
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


  Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 GraphicsMagick Group
  Copyright (C) 2002 ImageMagick Studio
  Copyright 1991-1999 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company
  This program is covered by multiple licenses, which are described in
  Copyright.txt. You should have received a copy of Copyright.txt with this
  package; otherwise see
  ImageMagick Exception Methods.

#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
extern "C" {
#endif /* defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus) */

  Enum declarations.
typedef enum
  UndefinedExceptionBase = 0,
  ExceptionBase = 1,
  ResourceBase = 2,
  ResourceLimitBase = 2,
  TypeBase = 5,
  AnnotateBase = 5,
  OptionBase = 10,
  DelegateBase = 15,
  MissingDelegateBase = 20,
  CorruptImageBase = 25,
  FileOpenBase = 30,
  BlobBase = 35,
  StreamBase = 40,
  CacheBase = 45,
  CoderBase = 50,
  ModuleBase = 55,
  DrawBase = 60,
  RenderBase = 60,
  ImageBase = 65,
  WandBase = 67,
  TemporaryFileBase = 70,
  TransformBase = 75,
  XServerBase = 80,
  X11Base = 81,
  UserBase = 82,
  MonitorBase = 85,
  LocaleBase = 86,
  DeprecateBase = 87,
  RegistryBase = 90,
  ConfigureBase = 95
} ExceptionBaseType;

typedef enum
  UndefinedException = 0,
  EventException = 100,
  ExceptionEvent = EventException + ExceptionBase,
  ResourceEvent = EventException + ResourceBase,
  ResourceLimitEvent = EventException + ResourceLimitBase,
  TypeEvent = EventException + TypeBase,
  AnnotateEvent = EventException + AnnotateBase,
  OptionEvent = EventException + OptionBase,
  DelegateEvent = EventException + DelegateBase,
  MissingDelegateEvent = EventException + MissingDelegateBase,
  CorruptImageEvent = EventException + CorruptImageBase,
  FileOpenEvent = EventException + FileOpenBase,
  BlobEvent = EventException + BlobBase,
  StreamEvent = EventException + StreamBase,
  CacheEvent = EventException + CacheBase,
  CoderEvent = EventException + CoderBase,
  ModuleEvent = EventException + ModuleBase,
  DrawEvent = EventException + DrawBase,
  RenderEvent = EventException + RenderBase,
  ImageEvent = EventException + ImageBase,
  WandEvent = EventException + WandBase,
  TemporaryFileEvent = EventException + TemporaryFileBase,
  TransformEvent = EventException + TransformBase,
  XServerEvent = EventException + XServerBase,
  X11Event = EventException + X11Base,
  UserEvent = EventException + UserBase,
  MonitorEvent = EventException + MonitorBase,
  LocaleEvent = EventException + LocaleBase,
  DeprecateEvent = EventException + DeprecateBase,
  RegistryEvent = EventException + RegistryBase,
  ConfigureEvent = EventException + ConfigureBase,

  WarningException = 300,
  ExceptionWarning = WarningException + ExceptionBase,
  ResourceWarning = WarningException + ResourceBase,
  ResourceLimitWarning = WarningException + ResourceLimitBase,
  TypeWarning = WarningException + TypeBase,
  AnnotateWarning = WarningException + AnnotateBase,
  OptionWarning = WarningException + OptionBase,
  DelegateWarning = WarningException + DelegateBase,
  MissingDelegateWarning = WarningException + MissingDelegateBase,
  CorruptImageWarning = WarningException + CorruptImageBase,
  FileOpenWarning = WarningException + FileOpenBase,
  BlobWarning = WarningException + BlobBase,
  StreamWarning = WarningException + StreamBase,
  CacheWarning = WarningException + CacheBase,
  CoderWarning = WarningException + CoderBase,
  ModuleWarning = WarningException + ModuleBase,
  DrawWarning = WarningException + DrawBase,
  RenderWarning = WarningException + RenderBase,
  ImageWarning = WarningException + ImageBase,
  WandWarning = WarningException + WandBase,
  TemporaryFileWarning = WarningException + TemporaryFileBase,
  TransformWarning = WarningException + TransformBase,
  XServerWarning = WarningException + XServerBase,
  X11Warning = WarningException + X11Base,
  UserWarning = WarningException + UserBase,
  MonitorWarning = WarningException + MonitorBase,
  LocaleWarning = WarningException + LocaleBase,
  DeprecateWarning = WarningException + DeprecateBase,
  RegistryWarning = WarningException + RegistryBase,
  ConfigureWarning = WarningException + ConfigureBase,

  ErrorException = 400,
  ExceptionError = ErrorException + ExceptionBase,
  ResourceError = ErrorException + ResourceBase,
  ResourceLimitError = ErrorException + ResourceLimitBase,
  TypeError = ErrorException + TypeBase,
  AnnotateError = ErrorException + AnnotateBase,
  OptionError = ErrorException + OptionBase,
  DelegateError = ErrorException + DelegateBase,
  MissingDelegateError = ErrorException + MissingDelegateBase,
  CorruptImageError = ErrorException + CorruptImageBase,
  FileOpenError = ErrorException + FileOpenBase,
  BlobError = ErrorException + BlobBase,
  StreamError = ErrorException + StreamBase,
  CacheError = ErrorException + CacheBase,
  CoderError = ErrorException + CoderBase,
  ModuleError = ErrorException + ModuleBase,
  DrawError = ErrorException + DrawBase,
  RenderError = ErrorException + RenderBase,
  ImageError = ErrorException + ImageBase,
  WandError = ErrorException + WandBase,
  TemporaryFileError = ErrorException + TemporaryFileBase,
  TransformError = ErrorException + TransformBase,
  XServerError = ErrorException + XServerBase,
  X11Error = ErrorException + X11Base,
  UserError = ErrorException + UserBase,
  MonitorError = ErrorException + MonitorBase,
  LocaleError = ErrorException + LocaleBase,
  DeprecateError = ErrorException + DeprecateBase,
  RegistryError = ErrorException + RegistryBase,
  ConfigureError = ErrorException + ConfigureBase,

  FatalErrorException = 700,
  ExceptionFatalError = FatalErrorException + ExceptionBase,
  ResourceFatalError = FatalErrorException + ResourceBase,
  ResourceLimitFatalError = FatalErrorException + ResourceLimitBase,
  TypeFatalError = FatalErrorException + TypeBase,
  AnnotateFatalError = FatalErrorException + AnnotateBase,
  OptionFatalError = FatalErrorException + OptionBase,
  DelegateFatalError = FatalErrorException + DelegateBase,
  MissingDelegateFatalError = FatalErrorException + MissingDelegateBase,
  CorruptImageFatalError = FatalErrorException + CorruptImageBase,
  FileOpenFatalError = FatalErrorException + FileOpenBase,
  BlobFatalError = FatalErrorException + BlobBase,
  StreamFatalError = FatalErrorException + StreamBase,
  CacheFatalError = FatalErrorException + CacheBase,
  CoderFatalError = FatalErrorException + CoderBase,
  ModuleFatalError = FatalErrorException + ModuleBase,
  DrawFatalError = FatalErrorException + DrawBase,
  RenderFatalError = FatalErrorException + RenderBase,
  ImageFatalError = FatalErrorException + ImageBase,
  WandFatalError = FatalErrorException + WandBase,
  TemporaryFileFatalError = FatalErrorException + TemporaryFileBase,
  TransformFatalError = FatalErrorException + TransformBase,
  XServerFatalError = FatalErrorException + XServerBase,
  X11FatalError = FatalErrorException + X11Base,
  UserFatalError = FatalErrorException + UserBase,
  MonitorFatalError = FatalErrorException + MonitorBase,
  LocaleFatalError = FatalErrorException + LocaleBase,
  DeprecateFatalError = FatalErrorException + DeprecateBase,
  RegistryFatalError = FatalErrorException + RegistryBase,
  ConfigureFatalError = FatalErrorException + ConfigureBase
} ExceptionType;

  Typedef declarations.

  ExceptionInfo is used to report exceptions to higher level routines,
  and to the user.
typedef struct _ExceptionInfo
    Exception severity, reason, and description


    Value of errno (or equivalent) when exception was thrown.

    Reporting source module, function (if available), and source
    module line.

  unsigned long

    Structure sanity check
  unsigned long
} ExceptionInfo;

  Exception typedef declarations.
typedef void
  (*ErrorHandler)(const ExceptionType,const char *,const char *);

typedef void
  (*FatalErrorHandler)(const ExceptionType,const char *,const char *);

typedef void
  (*WarningHandler)(const ExceptionType,const char *,const char *);

  Exception declarations.
extern MagickExport const char
  *GetLocaleExceptionMessage(const ExceptionType,const char *),
  *GetLocaleMessage(const char *);

extern MagickExport ErrorHandler

extern MagickExport FatalErrorHandler

extern MagickExport void
  CatchException(const ExceptionInfo *),
  CopyException(ExceptionInfo *copy, const ExceptionInfo *original),
  DestroyExceptionInfo(ExceptionInfo *),
  GetExceptionInfo(ExceptionInfo *),
  MagickError(const ExceptionType,const char *,const char *),
  MagickFatalError(const ExceptionType,const char *,const char *),
  MagickWarning(const ExceptionType,const char *,const char *),
  _MagickError(const ExceptionType,const char *,const char *),
  _MagickFatalError(const ExceptionType,const char *,const char *),
  _MagickWarning(const ExceptionType,const char *,const char *),
  SetExceptionInfo(ExceptionInfo *,ExceptionType),
  ThrowException(ExceptionInfo *,const ExceptionType,const char *,const char *),
  ThrowLoggedException(ExceptionInfo *exception, const ExceptionType severity,
    const char *reason,const char *description,const char *module,
    const char *function,const unsigned long line);

extern MagickExport WarningHandler

  Exception define definitions.

#include <magick/log.h>


#    define MagickMsg(severity_,msg_) GetLocaleMessageFromID(MGK_##severity_##msg_)

/* Severity ID translated. */
#    define ThrowException(exception_,severity_,reason_,description_) \

/* No IDs translated */
#    define ThrowException2(exception_,severity_,reason_,description_) \

/* Serverity and description IDs translated */
#    define ThrowException3(exception_,severity_,reason_,description_) \

#    define MagickError(severity_,reason_,description_) \

#    define MagickFatalError(severity_,reason_,description_) \

#    define MagickWarning(severity_,reason_,description_) \

#    define MagickError2(severity_,reason_,description_) \

#    define MagickFatalError2(severity_,reason_,description_) \

#    define MagickWarning2(severity_,reason_,description_) \

#    define MagickError3(severity_,reason_,description_) \

#    define MagickFatalError3(severity_,reason_,description_) \

#    define MagickWarning3(severity_,reason_,description_) \
/* end #if defined(MAGICK_IDBASED_MESSAGES) */
#  else

#    define MagickMsg(severity_,msg_) GetLocaleExceptionMessage(severity_,#msg_)

#    define ThrowException(exception_,severity_,reason_,description_) \

#    define ThrowException2(exception_,severity_,reason_,description_) \

#    define ThrowException3(exception_,severity_,reason_,description_) \

#    define MagickError(severity_,reason_,description_) \

#    define MagickFatalError(severity_,reason_,description_) \

#    define MagickWarning(severity_,reason_,description_) \

#    define MagickError2(severity_,reason_,description_) \

#    define MagickFatalError2(severity_,reason_,description_) \

#    define MagickWarning2(severity_,reason_,description_) \

#    define MagickError3(severity_,reason_,description_) \

#    define MagickFatalError3(severity_,reason_,description_) \

#    define MagickWarning3(severity_,reason_,description_) \

#  endif
#endif /* defined(MAGICK_IMPLEMENTATION) */

#define ThrowBinaryException(severity_,reason_,description_) \
do { \
  if (image != (Image *) NULL) \
    { \
      ThrowException(&image->exception,severity_,reason_,description_); \
    } \
  return(MagickFail); \
} while (0);

#define ThrowBinaryException2(severity_,reason_,description_) \
do { \
  if (image != (Image *) NULL) \
    { \
      ThrowException2(&image->exception,severity_,reason_,description_); \
    } \
  return(MagickFail); \
} while (0);

#define ThrowBinaryException3(severity_,reason_,description_) \
do { \
  if (image != (Image *) NULL) \
    { \
      ThrowException3(&image->exception,severity_,reason_,description_); \
    } \
  return(MagickFail); \
} while (0);

#define ThrowImageException(code_,reason_,description_) \
do { \
  ThrowException(exception,code_,reason_,description_); \
  return((Image *) NULL); \
} while (0);

#define ThrowImageException2(code_,reason_,description_) \
do { \
  ThrowException2(exception,code_,reason_,description_); \
  return((Image *) NULL); \
} while (0);

#define ThrowImageException3(code_,reason_,description_) \
do { \
  ThrowException3(exception,code_,reason_,description_); \
  return((Image *) NULL); \
} while (0);

#define ThrowReaderException(code_,reason_,image_) \
do { \
  if (UndefinedException == exception->severity) \
    { \
      ThrowException(exception,code_,reason_,image_ ? (image_)->filename : 0); \
    } \
  if (image_) \
    { \
       CloseBlob(image_); \
       DestroyImageList(image_); \
    } \
  return((Image *) NULL); \
} while (0);

#define ThrowWriterException(code_,reason_,image_) \
do { \
  assert(image_ != (Image *) NULL); \
  ThrowException(&(image_)->exception,code_,reason_,(image_)->filename); \
  if (image_info->adjoin) \
    while ((image_)->previous != (Image *) NULL) \
      (image_)=(image_)->previous; \
  CloseBlob(image_); \
  return(MagickFail); \
} while (0);

#define ThrowWriterException2(code_,reason_,image_) \
do { \
  assert(image_ != (Image *) NULL); \
  ThrowException2(&(image_)->exception,code_,reason_,(image_)->filename); \
  if (image_info->adjoin) \
    while ((image_)->previous != (Image *) NULL) \
      (image_)=(image_)->previous; \
  CloseBlob(image_); \
  return(MagickFail); \
} while (0);

#define ThrowWriterException3(code_,reason_,image_) \
do { \
  assert(image_ != (Image *) NULL); \
  ThrowException3(&(image_)->exception,code_,reason_,(image_)->filename); \
  if (image_info->adjoin) \
    while ((image_)->previous != (Image *) NULL) \
      (image_)=(image_)->previous; \
  CloseBlob(image_); \
  return(MagickFail); \
} while (0);

#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
#endif /* defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus) */

#endif /* !defined(_MAGICK_ERROR_H) */

 * Local Variables:
 * mode: c
 * c-basic-offset: 2
 * fill-column: 78
 * End:

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */