GCDebugMsg        487 MMgc/GC.cpp    					GCDebugMsg(true, "Should not have a start_event but had start_event=%d, ev=%d\n", (int)start_event, (int)ev);
GCDebugMsg        496 MMgc/GC.cpp    			GCDebugMsg(true, "Should have had a matching start_event but instead had start_event=%d, ev=%d\n", (int)start_event, (int)ev);
GCDebugMsg       2406 MMgc/GC.cpp    				GCDebugMsg(false, "Location: 0x%08x  Object: 0x%08x (size %d)\n", where, real, taggedSize);
GCDebugMsg       2430 MMgc/GC.cpp    		GCDebugMsg(false, "[%d] Probing for pointers to : 0x%08x\n", currentDepth, me);
GCDebugMsg       3421 MMgc/GC.cpp    				GCDebugMsg(false, "Object 0x%x allocated here:\n", mem);
GCDebugMsg       3423 MMgc/GC.cpp    				GCDebugMsg(false, "Didn't mark pointer at 0x%x, object 0x%x allocated here:\n", p, val);
GCDebugMsg         47 MMgc/GCDebug.h 	void GCDebugMsg(bool debuggerBreak, const char* format, ...);
GCDebugMsg         54 MMgc/GCDebug.h 				MMgc::GCDebugMsg(true, msg);
GCDebugMsg         60 MMgc/GCDebug.h         #define __GCAssertMsg(x, msg_, line_, file_)	do { if ((x) == 0) MMgc::GCDebugMsg(true, "Assertion failed: \"" #x "\" (" #file_ ":" #line_ ") %s", msg_); } while (0) /* no semi */
GCDebugMsg        565 MMgc/GCHeap.cpp 		GCDebugMsg(false, "*** Alloc exceeded softlimit: ask for %u, usedheapsize =%u, totalHeap =%u, of which external =%u\n", 
GCDebugMsg        587 MMgc/GCHeap.cpp 					GCDebugMsg(false, "### Alloc dropped below softlimit: usedheapsize =%u, totalHeap =%u, of which external =%u\n", 
GCDebugMsg        759 MMgc/GCMemoryProfiler.cpp 			GCDebugMsg(false, "Memory overwrite detected\n");
GCDebugMsg        778 MMgc/GCMemoryProfiler.cpp 		GCDebugMsg(false, "Object 0x%x was written to after it was deleted, allocation trace:");
GCDebugMsg        780 MMgc/GCMemoryProfiler.cpp 		GCDebugMsg(false, "Deletion trace:");
GCDebugMsg        782 MMgc/GCMemoryProfiler.cpp 		GCDebugMsg(true, "Deleted item write violation!");
GCDebugMsg         48 MMgc/GCObject.cpp 		GCDebugMsg(false, "Ref count modification history for object 0x%x:\n", this);