, bpr*h );
for( int y=0; y<h; y++ ) {
memcpy( dst, src, rowbytes );
dst += bpr;
src += rowbytes;
snprintf(tmp,TMP_STRLEN,"%i", n_pal-1 );
xmlSetProp( node, (const xmlChar *)"n_colormap", (const xmlChar *)&tmp );
} else {
fprintf( stderr, "WARNING: can only import 8bit palette, 24 or 32bit RGB(A) PNGs (%s has %i channels, rowstride %i)\n", filename, channels, rowbytes );
goto fail;
// format is 5 for RGB(A), 3 for palette (4 for 16bit, unused)
snprintf(tmp,TMP_STRLEN,"%i", format );
xmlSetProp( node, (const xmlChar *)"format", (const xmlChar *)&tmp );
compressed_size = data_size;
if( compressed_size < 64 ) compressed_size = 64;
compressed = new unsigned char[ compressed_size ];
if( compress( data, data_size, compressed, &compressed_size ) ) {
swft_addData( node, (char*)compressed, compressed_size );
valuePush( ctx, xmlXPathNewNodeSet( (xmlNodePtr)doc ) );
delete compressed;
readpng_cleanup( true );
if( fp ) fclose(fp);
readpng_cleanup( true );
if( fp ) fclose(fp);
fprintf( stderr, "WARNING: could not import %s\n", filename );