warning           809 lib/action/lex.swf4.c static void warning(char *msg);
warning           841 lib/action/lex.swf4.c     case 'u' : warning("unsupported escape sequence");
warning          1426 lib/action/lex.swf4.c 					warning("Unterminated string!");
warning          1437 lib/action/lex.swf4.c 					warning("Unterminated string!");
warning           870 lib/action/lex.swf5.c static void warning(char *msg);
warning           902 lib/action/lex.swf5.c     case 'u' : warning("unsupported escape sequence");
warning          1773 lib/action/lex.swf5.c 					warning("Unterminated string!");
warning          1784 lib/action/lex.swf5.c 					warning("Unterminated string!");
warning            31 src/swfc-feedback.h void warning(char*format, ...);
warning          1070 src/swfc.c                 warning("no global public MovieClip subclass");
warning          1090 src/swfc.c     	warning("Empty bounding box for movie");
warning          1339 src/swfc.c     	warning("no character 0x%02x (%c) in font \"%s\"", text[0], text[0], fontname);
warning          1471 src/swfc.c     	warning("no jpeg support compiled in");
warning          1515 src/swfc.c     	warning("image type \"%s\" not supported yet!", type);
warning          1599 src/swfc.c     	warning("Couldn't open font file \"%s\"", filename);
warning          1629 src/swfc.c     	warning("flashtype not supported for flash versions 8 and below");
warning          1688 src/swfc.c                 warning("Couldn't read WAV/MP3 file \"%s\"", filename);
warning          1798 src/swfc.c                 warning("gradient record too big- max size is 16, rest ignored");
warning          1833 src/swfc.c         	    warning("too many filters in filterlist, no more than 8 please, rest ignored");
warning          2072 src/swfc.c     	warning("Couldn't open file \"%s\": %s", filename, strerror(errno));
warning          2077 src/swfc.c     	warning("Only SWF files supported in .shape for now. File \"%s\" wasn't SWF.", filename);
warning          2237 src/swfc.c                     warning("blendmodes only supported for flash version>=8");
warning          2239 src/swfc.c                     warning("filters only supported for flash version>=8");
warning          2476 src/swfc.c     	    warning("precision loss: %s converted to twip: %s.%s", old, str, dot);
warning          3621 src/swfc.c     	warning("As of version 0.8.2 using the .change command to modify an \
warning          3677 src/swfc.c             warning("change commands in frame 1 will be ignored, please use the put command to set object parameters");
warning          3851 src/swfc.c     	warning("Please use .swf instead of .shape");
warning          4419 src/swfc.c     		warning("Please use .flash instead of .swf- this will be mandatory soon");