PY_ERROR 136 lib/python/SWF.c return PY_ERROR("Couldn't open file %s", filename); PY_ERROR 140 lib/python/SWF.c return PY_ERROR("%s is not a valid SWF file or contains errors",filename); PY_ERROR 148 lib/python/SWF.c return PY_ERROR("<data> is not a valid SWF file or contains errors"); PY_ERROR 103 lib/python/gfx.c return PY_ERROR("Couldn't write to %s", filename); PY_ERROR 145 lib/python/gfx.c PY_ERROR("Second argument to fillbitmap must be an image"); PY_ERROR 162 lib/python/gfx.c return PY_ERROR("each point must be a tuple"); PY_ERROR 166 lib/python/gfx.c return PY_ERROR("point tuples must start with a string"); PY_ERROR 172 lib/python/gfx.c return PY_ERROR("coordinates must be floats"); PY_ERROR 182 lib/python/gfx.c return PY_ERROR("need 2 values for move"); PY_ERROR 188 lib/python/gfx.c return PY_ERROR("need 2 values for line"); PY_ERROR 194 lib/python/gfx.c return PY_ERROR("need 4 values for spline"); PY_ERROR 200 lib/python/gfx.c return PY_ERROR("Unknown line code '%s'", type); PY_ERROR 222 lib/python/gfx.c return PY_ERROR("invalid image"); PY_ERROR 775 lib/python/gfx.c return PY_ERROR("invalid dimensions: %dx%d", width,height); PY_ERROR 877 lib/python/gfx.c return PY_ERROR("Couldn't extract page %d", pagenr); PY_ERROR 986 lib/python/gfx.c return PY_ERROR("Unknown type %s", type); PY_ERROR 990 lib/python/gfx.c return PY_ERROR("Couldn't open %s", filename); PY_ERROR 86 lib/python/primitives.c return PY_ERROR("bad attribute"); PY_ERROR 132 lib/python/tags.c return PY_ERROR("Couldn't parse placeobject"); PY_ERROR 633 lib/python/tags.c return PY_ERROR("Couldn't parse image"); PY_ERROR 768 lib/python/tags.c return PY_ERROR("Invalid Fillstyle"); PY_ERROR 783 lib/python/tags.c return PY_ERROR("Invalid Linestyle"); PY_ERROR 796 lib/python/tags.c return PY_ERROR("Couldn't parse shape"); PY_ERROR 805 lib/python/tags.c return PY_ERROR("Couldn't parse shape"); PY_ERROR 814 lib/python/tags.c return PY_ERROR("Couldn't parse shape"); PY_ERROR 822 lib/python/tags.c return PY_ERROR("fillstyle index out of range"); PY_ERROR 829 lib/python/tags.c return PY_ERROR("Couldn't parse shape"); PY_ERROR 837 lib/python/tags.c return PY_ERROR("fillstyle index out of range"); PY_ERROR 844 lib/python/tags.c return PY_ERROR("Couldn't parse shape"); PY_ERROR 853 lib/python/tags.c return PY_ERROR("fillstyle index out of range"); PY_ERROR 861 lib/python/tags.c return PY_ERROR("Couldn't parse shape"); PY_ERROR 870 lib/python/tags.c return PY_ERROR("linestyle index out of range"); PY_ERROR 1064 lib/python/tags.c return PY_ERROR("Not an array"); PY_ERROR 1066 lib/python/tags.c return PY_ERROR("Array (y) has to have at least %d elements, but has only %d ", fi->stream->bby, PySequence_Length(array)); PY_ERROR 1070 lib/python/tags.c return PY_ERROR("Not an array of arrays"); PY_ERROR 1072 lib/python/tags.c return PY_ERROR("Inner arrays (x) have to be at least %d long- %dth is only %d", fi->stream->bbx, y, PySequence_Length(line)); PY_ERROR 1088 lib/python/tags.c if(size!=2) return PY_ERROR("Tuples have to have size 2 (xy,img)"); PY_ERROR 1091 lib/python/tags.c if(!PyComplex_Check(xy)) return PY_ERROR("Tuples must be (COMPLEX,string)"); PY_ERROR 1094 lib/python/tags.c if(!PyString_Check(image)) return PY_ERROR("Tuples must be (complex,STRING)"); PY_ERROR 1110 lib/python/tags.c return PY_ERROR("image strings must be >= 256*3");