entry              79 axscript/IDispatchProvider.cpp 		DISPID_ENTRY entry = dispid2info[*pid];
entry              80 axscript/IDispatchProvider.cpp 		if (entry.deleted) {
entry              92 axscript/IDispatchProvider.cpp 			DISPID_ENTRY entry;
entry              93 axscript/IDispatchProvider.cpp 			entry.name = name;
entry              94 axscript/IDispatchProvider.cpp 			entry.deleted = false;
entry              95 axscript/IDispatchProvider.cpp 			dispid2info[*pid] = entry;
entry             148 axscript/IDispatchProvider.cpp 			DISPID_ENTRY &entry = it->second;
entry             149 axscript/IDispatchProvider.cpp 			if (entry.deleted) {
entry             154 axscript/IDispatchProvider.cpp 						core->atomToString(entry.name)->getData(), wFlags);
entry             167 axscript/IDispatchProvider.cpp 				ret = ob->getAtomProperty(entry.name);
entry             172 axscript/IDispatchProvider.cpp 				ob->setAtomProperty(entry.name, core->toAtom(pdp->rgvarg[0]));
entry             184 axscript/IDispatchProvider.cpp 				Multiname mn(core->publicNamespace, core->atomToString(entry.name));
entry             829 core/E4XNode.cpp 				insertChild (entry + j, child);
entry             834 core/E4XNode.cpp 			insertChild (entry, 0); // make room for our replace
entry             835 core/E4XNode.cpp 			this->_replace (core, toplevel, entry, value);
entry             228 core/E4XNode.h 		void _deleteByIndex (uint32 entry);
entry             230 core/E4XNode.h 		virtual void _insert (AvmCore *core, Toplevel *toplevel, uint32 entry, Atom value);
entry             231 core/E4XNode.h 		virtual E4XNode* _replace (AvmCore *core, Toplevel *toplevel, uint32 entry, Atom value, Atom pastValue = 0);
entry             356 core/E4XNode.h 		void _insert (AvmCore *core, Toplevel *toplevel, uint32 entry, Atom value);
entry             357 core/E4XNode.h 		E4XNode* _replace (AvmCore *core, Toplevel *toplevel, uint32 entry, Atom value, Atom pastValue = 0);
entry              96 nanojit/Assembler.cpp             _activation.entry[i] = 0;
entry             246 nanojit/Assembler.cpp             ins = ar.entry[i];
entry             255 nanojit/Assembler.cpp                         NanoAssert(ar.entry[j]==ins);
entry             261 nanojit/Assembler.cpp                     NanoAssert(ar.entry[i - stack_direction(1)]==ins);
entry             517 nanojit/Assembler.cpp             NanoAssert(_activation.entry[arIndex] == ins);
entry             784 nanojit/Assembler.cpp                 NanoAssertMsgf(_activation.entry[i] == 0, "frame entry %d wasn't freed\n",-4*i);
entry            1568 nanojit/Assembler.cpp         LIns *i = ar.entry[idx];
entry            1571 nanojit/Assembler.cpp             ar.entry[idx] = 0;
entry            1573 nanojit/Assembler.cpp         } while (ar.entry[idx] == i);
entry            1617 nanojit/Assembler.cpp             LIns *ins = _activation.entry[i];
entry            1625 nanojit/Assembler.cpp                         NanoAssert(_activation.entry[i] == ins);
entry            1631 nanojit/Assembler.cpp                     NanoAssert(_activation.entry[i+1] == ins);
entry            1646 nanojit/Assembler.cpp             if (ar.entry[loc+stack_direction(i)])
entry            1664 nanojit/Assembler.cpp                 if (ar.entry[i] == 0) {
entry            1666 nanojit/Assembler.cpp                     ar.entry[i] = l;
entry            1674 nanojit/Assembler.cpp                 if ( (ar.entry[i+stack_direction(1)] == 0) && (i==tos || (ar.entry[i] == 0)) ) {
entry            1676 nanojit/Assembler.cpp                     NanoAssert(ar.entry[i] == 0);
entry            1677 nanojit/Assembler.cpp                     NanoAssert(ar.entry[i+stack_direction(1)] == 0);
entry            1678 nanojit/Assembler.cpp                     ar.entry[i] = l;
entry            1679 nanojit/Assembler.cpp                     ar.entry[i+stack_direction(1)] = l;
entry            1692 nanojit/Assembler.cpp                         NanoAssert(ar.entry[i+stack_direction(j)] == 0);
entry            1693 nanojit/Assembler.cpp                         ar.entry[i+stack_direction(j)] = l;
entry             105 nanojit/Assembler.h         LIns*           entry[ NJ_MAX_STACK_ENTRY ];    /* maps to 4B contiguous locations relative to the frame pointer */
entry              89 pcre/pcre_get.cpp   uschar *entry = nametable + entrysize*mid;
entry              90 pcre/pcre_get.cpp   int c = VMPI_strcmp(stringname, (char *)(entry + 2));
entry              91 pcre/pcre_get.cpp   if (c == 0) return (entry[0] << 8) + entry[1];
entry             140 pcre/pcre_get.cpp   uschar *entry = nametable + entrysize*mid;
entry             141 pcre/pcre_get.cpp   int c = VMPI_strcmp(stringname, (char *)(entry + 2));
entry             144 pcre/pcre_get.cpp     uschar *first = entry;
entry             145 pcre/pcre_get.cpp     uschar *last = entry;
entry             191 pcre/pcre_get.cpp uschar *entry;
entry             196 pcre/pcre_get.cpp for (entry = (uschar *)first; entry <= (uschar *)last; entry += entrysize)
entry             198 pcre/pcre_get.cpp   int n = (entry[0] << 8) + entry[1];
entry             219 platform/win32/Vtune.cpp 			LineNumberRecord* entry = tbl->at(i);
entry             220 platform/win32/Vtune.cpp            if (entry->filename && entry->lineno)
entry             222 platform/win32/Vtune.cpp                if (!fileName) fileName = entry->filename;
entry             225 platform/win32/Vtune.cpp                lines[at].LineNumber = entry->lineno;
entry              85 vprof/vprof.cpp static entry* entries = NULL;
entry             110 vprof/vprof.cpp inline static entry* reverse (entry* s)
entry             227 vprof/vprof.cpp             e = (entry_t) malloc (sizeof(entry));
entry             318 vprof/vprof.cpp             e = (entry_t) malloc (sizeof(entry));
entry             222 vprof/vprof.h  typedef struct entry entry;
entry             236 vprof/vprof.h      entry* next;