expected          159 apps/fft/fft_aot_test.cpp                 float expected = cos(2 * kPi * (i / 16.0f + .125f));
expected          160 apps/fft/fft_aot_test.cpp                 if (fabs(sample - expected) > .001) {
expected          161 apps/fft/fft_aot_test.cpp                     std::cerr << "fft_inverse_c2r mismatch at (" << i << ", " << j << ") " << sample << " vs. " << expected << std::endl;
expected           86 apps/openglcompute/jni/oglc_run.cpp     bool validate(Buffer<T> actual, Buffer<T> expected) {
expected           90 apps/openglcompute/jni/oglc_run.cpp             T expected_value = expected(x, y, c);
expected           30 apps/templates/tests/example_test.cpp                 T expected = input(input.extent(0) - x - 1, y, c);
expected           32 apps/templates/tests/example_test.cpp                 if (expected != actual) {
expected          611 src/CPlusPlusMangle.cpp   const char *expected;
expected          791 src/CPlusPlusMangle.cpp     internal_assert(mangled_name == expecteds[expected_index].expected) << "Mangling for " <<
expected          792 src/CPlusPlusMangle.cpp             expecteds[expected_index].label << " expected\n    " << expecteds[expected_index].expected <<
expected         1396 src/Generator.cpp                         Type expected = output->types().at(i);
expected         1398 src/Generator.cpp                         user_assert(expected == actual) << "Output \"" << f.name() 
expected         1399 src/Generator.cpp                             << "\" requires type " << expected 
expected         1650 src/Generator.cpp     const size_t expected = (kind() != IOKind::Scalar) ? funcs().size() : exprs().size();
expected         1651 src/Generator.cpp     user_assert(parameters_.size() == expected) << "Expected parameters_.size() == " 
expected         1652 src/Generator.cpp         << expected << ", saw " << parameters_.size() << " for " << name() << "\n";
expected         2031 src/Generator.cpp     auto check_ratio = [](double d, std::pair<int64_t, int64_t> expected) {
expected         2033 src/Generator.cpp         internal_assert(actual == expected) 
expected         2035 src/Generator.cpp             << " expected " << expected.first << "/" << expected.second
expected          121 src/Interval.cpp void check(Interval result, Interval expected, int line) {
expected          122 src/Interval.cpp     internal_assert(equal(result.min, expected.min) &&
expected          123 src/Interval.cpp                     equal(result.max, expected.max))
expected          125 src/Interval.cpp         << "  Expected [" << expected.min << ", " << expected.max << "]\n"
expected           15 src/Reduction.cpp void check(Expr pred, std::vector<Expr> &expected) {
expected           20 src/Reduction.cpp     if (result.size() != expected.size()) {
expected           23 src/Reduction.cpp         for (size_t i = 0; i < expected.size(); ++i) {
expected           24 src/Reduction.cpp             if (!equal(simplify(result[i]), simplify(expected[i]))) {
expected           33 src/Reduction.cpp         for (const auto &e : expected) {
expected           50 src/Reduction.cpp         std::vector<Expr> expected;
expected           51 src/Reduction.cpp         expected.push_back(z < 10);
expected           52 src/Reduction.cpp         check(z < 10, expected);
expected           56 src/Reduction.cpp         std::vector<Expr> expected;
expected           57 src/Reduction.cpp         expected.push_back((x < y) || (x == 10));
expected           58 src/Reduction.cpp         check((x < y) || (x == 10), expected);
expected           62 src/Reduction.cpp         std::vector<Expr> expected;
expected           63 src/Reduction.cpp         expected.push_back(x < y);
expected           64 src/Reduction.cpp         expected.push_back(x == 10);
expected           65 src/Reduction.cpp         check((x < y) && (x == 10), expected);
expected           69 src/Reduction.cpp         std::vector<Expr> expected;
expected           70 src/Reduction.cpp         expected.push_back(x < y);
expected           71 src/Reduction.cpp         expected.push_back(x == 10);
expected           72 src/Reduction.cpp         expected.push_back(y == z);
expected           73 src/Reduction.cpp         check((x < y) && (x == 10) && (y == z), expected);
expected           77 src/Reduction.cpp         std::vector<Expr> expected;
expected           78 src/Reduction.cpp         expected.push_back((w == 1) || ((x == 10) && (y == z)));
expected           79 src/Reduction.cpp         check((w == 1) || ((x == 10) && (y == z)), expected);
expected           83 src/Reduction.cpp         std::vector<Expr> expected;
expected           84 src/Reduction.cpp         expected.push_back(x < y);
expected           85 src/Reduction.cpp         expected.push_back((w == 1) || ((x == 10) && (y == z)));
expected           86 src/Reduction.cpp         check((x < y) && ((w == 1) || ((x == 10) && (y == z))), expected);
expected         5373 src/Simplify.cpp         Expr expected = !(ramp(const_true(), const_true(), 2)) ||
expected         5375 src/Simplify.cpp         check(test, expected);
expected         5383 src/Simplify.cpp         Expr expected = (!ramp(const_true(), const_true(), 2)) &&
expected         5385 src/Simplify.cpp         check(test, expected);
expected         6420 src/Simplify.cpp         Expr expected = Broadcast::make(-16, 2) < (ramp(make_const(UInt(16), 7), make_const(UInt(16), 11), 2) - Broadcast::make(1, 2));
expected         6421 src/Simplify.cpp         check(e, expected);
expected         6463 src/Simplify.cpp         Expr expected = max(ramp(x, y, 2), broadcast(x, 2)) - max(ramp(y, y, 2), broadcast(y, 2));
expected         6464 src/Simplify.cpp         check(e, expected);
expected           50 test/common/check_call_graphs.h inline int check_call_graphs(CallGraphs &result, CallGraphs &expected) {
expected           51 test/common/check_call_graphs.h     if (result.size() != expected.size()) {
expected           52 test/common/check_call_graphs.h         printf("Expect %d callers instead of %d\n", (int)expected.size(), (int)result.size());
expected           55 test/common/check_call_graphs.h     for (auto &iter : expected) {
expected           13 test/correctness/boundary_conditions.cpp bool expect_eq(T actual, T expected) {
expected           14 test/correctness/boundary_conditions.cpp     if (expected != actual) {
expected           15 test/correctness/boundary_conditions.cpp         fprintf(stderr, "Failed: expected %d, actual %d\n", (int) expected, (int) actual);
expected           18 test/correctness/force_onto_stack.cpp     char expected[] = "Bounds given for f in x (from 0 to 7) do not cover required region (from 0 to 9)";
expected           19 test/correctness/force_onto_stack.cpp     if (strncmp(expected, msg, sizeof(expected)-1)) {
expected           87 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp     CallGraphs expected = {
expected           92 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp     if (check_call_graphs(c.calls, expected) != 0) {
expected          128 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp         CallGraphs expected = {
expected          133 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp         if (check_call_graphs(c.calls, expected) != 0) {
expected          151 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp         CallGraphs expected = {
expected          156 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp         if (check_call_graphs(c.calls, expected) != 0) {
expected          174 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp         CallGraphs expected = {
expected          179 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp         if (check_call_graphs(c.calls, expected) != 0) {
expected          219 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp     CallGraphs expected = {
expected          225 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp     if (check_call_graphs(c.calls, expected) != 0) {
expected          276 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp         CallGraphs expected = {
expected          281 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp         if (check_call_graphs(c.calls, expected) != 0) {
expected          304 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp         CallGraphs expected = {
expected          309 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp         if (check_call_graphs(c.calls, expected) != 0) {
expected          352 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp     CallGraphs expected = {
expected          357 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp     if (check_call_graphs(c.calls, expected) != 0) {
expected          394 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp     CallGraphs expected = {
expected          401 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp     if (check_call_graphs(c.calls, expected) != 0) {
expected          444 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp     CallGraphs expected = {
expected          452 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp     if (check_call_graphs(c.calls, expected) != 0) {
expected          489 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp     CallGraphs expected = {
expected          498 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp     if (check_call_graphs(c.calls, expected) != 0) {
expected          540 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp     CallGraphs expected = {
expected          547 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp     if (check_call_graphs(c.calls, expected) != 0) {
expected          586 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp     CallGraphs expected = {
expected          592 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp     if (check_call_graphs(c.calls, expected) != 0) {
expected          635 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp         CallGraphs expected = {
expected          641 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp         if (check_call_graphs(c.calls, expected) != 0) {
expected          658 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp         CallGraphs expected = {
expected          666 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp         if (check_call_graphs(c.calls, expected) != 0) {
expected            8 test/correctness/infer_arguments.cpp bool constant_expr_equals(Expr expr, T expected) {
expected           10 test/correctness/infer_arguments.cpp             is_one(simplify(expr == Expr(expected))));
expected          226 test/correctness/lerp.cpp     uint32_t expected = evaluate<uint32_t>(cast<uint32_t>(lerp(0, cast<uint16_t>(1023), .5f)));
expected          227 test/correctness/lerp.cpp     if (result(0) != expected)
expected          228 test/correctness/lerp.cpp         std::cerr << "Expected " << expected << " got " << result(0) << std::endl;
expected          229 test/correctness/lerp.cpp     assert(result(0) == expected);
expected           39 test/correctness/min_extent.cpp     int expected[] = { -10, -20, -30, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 90, 100 };
expected           41 test/correctness/min_extent.cpp         if (out(i + OUTOFF) != expected[i]) {
expected           42 test/correctness/min_extent.cpp             printf("Unexpected output: %d != %d\n", out(i + OUTOFF), expected[i]);
expected           37 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp         CallGraphs expected = {
expected           42 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp         if (check_call_graphs(checker.calls, expected) != 0) {
expected           85 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp         CallGraphs expected = {
expected           91 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp         if (check_call_graphs(checker.calls, expected) != 0) {
expected          137 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp         CallGraphs expected = {
expected          143 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp         if (check_call_graphs(checker.calls, expected) != 0) {
expected          189 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp         CallGraphs expected = {
expected          195 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp         if (check_call_graphs(checker.calls, expected) != 0) {
expected          261 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp             CallGraphs expected = {
expected          269 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp             if (check_call_graphs(checker.calls, expected) != 0) {
expected          310 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp         CallGraphs expected = {
expected          315 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp         if (check_call_graphs(checker.calls, expected) != 0) {
expected          369 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp         CallGraphs expected = {
expected          374 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp         if (check_call_graphs(checker.calls, expected) != 0) {
expected          429 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp         CallGraphs expected = {
expected          435 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp         if (check_call_graphs(checker.calls, expected) != 0) {
expected          496 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp         CallGraphs expected = {
expected          503 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp         if (check_call_graphs(checker.calls, expected) != 0) {
expected          556 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp         CallGraphs expected = {
expected          565 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp         if (check_call_graphs(checker.calls, expected) != 0) {
expected          635 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp         CallGraphs expected = {
expected          650 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp         if (check_call_graphs(checker.calls, expected) != 0) {
expected           26 test/correctness/split_fuse_rvar.cpp                 int expected = i*4 + j;
expected           27 test/correctness/split_fuse_rvar.cpp                 if (Rg(j, i) != expected) {
expected           28 test/correctness/split_fuse_rvar.cpp                     printf("Error! Expected %d at g(%d, %d), got %d", expected, j, i, Rg(j, i));
expected           66 test/correctness/stencil_chain_in_update_definitions.cpp     int expected = (first_iteration_extent + // pure definition
expected           75 test/correctness/stencil_chain_in_update_definitions.cpp     if (num_stores != expected) {
expected           79 test/correctness/stencil_chain_in_update_definitions.cpp                expected, num_stores);
expected           82 test/correctness/wrap.cpp     CallGraphs expected = {
expected           87 test/correctness/wrap.cpp     if (check_call_graphs(c.calls, expected) != 0) {
expected          118 test/correctness/wrap.cpp         CallGraphs expected = {
expected          123 test/correctness/wrap.cpp         if (check_call_graphs(c.calls, expected) != 0) {
expected          141 test/correctness/wrap.cpp         CallGraphs expected = {
expected          146 test/correctness/wrap.cpp         if (check_call_graphs(c.calls, expected) != 0) {
expected          164 test/correctness/wrap.cpp         CallGraphs expected = {
expected          169 test/correctness/wrap.cpp         if (check_call_graphs(c.calls, expected) != 0) {
expected          204 test/correctness/wrap.cpp     CallGraphs expected = {
expected          210 test/correctness/wrap.cpp     if (check_call_graphs(c.calls, expected) != 0) {
expected          256 test/correctness/wrap.cpp         CallGraphs expected = {
expected          261 test/correctness/wrap.cpp         if (check_call_graphs(c.calls, expected) != 0) {
expected          284 test/correctness/wrap.cpp         CallGraphs expected = {
expected          289 test/correctness/wrap.cpp         if (check_call_graphs(c.calls, expected) != 0) {
expected          327 test/correctness/wrap.cpp     CallGraphs expected = {
expected          332 test/correctness/wrap.cpp     if (check_call_graphs(c.calls, expected) != 0) {
expected          364 test/correctness/wrap.cpp     CallGraphs expected = {
expected          371 test/correctness/wrap.cpp     if (check_call_graphs(c.calls, expected) != 0) {
expected          409 test/correctness/wrap.cpp     CallGraphs expected = {
expected          417 test/correctness/wrap.cpp     if (check_call_graphs(c.calls, expected) != 0) {
expected          451 test/correctness/wrap.cpp     CallGraphs expected = {
expected          461 test/correctness/wrap.cpp     if (check_call_graphs(c.calls, expected) != 0) {
expected          497 test/correctness/wrap.cpp     CallGraphs expected = {
expected          504 test/correctness/wrap.cpp     if (check_call_graphs(c.calls, expected) != 0) {
expected          538 test/correctness/wrap.cpp     CallGraphs expected = {
expected          544 test/correctness/wrap.cpp     if (check_call_graphs(c.calls, expected) != 0) {
expected          582 test/correctness/wrap.cpp         CallGraphs expected = {
expected          588 test/correctness/wrap.cpp         if (check_call_graphs(c.calls, expected) != 0) {
expected          605 test/correctness/wrap.cpp         CallGraphs expected = {
expected          613 test/correctness/wrap.cpp         if (check_call_graphs(c.calls, expected) != 0) {
expected           17 test/generator/argvcall_aottest.cpp                 int expected = (int32_t)(c * (i > j ? i : j) * f1 / f2);
expected           18 test/generator/argvcall_aottest.cpp                 if (img(i, j, c) != expected) {
expected           19 test/generator/argvcall_aottest.cpp                     printf("img[%d, %d, %d] = %d (expected %d)\n", i, j, c, img(i, j, c), expected);
expected           15 test/generator/example_aottest.cpp         int expected = (int32_t)(compiletime_factor * runtime_factor * c * (x > y ? x : y));
expected           17 test/generator/example_aottest.cpp         assert(expected == actual);
expected           12 test/generator/example_jittest.cpp         int expected = (int32_t)(compiletime_factor * runtime_factor * c * (x > y ? x : y));
expected           14 test/generator/example_jittest.cpp         assert(expected == actual);
expected          164 test/generator/matlab_aottest.cpp             float expected = in * scale(0, 0) * (negate(0, 0) ? -1.0f : 1.0f);
expected          165 test/generator/matlab_aottest.cpp             if (output(i, j) == expected) {
expected          167 test/generator/matlab_aottest.cpp                        i, j, output(i, j), expected);
expected          743 test/generator/metadata_tester_aottest.cpp     const halide_filter_argument_t* expected = &kExpectedArguments[expect_ucon_at_0 ? 0 : 1];
expected          746 test/generator/metadata_tester_aottest.cpp         match_argument(expected[i], md.arguments[i]);
expected          150 test/generator/msan_aottest.cpp         int expected = 3;
expected          152 test/generator/msan_aottest.cpp             expected += (int32_t)(i + y + c);
expected          155 test/generator/msan_aottest.cpp         if (actual != expected) {
expected          156 test/generator/msan_aottest.cpp             fprintf(stderr, "Failure @ %d %d %d: expected %d, got %d\n", x, y, c, expected, actual);
expected           69 test/generator/multitarget_aottest.cpp             const uint32_t expected = use_debug_feature() ? 0xdeadbeef : 0xf00dcafe;
expected           71 test/generator/multitarget_aottest.cpp             if (actual != expected) {
expected           72 test/generator/multitarget_aottest.cpp                 printf("Error at %d, %d: expected %x, got %x\n", x, y, expected, actual);
expected           18 test/generator/output_assign_aottest.cpp void compare(Buffer<int32_t> expected, Buffer<int32_t> actual) {
expected           19 test/generator/output_assign_aottest.cpp     expected.for_each_element([expected, actual](int x, int y) {
expected           20 test/generator/output_assign_aottest.cpp         if (expected(x, y) != actual(x, y)) {
expected           22 test/generator/output_assign_aottest.cpp                    x, y, expected(x, y), x, y, actual(x, y));
expected           34 test/generator/output_assign_aottest.cpp     compare(expected(0), actual0);
expected           35 test/generator/output_assign_aottest.cpp     compare(expected(1), actual1);
expected           36 test/generator/output_assign_aottest.cpp     compare(expected(2), actual2);
expected           35 test/generator/stubtest_aottest.cpp                 const OutputType expected = static_cast<OutputType>(input(x, y, c) * float_arg + int_arg);
expected           37 test/generator/stubtest_aottest.cpp                 if (expected != actual) {
expected           38 test/generator/stubtest_aottest.cpp                     fprintf(stderr, "img[%d, %d, %d] = %f, expected %f (input = %f)\n", x, y, c, (double)actual, (double)expected, (double)input(x, y, c));
expected           42 test/generator/stubtest_jittest.cpp                 const OutputType expected = static_cast<OutputType>(input(x, y, c) * float_arg + int_arg);
expected           44 test/generator/stubtest_jittest.cpp                 if (expected != actual) {
expected           45 test/generator/stubtest_jittest.cpp                     fprintf(stderr, "img[%d, %d, %d] = %f, expected %f\n", x, y, c, (double)actual, (double)expected);
expected           38 test/generator/stubuser_aottest.cpp                 const OutputType expected = static_cast<OutputType>(input(x, y, c) * float_arg + int_arg + offset);
expected           40 test/generator/stubuser_aottest.cpp                 if (expected != actual) {
expected           41 test/generator/stubuser_aottest.cpp                     fprintf(stderr, "img[%d, %d, %d] = %f, expected %f\n", x, y, c, (double)actual, (double)expected);
expected          153 test/opengl/select.cpp         uint8_t expected = y == 0 ? temp : 255 - temp;
expected          155 test/opengl/select.cpp         if (expected != actual && ++errors == 1) {
expected          157 test/opengl/select.cpp                     x, y, c, actual, expected);
expected          189 test/opengl/select.cpp         uint8_t expected = y == 0 ? temp : 255 - temp;
expected          191 test/opengl/select.cpp         if (expected != actual && ++errors == 1) {
expected          193 test/opengl/select.cpp                     x, y, c, actual, expected);
expected           33 test/opengl/testing.h             std::vector<T> expected;
expected           36 test/opengl/testing.h                 expected.push_back(f(x, y, c));
expected           40 test/opengl/testing.h                 if (neq(result[c], expected[c], tol)) {
expected           44 test/opengl/testing.h                     err::vector(expected);
expected           62 test/opengl/testing.h             const T expected = f(x, y);
expected           64 test/opengl/testing.h             if (neq(result, expected, tol)) {
expected           68 test/opengl/testing.h                 std::cerr << +expected;
expected           18 test/performance/jit_stress.cpp     int expected = 0;
expected           23 test/performance/jit_stress.cpp         expected += 17;
expected           24 test/performance/jit_stress.cpp         assert(c(0) == expected);