kFreelist 270 MMgc/GCAlloc-inlines.h return GetBit(block, GetIndex(block, item), kFreelist) != kFreelist; kFreelist 444 MMgc/GCAlloc.cpp int mq = marks & kFreelist; kFreelist 445 MMgc/GCAlloc.cpp if(mq == kFreelist) kFreelist 538 MMgc/GCAlloc.cpp int mq = marks & kFreelist; kFreelist 542 MMgc/GCAlloc.cpp bits[i] &= ~(kFreelist<<(j*4)); kFreelist 546 MMgc/GCAlloc.cpp if(mq == kFreelist) kFreelist 604 MMgc/GCAlloc.cpp SetBit(block, GetIndex(block, item), kFreelist); kFreelist 644 MMgc/GCAlloc.cpp uint32_t m = marks&kFreelist; kFreelist 645 MMgc/GCAlloc.cpp GCAssertMsg(m == 0 || m == kFreelist, "All items should be free or clear, nothing should be marked or queued."); kFreelist 738 MMgc/GCAlloc.cpp SetBit(this, index, kFreelist);