d                  22 apps/HelloAndroid/src/com/example/hellohalide/CameraActivity.java             Log.d(TAG, "Could not open camera");
d                  42 apps/HelloAndroid/src/com/example/hellohalide/CameraPreview.java             Log.d(TAG, "Unknown Camera!");
d                  49 apps/HelloAndroid/src/com/example/hellohalide/CameraPreview.java             Log.d(TAG, "Invalid Surface!");
d                  66 apps/HelloAndroid/src/com/example/hellohalide/CameraPreview.java             Log.d(TAG, "Error starting camera preview: " + e.getMessage());
d                  78 apps/HelloAndroid/src/com/example/hellohalide/CameraPreview.java               Log.d(TAG, "tried to stop a non-existent preview");
d                  84 apps/HelloAndroid/src/com/example/hellohalide/CameraPreview.java         Log.d(TAG, "Camera Preview Size: " + s.width + "x" + s.height);
d                  99 apps/HelloAndroid/src/com/example/hellohalide/CameraPreview.java         Log.d(TAG, "surfaceCreated");
d                 104 apps/HelloAndroid/src/com/example/hellohalide/CameraPreview.java         Log.d(TAG, "surfaceDestroyed");
d                 109 apps/HelloAndroid/src/com/example/hellohalide/CameraPreview.java         Log.d(TAG, "surfaceChanged");
d                  10 apps/HelloAndroid/src/com/example/hellohalide/FrameHandler.java         Log.d(TAG, "Got a frame!");
d                 142 apps/HelloAndroidCamera2/src/com/android/ex/camera2/pos/AutoFocusStateMachine.java         if (DEBUG_LOGGING) Log.d(TAG, "onCaptureCompleted - new AF mode = " + afMode +
d                  69 apps/HelloAndroidCamera2/src/com/example/helloandroidcamera2/AutoFitSurfaceView.java             Log.d(TAG, String.format("aspect ratio is 0 x 0 (uninitialized), setting measured"
d                  74 apps/HelloAndroidCamera2/src/com/example/helloandroidcamera2/AutoFitSurfaceView.java                 Log.d(TAG, String.format("setting measured dimension to %d x %d", width, height));
d                  77 apps/HelloAndroidCamera2/src/com/example/helloandroidcamera2/AutoFitSurfaceView.java                 Log.d(TAG, String.format("setting measured dimension to %d x %d", width, height));
d                 164 apps/HelloAndroidCamera2/src/com/example/helloandroidcamera2/Camera2BasicFragment.java             Log.d(TAG, "onImageAvailable");
d                 246 apps/HelloAndroidCamera2/src/com/example/helloandroidcamera2/Camera2BasicFragment.java         Log.d(TAG, "onViewCreated");
d                 255 apps/HelloAndroidCamera2/src/com/example/helloandroidcamera2/Camera2BasicFragment.java         Log.d(TAG, "onResume");
d                 269 apps/HelloAndroidCamera2/src/com/example/helloandroidcamera2/Camera2BasicFragment.java         Log.d(TAG, "onPause()");
d                 283 apps/HelloAndroidCamera2/src/com/example/helloandroidcamera2/Camera2BasicFragment.java         Log.d(TAG, "stopped repeating(), closing camera");
d                 291 apps/HelloAndroidCamera2/src/com/example/helloandroidcamera2/Camera2BasicFragment.java             Log.d(TAG, "camera closed");
d                 296 apps/HelloAndroidCamera2/src/com/example/helloandroidcamera2/Camera2BasicFragment.java         Log.d(TAG, "camera closed, closing ImageReader");
d                 318 apps/HelloAndroidCamera2/src/com/example/helloandroidcamera2/Camera2BasicFragment.java         Log.d(TAG, "setupCameraOutputs");
d                 341 apps/HelloAndroidCamera2/src/com/example/helloandroidcamera2/Camera2BasicFragment.java                 Log.d(TAG, "Available YUV_420_888 sizes:");
d                 343 apps/HelloAndroidCamera2/src/com/example/helloandroidcamera2/Camera2BasicFragment.java                     Log.d(TAG, size.toString());
d                 351 apps/HelloAndroidCamera2/src/com/example/helloandroidcamera2/Camera2BasicFragment.java                     Log.d(TAG, "Desired image size was: " + DESIRED_IMAGE_READER_SIZE
d                 414 apps/HelloAndroidCamera2/src/com/example/helloandroidcamera2/Camera2BasicFragment.java         Log.d(TAG, "starting background thread");
d                 428 apps/HelloAndroidCamera2/src/com/example/helloandroidcamera2/Camera2BasicFragment.java             Log.d(TAG, "setting background handler to null");
d                 430 apps/HelloAndroidCamera2/src/com/example/helloandroidcamera2/Camera2BasicFragment.java             Log.d(TAG, "background handler is now null");
d                 452 apps/HelloAndroidCamera2/src/com/example/helloandroidcamera2/Camera2BasicFragment.java             Log.d(TAG, "creating capture session");
d                 456 apps/HelloAndroidCamera2/src/com/example/helloandroidcamera2/Camera2BasicFragment.java                 Log.d(TAG, "waiting on session.");
d                 471 apps/HelloAndroidCamera2/src/com/example/helloandroidcamera2/Camera2BasicFragment.java                     Log.d(TAG, "setting repeating request");
d                 133 apps/HelloAndroidGL/src/org/halide_lang/hellohalidegl/HelloHalideGL.java             Log.d("Hello", "onSurfaceCreated");
d                 149 apps/HelloAndroidGL/src/org/halide_lang/hellohalidegl/HelloHalideGL.java             Log.d("Hello", "onDrawFrame");
d                  72 apps/camera_pipe/fcam/Demosaic.cpp inline short max(short a, short b, short c, short d) {return max(max(a, b), max(c, d));}
d                  15 apps/camera_pipe/fcam/Demosaic_ARM.cpp inline short max(short a, short b, short c, short d) {return max(max(a, b), max(c, d));}
d                 296 apps/linear_algebra/tests/test_halide_blas.cpp     BLASDoubleTests d;
d                 304 apps/linear_algebra/tests/test_halide_blas.cpp             d.run_tests(size);
d                 310 apps/linear_algebra/tests/test_halide_blas.cpp         d.run_tests(size);
d                  23 apps/openglcompute/src/com/example/hellohalideopenglcompute/HalideOpenGLComputeActivity.java         Log.d(TAG, "Starting the tests:");
d                  25 apps/openglcompute/src/com/example/hellohalideopenglcompute/HalideOpenGLComputeActivity.java         Log.d(TAG, "Done with first test");
d                  27 apps/openglcompute/src/com/example/hellohalideopenglcompute/HalideOpenGLComputeActivity.java         Log.d(TAG, "Done");
d                 226 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp int buffer_stride(h::Buffer<T> &im, int d) {
d                 227 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp     return im.stride(d);
d                 231 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp int buffer_min(h::Buffer<T> &im, int d) {
d                 232 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp     return im.min(d);
d                 236 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp int buffer_extent(h::Buffer<T> &im, int d) {
d                 237 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp     return im.extent(d);
d                  85 src/AssociativeOpsTable.cpp     TableKey(ValType t, RootExpr r, size_t d) : type(t), root(r), dim(d) {}
d                  43 src/Bounds.cpp Expr find_constant_bound(Expr e, Direction d) {
d                  50 src/Bounds.cpp         Expr a = find_constant_bound(min->a, d);
d                  51 src/Bounds.cpp         Expr b = find_constant_bound(min->b, d);
d                  54 src/Bounds.cpp         } else if (a.defined() && d == Direction::Upper) {
d                  56 src/Bounds.cpp         } else if (b.defined() && d == Direction::Upper) {
d                  60 src/Bounds.cpp         Expr a = find_constant_bound(max->a, d);
d                  61 src/Bounds.cpp         Expr b = find_constant_bound(max->b, d);
d                  64 src/Bounds.cpp         } else if (a.defined() && d == Direction::Lower) {
d                  66 src/Bounds.cpp         } else if (b.defined() && d == Direction::Lower) {
d                  70 src/Bounds.cpp         Expr a = find_constant_bound(cast->value, d);
d                  39 src/Bounds.h   Expr find_constant_bound(Expr e, Direction d);
d                  45 src/BoundsInference.cpp     DependsOnBoundsInference d;
d                  46 src/BoundsInference.cpp     e.accept(&d);
d                  47 src/BoundsInference.cpp     return d.result;
d                 451 src/BoundsInference.cpp             for (size_t d = 0; d < b.size(); d++) {
d                 452 src/BoundsInference.cpp                 string arg = name + ".s" + std::to_string(stage) + "." + func_args[d];
d                 454 src/BoundsInference.cpp                 if (b[d].is_single_point()) {
d                 457 src/BoundsInference.cpp                     s = LetStmt::make(arg + ".min", b[d].min, s);
d                 459 src/BoundsInference.cpp                 s = LetStmt::make(arg + ".max", b[d].max, s);
d                 738 src/BoundsInference.cpp                         for (int d = 0; d < f.dimensions(); d++) {
d                 742 src/BoundsInference.cpp                                                   {buf, d}, Call::Extern);
d                 744 src/BoundsInference.cpp                                                   {buf, d}, Call::Extern);
d                 745 src/BoundsInference.cpp                             b[d] = Interval(min, max);
d                 814 src/BoundsInference.cpp             for (int d = 0; d < output.dimensions(); d++) {
d                 816 src/BoundsInference.cpp                 Expr min = Variable::make(Int(32), buffer_name + ".min." + std::to_string(d), buf);
d                 817 src/BoundsInference.cpp                 Expr extent = Variable::make(Int(32), buffer_name + ".extent." + std::to_string(d), buf);
d                 820 src/BoundsInference.cpp                 Expr min_constraint = buf.min_constraint(d);
d                 821 src/BoundsInference.cpp                 Expr extent_constraint = buf.extent_constraint(d);
d                 204 src/Buffer.h                       int d,
d                 207 src/Buffer.h           Buffer(Runtime::Buffer<T>(t, data, d, shape), name) {}
d                 210 src/Buffer.h                       int d,
d                 213 src/Buffer.h           Buffer(Runtime::Buffer<T>(data, d, shape), name) {}
d                 450 src/Buffer.h       int copy_to_device(const DeviceAPI &d, const Target &t = get_jit_target_from_environment()) {
d                 451 src/Buffer.h           return contents->buf.copy_to_device(get_device_interface_for_device_api(d, t));
d                 460 src/Buffer.h       int device_malloc(const DeviceAPI &d, const Target &t = get_jit_target_from_environment()) {
d                 461 src/Buffer.h           return contents->buf.device_malloc(get_device_interface_for_device_api(d, t));
d                 321 src/CodeGen_ARM.cpp         const Div *d = op->value.as<Div>();
d                 322 src/CodeGen_ARM.cpp         if (d && is_const(d->b, int64_t(1) << t.bits())) {
d                 325 src/CodeGen_ARM.cpp                                     cast(unsigned_type, d->a) /
d                 326 src/CodeGen_ARM.cpp                                     cast(unsigned_type, d->b));
d                 637 src/CodeGen_C.cpp     for (int d = 0; b.dim[d].extent; d++) {
d                 638 src/CodeGen_C.cpp         num_elems += b.dim[d].stride * (b.dim[d].extent - 1);
d                1496 src/CodeGen_LLVM.cpp     llvm::DataLayout d(module.get());
d                1497 src/CodeGen_LLVM.cpp     if (promote_indices() && d.getPointerSize() == 8) {
d                1532 src/CodeGen_LLVM.cpp     llvm::DataLayout d(module.get());
d                1533 src/CodeGen_LLVM.cpp     if (d.getPointerSize() == 8) {
d                2123 src/CodeGen_LLVM.cpp             llvm::DataLayout d(module.get());
d                2124 src/CodeGen_LLVM.cpp             if (d.getPointerSize() == 4) {
d                2128 src/CodeGen_LLVM.cpp             } else if (d.getPointerSize() == 8) {
d                2138 src/CodeGen_LLVM.cpp             llvm::DataLayout d(module.get());
d                2139 src/CodeGen_LLVM.cpp             if (d.getPointerSize() == 4) {
d                2143 src/CodeGen_LLVM.cpp             } else if (d.getPointerSize() == 8) {
d                2638 src/CodeGen_LLVM.cpp         llvm::DataLayout d(module.get());
d                2639 src/CodeGen_LLVM.cpp         value = ConstantInt::get(i32_t, (int)d.getTypeAllocSize(buffer_t_type));
d                  72 src/Definition.cpp EXPORT RefCount &ref_count<DefinitionContents>(const DefinitionContents *d) {
d                  73 src/Definition.cpp     return d->ref_count;
d                  77 src/Definition.cpp EXPORT void destroy<DefinitionContents>(const DefinitionContents *d) {
d                  78 src/Definition.cpp     delete d;
d                 323 src/Deinterleave.cpp     Deinterleaver d(lets);
d                 324 src/Deinterleave.cpp     d.starting_lane = 1;
d                 325 src/Deinterleave.cpp     d.lane_stride = 2;
d                 326 src/Deinterleave.cpp     d.new_lanes = e.type().lanes()/2;
d                 327 src/Deinterleave.cpp     e = d.mutate(e);
d                 333 src/Deinterleave.cpp     Deinterleaver d(lets);
d                 334 src/Deinterleave.cpp     d.starting_lane = 0;
d                 335 src/Deinterleave.cpp     d.lane_stride = 2;
d                 336 src/Deinterleave.cpp     d.new_lanes = (e.type().lanes()+1)/2;
d                 337 src/Deinterleave.cpp     e = d.mutate(e);
d                 355 src/Deinterleave.cpp     Deinterleaver d(lets);
d                 356 src/Deinterleave.cpp     d.starting_lane = lane;
d                 357 src/Deinterleave.cpp     d.lane_stride = 3;
d                 358 src/Deinterleave.cpp     d.new_lanes = (e.type().lanes()+2)/3;
d                 359 src/Deinterleave.cpp     e = d.mutate(e);
d                 365 src/Deinterleave.cpp     Deinterleaver d(lets);
d                 366 src/Deinterleave.cpp     d.starting_lane = lane;
d                 367 src/Deinterleave.cpp     d.lane_stride = e.type().lanes();
d                 368 src/Deinterleave.cpp     d.new_lanes = 1;
d                 369 src/Deinterleave.cpp     e = d.mutate(e);
d                  56 src/DeviceInterface.cpp const halide_device_interface_t *get_device_interface_for_device_api(const DeviceAPI &d, const Target &t) {
d                  57 src/DeviceInterface.cpp     if (d == DeviceAPI::Default_GPU) {
d                  63 src/DeviceInterface.cpp     if (d == DeviceAPI::Metal) {
d                  65 src/DeviceInterface.cpp     } else if (d == DeviceAPI::OpenCL) {
d                  67 src/DeviceInterface.cpp     } else if (d == DeviceAPI::CUDA) {
d                  69 src/DeviceInterface.cpp     } else if (d == DeviceAPI::OpenGLCompute) {
d                  71 src/DeviceInterface.cpp     } else if (d == DeviceAPI::GLSL) {
d                  22 src/DeviceInterface.h EXPORT const halide_device_interface_t *get_device_interface_for_device_api(const DeviceAPI &d,
d                 882 src/Elf.cpp            Dyn<T> d;
d                 883 src/Elf.cpp            d.d_tag = tag;
d                 884 src/Elf.cpp            d.d_val = val;
d                 885 src/Elf.cpp            return d;
d                 831 src/Func.cpp               Dim d = {v.name(), ForType::Serial, DeviceAPI::None, Dim::Type::PureVar};
d                 832 src/Func.cpp               dims.insert(dims.end()-1, d);
d                  66 src/Func.h         Stage(Internal::Definition d, const std::string &n, const std::vector<Var> &args,
d                  68 src/Func.h                 : definition(d), stage_name(n), dim_vars(args), storage_dims(sdims) {
d                  73 src/Func.h         Stage(Internal::Definition d, const std::string &n, const std::vector<std::string> &args,
d                  75 src/Func.h                 : definition(d), stage_name(n), storage_dims(sdims) {
d                 447 src/Function.cpp         Dim d = {args[i], ForType::Serial, DeviceAPI::None, Dim::Type::PureVar};
d                 448 src/Function.cpp         contents->init_def.schedule().dims().push_back(d);
d                 455 src/Function.cpp         Dim d = {Var::outermost().name(), ForType::Serial, DeviceAPI::None, Dim::Type::PureVar};
d                 456 src/Function.cpp         contents->init_def.schedule().dims().push_back(d);
d                 643 src/Function.cpp             Dim d = {v, ForType::Serial, DeviceAPI::None,
d                 645 src/Function.cpp             r.schedule().dims().push_back(d);
d                 652 src/Function.cpp             Dim d = {pure_args[i], ForType::Serial, DeviceAPI::None, Dim::Type::PureVar};
d                 653 src/Function.cpp             r.schedule().dims().push_back(d);
d                 659 src/Function.cpp         Dim d = {Var::outermost().name(), ForType::Serial, DeviceAPI::None, Dim::Type::PureVar};
d                 660 src/Function.cpp         r.schedule().dims().push_back(d);
d                 122 src/FuseGPUThreadLoops.cpp     Expr extent(int d) const {
d                 123 src/FuseGPUThreadLoops.cpp         return block_extent[d];
d                 581 src/FuseGPUThreadLoops.cpp     ExtractSharedAllocations(DeviceAPI d) : in_threads(false), barrier_stage(0), device_api(d) {}
d                 111 src/Generator.cpp std::pair<int64_t, int64_t> rational_approximation_helper(double d, int max_depth) {
d                 112 src/Generator.cpp     const int64_t int_part = static_cast<int64_t>(std::floor(d));
d                 113 src/Generator.cpp     const double float_part = d - int_part;
d                 129 src/Generator.cpp std::pair<int64_t, int64_t> rational_approximation(double d) {
d                 131 src/Generator.cpp     if (std::isnan(d)) return {0, 0};
d                 133 src/Generator.cpp     const int64_t sign = (d < 0) ? -1 : 1;
d                 134 src/Generator.cpp     if (!std::isfinite(d)) return {sign, 0};
d                 136 src/Generator.cpp     d = std::abs(d);
d                 148 src/Generator.cpp         auto next = rational_approximation_helper(d, mid);
d                1588 src/Generator.cpp void GIOBase::check_matching_type_and_dim(const std::vector<Type> &t, int d) {
d                1597 src/Generator.cpp     internal_assert(d >= 0);
d                1599 src/Generator.cpp         user_assert(dimensions() == d) << "Dimensions mismatch for " << name() << ": expected " << dimensions() << " saw " << d;
d                1601 src/Generator.cpp         dimensions_ = d;
d                1617 src/Generator.cpp                                        int d) 
d                1618 src/Generator.cpp     : GIOBase(array_size, name, kind, t, d) {
d                1622 src/Generator.cpp GeneratorInputBase::GeneratorInputBase(const std::string &name, IOKind kind, const std::vector<Type> &t, int d)
d                1623 src/Generator.cpp     : GeneratorInputBase(1, name, kind, t, d) {
d                1719 src/Generator.cpp GeneratorOutputBase::GeneratorOutputBase(size_t array_size, const std::string &name, IOKind kind, const std::vector<Type> &t, int d) 
d                1720 src/Generator.cpp     : GIOBase(array_size, name, kind, t, d) {
d                1726 src/Generator.cpp GeneratorOutputBase::GeneratorOutputBase(const std::string &name, IOKind kind, const std::vector<Type> &t, int d)
d                1727 src/Generator.cpp     : GeneratorOutputBase(1, name, kind, t, d) {
d                2031 src/Generator.cpp     auto check_ratio = [](double d, std::pair<int64_t, int64_t> expected) {
d                2032 src/Generator.cpp         auto actual = rational_approximation(d);
d                2034 src/Generator.cpp             << "rational_approximation(" << d << ") failed:"
d                1141 src/Generator.h     EXPORT void check_matching_type_and_dim(const std::vector<Type> &t, int d);
d                1180 src/Generator.h                        int d);
d                1182 src/Generator.h     EXPORT GeneratorInputBase(const std::string &name, IOKind kind, const std::vector<Type> &t, int d);
d                1220 src/Generator.h     GeneratorInputImpl(const std::string &name, IOKind kind, const std::vector<Type> &t, int d)
d                1221 src/Generator.h         : GeneratorInputBase(name, kind, t, d) {
d                1228 src/Generator.h     GeneratorInputImpl(const std::string &name, IOKind kind, const std::vector<Type> &t, int d)
d                1229 src/Generator.h         : GeneratorInputBase(std::extent<T2, 0>::value, name, kind, t, d) {
d                1236 src/Generator.h     GeneratorInputImpl(const std::string &name, IOKind kind, const std::vector<Type> &t, int d)
d                1237 src/Generator.h         : GeneratorInputBase(-1, name, kind, t, d) {
d                1304 src/Generator.h     GeneratorInput_Buffer(const std::string &name, const Type &t, int d = -1)
d                1305 src/Generator.h         : Super(name, IOKind::Buffer, {t}, d) {
d                1309 src/Generator.h     GeneratorInput_Buffer(const std::string &name, int d)
d                1310 src/Generator.h         : Super(name, IOKind::Buffer, T::has_static_halide_type() ? std::vector<Type>{ T::static_halide_type() } : std::vector<Type>{}, d) {
d                1347 src/Generator.h     GeneratorInput_Func(const std::string &name, const Type &t, int d)
d                1348 src/Generator.h         : Super(name, IOKind::Function, {t}, d) {
d                1352 src/Generator.h     GeneratorInput_Func(const std::string &name, int d)
d                1353 src/Generator.h         : Super(name, IOKind::Function, {}, d) {
d                1366 src/Generator.h     GeneratorInput_Func(size_t array_size, const std::string &name, const Type &t, int d)
d                1367 src/Generator.h         : Super(array_size, name, IOKind::Function, {t}, d) {
d                1371 src/Generator.h     GeneratorInput_Func(size_t array_size, const std::string &name, int d)
d                1372 src/Generator.h         : Super(array_size, name, IOKind::Function, {}, d) {
d                1557 src/Generator.h     GeneratorInput(const std::string &name, const Type &t, int d)
d                1558 src/Generator.h         : Super(name, t, d) {
d                1566 src/Generator.h     GeneratorInput(const std::string &name, IntIfNonScalar d)
d                1567 src/Generator.h         : Super(name, d) {
d                1570 src/Generator.h     GeneratorInput(size_t array_size, const std::string &name, const Type &t, int d)
d                1571 src/Generator.h         : Super(array_size, name, t, d) {
d                1580 src/Generator.h     GeneratorInput(size_t array_size, const std::string &name, IntIfNonScalar d)
d                1581 src/Generator.h         : Super(array_size, name, d) {
d                1665 src/Generator.h                         int d);
d                1670 src/Generator.h                                int d);
d                1713 src/Generator.h     GeneratorOutputImpl(const std::string &name, IOKind kind, const std::vector<Type> &t, int d)
d                1714 src/Generator.h         : GeneratorOutputBase(name, kind, t, d) {
d                1721 src/Generator.h     GeneratorOutputImpl(const std::string &name, IOKind kind, const std::vector<Type> &t, int d)
d                1722 src/Generator.h         : GeneratorOutputBase(std::extent<T2, 0>::value, name, kind, t, d) {
d                1729 src/Generator.h     GeneratorOutputImpl(const std::string &name, IOKind kind, const std::vector<Type> &t, int d)
d                1730 src/Generator.h         : GeneratorOutputBase(-1, name, kind, t, d) {
d                1798 src/Generator.h     GeneratorOutput_Buffer(const std::string &name, const std::vector<Type> &t, int d = -1)
d                1801 src/Generator.h                 d) {
d                1809 src/Generator.h     GeneratorOutput_Buffer(const std::string &name, int d)
d                1810 src/Generator.h         : Super(name, IOKind::Buffer, std::vector<Type>{ T::static_halide_type() }, d) {
d                1912 src/Generator.h     GeneratorOutput_Func(const std::string &name, const std::vector<Type> &t, int d)
d                1913 src/Generator.h         : Super(name, IOKind::Function, t, d) {
d                1916 src/Generator.h     GeneratorOutput_Func(size_t array_size, const std::string &name, const std::vector<Type> &t, int d)
d                1917 src/Generator.h         : Super(array_size, name, IOKind::Function, t, d) {
d                1993 src/Generator.h     GeneratorOutput(const std::string &name, int d)
d                1994 src/Generator.h         : Super(name, {}, d) {
d                1997 src/Generator.h     GeneratorOutput(const std::string &name, const Type &t, int d)
d                1998 src/Generator.h         : Super(name, {t}, d) {
d                2001 src/Generator.h     GeneratorOutput(const std::string &name, const std::vector<Type> &t, int d)
d                2002 src/Generator.h         : Super(name, t, d) {
d                2005 src/Generator.h     GeneratorOutput(size_t array_size, const std::string &name, int d)
d                2006 src/Generator.h         : Super(array_size, name, {}, d) {
d                2009 src/Generator.h     GeneratorOutput(size_t array_size, const std::string &name, const Type &t, int d)
d                2010 src/Generator.h         : Super(array_size, name, {t}, d) {
d                2013 src/Generator.h     GeneratorOutput(size_t array_size, const std::string &name, const std::vector<Type> &t, int d)
d                2014 src/Generator.h         : Super(array_size, name, t, d) {
d                   5 src/ImageParam.cpp ImageParam::ImageParam(Type t, int d)
d                   6 src/ImageParam.cpp         : OutputImageParam(Internal::Parameter(t, true, d, Internal::make_entity_name(this, "Halide::ImageParam", 'p')), Argument::InputBuffer)
d                  12 src/ImageParam.cpp ImageParam::ImageParam(Type t, int d, const std::string &n)
d                  13 src/ImageParam.cpp         : OutputImageParam(Internal::Parameter(t, true, d, n, /* is_explicit_name */ true), Argument::InputBuffer)
d                  33 src/ImageParam.h     EXPORT ImageParam(Type t, int d);
d                  37 src/ImageParam.h     EXPORT ImageParam(Type t, int d, const std::string &n);
d                  93 src/InjectImageIntrinsics.cpp                 string d = std::to_string(i);
d                  94 src/InjectImageIntrinsics.cpp                 string min_name = name + ".min." + d;
d                  99 src/InjectImageIntrinsics.cpp                 string extent_name = name + ".extent." + d;
d                  39 src/Inline.cpp         Dim d = s.dims()[i];
d                  40 src/Inline.cpp         if (d.is_parallel()) {
d                  42 src/Inline.cpp                        << d.var << " of function "
d                  44 src/Inline.cpp         } else if (d.for_type == ForType::Unrolled) {
d                  46 src/Inline.cpp                        << d.var << " of function "
d                  48 src/Inline.cpp         } else if (d.for_type == ForType::Vectorized) {
d                  50 src/Inline.cpp                        << d.var << " of function "
d                  27 src/Parameter.cpp     ParameterContents(Type t, bool b, int d, const std::string &n, bool e, bool r, bool is_bound_before_lowering)
d                  28 src/Parameter.cpp         : type(t), dimensions(d), name(n), buffer(Buffer<>()), data(0),
d                  73 src/Parameter.cpp Parameter::Parameter(Type t, bool is_buffer, int d) :
d                  74 src/Parameter.cpp     contents(new ParameterContents(t, is_buffer, d, unique_name('p'), false, true, false)) {
d                  75 src/Parameter.cpp     internal_assert(is_buffer || d == 0) << "Scalar parameters should be zero-dimensional";
d                  82 src/Parameter.cpp Parameter::Parameter(Type t, bool is_buffer, int d, const std::string &name, bool is_explicit_name, bool register_instance, bool is_bound_before_lowering) :
d                  83 src/Parameter.cpp     contents(new ParameterContents(t, is_buffer, d, name, is_explicit_name, register_instance, is_bound_before_lowering)) {
d                  84 src/Parameter.cpp     internal_assert(is_buffer || d == 0) << "Scalar parameters should be zero-dimensional";
d                 292 src/Parameter.cpp Dimension::Dimension(const Internal::Parameter &p, int d) : param(p), d(d) {
d                 297 src/Parameter.cpp     user_assert(d >= 0 && d < param.dimensions())
d                 298 src/Parameter.cpp         << "Can't access dimension " << d
d                 304 src/Parameter.cpp     s << param.name() << ".min." << d;
d                 310 src/Parameter.cpp     s << param.name() << ".extent." << d;
d                 320 src/Parameter.cpp     s << param.name() << ".stride." << d;
d                 325 src/Parameter.cpp     param.set_extent_constraint(d, extent);
d                 330 src/Parameter.cpp     param.set_min_constraint(d, min);
d                 335 src/Parameter.cpp     param.set_stride_constraint(d, stride);
d                 216 src/Parameter.h     EXPORT Dimension(const Internal::Parameter &p, int d);
d                 223 src/Parameter.h     int d;
d                  51 src/RDom.cpp       vector<ReductionVariable> d(&vars[0], &vars[N]);
d                  52 src/RDom.cpp       ReductionDomain dom(d);
d                  72 src/RDom.cpp   RDom::RDom(ReductionDomain d) : dom(d) {
d                  73 src/RDom.cpp       if (d.defined()) {
d                 223 src/RDom.h         EXPORT RDom(Internal::ReductionDomain d);
d                 175 src/Reduction.cpp     DropSelfReferences(Expr p, const ReductionDomain &d) :
d                 176 src/Reduction.cpp         predicate(p), domain(d) {}
d                1030 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp         for (const Dim &d : s.dims()) {
d                1031 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp             if (!target.supports_device_api(d.device_api)) {
d                1033 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp                            << " requires " << d.device_api
d                 142 src/StorageFlattening.cpp             string d = std::to_string(i);
d                 143 src/StorageFlattening.cpp             min_name[i] = op->name + ".min." + d;
d                 144 src/StorageFlattening.cpp             stride_name[i] = op->name + ".stride." + d;
d                 145 src/StorageFlattening.cpp             extent_name[i] = op->name + ".extent." + d;
d                  86 src/StorageFolding.cpp     FoldStorageOfFunction(string f, int d, Expr e) :
d                  87 src/StorageFolding.cpp         func(f), dim(d), factor(e) {}
d                 332 src/StorageFolding.cpp                     int d = folder.dims_folded[i].dim;
d                 334 src/StorageFolding.cpp                     internal_assert(d >= 0 &&
d                 335 src/StorageFolding.cpp                                     d < (int)bounds.size());
d                 337 src/StorageFolding.cpp                     bounds[d] = Range(0, f);
d                 272 src/Tracing.cpp             string d = std::to_string(i);
d                 273 src/Tracing.cpp             Expr min = Variable::make(Int(32), output_buf.name() + ".min." + d);
d                 274 src/Tracing.cpp             Expr extent = Variable::make(Int(32), output_buf.name() + ".extent." + d);
d                 339 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h         const halide_dimension_t &d;
d                 343 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h             return d.min;
d                 349 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h             return d.stride;
d                 354 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h             return d.extent;
d                 381 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h         Dimension(const halide_dimension_t &dim) : d(dim) {};
d                 462 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h         int d;
d                 463 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h         for (d = 0; d < 4 && old_buf.extent[d]; d++);
d                 464 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h         buf.dimensions = d;
d                 466 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h         for (int i = 0; i < d; i++) {
d                 838 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h     explicit Buffer(halide_type_t t, add_const_if_T_is_const<void> *data, int d, const halide_dimension_t *shape) {
d                 843 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h         buf.dimensions = d;
d                 846 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h         for (int i = 0; i < d; i++) {
d                 854 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h     explicit Buffer(T *data, int d, const halide_dimension_t *shape) {
d                 856 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h         buf.dimensions = d;
d                 859 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h         for (int i = 0; i < d; i++) {
d                1023 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h     Buffer<T, D> cropped(int d, int min, int extent) const {
d                1027 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h         im.crop(d, min, extent);
d                1032 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h     void crop(int d, int min, int extent) {
d                1035 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h         int shift = min - dim(d).min();
d                1039 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h         buf.host += shift * dim(d).stride() * type().bytes();
d                1040 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h         buf.dim[d].min = min;
d                1041 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h         buf.dim[d].extent = extent;
d                1066 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h     Buffer<T, D> translated(int d, int dx) const {
d                1068 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h         im.translate(d, dx);
d                1073 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h     void translate(int d, int delta) {
d                1075 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h         buf.dim[d].min += delta;
d                1133 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h     Buffer<T, D> sliced(int d, int pos) const {
d                1135 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h         im.slice(d, pos);
d                1140 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h     void slice(int d, int pos) {
d                1144 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h         int shift = pos - dim(d).min();
d                1146 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h         buf.host += shift * dim(d).stride() * type().bytes();
d                1147 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h         for (int i = d; i < dimensions(); i++) {
d                1163 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h     Buffer<T, D> embedded(int d, int pos) const {
d                1164 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h         assert(d >= 0 && d <= dimensions());
d                1168 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h         for (int i = im.dimensions(); i > d; i--) {
d                1176 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h     void embed(int d, int pos) {
d                1177 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h         assert(d >= 0 && d <= dimensions());
d                1180 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h         for (int i = dimensions() - 1; i > d; i--) {
d                1389 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h     ptrdiff_t offset_of(int d, int first, Args... rest) const {
d                1390 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h         return offset_of(d+1, rest...) + this->buf.dim[d].stride * (first - this->buf.dim[d].min);
d                1394 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h     ptrdiff_t offset_of(int d) const {
d                1538 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h     void extract_strides(int d, int *strides, const Buffer<T2, D2> *first, Args... rest) {
d                1540 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h         assert(first->dim(d).min() == dim(d).min() &&
d                1541 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h                first->dim(d).max() == dim(d).max());
d                1542 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h         *strides++ = first->dim(d).stride();
d                1543 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h         extract_strides(d, strides, rest...);
d                1546 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h     void extract_strides(int d, int *strides) {}
d                1549 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h     template<int d, bool innermost_strides_are_one, typename Fn, typename... Ptrs>
d                1551 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h         if (d == -1) {
d                1554 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h             for (int i = t[d].extent; i != 0; i--) {
d                1555 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h                 for_each_value_helper<(d >= 0 ? d - 1 : -1), innermost_strides_are_one>(f, t, ptrs...);
d                1556 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h                 if (d == 0 && innermost_strides_are_one) {
d                1561 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h                     advance_ptrs(t[d].stride, (&ptrs)...);
d                1568 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h     static void for_each_value_helper(Fn &&f, int d, const for_each_value_task_dim<sizeof...(Ptrs)> *t, Ptrs... ptrs) {
d                1571 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h         if (d == -1) {
d                1573 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h         } else if (d == 0) {
d                1575 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h         } else if (d == 1) {
d                1577 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h         } else if (d == 2) {
d                1580 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h             for (int i = t[d].extent; i != 0; i--) {
d                1581 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h                 for_each_value_helper<innermost_strides_are_one>(f, d-1, t, ptrs...);
d                1582 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h                 advance_ptrs(t[d].stride, (&ptrs)...);
d                1619 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h         int d = dimensions();
d                1620 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h         for (int i = 1; i < d; i++) {
d                1631 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h                 d--;
d                1673 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h     static void for_each_element_variadic(double, int d, const for_each_element_task_dim *t, Fn &&f, Args... args) {
d                1674 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h         for (int i = t[d].min; i <= t[d].max; i++) {
d                1675 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h             for_each_element_variadic(0, d - 1, t, std::forward<Fn>(f), i, args...);
d                1707 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h     template<int d,
d                1709 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h              typename = typename std::enable_if<(d >= 0)>::type>
d                1712 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h         for (pos[d] = t[d].min; pos[d] <= t[d].max; pos[d]++) {
d                1713 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h             for_each_element_array_helper<d - 1>(0, t, std::forward<Fn>(f), pos);
d                1718 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h     template<int d,
d                1720 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h              typename = typename std::enable_if<(d < 0)>::type>
d                1732 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h     static void for_each_element_array(int d, const for_each_element_task_dim *t, Fn &&f, int *pos) {
d                1733 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h         if (d == -1) {
d                1735 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h         } else if (d == 0) {
d                1740 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h         } else if (d == 1) {
d                1742 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h         } else if (d == 2) {
d                1744 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h         } else if (d == 3) {
d                1747 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h             for (pos[d] = t[d].min; pos[d] <= t[d].max; pos[d]++) {
d                1748 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h                 for_each_element_array(d - 1, t, std::forward<Fn>(f), pos);
d                  33 src/runtime/buffer_t.cpp int _halide_buffer_get_min(const halide_buffer_t *buf, int d) {
d                  34 src/runtime/buffer_t.cpp     return buf->dim[d].min;
d                  38 src/runtime/buffer_t.cpp int _halide_buffer_get_max(const halide_buffer_t *buf, int d) {
d                  39 src/runtime/buffer_t.cpp     return buf->dim[d].min + buf->dim[d].extent - 1;
d                  43 src/runtime/buffer_t.cpp int _halide_buffer_get_extent(const halide_buffer_t *buf, int d) {
d                  44 src/runtime/buffer_t.cpp     return buf->dim[d].extent;
d                  48 src/runtime/buffer_t.cpp int _halide_buffer_get_stride(const halide_buffer_t *buf, int d) {
d                  49 src/runtime/buffer_t.cpp     return buf->dim[d].stride;
d                 581 src/runtime/cuda.cpp WEAK int do_multidimensional_copy(void *user_context, const device_copy &c, uint64_t dst, uint64_t src, int d, bool d_to_h) {
d                 582 src/runtime/cuda.cpp     if (d > MAX_COPY_DIMS) {
d                 585 src/runtime/cuda.cpp     } else if (d == 0) {
d                 601 src/runtime/cuda.cpp         for (int i = 0; i < (int)c.extent[d-1]; i++) {
d                 602 src/runtime/cuda.cpp             int err = do_multidimensional_copy(user_context, c, dst + off, src + off, d-1, d_to_h);
d                 603 src/runtime/cuda.cpp             off += c.stride_bytes[d-1];
d                  43 src/runtime/device_buffer_utils.h WEAK void copy_memory_helper(const device_copy &copy, int d, int64_t off) {
d                  45 src/runtime/device_buffer_utils.h     while (d >= 0 && copy.extent[d] == 1) d--;
d                  47 src/runtime/device_buffer_utils.h     if (d == -1) {
d                  52 src/runtime/device_buffer_utils.h         for (uint64_t i = 0; i < copy.extent[d]; i++) {
d                  53 src/runtime/device_buffer_utils.h             copy_memory_helper(copy, d - 1, off);
d                  54 src/runtime/device_buffer_utils.h             off += copy.stride_bytes[d];
d                  18 src/runtime/gpu_device_selection.cpp WEAK void halide_set_gpu_device(int d) {
d                  19 src/runtime/gpu_device_selection.cpp     halide_gpu_device = d;
d                 247 src/runtime/hexagon_remote/dlib.cpp             const Dyn &d = dynamic[i];
d                 248 src/runtime/hexagon_remote/dlib.cpp             switch (d.tag) {
d                 250 src/runtime/hexagon_remote/dlib.cpp                 hash.table = (const uint32_t *)(base_vaddr + d.value);
d                 253 src/runtime/hexagon_remote/dlib.cpp                 symtab = (const Sym *)(base_vaddr + d.value);
d                 256 src/runtime/hexagon_remote/dlib.cpp                 if (d.value != sizeof(Sym)) {
d                 257 src/runtime/hexagon_remote/dlib.cpp                     log_printf("Unknown symbol size %d\n", d.value);
d                 262 src/runtime/hexagon_remote/dlib.cpp                 strtab = (const char *)(base_vaddr + d.value);
d                 269 src/runtime/hexagon_remote/dlib.cpp                 jmprel = (const Rela *)(base_vaddr + d.value);
d                 272 src/runtime/hexagon_remote/dlib.cpp                 if (d.value != DT_RELA) {
d                 278 src/runtime/hexagon_remote/dlib.cpp                 jmprel_count = d.value / sizeof(Rela);
d                 281 src/runtime/hexagon_remote/dlib.cpp                 rel = (const Rela *)(base_vaddr + d.value);
d                 284 src/runtime/hexagon_remote/dlib.cpp                 rel_count = d.value / sizeof(Rela);
d                 287 src/runtime/hexagon_remote/dlib.cpp                 if (d.value != sizeof(Rela)) {
d                  69 src/runtime/linux_clock.cpp     int64_t d = int64_t(now.tv_sec - halide_reference_clock.tv_sec)*1000000000;
d                  71 src/runtime/linux_clock.cpp     return d + nd;
d                  18 src/runtime/msan.cpp WEAK void annotate_helper(void *uc, const device_copy &c, int d, int64_t off) {
d                  19 src/runtime/msan.cpp     while (d >= 0 && c.extent[d] == 1) d--;
d                  21 src/runtime/msan.cpp     if (d == -1) {
d                  25 src/runtime/msan.cpp         for (uint64_t i = 0; i < c.extent[d]; i++) {
d                  26 src/runtime/msan.cpp             annotate_helper(uc, c, d - 1, off);
d                  27 src/runtime/msan.cpp             off += c.stride_bytes[d];
d                 757 src/runtime/opencl.cpp                              uint64_t off, int d, bool d_to_h) {
d                 758 src/runtime/opencl.cpp     if (d > MAX_COPY_DIMS) {
d                 761 src/runtime/opencl.cpp     } else if (d == 0) {
d                 781 src/runtime/opencl.cpp     else if (d == 2) {
d                 820 src/runtime/opencl.cpp         for (int i = 0; i < (int)c.extent[d-1]; i++) {
d                 821 src/runtime/opencl.cpp             int err = do_multidimensional_copy(user_context, ctx, c, off, d-1, d_to_h);
d                 822 src/runtime/opencl.cpp             off += c.stride_bytes[d-1];
d                  42 src/runtime/posix_clock.cpp     int64_t d = int64_t(now.tv_sec - halide_reference_clock.tv_sec)*1000000;
d                  44 src/runtime/posix_clock.cpp     return (d + ud) * 1000;
d                   8 test/correctness/chunk_sharing.cpp     Func a("a"), b("b"), c("c"), d("d");
d                  15 test/correctness/chunk_sharing.cpp     d(x, y) = b(x, y) + c(x, y);
d                  17 test/correctness/chunk_sharing.cpp     c.compute_at(d, y);
d                  18 test/correctness/chunk_sharing.cpp     b.compute_at(d, y);
d                  19 test/correctness/chunk_sharing.cpp     a.compute_at(d, y);
d                  23 test/correctness/chunk_sharing.cpp     Buffer<int> im = d.realize(32, 32);
d                  30 test/correctness/chunk_sharing.cpp             int d = b + c;
d                  31 test/correctness/chunk_sharing.cpp             if (im(x, y) != d) {
d                  32 test/correctness/chunk_sharing.cpp                 printf("im(%d, %d) = %d instead of %d\n", x, y, im(x, y), d);
d                 258 test/correctness/fuzz_simplify.cpp Expr d(Variable::make(Int(0), fuzz_var(3)));
d                  16 test/correctness/gpu_jit_explicit_copy_to_device.cpp     for (DeviceAPI d : {DeviceAPI::Default_GPU, DeviceAPI::CUDA, DeviceAPI::OpenCL}) {
d                  17 test/correctness/gpu_jit_explicit_copy_to_device.cpp         if (!get_device_interface_for_device_api(d)) continue;
d                  25 test/correctness/gpu_jit_explicit_copy_to_device.cpp         a.copy_to_device(d);
d                  33 test/correctness/gpu_jit_explicit_copy_to_device.cpp         b.device_malloc(d);
d                  40 test/correctness/gpu_jit_explicit_copy_to_device.cpp         f.gpu_tile(x, y, tx, ty, 8, 8, TailStrategy::Auto, d);
d                  76 test/correctness/halide_buffer.cpp         Buffer<const float, 3> d(c); // does runtime check of actual type.
d                  92 test/correctness/introspection.cpp         double d;
d                 135 test/correctness/introspection.cpp     check(&(obj->inner.d), "double", "inner.d", __FILE__, __LINE__);
d                  11 test/correctness/make_struct.cpp     const char *d;
d                  24 test/correctness/make_struct.cpp         strcmp(s->d, "Test global string\n")) {
d                  25 test/correctness/make_struct.cpp         printf("Unexpected struct values: %f %d %d %s\n", s->a, s->b, s->c, s->d);
d                  46 test/correctness/make_struct.cpp     Expr d = std::string("Test global string\n");
d                  48 test/correctness/make_struct.cpp     Expr s = Call::make(Handle(), Call::make_struct, {a, b, c, d}, Call::Intrinsic);
d                  27 test/correctness/skip_stages.cpp void check_counts(int a = 0, int b = 0, int c = 0, int d = 0) {
d                  28 test/correctness/skip_stages.cpp     int correct[] = {a, b, c, d};
d                  35 test/correctness/skip_stages_external_array_functions.cpp void check_queries(int a = 0, int b = 0, int c = 0, int d = 0) {
d                  36 test/correctness/skip_stages_external_array_functions.cpp     int correct[] = {a, b, c, d};
d                  45 test/correctness/skip_stages_external_array_functions.cpp void check_counts(int a = 0, int b = 0, int c = 0, int d = 0) {
d                  46 test/correctness/skip_stages_external_array_functions.cpp     int correct[] = {a, b, c, d};
d                  48 test/correctness/wrap.cpp         Func d("d"), e("e"), f("f"), g("g"), h("h");
d                  49 test/correctness/wrap.cpp         d(x, y) = x + y;
d                  50 test/correctness/wrap.cpp         e(x, y) = d(x, y);
d                  51 test/correctness/wrap.cpp         f(x, y) = d(x, y);
d                  52 test/correctness/wrap.cpp         g(x, y) = d(x, y);
d                  53 test/correctness/wrap.cpp         h(x, y) = d(x, y);
d                  55 test/correctness/wrap.cpp         Func wrapper1 = d.in({e, f, g});
d                  56 test/correctness/wrap.cpp         Func wrapper2 = d.in({g, f, e});
d                 161 tools/find_inverse.cpp             for (int d = 0; d < 256; d++) {
d                 162 tools/find_inverse.cpp                 int den = d;
d                 200 tools/find_inverse.cpp             for (int d = 0; d < 256; d++) {
d                 201 tools/find_inverse.cpp                 int den = d;
d                  30 tools/halide_image_info.h static inline void print_dimid(int d, int val) {
d                  33 tools/halide_image_info.h     if (d < numdimid) {
d                  34 tools/halide_image_info.h         std::cout << " " << dimid[d] << ":" << val;
d                  36 tools/halide_image_info.h         std::cout << " extent[" << d << "]:" << val;
d                  41 tools/halide_image_info.h     for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++) {
d                  42 tools/halide_image_info.h         if (d) { 
d                  45 tools/halide_image_info.h         std::cout << loc[d] + min[d];
d                  92 tools/halide_image_info.h     for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++) {
d                  93 tools/halide_image_info.h         print_dimid(d, extent[d]);
d                  94 tools/halide_image_info.h         size *= extent[d];
d                 124 tools/halide_image_info.h     for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++) {
d                 125 tools/halide_image_info.h         std::cout << extent[d] << " ";
d                 129 tools/halide_image_info.h     for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++) {
d                 130 tools/halide_image_info.h         std::cout << min[d] << " ";
d                 134 tools/halide_image_info.h     for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++) {
d                 135 tools/halide_image_info.h         std::cout << stride[d] << " ";
d                 139 tools/halide_image_info.h         for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++) {
d                 140 tools/halide_image_info.h             std::cout << tag << " str[" << d << "]*bpp  = "
d                 141 tools/halide_image_info.h                              << std::left << std::setw(12) << stride[d] * img_bpp
d                 143 tools/halide_image_info.h             print_memalign(stride[d] * img_bpp); std::cout << std::endl;
d                 181 tools/halide_image_info.h     for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++) {
d                 182 tools/halide_image_info.h         print_dimid(d, extent[d]);
d                 183 tools/halide_image_info.h         size *= extent[d];
d                 189 tools/halide_image_info.h     for (int d = 1; d < dim; d++) {
d                 190 tools/halide_image_info.h         curloc[d] = -1;
d                 196 tools/halide_image_info.h         for (int d = 1; d < dim; d++) {
d                 197 tools/halide_image_info.h             if ((i % stride[d]) == 0) {
d                 198 tools/halide_image_info.h                 curloc[d]++;
d                 199 tools/halide_image_info.h                 for (int din = 0; din < d; din++) {
d                 204 tools/halide_image_info.h                 if (d > 1) {
d                 205 tools/halide_image_info.h                     print_dimid(d, curloc[d]+min[d]);
d                 244 tools/halide_image_info.h     for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++) {
d                 245 tools/halide_image_info.h         print_dimid(d, extent[d]);
d                 246 tools/halide_image_info.h         size *= extent[d];
d                 252 tools/halide_image_info.h     for (int d = 1; d < dim; d++) {
d                 253 tools/halide_image_info.h         curloc[d] = -1;
d                 264 tools/halide_image_info.h     for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++) {
d                 265 tools/halide_image_info.h         minloc[d] = 0;
d                 266 tools/halide_image_info.h         maxloc[d] = 0;
d                 271 tools/halide_image_info.h         for (int d = 1; d < dim; d++) {
d                 272 tools/halide_image_info.h             if ((i % stride[d]) == 0) {
d                 273 tools/halide_image_info.h                 curloc[d]++;
d                 274 tools/halide_image_info.h                 for (int din = 0; din < d; din++) {
d                 286 tools/halide_image_info.h             for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++) {
d                 287 tools/halide_image_info.h                 minloc[d] = curloc[d];
d                 292 tools/halide_image_info.h             for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++) {
d                 293 tools/halide_image_info.h                 maxloc[d] = curloc[d];
d                 113 util/HalideTraceViz.cpp     bool read_stdin(void *d, ssize_t size) {
d                 114 util/HalideTraceViz.cpp         uint8_t *dst = (uint8_t *)d;
d                 790 util/HalideTraceViz.cpp                     for (int d = 0; d < fi.config.dims; d++) {
d                 791 util/HalideTraceViz.cpp                         int a = p.get_coord(d * p.type.lanes + lane);
d                 792 util/HalideTraceViz.cpp                         x += fi.config.zoom * fi.config.x_stride[d] * a;
d                 793 util/HalideTraceViz.cpp                         y += fi.config.zoom * fi.config.y_stride[d] * a;